Abdul Nasir Jangda – Shamail Muhammadiyah 07

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of the Prophet sallama's teachings and characteristics, as well as the use of shoes and clothing during prayer. They also discuss the importance of praying with shoes and avoiding walking with one foot on a foot. The speakers provide examples of the importance of belief in Islam, praying with shoes, and the use of clothing for political purposes. They also touch on the history of the god's use of the ring and the use of the symbol of the god in a different way.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and data. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at Syrah intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, go to Sierra intensive.com to register and for more information

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salatu salam ala rasulillah well Allah Allah he was actually he married

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we starting with chapter number 11 Babu ma Jaffe now a little Sunni that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the chapter about the shoes of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Bala Hadassah, Mohammed Ivanova, sharp Kala Hadassah Buddha Buddha palissy Callaghan, Colorado, Santa Monica, and

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Bella Hadassah hamama and Casa de palapa to the NSE Malik radi Allahu taala on who gave a cannon Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ah, kala lumati Bala

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cortada says that I said to Anna signo Malik radi Allahu taala on who Howard the shoes of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that they had two ropes or two strings.

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So very quickly, two or two straps, I guess is a better word as the translation says. So the way to understand this is that obvious obviously a lot of times slippers as we're used to seeing them how they're worn, so slippers or flip flops, as people refer to them a lot of times is that it has two straps that basically tie back to a place where they go between the toes, and then it extends over the foot to help keep the shoe in place.

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The Next Generation calahonda Abu Mohammed Allah Allah, Allah Hadassah, verkehr and Sophia on holiday on holiday, Neil hatha and Abdullah Al Hadith anemia Bassam radi Allahu Allah Allahu radi Allahu taala on whom upon can Alina Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Aki bandhani Matheny, Yun share Akuma

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ignore a bass while the Allahu taala Anima relates that the shoes of a messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had two straps each and the straps were double, were doubled. So the way to understand this is that the straps were basically reinforced. So it was two pieces of leather, two leather straps that were either intertwined or basically stitch together to basically reinforce the straps. So they he had his shoes had two straps each and they were reinforced straps.

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The next narration one of the nuances about the chain of narration that some of those colors of honey points out is that the one of the narrator's that you see there, Holland and Heather, Heather will literally mean Shoemaker. So this particular muhaddith was a shoemaker narrating ahaadeeth about the profits, a lot of some shoes. Cool stuff.

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It's interesting. All right, but I had no money Erica had the Santa Fe de calidad de la Isa man. Follow us Raja Elena and asuna Malik radi Allahu taala and hoonah Laney Giada waney love Mati Bella, Bella for her destiny saboten Babu unece Anna Houma can Atlanta LA and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He Subin Rama Rama la kujala He says, and asumu Malik radi Allahu Allah Allah who presented to us a pair of shoes, gentle Darwin. The word gentle Darwin refers to the shoes, not having any type of hair on it. They were leather but the leather was completely tanned down to the point where there was no longer any for any hair on it. Laguna Maki Bella they they again had two straps each, bonafide, definitely tabet sabot told me afterwards

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From Anasazi Allahu taala on who, that these were the shoes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so and so no Malik or the Allahu taala. And who brings in, presents the shoes, and then tells them that these are the actual shoes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam how does that exactly happen?

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Unless you're going to Malika de la jolla and who was that young Sahabi who was like the assistant, the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to serve the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. And so one of his responsibilities was to keep track of the shoes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so it's very likely that when the prophets alabi son passed away, and the son of the Allahu talana may may be used to keep a few extra pairs of the shoes of the prophets a lot of the some on hand, and so he had these, these shoes leftover of the prophets, a lot of them after his passing,

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had eaten number four. Color Hadassah is Hakuna Moosa and sorry, Bella, Rama and

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Bella had the Santa Malik Allah had the Santa Sorry, sorry, didn't muck booty, and obey didn't need rage. And the who Polly evening Omar radi Allahu Allah, Allah Ma.

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Ra a Touka tell Basu and Niala sub Tia a sip Tia Kala Indira he Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Alba Sunni Island la te la la la Sufi hi Sharon

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v ha for an hour hibou and Al Basha

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obey bin gerade Rahim Allahu taala relates that he said to Abdullah bin or Omar or the Allahu taala and Omar once that I see that you very frequently wear shoes that are made from the tanned hide of a cow.

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So he said I saw the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wearing shoes that didn't have any hair on it. It was completely tanned and he would make will do in them. So I similarly like to wear them.

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A couple of things to explain here first and foremost familiarity with the narrator himself Abdullah bin Amato, the Allahu taala and Omar was one of he was known his reputation amongst the Sahaba was our lembu be sunitinib be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he was one of the most well versed and knowledgeable about the exact, precise practice of the messenger of Allah salani pseudonym, I believe in the Allahu taala Anima was a younger Sahabi the son of Rama, Rama hottub, he was somebody with a photographic memory. And he was somebody who is very close to the Prophet of Allah salatu salam obviously. And so he was very particular about remembering every little detail of the life in

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the practice of the prophets a lot. He said, I'm someone so there are narrations which talk about later on, when you would be walking in the streets of Medina. He would sometimes stop over at a place and he would sit down for a little while. And then he would get up and start walking again. And when you when it was asked of him when acquired, why did you sit down? Is everything okay? He said one time I was walking with the prophets, a lot of Islam and he sat down for a little while here. So I always sit down whenever I walk by this path. And so this is again not so much of the fact that it's like some you know, act of very bad our worship in and of itself to sit at that

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particular place. But this is a demonstration of the love that Abdullah bin Omar for the Allahu Ahad for the Prophet of Allah salatu salam, and we can actually understand that, right we can we can relate to that we can understand that, in today's society, how much emulation there is of the way someone you know, whether it be a celebrity or an athlete, how they dress, how they walk, how they talk, how they conduct themselves. And it's basically an act of love or devotion, whether somebody recognizes that or not, right and a lot of time and so the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Beloved of Allah subhanho wa Taala His love is something that brings us closer to the

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love of Allah and emulating him to the best of our ability makes us worthy of the love of Allah subhanaw taala and qualifies us for the love of Allah. So it's really something to think about. So, the next thing here in this particular narration is he says, I see that you like to wear shoes, I see that you wear shoes that are sip to sip tea, specifically refers to the height of the cow once it's been completely tanned. Once it had been tagged completely to the point where there was no hair or fur remaining, it became solid, smooth, then they would refer to it as a sipped or sip tea.

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So he said that I see that you wear these types of shoes, and so he gives us reasoning. I saw the Messenger of Allah syllogism and issues were completely town 10 down

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To the point where they were smooth. And so that's why I choose to wear them. And then he relates a particular detail that is a little curious. Right when you read just the translation or you look at the narration, that he says that the Messenger of Allah salvation would make will do in them. So how do we exactly understand that? Because somebody could misunderstand that to say that somehow it's okay to basically just wipe over your shoes when making will do and that would somehow suffice? No, he didn't say yum Sahaja Hema, as he said about as we said in the narration about the leather socks that he would wipe over them but he says yet the what the ofii Hema you know what we'll see how you

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will make will do in them. So what that means is that just like if you are wearing some slippers that are open, just basically again like the flip flops, it's just two straps going over your feet. And if you were to make will do in them, and they're loose to the point that if you move them around just a little bit while they're still on your feet, the water was still get everywhere on your foot. Right so you are still washing your feet it's like you're washing your feet with your slippers on all right. And so that's what he said the Messenger of Allah Pilates and we used to do some other narrations also give the idea that the reason why he says yet the V ha they would also use this type

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of verbiage because sometimes the profits a lot of them would actually take off the slippers and wash his feet outside of the slippers. But then while his feet were still wet, he would put them back in. And so then the sandal or the slipper would basically get wet. And that's what he refers to get the word out we'll see how and of course being made of leather this was a way that the profits a lot of them would also wash his sandals though. We even if we take it literally that he would wash his feet while the sandals were on. It was a way that the profits a lot he would clean his sandals as well.

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But I had the Santa is half of numazu palla had the Santa Rosa and Mama be the bin and solvation Mola tow Amma and Abby hooray la de la jolla Anupam. Can Alina la Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Aki by Nan

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Abu radi Allahu taala and he relates and he says that the message the shoes of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had two straps. So each of the shoes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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had to straps on them.

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Once again, little nuance this narration we've already seen, but one little nuance within the chain of narration again, saw the Mola ama this doe ama that it refers to is referring to the

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he so this narrator Sania Dabiri, he was a freed slave of a woman who is referred to as a tau ama which basically means twin because she was one of a pair of twins. So again, you see that here in this particular narration.

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The next Hadeeth the next generation

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but I had no money and calahonda Ahmed Kala Hadassah Sofia en su de Paula hidef any man Samia ahmedinejad eighth, you are poorer ah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam usili phenol Laney must sufa chain.

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I'm going to be Wraith the Allahu taala and who relates or use to say that I saw the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam praying while he was wearing shoes that were reinforced masuka chain in the Arabic language basically refers to that this the the soles of their shoe, were a little bit thick that it was one piece of leather and then another piece of leather was attached to it. So the soul was a little bit thicker was reinforced. So he says I saw the Messenger of Allah ceylonese I'm praying and the soles of his shoes were reinforced were a little bit thicker. Now obviously this particular narration makes mention of the fact that the prophets a lot of them was

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praying with his shoes on. So this could bring to question again to somebody about what is exactly the ruling of praying with shoes on and is that even permissible or not?

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The ruling on it is is that first and foremost. the wearing of shoes or not being the wearing of the shoes

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In and of itself is not something that invalidates the prayer.

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That is not necessarily the feed being bear is not one of the requirements of prayer. When you look at Sha two Salah when you look at the requirements of prayer, it is things such as you being pure and in the state of purity of cleanliness having to do your clothes are clean, your the place where you are playing, praying is clean, it is the proper time of the prayer, your body is appropriately covered, you are facing towards that pillar, and the fact that you have the intention to pray, these are the basic requirements of the prayer. This is what's necessary this one, this is what has to be in place, in order for you to be able to pray and for your prayer to be valid. There being shoes or

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you being barefoot is not a requirement of the prayer. So that's the first thing to understand. So from that basic premise, we understand that it is obviously permissible or theoretically I should say, well suelen it would be permissible to pray without shoes. Now of course, we go to the life of the Messenger of Allah Salafi. So what have we seen what have we observed? So we see that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, the norm in the life of the prophets, Allah assemblies, that he would pray without his shoes on the norm.

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the norm in the practice of the prophets, a lot of the sermons that he prayed without issues on whether he was praying at home, whether he was praying in the masjid and even sometimes when he was praying outside, that he would remove his shoes that it was the norm.

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In exceptional scenarios, the prophet of Allah Salafi, soon did pray with his shoes on.

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Now, as far as praying with your shoes on Are there any requirements or conditions in that regard? So, what we find again in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is that he prayed on a few occasions with his shoes on to demonstrate have elleebana joas to demonstrate the fact that it is permissible, but we find a particular instance in which the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was praying with his shoes on and then he removes his shoes in the prayer and all the Sahaba when they saw they all took their shoes off. And so afterwards the Messenger of Allah ceylonese him they asked him and he said, You do not have to remove your shoes if your shoes are clean gibreel Ave

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his salon came in informed me that there was an adjuster, there was something impure, unclean on the sole of my shoe. And that's why I was instructed to remove it. So from now we learned the fact that you can in exceptional scenarios, pray with your shoes on as long as you are sure in certain of the fact that there is no impurity on your shoes. But if there is the slightest bit of doubt in that regard, it is better to remove the shape shoes before praying. All right. The other thing that the scholars do, however caution about when we look in the Quran, we do find the Daya there's nothing in the Quran is without purpose. And nothing in the Quran is without meaning and without lesson.

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When Musa alayhis salam enters into the wild, they have to walk there to converse with the last panel which Allah The first thing the last panel which Allah tells him as a lake, in the Kabbalah democracy to remove your shoes you are in the Sacred Valley have to well, we do understand from that is that entering into a sacred place, one of the etiquettes Well, one of the etiquette of the etiquette of entering a sacred place a blessing places and removal of shoes. It is symbolic, the prophets a lot he said them also showed that the removing of shoes is a sign of humility. It's a sign of humility. So removing of the shoes is from the etiquette of entering a sacred place or

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entering the sacred conversation with Allah subhanaw taala. So the massages the prophets, Allah tells us and massage you do we used to love. The massage in the masjid is the house of God, it is a sacred place. Prayer is a conversation with the last panel attala. So naturally it is from the etiquette of the prayer that it is better to remove the shoes while praying. And so based off of that I have the Quran and the fact that the norm in the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was removing of the shoes when praying. The scholars do say that while it is permissible to pray with shoes on, it should not be made the norm should remain an exception that it can actually become a

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clue it can become problematic and disliked if somebody makes it a very frequent practice. Right so to avoid that, even if somebody ends up praying at our workplace or something like that on a daily basis, it is best to remove the shoes more often than praying with the shoes on let it remain an exception because that's how we was practiced by the Messenger of Allah Allah logo on he was send them what Allahu taala? I don't know so well.

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And of course, as scholars mentioned something that's very common sense. And that is that now particularly that we have carpets and things like that in the masjid, bringing in shoes from the outside would just pollute the carpet anyway, so it's better to avoid it altogether. I'll take the question afterwards and show

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the next narration Galahad. Death Anna is half of Noosa I'm sorry calahonda phenomenon

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Carla had the Santa Monica and presented and in our garage, and we heard a lot about the Allahu taala and Huma radi Allahu taala and who and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon Liam Shanna hadoken phenol and wahiduddin Leona ala Luna Luna Luna Allahumma Jamie and Olivia Ollie you. Fi hi fi ma Jimmy on

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the next narration of alluded are the Allahu Allah and who says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and again you have a hadith Kohli here, in a chapter that is largely observational, you have the words of the prophets. In a chapter that is mostly observing the conduct or the behavior of the prophets, a lot of a sudden, a lot of the Allahu talana relates to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, none of you should walk wearing only one shoe, either wear both of them or take both of them off.

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And this is, of course, the prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam teaching us just again, etiquette. And the primary reason for this a couple of things that the scholars do mentioned, even though it seems we can understand what the prophets a lot essentially saying is that, of course, the scholars you mentioned that the reason why the Prophet of Allah salami, Sam is recommending this number one is just to be more dignified, to be more respectful, to have a certain amount of maturity and sophistication, and how we behave and how we conduct ourselves. So to be walking around with one shoe on is

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problematic looking to say the least. It's just weird looking funny looking. You would doubt that person's mental state, possibly, right? different things like that. It's just weird and bizarre. So the profits, a lot of them, say maybe you lost a shoe, or maybe one of the one of your shoes like the straps broke off or something. So then take both of them off, right, hold them in your hand in the walk without your shoes. That's better than walking around with one shoe on of course this is. And the other benefit, of course, collars mentioned because of this is, obviously it's probably not very good for just you know, even your balance and your posture. So you see that wisdom in the

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advice of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And then the other thing is, of course, there's exceptions to the rule. If you obviously have a cast on a foot or some type of injury on the foot, then that would of course be the exception. But this what he's telling us here is the norm. The next narration called terracotta and Molokini is an obscene ad. Now, it's a very similar narration. The mounted media just brings it from another chain another round number nine of this chapter Galahad data is half of new Moosa calahonda phenomenon called Hadassah, Malik and Abby Zubair

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and Jabba radi Allahu taala I'm gonna be slo LaGuardia. He was cinnamon the hi yah Kula Jani Raja Mishima Lee. Oh, yum. Shia phenol in wahiduddin. jabby radi Allahu jalon relates at the messenger of a loss of lollies and prohibited that a person should not eat with their left hand. Right. And they should not walk wearing one shoe. Now again, to explain the concept. We've talked we've I've alluded to this a little bit before, we're going to go through the mannerism or the etiquette of the prophets of cinnamon how we used to eat food, but the prophets a lot of them emphasize Could it be a meaning eat with your right hand? Can you put them on frequently shake their profits a lot. He said,

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we used to like using the right hand for good things. Right. So food should be in with the right hand, we talked about the narration where the prophets told somebody to eat with their right hand, and he was fully capable of it. And he was a bit abrasive and arrogant with the prophets a lot. He said them must still do. And the Prophet salani Some said Lester Tata, you won't be able to. And that person actually lost the use of his hand because of the disrespect towards the Prophet of Allah salatu salam, right. And so a person should eat with their right hand. That is the etiquette that was taught to us by the prophets a lot, he said them and similarly a person should not walk with

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only one shoe on. So this is again telling us that what is befitting of a believer, what is the proper etiquette of conduct, even in daily activity. And one of the other things is, of course, both of these scenarios have their exceptions, like we talked about, if somebody has a cast on one foot, they're obviously not going to be wearing a shoe on one foot, that is the exception, not the rule. All right, that is not the norm. And similarly, somebody should eat with the right hand as much as possible. But if somebody obviously does not have the use of their right hand or has an injury, or whatever the case may be, then of course, they will have to eat with their left hand. And then

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again, that's the exception and not the rule. All right. One of the benefits that can be talked about here, one of the understandings that we can extract the philosophies that we can extract from this is the fact that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam through this instruction is actually teaching us the fact that the life of a believer and

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Islam in its very essence is not something that is solely a religion of ritualistic worship. Islam is not only relevant to us when we walk into the machine for those five minutes when we're going to produce a lot.

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And that is, unfortunately, a very common understanding of religion today. Even within the Muslim community, it's something that is becoming a very common misunderstanding. And I would even go as far as saying that there are even certain, you know, ideologies or certain thoughts that are being propagated in the community that would like to present Islam as something that should just stay confined for five minutes for five times a day.

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Or for not eating food during daylight hours in Ramadan, or what you do for those five, six days of Hajj when you're over there. And outside of that, please leave Islam out of the conversation. Why don't we go about in just you know, doing things however we see fit, figuring things out for ourselves, why don't we just leave this religious religion stuff out of the conversation, and everybody does pretty much what they can figure out what they would like to do. But what we have to understand is that there's it's problematic, and as I oftentimes sell to students, one extreme breeds the other, this extreme only exists because there is an opposite extreme, there's an opposite

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extreme that is extremely unintelligent, and educated, unsophisticated in their understanding of the religion

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where they don't understand, they don't know, let alone propagate or talk or preach about the ethics and the morals and the values, the justice, the fairness, the equality of Islam. And they've turned Islam into a set of very, very narrow, rigorous rulings that are suffocating people.

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And what that does is that type of an extreme extreme approach breeds the opposite extreme. And now you have people that say that well, that's Islam then I'd rather not have it

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then please leave it out of my life. Let me go to work. Let me live live. Let me eat food, let me conduct myself do business financial, let me take care of all of this stuff. And yeah, okay, find the sum is nice for five minutes, five times a day,

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five minutes each, that's good. But now what we have to we have to correct this misunderstanding, by correcting the other misunderstanding. We have to educate ourselves and understand the values that Hassan preaches.

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And then when we bring those values to the table, then his people will that would actually welcome the implementation of Islam in every aspect in every facet of life.

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And this is again the prophets a lot. He's teaching us here, that Islam is something that is dignified in its behavior, and in its conduct the eating of food with the right hand, use your right hand to do good things. You use your left hand to handle maybe unclean things, unfit things, that Islam is even telling you how to be sophisticated in your conduct and how to present yourself in society.

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Moving on to the next narration

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had to Chiba and Malik Khanna had the Santa Ana is how Pablo Musa calahonda Rama and calahonda anabolic annivesary nad and in our Raj unabie who de la radi Allahu taala and who unobvious Allahu alayhi wa sallam upon

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even Tada, I had to confess that Binyamin ye that nessa chemin fell Shakuni Luna aluma a winner Houma

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tuna Du Bois who matanza Oh,

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the Prabhu a la de La Cucina, Anna relates to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, that whenever any one of you who puts their shoes on, they should start by putting on the right shoe, and when they are removing their shoes, they should remove the left shoe first. So let the right shoe be the first one that is put on.

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And the last one that is taken off. Right, so the first one that is put on in the second one when taking off.

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This again, is showing you the implementation of Islam within just one's daily conduct something as simple and as basic and routine as wearing and taking off your shoes. Again, the deeper understanding and the philosophy here is this helps to breathe that taqwa that God consciousness that sometimes seems so elusive to us. Right? Oftentimes seems like that's like that elusive thing or idea? Well, this is this tells us how to develop and inculcate topo within our life, that everything that you do when putting your shoes on, you say Bismillah and you're putting the right one on first, reminding yourself of Allah subhanho wa Taala remembering God, even when putting your

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shoes on, then what do you think will be the conduct of that person when they actually go outside?

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That's why the prophets a lot of them told the show one time I shadowed the Allahu Allah Anna was leaving the house and the Prophet of Allah Azza wa sallam taught her to say when you leave the house Allahumma inni arrow to becoming an Adela and the older and asila ozen and Optima, Islam and Allah O, Allah, Allah, they are Ayesha, when you leave the home then say, oh god, oh Allah, I take refuge with You. I asked you to protect me I take refuge with you from going astray or leading someone else's stray from slipping or causing someone else's slip from doing wrong, or from doing wrong to someone else, or someone else doing wrong to me, from victimizing someone else, or someone

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victimizing me. And from behaving ignorantly, with someone else, or someone else behaving them, or conducting themselves with me in an ignorance manner or fashion.

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Right. So again, think about how that person will conduct themselves when they've said this before they left their home. It's a different mindset. So if we just simply implemented the practice, where we were thinking, we stopped putting on our shoes and rushing out of our house, we stopped for just a second. And we said, Bismillah, we put our right shoe on first and then put on our left shoe, reminding ourselves of Allah subhanho wa Taala then how will we conduct ourselves when we go out? And then when we come back into our homes, and a lot of times we're tired or fatigued or you know, frustrated or exhausted or whatever the case may be. But then when we enter back into our homes, we

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enter back into our home with the doula,

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right Oh Allah with your name, I enter my home. And then we again stop for a second saying Bismillah removing our left shoe first and then taking our right shoe off afterwards, reminding ourselves of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We'll quickly think about how that will conduct ourselves within the home.

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We'll think twice before snapping on seminal

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because we've reminded ourselves of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is.

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This is the concept of taqwa. And this is the byproduct of taqwa that taqwa breeds this type of conduct and behavior.

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The next narration number 11. From this chapter, Khalid

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Abu Musab Mohammed

00:32:17 --> 00:32:38

Khalid Mohammed Abu Jaffa, Callahan de la shorba calahonda bisha and be here and masukkan Shatta radi Allahu taala let gala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in your head with a Amman mustapa fetullah Julie, he was an hour early he went to hoody, he,

00:32:39 --> 00:33:10

the mother of the believers are shadow the Allahu taala and he says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam used to love doing things with the rights are used to give preference to the rights when doing things as much as possible. Masada as much as possible, for instance, when combing his hair or when putting on his shoes, or when washing himself or cleansing himself. So when he would make will do he would wash the right arm before the left arm, he would wash the right foot before the left foot.

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Number 12 of the chapter

00:33:23 --> 00:33:28

Khalid Mohammed Abu Marzouk, Abu Abdullah Abdullah

00:33:29 --> 00:33:45

Abu Musab Maria Bella Hadassah, a sham and Muhammad Allah Bihari Raja Ravi Allahu taala. And who call can Alina Ali rasulillah he Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Aki balani Habiba. ClinVar Amara wa illuminata Dr. Dan wahida northman

00:33:47 --> 00:33:48

abou radar,

00:33:49 --> 00:33:55

radi Allahu taala and who relates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shoes

00:33:56 --> 00:33:58

had two straps each.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:14

And the same for a blue bucket and on level of the Allahu taala. Meaning they also were similar shoes to the Prophet of Allah Salafi said them, and the first one who wore shoes that had only one strap was Earth might have not found out the Allahu taala. And

00:34:16 --> 00:34:23

so to understand exactly what does that mean, there wasn't a lot of explanation I looked through

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a couple of dozen actually different books of Hadith and explanations from Dr. lemma. So there wasn't a lot of detail explanation about that particular shoe of arthritis have not found or the allowable angle, but basically the idea seems to be that the other type of slippers that we might be might be used to wearing that the foot one type of slipper is that where there are two straps that are going between, from between the toes, and then sometimes there's a type of super where there's one strapped is going across the top of the foot. So that's what I've overlaid over the Allahu talanoa is is describing that

00:35:00 --> 00:35:34

The profits a lot of them were the type of sandal where there were two straps from between the toes. And then Abu Bakr and Omar radi Allahu talanoa warned the same type of shoe. So that means that either they weren't in emulation of the profits along the zone, which again was very common, because of the love that they had for the profits a lot. It's an order that it was just a very common type of shoe within that culture. And then Arthur minor, the Allahu taala, who had a different preference, his shoe even though he was very familiar with the type of shoe, the profits a lot nicer, more, he was somebody whose love for the Messenger of Allah Salaam cannot be doubted into

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slight bit in the slightest, you can doubt the love that he had for the profits a lot. He said them, right. But he preferred that type of shoe where there was just one strap that would go across the top of the foot. And the reason why mom Timothy Rahim, Allahu taala, brings this Hadeeth. And this narration at the very end of the chapter about the shoes of the prophets a lot of the time, so as to demonstrate the fact that we've seen a duck almost a dozen narrations, talking about this fact that the shoes of the promises of a two straps. But by no means, you know, does that mean? That it is somehow impermissible to wear a shoe that is different. But just as we've talked about in terms of

00:36:14 --> 00:36:41

clothing, or in terms of hairstyle or anything else, I asked him if he had the inertia and he Baha, that the general rule for these types of things is permissibility. As long as it's not violating some firm sound rule of the shitty How could you know some rule of Shetty I'll be violated in terms of shoes that either would be made from something that is impermissible like it would be made from,

00:36:42 --> 00:36:43

you know, pigskin

00:36:44 --> 00:37:10

or number two, that it was violating some rule of shediac that they are stolen shoes, or somebody else's shoes. All right, something like that. That that's the only way that you would be violating some rulership outside of that, generally speaking, philosophia de Lucia Alibaba, so as long as they're made of permissible material, and they were acquired through permissible means, then it is a permissible form of a shoe

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the 12th chapter,

00:37:24 --> 00:37:26

Bible my geography Vickery.

00:37:27 --> 00:37:30

hatami, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:37:32 --> 00:37:36

This is the chapter about the ring of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Now, this is not referring to hearten when the Buddha, the Seal of prophethood, that was the earlier chapter in his description. This is talking literally about the ring that he used to wear. And, again, you see the particular notice and the attention to detail that scholars had, that if you look back at all the other title, the chapters of the titles that we've seen, Babu magia finale Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, Baba Jaffe, who fearlessly lackey sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Bible my geography Shadi Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it always says to chapter about the hair, the clothing, the shoes, the socks of the Messenger of Allah salon, he said, um, this is the first

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time and one of the only instances where he says, Bible my Josephine Vickery, hatami rasulillah salam, the chapter that mentions not about but the chapter that mentions the ring of the prophets of autism, so that nobody would confuse this chapter with the earlier chapter that was about the seal of profit. Right so that type of attention to detail

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moving forward the very first Hadeeth

00:38:50 --> 00:39:11

by the head the pheno to table two, sorry, then we'll need to widen up the life in a way I've been on Eunice, an English you have been an unassuming American. radi Allahu taala Ando Bala gana hacia una de sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I mean what do you mean? We're kind of forced to have a shotgun

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under signal Malika radi Allahu Allah and who relates that the ring of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was made of silver.

00:39:26 --> 00:39:27

And the

00:39:28 --> 00:39:29

the gem

00:39:31 --> 00:39:36

or the top of the ring was from abbacy, Mia was habashi.

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Now, a couple of things to explain here first and foremost.

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Obviously the word hartham itself refers to a ring and in the Arabic language itself, new Latin, what they basically and so the word Hutton in and of itself refers to usually something that either is

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has some type of an imprint, or either it also linguistically literally refers to something that sticks out from the surface and imprint basically, again, right? When you imprint something, then you change the surface of it. So that's what literally refers to. And that's why the seal that was on the back of the profits a lot is in the seal of profit was elevated from his back. That's why it was called the seal of profit. And this ring also for that very same reason that a ring normally has some type of a gem, or some type of a stone, or some type of a design on top of it. And that's why it's literally in the Arabic language called the hot tub. One little nuance again, based on the from

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the Arabic language, again, is that if a ring does not have a stone or any type of an imprint, or a design or anything on it, basically what we refer to in English as a band, right, so if a ring doesn't have some type of a stone or a design on it, but it's just simply a band, then in the Arabic language, it's not called a hot item. It's called a

00:41:10 --> 00:41:29

Fatah, Fatah. It's referred to as fat Taha. A band is referred to as protocol, at least in classical Arabic. Now, a little bit of detail about it. He says that the ring of the prophets a lot of him was made from in what ik, what is what it what it is another word in the Arabic language for silver fidlock. It was made from silver.

00:41:30 --> 00:41:54

All right. And then it says that fossil who can a fossil who first usually refers to whatever is on top of the rim, the top of the rain, all right, where the design is or dystonia is placed. And it says that the top of the ring was abbacy. Nia was from apophenia. Now there's a little bit of discussion here amongst your LMR amongst the scholars that they say that did it actually have a stone or not?

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Because there's other narrations that we'll see that it refers to the fact that even the where the stone would normally be, that in and of itself was also silver. That was silver itself, that it didn't have a stone. But this now says that this fuss the stone of it was at the senior was sort of a senior. So how do we understand that number one, one thought of the scholars is that what do you what they actually mean? That's that the ring was made in a senior and was one of the gifts sent for the profits a lovely setup by an joshy by the Muslim king of Abyssinia. All right, the other thought is that the profits, a lot of them did actually have multiple rings, and one of the rings that he

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had was gifted to him by the king of Abyssinia and that particular ring did actually have a stone in it. But as we're going to read it was not the ring that the prophets a lot of the sudden normally wore

00:42:51 --> 00:43:04

let's go ahead and read forward and as we kind of go forward we'll keep kind of talking about some of the rules pertaining to just jewelry and the wearing of rings. The Next Generation Karla had the Santa

00:43:06 --> 00:43:20

to Chiba Kala had the Santa Ana Ana BBC Lena nafion indorama radi Allahu taala anumana BIA sallallahu alayhi wa sallam into hada cotterman midfield button for Canada to be here while I called bazoo.

00:43:22 --> 00:43:36

Abdullah bin Ahmadi Allahu taala Anima says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam he had a ring made from silver. The Prophet of Allah salami said I'm had a ring made from silver, and he used to use it to

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seal are used to use it to seal documents to make documents official, and he would not normally wear it. Or it can also be understood as he would not

00:43:50 --> 00:44:14

wear it all the time, he would sometimes not wear it. And so now we're getting into a little bit more detail. And if another upcoming narration is going to explain this further, but basically the scholars they say most of the Rmi most of the scholars they see that in the sixth year of Prophet in the sixth year of his job. In the sixth year of the prophets, Allah assumes residence in Medina,

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the prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam intended to send letters to various kings and rulers of different areas, inviting them to Islam. And so at that particular time, the Prophet sallahu was advised by some of the Sahaba that a messenger of Allah, some of the non Arab leaders, they do not accept a letter from another leader, unless and until it has been sealed some way. So at that time, the prophet of Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam had basically requested that a ring be made. And so the name of the Sahabi that basically made the ring for the Prophet of Allah salatu salam has also mentioned that his name was Yalla Yalla the Allahu taala and

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Who was basically hired by the prophet of Allah salami similar, he was given the task to make a ring for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even saying you didn't ask enough are actually claims that this occurred in the beginning of the seventh year of his job. But it's reconciled that the Prophet of Allah salatu salam actually intended to write the letters in the end of the six year and that's when the ring was made at the advice of the Sahaba the letter but when he actually placed the stamp that was in the beginning of the seventh year, and that's when the letters were delivered on behalf of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam now, I believe in honor of the Allahu taala and he

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was saying that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not wear the ring, what does that exactly mean? So, as I as I explained when translating it, the language in and of itself is more general is not necessarily definitive, and it can mean one of both things, it can either mean that mean that he did not wear it,

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he did not wear it normally. Or it can also mean like lB suhu eonon, sometimes you will not wear it. So it could have been that Abdullah bin or Amara de la numa at that particular time, saw the profits a lot of them without the ring on. And so his observation was that I didn't see him wearing it. But there are other narrations which clearly mentioned the fact that the prophets a lot, he said was wearing his ring, so it's just a matter of observation.

00:46:23 --> 00:46:25

The next generation

00:46:26 --> 00:47:13

by the head doesn't know halen. calahonda hassled Norma even obeyed who upon FEC? By the head the tanners who hate Abu Haytham on homemade, and us under 70 Malika radi Allahu taala no call can heart mo Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Min filco chin, fossa who mean who? This is a narration I was talking about, unless you've pneumonic or the Allahu taala. And who says that the ring of the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was made from silver. And it's where the gem normally would be placed was also silver. That it basically did not have a stone. That's what it's saying that it did not have a stone. What did it have if it didn't have a stone? It's something that we're

00:47:13 --> 00:47:16

going to read in the narration that's basically coming up.

00:47:22 --> 00:47:26

The next had if Carla had that and that is half of the moments with Paula.

00:47:29 --> 00:47:49

Paula had deafening Abby and Anna Sydney Malik and Adi Allahu Allah Allahu Allah, Allah Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and yet to buy either la gemi de la la who in the larger mala Yakubu Luna in la cabina la haut mo first Allah Ottoman, forgot me Andrew la vida de Fuca fee

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and has been Malika radi Allahu jalon, who relates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he intended to write and send letters to have letters sent to different rulers, in some of the non Arab kingdoms at that time.

00:48:11 --> 00:48:54

It was said to him, it was suggested to him that all messenger of Allah, D non Arab rulers do not accept a letter unless it has a seal from an authority on it. So at that time, the prophets, a lot of them had a ring made. And he says, it says, If I can still see the ring, the white of the ring, or the silver part of the ring, the shine of the ring, it's as if I can still see it in his palm, in this hall. So that's another narration that we're going to read again, later on, that's a little bit more explicit. But basically, what this tells us now is that the Prophet of Allah Azza wa sallam A lot of times, he would turn the ring so that the top of the ring, basically, was turned inward

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towards his poem, he would not have it outwards to where it was displayed, he would turn it inwards to where it was facing inwards towards his palm. Now, as we're going to read in the further narrations, that's the ALA here, the reason for the making of the ring has been explicitly stated within this narration, that the ring had a very specific purpose. And the specific purpose of the ring was that the prophets a lot of them had this ring made for the purpose of placing a seal, and not so much for the purpose of adornment or beauty. That this was not something that prophets allottee, some did as a form of decoration. But this was more so you had a practical purpose to it.

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And that was as a head of state, the profit of a lesson lot. He said, I'm used it to place his seal and his stamp, when he would send letters off to some of the kings.

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And that's why to further now demonstrate that you find in an aeration, the ALA is basically being confirmed. And that's why when the profits along was not using it, he would basically turn it inwards so that the design

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That was on the ring, the seal that was on the ring was facing inwards towards his palm. It was not facing outwards because it was not something that he used. He didn't like drawing attention to it. So then he would turn it inwards towards his palm, that the profits a lot of him was not very keen on it as a form of you know, jewelry, but more so because it served a functional purpose. And I'll be talking about some of the rulings based off of that towards the end of the chapter. The next Hanif Hadeeth number five,

00:50:44 --> 00:51:03

Khalid Mohammed Abu Yahya, kala Hadassah, Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah Al Ansari, Callaghan, decennia abhi on sumava and Anna signi Malik, Radek, Allahu Allah and who call ganache Shu hatami Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ah Mohammedan satune

00:51:04 --> 00:51:08

What are sulan sutrum? Well, la he Sutton

00:51:10 --> 00:51:25

and has been Malik radi Allahu taala and who relates that the ring that the design on the ring of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Muhammad on one line, or soon on one line and Allah on one line.

00:51:27 --> 00:51:41

So, before I go forward, just kind of commenting on something very fascinating within the chain of narration itself here again, that this is of course being narrated by unassuming Malik radi Allahu taala on who through mama

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through mama is

00:51:49 --> 00:51:51

yes, fu mama is the

00:51:53 --> 00:52:37

grandson asuna Malika de Allahu terrano so mama is the grandson of an sp Malika the Allahu taala and who, and then Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah Al Ansari is saying that my father related this to me. All right, so you see again that the Hadith is basically being passed on between family that has been Malakal, the Allahu talana was teaching this narration to his own grandson. Now the narration itself says that the design on the ring of the prophets Allah is human. So now this is telling us what was the seal of the messenger salatu salam, that's it had the word Muhammad Rasul Allah, because that is the signature of the prophets a lot. He said them and the prophets a lot was specifically chosen

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even though there's a number of ways that this can be said as well. But he chose this because this is our last kind of without it referred to him in certain facts itself. Mohammed Rasulullah alright to interpret and fetch innopran This is how Allah refers to him. And this is what the prophets a lot of them chose as a seal and as a signature. But it did not say Muhammad Rasul, isolationism all in one line, but it was Muhammad on one line or assumed on a second line, and a lot on the third line. Now, this brings into question a lot of times what you've properly very popularly what you've seen is that usually it's written but it's written in the reverse, a lot on the top line, but as soon on

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the second line, and then Mohammed on the third line. All right, even though when you read the narrations, it's saying that it was Mohammed on one line rasuna on the second line, and along the third line, so when you read the narration, this hadith is wrong and Buhari as well said exactly the same way. Muhammad saturon Rasulullah southron Allah He sutra Muhammad Rasul Allah, but now popularly what we've seen today is that whenever that shape of the ring of the Prophet sallahu was presented, or drawn out or replicated, then it is always done in reverse order that you read from bottom going up to the top mohammadu Rasulullah. Muhammad Rasul Allah, right? Where did this exactly

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come from? First and foremost, there is no authentic narration that points to the fact that gives us any idea that it was actually written in reverse order.

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There is no authentic narration pointing to that.

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One of the earlier scholars of Hadith, actually,

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you can say,

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without being disrespectful, generally speaking, one of the earlier scholars of Hadith speculated

Chapters 11 and 12


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