Abdullah Hakim Quick – Audacity Of Hope Aaic 2008

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the significance of "IT" in the early-aching period, including its impact on women's clothing and the transfer of knowledge from culture to modernity. The speakers also touch on the importance of the Bible and its significance in the early-aching period, but the dialogue is not related to any specific topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa shawanda ilaha illAllah Walia Salim I shadow under Mohammed Abdullah who was solo Hartman and BIA, he will mousseline.

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Allahumma salli, wa sallam Allah Abdi kawada zuleika, Mohammed Ali wasafi edge, my robot, all praises due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. And surely Allah is the friend and protector of the righteous.

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And I bear witness that Allah is one and has no partners that Mohammed the son of Abdullah, is a servant and his last messenger and we are constantly and always send peace and blessings to Mohammed, to his family to his companions to all those who call to his way and establish his surrender to the day of judgment as to what follows my beloved brothers and sisters of salaam aleikum, wa rahmatullah.

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Alhamdulillah. It is a great pleasure to be with you, after many years. And I pray that Allah would bless this community and I could see your beautiful faces over and over again. And that Allah would give you the type of trophy, the type of success that would make you successful not only in this life, but in the Hereafter, I bring you special salaams from down under,

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not down under in Australia, but down under in South Africa.

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And we are in the southern part of that hemisphere. And we are living in an area of despair and hope.

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There is much despair in the land. There is disease stalking tuberculosis and the pandemic of HIV AIDS in some parts of South Africa and Botswana and Lesotho and some other parts one out of every three in the population is HIV positive.

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And so the crisis is real. The present is the dee dee dee struggle is right, in the immediate circumstances that people are facing

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poverty, there is inequality. But at the same time, there is hope. And even though people are dying from the pandemic,

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there is no

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equality yet achieved in the society. There is still light at the end of the tunnel, people are still living their lives they are going on, they are struggling and they are hoping and praying for something better.

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In the case of Muslims globally, Muslims now all over the planet. And everywhere in the world, most of the major cities in the world. You will find Muslims, especially on Friday and more especially on Good Friday. Although every Friday is good, because the Prophet peace be upon him has told us this is the best day in which the sun has arisen. That is the day of Juma.

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But you will find masjids crowded, you will find Muslims living in strategic positions, you will find Muslim Muslim economies rising, you will find us living in countries that control much of the mineral wealth on the face of the planet Earth.

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And so with this, these hierarchies with these blessings that Muslims have been given in the life of this world, no doubt they would be a reaction.

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What we are seeing in the world and Muslims are feeling pressure. We feel it in South Africa. I was recently in the United States. I went to ground zero in New York City and felt the tension in the city of New York and on the east coast.

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Muslims are feeling this all over the planet.

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And many would feel that this is something special to us that we have caused this but no. In some opinions, it is a clash of civilizations. Samuel Huntington in his well known work, said it was a clash of three great civilizations of the Confucian civilizations, those in China and Southeast Asia.

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And secondly, the Western powers and they looked at the Western powers not as just Europe or America but Europe, Europe, America and Russia. And the third force they saw was the world of Islam.

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But in reality, it is not really a clash of civilizations, and this is really a figment of huntingtons mind. Because European civilization is the child of our civilizations. What I would say is that it's not a clash of civilizations.

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But it is the rise and fall of civilizations, we are witnessing the decline of the Western powers. And this decline is coming socially. It is turning, turning into an economic decline. There is a major recession that is on.

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And eventually it will turn into a political decline.

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At the same time the Muslim world is on the rise. Our numbers are rising, our consciousness is rising, although we are still not getting what we want out of our political situations and out of our societies, the more we travel and the more we look at the state of Muslims today, we recognize there are so many young people who are returning to their faith. So many people are accepting Islam, that this, no doubt is the rise of Islamic civilization. It's like a person who was sleeping and we were sleeping for a few centuries. And when you get up from your sleep, the first moment, you're a little groggy. You don't know which way to go, Should I turn to the left? I'm not sure what I will

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do until the consciousness comes back. And so similarly, Muslims are facing this feeling of grogginess. We're not sure about what our faith has to say, How can we practice Islam in the 21st century? But even with this, we are on the rise. And we need to seek refuge in the words of Allah azza wa jal, especially in these critical moments, it is always important for us to return to the book of Allah Subhana when we are in difficulties, and uncertain and file verse 29. Allah subhanaw taala tells us EU Billahi min ash shaytani regime? Yeah, you had Latina, Manu intertanko La Jolla, Allah como con while you cafe uncom se e article, where you have to feel like home will last for the

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Adi Allah tells us Oh you who believe if you obey and fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion to judge between right and wrong. And he will release you from your sins and forgive you. And Allah is the most bounteous is the possessor of great bouncing.

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Your mama show county rahima Hola. Looked at this verse. And it's interesting to see how the great scholars looked at this because the important word in here for us is for Khan,

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that if we have the consciousness of Allah, if we have Taqwa l Helfer Raja, we fear Allah, we hope in the mercy of Allah and that with Paya that shield is around us in these difficult circumstances. Allah subhanaw taala would grant us a fork on

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that which separates a hot mineral bottle that which separates truth from falsehood. And we are so in need of that today, especially in the times that we are living in when people have the ability to make what is true seem false, and to make what is false, appear to be true.

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But the man Rahim Allah brought some other interesting points.

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Number one, that this for a con also means sabbats and kulu.

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waku Watson bossa nova were hostile hedaya

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three important elements, that Allah would grant us if we had his consciousness, if we keep in mind, the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all that we do the battle loop, that our hearts will become strong,

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and fixed in these times of difficulty. But secondly, also to what's bizarre is that if we have the consciousness of Allah, that we would have insight, that we could look at our environment and the situations around us, not just superficially, but we can begin to see inside of the issues, we can begin to see what is behind the news media flashes, what is behind the curriculums in the educational systems, and finally, that we would gain and be blessed by hostile hedaya that we would get the best of guidance from Allah subhanaw taala

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and surely in these times, we are in need for our hearts to be strong, and our eyes to see through the issues and we are so much in need of the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala the mom also showed us that this consciousness will give us a najat Min, Colima Takapuna it will be a way of escape from everything that you fear because if we realize that this life is

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Temporary, that there will be a transition and the life of from Allah subhanaw taala.

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And surely in these times, we are in need for our hearts to be strong, and our eyes to see through the issues and we are so much in need of the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala. The mom also showed us that this consciousness will give us a najat min coonley mata falcoda it will be a way of escape from everything that you fear, because if we realize that this life is temporary, that there will be a transition and the life of this world that we are living in for 20 years or 30 years or 50 or 80 is nothing in comparison to the next life where we will live there forever. Holly Dena, Fie ha Abaddon,

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we will live there forever.

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And so if we are in touch with that transition, and the fact that this life is leading to another one or greater one, and we hold on to the rope of Allah azza wa jal in this time, then the fear would leave our hearts, the fear of material things, the fear of poverty,

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the fear of success in higher to dunya. And we would realize there is a greater world, and the real success is yet to come.

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The example of the Prophet Mohammed alayhi salatu salam is a shining example, that we should keep in front of our eyes. And as we are in these times of difficulty, times where it appears that doors are closing on us. And people are calling us names. They are calling us fundamentalists are terrorists. And now, they say Islamists,

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they make up something every few months. Islam is twisting words around, trying to give the wrong image. This is something which was faced by our beloved prophet alayhi salatu salam.

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And it is reported in the first few years of Mecca. In the most difficult times when Rasulullah saw seldom did not have many companions. He was calling to the belief in one God, he was calling for people to break down their tribalism, to accept another person not based on tribal identity, but to accept that person based on their taqwa not based on color, not based on wealth, but based on their relationship with the Creator of the heavens and the earth. And followers came to him mainly from the underclass living there in Mecca.

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And it is reported that the leadership of the Quraysh leadership of Mecca at that time gathered together in their house of representatives. And they had a think tank, a situation room to discuss what should we do with this man? What should we do with him? He's calling people and he's having some success, and we need to stamp him out. And different opinions arising Should we try to kill him? No. Can you Hashem is there. He has a tribe, which can which could reap their revenge upon us. We should not take a step such as this. But then the word come out why don't we say something against it?

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Why don't we put out a negative image like image like today we call propaganda.

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Why don't we demonize him, so that people will not accept the message. So although he is there, they will not accept him because his name has been demonized, and he will just his name and his presence will strike fear in the hearts of those who wants to accept the message. And so they gather together with Al Walid, even Alma Vieira,

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they gather together and they try to figure out some strategies. The same way today, they try to figure out new words to say about Muslims some way to give a bad image, some new movie to put out. So that's a confused the younger generation. And they said, Well, maybe we should call him shy. Let's say that he's a poet. Because this court and this words that he's saying is having such an impact. If we say he's a poet, then he's nothing much than just the poets who come in our time and they have beautiful speech, but they're really tricking people. But Allah will lead in consistency with the Arab tradition at that time, and they were honest people although they were living in giant

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ear, they would they were honest inside of themselves. And he said, No, we cannot say he is Sharia, because we know our poetry. And this court and these things, he said, it does not rhyme

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In the same way that our poetry, it doesn't have that rhythm, so we cannot use this. So they said, Okay, if we cannot say is a poet, then why don't we say he is a cannon?

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Let's say that he's a wizard. And he's doing formulas and he's producing some kind of magic spell to put on people. But I will lead said, No, we cannot say that because he doesn't have the system of the carrier. We know what he's gonna do. We we know they're the way they set their formulas and they go around the Kaaba, and No, he doesn't, he doesn't do that. So we cannot say he's a wizard.

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Then they said, okay, maybe we'll say he's Majnoon. He's crazy. He's out of his mind. How could it be calling to one God? How can we unite all of our idols and and go against our family's tradition? But then our lead said, No, we cannot say he has Majnoon because he doesn't have the thick the gurgling and DDD, body motions and the strange nervousness of a person who's Majnoon. So we cannot say that he's crazy. He doesn't act like a person who's crazy. Then they said, Okay, then let's say he saw his

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let's say he's a magician. But all Waleed again said no, we can't say even that he's a magician, because he's not blowing in knots. He's not doing the the the magical formulas of the Sahara that we know. So they came to impasse. And they said, So what can we do? If we cannot say this? Well, let's decide on something. So finally, they agreed, yes, we'll say he is sired.

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He's a magician, because he breaks up families. The mother and father will be broken up from the child, that child will accept Islam and the parents refuse. The father accepts and the mother refuses and the family gets broken up. So maybe we'll call him a magician. So in the same way, that we are hearing these names, it was also said about the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. But he continued his message, he continued on with even more intensity. And instead of running away from his opposition, he would run to his opposition,

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he would go forward to the tribes that were coming into Mecca, and to teach the people and to show them

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the true message of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And it is reported in these dark days, these difficult times

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that Rasulullah saw Sallam would go to the people and he would teach them the message and certain individuals would come in back of him. And he would teach them for a period of time. And then they would say, leave this man. A number of people would do this, Abu Jamal would do it. Abu lahab would do it. But there was a person in particular,

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who would carry on and he would shy and jive the property would bother him and his name was alas Ebony while savvy

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and he would say about the Prophet peace be upon him a very hurtful thing. After the Prophet was finished, you would say leave this man he is.

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He is a person, he is a man who will not he doesn't have any male offsprings.

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And in the tribal society, the patriarchal tribal society of the time, it was crucial to have male offsprings to protect the family to, to to bring in wealth, and also that the name would would continue through our births and his praises would be sung in the different camps and in the tents outside of the city. And so to say that you are avatar means that you're ridiculous, you have no future, there is no hope inside of you. And this, of course, hurt the Prophet peace be upon him. It's something as a human being. He felt the pain of this because in this society, this is one of the worst things that you could say about an Arab event at the time. And during these dark days, the

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prophet SAW seldom, as was, as reported to us in our traditions. One night he smiled, he laughed in his sleep and his wife asked him what is it that's making you smile? And he said tonight, a chapter was revealed to me.

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And he showed her and he showed her the revelation that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed to him Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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in our Thai narco cosa, for solely lira beaker one house in Shani, aka who will avatar Allah subhanaw taala revealed, lo we have given you an abundance. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice. Verily, it is your insult. He will be cut off for suddenly lira become one house in Shani, aka who will ever

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Allah subhanaw taala revealed, lo, we have given you an abundance, so pray to your Lord and sacrifice. Verily, it is your insult, he will be cut off.

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And so this verse of 10,

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this chapter of 10 words, it is the smallest chapter in the court ad. And this is a standing miracle that was revealed to the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. And when we look at this today, it's probably one of the chapters, which is most memorized by Muslims is the shortest one in the Quran. And we can almost say everybody has half of this sorta,

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but the miracle of it, and this is the miracle of the court. And even though it is the shortest source, the tiniest set of words, it has a meaning, which is going on and on and on, and it is opening up and up until today, it still goes on, and it will never end until the Day of Resurrection. What is in this tiny verse, revealed by the Creator of the heavens in the earth?

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being from the Arab tribes, one of the leaders, he was saying, the prophet is epitaph. You are cut off you are you you don't have any male children, you don't have a future. But Allah revealed in utter inocle costard. We have given you all Mohammed Salah salam, Al cosa,

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which the Prophet peace be upon him described as a river in paradise. Its liquid is sweeter than the sweetest honey. It is cold as ice wider than the widest milk. It pours into a watering place on hold, which will be there in the Day of Resurrection.

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And this is a beautiful gift given by Allah subhanaw taala. But also in the word calsoft. There is a castle that it is set up from that form, which gives an open meaning and so we could say an abundance thoroughly we have given you an abundance for suddenly Lera beaker one heart

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and so you should pray to your Lord and sacrifice in the Shani aka the one who insults you and attacks you who

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he is the one

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who will be cut off. Look at the miracle of this verse.

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Number one out costar is given to the Prophet peace be upon him.

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This is an abundance. And when the great companions of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam looked at this word they realized from their understanding and the understanding of the Prophet peace be upon him that this word The meaning is mutlak. It is very Roma Jude, it is an open word. You have been given an abundance of new Buddha. You have been given a Prophethood You are the final prophet and your oma will be the largest oma on the Day of Resurrection. Cancer, Dr. Oz hop. You have followers and companions from all different nations and imagine this man begins in the Arabian Peninsula. There is nobody but his wife, Khadija rhodiola Juana, nobody else in the world. Now over 1.6 billion

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Muslims, all colors, all races, all nationalities, it is reaching the far north, the frozen north, deep down in the south, in the Sahara, in the deserts, in the mountains, parts of the world that we never thought would hear Islam now in America, or in Central America and Mexico, Spanish speaking people, Hispanics coming into Islam, we never thought with the Catholicism and the alcohol and the pork that they would ever enter into Islam with a negative image given about Muslims in Andalusia.

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But by the mercy of Allah Hispanics are coming into large argument coming into Islam in large numbers in the outside knuckle Kossoff for suddenly little before one chapter tell us how

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all different parts of the world we have never seen the Prophet peace be upon him.

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We don't speak Arabic for the most part, Arabic speaking people are minority in the Muslim world. The Korean is revealed in Arabic, but yet people who don't speak that this this language are coming in memorizing the Quran, some of them memorize from one side to the other, every single letter committed to memory and he doesn't speak Arabic. This is a miracle. There is no other book, no other Testament in the history of humanity that

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has been put into the hearts and minds of men and women, as the book of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Also just in the Kela itself, La ilaha illAllah, just the neck, Kelly Ma, it is it is a meeting that can go on and on and on and on, and the Prophet peace be upon him. When he gave this message, he struggled. And then he sent the letters to the kings. And eventually people started to answer to these letters. Even the powerful people in the world have to submit to this. And so Islam then broke barriers. Within 100 years, Islam had spread to the east and to the west into China, all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, far into the north into the Russian mountains, Deep South down into the East African coastline, in over 100 years, no conqueror, no Julius Caesar, no Alexander the Great.

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No conqueror in history has ever done anything like this. And in most cases, it was not a military spread the military, our confrontation was when the attack from the Roman Empire came, or the attack from the Persian Empire. But for the most part, it was business people. It was wanderers, and travelers and scholars, who were taking this message to different parts of the world, spreading it to the people, people seeing through their character, seeing through the interpersonal relationship, through the beauty of this message, that this was not just the Arabs message. It was something for all of humanity. And so Islam broke barriers of civilization. It broke barriers of culture that have

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never been broken before, in human history, in the outer inocle casa, for suddenly little bigger one.

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Prophet peace be upon him, had a message of inclusion

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tawheed itself is inclusion. All of the gods should be one. We should not separate our concept of the Creator of the heavens and the earth realize the universe is one our Creator is one. But also it includes all of humanity.

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We are not separate beings. There are no superior human beings, and inferior. We're all part of the same family, children, children of Adam and how wha la masala.

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This message also carried the inclusion of knowledge. And the Prophet peace be upon him told his followers elec Allah hikma da little moment, that wisdom is the last property of the believer, anywhere he finds it. He is the most deserving of this. And so they gathered the knowledge of the ancient once the knowledge of the ancient Romans, Middle Eastern people, of the Egyptians, of India, China, other parts of Africa, of the Greeks and the Roman. And they put things together in a towhee Deck form, inclusion form, recognizing the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and the limitless power of Allah azza wa jal and applying this understanding to the natural world, they were able to

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take this knowledge and put it in a modern form.

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And so when we go back to the Renaissance period, because many of you may read in your books, that Europe had a great Renaissance period, that after the Roman Empire, the lights went out, and it was the Dark Ages. And they stayed out till about the 15th or 16th century, that suddenly with the knowledge of the Greeks and the Romans that lights went on, and knowledge was back. This is alive.

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The lights were out, maybe in secular Europe, but the lights were on for the Muslims. It was the golden age of Islam.

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And so the Renaissance, and we can challenge the Renaissance historians. The Renaissance is not the rebirth of knowledge in Europe, from the Greeks and the Romans. But the Renaissance is really

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the translation

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of the continuation of knowledge that had reached a new height in Islamic civilization. And when we go back to Andalusia, especially and we see the transfer of knowledge in Europe, with the great scholars of Europe and other parts of the world would come to Toledo and Cordoba, and Seville and Valencia in Granada. And they would come and they would learn and they would sit at the feet of great scholars and not only Muslim scholars. It was the golden age.

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of Jewish literature. Even more and Maimonides lived under Islamic rule during the golden age of Islam, Christians also were not forced into Islam, and could actually study and take it back to their people. And so this was the Renaissance. And when you trace the different facets of knowledge coming up, you trace where math came up, you trace with a literature, where astronomy, were medicine. And you will see in the same area, where it rose up amongst the Europeans on the translation

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of the continuation of knowledge that had reached a new height in Islamic civilization. And when we go back to Andalusia, especially, and we see the transfer of knowledge in Europe, where the great scholars of Europe and other parts of the world would come to Toledo, and Cordoba, and Seville, and Valencia and Granada. And they would come and they would learn, and they would sit at the feet of great scholars, and not only Muslim scholars, it was the golden age of Jewish literature. Even more Maimonides, lived under Islamic rule during the golden age of Islam. Christians also, were not forced into Islam, and could actually study and take it back to their people. And so this was the

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Renaissance. And when you trace the different facets of knowledge coming up, you trace where mass came up, you trace with a literature where astronomy were medicine. And you will see in the same area where it rose up amongst the European scholars. That was where the Muslims were. And so it wasn't a rebirth of knowledge. It was translation.

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It was a translation period. And if you go into the history books, you'll find that the kings and queens in Europe are spending most of their time burning witches.

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1000s of women were burnt at the stake,

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because they were a threat to the society. They were a threat to Rome.

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The reality was, it was the Muslims during that period. And so they found the people counting in a Baptists and Roman numbers and they said no zero. This is an ancient construct. In ancient Egypt, you find the temple of Saqqara, you will find the use of zero.

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And you will find this 2300 BC.

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In ancient India, the Hindus were also using zero. And so zero the concept was taken by the Muslims, zero is cifa it is an Arabic word. And so the modern day mathematical system came directly out of Muslim achievements, algebra from Java,

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calculus, trigonometry, you will continue to go on to chemistry from alchemy alchemia, an Arabic word in Arabic and concepts from the Muslims, the scientific method,

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the historical method, and you will continue to go on through most of what is now the sciences in academia. And you will find at the root of the sciences during the golden age of Islam, there are Muslims with a tawheed ik understanding,

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who put it together in a modern form. And so we can say,

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looking at these companions, who took the message directly from Allah subhanaw taala. Through the last message messenger Mohammed Ali Sato Salam al hikma, Darla Woodman, that this wisdom is lost property of a believer, take it from everywhere, do it in submission to Allah subhanaw taala. And so really, this is in response to the commands of the Prophet peace be upon him is a response to the the message that came through him. So the Renaissance period is really a blessing that came through the prophet Mohammed Ali sotto Salaam, and it was not for his message, there would be no Renaissance period, there would be no modern chemistry, be no modern math, there would be no modern medicine.

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There would be no universities as we have them. No observatories. All of this came to this man who was living in the desert, who did not have this knowledge did not have the science. But yet the Creator of the heavens and the earth, opened up on him, opened up and streamed through him to humanity,

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and amount of knowledge which has given us the ability to do things that people could never dream of doing in the past. This is in response to the Prophet peace be upon him in dynaco, Casa for suddenly the Rebecca one ha, we have given you O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa, Sallam and abundance So pray to your Lord

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And sacrifice in the Shani aka who will attach? Who is cut off?

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Let's go back and look at the miracle of this. Alaska was a big man of a well known person in Mecca. Who was this little man talking about one God, he is us he has sons. But who of us know this name of us? Nobody knows his name.

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The only way that we would know his name is from his son. So you don't even know us for the lawn or his grandson abdulai even Amma even the last one the last one. No, that's the only we know Alice's name. So who is cut off he is the one who was cut off in the Shani aka who will apttus look at the miracle of this verse.

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But now the man that you made fun of he has no future. His name will not be remembered in the tense of the Arabs.

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When they took a recent census of the names on Earth, they found that the most common name on earth is Mohammed.

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It is the most common name on earth la after salatu wa tesni.

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Muslims named themselves Mohammed which other society names themselves after one man. The Christians don't name themselves after Jesus. Well, some of the Spanish say hey, Seuss, but they don't name themselves. The Jews don't name themselves that much after Moses. How many people are named Julius or Caesar?

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Even Alexander it's limited. But the Muslims they will say Mohammed, Mohammed, I know one brother is from the Sudan, Mohammed.

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So he's to Mohammed.

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And another brother, his name is Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed, three

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in his name,

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and so kept it up to the Quran.

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So much his name is remembered now, all over the face of the planet Earth. And every society you go to, you will find somebody named Mohammed says, everywhere on Earth. So who was the one who was cut off?

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It is not the Prophet Allah is such a slob, it is on us. Because nobody knows him or even cares about him. That is the miracle in these 10 words, just 10 the smallest chapter in the Quran. It is an abundance, which is continuing and continuing. And now they're saying The Big Bang Theory is in the court. And they are seeing now in physics, quantum physics. They have seen the court and is speaking to even problems, social problems, economic problems, political problems, it has the answer for a wide spectrum of the problems that humanity is facing on this earth.

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And so we thank Allah subhanaw taala, for the blessing of being Muslim, that we have part of this inheritance of an kasar. And in these dark days that we are living in, we need the greater picture. Look to the greater picture. When they try to put you down, remember who you represent. When they tried to say negative things about you remember where we are coming from and where we are going. We are a young nation, we have a dynamic message. We have revelation that is alive. We have the example of the greatest of the prophets, to guide us in our affairs. But it means that we would have to live up to this message. We have to re analyze our understanding of Islam and our understanding of

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ourselves as Muslims. Remember to heed inclusion.

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We have to start looking at each other in a different way. Don't look at another person and their color.

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Don't look at the number say a brother sister. Where do you come from?

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What language do you speak? Which tribe are you?

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Which nation are you?

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What kind of car do you drive? Some young people were what cell phone you have?

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Some fullest Muslims, we will even ask you which astral astrological sign are you?

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None of these manmade confusions we need to look at each other for the taqwa our little Qibla of the eldest son Noah jamaah. We are the JAMA the largest group to the Day of Resurrection. And one of the companions God urban Abdullah de la one.

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They asked him about his relationship with the Prophet peace be upon him he said they are to Rasulullah saw solemn Allah economist salat wa he is a cat oneness. liquidly Muslim.

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He said I have taken the pledge to the Prophet peace be upon him to establish prayer, establish the giving of charities accounts, and to give sincerity and advice and support to every Muslim

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Luckily Muslim, he didn't say Muslim araby

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tells us Oh you who believe. If you obey and fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion to judge between right and wrong. And he will release you from your sins and forgive you. And Allah is the most bounteous is the possessor of great bounty.

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Mr. Michelle county Rahim Allah looked at this verse and it's interesting to see how the great scholars looked at this because the important word in here for us is for con.

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That if we have the consciousness of Allah, if we have Taqwa l for Raja, we fear Allah, we hope in the mercy of Allah and that will hire that shield is around us in these difficult circumstances. Allah subhanaw taala would grant us a for

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that which separates a hot mineral bottle, that which separates truth from falsehood. And we are so in need of that today, especially in the times that we are living in when people have the ability to make what is true seem false, and to make what is false, appear to be true.

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But the man Rahim Allah brought some other interesting points.

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Number one, that this farrakhan also means, Sebastian kulu

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waku Watson basa hostal hedaya

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three important elements, that Allah would grant us if we had his consciousness, if we keep in mind, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and all that we do the battle loop, that our hearts will become strong,

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and fixed in these times of difficulty. But secondly, also put some facade that if we have the consciousness of Allah, that we would have insight, that we could look at our environment and the situation's around us, not just superficially, but we can begin to see inside of the issues, we can begin to see what is behind the news media flashes, what is behind the curriculums and the educational systems and finally, that we would gain and be blessed by hostile hedaya that we would get the best of guidance from Allah subhanaw taala.

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And surely in these times, we are in need for our hearts to be strong, and our eyes to see through the issues and we are so much in need of the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala the mom also showed us that this consciousness will give us a najat Min, Colima Takapuna it will be a way of escape from everything that you fear. Because if we realize that this life is temporary, that there will be a transition and the life of from Allah subhanaw taala.

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And surely in these times, we are in need for our hearts to be strong, and our eyes to see through the issues and we are so much in need of the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala the Imam also showed us that this consciousness will give us a najat min coonley mata falcoda it will be a way of escape from everything that you fear. Because if we realize that this life is temporary, that there will be a transition and the life of this world that we are living in for 20 years or 30 years or 50 or 80 is nothing in comparison to the next life where we will live there forever. Holly Dena Fie ha Abaddon,

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we will live there forever.

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And so if we are in touch with that transition, and the fact that this life is leading to another one or greater one, and we hold on to the rope of Allah azza wa jal in this time, then the fear would leave our hearts, the fear of material things, the fear of poverty,

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the fear of success in higher to dunya. And we would realize there is a greater world and the real success is yet to come.

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The example of the Prophet Mohammed alayhi salatu salam is a shining example that we should keep in front of our eyes. And as we are in these times of difficulty, times where it appears that doors are closing on us. And people are calling us names. They are calling us fundamentalists are terrorists. And now they say Islamists

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they make up something every few months. Islam is

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twisting words around, trying to give the wrong image. This is something which was faced by our beloved prophet alayhi salatu salam.

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And it is reported in the first few years of Mecca. In the most difficult times when Rasulullah saw seldom did not have many companions, he was calling to the belief in one God, he was calling for people to break down their tribalism, to accept another person, not based on tribal identity, but to accept that person based on their taqwa not based on color, not based on wealth, but based on the relationship with the Creator of the heavens in the earth. And followers came to him, mainly from the underclass living there in Mecca.

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And it is reported that the leadership of the Quraysh leadership of Mecca at that time gathered together in their house of representatives. And they had a think tank, a situation room to discuss what should we do with this man? What should we do with him? He's calling people and he's having some success, and we need to stamp him out. And different opinions arising? Should we try to kill him? No, then who Hashem is there? He has a tribe, which can which could reap their revenge upon us. We should not take a step such as this. But then the word come out, why don't we say something against it?

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Why don't we put out a negative image like image like today we call propaganda.

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Why don't we demonize him, so that people will not accept the message. So although he is there, they will not accept him because his name has been demonized. And he will just his name and his presence will strike fear in the hearts of those who wants to accept the message. And so they gathered together with our lead, even Alma Vieira,

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they gathered together and they tried to figure out some strategies. The same way today, they try to figure out new words, to say about Muslims some way to give a bad image, some new movie to put out. So it's a confused the younger generation. And they said, Well, maybe we should call him shy. Let's say that he's a poet. Because this court and this words that he's saying is having such an impact. If we say he's a poet, that is nothing much than just the poets who come in our time, and they have beautiful speech, but they're really tricking people. But Allah will lead in consistency with the Arab tradition at that time. And they were honest people, although they were living in giant ear,

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they were they were honest inside of themselves. And he said, No, we cannot say he is Sharia. Because we know our poetry. And this court and these things, he said, it does not rhyme in the same way that our poetry, it doesn't have that rhythm. So we cannot use this. So they said, Okay, if we cannot say he's a poet, then why don't we say he is a cannon?

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Let's say that he's a wizard. And he's doing formulas and he's producing some kind of magic spell to put on people. But I will lead said, No, we cannot say that because he doesn't have the system of the carrier. We know what he's gonna do. We we know they're the way they set their formulas and they go around the Kaaba, and No, he doesn't, he doesn't do that. So we cannot say he's a wizard.

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Then they said, okay, maybe we'll say he's Majnoon. He's crazy. He's out of his mind. How could it be calling to one God? How can we unite all of our idols and and go against our family's tradition? But then our lead said, No, we cannot say he has Majnoon because he doesn't have the thick the gurgling and DDD, body motions and the strange nervousness of a person who's made known. So we cannot say that he's crazy. He doesn't act like a person who's crazy. Then they said, Okay, then let's say he sat here.

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Let's say he's a magician. But alwaleed again said, No, we can't say even that he's a magician, because he's not blowing in knots. He's not doing the the the magical formulas of the Sahara that we know. So they came to impasse. And they said, So what can we do? If we cannot say this? Well, let's decide on something. So finally, they agreed, yes, we'll say he is sired.

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He's a magician because he breaks up families. The mother and father will be broken up from the child, that child will accept Islam and the parents refuse. The father accepts and the mother refuses and the family gets broken up. So maybe we'll call him a magician. So in the same way, that we are hearing these names

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It was also said about the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. But he continued his message, he continued on with even more intensity. And instead of running away from his opposition, he would run to his opposition,

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he would go forward to the tribes that were coming into Mecca, and to teach the people and to show them

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the true message of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And it is reported in these dark days, these difficult times

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that Rasulullah saw Salaam would go to the people and he would teach them the message and certain individuals would come in back of him. And he would teach them for a period of time. And then they would say, leave this man. A number of people would do this, Abu Jamal would do it. Abu lahab would do it. But there was a person in particular

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who would carry on and he would giant giant, the property would bother him and his name was alas Ebony while samish. And he would say about the Prophet peace be upon him a very hurtful thing. After the Prophet was finished, you would say leave this man he is.

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He is a person, he is a man who will not he doesn't have any male offsprings.

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And in the tribal society, the patriarchal tribal society of the time, it was crucial to have male offsprings to protect the family to, to to bring in wealth, and also that the name would would continue through our births and his praises would be sung in the different camps and in the tents outside of the city. And so to say that you are avatar means that you're ridiculous, you have no future, there is no hope inside of you. And this, of course, hurt the Prophet peace be upon him. It's something as a human being. He felt the pain of this because in this society, this is one of the worst things that you could say about an Arab band at the time. And during these dark days, the

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prophet SAW seldom, as was, as reported to us in our traditions. One night he smiled, he laughed and asleep and his wife asked him what is it that's making you smile? And he said tonight, a chapter was revealed to me.

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And he showed her and he showed her the revelation that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed to him Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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in Altai Narcos off for so Lila beaker one house in Shani, aka who will avatar Allah subhanaw taala revealed, lo, we have given you an abundance, so pray to your Lord and sacrifice. Verily, it is your insult, he will be cut off for suddenly lira become one house in shanaka. Who will avatar

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Allah subhanaw taala revealed, lo, we have given you an abundance, so pray to your Lord and sacrifice. Verily, it is your insult, he will be cut off.

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And so this verse of 10,

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this chapter of 10 words, it is the smallest chapter in the Quran. And this is a standing miracle that was revealed to the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. And when we look at this today, it's probably one of the chapters, which is most memorized by Muslims is the shortest one in the Quran. And we can almost say everybody has half of this sorta

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but the miracle of it, and this is the miracle of the court. And even though it is the shortest source, the tiniest set of words, it has a meaning which is going on and on and on and it is opening up and up until today it still goes on and it will never end until the Day of Resurrection. What is in this tiny verse revealed by the Creator of the heavens and the earth.

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being from the Arab tribes, one of the leaders, he was saying the Prophet is epitaph. You are cut off you are you you don't have any male children you don't have a future. But Allah revealed in a tiny knuckled costard we have given you all Mohammed Salah Salam al cosa,

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which the Prophet peace be upon him described as a river in paradise. Its liquid is sweeter than the sweetest honey. It is cold as ice wider than the widest milk. It pours into a watering place on hold, which will be there in the Day of Resurrection.

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And this is a beautiful gift given by Allah subhanaw taala

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But also in the word calsoft. There is Al cassada. It is set up from that form, which gives an open meaning and so we could say and abundance thoroughly we have given you an abundance for suddenly lira becau one heart

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and so you should pray to your Lord and sacrifice in the shanty aka the one who insults you, and attacks you who attacks. He is the one

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who will be cut off. Look at the miracle of this verse.

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Number one out costar is given to the Prophet peace be upon him.

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This is an abundance. And when the great companions of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam looked at this word they realized from their understanding and the understanding of the Prophet peace be upon him that this word The meaning is mutlak. It is very Rama, Jude, it is an open word. You have been given an abundance of Nobunaga you have been given a prophet hood, you are the final prophet and your oma will be the largest oma on the Day of Resurrection. Cancer, Dr. Oz hop. You have followers and companions from all different nations and imagine this man begins in the Arabian Peninsula. There is nobody but his wife, Khadija rhodiola Juana, nobody else in the world. Now over 1.6 billion

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Muslims, all colors, all races, all nationalities, it is reaching the far north, the frozen north, deep down in the south, in the Sahara, in the deserts, in the mountains, parts of the world that we never thought would hear Islam now in America, or in Central America and Mexico, Spanish speaking people, Hispanics coming into Islam, we never thought with the Catholicism and the alcohol and the pork that they would ever enter into Islam with a negative image given about Muslims in Andalusia.

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But by the mercy of Allah Hispanics are coming into large argument coming into Islam, in large numbers in the outside knuckle Kossoff for suddenly little bigger one. Chancellor tell us how

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all different parts of the world we have never seen the Prophet peace be upon him.

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We don't speak Arabic for the most part, Arabic speaking people are a minority in the Muslim world, because n is revealed in Arabic. But yet people who don't speak that this this language, are coming in memorizing the Quran, some of them memorize from one side to the other, every single letter committed to memory, and he doesn't speak Arabic. This is a miracle. There is no other book, no other Testament in the history of humanity that has been put into the hearts and minds of men and women, as the book of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Also just in the Kela, itself, La ilaha illAllah, just the neck, Kelly Ma. It is it is a meaning that can go on and on and on and on, and the Prophet peace be upon him. When he gave this message, he struggled. And then he sent the letters to the kings. And eventually people started to answer to these letters. Even the powerful people in the world have to submit to this. And so Islam then broke barriers. Within 100 years, Islam has spread to the east and to the west, into China, all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, far into the north into the Russian mountains, Deep South down into the East African coastline in Ohio in 100 years, no conqueror, no Julius Caesar no Alexander the Great.

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No conqueror in history has ever done anything like this. And in most cases, it was not a military spread the military. Our confrontation was when the attack from the Roman Empire came, or the attack from the Persian Empire. But for the most part, it was business people. It was wanderers and travelers and scholars who were taking this message to different parts of the world, spreading it to the people, people seeing through their character, seeing through the interpersonal relationship through the beauty of this message, that this was not just the Arabs message. It was something for all of humanity. And so Islam broke barriers of civilization. It broke barriers of culture that have

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never been broken before. in human history, in the Outliner called Casa for suddenly little bigger one

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Prophet peace be upon him, had a message of inclusion

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tawheed itself is inclusion. All of the gods should be one. We should not separate our concept of the Creator of the heavens and the earth realize the universe is one our Creator is one. But also it includes all of humanity.

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We are not separate beings. There are no superior human beings and inferior. We're all part of the same family, children, children of Adam and how wha la masala.

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This message also carried the inclusion of knowledge. And the Prophet peace be upon him told his followers elec Allah hikma da little movement, that wisdom is the last property of the believer, anywhere he finds it. He is the most deserving of this. And so they gathered the knowledge of the ancient ones, the knowledge of the ancient Romans, Middle Eastern people, of the Egyptians, of India, China, other parts of Africa, of the Greeks and the Roman. And they put things together in a towhee Deck form, inclusion form, recognizing the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and the limitless power of Allah azza wa jal and applying this understanding to the natural world, they were

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able to take this knowledge and put it in a modern form.

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And so when we go back to the Renaissance period, because many of you may read in your books, that Europe had a great Renaissance period, that after the Roman Empire, the lights went out, and it was the Dark Ages. And they stayed out till about the 15th or 16th century, then suddenly, with the knowledge of the Greeks and the Romans that lights went on, and knowledge was back. This is a lie.

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The lights were out, maybe in secular Europe. But the lights were on for the Muslims, it was the golden age of Islam.

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And so they Renaissance, and we can challenge the Renaissance historians. The Renaissance is not the rebirth of knowledge in Europe, from the Greeks and the Romans. But the Renaissance is really

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the translation

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of the continuation of knowledge that had reached a new height in Islamic civilization. And when we go back to Andalusia, especially and we see the transfer of knowledge in Europe, with a great scholars of Europe and other parts of the world would come to Toledo and Cordoba, and Seville, and Valencia and Granada. And they would come and they would learn and they would sit at the feet of great scholars, and not only Muslim scholars, it was the golden age of Jewish literature. Even more Maimonides, lived under Islamic rule during the golden age of Islam. Christians also, were not forced into Islam, and could actually study and take it back to their people. And so this was the

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Renaissance. And when you trace the different facets of knowledge coming up, you trace where maths came up, you trace with a literature, where astronomy were medicine. And you will see in the same area where it rose up amongst the Europeans on the translation

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of the continuation of knowledge that had reached a new height in Islamic civilization. And when we go back to Andalusia, especially, and we see the transfer of knowledge in Europe, where the great scholars of Europe and other parts of the world would come to Toledo and Cordoba, and Seville and Valencia and Granada. And they would come and they would learn and they would sit at the feet of great scholars and not only Muslim scholars. It was the golden age of Jewish literature. Even more Maimonides, lived under Islamic rule during the golden age of Islam. Christians also were not forced into Islam, and could actually study and take it back to their people. And so this was the

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Renaissance. And when you trace the different facets of knowledge coming up, you trace where math came up, you trace with a literature where astronomy were medicine, and you will see in the same area where it rose up amongst the European scholars. That was where the Muslims were. And so it wasn't a rebirth of knowledge. It was translation.

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It was a translation period. And if you go into the history books, you'll find that the kings and queens in Europe are spending most of their time burning witches.

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1000s of women were burnt at the stake,

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because they were a threat to the society. They were a threat to Rome.

01:05:09 --> 01:05:29

The reality was, it was the Muslims during that period. And so they found the people counting in Baptists and Roman numbers and they said no zero. This is an ancient construct. In ancient Egypt, you find in a temple of Saqqara, you will find the use of zero.

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And you'll find this 2300 BC.

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In ancient India, the Hindus will also using zero and so zero the concept was taken by the Muslims, zero is cifa, it is an Arabic word. And so the modern day mathematical system came directly out of Muslim achievements, algebra from Java,

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calculus, trigonometry, you will continue to go on to chemistry from alchemy alchemia, an Arabic word and Arabic and concepts from the Muslims, the scientific method,

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the historical method, and you will continue to go on through most of what is now the sciences in academia. And you will find at the root of the sciences during the golden age of Islam, there are Muslims with a towheaded understanding,

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who put it together in a modern form. And so we can say,

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looking at these companions, who took the message directly from Allah subhanaw taala. Through the last message messenger Mohammed Ali Sato Salam al hikma, Darla Woodman, that this wisdom is lost property of a believer, take it from everywhere, do it in submission to Allah subhanaw taala. And so really, this is in response to the commands of the Prophet peace be upon him is a response to the the the message that came through him. So the Renaissance period, is really a blessing that came through the prophet Mohammed Ali sotto Salaam, and it was not for his message, there would be no Renaissance period, there would be no modern chemistry, be no modern math, there would be no modern

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medicine, there would be no universities as we have them. No observatories. All of this came through this man who was living in the desert, who did not have this knowledge, did not have the science. But yet the Creator of the heavens and the earth, opened up on him, opened up and streamed through him to humanity,

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an amount of knowledge which has given us the ability to do things that people could never dream of doing in the past. This is in response to the Prophet peace be upon him. In dynaco, Casa for suddenly the Rebecca one ha, we have given you O Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa, sallam, and abundance. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice in the shiny aka who will attach who is cut off.

01:08:07 --> 01:08:24

Let's go back and look at the miracle of this last who was a big man of a well known person in Mecca? Who is this little man talking about one God, he is us. He has sons. But who of us know this name of us? Nobody knows his name.

01:08:25 --> 01:08:42

The only way that we would know his name is from his son. So you don't even know us for the lawn or his grandson abdulai even Amma even the last one, the last one. No, that's the only we know he lost his name. So who was cut off he is the one who was cut off in the Shani aka who will

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look at the miracle of this verse.

01:08:47 --> 01:08:54

But now the man that you made fun of he has no future. His name will not be remembered in the tense of the Arabs.

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When they took a recent census of the names on Earth, they found that the most common name on earth is Mohammed.

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It is the most common name on earth la after salatu wa tesni.

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Muslims named themselves Mohammed which other society names themselves after one man. The Christians don't name themselves after Jesus. For some of the Spanish say, a Seuss. But they don't name themselves. The Jews don't name themselves that much after Moses. How many people are named Julius or Caesar?

01:09:29 --> 01:09:40

Even Alexander it's limited. But the Muslims they will say Mohammed, Mohammed I know one brother is from the Sudan mohammedans. So he's to Mohammed.

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And another brother, his name is Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed, three

01:09:45 --> 01:09:46

in his name,

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and so kept it up to vigorous not

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so much his name is remembered now, all over the face of the planet Earth. And every society you go to, you will find somebody named Mohammed says

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everywhere on Earth, so who was the one who was cut off?

01:10:04 --> 01:10:45

It is not the Prophet Allah is such a slob it is us, because nobody knows him or even cares about him. That is the miracle in these 10 words, just 10 the smallest chapter in the court. And it is an abundance, which is continuing and continuing. And now they're seeing the Big Bang Theory is in the court. And they are seeing now in physics, quantum physics, they are seeing the court and is speaking to even problems, social problems, economic problems, political problems, it has the answer for a wide spectrum of the problems that humanity is facing on this earth.

01:10:46 --> 01:11:34

And so we thank Allah subhanaw taala, for the blessing of being Muslim, that we have part of this inheritance of an kowsari. And in these dark days that we are living in, we need the greater picture. Look to the greater picture. When they try to put you down, remember who you represent. When they tried to say negative things about you remember where we are coming from and where we are going. We are a young nation, we have a dynamic message. We have revelation that is alive. We have the example of the greatest of the prophets, to guide us in our affairs. But it means that we would have to live up to this message. We have to reanalyze our understanding of Islam and our

01:11:34 --> 01:11:40

understanding of ourselves as Muslims. Remember to heed inclusion.

01:11:42 --> 01:11:47

We have to start looking at each other in a different way. Don't look at another person and their color.

01:11:48 --> 01:11:51

Don't look at the numbers say a brother or sister. Where do you come from?

01:11:53 --> 01:11:56

What language do you speak? Which tribe are you?

01:11:58 --> 01:11:59

Which nation are you?

01:12:01 --> 01:12:06

What kind of car do you drive? Some young people were what cell phone you have?

01:12:07 --> 01:12:12

Some foolish Muslims are evil. even ask you which astronaut astrological sign are you.

01:12:14 --> 01:12:33

None of these manmade confusions we need to look at each other for the taqwa our little Qibla of the eldest son Noah, Gemma, we are the JAMA the largest group to the Day of Resurrection. And one of the companions God urban Abdullah read the law on

01:12:34 --> 01:12:44

they asked him about his relationship with the Prophet peace be upon him he said they are to Rasulullah saw solemn Allah economist salat wa he is a cat one nos liquidly Muslim.

01:12:46 --> 01:13:03

He said, I have taken the pledge to the Prophet peace be upon him to establish prayer, establish the giving of charities accounts, and to give sincerity and advice and support to every Muslim. Legally Muslim. He didn't say Muslim araby

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