Ammar Alshukry – Allahs Beautiful Names – We’ll Be Held Accountable For THESE Thoughts – Al Raqeeb

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses Allah's watchful eye and his name, which is designed to observe actions. He emphasizes the importance of knowing who everyone is watching and monitoring one's actions, including their behavior and actions. The speaker also highlights the importance of trusting Allah's words and actions for one's success, particularly with mass destruction. The speaker stresses the need to monitor one's thoughts and intentions to avoid giving up on them.
AI: Transcript ©
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The watchful, the all observing.

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Contrary to popular belief, there are some thoughts

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we are accountable for like these. Allah says

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describing the dialogue that will happen between Allah

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and Isa on the day of judgment. Allah

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will ask him if he told people to

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take him and his mom as gods besides

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Allah. And part of what Isa Alaihi Salam

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will respond is he'll say, I only said

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to them what you commanded me to say,

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which is to worship Allah, my lord, and

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your lord. And he says,

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I was a witness over them as long

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as I was alive, but when you took

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me up, when you caused me to die,

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you were the observer over them, and you

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are over all things a witness. And Allah

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and Allah

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is a watcher over all things. And also

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in the first verse of that you've probably

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heard in most of the that begin with

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oh mankind. Fear your lord who created you

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from a single soul until he says,

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verily Allah is a an observer over you.

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So what does this name mean? It means

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he's the observer of all. Nothing is missed

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no matter how small, no matter how slight.

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he says, Allah is.

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He's the observer of our thoughts. So what

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then about our actions?

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And so the fruit of this name

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is the word

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which is to observe Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's

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observance over you. And you know the prophet

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tells us that there are 7 who are

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going to be shaded on the day where

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there is no shade except for the shade

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of Allah. The first is a just king.

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The second is a young person who grows

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up in the worship of Allah

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The third is a person or a man

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whose heart is attached to the masjid.

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The 4th is a man who's invited to

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a woman of beauty and lineage

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to Zina, and he says, I fear Allah

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And the 5th is a person who gives

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in charity so secretly that his right hand

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or his left hand rather doesn't know what

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his right hand is giving. And then the

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6th are 2 people who love each other

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for the sake of Allah. They gather upon

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that and they separate on that. And then

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the 7th and the last one is a

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person who remembers Allah

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in seclusion

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and a tear forms on his cheek because

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of that. Now what is shared between all

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of these sebud who are in the shade

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of Allah? The talk of Allah

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recognizing that Allah

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watches you. What else would make a king

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be just when they can oppress other than

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knowing that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is watching

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them? What makes a young person with all

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of the passions of youth choose to instead

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subdue all of that and commit to the

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worship of Allah

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What makes a person's heart attached to the

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masjid? That they come to it again and

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again and again. What makes a man or

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a woman opt out of zina saying they

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fear Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?

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What makes a person give so secretly?

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Who do they know sees them when nobody

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else on the planet sees them and knows

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about what they're giving? Who are these people

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who love each other for the sake of

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Allah? Who are they loving each other for

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the sake of? And when that person who's

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remembering Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala privately, what are

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they actually engaging in? And so the great

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fruit of this name is to know that

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala always sees you, and

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that's a very important concept That we wanna

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make sure that we we emphasize and we

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continue to communicate to our communities, that we

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continue to share with our communities, but there's

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also another really important element that doesn't get

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emphasized enough. And that is also very important

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that we communicate to each other. And that

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is that Allah

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is not just the one who's always watching

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you, but he is always watching over you.

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And so it's not just the fruit of

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taqwa from this name, but also the fruit

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of tawakkud. Firstly, it's to monitor our thoughts.

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And this is important to clarify because it's

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widely believed that we're not held accountable for

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our thoughts.

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And that may lead a person to give

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free rein to whatever comes up in the

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domain of their mind. And a lot of

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times you'll hear this in the framing about

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Islam's position on homosexuality,

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for example. You're not held accountable for your

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thoughts, but you're only held accountable for what

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you do. You're only held accountable for your

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actions. But the reality is that there are

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some thoughts that you are not held accountable

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for. Sure. But there are thoughts that you

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are held accountable for. Absolutely.

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For example, is the person allowed to continuously

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engage in lessful thoughts about someone that's not

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allowed for them?

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No. Is the person allowed to fantasize about

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the spouse of somebody else? The answer of

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course is no. But it's just a thought.

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It's not allowed. So what you're not accountable

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for is the fleeting thought. But after you

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realize that it's a thought that's haram, then

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then you have to engage it and you

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must suffocate it and you don't give it

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space to grow. Ibn al Qayim, he says

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about the fleeting thought. He has a beautiful

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passage about fleeting thoughts. He says repel the

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thought because if you don't, it becomes an

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idea. So repel the idea because if you

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don't, it'll become a desire. So fight against

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that desire Because if you don't, it'll become

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an intention, a determination,

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and a passion. And if you don't, repel

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that. If you don't fight that, then it'll

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become an action. And if you don't, replace

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it with the opposite. If you don't fight

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that, then it'll become a constant habit. At

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that point, it'll be difficult for you to

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change. Where did it start? It all started

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with a fleeting thought. Ibn Masruk, he said,

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that whoever observes Allah in their thoughts

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will have their limbs protected in their actions.

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And the second thing to monitor are your

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To ask yourself the question, why am I

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doing this good deed? Who am I trying

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to please by doing it? When a person

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makes their intention Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, they

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will do and not do for Allah. I'll

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say it again. They will do and not

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do for Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And what

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I mean by that is, you know, I

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was once in a class with Sheikh Hamid

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Shadi and he was being asked by a

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who was describing how her community just exhausts

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She was their go to volunteer. She was

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the one who everybody calls for everything, The

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Sunday school, the Masjid activities. And she would

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always find herself saying yes.

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And she'd be doing things even when she

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didn't really have the time.

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And so when she described

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her situation to him, his answer was one

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that I never forgot. He said, if a

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person find themselves

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never being able to say no, then what

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I would tell them to do is to

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focus on their

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to work on

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their. And everybody's like, what? You know, when

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a person is always monitoring Allah and their

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intentions, they'll do and not do for Allah.

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I may not do this event or this

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program or teach this class or do this

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act that other people really think is a

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good idea and it's worth my time, but

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I'm not concerning myself with what you think

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is good. I'm concerning myself with what I

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believe is the most pleasing to Allah

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for me to do with my time. Everybody

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every one of us is going to be

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as to how we spent our time, and

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it may be more pleasing to Allah that

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I simply spent with my family or in

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the service or simply company of my parents

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at home or even working on my health.

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I am responsible for using that time that

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I have to do the things that I

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know are most pleasing to Allah

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not what is most pleasing to people.

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The third thing for you to monitor is

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your tongue.

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And I could have said monitor your actions,

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which is the 4th month. We're gonna get

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to that, but

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the tongue gets its own special shout out.

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You know why? Because it is a weapon

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of mass destruction.

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People really don't consider what they say to

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be a source of sin. But the prophet

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said when he was asked by

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are we held accountable for what we say?

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Said, may your mother lose

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you, Like, it's an expression. And he says,

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else will cause people to be dragged on

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their faces

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or on their noses into the hellfire

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except for the harvest of their tongues. Like,

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what else will cause people to enter the

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other than what they said or what they

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tweeted or what they wrote in a group

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chat somewhere?

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The prophet, sallallahu alaihi wasalam, he told us

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about the tongue. He said that when the

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son of Adam gets up in the morning,

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all of the limbs

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all of the limbs speak to the tongue,

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and they say, fear Allah

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for our sake because we are with you.

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If you're straight, we will be straight. And

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if you're crooked, we will be crooked. Now

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hadith is reported by a timid. And Abu

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Hurair said, I heard the prophet

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say, a person utters a word thoughtlessly without

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thinking about it, not thinking much of it.

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And because of it, they fall into the

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hellfire deeper than the distance between the east

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and the west. You know that hadith? It's

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in Bukhari Muslim. It's very, very scary because

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the keyword is.

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He doesn't pay attention to it. So it's

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a statement that they made. It's just a

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tweet. When people consider their sins, they don't

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consider a word that they said to be

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something major. It's major with Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala. It's so light, so easy, so fleeting,

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and you don't realize it. But it may

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cause a person to sink into the hellfire

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deeper than the east and the west.

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And fourthly, the 4th thing to monitor is

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your actions. You know, I was once driving

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with my friend Bilal Khan. I was riding

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shotgun. He was driving so slow. So So

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then I asked him, you know, what's the

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deal? Why are you driving so slow? And

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he said, this is a 25 mile hour

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zone, and it's camera enforced.

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You won't get stopped if you drive faster

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than that. You'll just get a nice ticket

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in the mail.

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Even in the absence of the police,

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people were still obeying the law because the

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belief in that which they couldn't see. Taqwa

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of a ticket.

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Taqwa of Allah is similar in that it

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commands us to stay in our lanes and

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obey the rules of the road because if

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we don't, we may not be stopped along

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the way, but we won't like what we

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receive when we finally come home. And the

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second fruit we said is not just taqwa,

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but taqul to rely upon Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala because he's the one who always sees

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you. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says a beautiful

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passage, seeking your he says,

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and rely upon the mighty, the merciful.

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The one who sees you when you arise.

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And your rotation amongst those who prostrate.

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Allah is the all hearing, the all knowing.

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mentions all of these attributes

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so that you can rely upon him. He's

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the mighty, he's the merciful,

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he sees you, he hears you, and he

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All of these attributes are mentioned in these

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names in that sequence of verses so that

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you can rely upon Allah

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If nobody sees you, Allah sees you. If

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nobody knows where you are, Allah knows where

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you are. If nobody hears you, Allah

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hears you. So rely upon him. May Allah

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grant us a tawakkul that he loves.

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