Abdullah Hakim Quick – Fiqh-Us-Seerah 09

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The story of the Iranian-led war in Yemen is discussed, including the arrival of the Iranian-led army and the return of the Iranian-led army to Yemen. The history of the Middle East during Islam, including the rise of Islam, the use of animals as carriers, and the importance of animals in shaping one's appearance and personality. The use of animals as carriers is emphasized, along with its use as carriers for shaping one's appearance and personality.
AI: Transcript ©
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But the Arabian steed was not ready for an elephant. This was another form of warfare. And so abraha defeated the Yemenis. He went on North, he defeated the Arab tribes in Iran. In that area, he went to a tarrif. high in the mountains. He defeated the people. He went he, he strategically defeated them, psychologically. They came out and they submitted, they say, we worship idols. We're like you.

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And so he defeated them psychologically. And he continued on until he camped outside of Mecca.

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There, they planted the countryside. And from the Budi the vanilla that they got with 200 of the, of the the camels, of Abdulmutallab, with that time, was the leader of kadesh,

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the guardian of the Kaaba, and so abraha in the way of the old he called for the leaders first before he attacked the Kaaba. He wanted to see the personality of the Arabs. And so he said he called called Abdulmutallab

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and it is reported Abdulmutallab was naturally a noble person. He carried himself in a very noble way. And when a bra saw this, he respected the way he looked. And so abre has sat on the rug. And this is giving respect because usually he would sit above people, but he sat on the rug with Abdulmutallab. And he said,

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I'm about to attack your Kaaba.

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What will you What do you want? Will you negotiate? Abdulmutallab answered and said, As for me, I am the Lord of these camels not billable.

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But for this house. This house has a rub. It has a lord and that Lord will defend the house

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abraha was upset and he was surprised All you want is your camels. Take your camels and Abdulmutallab and the rest of kodesh waited. They went to the high parts of Mecca, and the city was deserted.

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The next day, the Ethiopians faced Mecca, and they tried to go forward. But the camels when they pointed to the Kaaba, refuse to move, the camels kneel down.

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They stabbed the camel, they beat the camel. They tried everything. When they pointed the camels South away, the camel got up and walked. If they pointed it to the right or to the left away from the Kaaba, it would walk, but you pointed to the Kaaba, it kneels down.

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And so the army was stuck. And then Allah subhanaw taala said birds. And these birds came, according to many of them who fasted in from the direction of the sea. And were probably swallows, and starlings. Each bird carry three stones size of a very small pebble, one in the beak, and two in their claws. And the birds went to high altitudes, and then dropped down the stones on the army of abraha. Now, we know scientifically that if you go to a high altitude, and you drop an object, according to the laws of gravity, that it gains weight and power as it drops if you went to the top of the Empire State Building in New York City, or the CN Tower in Canada, or that tower in Kuala

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Lumpur, which is the highest freestanding gun you drop a penny down. You drop by the time it reaches the bottom, it's like a bomb.

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And so, using the forces of nature, Allah subhanaw taala sent waves and waves of these birds dropping down the pebbles which is like being bombed by a modern army.

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And Allah reveals to us in the 100 and fifth chapter of the port an Bismillahirrahmanirrahim lm tada kafer file out of buka bs harborfields lm Big Al Qaeda home feed Todd Leal out of Salalah him tyronn abiel thermae him ba Jonathan Min sijil by jhala home cast Finn McCool. Have you Oh Mohammed Salah Salaam not seen how your Lord dealt with the owners of the elephants? Did he not make their plot go astray? And he sent against them birds in flocks, striking them with stones of baked clay and he made them like an empty field of stocks, like corn stalks, which has been chewed up by cattle. You know, when the cattle chews it up and lets it out. Then it's like smashed. It's soft and it's

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smashed. And so literally the quarter

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describes the condition of the army of abre. It was decimated, and they began to flee south. And it is reported that abre himself lost his fingers. And then cuts began to

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be filled with pus. People were dying at the waterholes. And finally abraha fell down in his hot burst and his army was finished. His son took over

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and ruled in his place, and then his Son Son until safe though he has an

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alum Yari went to the rulers first the Byzantine Romans, and they refuse to go south. Then they went to the Persians to kisara and they convinced the Persians to attack and they attacked Yemen, and the Persians conquered the south of Arabia. This is a very important point to recognize this Persian presence.

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Some of the historians even look at the word Mogadishu, you know, the capital of Somalia.

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They say Mogadishu. Some of the historians believe that name is mcid, a Sha, maka de Sha. And Makkah is like the seat of the Shah, or the ruler of Persia, because the Persians controlled Yemen, the coastline of Ethiopia, South down to Somalia, they control that region for a period of time. And so history tells us that Ethiopian rule in Yemen was for approximately 72 years. But this is an important time for us. And it sets the stage for the coming of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. In the rest of Arabia, it was the time of jaha Leah.

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They originally were believing in one God, the time of Ibrahim alayhi salam.

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Then Ismail alayhi salam. And that belief continued amongst the tribes of Judah, Han

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and the other Arab tribes until the people began to go to idol worship and it is reported Ahmad, even though Hey, he was the although he was known for righteousness, he brought back an idol from Syria.

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The idols name was Hubble.

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And he brought back Hubble and he put it in the middle of the Kaaba. This is the first recorded time that an idol was being used in the Kaaba. After that.

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He went to Jeddah,

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and even his heart and many of the historians have reports that say, a company of jinn were actually helping him to do this work. And he dug into the ground in Jeddah, and he produced some of the action idols from way back in the time of Noah hada Islam. He produced manette the idol called manette, which was worshipped in Mashallah a place near the Red Sea. He produced a lot that was worshipped in a tarrif. And he produced Alireza that was worshipped in the Valley of nephila.

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And so these are some of the idols that that you hear about.

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And these idols were brought, and also with the help of this jinn he, he dug up some of the ancient ones and the specific ones coming from the time of no Khalid Islam, he found wed sua yavuz yaru Manasa. And you see the court and mentioning these names. These were buried in Jeddah, and he put them in to Hama little bit to the south.

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And so idol worship then began to spread in the area of the cover itself. And by the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they had reached 360 idols. Every day of the lunar year, there was another idol that was revered and worshipped inside of the Kaaba. And so the Arabs at that time in jaha, Leah had

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distinct parts of their personality. They did not have culture in the sense of rugs, they did not have large buildings, they did not have expensive jewelry, but there was something about their actions and their character. And I want to talk about some of the negative features and then some of the positive features in the negative features number one, in the time of jaha, Leah, and we have to think about this ourselves, because there's a tendency for Muslims to go back into Jah helia and then we have to go come into Islam. And so number one, they had a problem of self devotion or seeking refuge

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and praying to the idols, instead of praying directly to Allah subhanaw taala. They used to go through the idol. And then ask the idol to ask Allah.

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And this is very similar. The Hindus will tell you, if you speak to Hindus, they will say, Shiva and Krishna, we don't worship them. That's what they'll tell you. They say we're going through Shiva, and we are going through Krishna in order to reach the Great Spirit. And so similarly, the Arabs went through Latin RZA and hooba. And these different gods in order to reach the one God, who they knew was named Allah. This is a very important point, because some of the enemies of Islam said that the word alat became a law. Like that's where the word Allah comes from. And if you look at how the words are spelled, it's just the difference in the top. Oh, it's a heart or Tama Buta at the end. So

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they say a lot became a lot, but this is a lie. And we refute this, because the pagans at the time worshipped a lot to get to Allah.

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So they knew the word Allah, even in their giant Leah. Secondly, they would perform pilgrimage to their idols.

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And sometimes they would make to walk around the Kaaba with no clothes, they would prostrate to the idols, they would seek favor with the their idols through sacrifice.

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What else do we have?

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Allah no soap. You see this insert Selma ADA, in verse three,

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and insert to Anam, you'll see in verse 136 138 139, all of a circle and

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you will see how the Arabs were sacrificing animals. They were making sacrifices to their gods, and they would bless portions of food,

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portions of their drink.

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They would also bless cattle, and they would bring crops, they would dedicate special animals to the gods. Some of the animals, for instance, that was special if you had a cow, or camel that was female, and it gave birth to 10 females in a row, then that is a special animal so they would have had certain categories. But when the question came to them, why are you going through these gods? What do these gods mean? They are people, whether they're people or whether they're trees, or whether they're jinn. And they would say what ma Buddha whom Illallah Yukari, buena Illallah. He's on fire. And you will find this in chapter 39 verse three, we worship them only that they may bring

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us closer to Allah. They also had fortune telling with arrows. They gambled

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and they drank. Alcohol, wine, intoxicants.

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And so the society was a society of polytheism. But some of the good qualities of the Arabs and this is probably part of the reason why Allah subhanaw taala chose them is that in the character itself, they had strong qualities. Number one, they believe in hospitality.

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They would keep their promises.

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They had a strong sense of honor.

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They had a firm will and determination.

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They had perseverance. And they had pure Bedouin simple life. They were truthful and courageous. That was the Arabs and the time of of Jah helia. This was the climate and in the year when the elephants attacked Mecca called Amil field. That is the year in which our beloved Prophet Mohammed Salah solemn was born. He was born in the year, that abraha attack, attack the Kaaba. May Allah help us and strengthen us with this knowledge and give us the best of this Sierra. In this life and the next life. Apolo holy * the stock for lolly walakum wa salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah

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