Chapters about the Age and Passing of The Messenger pbuh
Apr 10, 2017.
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. Who does have the Nasir Jenga, and you're listening to the column podcast. Before we get started with today's session, I wanted to share a really amazing resource with you. A question that everyone has a problem that everybody deals with is, how do I focus within my prayer? How do I enjoy my Salah? Well, the answer to that question, the solution to that problem is actually quite straightforward and simple. If we understand what we say within our prayer, we'll be able to focus on it, internalize it, and actually get back to enjoying our conversation with Allah subhanho wa Taala. We created a solution to make this possible. It's called
meaningful prayer. This is a course a curriculum, a seminar, a workshop that I taught in over 100 locations, all across this country, and even in other countries. 10s of 1000s of people have taken this course. And it has really turned around transformed their relationship with the last panel wattana Well, now in sha Allah, you can take the meaningful prayer course online, you can take it according to your own schedule, at your own leisure, you can pace yourself, you can go back and review some lessons multiple times, to really be able to internalize them, go to meaningful To sign up, share this resource with others, so that we can get back to not only just
offering our prayers or performing our Salah, but we can go back to experiencing a conversation and relationship with Allah.
Now to get on to today's session in sha Allah, we're going to be covering the Shema a mohammedia, the prophetic personality. The following session was recorded at the cedaw intensive
Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah he was actually here sahbihi mehreen
Chela continuing with our study of the Shema in mohammedia
the prophetic personality
inshallah we're going to be starting today with chapter number 53
Babu ma Jaffe, senior Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
This is the
about the age of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
As far as the concept is concerned, it's pretty straightforward. basically talking about how old the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was, how long he lived, how old he was when he departed from this world. And also another
subject that will be covered alongside of that will also be
distributing the era of Nebraska, the era of prophethood, how much of the period of the prophethood of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was spent in Makkah. And then similarly in the city of Medina.
What I'll go ahead and do here, just for the sake of being able to then go through the narrations more swiftly
and concisely is I'd like to go ahead and explain some of the variations that are found in these particular narrations. Now, some of the narrations that so the vast overwhelming majority, in fact, some of the scholars of Sierra and Hadeeth have even reported each ma they have reported a a an absolute consensus of Islamic scholarship, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was 63 years old when he departed from this world. And those 63 years are distributed by the first 14 being before revelation prior to Revelation. And then 23 years being spent, as the Prophet and the messenger of a lot more specifically receiving revelation in the station of prophethood. Out of
those 23 years, the first 13 were spent. And let me Allow me to explain this a little bit, kind of in reverse, because that's how the scholars have noted it. There has never been any conflicting reports about the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam spent the last 10 years of his life 10 years of prophethood, the last 10 years in the city of Medina, there's absolutely no difference of opinion about that. There's never been a report differing from that. So what that obviously conclude with the obvious conclusion from there is that the period of revelation spent in the city of Mecca was 13 years. And so that is what the according to some the vast overwhelming
majority, the JAMA heat of the early ama. That's what the vast overwhelming majority is
Upon and some has got some have gone as far as reporting and absolute consensus and each ma ijma Allah Allah, Allah valic.
Now, that being said we are so now any other narrations that differ from that idea that give a different age of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There are some narrations that mentioned that he was 60 years old when he departed. Some narrations mentioned that he was 65 years old when he departed. Those narrations number one, some of them are found to be weak. Some of those narrations are weaker narrations. So that obviously explains why they would be suggesting a different number than from what is, you know, pretty much confirmed.
Secondly, but the real issue actually arises that some of those narrations are not weak narrations, your authentic nations. In fact, in my Muslim minister, he has a narration to that effect that differs from the number 63 distributing the era of prophethood 13. And 10 differs from that Mr. Muslim in his uh, he has a narration so it's extremely authentic. So now how do we go about and understanding that and explaining that? So the way I'll explain it is the following.
The narration step base that mentioned the total age of the prophets, a lot of the time at the time of his departure being 16 years old. Those are narrations are narrators who are basically rounding the number off. They're rounding the number down, as we say they're rounding it off. And that was in the habit of the Arabs, that they would basically and I mean, we're familiar with this as well, when you're rounding down or up based on whether it's five or below or six or above. Right, and the Arabs are very particular about that, because the Arabs at that particular time, were more, especially when you put numbers into words, they tried to summarize numbers as much as possible alphason attend
Illa hum, cinammon
1000 minus 5050, less than 1000 rather than saying 950 to them, saying 1000 with 50, less, was less cumbersome, was less bothersome in speech than saying 950. All right. And there's many examples of this as well, when they would talk about the you know, when they would talk about the 25th of a month, rather than saying the 25th of the month of fukada, they would say five days until that hedger because now you're using number five and seven and then number 25. And they found that to be a little bit closer to their style of eloquence. And so that is just a simple issue of the number being rounded down. And similarly, the 10 in Medina is well established and the 13 and mcca are also
being rounded down, that 13 are being rounded down to 10. And so that's what leads to the number of 16. Also, similarly, some of the scholars basically when talking about it, they were also talking about the period of public data, the period of the public message, the public preaching that that was 20 years out of the 23 because the first three years was more of a quiet, private, download the profits a lot less and was conducting. So there's a lot of times they basically are alluding to that when they say the prophet SAW saddam had 10 years in Mecca and 10 years in Medina, they moreso mean in terms of public preaching. Now, the narrations that are a little bit more peculiar to the ones
that talk about 65. Now, again, the easy the good news, the easy thing is the easy route is that the there's only a couple of them, and most of them are weak narrations so that we don't really have to bother with them too much. However, the couple that are actually at levels of acceptability, the explanation of how they got to number 65, was that some of the Arabs had a very peculiar method of counting A lot of times, because technically speaking, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
he lived a few days past the age of 63. So in that sense, what they would do a lot of times was that they would count the years zero as well as a number. And then because he lived a few days past the age of 63, they would count that as another extra year. And that adds two years to the 63, making it 65. All right, so it's just a convoluted counting method. And this is present in a lot of other instances, the Battle of the trench. Overwhelmingly, overwhelmingly, there's practically no legitimate contention about this, that the Battle of the trench was in the fifth year of hedger. But then there are some there are some who commented by saying that the Battle of the trench was in the
sixth year of digital, and that was, again, that same confusion that they some of the Arabs at that time, the out of the veteran and so on so forth, they have more peculiar method of counting. And so that would a lot of time lead to these types of discrepancies when numbers were involved, but overwhelmingly and practically as a consensus, there is no difference of opinion about the fact the profits a lot of them was in this world for 63 years 40 were pre
Revelation the period of revelation was 23 years 13 of which was makin 10 which was Medina. So now having understood that inshallah we'll read through the narrations, the first Hadees fallen was suddenly foo had pneumonia. Kala had the Santa Rosa de calidad de Santa Zakaria even though it's Huck Callahan de amor uno de nada aniba bassen are the Allahu taala and Omar Khan McKesson Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Obamacare de la SATA, excuse me makeathon wU sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ah be McAteer de la Sriracha Santa 10. You have la he will Medina to asuran what you will feel what who ignores the last few was it Tina?
Abdullah bin Ambassador the Allahu taala and luminaries and he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam resided in the city of Macau while he was receiving divine revelation for 13 years. And in the city of Medina, similarly receiving divine revelation for 10 years. And he passed away while he was 63 years old. Now one of the again peculiarities and how the Arabs would express the age of someone. If you're somewhat familiar with Arabic and you look at it. It says IGNOU philosophy was chitina which basically means he you know, somebody might misunderstand this and Miss translate this as he was a boy of 63. That does that's not what it means. What it means is he passed away 63
years from his birth from his birth, and that's how they would say that, who are IGNOU serotina what he had been to say, Tina, that's how they would say that this was 60 years after their birth. So that's more of an expression and not to be translated, literally. Color had fallen recently foo had that Allah Mohammed Abu Bashar, Allahu Allah, Mohammed Jaffa unsure Barnaby is hot. And I made him a sadhana Angelina and Mahabharata. radi Allahu Allah Allahu Allah who sent me are who Yakubu parla Mata Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were who were able to Salafi was he Tina? Was Abu Bakr when were amaru Well, Anna, even though Selassie was a Tina,
in this narration,
the Tabby or Isa rW Jedi, or excuse me Jedi he narrates from while we are at the Allahu taala and who the Companion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who governed over the Muslims after all, even to be taught him. He says that he heard what are we? What are the Allahu taala and who giving the hotbar giving the sermon and he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam departed from this world when he was 63 years old, as did Abu Bakar and Omar radi, Allahu taala and Houma. And this is just one of the kind of beauties and symmetries of their lives, that they all passed away at that same age.
And then he goes on to say, and I am also 63 years old. So basically to say, I don't know how much longer I have left. But it just so happens that while we are the Allahu taala who actually lived till the age of 80, so he lived for a long time after that, so he was maybe kind of expecting or anticipating but he apparently had 17 years left, right. Column masani for Hadassah Hussein Abu Mahdi, Al basri Allah hi Donna abdulrazaq manager agent and azurion arowana shutaura de Allahu taala and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Amato evening Salatin was seen as an attempt. In this narration similarly, the mother of the believers are shadow the Allahu taala and he says that the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away when he was 63 years old. Carlin was only foo had no money. In wayuu Ibrahima Dorothy. Karla Hadassah is married live no earlier on holiday on holiday. He Paula amber Anna Amar Mola, bunny Hashem palace Amira to even Ambassador the Allahu taala Antonia kulu fear Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Well, what ibnu comme si was a Tina.
This is the first of the narrations that we're going to see that is a little that varies from what we talked about, that Abdullah being our best seller of the Allahu taala and Omar said, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away when he was 65 years old.
And this happens to be one of those narrations that is in terms of Senate in terms of chain of narration, it is an authentic narration. In mama Timothy narrates it in his jammies. Mr. Muslim brings it in sorry, but this is a narration for those who might be somewhat acquainted with the honey sciences with masala or might be
endearingly I say this Hadeeth nerds. This is a hadith that's referred to as Heidi Thorne shotgun. Because if you recall, and remember the definition of shots, shots is a narration that is authentic, but it contradicts a great
group of authentic narrations are something that's more authentic than it. Alright, so you have the shadow on one side, and then you have what's the opposite of the shadow?
Very good, proud day. Alright.
So the next generation, Carlin musante for Hadassah, Mohammed Abu Bashar Mohammed, no Oban, Paula had
a sham. Carla had destiny abeokuta Anil Hassan and duck Philip nihan Valletta and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Appleby, Baba who was it Tina collaborates our duck for Lana de la bousema Amina Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ocana fees emanate Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In this narration, a man by the name of Doug fall, he narrates that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away. When he was 65 years old. He Mama told me the caliber, he said, this is commentary from the author from the compiler, Mr. mahtomedi. He comments by saying that this man duffle is not known to have directly heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in spite of
being alive during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, this is again going to be a little bit more in the realm of you know, Hadid sciences, but I'll make the comments. Very short and brief and quick.
That this is first and foremost, this is a weaker narration. And number two, this individual duck fell there's quite a bit of a discussion about this individual. It is confirmed some some scholars are actually of the opinion that he wasn't Sahabi, a companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he has only narrated one narration from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and this happened to be the narration. So some have actually confirmed his status as a companion of the prophets a lot he set up. However, majority of the scholars are of the opinion that he did not actually narrate anything from the prophets of Salaam that he never met the prophets, a lot of them
and but he was alive during the lifetime of the prophets a lot. He said them and some are even of the opinion that he was not even alive during the lifetime of the prophets a lot. He said them or was not Muslim at that time, but rather he came to Islam later on. Now, the reason why I mentioned this is there's a very interesting, fascinating category of individuals who were Muslim during the lifetime of the prophet to audition, but never had the opportunity to meet him. They're referred to as the Alamo Hydra moon. And so there were a group of people who for whatever the reason was either because of their distance from Medina or the prophets, a lot of them they never were able to have
the blessing and the opportunity to be able to meet with the prophets a lot of them and see him in person in the states of Eamon
cousin Busan if had dessiner is half of Musa and sorry, Allah had de mon
Cala de Maluku anisotropy Arjuna Abby, Abdur Rahman and nsmt Malik and radi Allahu taala anumana who semi Ahuja Cole, Ganga Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Elisa bit pavilion back in well I will concede when I've been when I've been a be a
while I've been Adam when I build JRD Tata wanna be separate? But as a hula hula Allah Allah Rossi
a comma b Makita Ashura see Nina Erbil Medina Tiatia la semaine de la hora Allah CCT in Asana, and while he rocks he will he yet he should own a charlatan ba ba.
I'll translate this narration and I'll explain unnecessarily Allahu taala and who he says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not very tall, nor was the prophets a lot of them short. The prophets a lot of Islam was not very light skinned, nor was he very dark skinned the prophets a lot he said his hair was not extremely curly, nor was it completely straight.
Allah subhana wa tada sent him revelation at the age of 40. He remained in Makkah for 10 years thereafter, and he then spent 10 years in the city of Medina. He passed away a las panatela took him away from this world at the age of 60. And at that time, in his head, in his hair, on his head or in and in his beard, there was not a total of more than 20 white hairs. He didn't even have a total of 20 white hairs, between his hair, on the hair on his head and his beard. Alright, so obviously this is a more lengthier narration that tells us paints a very beautiful picture of the profits a lot of the time and we've gone over this earlier in the earlier chapters of the Shema, in which folks can
go back and either read or visit the recordings, if they would like. But of course, he brings his particular narration because it again comments on the age of the prophets a lot. So now if you look at the chain of narration, it has malleable as this is a narration from Imam Malik. This is a narration from Imam Malik and he's narrating from his teacher Robbie.
I'll be autorai who then narrates from Anasazi Allahu taala. On who. So this is an authentic narration. This is an authentic narration and in fact the Mambo hottie Rahim, Allahu taala mentions his narration in his PSA here. But again, this is another example of them rounding the number down because he does comments on the fact that he received revelation at 40. And then spent, it's it's like the Arabs would say spent about 10 years in Mecca, then spent 10 years in Medina. So he was about 60 years old when he passed away and that was just as I mentioned before, that was just a habit of the Arabs otherwise, unnecessarily Allahu talanoa Robbie altura, who was one of the
scholars of Medina, Imam Malik, who was the alum of Medina, they were very well acquainted with the details of the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam Anima Makati authenticates generation. So it's unfathomable that there will be an error to this degree that would exist in the recorded, you know, details of the prophets, a lot of them. But this is just a matter of translation, translating over from how people in certain cultures speak, we say dozens and dozens. So if I say there's dozens of something, it's not either 12 or 2436 there might be 32 of something. All right, so that's just a figure speech in certain cultures and same as the case over here.
The last narration that indeed that is found in this particular chapter is just a Mr. mahtomedi bringing a different chain a different route for the same exact narration to establishes its authenticity by the head does an apple table humanitarian amalickiah Anderson under a big man under 70 Malik radi Allahu taala and hoonah wha hoo. So basically, a mama tidmouth he brings his narration because in the previous one, he received the narration not from the student of Mr. Malik, but from the student of the student of Hema Malik, he got the narration from his heart who got it from Martin, who then got it from Mr. Malik. So Timothy is informing us that he has a shorter chain of
narration, going back where there's only one person between Hindi my Malik and that was put a bit to read from Allahu taala
chapter number 54.
Babu ma Jaffe, fatty Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
This is the chapter about the passing of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Just two quick comments on this as well, two things. Number one, obviously, it creates a little bit of a back and forth.
You know, as far as the Ceylon tensive students are concerned, because this is something that we'll be covering a few days from now. But nevertheless, this is a chapter of the Shema that we're adding, will again benefit from this entire narrative of the passing of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, not once but twice, and therefore receiving a more greater reminder. And being able to really fully feel the effects of the love of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in sha Allah. And then the second thing is that, as should be obvious to anyone, particularly those who have maybe come across this topic before, speaking about the passing of the profits, a lot of these women can be very, very
difficult, can be very, very challenging. So
but so just wanted to give everyone a heads up about that just in case somebody hasn't had the opportunity to be able to study and read and learn about the passing of the profits allottee send them
but again, I guess a comment that I'll share a few days from now, is that understand that that
that that
difficulty or that that pain or that sadness?
Or those emotions that we might experience at this particular discussion is a very beautiful thing. And it's maybe possibly, you know, with without engaging in too much hubris, it's maybe possibly the first inkling the first few drops of developing love for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam as he deserves from us. And is is a part of our EMA and a part of our faith and belief in spirituality.
Karla masani, who had done Abu Omar, Al Hussein, who eighth Baku Taiba to new Sarah who had kalu Santa Sofia norina tanizaki an SME Malik, radi Allahu taala anhu Paul aku never attain never to her Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
cashew citaro tioman is naini for Nevada to Isla de Cana who must happen
when natural halifa abeba can forget the natural and your anger and your buddy boo for a shadow in a Nazi and if you go to Abu Bakr in your own home, why
would you fear also lives a lot easier I'm in a hurry Delica Leon
unecessarily Allahu Allahu says the last time that I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was when the Prophet
It's a lot easier to open the curtain Monday morning. This was the day This was the fudger prayer. And he says, I looked at the face of the prophets a lot. He seemed like it was a page of a book like the page of a page of the most Huff.
This is such powerful eloquence on the part of unecessarily Allahu Allahu, he means two things by this number one, the page of the must have meaning just the clarity with which I could see his face. Like you can read the words on the page. But what he also means by this and we'll talk about this more later is that he says I just like a page of the most have you memorize it, I memorized his face on that day.
And I will never forget it ever again.
And he says that the people were lined up behind Abu Bakr radi Allahu Jelani, because he was leading the prayer, because the Prophet tells him physically was no longer able to come and lead them into prayer. And the people were about to start moving, like the people were about to start, you know, moving from their places, either moving towards him or move from their places. Just people were very anxious.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam gestured to the people he signaled to the people to stay at their places. And in Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala, who was leading them,
and then he says that, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lowered the curtain.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away later that day. I know that when you see the word in Arabic acid, a lot of times we feel that that means the end of the day. That was not the case of processing passed away Later that morning, but as an expression in the Arabic language at their time, this sometimes would refer to something that was later in the day, so it was later in the morning.
column on Sunday who had that animado Masada tell bursary you Kala had the financial name of knocked up an evening out in an Ebrahim
Chateau de Allahu taala and her colleagues come to moose NIDA 10 kulu Muslim Muslim attend an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala Saudi. Oh Carlos illa hygine for the RB Costin, Leah Bula fajita Marbella. fermata
isharo The Allahu taala on her narrates that I had positioned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so that he was leaning against my chest. or in another narrations, he says in my lap. And basically, the way that we understand that is that she was basically holding the prophets, a lot of them in her arms with his back towards her. And so yes, he was like, in her lap, but her His head was on her chest. So both actually stand true.
And then she mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked for some type of a container to be able to relieve himself there in and the profits, a lot of them relieved himself. And then shortly thereafter, he passed away.
And the reason why she mentioned this particular detail, somebody might be curious, not only sharing every one of the last moments of the life of the prophets, a lot of them with us, but also part of the reason why she mentioned his particular detail is to really demonstrate to us how physically painful and how trying and testing those last few moments of the life of the prophets, a lot of them actually were, where he did not even have the physical strength to be able to get up and go and relieve himself sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the next generation kind of continues commenting on that column was suddenly for Hadassah to Teva. Kala had done a laser unevenly hard on Moosa
savages annuloplasty Mohammed Anna Shankara, the Allahu taala and the harlot right ah Rasul Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will who have been Moti wearing the who powderhorn fee, Martin. Well, who are you? Who fille de su Mei Yum, sir what you have you been? Through my boo boo Allahumma La Mancha rod, Allah moon karate, oh kala, Allah Azza Karachi mote.
In this particular narration,
he shadow the Allahu taala on her she says that I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was near death. And near him was a bowl in which there was water, and you would put his hand into the bowl, and then he would wipe the water on his face. And the explanation of that is because the prophets a lot he some was experiencing such a high temperature of fever.
Due to this the pangs of death, the last moments of his life, that he basically would wipe his face with that water to cool himself off. And he was saying that Oh, Allah helped me
in facing these very difficult moments or he said, the pain or the pangs of death, Moon Karachi, Moti Ocala, Sokka Ratan mode, right that either the very difficult moments that come before death or
The painful moments that come before death
in either way. Now what is this exactly talking about? And like I said, we will definitely talk about it further in class. But nevertheless, this is something the prophets a lot of people inquired about as well, because about a week before he passed away, he started experiencing a lot of pain in his body. And he physically was having trouble moving, and he was having a fever and his head would ache. And he asked you believe, Alexandre, what is this? Oh, jabril. There's everyone experiences. And Djibouti rallies I'm informed the prophet SAW some that these are the pains of death. This is the soul departing from the body. This is the life of this world coming to a close and everyone
experiences this, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in fact, the Sahaba busara 100 or the Allahu taala on who, when he came to see the prophets, a lot of them during the last week of his life, he said, I placed my hand on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I said O Messenger of Allah, your your your temperature is so high, like your body is burning up. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that I experienced twice the fever that one of you experienced, and I experienced twice the headache that one of you would experience and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in that moment in spite of everything he was going through, when he antibiotics how many
confirmed that every single person experiences and goes through this? The the profits, a lot of them asked you believe it his alum, that oh jabril if my oma will experience this as well allow me to burden this Give it to me on behalf of all of my oma so that my people don't ever have to deal with this. That was the generosity once again of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, even in the very last moments of his life when he was departing from this world,
called Mussolini, who had done al Hassan Abu Saba had bazaars. Carla had de la mubashir Lewis Marina and Abdur Rahman Ibn Allah Allah on V. Anybody Amara and Ayesha karate Allahu taala Anna palette la be to a hidden bihani moeten by the la de la he mentioned that the multi Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
palabra he says Raja Petula humann Abdul Rahman Allah Allah Allah hava mana Abdur Rahman Ibn Allah Allah Allah, Allah,
Allah Allah even alleged large
in this generation, inshallah the Allahu taala Anna she says that I,
after witnessing after witnessing the experience and the difficulty to process some experience at the time of departing from this world, I will never again doubt
the difficulty that anyone I will never take lightly what anyone goes through at the time of death. I will never again take it lightly. And then the last bit of commentary there was from your mom and Timothy where he was inquiring from his teacher about who this narrator Malala was who informed him exactly of who he was calling him suddenly, who had done Abu Ghraib Mohammed Abdullah Allah, Allah had dasara bumo aviana abderrahman Abby bachlin what was a blue moon a key and a B munakata. an eyeshadow the Allahu taala Ana college la comida Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam wa Taala foofy definitely sakala Abu Bakar Samia German Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ah Shay and
mana Sita who
column acaba de la hoonah began 11 mozzarella d u hibou. And you'd find a V, it fino who Fimo Dr. aefi Rashi.
In this generation, our shadow the Allahu taala on her. She says that, when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away,
there was a discussion about where to lay the profits allowed him to rest where to lay him to rest.
Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who at that time, said, I heard from the Messenger of Allah, Allah, some something that I will never forget, I could never forget. And that was the prophets. A lot of them said that whenever Allah subhanaw taala takes a profit away from this world.
Then Allah subhanaw taala takes a profit away from this world at the very place where God wants that prophet to be laid to rest. So therefore, lay him to rest bury him
at the place where he was lying at the place of his deathbed, where he was lying down when he passed away.
And that was in the home of Chateau de Allahu taala. And that was in the home of Chateau de Allahu Telangana. And that's where the profits of Islam was laid to rest till today, which tells us that when we go and we visit there too much of the profits a lot from the city of Medina, and we pay our respects to the profits, a lot of them, the place where he rests today was actually the home of our mother, I shadow the Allahu taala. And the other thing I wanted to mention is a book called The Allahu taala who says a comment that is a little interesting, where he says, I heard the promises of
Say something that I would never forget. And the reason why he says it in that particular way, is because he's saying that while the prophets a lot, he said was alive for the prophets allowed him to talk about the death of a prophet, which the only prophet at that time is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was something that shook me to my core. And it was just so frightening and so disturbing for me in that moment to imagine to deal with to think about the profits a lot of departing from this world and it's just something that just stuck with me and you know, as we say, as an expression, it haunted me and I would never forget it.
The next generation, Berlin was suddenly full head death and Mohammed Abu Bashar in
Bala had death, or, excuse me, Mohammed Abu Bashar Al Abbas Lombardi was Sawadogo Abdullah was at work he didn't follow Hadassah here. He didn't answer Fianna thodi on Moosa blah blah Isha and obey the law anemia Bhasin, why Isha Tara the Allahu taala on home, about bachlin are the Allahu taala and who Kabbalah Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about them Ahmed
Abdullah bin abass radi Allahu Allahu Allah and the mother of the believers are in shadow the Allahu taala I know who is the daughter of Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala. No one was was present in the home when Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who entered the home after the passing of the prophets all of a sudden shortly thereafter, and she says and both of them actually narrate that Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala, on who kissed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the next generation will explain kiss on the forehead after the prophets allottee some had passed. And this tells you a few things. Number one, obviously, it tells you how beloved the prophets a lot he said was to them. How much Abu Bakr
radi Allahu taala, who loved and honored and cherished the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And thirdly, and finally,
and I understand this is a sensitive issue and
just knowing a lot of times the irresponsible nature and behavior of people in our communities.
I just kind of mentioned this last point with my apologies, and my condolences. But this narration and the others that we're also going to read, also demonstrate the permissibility of this, the permissibility of this, that loved ones, family members, close friends can actually see the deceased after their passing.
And may actually as long as they can control themselves, because there was another there were incidents during the life of the process of somewhere when someone passed away, and there was a lot of just wailing and flailing and, you know, people pulling out the body and things like that the process of them said, Please don't do this.
Right. But if somebody is able to maintain dignity and a sense of decorum,
you know, and they can control themselves, which if they're not able to, we don't fault them, we understand it's very painful. But nevertheless, just sticking to the guidance of the professor, sometimes they're able to maintain their composure and there's nothing wrong with them, seeing the deceased and you know, you know, kissing them and offering that level that gesture of affection and respect.
Karla Hadassah Nana Serrano, Ali Al, Java, me, kala Hadassah who or whom apologies a laptop or an IBM and IBM Ronald dzone, uneasy diviner bad news and I shutaura the Allahu Allah Allah and Ababa Quran, Allah Allah Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a bad fit for wha hoo Bay Na Na e well by day he is a day he will call a wannabe yah Wah Sofia waka Nila
Shara the Allahu taala and he narrates that the prophets that Abu Bakr radi Allahu Jelani entered upon the prophets, a lot of them after he had passed.
And he placed his mouth between the eyes of the prophets a lot. So this is referring to the previous that he kissed him on his forehead. And he had while kissing him on his forehead to basically, you know, hold himself up, His hands were on the shoulders of the Prophet so some very gently as he kissed him on his forehead, and he said the words, oh, my Prophet, oh, my beloved, my beloved friend, oh, my dear friend,
that he basically expressed these words, you know, expressing once again, the love and the affection that he had for him, which once again, we see that, you know, this this again, notion of there being just a complete moratorium and there being a total silence is actually not from the prophetic practice.
Because the actions of the Sahaba in regards to the process are part of this on the Department of prophetic practice. All right. And so it is not from the prophetic practice that absolutely nothing is said but if somebody is saying, you know, expressing just again in a very responsible in a very dignified manner somebody is expressing what this person means to them, then there's nothing prohibiting them.
But I had this ambition. So waffle busteni Carla had the Santa
Paula had that and our job furuno Sulayman and tarbet unasyn or the Allahu taala and who color llama can a young lady de la v Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah Medina de Boer Ameen. hakushi in flama, Connell Yama, la de Murphy allama, minha Colucci and Mama ad and Amina turabi were in Allah Fie, definitely he had her and Karna poo Bana.
And so the Allahu taala and who says that the day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered into the city of Medina, he lit everything up, he brightened everything, he brought light to everything.
He made everything better.
And the day that he passed away,
it's like everything lost its light.
Everything lost its color. It was a very, very difficult day. And he says that we had still not cleaned the dirt, the dust from our hands. We were still burying him.
When we, the translation says, we felt we began to feel the change in our hearts, which is one interpretation of this. What it also means is that we want one other way to understand is that we really, you know, we almost kind of hated ourselves for having to bury the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Like just expressing how conflicting how conflicting and confusing that moment was.
To bury the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
kala Hadassah, Mohammed Abu Hatem, kala Hadassah, Rama Ahmed Abu Saleh, and he shall live in your own water and a be here and our Isha karate Allahu taala on her palate to Wolfie Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a young man named
Chateau de Allahu Allah Allah said that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings be upon him, passed away on Monday.
He passed away on Monday. Carla had that Allah Mohammed Abu Dhabi, Omar Kala Hadassah, Sophia norina Dr. Jaffe, Mohammed v. Kala pobeda Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yeoman is naini from MacArthur Valley cleome when a letter through lava, he will do phenomenal lelee Palace of yarnworker la VEDA who you smell also to massage him and are feeling lately
in this narration,
this is basically narrated by the family of the prophets a lot is on the Bates. Jaffer, this is the individual known as john for sodic narrating narrating from his father, Mohammed Alberta.
And he basically is narrating kind of the narrative that was passed on within the family. These are the descendants of the prophets a lot essentially. So he's narrating even though he never directly he was not there at the passing of the prophecy of some but it was understood as more of kind of like a family tradition that was passed down. So he says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam passed away on a Monday. And the remainder of that day, the body of the prophets, a lot of them remain there in the home of eyeshadow, the Allahu taala. And people were allowed to come and pay their respects. And then it remained throughout Tuesday. And then finally Tuesday night, the
body of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was laid to rest in the ground, he was buried, and soufiane mentions that others have also mentioned and what he means by other than Mohammed Al balquhidder, meaning this was a well known story of the Medina and people. This was a tradition passed down amongst the Medina and families that they used to say that we still remember that night that late into the night, we could still hear the shovels.
We could still hear the shovels like the digging tools, you know, kind of digging into the dirt and then lay blame the dirt into the grave. We could hear that work going on late into the night. Nobody slept that night. Everybody sat in those who were there with the responsibility to lay the promises and threats. Were there but even the others were just people were sitting around and you could hear the sounds echoing throughout the city of Medina. They said it was the most haunting of nights. It was just such a difficult moment.
On Alcatel Lucent, Aiden Kala Hadassah, Abdullah zz Mohammed Angelica Abdullah Abu Dhabi, Nnamdi nemid and Abby Sarah Martinez. And Abby Salama. Even Abdul Rahman
radi Allahu taala on who call to fear Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a Yama listening he will do Fini yo methylator II.
This narration kind of just doesn't speak about the time of the day just talks about the day itself, basically saying that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away on a Monday, and he was buried on a Tuesday, February Sahaja, Hadith and even he basically says that this is an isolated narration, because the more solid reports are that he was buried late into the night Tuesday where it was practically Wednesday at that point, because it just took that long. It took more than a day and a half nearly two days for for everyone to get the opportunity to come through, pay their respects, and be able to say their goodbyes and their farewell for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
And in sha Allah, the next generation is a very lengthy narration basically talking about it in a lot of detail. And we will continue with that narration being the lucky to Allah in the next session.
May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the love of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to live up to the legacy of the prophets a lot. He said Oh, and May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us among those who will meet the prophets a lot of time on the Day of Resurrection and be amongst those who will drink the from the fountain of culture served by his blessing hands. I mean Arabella me
Chapters about the Age and Passing of The Messenger pbuh
Apr 10, 2017.