Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P08 084E Tafsir Al-Anam 123-127
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Listen to the recitation of the same oh my god I'm
here you know what, John
Massey Come on.
Come on.
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so a person who was in darkness, didn't know any better. And Allah subhanaw taala gave him light, gave him guidance, gave him that confidence so that he's comfortable with the deen. And he doesn't feel shy, he doesn't hesitate practicing the day no matter where he or she is. Even if they are among strangers, or people who will criticize them openly or behind their back still, they're confident about the deal. Such a person has been granted a huge blessing.
Yeah, is it a blessing, of course, it's a blessing. Because you could know about something that is really good for you. But if you don't have the confidence to practice it, then what good is that knowledge. So if a person has been granted the knowledge and the ability to practice it, to benefit himself with it, than it is really a huge blessing of Allah.
So when a person has been granted light by Allah, this guidance by Allah, then they should be grateful to Allah for the blessing of the deen. And they should never look back and say, Oh, I miss those days. You know, when I used to do this wrong and that wrong? When I used to eat this and this food, which is not halal. Now, I don't do it. But I used to do it back then. And I missed those days. No, he's grateful for how he or she is now. Yes, you know, what happened in the past, it had its benefits. However, in the long run, it doesn't have benefits. So if you've left it, it is for a good reason. So be grateful to Allah subhanaw taala for the guidance that you've been given, and for
the new life that Allah has granted you
what can Annika and thus Jalna we have made fee in goodly every Korean nation, city people. And Aria is basically used for a population for a population because it's from the word Cara, which is the gym more to gather up together. So it is when people are living together. So it's not just a family here and a family there. No, it's many people. So it refers to a population what are the population is or 15 people 50 People 500,000 People How much ever doesn't matter. So what are they Kajal Nafi Coonley. Korea tin we have placed in every city in every community in every population, meaning in the past and in the present and in the future. Who are Cabot greatest one's Majidi me hat, it's
criminals. A Kevin is the plural of above, and who is above greatest. So the greatest people of that population greatest in the sense that those who are the most influential, those with the most money, those with the most power and authority, so such people became who Majidi me ha, it's criminals plural of the word majorem, who is Muslim one who commits crime, one who is sinful disobedient to Allah. So when the greatest people the elite, the leaders of that nation, they became the criminals What did they do li Yong guru so that they plot fee her in it, plot plot against to against the messenger against the Warner. So for example, we learned that Zuko Falcone, right? It is false
propaganda is spread against the Prophet of Allah. Why? So that the people are turned away from believing, they don't accept him, they don't follow Him, they become doubtful about the truth. So they turn away from it. And think about it. If there is a person who doesn't have a high status in the society. If he says so and so is wrong. Don't listen to him, don't bother to go to him. Would you pay much attention to the saying of this person? No. Why? Because they don't know any better. They're just ordinary. But if someone who is influential, someone who has money, someone who has power, who is considered as a leader of that society, if he says don't go to such and such person,
do not do such and such will people follow them? You
Yes, these days, it's kind of different because you know, people, even they will oppose their leaders. Why, because of the freedom of speech, freedom of expression that people have today. But back then we see that people, they were on the religion of their leaders. So whatever religion a leader observed, that is what his people also did, whatever the elite of the society, they did, the rest of the people followed them, they imitated them. And to some extent, we see this existing today as well, that for example, if there is a person, and 50,000 people follow Him, they like him, he goes, gets a haircut done, everybody will, will follow him, right? There were a certain kind of a
badge or something, everybody will follow them. Right, they will support a particular cause everybody will follow them, they will also support that cause. So we see this present today as well. But back then in history, we see that this was more prevalent. So the leaders of the people, the elite of the society, they're the ones who plotted against the religion of Allah. They're the ones who came up with objections against the Prophet against the revelation. And the rest of the people that said, Yes, of course, this makes sense. So do what they're saying and do not do what the prophet is telling. So for example, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sunnah when he was in Makkah,
soon after he received revelation, we learned that at the time of hajj, he would go around at Mina, calling the people to do hate to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala alone, going around saying, Yeah, your NAS kulula Illa Illa, Allah to flee who are people c'est la ilaha illa ma, and you will be successful. And right behind him would be his uncle, Abu Lahab. And wistrich, a leader, a chief elite of that society, and he would be going around following the prophets on a lot and I'm saying, you know, our nephew, he's a liar. We don't believe in him. He has humiliated us such derogatory remarks about the prophets of Allah Islam so that people wouldn't pay any attention to Mohamed Salah
Vanya, Salah. They would say yeah, this man, perhaps he's under magic. He's influenced by the devils. You know, he's gone crazy. So don't listen to him. So what can that be good John, if he couldn't call yet in a cab, you're moody me her, Lee Young, goofy her. So they're the ones who plotted against the prophets of Allah against the truth. So we see that the prophets of Allah, they faced great opposition. Great opposition, imagine Musa alayhis salam, he didn't have to go to the Egyptians, he had to go to who fit our own. Imagine someone of such a high status, someone who was so proud and arrogant, someone who did whatever he wanted. Imagine Musa alayhis salam had to go and
speak to him. This is the opposition that the prophets of Allah faced in the past. Why is Allah subhanaw taala telling us about this, that if today, somebody says one negative remark about you, don't take it to heart, don't get discouraged. Think about what the prophets of Allah went through. today. It's possible that an elder in the family, you know, someone who's elder in the family, everybody looks up to them, everybody respects them, and whatever they say it goes, they may disapprove of what you've decided to do. And because of that, you feel completely disheartened. You feel disheartened. But don't feel disheartened. Keep going. Once Allah subhanaw taala has opened up
your heart to something he has given you the blessing of guidance, then stick to it. Even if people are opposing you think about what the prophets of Allah went through. And remember that when people plot against the truth than in reality, what are they doing Wilma and Natyam karuna, they plot in law except the unfussy him with themselves. Because someone who digs a hole for another, he falls in it. He is the one who gets hurt eventually, anyone who intends to harm others what happens to him, he is the one who suffers harm at the end of the day. And it happens many times that what goes around comes around what you do to somebody else, the same thing happens to you. You know, for
example, some people they don't want that a certain person in the family should think positively about a certain individual. So for example, children, people want them to think that your grandmother is the most evil person in this world, that your aunt, she did this and she did that. So those little innocent children with clean hearts, their hearts are filled with hatred and negative feelings for their relatives. But what happens as these children they grow up, they see who really loves them, and who doesn't
Have them all right. And at the end of the day, they're the ones who hate the people who, you know put hatred in their heart for others. So many times it happens that when a person does wrong to someone else, that same wrong happens to him when a person harms others than he is the one who suffers when Maryam Karuna Ellerbee unfussy him when I Sharon and they do not even realize that, so what's the lesson that no matter who is opposing you, no matter how great they may be, don't worry. If they're opposing you, they're plotting against you. They're trying to harm you. Remember that they're in reality harming themselves. And if in this world, you do suffer, remember that this dunya
this world is temporary anyway. And sort of the new hire 22 We learned that the people of New Hala Santa Monica will makan Kibera. They plotted a mighty plot against New hadiza We all the people that gathered up against him, especially the leaders, the elite, one either and when jet at home, it came to them I atone a sign or Anya a verse Kalu they said, meaning when the Prophet of Allah childs the people, especially the Cabot, the leaders, he tells them about, you know, a command of Allah subhanaw taala, a verse that Allah has revealed a message that has been sent to them. Although they said what was their response? Learn never looked meaner. We believe had that until nope, Dare we are
given Missler like man, that which odia he was given Russo messengers, Allah He of Allah,
meaning when the truth is presented to them, they say, We're never gonna believe in it, until the same is given to us. So you say Gibreel comes to you bringing revelation? And that is a reason why you're presenting these verses to us. Well, we will only believe in the Quran if Gibreel comes to us as well. And he brings the revelation of Allah to us. If he brings it to us, then yes, we will believe in you. Otherwise, we're not going to believe in you. Why did they say this? This was basically their objection that they raised out of pure arrogance, because they did not want to acknowledge Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam as a prophet of Allah. Because if they acknowledged him as
the Prophet of Allah, then what would they be accepting his greatness over them? That it would mean that they have to listen to him, they have to acknowledge the fact that Allah chose him and not somebody else. So immediately, his status will be greater than the rest of the people. But the cabinet, they usually consider themselves to be very great, right? They are proud of themselves. So they said, We're not going to believe until we are given the same thing. Until we are also chosen as messengers until Allah sends the angels to us as well, until these miracles are granted to us as well. If they're given to us, then we will believe otherwise, we're not believing.
This is just like a person saying to a President, I'm never going to acknowledge you as a president until I am also given the same rights that a president has come on. This is foolishness. Who do you think you are, everybody cannot be president, there can only be one president. And you have to acknowledge his authority over you, if you want the system to run properly. And if you want to be a part of the system, and if you don't want to be a part of the system, you're more than welcome to leave, but demanding that you have the same rights, you have the same privileges as that of the President, that doesn't make any sense at all. And who would say such a thing, then we should also
have the same rights and privileges, someone who thinks really highly of themselves, right? They think that they are great that they are better than the other person. So Allah subhanaw taala says, Allahu Allah, that Allah will, most knowing Hazel where you are Luke, he puts resale data, or he places resell data, His Messenger ship, meaning he knows who to grant prophethood to the seller, what does decide let me prophethood because reseller basically is to convey messages. So the Prophet is given the responsibility of conveying the message to others and messages are delivered to him as well. So Allah says over here that he knows best, who to appoint as a prophet, that what do these
people think of themselves? That they are deserving of prophethood? No, they're not. If they were deserving of Prophethood Allah would have given it to them. And if Allah did not give it to them, it means that they are not deserve
meaning of it, who is deserving of it? Muhammad Sallallahu sunnah. Think about it. If there's any, you know, certain position that has to be given to a person, a person has to be selected for some work. Sometimes there are 50 applicants, sometimes there are over 600 applicants, isn't it? Sometimes there are in 1000s, literally, who is selected? Who is chosen?
The best one meaning the person whom the people think that yes, he is the most qualified, he will do this work in the best way out of all the people, he will do this work in the best way. So this is the reason why they select him. Now out of all the people of the world, Allah subhanaw taala, he knew that Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he would do this work the best.
I have a question for you, that Allah subhanaw taala make the right decision? Of course he did. Every decision that Allah makes is the right one, the best one the most correct one. Why? Because it is based upon his complete knowledge. And when we see how Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam conveyed the message, it proves that yes, he was really the most deserving person. Because there are people today as well, who say that the angel debris was actually sent to our little blue horn. But he got mistaken. An angel went to Mohamed salah, and so actually our little glow where and who was supposed to be the messenger, but by accident, who became the messenger Muhammad satellite has
now come on, this is not a joke. Allah sending the most trustworthy Angel you think that angel will make a mistake? And if he made a mistake, you think Allah would not correct that? Of course, he would correct that. And think about it. Muhammad salallahu Salam, the determination that he had. Imagine 13 years of persecution in Makkah, so much time in Medina, spent in defending in applying their religion in spreading the deen the wisdom that he had, the way, you know, people would be attracted to him, they would listen to him, you know how effective his words were, that they will touch the hearts of people, that within moments, literally, people who hated him the most would
begin to love him the most. And remember that time when the prophets of Allah Islam asked the people who were in 1000s that have I conveyed? And what did they say? Yes, you have, you have conveyed and the prophets of Allah Salam said, Oh, Allah, very weakness. So what does that show that the Prophet salallahu Salam was indeed the most suitable person for this position? Allah who are lembu hazlehead, your annuity serrulata.
And there were some wish the king of Makkah, they said that How come so and so person has not been given prophethood because this person has so much wealth, people look up to him, they respect him. He has over 10 sons, you know, like worldly standards for greatness. That's what they had. And these few individuals, they fulfill those standards. So this is the reason they said how come this person or that person has not been appointed as a messenger of Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala says, that Allah who are Allah, Hazel, yeah, God, Salah, he knows who should be granted prophethood he knows where the message should be placed? He knows. And likewise, if people have any objections today, why
was the last prophet from the Arabs? Why 1400 years ago? Why from Makkah, again, Allah knows best.
Even now there's a lot of people who analyze the life of the prophets, Allah who has done them. And they have seen how he was the most effective leader in the spiritual and worldly sense, and how he was great to his companions to the people around him. People make these false judgments about the prophets, Allah says them without actually looking at his life, and seeing how much he accomplished and thinking about themselves that, wow, I could have never ever done something like this. Nobody could have done that. Imagine within 23 years, the entire scene of Arabia changed. The people who were divided up by tribalism, you know, waging war against one another. Their only concern was their
animals and their lives in whom they have killed and how much strength they have and how much poetry they can say, and whose children they are and how many children they have. That was all their concern. And now, they became completely different.
completely different. The prophets a lot isn't literally he caused heroes to come about. Each companion of the prophets of Allah Salam turned out to be a hero. I mean, think about almost a little on who, what was he before Islam and what he became afterwards? So many companions what were they before and what they became after Islam. So Allah knows where to place his message. So you see will soon it will reach who Alladhina those people who are durumu they committed crime which crime is this? of pride, a raising such objections against the Prophet salallahu Salam, what will reach them salvar on humiliation, disgrace the basement so far isn't the root letters sub line raw? Sola
sullied? What does that mean to be small? So Salah is to become small, to be humiliated. So these people who think of themselves as very mighty and very great, and this is why they demand so much what will reach them humiliation or in the law near Allah and that's what happened. Abuja what happened to Ebola, what happened to him Ebola. Imagine how arrogant he was, and how he passed away. What a terrible death he suffered a Bucha * also all of these great leaders who consider themselves to be very mighty men. If you look at the zero, you will learn about what miserable deaths they died, that some of them when they passed away, their bodies smelled so horrible that
their children even did not want to go near that body. And then the people they reprimanded them that look your father, his body is laying there, do something about that body. So they hired slaves imagine hiring slaves of other people do go and you know, toss that body in a ditch because even they wouldn't want to touch that body so hard on or in the law. Imagine humiliation near Allah, what are their Bucha did and severe punishment, why be mad can we have grown because they used to plot so all this plotting against the Prophet of Allah to humiliate the Prophet of Allah, what happens at the end, that those very people are humiliated. And this is true, even today, any person who tries
to humiliate the Messenger of Allah, at the end of the day, he will be humiliated. This is the Promise of Allah this is what we learn in this If so, you sleep Alladhina Adrar Musala owner in de la, where I live and Shahid B McCann, William Quran Integratron with death, I have 52 We learn while you read you could normally Imin home and you saw her from Mona Shara every person among them, every person among them, he desires that he should be given scriptures spread about. And if he's given the Scripture, then he will believe but that's not the way of Allah. Who do you think you are? That the angel should come to you and bring you a written Scripture so that you, Your Majesty would believe?
No, that's not the way of Allah
FURMAN So whoever you did, he intends, who intends Allahu Allah. So whoever Allah intends for you read this from irida Rao that intention. So whoever Allah intends for Meaning Allah intends for him, what I'm that? Yes, dear, who he guide him. Whoever Allah intends to guide. Then what happens Yashraj he expands. He opens up Sodre who has just little Islam for Islam. It's felt like it is a politician. He's Dutch, I think he's somewhere in Eastern Europe. He was very actively in vocally against Islam, especially in you know, allowing them to practice in his country. But this is about Allah opens the chest of whoever he was this politician who was so actively against Islam, he
decided one day to go to a masjid to see what you know, Muslims do. And and Hamdulillah he went in the morning he stayed the entire day and he accepted Islam. Yes. And now he promotes Islam. And it happens with many people that they are literally the most, you know, staunchest opponents of Islam of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. But what happens? Allah subhanaw taala guides them how that he opens up their heart to Islam, the heart that was closed, that would just cringe and clause at the mention of Allah at the mention of Muhammad salallahu Salam at the mention of Islam, that same heart, it expands. It opens up Yashraj solderable Islam now the word Yashraj is from the root
letters Chien raw ha sheen
Ha, ha, and shutter is to cut open something to cut open something, what does it mean to cut open something? And in particular it is to cut open meat. Have you ever seen big pieces of meat? I, for example, if you go to a butcher shop or something like you see a big piece of meat, right? For example, it's the leg, right? Or it's the tenderloin or something like that. It's a huge piece of meat. So how do you think they cut it up into small pieces, if they cut it up just like that, it would be extremely difficult. So what they do is that this lifted from the side, and they open it up, and they expand it. This is what shot means that the huge piece of meat that was closed, you
slit it, all right, and as you slit it, you're able to open it up and as you open it, some pieces come off and others they become bigger, and when they become bigger than you can just cut them up into smaller portions, just a small video over here for you to see.
The next step is to separate the cap. This is a great piece of meat that can be cut up and used in stir fry. So you see how it's being split.
Open use your hands to separate the cat from the tenderloin. So sometimes a knife is used sometimes hands are used depending on the cut of meat. So the piece of meat that was closed, now it is opened up. And then you can just cut it off also needs to be removed. Watch this carefully. First with your fingers. Then use a knife.
Be careful to follow the shape of the tenderloin show
this later.
This is the scene this is what shall is
okay. So it was closed. And then it slid and expanded, opened up. The person who didn't want to listen, had no idea was ignorant about Islam, ignorant of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, what happens? Allah subhanaw taala intends to guide him and he opens up his heart to Islam. I want you to think about our little little horn. How he stepped out one day with his sword looking for the Prophet said a lot isn't it to just kill him off so that all this fitna that has spread about in Makkah, it can just come to an end. So what happened? He went with the intention to kill the Prophet sallallahu Sena, Allah intended to guide him why the prophets of Allah is telling me to do all
right, that we'll look at one of the two or most. So what happened? He heard the recitation of the Quran and his heart opened up, expanded. Yeshua, sadhana Hulan Islam. And I want you to picture something that's closed, and then it opens. You know, when something is closed, it's like tensed up, right? And when it's opened, it's relaxed. It's relaxed. Imagine like your arms are closed, open them up. You're relaxed.
Yes, a flower. Right? How it is closed. And then as it opens up, when it blooms, you see all the petals coming apart, right? So yeah, should I saw the whole Islam? Now, when something is closed? Can you put something inside? Now you got for as it opens up, then what happens? Then you can put something inside, right?
So when a person's heart is closed, he doesn't understand about Allah. He doesn't understand about the Prophet salallahu Salam about the Quran about what Allah has revealed. Nothing makes sense to him. Right? When you think of Islam, they think, why is polygamy allowed in Islam? Why are women supposed to cover themselves, right? And just the thought of women having to cover themselves, you know, that itself disturbs them, it doesn't make sense to them, no ruling of Islam makes sense for them. But once Allah opens up their heart, then they're able to accept every ruling. And even if they don't fully comprehend it, at the end of the day, what did they say? This is from my Lord, and
I accept it. So then they're able to accept it. Because remember, there could be a person who says he's Muslim, but he doesn't have shots. When he doesn't have shots other than he objected every command of Islam. He doesn't accept it. He rejects it. He commits scuffle literally. So whoever Allah intends to die Yashraj Sodre who? Lil Islam, he begins to love Islam. His heart opens up. It becomes expansive. It has space now, to accept the commands of Allah do have love for Allah to have fear of Allah because when it was closed, it couldn't have any of that one
And and whoever you did he intends on that you will love who he sends him astray. Whoever Allah intends to send a stray, send a stray in the sense that Allah allows him to go astray. He lets him remain on misguidance then what happens because at the end of the day people have the choice. If they want guidance, Allah will open up their heart for them. And if they don't want that guidance, Allah is not going to force it on them. He's going to let them stray. So what happens to them? Yeah, John, he makes a little who is just like you can tight, constricted, tight, hydrogen by Yep, tight hydrogen constricted.
Anoma as if your SARDU he is ascending for summer in the sky. What does it mean by this by you is from the root letters, but your cough and believe is the opposite of worse here what is worse, their vast, open, wide and the hip tight, narrow, constricted, cramped.
Now, when a place is small, it is bleak. And when a place is big, it is west there, right? And being west there and constricted is not according to the size of a place only. But it's also according to what's inside that place. For example, this hall compared to your bedroom in your house is definitely worse here. However, with so many people in this hall, the same hall becomes what constricted and you go to your room. It's very small, but nobody's inside and you relax, because there's nobody there. Right? So their chest becomes full of bias, negativity, ignorance. Right? Xochimilco. So as a result, they have no place for Islam. They're full of love for this world. They
believe in other false things. They have other goals. So as a result, the heart is full of that when it's full of that it's cramped, it's constricted, there is no room for Islam. There is no room for the love of Allah.
You know, like you have only 24 hours in a day. And if you fill those hours would sleep with hanging out with fun with watching movies with just sitting and relaxing, then yes, you will be too busy to spare five minutes to pray Salah you will be too busy to spare 50 minutes to recite the Quran. Why? Because your time is filled up with other things so you have no time for other important things. Right? So just like that their southern becomes the yuck tight, narrow constricted, how much? How much means constricted and tight as well. And how much immediately after the yoke? What does that do? It emphasizes you know how narrow and tight their heart becomes? How much literally Harada and
what Aluna were and who he wants asked a Bedouin that what is how to do because the Bedouins then you the language the best, right? So he asked if everyone what Harada was. The Bedouin said how Raja is a tree, or a shrub that is surrounded by other trees. Okay, so imagine like a forest or something or imagine a whole lot of shrubs, and the one in the middle, the one in the middle, no one can reach it. No one can reach it. Because the people what they will do is they would use their sticks in order to lower the branches or in order to hit the tree so that the leaves would fall and then their animals could eat. If you've ever seen animals grazing.
For example, goats, what do they do? They use their tongue to reach far in order to grab the leaves, right? But how long is a shrub or tree? Something like that, that is in the middle. So nothing can reach it. Nothing can reach it. No person can reach it, no animal can reach it. No sheep's dung can reach it, no stick can reach it, you just can't access it. You can't access it because it's literally stuck in the middle. You know, like sometimes it there's a fruit tree. Right? And there's a fruit that is hanging towards the top. What do people try to do? They try to get it by jumping out at it by using a chair or a ladder or something by throwing stones at it. But it is just too high.
They cannot reach it at the end of the day. They're like you know what? Forget it. We can't reach it. We can't get it. This is what how Roger is so, so tight, you know, surrounded by others that you can't reach it. You can't change it. So yeah, Gerald Sodre will the Yukon
of halogen He makes us just tight, narrow, cramped, constricted. unima As if your sorrow doofus Sama, your Sardo saw they are in the saloon is to climb to go up. All right, and your far do is to climb with a lot of difficulty. Imagine if a person is climbing with a lot of difficulty, what would happen to the chest, what would happen to the chest, you're breathing heavily, right? And then you're gasping for air because you're so tired. So you need to stop, take a break, right? Let your breath Calm down, and then continue your journey upwards. Right. But if you don't take that break, what's going to happen? As you're going up, as you're climbing your chest, it will become narrower,
it will become very difficult for you to take every breath. When climbing mountains, or you know, places that are higher above sea level, it is actually true that there's less oxygen in the air, so you're automatically breathing harder. Yes. So because there's less oxygen, you're breathing harder anyway. And then on top of that you are climbing up whether it's with a ladder or with a rope or you're crawling up or literally you are walking up and imagine you're sorry, I don't this summer.
I personally was climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing towards the sky. Imagine the state of his chest. This is how tight the heart of a person becomes. When Allah does not intend guidance for him. Then no matter what he is shown, no matter what he's explained, users do concern about breathing himself. He doesn't care about anything else. In the mail, sir, I do for summer. And imagine a person who is finding it hard to breathe. It's as though he's suffocating. Right? He's not able to breathe, so he's suffocating. So what happens to such people is that when the Quran is mentioned, you know, they get the suffocating feeling. They're like I don't want to talk about I don't want to
hear they get bored. It just makes them upset and angry. And they become unhappy they're like close this book. Stop talking about this. Why are you talking about you know the hereafter or death? I don't want to hear this. Under my your sorrow doofus summer, Gallica thus yadgir Allahu Allah places a rich set filth. Adela Deen Allah, you may know on those people who don't believe what filth, meaning this is a consequence of their own deeds. This is a consequence of their own deeds that they begin to suffocate when the Quran is mentioned. They feel uncomfortable when the deen is spoken off. When the truth is explained, they feel they're going to die. When they're told to recite the Quran,
it's as though they're being told to hold their breath for 20 minutes and kill themselves. This is how they feel to undermine your sorrow doofus and that cathartic idea of Allah who reached out and Ledeen Allah, you know, so what do we learn this is the signs of guidance and the signs of misguidance. What are the signs of guidance? And a person's heart is open to Islam? Every command every eye, every ruling, no problem. It's from my Allah. It's from my Lord. I accept it.
He's comfortable with everything of the Quran and Sunnah. He's okay with it. He doesn't worry. And you know, sometimes you come across some statements of the Prophet salallahu Salam, or some statements in the Quran. And they don't make 100% sense to you in the sense that you are not able to fully comprehend it. Why? Perhaps due to your limited knowledge, or because it's a completely different thing that you've never heard of, so you don't know how to understand it. And one is that it just bothers a person. But what does it mean? And why is it like this? And why did the prophets on the loudest and I'm saying this, and the other is okay, he said it? And there must be some cloud
in it. Yes, there has to be goodness in it. I don't get it, but I accept it. This is a sign of what guidance? Yes. Should I follow? Little Islam? Check yourself.
Ask yourself over here. But are there certain commands certain things about the religion which when I hear about I'm like,
If we are feeling like this, then there is a problem. ask Allah for guidance. ask Allah to increase you in your guidance. ask Allah to expand your chest for you. Expand your understanding, open up your heart.
Open up your heart so that you can accept it.
Islam should be your mindset. That really sounds really good. You know, Islam should be mindset or whatever is the command. We have to follow it. Yes. So
This is a sign of what of shatter solder. And if a person is not comfortable with one thing and another thing, and then another thing bothers him and I think doesn't make any sense to them, then there's a problem with the southern ask Allah to open your heart for you know, when you said look, Bishop Riley's leathery, then you know, bring this meaning to your heart that Oh Allah, open my heart so that I'm able to accept whatever you say, whatever you come around,
you know, my limited brain my limited knowledge, I can't comprehend these things myself, I need that from you. You grant this comfort to me.
You don't like the prophets of Allah Edison when he signed the Treaty of her labia. When he made it with the machete came the Treaty of her labia. Some Muslims were very upset, either. Why? Why? Why do we have to compromise and remodel low or new? In fact, he was very upset at that time. And later on, you would regret that why was I not comfortable with it because of the profits of a lot of them decided that I should have been okay with it. But we see that there were other companions who accepted. And amongst them was the wife of the Prophet salallahu Salam, salam, the prophets of Allah said and all the people open up your home, we're not going for Umrah. We're going to go back. And
nobody did it. Imagine the people who would run to obey the Prophet salallahu Salam, he told them come out of the State of Iran, and they're just sitting there. So sad and upset over what had happened. So I'm sorry, I'm I told the prophets of the lies and why don't you take off your home and the other people will follow. So they followed him when he did. So we see that at certain times, Allah subhanaw taala tests us to show to us, you know, where we stand what the level of our iman is.
Sometimes the salad become heavy.
For any reason, maybe you are in hurry. Maybe guests come in maybe something happening. So that time remember, the salad is heavy. So it was William shutaura. Gym, ask Allah to make your Saturday open. So because it's not a good sign? Yes, it's not a good sign. And likewise, women, sometimes they have a huge problem with men like why is it that they have this right? And how come I don't have this right? And why am I supposed to listen to my husband? Yes. So many come. I just wanted to say that true guidance is guidance where you follow whatever you've been told, it's not one of you pick and choose what works for you. And you just toss the rest out. And we we did the I yesterday about being
guided being as if we have more on us. And we're walking around and we're late for ourselves and people around us. It's very important to keep that in mind that we have to follow whatever the rule is.
A cinematical I think nowadays what one of the biggest issues that we're taught at school and even in this society is that when you see something or you hear about something, you're taught to question it right, if it signs you question why how, where are the five why's and whatnot. And it's been incorporated us in such a way that now even with our being in our religion, we question a lot. Whereas in some matters, we should ask to increase our knowledge. But in many matters, we should just blindly trust in a lot. So that whole thing of even with your parents, that's if parents tell you not to go somewhere, we question it. We don't trust our parents and later on realize, yeah,
there was a wisdom behind it. So this whole thing of trusting something blindly trusting somebody blindly it's almost been like taken out of our societies. And we see that asking questions in our deen is something that is permissible as long as it is related to your actions and your understanding. I mean, if there's reason behind you asking a question, then it's actually encouraged because the prophets of Allah Islam, for example, at hajj, he told the people ask me, ask me if there's anything you want to know, anything that's unclear to you, because I don't know if I'm going to be with you the next year. So the people they asked him so many questions, why? To understand
what to do, how to do, why to do it's necessary to understand, however, there's two ways or reasons behind asking, one is to ask so that really you can understand, so that you can comprehend you can apply and it is with iman with the Wakil with your cane with trusting Allah subhanaw taala that Allah has commanded it Yes, it is 100% true. It is 100% relevant 100% applicable 100% beneficial. However, I would also like to know the wisdom.
And what happens is that when you ask in this way, if at the end of the day, you don't understand the wisdom you still accept. Do you know what I mean? When you ask you don't fully get it but you're like, Yeah, I accept it still. I hope Allah has paneled our will increase me and my understanding. And the other is that a person asks, you know with objection,
that how come and why
And why not? And why like this and why like that.
It is without faith. To one is to ask with iman. And the other is to ask without Amen. So we have to make sure that every time we ask a question, it is with trust in Allah subhanaw taala it is with trust in Allah. And every time we try to research something in the religion understand something better in the religion. It is with EMA and what will tell you that yes, you were asking the question in the correct way you were researching this matter with the correct approach. When you're asking Allah for guidance and understanding. You know, Allah Houma. I didn't know how come how can Oh Allah, you show the truth to us as the truth you're asking Allah. When you're not asking only people
because people what can they tell you? But Allah is the One who will give you the correct understanding what Heather and this slothful bath are because of your Lord Mr. keema straight, this is the straight path of your Lord what the path showed by the Quran, the path on which Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was called In fact, for Salah. We have detailed we have explained in detail, Elia the signs likoma. And for people yet the karoun. They remember, they take a lesson, they take heed, meaning the signs are evident. It's clear, but who will benefit. People will remember people who take a lesson, people who bother to pay attention. And if a person doesn't want to take a lesson,
then no matter what is presented, they're not going to get it home for them for who for the people who remember for those who take a lesson for those who accept the right path and who follow it. For them is the Rossella home of the peace where they're in the near of being in their Lord, they will be granted the home of peace near their Lord, whoa. And he will be meeting their Lord will be when they you whom their friend, why be mad because of what can or they used to Yarm alone they will do because of what they used to do. What will they get home of beasts? Were near their Lord, who will be their friend, their Lord, Allah who will be their friend? What is the total salaam, Jana? Because
this dunya does it have Salam in it? Does it have peace in it? And by peace? I mean, permanent peace, never. You could go to the country which is supposed to be the most peaceful. Right. But still, there will be times when people are afraid.
Right. For example, maka Maka, that is a city that is better than Amina in a secure and safe city. But yes, there are times there are moments when certain individuals they feel afraid. Right. Why? Because at the end of the day, yes, it is a very secure and peaceful place on earth. But at the end of the day, it is where on the earth and the earth this dunya is not perfect.
Every positive thing in this world, it is not perfect. It is incomplete. Where's perfection in the home of the Hereafter, people search for peace in this world. Right? But the reality is that you cannot find it in this world where will you find it? In the hereafter? Because the home of the Hereafter Jana that is double salaam, how is it double Salam, because when a person is in the data center, then he will not have any fear. He will not have any problems, he will not have any worry. Now hold on early him whatever the heck is going on. They will not have stress about anything. What causes stress in this world, even if you're in your house, what brings you stress I have to pay the
Right. This is what people are stressed out about their have a dream house. But still they're stressed out why? Because they have to pay all those bills, whether it is the telephone or the internet or whatever it is, they cannot be 100% happy and comfortable even in their own house. What else causes you stress in the house of this world?
This is not here. That is not here. This needs to be fixed. That needs to be improved. Right? This is not working.
This is the reality of the houses of this world the homes of this world or there is a list of things for you to do.
Correct? Whether it is that you have to fix your closet or you have to do the dishes and you think that yes, all the dishes are done. The house is perfectly clean, but it will only last like that For how many hours? Perhaps not even when
One Hour.
Why, because a woman you'd load the dishwasher, turn it on the sink is clear, then you get yourself a glass of water. And now that Glass needs to be washed.
And you dried up the counter, the sink is sparkling nice and clean. And then what happens? You are the one who's putting that glass in the sink. Right?
So, we call this world had the dunya. Because dunya is something that's near that's lesser and it's lower. So obviously, it's not going to be perfect. Exactly, it's not going to be perfect, it's going to be inferior compared to the home of the Hereafter. And people try to, you know, do different things do in order to have a peaceful house or house in which they are stress free, let's say even a dishwasher right, that will relieve you of the stress of washing dishes by hand, right. However, somebody has to load it, somebody has to unload it, it can get you know, problems and it will have to be fixed. So, no matter how automatic you try to make your life, alright, and your house, it
still in perfect. It is still imperfect, it will still bring you worry, it will still stress you out. And the problem is that the more perfect you have something in this world, the more stressful you become about it. Is that true? Yes. Because if you have, you know a really nice table, right? That is finished really nicely. Really good word polished really perfectly. It looks lovely, amazing. But then you're stressed out. Okay, what if somebody puts their keys on it? What if somebody scratches its surface? Right? You have guests over and at the same time, you're concerned about your perfect table.
You painted your Walsall nice. And then their children coming over and you're stressed out. They're gonna ruin my paint. They're going to ruin my teen walls. Right? So this is a reality of this dunya and you could have the most perfect house but if your neighbors are not good, can you have peace? Know
if Your neighbors drinking the night, let's say in their garage,
and you're trying to sleep in your house, and you hear them screaming and making funny noises and saying weird things. Can you sleep in peace? Never. If you happen to be close to an airport, can you sleep in peace? No. in Jannah through the last year I 11 We learned learn the smart roofie Hello earlier you will not hear in Jana. Any disturbing noise
any unsuitable speech to the people of Ghana, they will really be in the home of peace and the best thing with their Lord during the battle for him. Because janitorial for those it is right beneath the arch of enrollment. It is the closest to Allah subhanaw taala. So imagine having great neighbors imagine and what's mentioned over here or in the lobby him they will be close to Allah their Lord.
If you know that somebody really nice lives in the same city. You feel so good. Yeah, they live in the same city as I live. And if you find out they live in the same neighborhood, if you find that they live in the same street, how amazing that is.
The closer they are to you, the more amazing it is. So we're in the middle of him. Like in sort of coma we learn in the Malik and Mahkota there, they will be near the King who is mocked that they're all capable. Well Who are we you whom and the best part, he will be their friend.
Imagine there's someone really good, they live close to you. And on top of that you're friends with them or they're friends with you how great that would be? Well whoever will lead you home but who gets this honor? Who gets this honor not everybody be mad can ohyama alone because of what they used to do. This is the time to do something in order to be close to Allah in order to be of the more carabin on the Day of Judgment. Those were close to Allah brought nearer to him.
Let's listen to the station. What could
be wrong with Jamie? Goofy one I am gonna be
forcing him
home well either John.
Ball and Mina had
say you will sleep with levena jaw moves all night
long you are
shady don't be
too funny
do we show our Father Our holy
one he
saw the body upon our origin
goofy Santa
Monica John
big becomes the thing EMA bother
me and let come home I love
being in Oahu Hawaii you
panic alarm will be handing the show to Allah Illa illa Anta the stock