Abdul Wahab Saleem – Wonder of the Age – Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The history and cultural aspect of Turkish and Arabic language, including pre-existing laws, legalization of Islam, legalization of Arabic writing, and the cancellation of Islamic art and marriage laws have caused the cancellation of art and marriage laws. The "'t-about-force" movement in the United States has resulted in many people being fired and arrested for political activism, and the cancellation of women's privacy laws has been replaced with the cancellation of women's privacy laws. The "'t-about-force" movement in Turkey is replaced with the cancellation of women's privacy laws, and the "'t-about-force" movement in the United States is discussed, including the loss of culture and the rise of Islam. The "'t-about-force" movement in Turkey is replaced with the cancellation of women's privacy laws, and the "'t-about-force" movement in the United States is discussed, including the rise of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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Welcome to the Tao salatu salam ala rasulillah Alhamdulillah Hamden you want to be near me who you

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are Sol Allahu Allah say Ed Nam committed more early we'll be here Jemaine along with a live demo in federal now when Tina

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was denied many occurring publisher it is Audrey with Sidley Emory, Melissa Annie of Cabo de are visiting or visiting or visiting Alma Allahumma salli ala Miranda who Salah has an either cheaters Allah.

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It's a pleasure to be here in your beautiful country, the small island where wherever you drive, you find water, just in a matter of few minutes.

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And also to see these beautiful faces some of us off this morning for doing it and others I'm seeing for the first time. So to all of you, I said, I'm already working with a lot of data.

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And the topic that I had chosen was the life and times for the life and time of salaried nursing, the wonder of our times or of the time, the legend of our times, or the legend of time in general. Now, there are a lot of different figures, there are a lot of different people, there are a lot of different scholars, there are a lot of different conquerors. There's lots of very important figures within the history of Islam. But oftentimes, when we look at these important figures in the history of Islam, we consider them simply historical figures. That's it.

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And it becomes hard for us to connect ourselves to the lives of these fingers. Why? Because there are 1000 years ago, 1400 years ago, the shaitaan tells us all sorts of excuses and says those were people and they're gone, you're living in a different situation, you're living in a different time, your situation is a lot different. And for that reason, I thought that to really feel connected to the legends. Let's take a look at a legend who happens to be a legend that perhaps our very parents were alive when he was alive. Perhaps our grandparents were going through all of the same trials that that he went through, perhaps some of us sitting in this room were alive when this man was also

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alive and well and doing something for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, that man, his name is buddy resumen or rather his laptop, his title is by the Arizona, so even Maritza, uh, no, see,

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I'll call it a turkey, the Kurdish and Turkish right.

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And he was born in the year 1877.

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the eastern part of modern day Turkey,

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in a small village, which was known as news.

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And this man,

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at a very young age, he began, he began to, to seek knowledge. And the reason for that was because he saw his brother, who was going out of his way, after his parents had encouraged him to do so he was going to learn in a school, and it wasn't something that every single person would be doing. Historically, nowadays, we have binding education for 12 years, everyone has to go through it right. At that time, that was not necessarily the case. But his brother, he noticed that every time he comes back for the breaks, he notices that he there's something different about his brother, over the rest of the children in the town, right. So that gave him an insight into the fact that studying

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and education is going to develop something important out of people as it's doing for my brother, and naturally for me, as well. So from a very young age, he had his direction ready, he wanted to go and he wanted to learn at the age of nine, he was admitted into those makeshift schools of old and also till today in Africa and other places called the cooktop or Mk them.

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He was placed in the school, and he tried studying.

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But it didn't quite work out. Because he was a person of very strong demeanor, and resolve, okay. And for that reason, he didn't get along with people at school, essentially. So he had to come home. And now as he's at home, he has to learn he still wants to learn. So he starts learning with his brother in the breaks one book after another one thing after another, the lectures, the language, then different Islamic subjects, and so on and so forth.

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Later on, he joins not too in his early teens you join the school to actually now go through and a complete study of the deen of Allah azza wa jal to learn Islamic sciences as the scholars of Islam study as the students of Islam study. And normally, as we know, in most curriculums of Islamic Studies, it takes 5678 sometimes even more than that years to really complete a program right? of Islamic sciences. The brothers told me over here, it takes around six years to go through the mother's a curriculum, right?

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This person, he was so sharp and his memory was almost photographic memory. Allah subhana wa tada had gifted him to a degree that in three months, he completed the entire curriculum.

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To a degree that literally his teacher started to entitle him at the age of 14, he called him last he no longer was he just called a Nazi. He was now called moolah, sorry, at a very, very young age at the age of 14. Okay. Now, of course, there were some things he'd already studied with his brother, as we said, right. But when he got to the actual school, he was able to go through very, very large portions of information, and in a very short period of time, because a he had very good analytical skills, and B, he had very good memory as well. And what are the signs of this individual's amazing memory was what would left for law his one of his teachers writes, in his book,

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in his textbook, that he was studying from called January joma. joma. joma is a book

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on Sorrell fifth, which is normally studied over a course of two or three or more years

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and divided over different semesters. So moolah, sorry, he picked up this book. And his teacher says a Gemma Effie heavily he Gemini, Joe, Amir, Jamie, Gemini.

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But Gemini, the Gemini, Gemini, Gemini are houfy jajuan, he ended up memorizing all of this Gemini jalama within one within one week, from a Gemini to another, okay.

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He memorized all of this just in that short, brief period of time memory, this is something that is sometimes Allah subhana wa, tada chooses people at different junctions in history. And I'll tell you what type of a junction this was. And I'm not picking this topic, just because I picked it, I'm picking it very carefully. As we need to develop ourselves in more than just hearing about the basics. Of course, there's nothing that we have, we should look down upon within the religion, but our thought needs to be developed, we need to develop our perception of the world, this particular life, or this particular individual in his life will really develop your, your perception of the

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world around you, because what occurred during this time, really affected almost the entire world, okay? And he was one of the key factors within this entire equation.

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So, because of this, he was given the title, the wonder of times or the wonder of time, but he was a man, right? Because he was able to memorize so fast and understand one of the narrations about his life habit, that he was exiled from a city at a very young age, still in his teens, late teens now. And he ended up going to a

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small dome, right. They used to have these Elijah and Takaya where people could just simply station themselves to worship Allah as our agenda. And there will be, you know, books and so on and so forth. So he's stationed himself in one of the such places, and he found himself a copy of uppermost in the dictionary, one of the Arabic dictionaries old dictionary from the eighth ninth century, perhaps, he memorized the dictionary from the beginning till the chapter have seen, I live by and all the way down to a scene, he memorized it

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within a matter of three months.

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So this is exceptional memory. Okay. And of course, in addition to that, over his travels, and so on and so forth, he ended up picking up 90 different odd books that he committed to memory in addition to the dozens, if not hundreds, that he had written. This is a little bit about his early education, okay, or a little bit about his education in general.

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One of the things that we're going to notice throughout his life is that he has three qualities which are unique about him, which can be seen at every junction in his

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the first one is patience. He's going to go through trials after trials after trials, after trials, but he will remain patient. And another one is truthfulness, he will always stay true to his message that he believes to be his message. And the third one is sincerity. And even when he is going to, we'll see as he's trying to look at the world around him and make sense of why Muslims are going through these trying and difficult times. What are those trying and difficult times? I'll be speaking about that as well, in a very, very short period of time. And he was after his early education, he moved out to out of Kurdistan, right? It was in the eastern part of modern day,

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Turkey, which is also used to be called Kurdistan, right? He moved out of there.

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He moved to the city of Martin. And then he moved to a number of different cities, which is slightly north of Syria. And

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now he's exposing himself to the outside world. Right. Now he's understanding really, what the western influences the European influences what they are doing to the rest of the Ottoman Empire, not his particular location where he had come from, but the rest of the world. Now he's starting to debate with people who are non Muslims. Now he's starting to discuss and converse with people who have been afflicted by modern philosophies, and theologies, and so on, and so forth, things he had never seen before. But of course, he's well equipped with the Koran, committed to his memory, 90 odd books committed to his memory, very sharp mind, to begin with analytical skills, and so on, and so

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forth. So he's able to gather a lot of this information, make sense of it and correct it in the wisest of ways.

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He moves from a city to another to another, and to another, until you finally

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are one of the cities that he stations himself at is the city of Vancouver, in the year

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918 97. Okay, 1897. So he's around 20 years of age now.

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And during this period of stay in this new city that he's in, he has been given the privilege of being 100, having access to the house of the governor. There, there's a big library. So he goes and benefits from this library. But in this library, there happens to be books, which are imported from

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Britain, which are imported from other parts of Europe, from France, and so on, and so forth, which are also in Turkish. Remember, he is Kurdish, so he doesn't quite understand Turkish at that time. Now, it's a unified language and Kurdish have their own language as well. But at that time, he didn't understand Turkish.

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So he had to learn Turkish as a second language, because he realized that in the rest of the Ottoman Empire, this is the language in order for me to survive, I'll have to learn it. Now with his sort of mind very, very fast, he picked up the language he's reading, he's learning. He's interacting with this information.

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And as he's interacting with this information, he comes to some very, very key realizations, he comes to a realization that Listen, I and my people, I am Muslims in general, whether that be in in where I came from eastern Turkey, Anatolia, or whether that be in other parts of the Muslim world, we are only acquainted to spiritual sciences, we are only acquainted to logic that is of old, we are only acquainted to our own legacy.

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This new science and this new knowledge that is coming, it's going to sweep away everything from our lens. That's a realization he came to, through reading these new books that he was coming across,

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he came to this realization and he said, the only way for us to be able to maintain our legacy, for us to be able to maintain our countries, our influence, our power, and so on and so forth, is that we have to somehow unify these two different things. We have to harmonize modern sciences, and we have to harmonize Islamic knowledge. Now, at that time, this idea of harmonizing modern sciences and harmonizing the sciences

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of modern day and Islamic sciences. That was an idea that was something that was coming to a lot of different minds, okay. Not too long after that. It also came to the mind of a man by the name of Matt Boyd, even an actual

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of Tunisia, it came to his mind as well. And he tried to revolution

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Is the educational system of his own country, as well. So he says I have is around 30 years of age, now, he moves to Istanbul, he knows that the location that he's in, there's not much money, there's not much wealth, it's not the center of the caliphate, it's none of that, I'm not really going to be able to do anything over here. So he moves himself to Istanbul. When he gets to Istanbul, he realizes that the only way he can show people that type of knowledge and turn people's attention to the type of knowledge that people are seeking, in the eastern part of the modern or modern day Turkey, is by him showing his knowledge to people. So he decides to meet the key scholars of that

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city, one after another, they meet him to debate him, they test him. And every at every junction, he is considered more superb than they thought they'd already heard of him because he was called buddy, or is the man the wonder of time. But they thought to themselves that we are the city people, we have had knowledge and sciences, and we've had, you know, interactions with all over the with people from all over the world. What is this chap going to know? Right? Even if it's called buddy or Zima. But soon after, they realize that this man is really the wonder of time. One of the great scholars from Egypt from us hub, met him. And he said to him, What do you think, over the years, the man What

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do you say about Europe and the Ottomans? What do you say about these two different civilizations? What are your thoughts? What do you have to say? He said to him, that Europe is pregnant with Islam.

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And one day, it will give birth.

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And he says the Ottomans are pregnant with Europeanism. And one day, they are going to give birth as well.

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Now this Egyptian scholar, he stopped. And he said I had the same idea that you're presenting this is exactly what I thought about the future as well. This is what I predicted as well, that slowly but surely, Islam is going to rise and spread in Europe. That's something that I thought as well. And I also thought that because of the way the Ottomans are treating the European civilization, they are going to come to a fall as well, but I could never ever with such consciousness and such preset precision, capture this, this person that is saying this must in fact be buddy as a man. And he, he affirmed to this title of whether you're as a man, so noticing.

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And we see that the one of the two parts of this particular claim of behaviorism, and his prediction of whether or not actually came true, how did it come true, some of that and along with that we will discuss soon shout louder. Now, after he stayed in Istanbul, the idea was he wanted to get funding funding for what you wanted to get funding for the school that he had thought of. He thought that there needs to be a way to harmonize human sciences and Islamic sciences how to do that, while we need to have foreign funds, right, where to get the funds, the caliphate, the off the endowments, everything happens to be in Istanbul, that's where we're going to get the funds. So he goes there to

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try to gather the funds, but nothing comes through. And sadly, he has to leave and he travels to a number of different cities. Finally, he finds himself at a place called Damascus, which is no mystery to all of you. Okay, he travels down south to Damascus.

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In Damascus, he makes an address. This address became extremely powerful, extremely well known at that time. Until today, it was known and it continues to be known as the Damascus sermon or the ultimate shamia. Or at the mushiya, the Damascus sermon, okay. He gave this sermon in January.

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And in this sermon, he's going to now paint his own life, he's going to define the points that he realizes or points of weakness within the oma.

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And through that he's going to be able to define exactly what he wants to do with his own life. And for this weekend, take my dear brother, my dear sister, that we have to define what we want to do with our lives. The faster you can come to a conclusion on what is it that they're that the society truly needs, the faster you'll be able to fill a gap within society, this man at this age at this turn in his life, he's just above 30, probably 33 years of age 34 years of age. He's able to

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define what are the major problems within the oma that is slowing the oma down. And as I said, at this time, the oma is going through a very tough time, I'm going to describe that in great detail today in sha Allah, things that perhaps you've never heard of, perhaps your forefathers, even your, your direct parents may not have heard of as well. Maybe your grandparents heard of this? Okay.

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I'll describe this in great detail. The reason why I want to describe this in great detail is because those same trends that we saw about 100 years ago, they are also coming today as well. And we're seeing it in different places in the world today as well. Okay. So anyways, he looks at these situations, and he says that there are six problems in the six major problems in the room. The first problem is disparity, that people despair, that there is no more hope within the minds of Muslims, when they see the situation of Muslims. They just go into disparity, and there's no more hope left. And we know that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a man will vain and hope you

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have a job, that true belief lies between hope and fear and also hope as well. So the only way we can continue with our, our mission as Muslims and accomplish it is if we have hope, within Allah xojo if we continue to allow this hope to, to be nourished within our bodies through positivity. So he says disparity is everywhere, every time you speak to a Muslim in any part of the world. And he's a very well traveled man, by the way. There's disparity. Okay. Then he says, The second thing he says, is that there is a death of truth. meltus literally, truth has died at the social level. And at the political level, those are the two things he points out that when we speak to people in our

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communities, we find that it is hard to find a truthful person. And then when we speak to our politics, there's also a difficulty to find politics or telling politicians we're telling the truth. Okay, so there's a death of truth, then there is a

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there is a love of hatred, right. And sometimes we find this love of hatred has also taken a religious sort of twist to it, people give hatred, a religious twist, people hate the other, whatever that other may be for you. People hate hate anything they don't know, you know, who

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that the individual is the enemy of something he's ignorant of. So anything we don't know, we we naturally hate it, okay. Or we're naturally afraid of it. And we hate it as well. And we have animosity towards it. And sometimes groups, right. At every turn in every community and hamdu, lillahi, Rabbil aalameen, I have had the opportunity to briefly travel around the world. And I must say that I have never been to a community. Okay, except that the people of that community, one of the things that they tell me is, she's, our community is different. There's a lot of division here. No, it's not this happens to be all around the world. Because there's this institutionalized version

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of eight, right? If a person is slightly different than us, we say hello, this person is off of our methodology. And that means that we have to change our attitude and behavior towards him. So he says, this is one of the problems with human love and hatred.

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Then he says there is another problem and that's number four, if you're taking notes that there is an ignorance of the Divine connection between brothers and the Brotherhood that we're supposed to have with one another. Number five, he says, and the way to fix that is to teach and preach rather, by our actions, by the way we treat each other. By the way we even things we say, even the rhetoric that we use to speak about the deen of Allah azza wa jal, hatred is not something that is Islamic, and we really don't have time for it today will lie we do not. And he goes and continues and he says, number five, is authoritarianism and dictatorship. And that is something that we see around

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the Muslim world today. Okay. authoritarianism continues till today, he argues, and he says, and will lie and rightfully so. He says that a believer should not be humiliated, nor should he you merely have to humiliate himself before people because a believer at the end of the day is only a slave of allies origin. So the authoritarianism and actually leads to a lot of different other ills within society, as well as

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There are reasons why it exists as well. But that's a long topic on its own.

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Then he says number six, that

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the focus on personal benefit, everybody is worried about themselves, nobody's worried about the community around them. And also the people in one community are not worried about the one that is beyond them as well. And that community is not worried about that. So the people in the village are not worried about the people in the grander city and the people in the city are not worried about the country and the people in the country are not worried about the global community. But we have to be worried about the global community, we have to be worried about the people that are within our country, we have to be worried about the people who are within our own cities and villages as well.

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And within our own households as well, instead of just being focused on me, my self and I, and then he, you know, proposes solutions for this. And I encourage that you go read this sermon, it's translated into Arabic into English. And it's available, it was essentially written in Arabic, most of his works are in Turkish, but some of them are also in Arabic as well, anyways, all of it, most of it, if not all of it has been translated into both Arabic and English. So it's available. In either case, after this hotma shamea, he returns back to Istanbul. This time, he is a bit more acclaimed. This time, he is a bit older, as well, so people are going to take them more seriously.

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This time, he is more established, he gave this hope about a shamia that became known around the world because 10,000 people attended this photo.

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And out of those 10,000 people, there was 100 scholars that were sitting before him, listening to the multibuy that he had given, that's why I said this is a very important quote about which is imprinted, it's available. And you should go ahead and read read and benefit from it.

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And then he returns, as I said, to assemble, again with the dream that he wants to build the school, a school which he's going to call medora set as the School of azura

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why he wanted to call it as a Hurrah from the word as *. Okay. So as there's German, or German as our he wanted to make it madrasa to Sahara, right,

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in which there will be human sciences, and Islamic sciences harmonized together. This time around, he was a bit more lucky, he gets the opportunity to get the donation he really needed.

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He gets 15,000 gold coins from the Sultan.

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he and the the Ottoman Empire, the halifa, the Caliph, the Sultan, rather, he ended up commissioning, for him, the construction of the school in eastern Anatolia,

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in the eastern regions of, of Turkey,

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and the school starts now

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the foundations of the schools is now being laid down in the city of van. And as the foundation's are being laid down, he doesn't want to delay now he has funds as well. So he starts the classes as well in a temporary location as the classes are going on, or however

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this is now around 1915 as the classes are going on.

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Around that time, we also have another problem in the world and that is World War One. Okay.

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So World War One now starts to affect

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the Ottoman regions. And there is an invasion, that he himself tries to protect his villages from by going out to resist this particular Russian invasion of the Ottoman territories.

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And he takes the students along with him. So they're fighting in this particular front to try to protect the villages that are behind them. And as he's doing all of this, he recalls something that happened in one of his previous days and one of the other one of the cities city event as well, where he had stayed. Prior to that, you remember something that happened, that had painted the picture also for his life on what he wants to do and what he should be doing. What was that? He had read a he was reading a lot of that time western and eastern knowledge now, right? So he had read a statement in whatever one of the books or one of the newspapers that he was reading by Sir William

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Gladstone, he had read that this individual had said, so long as there is the book of Allah that are on

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The Book of allies of the book, right, so long as there is the Quran or the book, existing in the hands of Muslims, there will be no peace in the world, we will never be able to dominate them, we should find a way to take this Koran from their hands and do as much as possible to remove the neuron from being central to the life of Muslims and alienate them to this Koran as best possible. Okay, this book as best possible. So he pointed out that the primary problem and the primary reason why the British are not able to conquer the Ottomans is the Koran, okay? When, but there is a monster in the North Sea. He read this these words, he said to himself, I will demonstrate, I will

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show and prove to the world that the Koran is such an undying and inextinguishable son, a son, which does not become extinguished. And that's exactly what he did within his life, as we'll find out very, very soon. So he remembers this incident as he is in battle, literally as he is in battle. And as he's on top of his horse on the front row, in the battlefield, in the trenches, the enemy is in front of him, he tells one of his students to take out a piece of paper on the horse, they're still on the horse, start writing. And as they're on the horse, from his memory, he starts writing his stuff, called a shout out to ages.

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And he literally wrote the first volume, and the only volume of that they've seen later, he's gonna write other things of that they've seen on top of the horse in battle, from his mind, all of it from his memory. Because as you said, he had a very sharp memory, because he was afraid, he thought to himself that if I die, I'm not going to be able to accomplish at least I can start maybe allow will give me the reward of, of, you know, having a good intention, right. So he's able to accomplish a very, very beautiful volume on top of his horse, whilst, you know, whilst he's still in, in the fight.

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And this volume, I have a copy of it within my house as well, I have an hamdulillah most of his books, as well.

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And then, as they're going through this battle,

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as the story goes, the Russians are able to infiltrate one of the camps of the Ottomans, and they end up arresting a lot of the army. Okay, one of the people that gets arrested is whether you're a monster either Nazi, they take them and they send them to Siberia. And now he's in Siberia, in the middle of literally nowhere and cold freezing weather. And as he is there,

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he is inside of a prison,

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a very major official from the prison, a very senior official shows up.

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And everyone stands all the prisoners stand out of respect for this senior official. But But there is a man does not stand. He does not stand, he's sitting in his spot. So the senior official asks him, why don't you stand, he says, I am a scholar of Islam. And if I stand to you, then I will be disrespecting, the knowledge that I have, which is a greater status when the seniority that you have,

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and he's inside of the prison. So they say obviously, they say, and now we're dealing with the, you know, early Russians even now, it's not all that but think about it, then. So they said, alas, this person is going to be executed. So they make an order to execute by the IRS, Mr. Sorry, a Nazi. And he is about to be executed, as the executioner is there to execute. But there is a man, the senior official, the officer, he says, Do you have something else that you would like to ask before you die? He says I want to praise Allah, before I die. So he goes and praise Allah. And when he sees the type of Salah with a type of tranquility, with the beauty that he prayed his prayer with, he

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realized that indeed of authority, but there is a man was not trying to disrespect him Rather, he was really trying to respect himself. So he said to him, he apologized to him the senior officer, and he said to him, I understand now that you weren't trying to disrespect me, you're only trying to respect yourself. And that raised the status of atheism and in the eyes of this officer, and he told the executioner stop no execution. He remained there in prison for a few

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Yours for two or three years, two and a half years.

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then, around that time the communist revolution of Russia started.

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And during this time, he found an opportunity to escape from prison. So he literally ran away from prison. He escaped and coming through Siberia and many different cities all the way. Finally he found his way to Istanbul. A loss of Hannah with Allah knows how that journey would have been. But this was a person of resolve when he got to Istanbul. The people greeted him in a whole different way, this time, even greater than his first two visits, because now he is a state hero as well. He tried to protect the lens in the eastern side from occupation that he became arrested and then he was able to find his way back to his own country as well. So the people, the officials, the

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government, the LMR, the regular people, everybody started now to look up to this man by the name of Arizona, so he's a nursing. So what do they do now? They made him a member of Donald Heckman. Donald hikma

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was a research wing of something similar to Donald if that of that time. Okay.

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So they made him a

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member of a founding member. And

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as he is doing his duties performing his duties at Donald hikma and Islamia. He is addressed with letters from the Anglican Christians. He's addressed with letters from all sorts of people, and he is a person who is confident about his religion. So he answers with confidence. He's a man who understands Eastern and Western sciences, because he's read into both of them. So he answers in a way where people are convinced so many people really started to become irritated with this man to add to this to add fuel to this fire, at this time, we had within

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the Ottoman Empire and occupation as well, and invasions after invasions and so on and so forth. And he became at the forefront of early amount of scholars who would raise their voices against this occupation, okay. To a degree that, in fact, I had come from the Office of shareholder Islam, what does she hold Islam in? In the Ottoman Empire? It means the top authority literally, okay, they had a they had a legal role, and official role of shadow Islam. The last of the shoe in Islam, in the Ottoman Empire was most of us slavery. Okay. So in order came from the official Office of jihad Islam, and that particular fatwa Haddad that wrote that fighting against these occupations is not

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legal, okay.

00:37:57 --> 00:38:45

However, he did not abide by this fatwa. He wrote his counter fatwa. And he was much more famous at that time. So his counterfeit work spread like wildfire fire, even though he was legally under Shakeel Islam, right? He writes a counter fatwa, in which he says it's a necessity for us to resist occupation, this is our country, not their country. So we have to resist occupation. And, and so people continue to resist and the British, they, they made an order that this person needs to be shocked that upon site, okay, but they were unable to do that. And he was around this time, whether he he tried to resist or not slowly but surely the caliphate and weakened to a degree that it

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finally fell in the year 1924. Now there is no more Caliphate, right? There's a long story of how that happened and what occurred, but that's a different subject anyways, it fell. Once it did fall, the Turkish people had founded a

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republic, which stands still today known as the Republic of Turkey.

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And essentially, when this particular Republic was founded,

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people realize the influence of sorry, the Nazi even though he was an Islamic personality, so to speak, and the government is a totally secular government. But they realized everybody over here is Muslim, we need to have some sort of Muslim influence along with us to legitimize our existence, our, you know, our government. So they tried to have him coordinate with them. He came to Ankara. And he gave a lecture in the parliament. And in this lecture that he gave in the parliament, he lectured the parliamentarians about the fact that this country needs to be an Islamic country. It's not going to be a country that is a secular country. It has to be a country that is in

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A country that abides by Sharia, that. And then he also realized as he is with all these people, that they're not even praying for law. So he wrote a treaties at that time, a book at that time in which he called people to praise Allah. And this was such a powerful and strong treaties that literally some of these secular, secular parliamentarians, they got affected by his words and they started to praise Allah. And at this point with all of these movements of whether your as a man,

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Mustafa Kemal, who named himself a doctor, and who didn't want to be called Mustafa, because most of his name, the name of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, even though that was his name, he didn't want to be called Muslim Ummah, he just wanted to be called Gamal perfection, right.

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After whom,

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all of the people who adopted his ideology till today, that people that are known as command lists, okay. They're, they're attributed towards this individual, Mazel Tov, aka man, he slowly but surely, became really annoyed, enraged, angered by this, but yours among people are always talking about Buddhism on this wonder of times, and so on and so forth. He's thirsty for power, he wants to establish his new republic that he is established. So he started to make the life of the man difficult. And he was, but he was the man had no interest in politics at this point, because he realized before he had interest in politics, because it was a Muslim country, it was a caliphate,

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and he was trying to protect it from a fall. But now he had no interests left in politics anymore. And he even said, a famous statement of his, which goes, as such rules will be lying in a shape on your CSR, I seek refuge in a lot from Satan and from politics.

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So now he ended up going

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away from Emperor. And he settled down in caves and different places to really ponder life and think about his life, and so on and so forth. And this is the time where he started to write what we know as rasa in

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the treaties or the letters or the pamphlets, if you want to call of a knower of light. Okay, one after another. You wrote these treaties and pamphlets, trying to protect the Islam of the Muslims in that time. And I told you, I'll tell you of the difficulties that the Muslims went through. Now, pay very close attention. I've collected these, and I'm going to literally read them out to you by the dates as well. So you understand with chronological chronology, what happened after the fall of the caliphate, okay? Because till today, some people happen to be under this delusion, that secularism will bring ease to live, secularism will bring all sorts of comforts, and so on and so forth. The

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Ottoman Empire used to host people from France, they were allowed to come and remain there, the Ottoman Empire used to host people that were from there were there were Jewish Christians, all sorts of religions, right, that remained within the shelter of the Ottoman empires without any difficulty. Now, a secularist ideology comes in, and they want to destroy religion from its very roots. So they go and they begin, remember, 1924 is the fall. So 1924, the fall of the caliphate happens. And on March 3 1924, the caliphate is completely abolished and all of the Ottomans What does that mean? That people who are

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the the ruling progeny, okay, all of them, are exiled from Turkey, the New Republic of Turkey does not host anyone from the Ottoman Empire later on much later, and even now, especially during this phase. That is a phase, you know, that is totally opposite to what Turkey was founded on. But it's a good phase of hamdulillah. It's a phase of justice. And

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at this point, all of the Ottomans has been exiled. As I said, some of them have now returned their properties, at least whoever, you know, could return some of them and some of them are not having returned as well. But many of them have now returned back to Turkey as well, but they were exiled in 1924. They lived through very tough circumstances. I've watched documentaries of grandchildren of the Ottoman emperors and so on and so forth, talking about their experiences, and how people used to look at them as traitors in Syria, in Lebanon and so on and so forth and the difficulties that they went through, but it wasn't their fault that all this was happening, right. But it was definitely

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On March 16 1924, the same year, just a few days later, 30 days later, all curriculums in the country were unified all of them, okay? Why did this unification of the curriculums occur, because when they cancel something, they can cancel it across the board in the entire country. So they unify their curriculums, and they cancel Islamic Studies and they cancel on through in all of the curriculums across the country. Okay, in ninth March 16 1924, on April 14 1924, as well, the very next month, the Ministry of endowments, and the Religious Affairs and the shitty our courts are all closed down. Okay, so you don't have endowments to make messages and maintain mustards. You don't

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have Sharia courts, you don't have religious authorities, everything of such nature has now been closed down. This is the very, very first year

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on March 6 1925 10s, of newspapers, which are reporting this information of the closure of the Ministry of endowments, the Religious Affairs, the Sharia courts, all of them are also being closed down. Why? Because they don't want any opposition. Okay, this is the secularism that that was being pushed by the Western world onto the Muslim world during this time, and embraced by some, some people who didn't quite understand the reality of what secularism is. And then on June 9 1925,

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there was a revolution or an attempted revolution by another shifts, not shifts. They're not moolah, sorry, the other side.

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And this one here, however, was a revolution, which was an armed revolution. Remember, sorry, the nursi said no more. No more arms, no more politics, no more, none of that, right. at the junction of the fall of the caliphate, he stopped all of that, he realized that the only way for us to revive Islam now is to make faith based communities. Okay, that's the only way so so he the other shifts that are on he asked moolah. Sorry, that would you like to join me because there is a notice he has a big following. He refused. He said, This is not how we're going to bring back Islam within our country. Rather, I do not dare to raise

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a revolution that is going to lead to a lot of bloodshed within our country, okay, within the Muslim ummah.

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So this particular rubber revolution was very soon shot down by the government. And

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but what happened was that he the nurse, he also got caught up in this because the government started accusing surgery the nurse to be involved in this as well. So they brought him to court anyways, he went through a lot of court hearings and, and jail sentences and so on and so forth. 23 different jail sentences throughout his life, for the sake of reviving Islam. But as you see, he's not actually a political activists, especially after the caliphate felt Okay, before that he had a legal role within the government. After that, he he did not go for political activism for reasons which I will explain in shallow data very soon. But in all cases in 1925, on June 29, along with

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this revolution, after the revolution was shot down by the government, they closed down all the tech is okay. And they close down all does Elias, I use this word earlier as well. The guy or dickeya or Zilla or Zambia are basically Islamic centers if you want to call them okay. Zambia is normally a term associated with Sufism, where, you know, perhaps a Sufi Sheikh resides or something like that. And he addresses his pupils and students, and the key is not really that different. So they closed down all of this Elia and all of the tekiah basically all Islamic centers prior to this, they've closed down all of the ministries and showed airports and everything else. But in 1925, they do this

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in 1925. Also on July 25. The Rumi calendar, the Rumi calendar. Does anybody know what the Rumi calendars?

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The Rumi calendar is basically the Hijri calendar only it's not the sole lunar it's the solar Hijri calendar. Okay. The Rumi calendar is switched for

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The Gregorian calendar. It's the same thing as the Gregorian calendar in that they're both similar. But the difference is that the Rumi calendar starts with the hedgerow of the profitsystem based on the Rumi calendar where around 1396 I believe, okay. So today now, so

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he, they switched the roomie calendar which was introduced by the Ottomans to solve the problem of the lunar lunar calendar. Because one of the problems with the lunar calendars, if you pre plan, the dates can actually change, right, considering the fact that is based on the birth of the moon. So they said okay, we'll go by the head GD, but we'll make our own calendar and they called it this roomy calendar. Okay.

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It was switched. For what? For the Gregorian calendar. In Sept on September 4 1925, Muslim women were now allowed to take part in dance parties and all of these sort of things, clubs will slowly start opening up and these sorts of things so far hersha is now on a rise because religion is being suppressed at a government level. Okay, on December 8 1925, the European clothes were legislated to be the clothes of the land. No longer Did you have that Ottoman shall wore and the and the imama right now you had a different sort of wear and that is the European dresses, the the, the blazers and the shirts and the pants and that suits and also that European hat as well. Okay, so that was

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also considered a legislated heart meaning that this is what you're This is the dress of our country now.

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And within the same very year, all of the religious titles were canceled. No longer could people be called chaith. Okay, it was legal to refer to someone now, as Schiff Sufi titles were cancelled as well. No longer could a person be called a halifa, if it was part of a Sufi order, or no longer could a pupil be called them lead if he was part of the Sufi order as well. So all of these titles are is anything Islamic, basically, they're trying to close it from the very, very roots.

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On February 17 1926, the Islamic nikka is cancelled as well. And it's replaced with the civil marriage. What this meant is that there's no such thing as polygamy, that the men don't have to give dowry to mimic women, that the husbands don't hold the right to divorce their wives, and that women are allowed to marry men from any religious backgrounds. Okay, this is two years after the fall of the caliphate. So there's a deliberate attempt to destroy anything Islamic so that Islam is uprooted from its very, very roots, okay? Also, the inherent inheritance law is changed as well. So men and women are made equal. Inheritance law generally is replaced, the Islamic inheritance law is replaced

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for a modern law that was copied from the Swiss and the Italian law. And on October 4, by the way, when I say some of these things are happening, if you follow the news, some of these things are happening today, in some countries.

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Some of these things are happening if you're following the news, the inheritance laws are changing and happened in Algeria. Recently, the nica system being changed for civil marriages. That's also something that happened in Algeria, you know, people going from a conservative society to dances. You know, women dancing in streets, all of these things are happening. This is why I say this is a very relevant topic to what is happening in the oma today. Okay.

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On October 4 1926, the European law, namely the Swiss and Italian law is translated into Turkish and the Turkish law is fully optimized into these two different laws. On October 4 1926, for the next 14 years, you'll see destruction of religion after one thing after another after another, on October 4 1926, the statue of Mustafa Kemal is erected in Istanbul, okay, as a sign of liberation, secularization, and, in retrospect, all retrospect also destruction of religion in modern terms in modern Turkey, but as I said, much of that has been corrected, especially by the most recent government, in Turkey. And

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on May 20, by the way, I've never been to Turkey but I want to say something

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That, even till today, some people continue to fall into propaganda that is created by other countries to try to demonize the

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the current administration in that country. And I have no real business in that country for me to protect, you know, their current administration. But what I want you to think is, this was the state and now, there's the state where a new Islamic University is to be founded in two years from today, okay, which is being constructed right now. So the change requires time, we can't, you know, expect people to make all the changes in the world overnight, even these things, they took at least

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16 or plus years for all of these things to happen for, for the Ottoman Caliphate to totally be abolished and all of the remains of Islam and Muslims to be totally sidelined. It took a long time even for the secularists. So even for Islam to rise in a place, you need to let people breathe and it has to happen slowly, right. So on May 20 1927,

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all signboards that alluded to anything 1927. Now, all signboards that alluded to anything Ottoman were taken down. All official paperwork was now done, through the Government of the Republic of the People's Party in Ankara, and on April 10,

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April 10, actually, February 3 1928, so we were in 1927. signboards are taken down 1928, the very first hotel bar goes from Arabic Now to Turkish because there's also now an attempt to disconnect people from the Arabic language Why? Because what Sir William said earlier on, we need to disconnect these people from what the Koran How do we do that by disconnecting them from their language, which is the language of the Quran. Arabic was even though Turkish was a spoken language, Arabic was the what was a language that would that people would study. So most people would know Arabic, just as most of us know, English today, even though we have other languages as well, that we speak. So April

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10 1928, as well, a few months after the Turkish football, the first Turkish Hobart to be delivered. Now, what happens is that the word a law is no longer used in official oats. So you can say, well, law he seemed will be law, he, and so on and so forth when you're taking an official oath in a government position. Furthermore, everything related to Islam from the Constitution is taken out everything, okay? The fact that the state religion is Islam, that is also taken out, any signs of Islam within the Constitution is now out of there, meaning now it is a completely secular country, okay. On May 24 1928, the Arabic numbers are replaced, the Arabic numbers right are replaced for

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the, for the western numbers, right, which all of it is really taken from the

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Indian numbers, right.

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And they went to Arabic, and then the Europeans took it from the Arabs. So essentially, the Europeans took it from the herbs. And then those languages that used to write in Arabic fonts, they ended up switching to the Europeans. Okay, so now this is all part of westernization get rid of even the Arabic numbers. Not long after the Arabic language, the Arabic lectures will also be taken. But let's continue in chronology on November 1 1928, the number of mosque employees because there's endowments that have lots of money, even if they're closed down, they still have payments that are being made to these people. For years, the employees of the mosques have now been,

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have decreased from 2128 employees across the country to simply 188 employees.

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on the same date, the Turkish Arabic alphabets, so just a few months after the numr, the numbers are changed. Just a few months after that the Turkish Arabic alphabets are replaced now for the modern, what they thought was the modern Latin alphabets, all of these things are being done. Why? Because when you disconnect the people from the ability to read what they used to write for centuries, they get disconnected from their their forefathers, right? So now someone that would read Turkey, Turkish, the children, especially the growing generation, they will not be able to read the Arabic script because it will soon be banned.

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illegal. Even if you have a personal preference to write by the Arabic script, you're not allowed to it's legal. Okay.

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So what happened?

01:00:00 --> 01:00:13

Because of this, it's illegal Arabic books and Turkish books which were written with the Arabic script. They were sold for very, very cheap prices, tons and tons and what I mean by tons, literally tons, right?

01:00:14 --> 01:00:41

In terms of weight tons and tons of Arabic books were picked up and sold for pennies. Why? Because you couldn't use them. Or they were recycled to be reprint, you know, to print new books. And for the paper to be used towards new Latin script, whatever they wanted to print after that stores, newspapers, street signs, everything was changed into this Latin script of Turkish write.

01:00:42 --> 01:00:55

December 30, on the same in the same year 1928. Most of the mosques in Istanbul are closed down, there are now only 19 mosques remaining at this date, in Istanbul,

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next year, September 1 1929,

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all Arabic, all Persian, everything related to Arabic and Persian religion is already gone. But because books are all around the country, if you teach Arabic and Persian then you have a problem as well, right? So Arabic and Persian Persian lessons are now closed down Why? Persian has a lot of elements as well. So Persian is no longer talk. Arabic is no longer talk. And reading put on. This is only five years after the fall of the caliphate, reading Koran, reading Islamic books, is illegal and the punishments are very harsh, including execution, jail times, all sorts of things, okay. You're not allowed to read *. You're not allowed to have a hold on. You're not allowed to read

01:01:46 --> 01:02:00

Islamic books, you're not allowed to do any of these things. Five years. This is secularism that that that some people, for some reason still continue to be in a mirage that secularism is going to bring her to this right.

01:02:01 --> 01:02:15

January 22 1932, I skipped a few years, the Koran was still recited in the mosques because they're still mosques, but people general people are not allowed to read the Koran.

01:02:16 --> 01:02:37

However, now the Quran is they've attempted now to switch the Quran to Turkish as well. Why does it have to be an Arabic put on if everything is Turkish, the translation of the Quran should be recited they also attempted to make that so in Salah you're not allowed to recite Arabic but on you can only recite Turkish put on in Salah. Right.

01:02:39 --> 01:02:44

And on February 6 1932

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the hotel bar in Jamia asuna, Sulaymaniyah, which if you want to open your phones, you can take a moment and look at sulamani and look at the picture of it as well, the hotel bar now it reaches that even in January. So the money the hotel will no longer be in Arabic, it will be in Turkish as well. On July 18 1932, the Amazon and the pharma were both changed to Turkish and it was illegal for a person to give a dime in any in Arabic, okay, the regular amount that we're so used to it was I'm

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it was unlawful based on their laws to give this a than in Arabic.

01:03:29 --> 01:04:11

And at this juncture, of course, people were really, really angry and really mad. So our revolution was attempted, in certain parts of Turkey to try to stop this, but again, it was suppressed very, very fast. And this westernization or the secularization, or this destruction of Islam, whatever you want to call it, Islamophobia, whatever you want to call it, all of this was still taking place. And as it continued, the Turkish woman were now allowed to take part in beauty pageants in 1932, as well. In fact, the International beauty pageant in 1932, was won by a Turkish woman.

01:04:12 --> 01:04:52

The reason why I'm mentioning these boxes, because all of this shows you an insight into the type of fire shot. If you look at some of the pictures of women from the Ottoman Empire, you know, even paintings or pictures, early pictures from that time, you'll see the type of hijab and vibe that these women are wearing. Now they're forced to take their clothes off. Firstly, okay, they're not allowed to wear hijab. They're not and men are not allowed to wear a mama's and they're not allowed to dress in anything that shows any Islam to it or even any Turkish ness to it, not even Islam, anything that is Turkish as well because it all has to be like Europe entirely. And in 1932, as I

01:04:52 --> 01:04:59

said, the beauty pageant was won by by this Turkish woman, which again, all of it shows the fact that the law

01:05:00 --> 01:05:06

Had slowly but surely decreased to that level where and you know, the type of dress that normally beauty pageants

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host in 1933

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01:05:13 --> 01:05:25

revolution occurred against the ban of the Iranian Arabic but again, it was suppressed 1935 and we're getting towards the end of all of this description that I was trying to give you 1935

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the weekly holiday is switched from Fridays, people like to take their Friday's off in Muslim countries, but in this country, no. Okay, Friday, it used to be Friday, but now it is switched over to a Sunday. Okay. And also in February 1935 is Sofia is switched to a museum after being closed down. For some time, there was also an attempt to take all mosques and switch the system of prayer within mosques as well. So it's a whole new religion altogether. Okay. So what they would do now is, instead of having the type of Salah that we pray and we all are used to, there would be chairs of people sitting in the masjid, okay. And there's a person reading the Koran. And behind him, he is a

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musician playing music.

01:06:17 --> 01:06:25

Okay, so the Koran is being played along with music, like a song, kind of like, you hear the same sort of singing in churches as well. So there's this,

01:06:26 --> 01:06:33

you know, tendency of trying to christianize this particular country, as well. And in 1940,

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atheism was now officially taught within the country. Okay. This was basically some of what happened at the fall of the caliphate. Why am I telling you all this? Because in order for you to understand the rest of the life of what you are as a man, you have to know what happened, why was he doing what he did here after everything prior to this from the life of Omar was known as the period or the time, which is the sorry, the padeen, the old sorry, the sorry, who was involved a little bit in politics. That said he was involved a little bit in, you know, he was sometimes part of, he was part of a battalion that was trying to resist the Russian occupation. He was also part of the clergy that

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was trying to protect the Ottoman Empire from falling to the prey to the plans of the British, even though he wasn't able to successfully do that. But remember, one of the things that marked the goal of his life was the statement that he had read of Sir William Wright, that we have to get rid of the Koran out of the hands of these people. He realized, at that moment, that the only way he can now revive Islam within these people who are being forced to leave Islam literally forced, and there was all attempts to make turkey that we see today to be the strongest Muslim country, perhaps, that this country would no longer be considered a Muslim country. Okay, there was all sorts of attempts to try

01:08:02 --> 01:08:16

this. One of the reasons why we see Islam in Turkey today is because of AIDS efforts from this point till the end of his life. He starts inside of a cave, and he starts writing, what are known as the rasa in

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these treaties, these books, these small books, in which he hopes to enlighten people's lives with knew of a man. He says, This is not the time of Sufism, this is not the time of this, that the other he started saying, This is not the time of anything except a man. We just have to ensure that people in this world that we're living in, in this radical version of secularism that is all around us, they are simply able to maintain their faith. So he writes a lecture after another, I'm going to call

01:08:52 --> 01:09:10

the rasa in lectures instead of treaties. It's a harder word. So everybody stays with me. Okay. So for the purpose of this talk, I'm just going to call them letters. So he writes these letters after letters after letters, which are basically small books. One of those lectures that he writes, is a lecture by the name of

01:09:12 --> 01:09:50

Of course, from this point onwards, that aid will be jailed repeatedly as well. Because the secularists they felt that as a nurse, he was like a thorn in their throats. They couldn't secularize the country with the existence of sorry, the Nazi and somehow they could not kill him as well. Somehow, every single time. You know, he was there was attempted murders of him he was poisoned multiple times, but Allah kept him alive. Okay. Somehow, every time they will try to assassinate this man, Allah would keep him alive, and through him Allah Subhana Allah kept alive Islam as well within this country. So the first thing he wants to do is he wants to prove Sir

01:09:50 --> 01:09:59

William William wrong, because at that time, the Quran is being stripped out of the hands of the people. So he wants to teach him or tell him

01:10:00 --> 01:10:04

All over the world that the Quran is an inextinguishable light, right?

01:10:05 --> 01:10:25

It's a sun that can never be extinguished. So you take simple verses of the Quran that are related to faith that are related to the hereafter one of those verse one of those masal that he writes is a risala known as risotto. Okay, risotto hash. And again, all of these are available in English, so you can read them as well. Decided to

01:10:27 --> 01:10:38

decided to hash is written at a time risala of resurrection. And by the way, our course will be a little bit about this anyways, but not not related to this. I'm not going to speak about any of this in the course. This article

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is a risala that he wrote.

01:10:44 --> 01:10:55

And in this particular rusada, he was trying to combat one of the things that onkar was discussing at that time. How do we bring these people to this belief? They've been believing for so long?

01:10:56 --> 01:11:28

The secularists who disbelieve in a lot already themselves, they're thinking how do we make all these Muslims, millions of people, disbelievers. So they say we're going to talk about Allah azza wa jal, but they said, when we talk about a law, they're going to get us. That's a red line for Muslims, we can't talk about a lot. Well, I met these people love Rasul Allah, we can talk about all sorts of law. So let's go for the hereafter. Let's say that Look, guys, you all know that people die. If there really was a hereafter, then people would be resurrected, and they would come back to life, right?

01:11:29 --> 01:11:38

And we will see these people that would come back to life. But since we've never met anyone who's come back from after death, then

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then how do we know that there really is an afterlife.

01:11:43 --> 01:12:03

So in the simple people of Turkey, at that time, those who'd had no tools, okay, because all the tools were stripped of these, from these people, they had one man who had in, in very large amount committed to his memory, so they couldn't strip to strip them of all that, right.

01:12:04 --> 01:12:38

So what they did is they started spreading these doubts everywhere. So he writes his famous book called risotto. The treaties are the latter related to the resurrection and the Day of Judgment. And really, it is a very beautiful lecture. Again, you can go ahead and pick these up and read them on your own. Okay, and very logical, and a way which is personable to regular individuals, and even veterans, I'm only talking to the regular people, I'm not going to bring all this, you know, academic gymnastics into here, even though he could. He's memorized some serious books.

01:12:39 --> 01:13:00

But he doesn't do any of that he uses simple language, simple logic, to try to revive faith within these people. This book alone became so popular, right? And you know about popular videos, when you look at the brother over there who works with all those right? This book here was circulated. Look at this circulated all around

01:13:02 --> 01:13:31

the country, 500,000 times 500,000 copies of this were circulated. And remember, his books were not permitted in printing presses Why? Because he was still using Arabic letters. Only Latin letters could be printed in legally in the country. So all of these books, all of the 500,000 copies were hand copied by different people who wish to keep a copy of this within their house 500,000 copies around the country.

01:13:32 --> 01:14:14

And of course, each copy comes with an entire family to read it right. So this word spread like wildfire, that this rissalah confession has destroyed. The doubts that are coming from the secularists. Then another idea again, he writes a rebuttal in a small rusada third, one fourth one, slowly but surely, faith based communities, you know, faith started to become something perhaps even stronger in this particular version of Turkey than than than before, but they're trying to suppress faith by every single means. And for that reason, they will arrest him once, they'll arrest him twice, they'll arrest him three times, and the arrests will just continue. But they kept on doing

01:14:14 --> 01:14:51

him a favor. He said this as well, is that every time they would arrest me, they would put me in a different situation. They thought my mind was not going to go with with me, but my mind has everything in it already. Okay, so when he would go into jails, he would convince everybody in the jail to be Muslims, to pray Salah to, you know, come back to a large origin. When they would send him to a city in the north. He would stay there for a couple of years and they thought that they're at peace with him, that entire city and the entire population around that city would start to now slowly come to a man and faith through these aerosol there is writing when they so every time they

01:14:51 --> 01:14:59

would send him somewhere they would put him into exile. They would be in fact doing this man. A favor. 1000s and 1000s of his books were now in search.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:05

All across the all across the country, okay?

01:15:06 --> 01:15:25

until the year now, over these years, he went through a lot of trials, as I said jail term after jail term, he was old, he was getting sick as well, is now arriving at his 60s and 70s. Getting old is an old man by this time. He died in his early 80s. Okay.

01:15:26 --> 01:15:27


01:15:29 --> 01:15:31

but he doesn't lose his resolve.

01:15:32 --> 01:15:34

He continues throughout the difficulties.

01:15:36 --> 01:15:39

If they don't give him food, no problem. He has a food of soul.

01:15:40 --> 01:16:06

He continues in the light of a lot as origin continues to rise throughout these people. Until finally, in the year 1950, the general elections in Turkey happened, okay. When the general elections in Turkey happened. Now, the People's Party is no longer the ruling party of Turkey. Okay. Now there's a new party

01:16:08 --> 01:16:17

led by a man by the name of john Albania, and another man by the name of Adnan Mandy's Banderas.

01:16:18 --> 01:16:57

Now, this is a Democratic Party. And the party is a little bit softer on people and Muslims on everybody. And they made all sorts of promises that they're going to make Islam a little bit easier for people to follow, because people are sick of all these trials. I mean, they can't read on and they're Muslims. They can't, you know, read Arabic, they can't pray Salah they can't. Women can't work jobs, it's just there's nothing they can really do. Except disbelief. That's the only option. And disbelief and anything related to belief is not taught in schools. atheism becomes a religion, literally the state religion in some ways, where it's now taught in schools as well legal.

01:16:58 --> 01:17:39

So this is becoming very difficult. Now, by the love of Allah as origin in all of these years, the faith really did not die within Turkish people. One of those reasons as I said, one of those reasons not the only reason was the movement that sorry, the notes he had started because now it's not just him, it became a movement, his rasa in his books are all over the country. There's pockets of people in every city reading these rasa Eleanor it till today, it remains By the way, there's pockets of people reading recited a note all across the country to try to revive their faith and belief in Allah as origin. And all these doubts that the secularists are bringing, they're now being corrected

01:17:39 --> 01:18:00

by these societies that they're writing. So people are actually becoming stronger believers, because they're getting the doubts, and they're correcting these doubts as well. Right. So some people, not everybody, but some people are becoming very strong believers now. And they're willing to go through the sacrifices of the subjugation even even if it has to be that for the sake of maintaining their beliefs.

01:18:01 --> 01:18:04

So as I said, in 1950, however,

01:18:06 --> 01:18:27

with all these difficulties, the belief is right within the country still, the new government comes in and people vote in, in very, very large numbers. And the democratic party wins and slowly but surely, a number of different bands are lifted, not everything but slowly, but surely, because the secularists are really powerful.

01:18:28 --> 01:18:42

It said that Adnan Mendez didn't used to pray Allahu Adam, if he did or not, but this is what they say. He himself appeared to be secularist, but he had some shot off, he was a man of some honor. Okay.

01:18:43 --> 01:18:51

You could see that he was slowly trying to correct all of the things that the canalis had, had really corrupted within, within this country.

01:18:52 --> 01:19:04

He would slow he was even trying to use the influence of Turkey as a country, to help people in Algeria to try to seek their freedom from the French, to help people in other parts of the world to try to, you know,

01:19:05 --> 01:19:47

correct the situation of the oma to whatever degree one of the things that he did, is he brought back the other others, you know, he started to allow for Islamic schools to now be opened again, the the modalities of an Imam will have been the amount of multi modality, okay, they are now in very large numbers, right. Very large numbers after the President Erdogan took office, they started to, you know, become readily available to people. He's a graduate of one of those schools himself, the amount Hakeem schools, and they became more and more and more in numbers. Now, there's literally millions of students to those schools. Literally one point, if I'm not mistaken, 6 million or 1.2

01:19:47 --> 01:19:50

million people, students currently studying in that school, okay.

01:19:51 --> 01:19:56

And this is statistics from 2016. So it might be more now. And

01:19:57 --> 01:19:59

so he started opening these schools again.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:17

These Imam Hatim schools and or Islamic schools in general. And, but but he had to be careful because the secularists the army, there's a lot of dangers that he was he was working with. But in reality, despite all of the care that he had given

01:20:18 --> 01:21:02

documentaries, also, there was a coup done by the People's Party. And then he was hung. That's a story on its own. But let's go back to the story of the the Nazi during these 10 years in which Adnan and Jalil had office, things became easy. And this was the last moments really of his life as well the last 10 years of his life. And during these years of his life, though, they were easy, they were not extremely easy, because there's not just two people running the country, there's lots of people and things are definitely difficulties surveilled. Even through the last moments of his life. He's literally surveilled as well, they follow his every move, but he's now able to meet his

01:21:02 --> 01:21:43

students publicly, is able to, you know, travel from one city to another. And that's what he does. Now, all of those pockets that he had created of all across the country in Turkey, he literally goes to one city, visits them goes to the next city stays with them for a few days, you know, visits them, gives them some guidance, and so on and so forth and gives some new papers that he's written to students and, and moves around the country until, as I said, the demise of this great man, by the name of by the man sorry, Devin, Marissa and Lucy. It could be a turkey, came in the year 1960 on March 23. Okay, he died

01:21:45 --> 01:22:34

at the age of 83, a man who had literally literally been one of the signposts of the remains of Islam within this country that as you noticed, there was all attempts to secularize to API's, if that's even a word, this country so that there's no more religion left. Okay? It wasn't a matter of separation of church and state or separation of church and state. It was a matter of abolishment of mustard. Right? And creation of state. That's what that's what was being attempted. He died in the city of Aloha, aloha is a city orpha is a city which was known historically as that. And lots of Lima had come from the city, he died there, he was very varied. His books, his words, his legacy has

01:22:34 --> 01:23:22

now been translated into 50 or 60 different languages, okay. And that's why I said English is obviously one of those languages, in which the books of the years among have been, have been translated. But even after his death, and even after his burial, the people People's Party was so afraid of him, so afraid of him, that they didn't stop annoying him and they didn't stop oppressing him even after is the household. They were afraid that if his body is kept in a specific known location, it will remind people of his legacy, and other people will rise to the similar effect. So after the coup against the democratic government, which was slowly trying to ease the difficulties

01:23:22 --> 01:23:45

on people who are followers of Islam, okay, after the coup, the People's Party, they ended up sending, or if not the People's Party, the people who have been after surgery, the nursery throughout his life, which was really the People's Party, okay, they sent a group of people to dig up his grave.

01:23:47 --> 01:24:17

On July 12, just a few months after his death 1960 and they dug this grave up, and they brought the grave, they brought the corpse and they moved it to another city altogether. Until today, the location of the burial of sorry, the North Sea is not known, okay to people. But nonetheless, the legacy of sorry, the North Sea is embodied in 6000 pages of writings that he has written most of it is related to the Koran, okay.

01:24:19 --> 01:24:59

Because he was trying to prove that the light of the Quran is an extinguished double inextinguishable, it cannot be extinguished. So, he wrote, he wrote, passages in the vaccine related to certain specific select is related to the Day of Judgment related to people being resurrected on the Day of Judgment, related to all of the doubts related to her job related to prayer religion, to all of the doubts that the secularists were raising around about Islam, and by the love of Allah azzawajal that a man that he tried to, to maintain, we see today is only growing and growing. And I asked Allah subhana wa tada to allow us to take lessons from his life and the reason why I described

01:25:00 --> 01:25:39

This life is because of a couple of things. A, you see a man who has a vision, he recognizes what he has to do with his life. He sees a problem within the oma and he knows he's going to solve it. So what we have to do is we have to place for ourselves a vision, so we know exactly what we're going to be doing in the future days. You see a man that is willing to sacrifice some things, because he's farsighted, you see, there was a lot of revolutions that occurred at that time. When faith is being oppressed suppressed. He was farsighted, he realized that faith, nothing can stand in the way of faith, while our day No

01:25:40 --> 01:26:19

one told Alona enquanto, meaning right, do not become weakened. And don't be sad, because you will always have the upper hand if you are true believers, he realized that the upper hand will always be for belief. So he dedicated the second entire part of his life despite the fact that he was given offers. I mean, he was a scholar of the oma most of our sub reshuffled Islam, himself had moved over to where it moved over to Egypt, because they were killing scholars after scholars. So there is a danger that he would also be executed or killed, to shake on Islam of the Ottoman Empire, he moved to Egypt. And he did great things in his life as well. And he was given these offers as well as a

01:26:19 --> 01:26:34

scholar, a famous scholar of his time, but he chose to live a life of difficulties so that he may be able to maintain the faith. And he had said, a statement and I will say to you, and I'll leave you off with it. And one of the court hearings,

01:26:35 --> 01:26:40

and that was a court hearing, after the revolution of salaried shift, sorry, the other one.

01:26:41 --> 01:27:11

When he was he was acquitted from all charges, because he wasn't involved in it. Most of the times he was acquitted, because he was involved in nothing, they were just trying to, and almost all times he was acquitted, because they were just trying to place pressures on him to stop poison him and all sorts of things. But Allah subhana wa tada would protect him. They asked him that, would you wish for the Sharia to come into this particular country as well. He said, If I had 1000 souls, if I had 1000 souls,

01:27:13 --> 01:27:13


01:27:15 --> 01:27:50

somebody told me that you will sacrifice these 1000 souls for one law of Allah subhanaw taala to be reinstated within this land, which was a Muslim land for four centuries, I would be willing to sacrifice those 1000 souls for the sake of that. So we should be willing to sacrifice ourselves really for Allah azza wa jal to spread this beautiful message because when lying he didn't come to us on you know, cheap slaves, it came to us on the lives of people and on the backs of people I leave you with this was a little longer I'd say Ed, and I'm committed early he will be here

01:27:52 --> 01:27:54

if there's any questions and Charlie can take them

01:27:56 --> 01:28:00

So, this is a good question. The question is that with the onslaught of

01:28:01 --> 01:28:04

foreign dominant cultures within Muslims,

01:28:05 --> 01:28:08

do we have to necessarily adopt to these

01:28:10 --> 01:28:21

foreign cultures or should we continue to maintain whatever whatever our culture dictates as well whatever Islamic culture so to speak dictates right.

01:28:22 --> 01:29:07

Now, that whenever the word Islamic is added to something right, there is really only those things which are encouraged by the deen of Allah azza wa jal okay. So, there are certain things that are encouraged clear cut by the Dean of a law as origin other things, they are not really clearly encouraged by law as origin or his profits in the long run He will send them but they kind of became part of the Muslim legacy Okay, or they have been encouraged, but not so directly. For example, the thought there is no passage in the Sunnah, which says you have to or you should wear a thong, okay. But there is the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is said to have worn alchemise

01:29:08 --> 01:29:48

Karina cannot have with the Avi Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam al Bethel who an investor will come is that the most beloved of clothes to the prophets of Salaam that he would wear his armies. And we know that our tummies is basically something that has a hole for the neck to go through. That's the first thing. The second thing is that it has two sleeves. And the third thing is that it covers the outcome. Okay? So it's not the shadow optimism, I know some people like to translate it like that, because if without a shadow are your own would be showing. Right? So it has to be a commies which would actually cover your own. That would be then the closest thing to that

01:29:48 --> 01:29:57

would be the means which I see most many of the people wearing the concern over here, right? The coolness. So

01:29:59 --> 01:29:59


01:30:00 --> 01:30:42

That's the commies. This is what the prophet SAW Selim used to love, do we have to wear it? Some scholars, they said, there's no encouragement or even obligation. There's no obligation, let alone an encouragement, or there's no encouragement, let alone an obligation to wear such a thing. But others they said that the Prophet loved it. Okay. So loving what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam love, definitely, in sha Allah, Allah will earn you points with Allah azza wa jal, that's the discussion related to that. So it's really something that is a gray area. But what's happening here is not a matter of, you know, little things that that can be adjusted based on the person's local

01:30:42 --> 01:30:48

culture, right. So for instance, the type of clothes that people will wear in.

01:30:49 --> 01:31:39

In Malaysia, for example, that's where I'm coming from right now. Okay, is much different than the type of clothes that perhaps people will be wearing in Saudi Arabia or the Emirates or athon or, or Amman, even every place has their own, you know, different touch to wares, or clothes, which are kind of Islamic, do we have to maintain that? I encourage that people maintain their identities, okay. Because identity, be when you start adopting foreign identities, you're slowly being colonized in a way where you don't even realize, right. And that's why most of us are the Colossus in his book. In one of his books, he said, about language. He said that, when people adopt a different

01:31:39 --> 01:32:00

language, they have been, and they forget the previous language that they used to speak, then they've been colonized, without any weapons, without any armies without any anything else. Why? Because they cannot connect themselves to their past. Listen to me, they can't connect with themselves to what their past, they can't

01:32:02 --> 01:32:26

paint their own future as well. Why? Because no matter how good your language becomes, at the end of the day, the language you thought was the language you should be adopting within your life, those who are native speakers of that language, the information that they circulate will always look more pleasant to you, right. So you can't ever, you know, connect yourself to the past. And you cannot also

01:32:27 --> 01:32:42

know anything, you can't paint your own future. Rather, you allow other people to paint your future as well. And you have a personal identity as well, this is what he said. And that's why I encourage in terms of clothing in terms of in terms of

01:32:43 --> 01:33:25

everything that a person maintains their local social cultures, whatever those are, especially if there are from a Muslim land, then to encourage maintaining that that Muslim identity as much as possible. And whenever possible, number two, I also encourage, as much as possible, learn and teach English in Arabic, learn and teach Arabic as much as possible. teach it to your children nowadays, really, for those of you who are just becoming parents, right? It's really easy to teach now, children Arabic, by Allah, it's very easy. I know many, many parents were keen on this, they didn't have to make much effort. They didn't have to travel to different countries, they didn't have to do

01:33:25 --> 01:34:04

anything. Because now there are so many resources, if they're going to be sitting at home watching cartoons, let them watch Arabic cartoons and stuff. Right? One may say they're not going to understand they'll slowly pick it up. That's how the pig picked up. You know, that's how children pick up many children today, around the world pick up the English language through watching television is not so it's so. And that's why in many places around the world, you go and meet people, the the generation, which is in the workforce today, they may have a bit of an accent speak English, but the new generation, they're speaking English perfectly. Why? Because it's so readily

01:34:04 --> 01:34:43

available. It wasn't like the previous generation. And that's the same case with Arabic as well. That's the same case with every other language. So you as a father, as a mother, I have the opportunity to connect your children to a Muslim culture, how are you going to do that? Through giving them the language of Islam, so that they can be connected to the book of Allah azza wa jal in a way where perhaps you didn't have the opportunity to do but for example, sorry, the notice he did. And for example, he aspired to teach the world the beauty of this put on and maybe you can have that same sort of aspiration for yourself, and your progeny as well. ask Allah subhana wa tada to grant

01:34:43 --> 01:34:47

is that Sophia, to practice and to convey? I hope that answers the question.

01:34:48 --> 01:34:59

By the way, I'm not encouraging watching cartoons, but I'm saying that this is and by the way, there's actually a lot of cartoons nowadays as well that can help your kids feel

01:35:00 --> 01:35:02

alienate themselves with Islam really there is.

01:35:03 --> 01:35:41

There's cartoons about different Sahaba not to have a different conquerors and different scholars and all sorts of, you know historical events that occurred within Islam and so on and so forth. These are available for people to watch for children to watch. So connect yourself and your children to the language of the book of Allah azza wa jal and also the legacy of Islam. Whenever there is no question this either the talk was really good and understood or really bad, nobody understood anything. I hope it was the first one and challenges that come along with it and for giving me your time, was a little longer so you didn't come early. He was like

01:35:42 --> 01:35:43

I said, I want a few more. I went to LA he will go

In this lecture, Sh. Abdul Wahab Saleem discusses the life of one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi was a revivalist who dedicated his life to reviving faith within the Republic of Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman caliphate. He also details many of the harsh measures that the secularists had taken against Islam and Muslims after the abolishment of the caliphate.

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi was a man of great influence on the ummah during one of the most critical phases that the ummah went through in the previous century. That critical phase included the fall of the Muslim caliphate and the formation of the nation-states.

During this phase, each Muslim country struggled to find its own identity. The Republic of Turkey realized itself into a secular state. Under the harsh rule of Mustafa Kemal, this longstanding epicenter of Islam and Muslims became one of the harshest rivals of anything Islamic, anything Arabic, and anything Ottoman.

In this lecture, I discussed the life of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi and his role in the renewal of faith within his people. I also chronologically detailed all the measures that the secularists had taken after the fall of the caliphate to suppress Islam, destroy its presence in Turkey, and prevent any attempts to a renewal of faith. This was truly one of the darkest phases in recent history.

I ask Allah to raise the status of Said Nursi, accept his great sacrifices for Islam and Muslims, and grant us the ability to develop faith-based communities who spread the light of Allah in all corners of the world.

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