Abdullah Hakim Quick – Reflection on my trip to Guyana & the evil of deception

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of Islam and bringing together history and culture to re-evaluate one's values and create a sense of reality. They touch on addiction and suicide among Muslims, the challenges of living in a society where everything is just about money and profit, and the importance of helping others and knowing the consequences of one's actions. They also mention trials and tests for wealth and potential conflict.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Arab below the mean while chawan La ilaha illAllah Walia Salim wa shadow now Mohammed Abdullah who was a solo hot Milan via remote saline Allahumma salli wa sallam, Allah AB de cada zuleika Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sallam happy woman da da what he was standing beside the T. La Omid Dean, was seldom to Sleeman kathira, my bad, all praise the due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. And surely Allah is the friend and protector of the righteous. And I'd be a witness that Allah is one and has no partners. And that Mohammed son of Abdullah, is a servant and his last messenger. And may Allah always and constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed, to his family, to his companions,

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to all those who call to his way and establish his Sunnah to the day of judgment as to what follows.

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I begin by reminding myself and you of the importance of taqwa,

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the importance of the consciousness of Allah,

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that we remember the presence of one who is mighty in power,

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who has knowledge of all things

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and allows to ponder what Allah has revealed in his glorious book. Yeah, you had Latina on a taco la Ha. Well, I mean, it will be the suli you can give Ladyman rahmati yhl local neuron Tom Schoonover he we have a local la la foto Rahim Allah has revealed in his eternal book, oh you who believe. Keep your duty to Allah and believe in his messenger. And Allah will give you a double portion,

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a double portion of his mercy. He will provide for you a light by which you shall walk and He will give He will forgive you. And Allah is the Lord of great bounty.

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And so in this mighty ayah in the book of Allah, Allah subhana wa Taala tells us that we should have Taqwa.

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But at the same time, we should confirm this without belief. Especially I believe in the last messenger peace and blessings be upon.

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And these two elements taqwa and email,

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and the Mufasa it was say Tao, Mo, as v2.

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Continue in your belief, say it with your tongue, believe it in your heart, practice with your limbs,

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express your faith in everything that you do.

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And also part of what Allah

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will give a great blessing.

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Because the taqwa naturally leads to the Prophet Mohammed so Salim as our guide.

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And by having these two

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in front of us, Allah subhanaw taala, would provide nor a light. And this is not only just a physical light, but a spiritual light. And today in the darkness of the world, we are so much in need of the spiritual light, in the confusion that is around us. We are in need of the nor of the light from Allah subhanaw taala what he gave to the messenger, Allah is LA to salam, when he gave to his companions, and those great leaders and scholars, up until at our time,

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Allah subhanaw taala through this light, and we are moving along in our lives, would also give us forgiveness.

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And that is what we need more than anything else in our existence. Oh, you who believe. Recently, I had the opportunity to travel in Guyana in South America to cross the Barbies river,

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on one side, to cross the demerara to go down into the interior and be with the Amerindians. And I can say honestly, that there is tremendous potential in that part of the world. There is tremendous potential in the land itself, which is rich with minerals. In the rivers, there is life teeming and then the people there is also great potential. But it is crucial here that Muslims develop this ability to see the real issues and that may have something to do with the nor with the light that Allah subhanaw taala promises the believers

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have Taqwa and email

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in the Amerindian population. And these are the original people who populated the Americas 1000s of years ago, we found amongst the arawak tribe,

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in dealing with one of the chiefs of an aerobic tribe,

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that the idea of tawheed is still alive,

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it is still alive.

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And the wise ones call it a daily.

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The idea of as a yalie is the great spirit, the great spirit. The scholars tell us that if there are people

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living in deep jungle areas or high on mountains, who the message has never come to,

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then they are under the mercy of Allah. Allah can forgive them or punish them. But they believe in one God, if they believe in the Great Spirit is strong, and they are trying to be good people in this life, then they are categorized as Muslims.

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So we need to consider this with a great opportunity now with languages dying, traditions dying, amongst the original people, missionaries coming to them, it is an opportunity for Muslims to fulfill our mission. And that is bad. That is the take the message to all those who are not present.

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And I'll also point out that told us inserta, not in verse 36, woollacott, bath na, frequently omoton Rasulullah hon de la which telling the target, and verily we have sent every nation,

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a messenger

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to every nation, that they would worship Allah and stay away from false gods.

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In the African population,

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there is also great potential.

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But that potential of tawheed that still exists in the understanding of the people needs to be coupled with empowerment,

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empowerment of people who are broken down in the slavery period.

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And interesting information came to the surface during this trip known by the scholars but needs to be known by the general population. And that is that the African Muslims who came during the Atlantic during the Atlantic slavery period,

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over one third of them who came to the Americas were Muslims,

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even in Ghana, where information had not come to the surface, so clearly, we find in the 1763 rebellion of coffee, and many of you may know about this great rebellion that the slaves had against the colonial colonial rulers, that the terms and conditions of the peace treaty between coffee's people and the government was was written in Arabic.

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This is documented. So either somebody who was with him or he himself was Muslim.

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We also find in the 1806 Rebellion,

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we find a document called What do you call

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it is a document written in Arabic circulated amongst the slaves, calling them to resistance against oppression.

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In 1823, in the Damara, slave slave rebellion,

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they identified clearly identified one Muslim, a driver, they called him Bob, but officially he was Muhammad,

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which means he was a Muslim

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name recorded in the African population are now coming to the surface, that some of their names were Mohammed, Mama do, Sadat, Moosa Hannah Saba freaky roussanne a, and a number of names that can be directly connected to the Muslims who came to the Americas in the early times.

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In the Hindu population,

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in Guyana, there is great despair, there is a spiritual vacuum.

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And one of the startling statistics is that the level of suicide that so many people in this sector of the population are committing suicide. One of the factors and this is drinking rum

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by drinking alcohol, not having

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spiritual direction, it is causing people to take their own lives.

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So it is the job of the Muslims to feel the spiritual void

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of these groups of people

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and looking at the Muslim population and seeing all hamdulillah large amounts of people who come out to our programs,

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it was clear

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that what is hitting the Muslim population there is the same thing hitting us here and it is hitting us in most of the Muslim world.

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And that is a concept which is identified by many of the great scholars even Eben Kodama almak does he

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in his great

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work testament, how jocassee Deen

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he has identified a type of mental condition

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is almost like a spell something cast upon the people. And it is called hudl.

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And Hurrah is a very important issue for us now, to discuss because with our large numbers that come out, not only in South America, but in the Middle East, in in here in many parts of the world, without large numbers that come out, there is something on the inside there is something that we need to re analyze at this critical point, this critical juncture in our history, to re analyze ourselves as Muslims, what is it to be a Muslim?

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Is it enough just to come to pray?

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Is it enough to eat halau food?

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What is the real reality of being a Muslim? And even Kodama Rahim Allah

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identified the importance of this issue.

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The Buddha is the opposite of taqwa

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taqwa is based on alcohol for Raja, fear and hope. If you fear something, you move back from it.

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If you hope for something, you move towards it. So taqwa is a stimulant. It stimulates you to carry out the will of Allah. It is the consciousness of God that enables the individual to stay away from wrong things. It also inspires you to do good things. It's a stimulant. And Abel Kodama Rahim, Allah pointed out very beautifully, that anything that leads you to stagnation,

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anything that slows you down, and makes you think you're saved. This is guru. Because Guru is delusion.

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It's an illusion.

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Guru is that which you you think is a reality, but it's not really reality.

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And horror comes in many ways. A general horror that comes over our populations is that people believe that if allow for everything and aloha Kareem,

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Allah Karim, Allah will forgive everything. So we don't have to work now. We'll wait until we're elderly and then we'll fast and make Hajj and everything will be okay. This is an illusion. And this right now, I believe is one of the greatest tricks of the evil one on our nation.

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Because we have everything in place,

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we have enough people. We have enough natural resources. We have knowledge we have skills.

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Right? But But what is it that would convert those skills into a frozen block of ice? That doesn't make progress? This is hurrah.

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And our scholar Rahim Allah has pointed out that one form of Hurrah is when people identify with their parents. So he might say, I don't have to give charity I don't have to give sadaqa to the center. My father used to give sadaqa here. My father gave 20% to build this place. Why do I have to give? My mother used to give gold bangles, you see, so if he hides in the work or the achievements of the parents, and doesn't work himself, that's wrong. See if that's what it is. It slows you down.

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There are also cases of people who feel that their good deeds are actually more than their bad deeds.

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And so the person might have issues

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or the person might have a business and he exploits the people in the business.

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But it gives sadaqa.

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So he gives sadaqa. So he believes that the sadaqa he that he gives, would actually overcome the exploitation in the business. That's deception.

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And this is a deep concept, because he's giving sadaqa

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the real answer to this is for him to look at his complete business itself, to redo his business and his economic life. So he is not involved in exploitation.

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There is also a case where the person makes his stick of fire in the morning, gets up and makes 100, a stop, fiddle lock,

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and counts how many blessings there are, and you can do a counter. If you do it in the masjid, you get 27 more and, you know, whatever, if you go to Mecca, Medina and you put 100,000 on it. So he does exist that far in the morning. And the rest of the day, he's backbiting, scandalizing, cursing,

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doing things against a lot, but because what happened in the morning, he thinks the rest of the day is erased. That is deception.

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That is the essence of deception.

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And this deception can even come to the scholars themselves.

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Where there are scholars

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who teach what it is to have a clean heart, what it is to be a good person, but they don't do it themselves.

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They don't apply it to themselves. Well, there are those who may claim to be a great Sufi scholar.

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Right, or a great or great

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graduate, or somebody great person. But he's only great in the clothing in the sayings, but not in his actual actions. It's a deception

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is a deception.

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And this is a serious issue, even to the core and readers themselves. And they've been pajama pointed out in his time, which is hundreds of years ago. And we see it today that there will be people who will read court ad in a beautiful way, like you go to a recital or a symphony.

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But the prophet SAW seldom said the time would come when people would read this quote and beautiful tones, but it wouldn't pass their throats.

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It would not pass it throws.

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It wouldn't touch their hearts.

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Hurrah can come in many different ways.

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A person constructs a building, only to have his name on the building.

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And if his name is not put on the building, he will refuse to construct the building.

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So what is the purpose of the construction of the building? Is it for his glorification? Or is it for Allah subhanaw taala.

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These are forms of Guru

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which are now striking our nation. And we are in a very critical point. Every day we turn on the news and something else has happened. You don't even want to watch the news. Something else has happened. And it's not because of our numbers. It is not because of our knowledge. It's something inside the hearts that has to change in order for us to use this great potential. Even Kodama Rahim Allah showed us that of the cures of this is that we need to have a mind a clear mind that knows the realities knows the realities of ourselves.

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In other words, we criticize ourselves. What am I doing wrong? What am I doing right? How can I improve myself? So we learn ourselves. Secondly, we learn what is happening around us. We understand the conditions around us. And then we know a lot. We need to have minds and hearts that are aware of Allah subhanaw taala

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there are truly aware of the Lord and not the last moment when the person will cry out for Allah. But now when we are feeling healthy, feeling good. Think about Allah subhanaw taala also, it's so important to be connected to the next life to be connected to the hereafter.

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If we are connected to the Hereafter, and don't see it as something far off, but something real right now connected to us. Then we have reached a high level the prophet SAW Selim said al Qaeda as mandanna nafsa why minalima Battle mode?

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He said the intelligent person is the one who controls himself.

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And works for what is after death. That's okay. Yes.

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Well, I have not adjusted in some rewires

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well, men advice enough sir Who hahaha what Amanda Allah, amen. And the fool

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is the one who lets himself go.

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He lets himself go

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and then hopes that Allah forgives him in the end.

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This is described as a fool because the life of this world is so short. We are here One moment, God another moment, but here, but the Hereafter is eternal. We're a Lost Planet, Allah has clearly shown us, Holly Dena, Fie ha Avada

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they will live in the next life forever.

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So the actions that we do now,

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we need to think about the actions and this is not just here, or in South America, this is all over the Muslim world, especially those in leadership. If we are about to do something, think about what is the result of this?

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What will be the result of my actions? Will it be pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala? Will it be destructive to humanity?

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Because this code or this deception, is what is blocking us from our real mission.

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And that real mission is to take this message to all peoples on the earth. There are people now dying from alcoholism, dying in despair laying in the gutter,

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killing the members of their own families killing themselves, because they don't think that there's anything possible.

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But we have gems of wisdom, we have an alcohol free society.

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We have a drug free society.

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These are the real missions of the Muslims.

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And this Allah subhanaw taala is put into our head to test us

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to test us whether we would make the right decisions. So this is a challenging time that we are living in.

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But if we look at it in a positive way, and the prophet SAW Selim used to say to his companions, but shih tzu allowed to not Pharaoh, yes, sido will add to aceto. Make it easy. I used to say, give glad tidings be positive, look at the positive side of things, not the negative, don't drive people away.

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Make the religion easy, don't make it difficult. And so it's a great opportunity we have at this point in time, Allah subhanaw taala has blessed us

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with a chance to do something with our lives, to do something with our wealth, and to teach our children give them the right direction, so that if we can't stand for Islam, somebody will stand for it. Somebody will take the message to the poor masses, who are being blocked out by the politics of this world.

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And so we pray that Allah subhanaw taala would bless us and clear our hearts of any evil thoughts and any deeds. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to clear our hearts of tribalism, to clear our hearts of greed and pride. May Allah clear us of anger and overused emotions. May Allah subhanaw taala unite our legs, our ranks so that we can love each other, regardless of color, nationality, language passport, we can look at each other as Muslims, and we can look to the non Muslims as our fellow human beings who are also suffering in this world. I leave you with these thoughts, and I asked a lot to have mercy on me and you are cool. Luckily, Heather was thoughtful loudly welcome when he

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sadly was the minimum and poorly done been discovered fatal in novel Hola.

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Alhamdulillah Allahu Ahad alpha Samad Allah the lamb yellowhead Well, I'm youlet while I'm yaku and I had well suddenly what was Salam ala carte avalonbay were more saline Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge my rabatt Yeah, Eva de la taco la hi sama control waiuku sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Alicante, Omar fitna. While fitna to Almighty Allah. Every nation has a trial and test and the trial and test of this nation is wealth. While you're full on hawks, Aparna mockbee Rama Amira in the lava Malaika who you saw Luna Allah Nabhi Yeah, are you Hello Dina amanu sallu alayhi wa salam o Taslima Allahumma salli wa sallam, Allah Abdi COVID

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Holy cow Mohammed while Allah He was Hobie edge my wallet along on it hola faraci Deen Abubakar Omar Manoir le, wannabe Rama ticket altamura he mean Alhamdulillah Allah de Hidalgo he had one Mark una de Natalya Lola Ana de la robina led to the kulu bada bada de tener tena, we'll have Lenin Milla do kurama in the council Wahab Rabbana foxfield enter the new banana will cafe under se, Tina, whatever for an amount of Allah. Allah humbug feeling Muslim meanwhile Muslim at well me Nina minette al amin home well I'm what parametric or hamara he mean Evangelion como como la de la jolla been added with a sandwich at the quote about Wang Zhi Hua Mancha Bobby. Yeah, the cola the Korean Peninsula.

Friday Sermon (3-20-2015) Shaikh Abdullah Hakim Quick – Reflection on my trip to Guyana & the evil of deception (Ghuroor)

Islamic Institute of Toronto

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