How some Husband Talk TOO Much!

Abdulfattah Adeyemi


Channel: Abdulfattah Adeyemi

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AI Generated Summary ©

The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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The listener if

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to summarize

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summarize some key points

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that he spoke about his desire most men didn't see why because you want to talk him to death

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yes she

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was when she starts when she starts almost is like

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this is the man

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and this is

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the lead to start with hours at night

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with almost half asleep You know why? Because you can work

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two hours

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don't have muscles

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and work

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instead of him to say

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please raise my food

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please build my food this man right

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over Benjamin

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was supposed to do mosquito is about time now Sam is going have gone out this morning I'll be moving

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to Cedar

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Rapids is very well

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known okay.

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Nobody bought

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to me.

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Obi Wan Kenobi.

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Obi Wan

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