Abdullah Hakim Quick – Fiqh-Us-Seerah 08

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The group discusses the possibility of turning into a god and the importance of belief in one God. They also talk about a woman who threw herself into a ditch and killed herself. The history of the Middle East, including the rise of the negus and the downfall of the country, is discussed. The conflict between the military and the political is also mentioned, as well as the fall of the country due to the Yemenian Empire. The group discusses the use of horse breeds for victory and the history of warfare.
AI: Transcript ©
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So the boy was brought, the king said to the boy, has your knowledge of sorcery reached to the extent you cure blind people, lepers and sick people. The boy replied, I do not cure anybody. It is only Allah who cures. The King got hold of him and kept on torturing him, till he informed him about the monk, they miyun

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and the monk was brought, it was said to him, give up your faith, turn more Ted apostate, the monk refuse to turn apostate, the king ordered a saw, it was put in the middle of his scalp. And he was sawn until he fell into two pieces, or himolla.

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Then the servant was brought, and it was said to him, give up your religion, and the servant refused to turn a prostate. So the PSA was put in the middle of his scalp.

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And he was sawn he was cut into two pieces. Then the boy was brought.

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And it was said to him, give up your religion, the boy refused to turn apostate. So the king ordered some of his courtiers to take the boy to such and such a mountain, saying, then ascend the mountain with him to reach the top, then see if he turns apostate, if he does, well and good. But if he doesn't throw him over the top of the mountain,

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they took him, ascended the mountain. And the boy said, Oh, Allah, save me from them by any means necessary.

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So the mountain shook, and all of them fell down, and the boy came walking to the king.

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The king asked him, What did your companions do? The boy said, Allah has saved me from them. Then the king ordered some of his courtiers to take the boy on board a boat to the middle of the sea. He said, If he turns apostate, then well and good if he doesn't cast him into the sea. So they took him and he said, Oh, Allah save me from them, by any way you wish. So the boat capsized. And all of the courtiers were drowned. And the boy came walking back to the king.

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The king said, What did you do to make to your companions? The boy replied, Allah saved me from them. And He further said to the king, you cannot kill me until you do what I command. The king said, What is your command, the boy said, gather all the people in an unplanned place, and fasten me to the stem of a tree. Then take an arrow from my quiver. Fix it in the bowl, and say, In the Name of Allah, the Lord of the boys, and shoot me. If you do that, you will kill me. So the king gathered the people in uppland place, fastened the boy over the stem, took an arrow from his quiver, fixed it in the bow and said In the Name of Allah, the Lord of the boy, and he shot the arrow, the arrow hit

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him in the temporal region of the skull, the boy put his hand over the temporal region of his scalp, the skull at the point where the arrow hits, and then he died. The people then all shouted, we have believed in the Lord of the boy.

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So they all accepted it, because remember, the king said, in the name of the boy, right? So the people said, we have all believed in the Lord of the boy, the king came and it was said, that is the thing which you are afraid of byala the thing which you have, or we were afraid of, has fallen upon you, the people have believed in Allah. So we ordered deep ditches, to be dug at the entrances of the roads, and it was done. And a fire was kindled in those ditches, and the king audit, that whoever did not turn apostate, be cast into the ditches, and it was done. Then there came a woman with her baby, she nearly retreated back from the ditch but the baby spoke or mother, be patient,

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you are on the truth.

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So she threw herself in the ditch along with her child to be a Shaheed.

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In this line, the oft repeated verses that we are reading a Lost Planet Allah has revealed in certain bhuj chapter 85 or the Billahi min ash shaytani regime Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

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was summer EDA till bhuj well yo Mila rude was Shah he didn't want much hood booty la as horrible of dude and naughty that deliver food in Houma la Haku rude, Rahim Allah Masha Allah una bill me Nina shoot woman aka movement home Illa and you may know Bella Hill azizul Hamid Allah de la homolka Samar wa t well out will la who Allah cliche in Shaheed nulla Deena fentanyl mininova Meenakshi mala mia tubu follow him at Abu jahannam while at home adorable Howdy, Latina amanu Camila solly hatte, la home genoten tragedy mentality * and heart delicate.

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In this first part of the sorta

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it says by the heaven holding the big major stars, and by the promise day

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and by the witnessing

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and by the witnessed day

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cursed were the people of the ditch, fire supplied abundantly wood fuel, when they sat by it, and they witness what they were doing against the believers. They had nothing against them except that they believed in Allah Almighty Worthy of all praise, who To Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is witness over everything. Verily those who put into trial, the believing men, and believing women, and then do not turn in repentance will have the torment of *, and they will have the punishment of the burning fire. Verily those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them will be gardens, under which rivers flow, that is the great success. And

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so we see in this, the story of Yemen, and the story of Nigeria,

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and we find that Luna was tortured and killed. According to historians, somewhere between 20 to 40,000 people were killed because of their belief in one God.

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After the slaughter took place, one of the local Arab people who believed in one God dose the Taliban, escaped on his horse. He wrote across the desert, until he went north to the Byzantine King, who was the most powerful Christian in the world, because this is now the Jews struggling against the Christians. So we went to the king whose name was Justinian.

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And Justinian sent a letter to Allah Basha Ethiopia, Abyssinia to Natasha, to the king and remember the word Najafi or the negus. It is a title in the same way, Caesar of Rome and you have Cyrus or kisara of Persia, you have found that out as a title in Egypt, there are many phenomena. And so similarly, the negus is actually a title. And so Justinian said the word to his closest Christian ally, that was the Ethiopians and he ordered them he commanded them that they should seek revenge for the people who were killed in Iran. And the neg is sent an army of 70,000 abyssinians to seek revenge. And he told his general whose name was out yet. He told him killed one third of the men lay

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waste to one third of the country, and sees one third of the women and the children and so on yet crossed the Red Sea with a huge army.

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And he met the Yemenis. He met do Nawaz and he defeated in the last report of du Nawaz, is that after his army was defeated, he rode his horse into the ocean, and he was never seen again.

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And so our yacht became the ruler of Yemen, and the Ethiopians seize control of that part of the world. Now remember the Ethiopians many of them speak.

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They speak Amharic, which is very close to Arabic, it is a Semitic language. Also, culturally, the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea are close to the people of Yemen. But they were two different areas, ruled by two different kings are yet ruled for a number of years, until one of his commanders, whose name was abraha

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then came to Riyadh and disputed for power in Yemen. This is a power struggle going on.

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And abraha said instead of our people fighting each other, let me fight against you personally.

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And Ariana accepted audio was a tall noblemen.

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And abraha was described as a short man heavyset,

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who did not have very good character.

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And but he was a crafty man. And he met out yet in an open field, and he hid his servant on the side, or yet took his spear, and struck abraha in the face and split his face. And so abraha is called ashram, which means the one with the split, forehead,

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the servant then after abre, how was it, the servant appeared through his spear, and killed out yet,

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when the news went to Ethiopia, and the negus, then the joshy found out about this, he made an oath to God. And he said, By God,

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I will not rest until I enter the land of abraha. And I cut his for luck, meaning he's going to take off his head. This is the way they used to give their oats. But abraha was a crafty man. And he had a plan.

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He immediately cut off his forelock. And he sent a bag of sand, Yemeni dirt to Ethiopia.

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And he wrote a letter and he said, our yard was nothing but a slave. And I am also your slave. I will serve us faithfully, and I am better equipped than our yet I have defeated him take the sand, which is the dirt of urine because you made the oath that you will not rest until you walk on the land of Yemen, this land. So here's the here's the dirt. So you walk on the land, you said you you would cut off my full luck, here is your gear is my full luck. And so the so the negus seeing how crafty this man was, accepted him as the ruler of Yemen, and he ruled for a number of years. But he wasn't satisfied with his territory. reports were coming to him that the Arabs had a house of

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worship. And they used to make tawaf around it. And it was the most revered holy place in the whole of the Arabian Peninsula. And so we built our place, a conyza, a church, dedicated to their gods. And he wanted to rival the Kaaba. And it was his intention that the people would stop making pilgrimage to Mecca, and they would come south to Yemen to the police. And when the word came to the Arabs, one of the Arabs from benaki Nana, road south, went into the church, and he defiled the church, he went to the bathroom in the church, and those days, that is the jassa that is defiling the church.

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And he returned to Mecca. When the word came to abraha, he made his oath that he would destroy the Kaaba itself. And so we outfitted his army, with 1000s of men and with elephants. And this is very significant to us. Because again, these stories are not fairy tales. There is military strategy in this. The last major time elephants were being used, were used by Hannibal, who crossed from North Africa into Rome, was called Carthage at the time, he crossed into Rome, and he literally defeated the Romans with elephants. Elephant warfare was not known in the Arabian Peninsula. So as abraha Went, went north, he defeated every army that he came in front of today, it would be similar to when

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the Allied forces when they first started using tanks,

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or when they recently use helicopter gunships. They use them in Afghanistan, and other parts of the world. It is said that when the Somalis in the last part of the 19th century, the early part of 20th century, they rebelled against the Italians, they were uncontrollable people. And so the Italians flew their planes and drop bombs. And it was the first time in modern warfare, that planes were being used to bomb troops, because the Somalis were fighting guerrilla warfare.

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And so similarly, the elephant was a strategic weapon. Because in this type of warfare, your animal has something to do with your victory. And that is one of the reasons why we I believe that Allah subhanaw taala chose the Arabs and you will see as we go along, because the Arabs were riding special horses the Arabian horse, and the Arabian steed is a courageous animal. It is what it is the fastest breed of horse. It can also live for long periods of time without water

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And it is courageous in battle. And today when people are gambling and betting on horses, they say how much Arabian blood is in that horse and the one with the most Arabian blood, they'll put their money on that.

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