Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Muminoon 08

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of "has been" in Arabic language, with the translation of the Bible being used to describe animals and people. They also discuss the use of "has been" in Arabic to describe things, including transportation and business, and emphasize the importance of learning and practicing to become familiar with the carrier practices. The transcript also describes the use of "has been" in Arabic to describe things, including transportation and business, and the benefits of the translation, including the use of animals as objects for transportation and business purposes.
AI: Transcript ©
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Every summer I have the distinct pleasure of spending an entire month with people from all over the world here in Dallas, teaching the Arabic language or onic Arabic the language of the Quran and discussing and exploring the timeless lessons and wisdoms of the book of Allah. We call this experience for all intensive please check out begun smr.com that's b a YYINH summer.com to get more information sign up. I look forward to seeing you here in sha Allah at the Quran intensive

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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa rahmatullah wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Selena, Allah Allah he was actually meant to be our homie son, lamb Dean.

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So in the previous session, we talked about how Allah subhanaw taala after talking about the stages and the,

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the remarkable creation of the human being, Allah subhanaw taala then talks about some of the other observations of Allah subhanaw taala his greatness, his power and his majesty, all around the human being as well and Allah subhanaw taala started that off by talking about the sky above the human being. Now from here, number 18 Allah subhanaw taala continues now to from the sky now Allah subhanaw taala is talking about how this human being benefits from the blessings of Allah so an eye number 18.

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Allah says, well, Angela, Amina sama Emma, I'm the other in

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a scanner who fell out of the way now Allah haben Vila de Lune, a very brief translation. And we sent down from the sky water

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in do measure, and placed it within the earth, and we have the complete power to take it away. And we have the complete power to take it away. So let's talk about a few of the interesting words here that Allah subhanaw taala uses. First and foremost is the word father. The word father in the Arabic language is a very versatile word has many different usages. But the Word of God that in the Arabic language basically means like a fixture or a measure of something, a fixture or a measure of something.

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The next word is a skin now who this comes from the root word second, which basically means to rest somewhere, and a scanner who is from a scan, it is the

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the transitive version of the word. So second means that he resided somewhere, as kinda means he was placed somewhere. So that's what that particular word means. The Hub, the hub in the Arabic language means to leave or to go away. And we'll talk more about that and Adi loon, again is coming from the word cadet. So you can see again here beautiful connection that Allah subhanaw taala is borrowing from the same roots of the word God the rune basically refers to somebody having the capability to do something. So cutter is the measurement of something or the limits of something the size of something, and called the rune refers to somebody having the capability of doing something. Now to

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exactly talk about what this is saying. So of course, the obvious mentioned of the sky is your Wonsan Amina sama, Allah subhanho wa Taala says and then we sent down from the sky. So after reflecting on the sky, now Ally's calling your attention to now what comes down from the sky. So Allah says that we sent down from the sky water, this of course, obviously making mention of the rain. So Allah subhanho wa Taala, saying we send down rain from the sky, because they're in with a fixed measure. Now, this is very important to kind of note why Allah subhanaw taala mentioned that here and this will be something

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That all reiterate towards the end of the session Sharla. But I shared with you one particular aspect of Allah subhanaw taala, talking about all the observing of the creation of Allah subhanaw taala all around us, and looking at all the creation of Allah subhanaw taala because this is an evidence of the fact that if you see, you look at yourself and look at all the miraculous stages that you pass through in your creation, to make you who you are right now. And then you look up at the sky, and you look at the rain falling, and the, you know, the you look at the earth, and the ground and the vegetation growing from there, and the animals roaming the earth, that if you look at

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all of this, and you are able to clearly obviously observe Allah subhanaw taala his power and magnificence, then how, why is it that you doubt Allah subhanaw taala his ability to bring you back to life, that after you have died, that he can't resurrect you, why do you have any doubt in regards to that you are clearly interacting and observing the greatness of with the greatness of Allah subhanaw taala. So that's one. The second thing that one of the most fascinating points out here, I was just going through this today. And it was really a remarkable thoughts that he says that Allah subhanaw taala is also pointing out the sky above us, and wood shields us and everything that it

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provides to us, then a lot of talks about the rain coming down, and how that nourishes us and everything that again provides for us, and Allah will go on to talk about the earth and the vegetation and the fruits and the vegetables, and everything we eat. And then the animals that are also there for our benefits, and transportation and all these different things that we'll talk about today. And one of the real central ideas and thoughts that are being communicated here is that Allah subhanaw taala did not just create you and then leave you. He's an extremely merciful, compassionate, and this is an interesting word, attentive creator and master, he is very, very

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attentive to your needs, he has made all the arrangements for you from beforehand for everything that you would need or require. So be very cognizant of that. And take that into consideration when you process how you perceive Allah. How do you perceive Allah, if you have this very skeptical, and you have this very negligent attitude towards Allah subhanaw taala. Think about what that says about you and your quality as a person.

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Right? Somebody comes in hand you a glass of water, and you take it and you throw it in their face. What does that say about you as a person?

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Right? Or you just even take it and just walk off in the other direction silently. Still, what does that say about you as a person in your your quality as a human being?

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And we all know, we would all be offended by such conduct and behavior. And what we'd obviously demand and necessitate is somebody take the glass, look us in the face, say thank you very much. jazak Allahu heydon. I appreciate it. And just show a little gratitude.

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Right, so we demand so much. And that's something that we consider a necessary part of being a decent functional human being. Right, this isn't even before the scope of eemaan. Remember that when we talked about Amana? The beautiful Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from Sahih Muslim were the prophets a lot. He some says that amount of trustworthiness was first put in the hearts of people. And then the Quran came and they learned from it. And then the Sunnah came in they learned from it, but that Amana and decency is just innate, it's like it's a part of being a human being, it's part of our fitrah.

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And so similarly, a basic level of gratitude. And appreciation is a part of the fitrah. It's a part of being a decent human being. So the Creator, the master, the Sustainer, the nurture the provider, who's made all these arrangements for you. And taking is taking care of you so well, then to turn around and have this type of a very negative and almost angry attitude towards him. What does that say about me as a person and a human being?

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And then secondly, even if we are at the level where, okay, we've embraced a man and we recognize and accept the loss of control, which allows our master as a creator. But then also, it begs the question, and this is how it even complements because a lot of us you don't have positioned these two passages, as if the first passage is talking to believers in the now this passage that we're in from 12 to 22, or 23,

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is now speaking to the disbelievers.

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While that is completely possible, and it is maybe doing that, but at the same time we understand from the nuance and the layers of the Quran and the coherence of the Quran, that it can't exclusively just be that like a chapter just completely changed in our allies talking about something completely different. Even though I could if you wanted to, but we just know that's not the Quran from having studied the Quran the little that we have. So this is how it also complements

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The previous passage I find a lotto this success is for the believers. And these are the attributes and the qualities of the believers and this is your reward. But now Allah subhanaw taala is also addressing something a lot more fundamental, and a lot more basic, that Allah subhanaw taala is saying, and you know what? complying with these characteristics, basically which necessitates being obedient to Allah subhanaw taala your humanity demands that of you, the fact that you breathe, and you eat, and you drink, and you walk, and you talk and you sleep,

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that in and of itself is enough to demand

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compliance with these attributes and these characteristics from you. That that's enough to necessitate and demand that, right. So it's very, very powerful. So let's, when we read these, as we're reading them, I want you to read them with that with those two layers, obviously, at the very least, those two layers in mind, one, obviously, that it's St. Lal, it is Allah subhanaw taala, establishing proof that he not only can but will resurrect people after they have died.

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And number two, also reading it with the lens of that these are all reasons, just really simple, basic, obvious reasons for us to be extremely grateful to Allah subhanaw taala

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to be very, very grateful and attentive to Allah subhanaw taala.

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So what ends and I mean, as Emma Emma and Allah subhanaw taala says that we send down the water from the sky rain, because that is with the fixed measure. And now this fixed measure is very relevant. Allah subhanaw taala talks about, or rather, I'll talk about that in just a minute. But this fixed measure is very, very important. Because we know in the Quran, they're both observations, Allah subhanaw taala talks about rain coming down from the sky and nourishing people and nourishing the animals and nourishing the earth and providing all of these blessings and we know what ends up happening. When that rain does not come down from the sky, then what ends up happening, then famine

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and drought and suffering, tragedy. So Allah subhanaw taala provides enough for us to be able to survive, but at the same time, the Quran also has told us about that what if the rain came down in excess

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the rain came down too hard, too fast, too quick, and for too long.

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That that's a flood and the to find new. And it's very interesting, because the next passage will talk about new Haleakala that the DuPont of new how it obliterated and destroyed everything, everyone and everything, except for the people lots of $100 saved. So this is a very powerful idea that Allah subhanaw taala is sharing with us here and it's something that we should definitely make note of.

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Now, unless hunter which Allah goes on to say,

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for a Skinner who fill out an ad

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for a Skinner who fill out and then we placed it within the earth, like we allowed it to remain within the earth, and again to move us in and explain like even casita and others they talked about this, even our shoe talks about this as well that if the rain would just come down for a limited amount of time, and Allah had not made these natural arrangements to be able to preserve the water in lakes and rivers and streams and so on and so forth. Then what would happen wells and other things what would happen to our supply of water?

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Right, we would be obligated we would have to in that situation, try to save and store as much water as we could but again, whether that would go bad or that would get that would just spoil after some time, develop a stench after some time, but Allah subhanaw taala made these very natural arrangements to be able to preserve that water so that we have a continued means of sustenance. Right so again, for a Skinner who fill out and Allah subhanaw taala talks about this other places in the Quran as well, where Allah subhanaw taala says

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well, Angela Mina sama Emma and

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yes, Allah subhanaw taala says lm Tara and Allah Addison sutra number 39 number 21. lm Tara Angela Angela Amina sama Emma and for silica who Yana be as

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well you can see that Allah subhanaw taala says that have you not reflected on the fact that Allah subhanaw taala sends down this water this rain from the sky and then he allows it to run in abundant quantity within the earth Jamboree and mountain Kathy and Alan doesn't say the singular Jamboree, he says a plural he and I be an abundant quality, abundant quantity within the earth in abundance is flowing throughout the earth. In another place in the Quran in surah number 15 I in number 22 Allah subhana wa tada says, For unzila Amina sama EMA and for us

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claim to move a spray naku that we sent down rain water from the sky, and then we provided it for you. So it's more than just the fact that we sent the water down and then again, just kind of left you on your own. Alright, here you go. Right? How do we interact with people that we are even responsible for? Right? That, you know, as a parent, I put the food out. Sure problem now, eater, don't eat it, I don't care. Deal with it. Right? versus think about now the parent that makes sure that child eats and sits down and watches and even feeds the child themselves if they have to, because of that compassion, that that forces them to do so. Right? Think about how benevolent and

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compassionate to Las panatela is that he's turned down the rain from the sky water from the sky, the nourishment. Now it's our deal. It's our problem, we got to figure it out for ourselves, none of us want to stay naku then we provided means of delivering it to you on a regular basis. And one of them of us, you know, he points out the fact that Sokka sophea, it the basic verb, it means to give somebody provide water to someone. And that's that example, that I just put up this cup of water here on this desk, I just leave it there. If you're, if you're thirsty, you'll just come get it yourself. It's your deal. It's your problem.

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And as you see, because the basic verb soccer is already transitive in nature, it's providing water to someone. So then bringing it bringing it into what is supposed to be the transitive form of SCA use the SCA, how does that increase or change the meaning. It means to not only provide water, but it means to deliver the water to the person when they need it, how they need it and how much they need it.

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How much they need. So to be very sensitive to the quantity, the quality, the time

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of when they need the water and how they need the water. And that's the verb that Allah uses when he talks about delivering water to us for a stain aku

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we deliver it to you exactly when where and how you need it.

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Right. So that's the attention that allows panatela again gives us well Maya Angelou because you need otherwise we didn't we didn't we don't own the supply of water. We couldn't have provided for ourselves. Allah subhanaw taala and we talked about Allah providing the water, Allah subhanaw taala describes even descriptions of this what it means in the law in Ghana has you know, well man known as he knew who Allah because Allah Allah. Allah says that Allah has a limitless supply of everything treasures of everything. But Allah says that we sent it down we provided in fixed measure in fixed measure, and Allah subhanaw taala describes even the water that he provides for us as a boon for

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Arkansas even shabu as boon for Arkansas, even shabu that Allah subhanaw taala makes it sweet and nourishing and fulfilling. And it quenches the thirst of the person who drinks it.

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But Allah subhanho wa Taala lets us know other places in the Quran. Allah Masha, Allah who judgin

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follow lots of screw, that if Allah subhanaw taala wanted he would have made it so either difficult, either bitter, you would have made the water so bitter,

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that we wouldn't have been able to benefit from it. It would have been actually tortured to drink it. And we would have felt compelled to but we still would and it would make us sick or ill or it'd be very, very difficult. But Allah subhanho wa Taala made it so pleasant and nourishing for us. And this is from the blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now Allah subhanaw taala says that after you grasp this fact, what does he say what you know, Allah had been de la caja de Lune.

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And this is a very, very powerful statement in the Quran.

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where Allah and Allah subhanaw taala saying if and we I love the hubin be He, the husband be he means to take something away, to take it away to take the water away. The hug means to leave, but when you add the preposition bar, it changes the meaning again to the transitive remains not to leave but to take something away. The happy that Allah subhanaw taala says And Allah shows qudra shows capability and power. And on top of that, look at the nuance of the Quranic language the words that have been, is that common or proper, that have been common, it's common. So the common is used a lot of times the common form is used to talk about absolutely and completely being able to do

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something. So let's find out what are they saying we're in the habit.

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And that was definitely we are Allah subhanaw taala is completely and fully

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capable of taking it away. Absolutely taking it away, completely removing it. Literally second

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Removing and drying up every single drop of water on the face of this earth. And even if the water is mixed up into something, then completely just like separating even the particles and absolutely removing water from everything

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equally shaken hay and water is that the at the at the essence of life

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and that's actually testament of this within the Quran that is really mind blowing. And again, what Allah subhanaw taala says and whether we pay attention to what Allah says or not, when Allah subhanaw taala talks about making a way for Bogalusa by Nusra

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through the sea, when Allah subhanaw taala talks about making away he says, Yeah, you ever said latter half a Dalek and Watashi wa,

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he says, uses the word the abs, that when they stepped foot into where the sea was, they actually found the dirt to be completely dry. That when I moved the water out of the way, it wasn't even muddy.

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A lot of literally separated the water from the dirt. To the point when they placed their foot there like dry dust was just kind of like flying up

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as the cooler and the power of a less pinata. So the car the road means fully capable. And again, you see the alarm here for emphasis. So let's say without a doubt, most definitely, we are fully capable of completely and absolutely taking all of the water away.

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But Allah doesn't do that.

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Even though we probably don't deserve much better.

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But Allah subhanaw taala didn't do that to us. And he does not do that to us. And again, this is to remind us of how benevolent and merciful and compassionate allies how forgiving he is.

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How the doors of his repentance are always open to us.

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And there's another ayah that talks about something similar to this in sort of to milk.

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So little milk in Surah number 67 Allah subhana wa jal at the end of the surah is our agent. He tells the prophets a lot to say.

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Tell them or have you looked Have you thought about the fact that in US Bahama

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that if all of a sudden you woke up in the morning, and the water was sucked down into the earth,

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hold on refers to something kind of sinking, that if the water sunk down into the earth, for me, it can be my in my brain, then who could bring you good, clean, fresh water again, that's a very stern warning. But the mufa pseudo Nibbana assura Allahu taala gives like 20 reasons why the warning here in certain woman and children number 23. And we talked about this, what sooner was revealed after certain what we know,

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certain loopholes revealed afterwards. So it's very fascinating. But this warning is so much more severe, because over there law says that if a law made the water sink down into the earth, but it's still there,

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and then a Lessing, who could then bring you water again, that would be fresh and clean. But that's not to say that maybe you wouldn't get some dirty or a little bit filthy or muddy water you'd get they'll get something just not an abundance of good clean water.

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But here Lessing the Habibi, he, like a lot would just remove it from existence. Very serious and stern warning. And another one that will fester and in this white of silica unblock are so important. He also says because even in sequence, so to the moon came after certain movie known that Allah subhanaw taala said it with the lighter tone there for a couple of reasons. And so to the MOOC, because there he's telling the prophets, Alavi some to say this.

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And he's not putting the messenger in a position to say something so severe in CERN. So he lightens the tone of it, because it will come from the tongue of the beloved messenger salallahu alayhi wasallam. And number two, because of this, I already being there. This is already in the back of the mind of the listener, that this severe of a warning has already been given.

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So it's almost as if Allah subhanaw taala is kind of lightening his tone. To give us a second chance. We're in there Elijah have been de la de Lune.

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going forward, I in number 19.

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Excuse me before we actually go forward from Sultan for con. I also wanted to mention an ayah that is very interesting and I and a Hadeeth. That's very interesting. From sawtooth recon is 48 through 50, Allah subhanaw taala also talks about this subject says we're unzila Meena sama EMA antihero

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Then Allah subhanaw taala says we send down pure water from the sky. Then he says he knew here but he builds a Matan

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so that we may revive the earth after it has died. When was clear humi Maha Khanna and Amanda and asiya Catherine and then we would provide water according to their need to what we have created, whether they be animals or even many, many and abundance of human beings. Well after the sun Ruffner who painter who leaves the crew, and all of this is being laid out and clearly explained and elaborated why lianza crew so that we reflect on it. But then what Allah subhanaw taala says about thoroughness, Illa Quran but unfortunately very Unfortunately, many people they still refuse to take a look at this and reflect on this. And then they end up disbelieving and becoming ungrateful to

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Allah subhana wa Tada. And an IDS of Sahih Muslim, the Prophet sallahu some talks about this, say the new holiday Johnny radi Allahu Allahu says the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam prayed with us the morning of the Treaty of who they be. So they were traveling, and he prayed so often fudger with us on the day of who they began

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with he after his summer he cannons Minh Elaine.

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And from the night a lot of clouds had started to gather. So it seemed like rain was imminent phenomenon. sarafa acapella aliveness. So after the prayer was done, the prophets a lot of them turned around and face the congregation. And this was the habit of the messengers a lot he seemed after so often, he would kind of just very casually, like kind of have like an open session and open forum with the Sahaba they could talk about something they could share something they could ask questions, he would sometimes share something so it was a very casual open forum after so often ffensive so he said has done through Nevada, Colorado. Have you given thoughts to what your master

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what your Lord Allah has said? calu Allahu wa rasuluh alum they of course said align His Messenger know best color and then he said that Allah Mohammed a body minim be what kind of you don't be that every morning there are some from my slaves who wake up in the morning believing in me Allah says and some of them wake up in the morning disbelieving in me and he gave an example that was relevant to what they were kind of experiencing because of the weather. He said for a mom and Karla mattina before the law what Rama t father Anika Macmillan Vika film welcome

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that whoever says that we were provided with rain and sustenance, by the blessing of Allah, the benevolence of Allah and the mercy of Allah. Then that is somebody who believes in Me and disbelieves in the superstition of people. What am I man palomo did Nabil know he cassava and whoever wakes up in the morning and sees the clouds and says that we are receiving rain

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because of such and such sine and superstition for danika Coffee Don't be McMinnville CCO club, that is somebody who disbelieves in me and is ungrateful that word caffeine is ungrateful to me

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is ungrateful to me to Allah

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and would rather place his or her faith and trust in superstition.

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And so it's very important that when we look at the signs of Allah subhanaw taala that we are able to observe the qudra and the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala behind all of these great signs that we are surrounded by.

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I am number 19 for inshallah combi Janata Mina Helio wa NAB la confy have a lackey who Cathy rotten woman hacia kulu Allah subhanho wa Taala brief translation he says and with it we produce for you gardens of date palms and vines, grape vines,

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with many fruits there

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with many fruits in there in with an abundance of fruits for you they're in and from them you eat you consume.

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So, a few new words here the first word is in short, we kind of talked about it means to kind of like bring forth to raise up to produce, alright more than create like produce.

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The word nephin is used here, which refers to date palms, and now refers to grapevines. And then the word for wacky is the plural of the word faqih has one faqeer twin which means fruit. So fruits and woman hats are cooler and and from there you eat you consume. So Allah subhanho wa Taala now is obviously it's very

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it's very coherence. Right? It's obvious to understand how it's connecting Allah subhanaw taala saying now after you observe the beauty of the sky, and the remarkable nature of the sky, and then you witness and you see the rain falling from the sky. Now what happens it falls on God's Earth on the ground that Allah subhanaw taala created beneath your feet.

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And now what happens that rain goes down into the ground and Allah subhanaw taala brings forth for you from there different types of sustenance. And this uncertainty as seen in the last panel also explains this as well. So behind the lady helical as logical,

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herbal Mater, that assigned for them is the dead Earth, Archana? Ha well as rajadamnern have been filming, we are Kowloon. The law says we revived it. We brought it back to life. And we extract it from their grain so that they are able to eat and consume from it.

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While Krishna Amina happened familia Kowloon ZHANG FEI Janata, mainehealth Juana and Allah subhanaw. taala says that we made an abundance gardens plural and abundance of date palms in grapevines. And so here Allah subhanaw taala similarly says not only again does Allah subhanaw taala provide limited amounts of food, but love provides gardens and gardens an abundance of food and abundance of food. And he mentions two types of food here specifically, he mentions date palms and grape vines, so dates and grapes.

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So now the question can be asked why mentioned these two? What's the significance of mentioning these two amongst everything else Allah has created. So a couple of things that's, that's mentioned here. Some of us you don't obviously points out because that was something very relevant to the Arabs, right? dates were like a form of daily sustenance for them, and great for kind of a delicacy for them. So whether it be just casual, you know, everyday sustenance that Allah has provided and also delicacy, Allah is also provided. And there's no doubting that, but also because these are two very different types of things and they grow in very different circumstances. And that's why greater

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such a delicacy to the Arab, because we're dates through abundant Lee was not they were not ideal circumstances for the growing of grapes. So Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned these two specifically, because again, their nourishment and how fulfilling they are and how good they are for people. And but also because of their different natures. Ally's also mentioned these two, but again, it's not restricted simply to these two Why? Because the law clearly says, like on FIFA, and in those same gardens, for walking, who kathira when

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there is an abundance of different fruits,

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there's an abundance of different fruits. Well, meaning how chacun and from there you eat. Now some of us who don't have asked a very, very good question, and they've asked the question that why does Allah say woman, Harajuku? And from eat you eat? What else do you do with this type of fruit?

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Right, it's it's almost, if you literally translated translates as, and we have produced for you gardens of date bombs and grape vines. And for you provided for you in those gardens are an abundance of different types of fruits. And from them that mean it can be little berries that are you end up eating some of it,

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you end up eating some of it. That's kind of peculiar. It's food. What do you mean you end up eating some of it?

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What else do you do with it? So Allah subhanaw taala is alluding to the fact here that it's not only just directly a form of sustenance, but it also a means of acquiring other types of sustenance.

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Then not only do you of course, consume it, and you eat it, but what else you're able to then also buy it and sell it. And the entire industry, like Allah has provided such a system in such abundance, that it is an entire industry. You can sell it, you can you know, you can stockpile it, you can provide it for people. So there's many, many different types of benefit and from amongst those benefit is of course the fact that you can consume from it as well.

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And of course, this is something that is talked about time and time again different places within the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala says up to Lacombe, xara hours a tuna one nephila when another woman couldn't it's a mirage in Sultana * in Surah number 69 number 11. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he provides for you through by means of this water that Allah sends down upon the earth, Zahra vegetation, agriculture was a tune and olives, nothing date palms are not grapevines, women goodly, thammarat and different different types of fruits as well. So Allah subhanaw taala has made all these different arrangement for the human being. And of course, we talked about how Allah subhanho

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wa Taala mentions the diversity because even what was really fascinating with the herbs was even with grapes and dates, even grapes and dates weren't one singular item, but they had so much they had so much diversity in the different types.

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dates and grapes that there would be as well. And these were types of fruits that they wouldn't just eat fresh but they would also dry them and they became a form of sustenance as well. Dried dates and raisins and whatnot. So Allah subhanaw taala is mentioning an abundance of blessings here.

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Now moving on Allah subhanaw taala and I in number 20 continues, as he says was shut down rotten, and a tree.

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All right, again, shujaa 10. Is that common or proper?

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All right, so Jonathan is a common or proper, okay, it's common, right? So shujaa 10 in the tree. Whenever las panatela uses his style, this elite of him it's almost a kind of impress upon you, kind of the grandness of what's being mentioned. It's something really remarkable that was mentioned in your what's your Jonathan and the tree dahulu that comes out from mentouri Cena. So brief translation and a tree growing out of Mount Sinai that produces oil and seasoning for your food. So now let's find out what Allah says in a tree that comes out from tourists a nap. Now a little bit about these words, specifically, food in the Arabic language is any type it refers to a mountain,

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but not just any type of a mountain because the most common word for mountain in the Arabic language is German. Very good German what you like Ji Bali kafer. Lucy buts right that how our lives you record the mountains, what did you Bella otalgia pegs within the earth? All right. So tool specifically refers to a type of mountain that actually has a lot of trees and a lot of greenery growing on it. So the mountains like you see, when you go for a hydrometer Ah, they're around mcca those are more jabaal. Alright, but mountains like you see out in the Smokies or something like that, that is described as stool that has vegetation growing on a mountains, huge mountains, but

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they have vegetation growing on them. All right, say not what to say now referring to so of course, this is referring to a specific place. And this is referring to the place where Musa alayhis salam spoke to Allah subhanaw taala and receive divine revelation from Allah subhanaw taala. So it's referring to that specific place, there is some commentary, there's some discussion amongst the classical movements even like even concede to be and others who say that the word se na in some of the other languages like the habashi language, or the certain African languages, refers to basically it's a word that means beautiful, so it means beautiful mountain. To these aina means beautiful

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mountain. However, even I should even our shoot a later mufa said, and a researcher and a great scholar, he actually refutes the idea. And he says this is an error. This is an error, they mix it up, say now they mix it up with another word which is sent up. Santa in that language means something beautiful, but this is saying that this is a completely different word. So this is of course referring to mountain AI, which is again, there's a lot of different opinions of the historians and professional scholars exactly where that is located. And there's an abundance of different opinions. The general consensus does seem to be whether they say that it's in a certain

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part of modern day what we would call it Iraq or in fell asleep or some other Jordan or Syria or some other region. It's basically in classically in the region in the area that was known as the Levant, that it's in that region somewhere willacoochee Allah Allah Subhan Allah subhanaw taala knows best, but mentouri Cena that sprouted out from doody Cena now of course Allah subhanaw taala from the description of the tree as allowed mentioned here, let me go ahead and go through it Dumbo to be done that it comes out not only itself obviously providing food in and of itself as vegetation, but it comes out also providing oil that also comes up providing oil was sibylline mill

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alkylene and that oil also is a means of seasoning food. Now based off of this description, it is obviously talking about this a tune the olive and the olive tree. And this is talks about other places in the Quran. Most notably Of course Allah subhanaw taala swears by it. All right, what Tina was a tomb was to be seen in

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another place in the Quran Allah subhanaw taala talks about in uses it in maybe the most remarkable parable in the Quran. And that is a lot of noodle semi white you will have methylene blue D commish gotten famous by ulmus biographies widjaja as widjaja and haco Come on duty. You do karate mubaraka tin zaytuna you can do inshallah, Timo Baraka Chin zaytuna tiene la Shaka voila, you got to say to God, whatever, una Luna Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala talks about Jae Joon refer

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into it as a tree that is very blessing

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and he complements even the oil that is extracted from that tree olive oil, Allah subhanaw taala pays in a compliment because if it's involved in the parable referring to the glory of Allah subhanaw taala in any way shape or form that is a compliment to whatever the example is right in the Arabic languages is called eight that should be right at this should be a simile is being provided a parable. And so in the Arabic language when you engage in this be you have the most shaba and Mousavi you have the the the the entity that you are talking about. And then you have the entity that you are likening it to

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why Yemen al Mustafa be what other than Lucia Bobby, Aqua feasable Super touch Wi Fi widget has been minimal Shabaab.

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Most of the time, the norm in this expression is that the the entity that you are likening it to the example that you're giving is usually stronger in possessing that quality than the one you are describing. And the obvious example given in all Arabic textbooks. All right is of course they didn't kill acid.

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They didn't kill acid, there's a donessa done that they there's like a lion. And it's talking about his ferociousness and his bravery and his fierceness, right. So of course, who's more ferocious. The lion is eight, hopefully the lion, right? So that's usually the case, right? When somebody described as being generous, like, like a rain cloud. So of course, the rain cloud is a lot more generous. Right? So the Miuccia Barbie, the thing that you are liking it likening it to is usually stronger in that attribute. That's the norm. However, it doesn't have to be that way. Sometimes you do flip the script, you do it the other way around. Alright, so And whenever any example is given a in regards

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to anything pertaining to Allah subhanaw taala Allahu Subhana. wa Jalla is, of course greater in that attribute, and that quality, and this is another example. But still think about the fact think about the fact like we often talk about the what's the example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam gave him the hadith of Sahih Muslim, when he wanted to describe to us what Allah subhanho wa Taala is love for his slaves for his creation, what it is like, what example did he give the mother for the newborn child?

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But of course, Allah subhanaw taala His love is much, much greater. But automatically as a side note, what does that end up telling you that is a compliment being paid to, to the mother and to the love that her mother has, that's automatically a compliment being paid to the mother. So similarly here, right of last 100 tellers glory is beyond anything we could imagine or comprehend. But just the fact that the zaytuna was mentioned

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in that example, is an enormous, huge compliment to this.

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Alright, so this is talking about that particular tree. That's what it's making reference to.

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Now, now that we kind of understand what it's talking about, and I'll comment on the dulhan, indivisible, in just a minute, but first, let's tackle the idea of tourists aina. Again, all as they grow everywhere, right? So why did Allah subhanho wa Taala specifically mentioned to resign now? Why did he mention it there? So this is a question that's asked. And so again, some of them are fasudil mentioned that min min is really the key to understanding that many nitida

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it talks about the origin of something. So the Quran itself, you don't really need a lot of explanation. The Quran is saying that the very first zaytoun they do not the very first olive tree that ever grew on this on the earth was at the place of today. Shana was the place where moose Allison spoke to Allah subhanaw taala. And now you see the connection here as well, because Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran referred to as a tuna, the olive tree as what mubaraka bless it. And what place on the earth could be more blessing than a place where less power tell us send down His revelation and spoke. And that place of the ground that place of the earth heard the voice of Allah

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subhanaw taala

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well, please could be more blessed than that. So that connection is very, very obvious. On top of that, there are some weaker narrations and many of them are borrowed from the Israelite liat. What language Allah Allah will be Sahaja Allah subhanaw taala knows best how authentic these nations are the profits allottee some todos landwasser Nicola naka de we don't necessarily affirm them, nor do we completely deny them Allah knows best. But nevertheless there are some sort of Ilia there are some narrations which talk about the fact that

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That after the tufan after the flood of new alayhis salam, and some of us who mentioned this is also kind of like a very beautiful and nuanced connection to the next passage, which starts off by talking about new chanukkah salam, that after the two fun and the flood of new Holly Salaam cleared that to the st. Cena is where the ark of new alayhis salam

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And the very first thing that they saw growing again on the earth after the flood had cleared after the water was gone, was this a tuna was the olive tree was the very first thing that they saw growing from there. So these are some of the reasons why Allah, Allah subhanaw taala specifically mentioned story Cena tambu to be done. Now it comes forth with the oil and also its seasoning for food. That meaning is very obvious. Again, everyone's familiar with the usages of olive oil, whether it be in terms of applying it to oneself, or also putting it in Once cooked, cooking or food. Alright, everyone's familiar with that. But just for the sinner perspective to share a little bit

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with it, that there in the book of Shama al Imam sent me these compilation about the personality of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it talks about it there that the prophets, a lot of them would apply oil to his hair, and even to his skin. And the oil that the prophets a lot he said was the most fond of was olive oil, and you would apply it to his hair, he would apply it to his beard, he would apply it to his hands and feet as well. And the there's a certain shine that is described about the hair of the profits, a lot of human the beard of the process, um, and a lot of times that was the consequence of the oil that he would apply. And similarly, the profits, a lot of them. I

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mean, that's a whole different study, we go through it in the CETA intensive, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I mean, he was just such a remarkable person, like setting the personality of the person is so fascinating, so remarkable in terms of how he kept himself and maintain themselves. And really the attention that he paid, you know, again, not overindulgence to the level of vanity, but also again, not this bizarre notion of supposedly spirituality and asceticism where you have to look like a hobo, right. So the prophets a lot of them had this very beautiful balance, where he took care of himself, but it wasn't overindulgent to the point of

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vanity. And so after he would apply oil to like his hair and the profits a lot of them had long hair most of his life or at least coming down falling to his ears and sometimes as low as falling to his shoulders. Alright, so he had quite a bit of hair and he would apply oil to any wood slick is here back that the profits a lot obviously now if you put on a turban, or he kind of covers his head with with like a cloth, you know, to kind of shield from the sun or something like that. Now that would obviously get wet, it would get stained, the pillow would get stained, right leaning against the wall, the wall would get stained. So the prophets a lot of them had you know what, to me Makes sense

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as like almost like a bandana. The prophets, a lot of them had like a bandana or a do rag type of thing, that the prophets, a lot of them would tie on his head after applying the oil, so that he wouldn't just go around staining everything.

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Right. And so he would apply that and, and then he would wash it every day. like he'd washed it regularly. So it wasn't like just this filthy thing, right? That was like a biohazard. Right? He would wash it regularly, but because of the repeated and the constant exposure to oil, olive oil, it had like kind of like a permanent stain on it a permanent color on it. And even that rag is like, you know, that little that handkerchief or that bandana that he would tie that even that is talked about and that was observed about the profits a lot. He said, um, so this is from the son of the profits a lot. And then some of them in aqualine that of course the profits a lot he said I would

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also use it for food and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a very very simple food to the point where sometimes the profits a lot of these would just simply consume just like a dry, you know, course piece of bread, and just to kind of moisten it and give it a little bit of flavoring and make it easier to eat. Then he would dip it in something like olive oil or vinegar the profits a lot. He Some said me, I mean, he damn well, that it's the best,

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you know, curry or salad, right? That vinegar is the best curry or condiment, if you will. And there's a narration of Timothy with some more hobbyzone I've talked about its authenticity, and there's some column there's some discussion there. But nevertheless, the mama tournament theater from Allahu taala has a narration where he quotes that oh my god, Allahu taala unquote the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam saying

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it said the movies ate that compliment your food with olive oil, what dinuba he and also apply it to yourself.

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Self for India who Yahushua mainshaft jurati mubaraka because it comes from a very blessed tree. And if Allah subhanaw taala call something bless it and who are you and I to argue with that? Right so the Prophet sallallahu even encouraged it, and definitely authentically it is proven through his practice. There's another very interesting narration that Tom Bharani mentions

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that sherek Bynum law

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sherek Bynum law he says that honorable Katara the Allahu taala, Anu hosted me, he invited me over to eat with him. This is a Tabby, he should have been amla. He says, The Allahu talana hosted me invited me over the night before the day of Ashura. The night before the Dave assura he invited me to eat with him. And we sat down to eat, and he had very simple food. All he basically had was like some bread and olive oil, and he placed it down. And so, you know, he doesn't exactly say it, but the tone of the narration kind of makes it seem like he must have pause for a second like, oh, you're still bringing out the rest of the food. Right? And Amara, the Allahu Jelani just kind of

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gave him that look like

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enjoy. Right. So and He then said to him kind of sensing his, you know, confusion or curiosity. He commented on one of the libraries that have had the zaten mobarak have the zaten mobarak This is a very blessing. You know the blessing olive oil under the collar law Halina be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Allah subhanaw taala spoke about to his messengers a lot of him in regards to again making reference to Isaiah to new the ayah insert into the ayah within the Quran.

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The next IRA

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is is number 21.

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Allah subhanaw taala says, we're in Allah config and armillary Bara Newspeak homie Murphy boo Neha wala comfy ham and Avi aka theologian, woman Haku, calm, a very brief translation. And there is a lesson for you in livestock animals, we produce milk for you to drink from their bellies, and they have many other benefits amongst them is that you eat them.

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And so now to talk about this, one of the key words that I want to point out here, the words are pretty familiar. The word that I really want to specifically talk about linguistically, and literally is the word a BA. Now again, you saw in the translation, it translated as lesson, a lesson. We're used to this word, it's pretty common word in some discourse. We talk about it a bit. Ah, it's a lesson. But what's really fascinating is, there are other words, to communicate the idea of a thought or a reflection or a lesson. The word Ava is very specific, and the roots of the word actually does not the roots if you go down to the core of the word, it doesn't necessarily talk

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about like learning or understanding or education. Right the word itself comes from a boon

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to civilian the profits of some talked about this configuration yaka Anika biru civilian configure Kanika urban excuse me, oh Abu civilian, right and even in the Quran, Allah Avi Sabine,

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right, so Allah Subhan, Allah in the Quran is using that meaning as well. And in the Hadith, the prophets a lot. He talks about this in the word or Buddha or ibid. It means to travel from one place to another, to go from one place to another.

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And this idea, how does that translate over to a lesson now, if it means to go from to pass through somewhere to go from one place to another, start from one location and arrive at your destination? All right, how does that translate into lesson? How did we get that translation? Is this a terrible mis translation for the last 1400 years? what's exactly going on? So what's really remarkable is that the arrows would use this derivative of a baritone, a vibrato Lila Babbage using the Quran in this meaning of a lesson, the Arabs would use it in this meaning, and what it means is that specifically and pay attention here, it means that you started off with one understanding

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and you arrive at a higher understanding of something.

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So when the discussion starts, you started off one place by the time today

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discussion is over, you have, you have arrived somewhere completely different. You are at a new plane of understanding, you are at a new level of understanding. So think of it as going from the first floor to the second floor of understanding.

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That's a bit

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like a life changing perspective, a paradigm shift is a bra. All right? So listen, while it's an adequate translation, but there is so much more than just simply a lesson or a reflection or a thought. Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala says, we're in the law company and the armillary bra, and most definitely, specifically for you in livestock and um, refers to animals, what we call livestock, so it's a pretty good translation into the English language, but like sheep, goats, cattle, so and so forth livestock, these animals that are raised and grazed for the purposes of food and sustenance.

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mistakenly Murphy butuh Neha, Allah subhanaw taala again, there's that word, it's called, we provide for you something to drink, that comes from their bellies. And this is talking about in the Quran, of course Allah subhanaw taala is talking about the milk that comes from these animals. And Allah subhanaw taala provides a very remarkable

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reflection and thought and sort of to know how surah number 16 is number 66 Allah says again, starts off very similar the ISO it's kind of like a sister if you will, what in the leconfield an armillary bra, same beginning that specifically for you, without a doubt, in the livestock, there is a life changing perspective. mistaken me my feeble Tony, that some of these animals from their bellies comes something for you to drink. But then Allah goes on to explain membrane the fat affine what I mean from between the filth that is inside of them, and the blood that is inside of the animal, Lebanon Holly Sansa isn't

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that not just milk but milk that is pure and that is very satisfying, and very nourishing for the people that drink it.

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All right, so Allah subhanaw taala provides a little bit more thought and reflection here.

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And overall inshallah to see the last panel which Allah in is 71 through 73, sort of 3630 I seen, Allah says something very remarkable. He says, I will let me get oh and Allah can Allah who Mima amulet, a Deena and Iman.

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Allah says that have they not realized that we have created for them we have made for them from what we made.

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Allah created these animals and Allah made them so remarkable and fascinating.

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For Whom the homily goon, how generous is Allah? Allah says that they are people are the owners of these animals. What do we own?

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What do we actually we don't own ourselves.

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We don't own our own lives. We don't own our own existences. And Allah causes the owner of the animals.

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Do you understand how that's how loving and generous? That is? The law says that they are the owners of these animals, unless it's within the law.

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And we have subjugated these animals to these people.

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Why? Because you look at some of these animals. Right? Take the horse for example.

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Oris is bigger,

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heavier, stronger, faster. And in some cases, even smarter than most people, right?

00:58:52 --> 00:58:58

Yes, yes. Right. So, but who's in charge?

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The human being is also what's included. It doesn't occur to us when we say the word and

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when we say the word I mean we translated as livestock. It doesn't occur to us but you know what animal falls within that category.

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The camel

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the camel falls within that category, and extremely powerful, strong resilience and intelligence animal very, very intelligent.

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But again, who's in charge?

00:59:31 --> 00:59:32

The human being is

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so there's no luck you know, how Allah subhanaw taala subjugated these animals to us well then another familiar Heroku moment. Some of them you ride some of them you eat one of them via Matthew Oh my god, there's so many other benefits we extract and derived from the animals and we get to drink as well the milk for like a spoon. So then are they not grateful? What reason do we have not to be grateful to Allah subhanaw taala so

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Allah subhanaw taala here,

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he says that we're in the landfill and I'm here to speak on them, if you will, to me talking about the milk, when I confirm and have your own kathira and reserved for you in these animals are an abundance of benefit, different types of benefits. One has a colon, and from them you also eat. So again, your mind immediately like we talked about in the previous ayah goes to the fact goes to the idea. Well, obviously Okay, fine, the the animals, they provide milk, and then you eat them? What are the benefits? Or is it talking about everything from their hide, using them for transportation, using them for, again, breeding, using them for business purposes. Right, all these different

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benefits are taken from these animals. And then ultimately, they're a source of food and nourishment as well. And then finally, Allah subhanaw taala concludes the passage in Isaiah number 22. While I lay her while in full Quito, Milan, and upon them these animals and upon the ships to Milan you are carried,

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you are carried,

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right, that when you're on this animal,

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or in that ship, right, it's not like a Flintstones type scenario where you are like running your feet, you're being carried finally requires a little bit of attention from you and a little bit of focus from you, but you're just being carried along and think about the distances that you can traverse on the back of an animal versus if you were to do it on foot.

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That how you can cross an entire ocean in a ship.

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And you'd never be able to do that yourself.

01:01:50 --> 01:01:54

So this form of transportation that Allah subhanaw taala has also provided as well.

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Now, obviously so transportation is a huge blessing of Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala talks about this a number of places within the Quran, Allah Spano which Allah says in Surah number 40 is 79 and 80. A Lovely Lady jalila anomalie taka boomin homina chacun wala comfy Amanda Lee w who is a 180 km

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h of Milan that you can actually go Wiley. Allah says, Well, he who Alia Hagit and fish foodie go, sometimes you just want to go somewhere, like you want to go visit someone, but you're able to now cross that distance because of these means of transportation that Allah subhanaw taala has provided, right what's known as Kala Camila Bella de la Taco Bell de la Chapelle anfis. You can not only travel to a faraway place, but you can carry so much stuff with you luggage with you to a faraway place that if you tried to do that yourself you would die.

01:02:50 --> 01:03:33

Allah subhanaw taala points that out to us in to the trc or excuse me, this is from Surah Surah number 16. Allah subhanaw taala instead of to Doohan where we where the profits a lot is extracted, that drive for transportation, for entire to us, Allahu la de helical as Raja, Allah, the One who created pairs of all different things, which are Allah, Allah, communal, full key one and the army Mater qaboun. And he created the animals and the ships, the ships and the animals that you use as transportation leads us to Walla UI, that when you get on to this form of transportation, through mud that could only be gone. And then you think and you reflect on the blessing of your master and

01:03:33 --> 01:04:01

your Lord, either was either the way to Mali, when you feel completely safe and secure and stable, sitting on the back of that animal or sitting on that ship. What's a Hulu and you say you're just it just comes out from you? It's it's like you just naturally feel forced to proclaim at that moment. So Hannah, Lady Sahara, Lana hada, how absolutely perfect and glorious and magnificent is Allah, the One who

01:04:02 --> 01:04:16

put this to my benefit, like subjugated This, to me, provided this for me to benefit from, well, Nakula homoclinic I never, we never would have had the capacity to have control over this, what in that era.

01:04:17 --> 01:04:56

And we all are returning back to a loss of autonomy that we were created by a lot. This was created by a law. This was facilitated by a law and we all have to return back and go back and meet Allah subhanaw taala. So this is something that's pointed out and Allah subhanaw taala if somebody has a question about why did we go from talking about transportation on the backs of animals, to now talking about transportation on a ship? Well, obviously it's talking about traveling in the land and in sea. And the Arabs have this concept as well. That's why they would refer to the camel as Safina to Sahara, the ship of the desert. They refer to as the ship of the desert, but overall it's just

01:04:56 --> 01:04:59

the concept of transportation whether it be on land

01:05:00 --> 01:05:31

Or on C. So inshallah that concludes the next passage that we've studied. And we'll go ahead and stop here and again, I said, I would reiterate that we read these IR to not only with the understanding that they are evidences and proofs of why we believe in a line, why we believe in resurrection, but more importantly for us as believers, we read them with the reflection and with the thoughts that look how much Allah has provided for us. And now he's facilitated some of the most impossible things for us.

01:05:32 --> 01:05:49

Now, what type of responses that elicit from us, and what does that require us to do? May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard Subhana Allah he'll be humble he Subhana Colombe Hambrick. Necesito La ilaha illa Anta the San Fernando Valley

Tafseer of Surah Muminoon – Part 8

Feb 22, 2017

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