Abdul Wahab Saleem – Embracing Quran #01 – Why Do The Scholars Encourage Reading Surah Ya Seen?

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The Surah Makia is a symbol of the heart of every woman and woman everyone knows about, and the title of the parables is the Surah Makia, which is meant to captivate the listener. The speakers discuss the confusion surrounding the use of letters in the Quran and the multiple opinions on its meaning, including the Permenica or Permenica. The speakers also touch on the importance of guidance and the straight path in Islam, as well as warning against being too strong or too aggressive in the context of the Surah Tenzin al Qaeda.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Ramadan Kareem Ramadan Mubarak to all of you. Welcome back to another season of embracing Quran. And this time around, we're looking at a surah that is the heart of every Muslim when it comes to the surah of the Quran. And that is also known as the heart of the Quran itself and that Surah Yaseen, so that they are seen as a special place in the hearts of the believers around the world. And this is something that Allah subhanaw taala had chose for the surah really, I would say that there is no other surah in the Quran that has that type of status, that type of feeling that people have in

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terms of clinging to the surah. Now, that's because there are a number of Hadith related to the virtue of the surah. I'm just gonna pause here for a second and make an important note, and that is that when it comes to the virtues of the Surah Surah of the Quran in general, the sewer, for the most part, these virtues are not authentic, okay? For the larger majority of them, but there are some sewer

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about which we have specific statements from the prophets and Silin, which are authentic, and one of those sorrows is actually the Surah Surah Thea scene and that virtue is when the prophets of Allah who it was said Lim, says Cora ujar, Sinhala, mocha, calm, this isn't something to be dealt with. And some of the scholars that consider this hadith to be authentic that go ahead and read the surah Yaseen read surah, to seen upon the people who are dying a mystery people who are your relatives, or your friends or family or anyone who happens to be close to you, and he's dying before you read to them. Surah trc and the reason for that is because Surah trc and actually has many meanings related

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to the day of judgment, and has many reminders that a believer needs throughout his life as well. And so this is one of those Hadith Yes, it's disputed. Some scholars, they say it's not authentic, other sales, authentic, but generally speaking, the fuqaha the scholars of 50 they accept this and they encouraged this practice as well. And there is another Hadith as well. And that hadith isn't sorry, even Hibben. So according to Ibn Hibben this hadith is authentic. And that hadith says mannakkara IRC and feeling listen, if Tila Tequila Warfield Allah Who whoever read surah T are seen in one night, and he's hoping for the reward of Allah subhanaw taala, Allah subhanaw taala will

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forgive him. Okay, so this is one of those Hadith which is again, it's not super strong in terms of his authenticity, but it is still a an acceptable Hadith, according to a bit headband at least. And last but not least, there's one more Hadith which again, some scholars have deemed authentic, others say it's not. And that hadith says that you are seen happens to be the heart of the Quran. But through these a hadith, although they remain disputed, we can generally come to a conclusion that there is some sort of virtue behind this surah and through the fact that Allah gave this surah a special status in the hearts of the people around the globe. No matter where you go in the world.

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You'll hear people saying read YA seen radio seen and you have these little booklets in which they put place Yeah, seen as well. And they print them out literally in hundreds of 1000s. if not millions, and they're distributed and people read and almost, you know, every person in specific cultures, they will memorize the surah as well. So this surah has that special closeness to the OMA of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So that's why it's very special that we've decided to go with sort of the scene within the season. Certainly a scene by the way, is a Surah makiya, by the consensus of the Islamic scholars. So this surah is there is one verse in this sorta, however, that

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sums who some scholars, you know, which some scholars believe is not actually makiya, and that is diverse number 12, from the Surah, which says when to Buma demo.

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And there's a story behind it. But anyways, the better opinion in that regard as well is that this is a Surah Makia, including verse number 12, as well. This is a little bit of the preface related to surah. Yaseen. Now Surah T has seen, like some other solos in the Quran, like Alif Lam Meem like Alif Lam ra like Jaime, and others who are that start off with letters, which, which are known as broken letters. So that you are seen also starts off with these broken letters. What does that mean broken letters are called aloof and multipath in Arabic. What that means is, there are letters that don't necessarily have any specific clear meaning

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because the Arabic words which are made up of letters, they're known. So for example, Kitab means a book. So it's made up of a certain amount of letters, but we pronounce it like that we

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don't pronounce each specific letter separately, we don't say gaff Alif Baa. But when it comes to kapha, inside in sort of medium or when it comes to Elif la meme, sort of, sort of the Bacara. When it comes to your scene when it comes to her mean, we pronounce the letters themselves. And these are known as the broken letters. Now, what's the significance of these letters? There's around 12 different views of the scholars. What exactly is the significance? I personally have one of those views, I hold it, and I've shared it before as well. And that is that basically these letters are meant to captivate the attention of the listener. Okay. Well, what does that mean? Well, when Allah

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subhanaw taala, wants to really hit home run with a message. Sometimes in the beginning of the surah. He starts off with these strange letters, which are not known to the Arabs, meaning the letters are known, but they're the combination is not known. So by this, the listener will say, Hey, what's going on? What's he saying? Right? So it kind of captures and captivates the person and captivates the attention of the listener. So that's where these words come from. Yeah, seeing gaffa inside Alif Lam, Meem, and so forth. So these are letters, they're meant to captivate. Secondly, normally along with these letters, which come in the beginning of certain sweat in the Quran, right

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after Allah subhanaw taala mentions the Quran while Quran Al Hakim in this case. So the scholars they said that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is trying to tell the listeners and the readers that hey, this little on is actually is actually made up of these letters over here, okay, it's made up of the same letters that you and I and, and everybody knows, but the Quran is much more magnificence magnificent, it's much more greater, it's much more superior, it's much more eloquent, much more powerful, much more captivating than anything you can create with the same letters. So that's why Allah subhanaw taala starts off these literally, with these letters, Yacine Well, Quran and Heki.

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Now, there are other opinions as well. And there's a camp of scholars, by the way, who believe that we shouldn't even be looking at any reasons behind these letters, because we wouldn't we would basically be trying our luck with information that we don't have. But I believe that, you know, as the majority of scholars believe that we should be looking at some sort of wisdom behind these letters, and then there are 12 different opinions about what those wisdom wisdoms are. And I've given you one of those opinions that I believe that is the the strongest view when it comes to this particular

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idea the rules apart the broken letters, okay, well, Quran Al Hakim now, Al Quran, Al Hakim,

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the wise Quran, okay, that's one way of looking at Al Quran of hacking. The second way is that it's the Perfected Oran, sometimes ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada chooses certain word forms, because certain word forms can actually have multiplicity of meanings. So Hakeem, which is on the pattern of ferry ferry has the ability to have two meanings. One of them is that it's the wise Quran and the other one is that it's the Perfected Quran. Or al Hakim excitable and hikma. So it's possible that Allah is intending this or that or both. And that's what would make sense because Allah subhanaw taala chose a word that can have two possible meanings, neither of them to get the other that means and both of

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them are true. The Quran is full of wisdom, the Quran is perfected as well. So this is the Perfected Quran. And this is also the wise Quran as well. One Quran in Hakeem and the Quran which is which is perfected as well in Nicola Meenan mursaleen you Oh Mohammed. Now Allah subhanaw taala speaking to the prophets, Allah Salam is saying, You Oh Mohammed happened to be over shorty and definitely from the mursaleen from those who have been sent by Allah subhanaw taala from those who have been granted the message by Allah subhanho wa taala. Now there are three words in the Quran usually used for messenger or Prophet, okay, the one word is a Nebby which means a prophet and you have another word

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which is a Rasul, which means a messenger and you have the word modal cell as well, which is also a messenger but slightly different. Oftentimes in English translations, we just translate both Rasul and Marcel as as a messenger, but they're very, they're, there's a subtle difference between the two when it comes to the Rasul when it comes to the Rasul there are so Rasool represents the angle of the delivery of message, okay, so the messenger when Allah subhanaw taala wants to highlight the quality within a messenger of delivering the message to the people. Allah subhana wa Tala uses the term of Rasul and I looked through the entire Quran and looked at every single occurrence of both of

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these words and came to this conclusion. Allahu Allah, and this is a differentiation that even Abilene is getting in his book.

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and follow the law we are mentioned as well that are Rasul is basically that angle of the messenger ship that is meant to deliver the message but there is another angle and that is to receive the message. So, when Allah subhanaw taala wants to highlight the reception of the message, he says a morsel when he wants to highlight the the delivery of the message he said, he says a Rasul. Okay, so over here Allah is highlighting that the reception of the message and the reason for that is in Nicola minal mercerie you happen to be among the people who received the message because Allah is going to speak of people who have received a message and their people denied their messenger ship,

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because their claim of the Quraishi was that the idea that you got a message from Allah subhanaw taala it's completely flawed. And Allah subhanaw taala wants to emphatically say to the prophets of salaam that you are definitely of the people who've been granted a message. He starts off firstly, Allahu Allah is at the UN General by saying well, Quran and Hakim, see making an oath or taking an oath by the Quran, which is ever wise and ever perfected as well. And that's his own word. So this is one of the characteristics of Allah subhanaw taala. And after he takes that oath, Allah subhanaw taala says, you have a shorty, you definitely happen to be from the people who have been granted a

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message by God in Nicola Meenal Mursaleen. In a Colombian Masuri O Muhammad, Allah said often will step in and you happen to be on the correct path as well, you are on the right path as well. Now the word of Surat, it comes from the word Salah with a sin, or Zara with XYY. And all three are used Xalapa, SATA and SATA as well. And what it basically means is, it means to swallow something, okay. And

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the Arabs, they called a syrup, a path or a road a, a direction, a path, they call it a syrup, because when you have a very long path, and people keep on treading on this path, and they keep on walking deep down or very late into the path, it looks like the path is basically swallowing them up. So when they would see some people basically far away on the road, kind of being swallowed up as it disappeared from the from the vision of the individual, they would say is thought out estado who utter the the path has basically taken him, right. And that's why the serratus called called a syrup Allah Serrata Mr. Team. So now we're talking about two things over here. Through this, we can

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understand two things that because the idea the concept of swallowing, the person is being denoted within the word set off, you're talking about a straight path already.

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Because you'd only imagine a person being swallowed. When it comes to the vision before you hide hidden. Three, four kilometers later or less than that, or more than that, if the path is straight, if it's crooked, if it's going right and left, then they don't get swallowed up by the path, they just get hidden because the path is going in another direction. So set out the scholars they say we take from this route, meaning of it, that's an author's already a straight path. So Allah subhanaw taala, is highlighting that this is a straight path and other quality of the words that odd is that it's a wide path. Now, despite the fact that the term set off already has the connotation of the

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straight path in it. Allah subhanaw taala he wants to emphasize that specific quality, he wants to highlight that specific quality, he wants to underscore that specific quality. So he brings another qualifier, he brings another adjective and he says, I lost it all they must have been you happen to be on a very straight path, because he wants you and I to realize that the path of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam and the path of all Prophets happens to be that true and straight path that that Allah subhanaw taala wants us to be on. Now by the way over here. There's a very important point to note and that is that set Ottomans the team the straight path is basically a metaphor for

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guidance because guidance is what leads you to Allah subhanaw taala and Allah subhanaw taala often he talks about how the right in the beginning of the Quran We ask Allah subhana wa Tada we say do not set off and I'm stuck in guidance to the straight path. Okay, so Allah has made the straight path a metaphor for guidance because straight path happens to be the shortest route to get to the end. Okay. Now let's say you have to go from here to three kilometers ahead. You have a couple of roads you can take the Ring Road which will go round, you could take the you could take a right and go into the the the inner streets and go through the inner packs and you might have to go take right

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and left and right and left and then there's like a day

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And then you turn around and make a U turn and you finally get to the end, or you take a highway that goes straight right to the end of the road, wherever you're trying to get to. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala wants you to know that the straight path is the path of Allah. And that's the fastest route to get to Allah subhanaw taala and to get to Jana, and to get to where you want to get to, but if you take the other paths, if you take the path that is slightly crooked, then you will meet you may have to make a stopover in the hellfire. You may have to make a stopover and in the hellfire and get cleaned up for the sins that a person has committed, but Allah wants you to be on

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that straight path. So you get right to Allah subhanaw taala he doesn't want you to go on the side roads. He doesn't want you to do as the poet says Salah kupuna Yatta. Today, the Fosbury Omotenashi been anatomical activity that they ended up treading the side roads and that and because of treading the side roads, they couldn't be on the straight and large road Allah wants you to be on that highway. And when you get on that highway to Allah subhanaw taala that is your highway to success as well. Then Allah subhanaw taala continues and he says that 10 Zeeland Aziz Ibrahim

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this Quran Hakeem that I've told you about the wise Quran, the Perfected Quran, this happens to be Tenzin. It happens to be a revelation from Allah. What is it? Well Jarrell who is described with two qualities. Allah subhanaw taala is described to be the mighty one. And Allah Subhana. Allah Allah is described to be the merciful one as well. Now, by the way, this surah also has what we can call Bara Elise de LAN, and this is a concept that the scholars of the Arabic rhetoric talk about, and that is that in the beginning of your speech, you talk about all of the main things that you're going to be talking about throughout Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala talks about right in the beginning of the of

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the surah. He talks about the fact that Allah Subhana Allah Allah is messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is actually sent by Allah subhanaw taala in Nicola Manila mousseline, you happen to be sent by Allah, you happen to be a person who has been given the message by Allah subhanaw taala, you'll see that one of the main themes of the surah is actually messengers are sent by Allah, and how Allah subhanaw taala treated those message and what happens to be the broad guidelines of the straight path as well.

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Then another thing is Allah Subhana Allah, Allah will show you manifestations of His mind, and also manifestations of His mercy within the surah as well. Both of them will be shown within the surah. So Allah subhanaw taala wants you to be reminded right in the beginning of those concepts that will be discussed later on in the Surah Tenzin al Aziz al Rahim, it's a revelation from Allah Aziz, the Mighty One and also the merciful one as well. And by the way, this always in speech. And speech writers know this. And people who happen to be public speakers know this as well. If you can tell the listener or kind of hint to the listener, what you're going to be talking about throughout your

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speech in the first few sentences that you make that's considered very powerful, because you've already kind of set the tone for the discussion. So Allah subhanaw taala, in the beginning of the Surah, has already set the tone for the discussion. So he says Tenzin Aziz Rahim. It's a revelation from the ever mighty, and it's the revelation also from the Ever Merciful as well. Now, the thing about those two qualities, one may say, how could the is the might come together with the Rama as well, aren't those antonyms to one another, a person who's mighty and powerful and is able to completely annihilate anything he wants, or is able to do whatever he wants to anything he wants,

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that level of ultimate and absolute might.

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But how can that go along with with mercy? The reality is that these two qualities they complement one another, if a person is excessively merciful, but they don't have might, it may be occurring because of weakness. But if a person is excessively strong, and they don't have mercy, then that's a sign of oppression and trans aggressiveness. So Allah subhanaw taala wants you to know that the mighty of Allah is fashioned with the Mercy of Allah and the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is also is also fashion with the might of Allah subhanaw taala and that he is not merciful because he's weak, he's mighty, and he's not oppressive and aggressive because he's mighty because he's merciful,

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Allah Azza wa Jalla. So those are two qualities of Allah that are very, very prevalent when it comes to the themes of the Surah Surah Yaseen as well. Allah subhanaw taala continues and he says the tune DiRocco woman I sent to you this Quran Allah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, O Messenger who has been granted by Allah the message I did that lead to the Iraqi government, so that you may warn a people you may give a warning to people

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Now that's very important over here because there are a group of people out there who believe that the only conversation we should be having is a conversation of of Beshara and that's a Glad tidings we have to have a happy go lucky Islam everything is just perfect and great and we have to hold hands with everybody in the world and sing Kumbaya and and that's what we have to do to be presenting to the world. And that's what the Quran Quranic messages as well and that's not true. That's basically deviating the the message of the Quran because Allah subhanaw taala said, I gave you this Quran, Wiley to Indira Coleman, it's wise you have to do it with wisdom. Okay, we're not

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talking about becoming obnoxious. But you still have to warn the twins, the rock Coleman mountains, there are about whom for whom coffee alone, so that you weren't a people whose forefathers had been warned. Now, I'll pause here to make a very important point. Who are these people between the rock Coleman mountains,

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Allah Subhana Allah Allah has given the message to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the primary people that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam will be warning is of course who is going to be courageous but then everyone else as well because Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent to all of mankind. But Allah subhanho wa Taala continues, and he said, Matt, when the bat whom, for whom golfing on their forefathers, were not warned. Okay? Is it true that the forefathers of flourish were not warned? Yes, for a couple of generations. This is true that the forefathers of Quraysh, the forefathers of the prophets of Salaam, when it comes to the Quraysh, at the time of the

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Prophet, they weren't sent with a warner because the prophets of salaam was the first Warner, after isa it set up. So matalin about whom for whom coffee don't and because of that, they are now heedless.

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They don't have concern any longer. The practices in Arabia, when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam had come, they were very, very obnoxious. Every evil that you can think of, was being practiced in Arabia. And that's why when some authors, they talk about the Arabs at the time of the Prophet in Arabia, and they say they had these beautiful qualities and they had this charm, and they had this greatness. And that was the reason why the prophets of salaam was sent to them. That's not really true, that the prophets are sent to people when the nation happens to be at the furthest point away from guidance, because that is those are the people that are most deserving of guidance,

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those who have went far, far away. Yes, there were certain qualities of chivalry and other things that that the pagan pagans and Rabia had, but generally speaking, they were far away from guidance. These are people who would walk around naked within the streets, these are people who literally had prostitution, that was not only legalized, but it was publicly done as well. They had many different qualities, which were very, very evil, kind of like the they even had the concept of the red light district that we have today. But at that time, it used to be the red flag. So every evil that you can think of drinking,

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you know, anything that you can think of that's evil within your mind, was being practiced within Arabia, for the most part, okay? Yes, there were some qualities like for example, some of the Sahaba, they mentioned, they didn't use to lie. So there was honesty, because honesty goes with chivalry as well. So the Arabs in Arabia didn't have the concept of lying until they ended up meeting other nations. And that concept of lying started to, to become common within within the entire world at that point, right, including Arabia. But the point of the matter is, yes, there were some positive qualities. But generally, misguidance was the hallmark of the Arabian society at that

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time, literally, your account and Matt went back home for the home coffee noon. Now this doesn't mean that they're about their forefathers weren't warned at all. No, no. This means the recent forefathers otherwise, we know that the lineage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes back to his memory that he said, I mean, this married himself is a is a prophet as well. lapad hepco Allah accetti him for him, let me know. And we'll stop here in sha Allah will carry on with our lessons on salty SE and I pray that Allah subhanaw taala grants you a great fast, a great Dr. Ahmed great Siyam and accepts from you all of your deeds and allows us to understand this beautiful Surah

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Allahumma Amin Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali he also be here Jemaine

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