Abdullah Hakim Quick – Be Aware Of The Presence Of Your Lord

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The importance of Islam in the culture of many countries is highlighted, including the need for change due to racism and the upcoming crisis in the world. The success of the survival program for dams and the importance of forgiveness are also discussed. The importance of avoiding false assumptions and false words is emphasized, as well as the need for regular regular prayer to solve problems and create change. The success of the holiday season is also highlighted, with plans to avoid the need for forgiveness and to establish regular regular prayers.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa shadman La ilaha illAllah Walia Salim wa shadow unnao Mohammed Abdullah, who was a solo hottie Milan via even more saline Allahumma salli wa salam ala optika seleka Muhammad Ali, he was happy he edge my robot, all praises due to Allah, Lord of the worlds and surely Allah is the friend and protector of the righteous. And I bear witness that Allah is one and has no partners, and that Mohammed the son of Abdullah, is a servant and his last messenger. And may Allah always and constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed, to his family to his companions to all those who call to his way and establish his Sunnah, the day of judgment as to what follows my

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beloved brothers and sisters, I begin with the greeting words of the righteous Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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And I want to bring you special salaams from your brothers and sisters in Toronto in Canada. They are Alhamdulillah hamdulillah. Muslims now make up about 10% of the GTA the population of Toronto, out of 2.5 million people. There's over 250,000 Muslims by the mercy of Allah azza wa jal, Islam is going north. It has reached the North Pole. at the North Pole, there is a Masjid at the top of the earth.

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And so in the far off reaches of the world, Islam has spread in the deep south in Australia.

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Islam has spread to the Aboriginal people. Recently I was there in Melbourne, Australia, and the chief from the Aboriginal clans had accepted Islam and his people were also accepting Islam. And so in the far off reaches of the world, this final message, the last Testament, the last messenger, Muhammad Allah Azza wa sallam. His words are reaching people of different colors, different nationalities, and different ways of life.

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But what is happening today in the world

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is that we are living in a world of illusion.

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And that is that you see one thing and the reality is something different.

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Especially at this time of year, as we end the solar year.

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And we are going toward what they say is the new year.

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We are entering into a new Islamic year we have entered into the month of Muharram people are thinking about time they're thinking about the future.

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Tonight they come together and they watch a golden ball they look to this fire the sun to begin the year. But there is an illusion that is happening. There is a fantastic world which has been made for you and me. Which is not the reality underground

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and we should never forget the words of Allah subhanaw taala who tells us very clearly when we are speaking about time

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that a lot as a as a jealous told us our Billahi min ash shaytani regime. Yeah, you have levena Armando, taco la ha well, Tondo enough soon maka de McDavid. What taco la in LA LA hubiera en de matar balloon one that's a cool new Cal levena Nestle Lucha for unsa home and for soco, hula ecomo facetune. Allah tells us Oh you who believe.

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Have the consciousness of Allah and let every soul look to what it put forward for tomorrow and fear Allah. Surely Allah is well aware of all that you do. And be not as those who forgot Allah and so he made them forget themselves. Surely they are the disobedient ones. So Allah tells us in this verse, that you should always be aware of the presence of your Lord,

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inside of the masjid and outside,

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on Juma or on Saturday,

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Friday during the day, Friday nights, at school, at work wherever you are, remember that there is one who is closer to you than your juggler vain. And along with his knowledge

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is closer to us than anything. He knows what we do in the secret and he knows what

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We do in the open

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and so we need to have the consciousness of Allah never forget that there is one who is watching over you.

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And Allah said, Every soul look to the future

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will turn to enough soon macadam at the heart, each soul should look what did you do for tomorrow?

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Look at your year last year, what did you do in the last year?

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What have you done for Islam? What have you done for yourself? What have you done for your family? What righteous thing did you do? And did you put forward for the future?

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Then Allah tells us be not as those who forgot Allah, He will make them forget themselves.

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Surely, they are the disobedient ones. And so when we see this, we can realize what is happening to the Muslim world. I am just coming back right now from Istanbul, from Turkey. And when you are in Istanbul, you will see masjids on the size, like you have never seen before.

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You will see the strength that Islam had, you will see the government that Muslims had that ruled over much of the known world. But when they forgot Allah, he made them forget themselves. And so they are very power, which was at one time making the world a place of peace and security is now being used against themselves.

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When you look at many parts of the Gulf region, you will see people with so much money, so much wealth, they don't know what to do with it. But there are other Muslims in other parts of the world who have just enough food to break their fast.

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It is the same oma the same nation. Why is there one group that has so much wealth and there are other people who are starving to death?

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Why is it that scholars are great scholars

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that we have today so much knowledge that we have which can answer the problems of the world. So much knowledge is in front of us in our hands. Why is this knowledge not solving the problems of the world? The problems of racism, the problems of the banking system? When you say you're a Muslim, you have to realize it is more than just wearing a Koofi.

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We, we represent the last messenger kit that came to humanity. We represent the best human being ever lived on the face of the planet Earth. We represent the last Testament, the last form of ye the last revelation that came to human beings. We have the ultimate Declaration of Independence. You know in America, they have this thing they say Declaration of Independence. That means I am free.

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We are free of the spirit world. Today around the world. The Magicians are on the rise. The Sahara, they come in all countries. They deal with the jinn, they are casting spells, they are setting up a secret society, they are trying to tell the future.

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Even here in the UK, amongst the young people, they also are trying to push this in a secret way. Their new hero is Harry Potter, that you know what Harry Potter society he is a magician.

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He is a Sahil and he represents a secret society. And when you read the Fatiha, you have the Declaration of Independence and that is iaca Naboo. We are going to stay with this sentence alone. We say you are not alone do we worship and from you we seek help and assistance. This is freedom from the Djinn freedom from the Sahara, freedom from all the forms of magic and all the forms of shirk.

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We also have

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an interest free banking system.

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When the recession struck the countries of the world and the people's money started to go down the Islamic banks had no losses.

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I was amongst the people in the country of Bahrain. And the Islamic banks during the recession had no losses they made gains. They didn't want to tell the world they are afraid to be attacked. But the reality is we have something we have a system which can save the world economic crisis.

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We have a system that can save the world of racism.

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There is racism today in all of the countries. One group hates another group. One tribe hates another tribe.

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One country hates another country. But if we practice Islam, it should take us away from racism, away from tribalism, away from the hatred of a person because of the color of their skin.

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The process of them said very clearly there is no preference of the Arabs over the non Arabs, or that non Arabs over the Arabs is no preference of white over black or the opposite isn't a bit taqwa. It is only with taqwa that we see a difference between human beings. And so we have this beautiful system, to give to the world. We have large numbers, we have wealth, but there is an illusion.

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There is an illusion being painted in front of us. The first reality we have to deal with is in ourselves. That is the first reality. As we cry for change. We cry for economic change, we cry for political change. We cry for Islamic social system, Islamic banking, but Allah told us in Allah Allah euroma be comin, tell you how you might be enforcing him. Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves. It's in the heart. That is where the change begins. But in front of us is an illusion.

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There is a false world which is being painted in front of us. It comes on television, in the movies, and now on Facebook, on Twitter, it comes in the new social networking. coming to our people in the province are seldom did not speak for himself. The Prophet peace be upon him spoke from above seven heavens will my young Chico and an hour in who Allah wa when you have he did not speak from himself. But revelation comes through him and he gives it to you. The products are seldom said and authentic IDs reported in October Ronnie yaku roofie acted as a man kept the boon that jello yeah to local Manila Hadith be marlim test tomorrow and tamala Coco for Yakumo yahoomail you deluna come What are

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you have to know nickel, the provinces seldom said they will come near the end of time, great liars, like false Christs false prophets. They will come to you with a type of speech that neither you nor your parents have ever heard of before. Be aware of them. Be aware that they take you a strange beware that they put you into a fitna a trial and tribulation. So Dakota Sula, La La Santos salam, it has come to pass. What did the Prophet say? They will come to you with a type of speech that neither you nor your parents have ever heard of before. Digital technology.

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Now they have the ability to make false things seem real.

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And to make what is true, appear to be false. They can take your picture, they can take your voice, they can put words in your mouth and they can make a picture and you didn't say it.

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But people will think it is real.

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Beware of them. Beware that they take your straight and beware that they put you into a fitna. This is an illusion.

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Tonight they say it is New Year's Eve.

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And the people are gathering around to celebrate the coming of a new year. It is a lie.

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It is not the New Year's. How can you say this?

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Because when you coach when you go back to the early calendars used by the European people

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in Latin language in the Roman calendar, September is from septum it's seven. October is eight like octagon eight sides, right? November is nine and December is 10.

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That means January is the 11th month and February is the 12th. The new year was originally in March. Why is it now January 1. Why are they deceiving us? Why is an illusion you think it's the new year they go and they see the ball

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Go up, and they say now It's a new year and they laugh, and they drink alcohol and they commit adultery, and they * and they murder. It's a new year.

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It is not the New Year.

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Number one, it is the time of the winter season, December 25. It used to be their ceremony of the Bacchanalia and the Saturnalia. They used to worship the sun god, because it is so cold in the winter. As we live here in these countries, it is so cold the darkness is long. So they used to pray to the sun god to come back. And they put up Christmas trees in their houses as a type of taneema a type of amulet to protect them from evil things and give them life inside of their homes. It is not the birthday of Christ's Esau a Salaam was born in the warm weather. The Christians will tell you when Jesus was born, the shepherds have their flocks outside. You can't keep your animals outside

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and Philistine at this time at night. It's too cold. He was born in the warm weather they were paying taxes. That means that they're their plants were ripened in the Quranic discussion. Merriam may have locked may Allah be pleased with her. Allah sent the message to her that she should go to the Nakula she should shake the palm tree and she would get the roots of she would get the right dates. When does the ripened dates come in the summer in the heat, then you have this ripened dates. So it is agreed upon by the scholars that December 25 is not the birthday of Christ. It is the time of the pagan gods of the winter.

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They drink and they fight. Why do you think on Christmas? So many people die on the road in accidents? Because they're drinking alcohol. There is more people who are killed more people who are raped, more houses that are robbed, more lying and stealing and cheating, which is done around Christmas time than any time of the year. Is that Jesus? No.

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Is that he saw a slump? No. He was a mighty messenger of Allah.

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That is not the time of Esau laze around. It is the time of the pagan gods of the mushrikeen. That is why they put up the trees but the Christian church, when they saw the motion of kin, were gaining power. They banned Christmas up until 1647. The Parliament here in the UK, they said no Christmas, it's against the law. And they would not allow them to celebrate the Christmas vacation.

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They would not allow them to do that.

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And so they changed. They took that the magic of Christmas

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and they put it on January.

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Why did they choose January?

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You will see when you study history. January was named after the pagan god Janice. And Janice is the person with two faces. He shows you one face, but he has another face. He's a deceiver.

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And that is what we are in now a time of deception.

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The process of them also said taggi do Min sharada ness, yarmulke Mati and the law Jolla chain Allah Yachty How will I be watching? We'll have that up watch. Oh, come on call a subtle sir. He said you will find the most hated and despicable of people on the Day of Resurrection is do what chain he has two faces. He comes to one person with one face one group and he goes to another with another face. He comes inside the masjid. You see him in the masjid. You see him in his home. And He is a good boy. He is Beloved. Beloved as a good Muslim.

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As the Olli is there Asya but when Bilbao goes outside to his friends, he puts the hat on Bilbao becomes Billy

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Mohammed becomes mo

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asiyah becomes Asia. And he changes. You thought he was a nice Bilaal inside here. And then he goes down to traverse Trafalgar Square. Around 12 o'clock is no Bilaal anymore. There is Billy

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this is two faces. A lady Yachty How old are you be watch him. We'll have that up watch. He comes to one group at one face and to another group with another face. He's a hypocrite

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He won't tell you about his real self. And so this pagan holiday is set up to confuse you. They say, Oh, it's happiness of the new year. It is not the new year. And secondly, when the happiness comes, they drink alcohol.

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When New Year's come, they say take a drink. They have proven now a new study has come out in Canada. And it has shown alcohol is more dangerous to a person than cocaine and heroin. This new study, alcohol is more dangerous than cocaine.

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It is more dangerous than heroin. It is drugs in liquid form.

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When you take the drugs, when you take the alcohol, it ruins your body. It destroys your liver.

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It destroys your ability to think right? You can't walk straight, you get in a car, you get an accident. The man comes home and he fights his wife. He beats his children, he rapes he cannot see straight, it destroys them, then he wants to drink some more alcohol. So he continues, he is a drug addict. He is worse than a person on heroin and cocaine. But they will tell you he had no alcohol is a good thing.

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If you have a problem, take a drink. And your problem will go away. It's alive. When you drink the alcohol and become drunk, your problem does not go away. And the next day you have a headache, and your problem is worse.

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So it is a lie and a confusion, which is being spread around in the name of a good season. That is the illusion.

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And so Muslims today are called upon to break the illusion.

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He have to deal with reality. That means when we read the Quran, you need to read it not just as a book that you read for 10 hour.

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You don't just read it, as one of the great scholars of the Sahara Desert used to say, you want to be sincere to the court and you need three things. tahseen tilawat, he was the duckburg iottie he was it's by a woman he three things. You read it in a beautiful way with Tajweed.

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Secondly, to double it, you have to think about it reflect, reflect on the verses don't just read it and put it away. Think about what it said. And finally, it's about our media he you have to follow what it is saying

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you have to follow it.

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So we are at a very critical point in our history.

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The life of this world the dunya is on us. We are suffering from either too much money, or too little money.

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We're in extremes. And Allah told us where mal hayata dunya Illa matar la hora. The life of this world is nothing but material deception.

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And so we need to seek refuge in the court and to deal with our present situation. What is the divine formula for our present situation? You need to look at the life of the prophet SAW Selim understand what he did understand the revelation that came. I want to share with you just one section from this divine revelation, which will give us a formula or divine formula to deal with the highest the dunya and to deal with the problems we are facing. In surah, two shorter verses 36 to 39. Allah azza wa jal is telling us are also below him in the shade on the regime. For my 82 min Shay in for Metatron. Higher to dunya warmer in de la he failed on

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the levina amanu while out of be him yet to walk alone. Well Athena yet yet stanny buena kebab ism well for whitish what is our hottie boo homeopathy rune. Well Nadine esta Jabu lira be him. What are common salat wa Umbra, whom Shura? baina whom were Mimara sokhna han unifi Khun wala Xena either a Sabah homeopathy, homeopathy rune. This is a divine formula.

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What is inside of this Allah tells us whatever you are given

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in this world is but enjoyment of this life. But that which is with Allah is better and more lasting. It is for those who believe and put their trust in the Lord. Those who avoid the

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major sins and indecency, and when they are angry even then they forgive those who respond to their Lord and establish regular prayer and conduct their affairs by mutual consultation. And from what we have given them, they spent and those who went and oppressive wrong is done to them. They stand up

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and they defend themselves. This is a divine formula.

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What is it telling us? This is a program for survival.

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We need to survive outside, there is traps waiting for you.

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There are traps of drugs, there are traps of alcohol. There are traps of gambling. There are traps of HIV AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. There are traps of homelessness, there are traps of racism. How can you survive this? Allah subhanaw taala has given us a survival program.

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What is the survival program number one,

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to recognize that the life of this world is a deception. Well, Malhotra dunya Illa matar hoorah. It is a test. We live in the dunya for a short period of time.

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Just a short period of time.

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If a person lives to be 100 years old, that's a long time he lived.

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But compare his 100 years to the next life, which is eternal life

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as a lot described, Holly Dena Fie Ha. A button.

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They will live in the next life forever.

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Compare it if you divide the next life divided by the life of this world today. And your answer is zero.

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That the life of this world is nothing the province has seldom said lk yes mandanna nafsa Camila Lima Belgian mote well mcmunn at ba ba hoo ha ha. What's Amanda Allah loyal Amanda. The process of them said, l k is the intelligent person is the one who controls himself. And he works for the life after death. You see the long one. But the muck, the idiot, the fool, is the one who lets himself go. And then he hopes Allah will forgive him and yet he's a fool.

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Because this life is only short. The next life that is the real life.

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That is the real time of existence. Our existence here is a short time,

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but we are fooled in it. And so Allah tells us, whatever you have been given in this world, it is metallian hayata dunya.

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But the dat which is with Allah will last eternally. If you do something for Allah, you spend in the path of Allah, you give your life for a lot, you do something that will last forever. The money you spend here is you spend it is gone.

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You buy something and it's gone. You buy new pants, you buy new shoes, you buy a new cell phone, and you put it down, somebody steals your cell phone

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or you drop your cell phone, it's gone, it's in the water is destroyed. That's how the life and the heights of dunya is. Secondly, in the survival program, the condition for the benefit in the survival program is two things. Alevtina amanu it is Eman and tawakkol.

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That you believe in Allah and you depend upon Allah subhanaw taala these are conditions.

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Number three,

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the further qualities ht NAB El Cap is staying away from the major sins. Stay away from shirk.

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polytheism Asuka magic, staying away from eating interest

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eating the wealth of orphans

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accusing innocent Muslim women of wrong deeds running away on the battlefield.

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Al Qaeda is study Allah Tobias. Allah is saying this is the survival program. If you want to survive here, find out what the kabocha and stay away from them

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next. A lot tells us avoid elephant

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awadhesh stay away from indecency and immorality. Look at what the society is giving to you. You look at the billboard, it has nakedness. You turn on the television nakedness. On the internet nakedness. You watch the movie and they fall in love. They're fighting aliens out in space, and they fall in love. They're playing cricket and soccer, and somebody falls in love. They're fighting our animals, they fall in love. Why do they always fall in love? Why?

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Think about it, why in every movie, they must fall in love. It's erotica. It's from arrows, which is one of the gods of the Greeks. It is to make you think of your animal self, to keep you on the level of an animal like a dog.

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It keeps you on an animal level. So you cannot think about Allah. That is the reason why Islam tells us You should dress properly, lower the gaze, purify yourself, protect yourself, not just women, men also have to protect themselves, they have to dress properly, they have to lower their gaze. And by doing that, you will be protected. I was living in South Africa for 10 years.

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And in some parts of South Africa, one out of every three of the population is HIV positive. one of three.

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How is it being spread,

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because people do not protect themselves.

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It spreads through Xena through adultery and fornication.

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And when they do that the punishment comes. And so staying away from alpha Hush, avoid in decencies. And that does not just mean don't commit adultery.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us while that Takata bozena. In Canada, he certainly was such a sybilla do not come close to Xena, he didn't say don't do it. He said Don't come near it.

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So if there's something that leads you to it, avoid it. Because that is the trap that the evil one wants you to fall in, you fall in the trap, and you have an unwanted pregnancy. You have sexual transmitted diseases, your life is ruined. Your future is destroyed. For a few minutes of of pleasure. Well, Mel hayata dunya illa metalphoto.

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The next point is an interesting point. And we need this today. It says, Who are the people who will survive? It is those that when they are angry, they forgive

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what he's I've had the boom Yaga feed on.

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If we get angry, we want to destroy somebody.

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We are angry. And we say No, he's not in my school of thought. He's not in my Islamic movement. He dubbed my chef is not his chef. He's not my tribe. He's not my nation, he doesn't speak my language. And so we get angry and we lose control of ourselves. When you are angry at the point of that dub. Forgive them.

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Forgive them. That is the example of the prophet SAW seldom when he went to a doctor if they stoned him.

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They stoned him until the blood ran down in his sandals.

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And the angel the mountain came to him and said I will destroy this people in words. And the process of them said do not destroy them. Maybe there's somebody amongst them who will worship allow one God and not associate partners. And he lived to see the people have

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come into Islam in crowds. They came in large numbers he lived to see this. He forgave them.

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So Muslim number one, we need to forgive each other.

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You need to see another Muslim he does something different to you. He says something against you forgive him. That is the way of Islam

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have mercy upon each other.

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We will have to embrace people who come from another culture. Some of them are enemies

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and you have to embrace them.

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It is reported in the 13th century. That among goals, Alma who

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they came into the Muslim world, and they killed millions of people.

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They would come to a city and cut off all the people's heads and put it in a pile

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and allow a raised up sayfudine Curtis from Egypt.

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He united the Muslims and they defeated the Mongols and I enjoy loot.

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But after they defeated the Mongols, they gave Dawa to the Mongols and some of the Mongols became Muslims. So now they had to embrace people who murdered them.

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But some of these Mongols became great leaders in Islam.

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That is the forgiveness that is our message we do not judge people It is Allah azza wa jal who will judge, Allah knows what is in the heart of a person. Our job is to give the message

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when they are angry, they forgive.

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The next point is killing my job Jamia? It says well, laziness the job only Robbie him

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is the job they they respond to the Lord. When you hear something, you learn some new things respond to it. You learn a new part of the sooner put it in your life.

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You get knowledge from the court and put it into your life tahseen talathi with the Deborah iottie it by a woman follow it. Don't just say Oh, that was a good speech. That was a beautiful idea. Put it in your life. If Allah said don't do it, don't do it.

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If Allah said Do it, do it. respond to your Lord respond and all the things and then Allah tells us a comet to salaat they establish prayers in their life, not just on special occasions. They establish a regular rhythm of salaat in their life. They don't base this a lot on their job. They make sure they have a time to make their prayers. If they're at school. If there are jobs wherever they are, they establish the law. Number eight, Shura.

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amerihome Shura baina home, they establish consultation, they talk to each other. Many of the problems in our families is because the husband does not talk to his wife. He will not talk to his wife. He stays out a long period of time with the brothers in the coffee shop.

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Some people they chew on their clocks, they do the chat

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and he chews and he comes home after 24 hours from chewing.

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And he doesn't say anything nice to his family. He comes in he does not talk to his wife. He does not kiss his children.

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He does not bring milk because he's chewing the clot like a drug addict.

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He doesn't have the love in his heart. The problem is sure if his wife said I want to talk sit down with your wife and take shorter listen to her position. Maybe she has something to say to you which is better than what you know.

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Even the province though seldom took shorter with his wives and is reported on selama rhodiola aha and many of the Sahaba yet the wives of process Allah they would give him Shura they would give him advice he takes the advice

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Shura. So we need to talk our families we need to talk to each other parents need to talk to these young children talk to the young people they speak a different language these young kids they play with the with the with the computer and the cell phone. This a new generation I was born in what they call bc sounds like it means before computers

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or you could say I was born in in B FB before Facebook

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this new generation now with with computers and Facebook, they think in a different way. So we need to take shorter with them because they know some things we don't know.

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So take sure what the young people ask them what they need. What is their opinion what do they need to solve their problem? Don't just tell them take sure that the good Amir take shorter what is Gemma

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and then he follows the best decision. He has reported that when the machete kena kodesh came to Medina they were attacking Medina

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system. When you say you're a Muslim, you have to realize it is more than just wearing a Koofi.

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We we represent the last messenger kit that came to humanity. We represent the best human being ever lived on the face of the planet Earth.

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We represent the last Testament, the last form of ye the last revelation that came to human beings. We have the ultimate Declaration of Independence. You know in America they have this thing they say, Declaration of Independence. That means I am free.

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We are free of the spirit world. Today around the world, the magicians are on the rise, the Sahara, they come in all countries, they deal with the jinn, they are casting spells, they are setting up a secret society, they are trying to tell the future.

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Even here in the UK, amongst the young people, they also are trying to push this in a secret way. Their new hero is Harry Potter, that you know what Harry Potter society, he is a magician.

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He is Asahi and he represents a secret society. And when you read the Fatiha, you have the Declaration of Independence. And that is iaca Naboo iaca, Stein, with this sentence alone, we say you Allah alone do we worship and from you, we seek help and assistance. This is freedom from the jinn freedom from the Sahara, freedom from all the forms of magic and all the forms of shirk.

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We also have

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an interest free banking system.

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When the recession struck the countries of the world and the people's money started to go down the Islamic banks had no losses.

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I was amongst the people in the country of Bahrain. And the Islamic banks during the recession had no losses they made gains. They didn't want to tell the world they are afraid to be attacked. But the reality is we have something we have a system which can save the world economic crisis.

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We have a system that can save the world of racism.

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There is racism today in all of the countries. One group hates another group. One tribe hates another tribe.

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One country hates another country. But if we practice Islam, it should take us away from racism, away from tribalism, away from the hatred of a person because of the color of their skin.

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Professor Selim said very clearly, there is no preference of the Arabs over the non Arabs, or that non Arabs over the Arabs. There's no preference of white over black or the opposite in Arabic taqwa It is only with taqwa that we see a difference between human beings. And so we have this beautiful system to give to the world. We have large numbers, we have wealth, but there is an illusion.

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There is an illusion being painted in front of us. The first reality we have to deal with is in ourselves. That is the first reality as we cry for change. We cry for economic change, we cry for political change. We cry for Islamic social system, Islamic banking, but Allah told us in Allah Allah you hey you Roma be comin hot Are you Hey, you Roma be enforcing him. Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves. It's in the heart. That is where the change begins. But in front of us is an illusion.

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There is a false world, which is being painted in front of us. It comes on television, in the movies. And now on Facebook, on Twitter, it comes in the new social networking, coming to our people and the prophet SAW Selim did not speak for himself. The Prophet peace be upon him spoke from above seven heavens will my young Chico and El Hawa in who Allah wa when you have, he did not speak from himself. But revelation comes through him and he gives it to you. The prophet SAW seldom said inauthentic IDs reported in October Ronnie yaku newfie akkad is a man kept the boon that jello. Yeah tuna Coleman Allah Hadith, the Muslim test Maru and tamala

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for Yakumo yahoomail au deluna calm whether you have tinola called the prophet SAW, Selim said they will come near the end of time, great liars, like false Christs, false prophets. They will come to you with a type of speech that neither you nor your parents have ever heard of before. Be wary

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them beware that they take you a strange beware that they put you into a fitna a trial and tribulation. So dakara Salalah alayhi salatu was salam, it has come to pass, what did the Prophet say? They will come to you with a type of speech that neither you nor your parents have ever heard of before. Digital technology.

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Now they have the ability to make false things seem real.

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And to make what is true, appear to be false. They can take your picture, they can take your voice, they can put words in your mouth, and they can make a picture and you didn't say it.

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But people will think it is real.

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Be aware of them. Be aware that they take you a straight and beware that they put you into a fitna. This is an illusion.

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Tonight they say it is New Year's Eve.

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And the people are gathering around to celebrate the coming of a new year. It is a lie.

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It is not the New Year's. How can you say this?

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Because when you count when you go back to the early calendars used by the European people

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in Latin language, in the Roman calendar, September is from September it's seven.

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October is eight like octagon eight sides, right? November is nine and December is 10.

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That means January is the 11th month and February is the 12th. The new year was originally in March. Why is it now January 1? Why are they deceiving us? Why is an illusion you think it's the new year they go and they see the ball go up and they say now It's a new year and they laugh and they drink alcohol and they commit adultery and they * and they murder. It's a new year.

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It is not the New Year.

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Number one, it is the time of the winter season. December 25. It used to be their ceremony of the Bacchanalia and the Saturnalia. They used to worship the sun god because it is so cold in the winter. As we live here in these countries, it is so cold the darkness is long. So they used to pray to the sun god to come back and they put up Christmas trees in their houses as a type of taneema a type of amulet to protect them from evil things and give them life inside of their homes. It is not the birthday of Christ is all a Salaam was born in the warm weather. The Christians will tell you when Jesus was born. The shepherds have their flocks outside you can't keep your animals outside and

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Philistine at this time at night it's too cold. He was born in the warm weather they were paying taxes that means that they're their plants were ripened in the Quranic our discussion Merriam may have luck may Allah be pleased with her. Allah sent the message to her that she should go to the nephila, she should shake the palm tree, and she would get the roots of she would get the right dates. When does the ripened dates come in the summer in the heat, then you have this ripened dates. So it is agreed upon by the scholars that December 25 is not the birthday of Christ. It is the time of the pagan gods of the winter.

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They drink and they fight. Why do you think on Christmas? So many people die on the road in accidents? Because they're drinking alcohol? There is more people who are killed, more people who are raped, more houses that are robbed, more lying and stealing and cheating, which is done around Christmas time than any time of the year. Is that Jesus? No.

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Is that he saw a solemn No. He was a mighty messenger of Allah.

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That is not the time of Esau lays it out. It is the time of the pagan gods of the mushrikeen. That is why they put up the trees but the Christian church when they saw the mission of kin were gaining power they banned Christmas up until 1647. The Parliament here in the UK, they said no Christmas. It's against the law and they would not allow them to celebrate the Christmas

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they will not allow them to do that.

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And so they changed. They took that that the magic of Christmas

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and they put it on January.

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Why did they choose January?

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You will see when you study history, January was named after the pagan god, Janice. And Janice is the person with two faces. He shows you one face, but he has another face. He's a deceiver.

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And that is what we are in now a time of deception.

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The process of love also said taggi do Min sharara ness, yarmulke Mati and the law the law chain alethea Yachty. How will it be watching? We'll have that up watch. Oh, come on call a subtle sir. He said you will find the most hated and despicable of people on the Day of Resurrection is due what chain he has two faces. He comes to one person with one face one group and he goes to another with another face. He comes inside the masjid. You see him in the masjid. You see him in his home. And He is a good boy. He is Beloved. Beloved as a good Muslim

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as he is there Asya. But when Bilal goes outside to his friends, he puts the hat on below becomes Billy

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Mohammed becomes mo

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asiyah becomes Asia. And he changes. You thought he was a nice Bilal inside here. And then he goes down to traverse Trafalgar Square. Around 12 o'clock is no Bilaal anymore. There's Billy,

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this is two faces. A lady Yachty. How old are you be watch him, we'll have that up watch. He comes to one group at one face, and to another group with another face. He's a hypocrite.

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He won't tell you about his real self. And so this pagan holiday is set up to confuse you. They say Oh, it's happiness of the new year. It is not the new year. And secondly, when the happiness comes, they drink alcohol.

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When New Year's come, they say take a drink. They have proven now a new study has come out in Canada. And it has shown alcohol is more dangerous to a person than cocaine and heroin. This new study alcohol is more dangerous than cocaine.

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It is more dangerous than heroin. It is drugs in liquid form.

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When you take the drugs when you take the alcohol, it ruins your body. It destroys your liver.

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It destroys your ability to think right? You can't walk straight, you get in the car, you get an accident. The man comes home and he fights his wife. He beats his children, he rapes he cannot see straight. It destroys me then he wants to drink some more alcohol. So he continues he is a drug addict. He is worse than a person on heroin and cocaine. But they will tell you he had no alcohol is a good thing.

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If you have a problem, take a drink. And your problem will go away. It's alive. When you drink the alcohol and become drunk, your problem does not go away. And the next day you have a headache, and your problem is worse.

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So it is a lie and a confusion, which is being spread around in the name of a good season. That is the illusion.

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And so Muslims today are called upon to break the illusion.

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He have to deal with reality. That means when we read the Koran, you need to read it not just as a book that you read for an hour.

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You don't just read it as one of the great scholars of the Sahara Desert used to say you want to be sincere to the court and you need three things. tahseen tilawat, he was the duckburg iottie he was it's by a woman. Three things. You read it in a beautiful way with Tajweed.

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Secondly, to double it, you have to think about it reflect, reflect on the verses don't just read it and put it away. Think about what it said. And finally, it's about our MIDI he you have to follow what it is saying

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you have to follow it.

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So we are at

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A very critical point in our history.

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The life of this world, the dunya is on us. We are suffering from either too much money or too little money.

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We're in extremes. And a lot told us what Malhotra dunya ilimitado. The life of this world is nothing but material deception.

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And so we need to seek refuge in the court and to deal with our present situation. What is the divine formula for our present situation? You need to look at the life of the prophet SAW Selim understand what he did understand the revelation that came. I want to share with you just one section from this divine revelation, which will give us a formula or divine formula to deal with the highest dunya and to deal with the problems we are facing. In surah, two shorter verses 36 to 39. Allah azza wa jal is telling us our Billahi min ash shaytaan the regime for makuti two min Shea in for Metatron hyah to dunya Omar en de la he fader and upca la Vina amanu will allow him to work

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alone while Latina yet ah Tony buena kebab ism well for what his what is our hottie boo homeopathy rune wala de Nesta Jabu lira be him. A commerce salat wa amerihome Shura baina home when Mimara sokhna home Yun FICO wala Xena either a Saba homeopathy, homeopathy rune, this is a divine formula.

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What is inside of this, Allah tells us whatever you are given

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in this world is but enjoyment of this life. But that which is with Allah is better and more lasting. It is for those who believe and put their trust in their Lord, those who avoid the major sins and indecency. And when they are angry, even then they forgive those who respond to the Lord and establish regular prayer and conduct their affairs by mutual consultation. And from what we have given them, they spent and those who went and oppressive wrong is done to them.

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They stand up

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and they defend themselves. This is a divine formula.

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What is it telling us? This is a program for survival.

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We need to survive outside. There is traps waiting for you.

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There are traps of drugs, there are traps of alcohol. There are traps of gambling. There are traps of HIV AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. There are traps of homelessness. There are traps of racism. How can you survive this? Allah subhanaw taala has given us a survival program.

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What is the survival program number one

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to recognize that the life of this world is a deception. Well, Malhotra dunya Illa matar hora. It is a test. We live in the dunya for a short period of time.

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Just a short period of time.

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If a person lives to be 100 years old, that's a long time he lived.

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But compare his 100 years to the next life, which is eternal life. As Allah describes Kali Dena, Fie ha, a button.

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They will live in the next life forever.

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Compare it if you divide the next life divided by the life of this world today. And your answer is zero.

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That the life of this world is nothing the promises seldom said lk yes mandanna nafsa Camila Lima Belgian mote well, McMahon, Akbar enough sahoo ha ha. What's Amanda Allah Hi, Amanda. The process of them said lk. Yes, the intelligent person is the one who controls himself. And he works for the life after death. You see the long one. But the muck, the idiot, the fool is the one who lets himself go. And then he hopes Allah will forgive him and yet he's a fool

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because this life is only short. The next life

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That is the real life.

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That is the real time of existence. Our existence here is a short time,

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but we are fooled in it. And so Allah tells us, whatever you have been given in this world, it is Metallica to dunya.

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But the debt which is with Allah will last eternally. If you do something for Allah, you spend in the path of Allah, you give your life for Allah, you do something that will last forever. The money you spend here is you spend it is gone.

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You buy something in, it's gone. You buy new pants, you buy new shoes, you buy a new cell phone, and you put it down, somebody steals your cell phone,

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or you drop your cell phone, it's gone, it's in the water is destroyed. That's how the life and the highest to dunya is. Secondly, in the survival program, the condition for the benefit in the survival program is two things. Allah Xena amanu it is a man and tobacco

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that you believe in Allah and you depend upon Allah subhanaw taala these are conditions.

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Number three,

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the further qualities is Chenab, Al kabaya.

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staying away from the major sins, stay away from shirk.

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polytheism I see her magic, staying away from eating interest

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eating the wealth of orphans

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accusing innocent Muslim women of wrong deeds running away on the battlefield.

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Al Qaeda is study Allah Tobias. Allah is saying this is the survival program. If you want to survive here, find out what the Cabal are and stay away from them.

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Next, Allah tells us avoid alpha Hush. Stay away from indecency and immorality. Look at what the society is giving to you. You look at the billboard it has nakedness. You turn on the television nakedness. On the internet nakedness. You watch the movie and they fall in love. They're fighting aliens out in space, and they fall in love. They're playing cricket and soccer and somebody falls in love. They're fighting our animals, they fall in love. Why do they always fall in love? Why?

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Think about it, why in every movie, they must fall in love. It's erotica. It's from arrows, which is one of the gods of the Greeks. It is to make you think of your animal self, to keep you on the level of an animal like a dog.

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It keeps you on an animal level. So you cannot think about Allah. That is the reason why Islam tells us You should dress properly, lower the gaze, purify yourself, protect yourself, not just women, men also have to protect themselves. They have to dress properly, they have to lower their gaze. And by doing that, you will be protected. I was living in South Africa for 10 years.

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And in some parts of South Africa, one out of every three of the population is HIV positive. one of three.

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How is it being spread?

01:03:43 --> 01:03:46

Because people do not protect themselves.

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It spreads through zinna through adultery and fornication.

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And when they do that the punishment comes and so staying away from alpha Hush. Avoid in decencies and that does not just mean don't commit adultery.

01:04:06 --> 01:04:12

Allah subhanaw taala tells us while that Takata bozena in the who kennefa he shuttin was such a sybilla

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do not come close to Xena. He didn't say don't do it. He said Don't come near it.

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So if there's something that leads you to it, avoid it, because that is the trap that the evil one wants you to fall in. You fall in the trap and you have an unwanted pregnancy. You have sexual transmitted diseases, your life is ruined. Your future is destroyed. For a few minutes of pleasure. Well, Mel hayata dunya illa metalphoto

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The next point is an interesting point. And we need this today. It says Who are the people who will survive? It is those that when they are angry

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They forgive

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what he thought had the bhumika feed on.

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If we get angry, we want to destroy somebody.

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We are angry. And we say No, he's not in my school of thought. He's not in my Islamic movement. He dubbed my chef is not his chef. He's not my tribe. He's not my nation, he doesn't speak my language. And so we get angry, and we lose control of ourselves. When you are angry at the point of God, forgive them,

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forgive them. That is the example of the prophet SAW seldom when he went to a doctor if they stoned him.

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They stoned him until the blood ran down in his sentence.

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And the angel of the mountain came to him and said, I will destroy this people in words. And the process of them said, do not destroy them. Maybe there's somebody amongst them, who will worship a lot one God and not associate partners. And he lived to see the people of a thought if come into Islam in crowds, they came in large numbers he lived to see this, he forgave them.

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So Muslim, number one, we need to forgive each other.

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You need to see another Muslim, he does something different to you. He says something against you forgive him. That is the way of Islam

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have mercy upon each other.

01:06:34 --> 01:06:41

We will have to embrace people who come from another culture. Some of them are enemies,

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and you have to embrace them.

01:06:45 --> 01:06:51

It is reported in the 13th century, that among goals, Alma Hall,

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they came into the Muslim world and they killed millions of people.

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They would come to a city and cut off all the people's heads and put it in a pile

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and a lot of raised up sayfudine gatos, from Egypt, he united the Muslims, and they defeated the Mongols and Angel loot.

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But after they defeated the Mongols, they gave Dawa to the Mongols, and some of the Mongols became Muslims. So now they had to embrace people who murdered them.

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But some of these Mongols became great leaders in Islam.

01:07:35 --> 01:07:47

That is the forgiveness that is our message we do not judge people. It is Allah azza wa jal who will judge, Allah knows what is in the heart of a person. Our job is to give the message

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when they are angry, they forgive.

01:07:53 --> 01:07:59

The next point is killing my job Jamia? It says well, laziness the job only or be him

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is the job they respond to the Lord. When you hear something, you learn some new things respond to it.

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You learn a new part of the Sunnah, put it in your life.

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You get knowledge from the court and put it into your life. tahseen talathi with the double iottie it by our money, follow it. Don't just say Oh, that was a good speech. That was a beautiful idea. Put it in your life. If Allah said don't do it, don't do it.

01:08:34 --> 01:09:13

If Allah said Do it, do it. respond to your Lord, respond and all the things. And then Allah tells us a comet is salaat they establish prayers in their life, not just on special occasions. They establish a regular rhythm of salaat in their life. They don't base this a lot on their job. They make sure they have a time to make their prayers. If they're at school. If there are jobs wherever they are, they establish the law. Number eight. Shura.

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Shura baina home, they establish consultation. They talk to each other. Many of the problems in our families is because the husband does not talk to his wife. He will not talk to his wife. He stays out a long period of time with the brothers in the coffee shop.

01:09:38 --> 01:09:41

Some people they chew in their cart, they chew the chat

01:09:43 --> 01:09:47

and he chews and he comes home after 24 hours from chewing.

01:09:49 --> 01:09:56

And he doesn't say anything nice to his family. He comes in he does not talk to his wife. He does not kiss his children.

01:09:57 --> 01:09:59

He does not bring milk because he's chewing the coffee.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

Like a drug addict,

01:10:04 --> 01:10:21

he doesn't have the love in his heart. The problem is sure, if his wife said, I want to talk, sit down with your wife and take Sure, listen to her position. Maybe she has something to say to you, which is better than what you know.

01:10:22 --> 01:10:38

Even the prophet SAW Selim took sure with his wives. It is reported on selama rhodiola one ha and many of the of the Sahaba yet the wives the process Allah they would give him Shura. They would give him advice, he takes the advice

01:10:39 --> 01:11:04

Shura. So we need to talk our families we need to talk to each other. Parents need to talk to these young children talk to the young people. They speak a different language. These young kids they play with it with the with the computer and the cell phone. There's a new generation I was born in what they call bc sounds like it means before computers

01:11:06 --> 01:11:11

or you could say I was born in in B FB before Facebook.

01:11:13 --> 01:11:24

This new generation now with with computers and Facebook, they think in a different way. So we need to take shorter with them because they know some things we don't know.

01:11:25 --> 01:11:39

So take sure what the young people ask them what they need. What is their opinion what do they need to solve their problem? Don't just tell them take shorter the good Amir take shorter what is Gemma

01:11:40 --> 01:11:49

and then he follows the best decision. It is reported that when the machine Akina kodesh came to Medina they were attacking Medina

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