Abdullah al Andalusi – MUSLIM VS ZIONIST On UK elected Muslims who are pro-Gaza & Is saying ALLAHU AKBAR in public wrong

Abdullah al Andalusi
AI: Summary © The recent investigation of prowery councilors, including one named Motin Ali, has led to the closure of pro Anything councilors and the shameless act of Sharia pensions. The involvement of local political parties in the political process is a tragedy, and the involvement of religion is a red flush for political parties. The ongoing situation in proteins, including Israel's invasion ofalee, and the legalization of Islam is a red flush for political parties. hom centers and the legalization of Islam are a red flush for political parties, and the war and arrest warrants for those involved are necessary.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome along to Patrick Christie tonight on GB

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News. Our look coming up. Are we staring

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down the barrel of a socialist coalition from

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*? But first, should the Green Party's new

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pro Palestine councilors

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be expelled?

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It's time for our heads ahead.

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And the Green Party has been forced to

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launch an investigation after concerns were raised about

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the behavior of some of their new pro

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Palestine councilors voted in at the local elections

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over the weekend. So this was counselor Motin

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Ali's celebration after he won in Leeds.

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Reports have since emerged

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stating that Ali played a pivotal role in

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the hounding of the Jewish chaplain at the

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University of Leeds, Rabbi Zachariah Deutsch,

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who went into hiding after receiving threats from

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pro Palestine activists because he served with the

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Israeli army. But it's not just Motin Ali,

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apparently. Green Party councilor in Bristol, Mohammed Makawi,

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claimed in social media posts that Hamas' massacre

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of innocent Israelis was an American Zionist lie.

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Another green councilor, Imtiaz Ali, branded Zionists as

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nothing more than common thieves willing to massacre

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1,000 in the process. That was in a

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Facebook post last December. So, look, tonight, I

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am asking, should these candidates be immediately expelled

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from the Green Party? Going head to head

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on this, the chairman of the National Jewish

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Assembly, Gary Monde, and the cofounder of the

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Muslim debate initiative,

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Al Andalusi.

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Gary, I'll start with you. What's your view?

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Should they be expelled? My view is that

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anybody in politics of whatever party who advocates

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any form of violence has got no place

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in public life and no place in a

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major political party like the Green Party. When

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you shout Allahu Akbar, I appreciate that means

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God is great, but it is the shout

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that's used by Hamas terrorists and others who

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killed Jews in Israel, Allahu Akbar. If you

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shout that, you have no place in politics.

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Abdullah, your views on that. Firstly, I think

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that's quite ridiculous because

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Allahu Akbar is what Muslims say every time

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they pray. It means god is great. It

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is Semitic word. Allah is a Semitic word.

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Jesus would have said a word similar to

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And it's simply just an exhortation.

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It should not be associated

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people who commit terrorist acts. In fact,

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just as we would be anti Semitic to

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blame all Jews for the act of of

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it would be also anti Muslim

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to demonize a Muslim exhortation of prayer simply

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because there are some individuals in the world

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that haven't used it improperly. Does it change

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that slightly, Abdullah, when the whole point of

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him standing is is is is, as he

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says, you know, for Gaza and for Palestine?

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Does it does it change that? Because, I

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mean, I'm not hearing any kind of,

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denunciation of Hamas there. So is is there

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a context there when it comes to shouting

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that or not? Well, it would appear that

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his platform is

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anti genocide, pro Palestinian rights, and he campaigned

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on that platform,

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to guarantee the rights of British people, presumably,

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to be able to protest free from,

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government harassment, demonization,

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and the attempt to curb people's democratic rights

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in the UK to do demonstrations of protests.

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But as for the issue of,

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him simply presenting his religious beliefs

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alongside his his his his political campaigning, I

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mean, no one would complain that Katie Forbes

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who is vocally Christian, represents her Christian beliefs,

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minister for for the Scottish Parliament,

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that no one would would would say, at

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least on a on a right wing spectrum,

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would say that she should

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be, limited to be condemned for mentioning her

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I get what you mean. Christian beliefs. I

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get what you mean, but, unfortunately, people did

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condemn it, and the whole gay marriage stuff

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is one of the reasons why initially she,

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was unsuccessful. Gary, your your your views on

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this. I mean, the the the Shalwar Alawak

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part, right, that's one thing.

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What do you reckon about the, know, kind

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of as the pro Palestine stuff, the idea

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that they're saying, you know, we're we're coming

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for you, the Labour Party, and all of

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those things? I think it's a real tragedy

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that local politics has been interfered in by

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religious fanaticism.

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That is the tragedy for our country, and

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that's the big picture.

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And I really absolutely condemn it,

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the involvement of this. There are far more

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important local issues that affect constituencies

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all over the country and people who've been

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evoking the elections. And to suddenly have the

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events of 2,000 miles away

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brought into play as an election issue is

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tragic in our country. And, Abdullah, it's not

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really all about Palestine, is it? We saw

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very quickly the Muslim vote dotco.uk

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issuing a list of 18 demands to the

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labor leader. One of those was to, you

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know, be bang in favor of Sharia pensions,

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for example. I mean, what's all that about?

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No. Well, firstly firstly, religion

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doesn't have anything to do about it. Anyone

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who has any humanitarian bone in their body

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would feel sorry for the plight of the

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Palestinians. But what's the reaction of those? They've

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been denied their independence for 77 years Okay.

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Under the justification

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Jewish Europeans

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have a better right to Palestine than native

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Palestine is. My point is my point is

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all the Arab all the Arab Jews who

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came to Israel when it was formed it's

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not Jewish European country. Well, who who formed

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it? Who set

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Jewish Europeans who argued that they have a

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superior one. Stop us there. Because, actually, what

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I am talking about is the potential for

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a new religious movement within British politics, which

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is directly relevant to this. And and certain

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things like the Sharia pensions, for example,

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that to me seems like,

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you know, is is it is it one

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step away? The natural progression from that, I

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suppose, would arguably be things like blasphemy laws.

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And is that what happens when you get

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counselors standing and winning on a overtly Muslim

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Wait. Well, Sharia pension is this is a

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red herring. There are, you know, Judaism compliant

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pensions in the UK, which is no one

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would say, oh, no. Jewish law has come

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to the UK. You'd be condemned as an

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anti semite for that, rightfully so. So, likewise,

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if people want to voluntarily enter into contractual

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agreements for pensions, which are just Sharika compliant,

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how is that an issue if it's voluntary,

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it's consensual, and no one's being enforced to

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it? If other religions get that privilege too

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well, it's not been a privilege. It's just

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a simple basic civil right. So I think

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bringing religion into this is a big red

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herring to distract

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from the issue that British people want to

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have have their rights protected when they are

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demonstrating and protesting against the genocide happening across

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where Britain has been Okay. Involved with. Gary,

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in your view, is it really all about

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Palestine, do you think? No. I think if

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is it really all about Palestine, do you

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No. I think if you look at the

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18 requests, the 18 demands from the Muslim

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there's very, very a great deal of worry,

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which I think Jews and Christians and others

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will feel alike in the requirement

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to make Islamophobia

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an offense

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because I think that it's perfectly okay to

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criticize Judaism.

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It's perfectly okay to criticize Christianity,

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and it must also be perfectly okay to

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criticize Islam in certain situations. K. So so

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do you think that homophobia should be legalized

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as well then?

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I don't. I I don't believe homophobia should

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be legalized. Why Islamophobia

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is an is is an issue for you

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that you you think where it should be

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legalized, but not homophobic. It's not about the

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criticism of Islam. It's the criticism of Muslims

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for being the Muslim

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that is the issue. The the term, that's

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what simply it means. So so if we

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definitions of anti Semitism that include

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the of Israel, which is ridiculous,

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right, then surely,

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we should be for the criticizing Muslims for

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simply being Muslim

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and for demonizing Muslims and scaremongering Muslims for

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simply just wanting the same civil rights as

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every other people. Parallel to anti Semitism is

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anti Muslim hatred, and I totally condemn all

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forms of anti Muslim hatred. Okay. Look, guys.

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Can can we just spark your quiz? We

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are gonna just chat quickly,

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albeit, but, about the, ongoing situation in Rafa.

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So Israel's

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invasion of Rafa has begun. We have a

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live shot

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of it right now. So as we understand

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this, anyway, it's a ground invasion. We think

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it started a couple of hours ago.

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Ceasefire talks broke down.

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I think this is quite possibly going to

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have big consequences

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here in Britain. Again, we've spoken a lot

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about, the councilors there. We've spoken a lot

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about some of the protests taking place. Abdullah,

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how do you feel when you see what's

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going on over here?

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Well, these these five talks haven't broken down.

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Apparently, Hamas has agreed

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to the proposal that was that was given

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to them. And the question is now the

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balls in the court of, of, Benjamin Netanyahu

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and his government who, with right wing pressure,

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are told to continue military operations despite any

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ceasefire agreement. He's facing that pressure, and most

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likely, he won't care. As he stayed before,

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it won't matter at all to his military

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campaign to whatever ceasefire agreement is agreed. Gary,

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is what's gonna happen now justified?

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Yes. Absolutely. A fundamental requirement

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of Israel is the elimination of Hamas. To

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ever have peace in the region,

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Hamas has to go, and this is a

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necessary step taken to ensure that Hamas does

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go. And what happened was when when it

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seemed that Hamas was agreeing, they were agreeing

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with an amended Egyptian Qatari proposal,

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which didn't take account of Israel's requirement for

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Hamas to be removed.

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Hamas are are are a symptom of a

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very long problem. Hamas wasn't there from 1948,

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the state the beginning of Israel.

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Palestinian resistance has been for 77 years.

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Right? Hamas is only some recent, new do

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have to go. Right? Netanyahu

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himself argued was useful for him to deny

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the Palestinians' estate. That's what they do after

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that. I mean Who? Sorry. Hamas. They do

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they've gotta go. Right? I think that the

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I the ICC should put arrest warrants for

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everyone who's participated in genocide and and killing

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civilians, including the Israeli government and so on.

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What about Hamas?

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Yeah. Well, let the ICC

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issue arrest warrants to everyone No. And indict

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them in court. If they have nothing to

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worry I mean, not they're not if there

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are any sort of warrants, they should be

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arrested. They're not anyone who's who We respect

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anyone who ordered the killing of civilians should

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be arrested. That includes

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the Israeli government more so who have killed

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far more civilians, including women and children than

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Hamas. Very quickly. This is a war that

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was started by Hamas. It must be finished.

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No. It was a war started by Israel,

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50, 60 years ago. Ridiculous. And they have

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blockaded Gaza. Attack

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Israel in 19 48. They were bombing Gaza

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in May last year. Forget 5 months before

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September September.

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Killing James. They've been bombing Gaza corrupt.

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Okay. Well, look. We obviously could carry this

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on all night. Thank you very, very much.

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And, hopefully, we will pick this up again

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at some point soon. Look. Coming up, 1

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year on for the coronation, Penny Morden tells

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all about how she prepared for that

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