Abdul Nasir Jangda – Shamail Muhammadiyah 04

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The story of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam is a mix between the physical and spiritual elements, with references to the use of words to signal acceptance of Islam and the importance of remembering events in the context of the message. The speakers discuss various narratives and references to the Islamic culture, including predictions of the return of the beast, the use of hair brushes and combs for health maintenance, and the importance of the eyes for shaping our bodies. They touch on the topic of the eye and its significance in shaping our bodies, as well as the benefits of using it for personal growth and personal development.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and data. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at Sierra intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, their mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, go to Sierra intensive.com, to register. And for more information.

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Mr Liu al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah, who Allah Allah, he was so happy to marry shala continuing with our studies of the Shema, in mohammedia, the prophetic personality, we'll be starting with the fifth chapter in sha Allah. Our goal today is going to be tried to finish in sha Allah, chapters five, six and seven, and they're not very lengthy. They're pretty much to the point, a lot of repetition between the different narrations and what chapters five, six and seven, cover is kind of the completion of the physical description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And it also talks a little bit it's kind of a mix between the physical description of the prophets a lot of

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the sentiment and also how he used to maintain himself how he kind of used to groom or maintain himself. So chapter number five is Bible my geography shabby Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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This is a chapter about the wide hairs of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, meaning the white hairs due to old age.

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So we'll go ahead and get started with the narrations and then I'll explain some of the reconciliation between some of the different accounts that are brought by the companions Hadid number one, Mr. Timothy says had death and Mohammed number Shaolin Allah Akbar Allah Buddha. Allah Akbar Allah hammam and tada, color onto the unnecessary Malika Nadi Allahu taala on who handle haba Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Colombia blue Delica were in Americana Shaban fees to the right he will Akin Abu Bakr, radi Allahu taala and ohada bill Hina he will catch me

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Casa de Rahim Allahu taala who is one of the very knowledgeable and well known scholars of degeneration of the taby own degeneration after the Sahaba he says that I said to Anna souvenier Malik, but the Allahu taala and who did the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dye his hair that he color his hair. And NSW Mallika, the Allahu taala responded that it never came to that.

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He had a little bit of white hair, on his temples on the sides of his face, but rather Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who used to dye his hair with Hina and with ketam.

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So now explain a little bit of some of the vocabulary and what they're talking about here. First and foremost the when he says in the Makana Shaban will feed you is in Americana shaped and in one of the narrations instead of saying Shaban, which means white hair, he says the word shade on meaning just a little bit, there was this a little bit of white hair that the messengers a lot of them had on on both of his temples on the side of his face. And so some say that sort of more so refers to this whole the side of the face right here is called soda. So either they say that it was on the temple right here on the side of his forehead, or that it was on the side of his face here where we

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would call typically the sideburns right that he had a little bit of white hair over here where his beard was kind of starved on the sideburns. So I In either case, the prophets a lot of them just had a little bit of white hair on either side of his face. And so when aneurysm Malik is acid the Messenger of Allah syllogism used to color his hair. What he understands that to mean is that the prophets a lot of the some of the overall dye his hair, and so he says that it never came to that there was no need for it, because he just had very little white hair on either side of his face on these temples. But he says, Abubakar, the Allahu taala and who, who was very close in age to the

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prophets a lot he said them, they were only two years apart. That Abubakar the Allahu taala on the other hand, his hair had gone white completely, or the majority of it so I will walk out of the salon who used to color his hair he would dye his hair and he used to color his hair. He

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He says that with a mixture of henna, most people are usually familiar with Hina. And so when hair is dyed with henna usually gives it more of an orange type color or tinge and cutsem was, was like a was kind of like the bark from tree. And so they used to grind that down and use it to make certain types of dye as well. So they used to use certain plants or bark from tree and they would grind it down and use it to make a dye. And he said that that would result in a very dark dye almost black hair, very, very dark. And so what what kind of the Allahu talana used to do was he would mix the two things together, and then he would dye his hair with it and which would make his hair a little

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bit more dark brown, not too much on the orange side nor on completely, like, on the jet black side. Rather, he would dye his hair like a dark shade of brown. And there's a little bit of a discussion here in terms of the fit of it.

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Some of the scholars, there's a narration about the father of Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala anhu, which is the topic of a lot of discussion at the time of atomica. The conquest of Makkah, is a very beautiful narration that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting in the masjid in the harem at the Kaaba and Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allahu walks into the machine holding the hand of his father, his elderly father, Abu hanifa, Boko Haram, obviously Abu Bakr, radi Allahu anhu, at the time of the conquest of Makkah, he himself is in his late 50s, almost 60. And so his father is obviously a very extremely old men, maybe in his 80s or even 90s. And so he comes in

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holding the hand of his father, his father, Abu hanifa, was born blind. He had been blind his entire life, and so he's blind. So he's holding his father's hand bringing him in, into the masjid. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam cites, he stood up and went to them. And the prophets a lot of them said Hello, Dr. Schaefer, Phil Bates, why didn't you leave the share? It's like a way of saying like, almost Uncle, why didn't you leave my uncle at home? And when it he, I would have gone to him I would have come to him. And Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah, Allah said no Rasul Allah, he wanted to accept Islam so he needs to come to you.

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guidance is you go to guidance, guidance, doesn't come to ego searching for it. So I needed to bring him to you.

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And so the prophets Allah Islam sits him down, of course honors him this is his friend's father. So he treats him as you as you should as an uncle. And he says he's here to accept Islam. So the prophets a lot he some takes

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his hand in his hand and he gives him the Shahada buco Hoffer recites the Shahada and the prophets a lot he said him is is so overjoyed he's beaming. You can see the joy on the face of the prophets a lot. He said he looks at Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allahu in Abu Bakar is crying.

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And he says to Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah and who are ferrania Baba, you're crying out of joy aboubaker and that's when Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala who says ligeia Rasul Allah, but Islam, no messenger of Allah, but I cry out of sadness. And the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was a little taken aback. Your father at this age, and Abu hanifa was the last immediate family member of Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who to accept Islam. His mother had become Muslim way back in the day in Mecca.

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He's Of course even his older children had all accepted Islam, his siblings that accepted Islam. His entire immediate family is one of the virtues of Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu his entire immediate family and accepted Islam. his cousin's his uncle's in his arms, everyone around him accepted Islam. This was the last family member of his were not accepted a Swami and his father. And so he says this is your father at this age, and the last member of your family to accept this law. Why would you be sad? And so Boubacar the Allahu taala on who says oh messenger of Allah, because I can't help but think how in the blink of an eye, but for Jain in the blink of an eye, I would trade places I would

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trade the place of my father, for your uncle Abu Talib.

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Because I know that how much pain you went through when he passed away.

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And so it's a very beautiful narration. So the prophets, a lot of them sits with them talks with them, you know, spends time with them. And then the way that Abu hanifa is described is that all of his hair, he was so old, he was very elderly, all of his hair had gone white, his hair, his beard, his eyebrows, eyelashes, you know, everything was white. And on top of that, some of the narrations also make mention of the fact that Abu hanifa also had the issue where he had lost the color in the pigments of his skin.

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And so because of that his complexion was very, very shockingly light. And then on top of that all his hair had gone white as well. So he

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looked a little difference and so a lot of times people would look and stare and so the prophets a lot he sent him said, okay, you have to see what changed the color of this

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to any color except for black. I mean you don't color his hair black.

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And so that's the instruction of the prophets, a lot of these and that's what he says. And that's the extent of the narration. So then that becomes a topic of a lot of discussion and conversation amongst the football. That what is the issue about dyeing of the hair so obviously you find here some scholars have said it's, it's open it's optional, it's a choice. Some have gone as far as such as Abu hanifa Rahim Allah He says that it is Mr. habit. It is recommended to color your hair once it very excessively starts to go white. In my Michelle fury Rahim Allahu taala goes as far as saying that it is sooner It is recommended because the prophets a lot of them said it bc Latina amor, he

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said it with the command. And when you look at some of the other senior Sahaba, like Abu Bakar, the Lakota on them, they used to color their hair. So he goes as far but he's alone in this particular position, where he actually strongly recommends it. But the issue then becomes is because of what the prophets a lot of them said color his hair for any color except for black like don't color in black. So then the scholars do discuss that what is the ruling on dyeing hair black, is it allowed is not allowed is a recommended is it disliked what is exactly the ruling on it. So again, the scholars have a variety of different opinions, some of the scholars based on the context that our

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booth will have I himself had that issue where his skin had lost its color. And so the profits, a lot of them said don't color it black, because then it will create a very, he was more so giving advice, that the type of contrast that it would create between his skin tone and his hair might make him look even more peculiar. So don't do it don't color in black. So it was more of advice from the prophets a lot easier, but it is permissible, especially especially in the case where somebody's hair is basically what we would call prematurely going gray or going white.

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We're normally at that age, usually that amount of their hair does not go wider gray, then in that particular case, it is permissible for that person to go ahead and color their hair black

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and then also take the questions afterwards. And also similarly, the prophet of Allah Salafi, excuse me, some of the scholars also hold the opinion and position that coloring of the hair black is actually disliked or not recommended, specifically because the prophets allottee some specified that do not color it black. So there's just a little bit of a discussion here. Nevertheless Abubakar the Allahu taala. And so again, so this narration Why did I bring it up here? The fact that Abu Bakr radi Allahu talana would not just simply dye his hair color in his hair with an atom, which would have made his hair very wood, which would have made his hair black, but he would mix it with the

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Hina which would add a little bit of brown color to it. So the scholars who say it is actually disliked or not permissible for an older person to color their hair black. They pointed this narration they say look, this is why Abu Bakar would mix the dye and would color it brown instead of black. And the scholars who say no, it is still permissible.

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They just say that Abu Bakar the Allahu taala and he did it because that was his personal preference. Well language Allah Allah, it's an issue of difference of opinion. So somebody can basically

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handle the issue however they see fit, they see fit. Obviously, if you are of a particular age where it's very obvious what age you are, and you're walking around with a full head of black hair.

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You look strange. Alright, so Hadeeth number two.

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A mama Timothy Rahim Allahu taala says had death Anna is how Cobra monsoon were yahia Noosa Carla had the Santa Rosa and Mama on Sabbath unasyn for the Allahu taala and who Paul

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ma de tu v rossii Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he he he he Illa Allah ba Shara Shara Chan ba ba

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and the supramolecular the Allahu Allahu relates, he says rather, that I did not count in the head and the beard of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam except for 14 white hairs, that at the end of the life of the prophets a lot he said them I do not recall counting more than 14 white hairs in his hair in his beard. And I talked about this this was a youthful appearance of the messengers allowed him that alive granted to him. Hadith number three Khalid Mohammed Al muthanna

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Allah Akbar Ana Abu Dawood calahonda nashoba and Seema Keven Harbin Carla semiology Jab, Jab, Jab Rama samura radi Allahu taala anhu waka de su Isla unsharp Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sakala Khanna, Eva Donna rasa Who? Lem your amin who Shaban we're either we're either alum yet, hon

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UI admin who

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job admin some rah rah, the Allahu taala on who was asked about the white hairs of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and so he said that when he used to oil his hair, he used to oil his head. Of course that means when he would oil is hair, it could you couldn't see any of his white hairs. When he would not have oiled his hair. Then you could see it there.

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The next hubby's Heidi's number four.

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Color head designer Mohammed Ahmed Evelyn Walid al Kindi al Koofi color hair Hadassah here, even though Adam and Sherry can obey the law even now Omar and Nasir and Abdullah bin Amaro de Allahu taala and Omar Paul in the Makana Shibu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are now one minute he Lena Shara 10 ba Ba, Abdullah Amaro de Allahu Allah Anima relates that the white hairs of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were roughly not one, we're roughly about 20 hairs. So how do you reconcile that with the previous narration that says 14? Again? I've done I've been saying roughly, right, so he's just rounding operators just kind of estimating by taking a look at the

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profits a lot of versus I'm assuming no Malik, obviously was was younger, used to spend a lot of time in the company of the prophets, a lot of them. So it's very likely that he actually sat there and counted all the white hairs of the prophets Allah, et cetera,

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had these number five,

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by the hundreds, definite Abu Ghraib Mohammed Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Maha Maha we have a sham, unshaven and Abby's hot on a crema and even a bassinet. The Allahu taala Anima call Paula Abu Bukhari Rasul Allah chipata

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Kala shaggy Bethany houden well work there are two or more salatu wa Mega tassa aluna What is a Shem suka? We're not

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even Abbas radi Allahu taala on Houma relates that Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who said O Messenger of God, you have grown old

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and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that who would surah who says these are the names of surahs from the Quran chapters from the Quran. He said that the sutras hood

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and waka Aloo salat, and Maya Tessa alone and nabba and either Sham suku a lot. They have caused me to become old. They have made me old. And we'll go ahead and read Heidi number six because it's similar. And then I'll explain in Sharla and Hadith number six.

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Carla had the philosophy on Okinawa, Ki

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Kala Hadassah, Mohammed innovation, and aliveness Anishinaabe is hub and a big Haifa Paul falluja rasulillah naraka cada cipta

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Kala padishah Bethany houden wakawaka

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abou Jehovah God, Allahu taala and who says that they said, meaning that some group of the Sahaba they said just you know, kind of talking with the prophets a lot he said I'm we're even kind of playfully joking around with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They said, O Messenger of God, we see that you have grown old and arakata the ship that we see that you've grown old, and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded, that suta hood and its sisters, the similar Sutras, sutra hood and the sutra similar to it have caused me to grow old have made me older. So now to explain these two narrations. So number five and sooner number six. First and

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foremost, it just basically understand the concept, the Messenger of Allah ceylonese him of course, this is a playful conversation. In one case with Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah, Allah has given us relates. And in the second case, maybe it was a group of some of the younger Sahaba and the prophets, a lot of them. Again, what you can appreciate from this is the type of relationship the prophets a lot of them had with his companions, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam would teach them and would lead them and counsel them and guide them. But at the same time, the prophets a lot, he would talk with them and sit with them and eat with them and spend time with them and even

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joke with them and reminisce with them. Right and share swap personal stories with them. That that was the habit of the messengers a lot. He said, um, there are tons of similar narrations. There's a narration where the Sahaba say that we used to sit and tell our stories about our personal lives to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Every day after fudging the profits a lot, he said, I'm used to turn around in the machine and he would sit down and he would say

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does anybody have anything they want to talk about? And we would just sit there for a couple of hours just talk to the prophets a lot a sinner in another narration and mentions and there were of course very, there's a bunch of narrations one such narration mentions

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That one time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we pray the one with the messengers a lot. He said, I mean, it was not the summertime, it was another time of the year where it wasn't as bad the heat. And so after the war, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Does anybody have an animal that they can spare like a camel or an animal that they can spare. And once a hobby said I do. And the profits a lot of them said, Alright, then let's go ahead and go out. They went out a little bit to a distance where there was some open some open land and open area. they slaughtered the camel. And the profits, a lot of them took part in this entire activity. they slaughtered the camel, they, you

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know, skin, the camel cut up to me, they started a fire, they cook the meat together, they sat down and they ate together. Then it was time for Salah. So they got up, they all washed up together. They stood there and they pray in the field, they're together, then cleaned up after this a lot together and came back in time for a silicon magnet.

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That's a profits a lot of him basically just having kind of an outing a barbecue with his companions with the Sahaba. So there's multiple different variations like this. So the profits, a lot of these him was very pleasant and very friendly, and his demeanor and how he conducted himself. And that's at the core at the essence of building a community. And the prophets, Allah vsam demonstrated the fact he would have Sahaba over at his house, he would go and drop by and visit Sahaba their homes, the homes of the Sahaba. And so that was very much the messenger Salafi sent him so it's a playful conversation, in one case of over kind of the Allahu taala and who obviously having a lot more wider

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gray haired in the profits a lot of these items, even though they're similar in age. And what you have to remember about Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala, who is their narration, some incidents in the seat on the books of history, which talk about the fact that they knew each other since the age of 10, or 12. So they've been friends since forever. And we all know about the love that they had for one another and how much they cared for one another. And so what kind of the Allahu terlato obviously, having a lot more white and gray here, spots, you know, a dozen or so white hairs in the beard and the hair of the Prophet 70 says, looks like you're catching up. And so the prophets a lot,

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he said, um, then, you know, response to him and of course, the prophets a lot. The seven being the teacher that he is, the prophets a lot he sent him says, Yeah, sure, but your white hair might be there just because you're an old man might happen because I read the Koran, right? So the prophets, a lot of he said them says, some people get old hair, white hair because of stress, or business or whatever it may be. My word here came from reading the Quran. And specifically in that, in that Hadith, near the sutra, the sutras of the Quran that the prophets, a lot of them identifies is, of course, suta hood, which talks about all the prophets that were sent to nations that did not listen

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and heed the message, and we're destroyed. It's at the end of the sutra, it talks about the day of judgment and the reckoning and how mankind will fare in the life of the hereafter. suta. And waka Of course, talks all about the day of judgment and how humanity will be divided and split into three groups, sort of most solid talks about the arrival of the day of judgment and the conditions that will be faced by people there. So I'm Maya TESSA aluna, again, talks about the commencing of the hour, and sudo is a sham suku without talks about the destruction of this world, at the commencement of Assad, the fixed hour, the day of reckoning the hour of reckoning. So these are all sources

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pertaining to the affairs and the issues of the life of the hereafter. And what the scene while you're medically Yama,

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Yama, Yama, not just the conditions of the Day of Judgment, but also the tear in the fright of the Day of Judgment. And so the prophets a lot of Islam says that the sutras had this very, very deep, profound impact and effect on me.

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And of course, in the other narration, then he just simply refers to it as suta hood and sutras that might be similar to solitude, which could of course be explained by this narration that these are the sutras that are similar to that particular sutra in terms of themes and topics and subject matter.

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Added number seven

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Callahan de la de leeuw hojin Nashua Ibu soft one on Abdulmalik evening on a on a de la Italy and Iran.

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Anna Bianca a che mi

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t. j Murray Bobby collar attention obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Maria even only Carla for three to four Petula Mara ah who had an IBO lucky. Where are they he so Ronnie? Ronnie? Whatever who shout Allahu shabu, shabu Ma, that in this particular narration

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abou Carranza attaining the Allahu taala. And who says that I went with one

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Have my sons to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I showed my son, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And or I saw him and I showed my son, it's a way to say that I looked at the messengers, a lot of them. And I also pointed to messengers who loves him out to my son. So he says that when I saw him, I said that this is a messenger, this is a prophet of Allah, this is a prophet of God. And he was wearing two clothes that were green. And he had hair that had a little bit of whites on the edges. And his old hair or his white hair was actually slightly red in color. Now, a couple of things to mention here is first and foremost, of course, he

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said, he talks about the profits a lot. He said, I'm wearing green clothes, he had to he had to, he had clothes on two pairs, or rather two garments on. And whenever it's normally said about the profits alive, we understand a lower garment and an upper garment. Typically what the lower and upper garment of the profits, a lot of him was like, it's something we're going to read in a couple of chapters. But he added these are and he added a dye a shawl on and so he described them as being green. Now we specifically through other narrations know a little bit more detail about this particular these particular clothes. What How are they agreeing what kind of green and were they

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completely green? What what exactly was the nature of these clothes of the prophets a lot he sent them. So we find another narrations that these were rude Allium Ania. Monica, they were this was Yemeni cloth, abou Dahlia, Monica, they were this was Yemeni cloth. And the Yemeni cloth typically would be a mixture of green and black, that they would be green and black stripes. Or it would be a black cloth with green string of green threads in it. So that was the type of clothes of profits a lot of the sun was wearing. And these were given to him, these this Yemeni garment was actually considered very sought after very exquisite or expensive. And this was gifted to the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So when he says that he had a little bit of white hair, when I was young called Allah who shaped just a little bit of white hair. And so Allah usually means on top of, but this doesn't literally mean that it was on the top of his head, the white hair, some narrations do mention that he had a little bit a couple of white hairs here, where his hair wood parts, you could start to see a little bit of a couple of white hairs here that either it's referring to that, but sometimes when you say I Lahu shade on, it also means that kind of on the edges, it means on the edges. So again, like we already talked about the prophets, a lot of them had some white hair here on the edges of his face

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on the boundaries of his face. And then he says that that white hair with the prophets, a lot of them had a slightly red tinge to it. And I'll talk about that in just a second after this next narration or we'll we'll be talking about that in the next chapter. Excuse me. Hadith number eight. Galahad de la

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lumenier in calahonda Norman

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Madigan Osama encima kidney Harbin, Paula clean eligibility samura radi Allahu taala Ando a canopy rasulillah he Salalah a canopy right? See Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a Shaban Kala Lamia confederacy Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shavon illa Sha Rajan FEMA for Akira CE. E the Adana wha hoo, wah wah

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wah hoonah adorno.

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Gentlemen, Sumeragi Allahu taala. And who was asked, Did the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam have any white hair. And so he says that there was no white hair in the there was no there was no white in the hair of the messengers allowed to simmer on his head, except for a few hair shoutouts and except for a few hairs, where his hair would split on the top of his hair. And when he would oil his hair when he would have oil applied freshly, then the oil would conceal that white hair. So when his hair would kind of become dry, and it would start to kind of part or split in the middle, you could notice a couple of white hairs there. But when he would oil it and he would kind of slick his

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hair back a little bit, then it would cover up the white here. Alright. So that's what he ends up describing. So in the next chapter, we're going to talk about the prophets, a lot of them actually dyeing his hair. So that issue that came up where he says his hair had a red tinge to it. We'll be talking about that in the next chapter. The last thing I wanted to mention here was of course, the prophets a lot. He said, um, this was symbolic of his age, he did have a few white hairs that could be noticed. When narration says 14 one says about roughly 20 so of course it's symbolic and representative of the age of the prophets a lot he said them, but the messengers, a lot of them of

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They're very youthful appearance, which, you know, gave the profits a lot they set them

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a very commanding type of presence, particularly for the purpose of when the messenger Salafi son was leading people, especially in battle. And he inspired he was able to inspire even younger people with just that presence of the prophets a lot, he said them. And then of course, he identified the fact that his white hair was only the results of the fear of Allah subhanaw taala and the consideration of the severe circumstances on the Day of Resurrection, and I wanted to comment on that just for a second. Number one is the fact that even the Quran places a lot of emphasis on the circumstances of the day of judgment in Surah Al Baqarah. In fact, the scholars of Solomon Quran

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actually talked about that the very last Ayah to be revealed from the Quran. The very last ayah in terms of sequence in terms of revelation to be revealed from the Quran is Ayah number 281. from Surah Al Baqarah, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says what's up boo Yeoman, to Jonah Fie, the law, that be conscious, be mindful, be fearful of the day that you will be returned back to Allah subhana wa Taala, to geography in Allah, so much work.

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And then each and every single soul will be fully compensated for what it's done, what it has earned, and nobody will be done wrong in the least bit. That was the last revelation of

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that. So that was some of the final advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that was the last of the revelation of the Quran. And so it's a very, very important topic in consideration, that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam place a huge emphasis on that the Quran focuses on a lot. And what you find here is that the Messenger of Allah ceylonese him, that's why he's emphasizing it as well. That's why he's emphasizing it. Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah and who now think about the prophets a lot. He's in placing so much emphasis on this, he would cry so much when he would recite these ions when he would talk about the circumstances on the Day of Judgment, the Messenger of Allah

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ceylonese is guaranteed the forgiveness of Allah, the mercy and the pleasure of Allah. He doesn't have to worry about himself, but he was deeply concerned about the fate of humanity. And it was specifically His love and His concern for his own mother troubled him. And that's why the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam says, each and every single Prophet was given this one guaranteed

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that they could make in this world. And the prophets a lot of them said that I reserved my doula and forwarded that do I have mine that guaranteed for the Day of Resurrection to intercede on behalf of my oma? Alright, so the Messenger of Allah loves him at that type of concern. And that's why even with a very close friend like Abu Bakar, the Allahu taala and who, and of course the white hair means this is towards the end of the life of the prophets, a lot of them even with a very close friend, the prophets a lot of them feel so compelled to use that opportunity to remind him about the reminder of the day of judgment in the Quran. So as to say that keep this in mind Oh, boubakeur and

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make sure you remind others after I'm gone about the importance of considering the circumstances of that day, and make sure you prepare for that day.

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Chapter number six Babu ma Jaffe, he Dobie Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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This is a chapter about

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dyeing his hair. This is a chapter about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam coloring his hair

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so first Hadith of the chapter,

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Maria in Colorado Santa who shaman tala Hadassah, Abdul Malik Ebner Maiden, Andrea de la Caitlin Bharani, Abu Hamza Kala Tito Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ma Ma ebenen li for Kala even Okada frappuccino. Asha Devi, Carla naiads knee and a koala tajine la palabra a to shaybah Hama, this is similar narration to the previous one, but it's a little bit more extended, where he mentioned some more extra details

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about into the same one that we just read about in the previous chapter. He says I came to visit the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam with one of my sons. And the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam asked me he said, this is your son? And I said, Yes, I testify to the fact this is my son, just again, not that the prophets alleged him was interrogating him, or there was any doubt in the issue. But this was just kind of a mannerism that they had at that time. And it was a way to kind of show love to one child as well. Like if somebody were to ask me about my child that this is your son or your daughter, and you would put your arm around them say yeah, this is my boy or this is my

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girl, right? So you would kind of like showed that type of love for them and put your arm around your child. So that was a way that the Arabs would do is that they would kind of with the sun, you would pat him on the back or tap him on the back and say that actually

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How to be he most definitely This is my son. Right? So it was a way of to show confidence in one child. So he says, Yes, I testify to the fact that this is my son. And then the Prophet of Allah salatu salam said, that

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la Eugenia Nicola tajine, Allah He, that you will not be held accountable for his crimes, nor will he be held accountable for your crimes.

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And then he goes on to say, and I saw that the white hair of the profits, a lot of them had a reddish color to it. Now, obviously,

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the curious part of the narration is where he says that, you, you're your son, you will not be held accountable, you will not bear the burden of the crimes of your son nor vice versa, nor will he bear the burden of your crimes, what the profits Alison was doing was refuting an idea of Jackie Lee.

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One of the practices before Islam under pre Islamic practices that Islam put an end to, because it was unjust and who was not fair was that if somebody had committed a crime against someone else, then what they would do is either because of the status of the actual criminal, or maybe because of the unavailability of the criminal, the criminal ran away, or whatever the case may be, they would basically go ahead and arrest or they would punish, or penalize or even execute, the closest family member that they could find,

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as kind of an equal compensation.

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So if a leader of a tribe committed a crime, and they're like, well, either they don't want to kill him, he murdered somebody, they don't want to kill him or he runs away or he's not available then they would just kill somebody else who was related to him. And so the profits a lot he said, I'm is putting an end to this and he's saying this is no longer valid, this is no longer justified or legal, this is permitted not permissible at all, that you will not be punished if he commits a crime or and he will not be punished if you commit a crime. What that does is it allows you to withdraw in another nation the profits a lot of them actually recite even the ayah saying that one soul does not

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bear the burden of another soul.

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And then he says that I noticed that the hair of the profits a lot of them had a slightly red color to it. The second Hadeeth

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abou radar.

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Rather, let me read the narration first.

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There's a little bit of a comment from your mom telling me the before I actually move to next generation, Allah abreeza This is the mom telling me the same I'm Timothy occasionally will comment on the narration himself. caliber Isa, a mandated mediator from Allah tala, he says has a solution in Ruby, have you heard about Bobby, we have some leandri waiata Saha and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lamea blue shape. While Abu Hamza is mu d, vitamin uya therapy attain me the Prophet Muhammad idrees Allahu taala. He says, this is one of the best Hadith that is narrated within this chapter. And it's also one of the most

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explicit that it's not only describing the fact that the prophets a lot of these some did actually have some white here, but that white hair actually had a little bit of color to it. And he says because some of the other authentic narrations sometimes give the impression that the prophets a lot of them either had not received what he had not gotten white hair or that he had not colored his white hair. And then he says Abu limsa we've come across twice. His name was actually the Fae and he was a freebie he was from yesterday. He was from Medina.

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The next Hadeeth

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email Timothy says how does Anna Savannah blue work here in calahonda sana biancheria northmont Ebony Mohammed Mohammed, para Sula, Abu huraira the Allahu taala Abu hanifa de Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah and that Abu huraira the Allahu taala and who has asked that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam used to color or dye his hair and he said, Yes.

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Mama Timothy Rahim Allahu taala. Again as a comment here, caliber Isa What are abou I wanna hasn't had eaten earthman Ebony Abdullah even Mohammed sakana. Me Salah, the same narration we find from Osama. Osama was asked did the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam used to color or dye his hair? And she said a pilot and now she said yes. The next narration he says he doesn't know her own color amber Anna Navarro Blue sarara and Abby Janab and he added Neela Keaton uninjured Emma Emma, Emma Chiba Bashir al Hassan sia palette

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anara at Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a Yahoo Jimmy Beatty young foodora sahoo

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Tesla will be Ross e Roger and Mina Mina O'Connor, Rajan, Shakopee ha ha hoo.

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So the next narration

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is narrated by

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Jacques de ma, the wife of but she has RCR or the Allahu taala angama she actually narrates that I saw the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam exiting his home on time. And he was stroking or combing his hair. Young foodora who the prophets a lot of the time was just kind of straightening his hair out. And while straightening and he had just taken a shower, so the profits allowed him was there just bathe and so he was in a rush he was in a hurry, so he was straightening his hair out. And she says that there was a slight that there was a slight tinge or a little bit of semblance of some Hinata within his hair. And then Imam Timothy actually, in the narration, he brings a comment

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that either generation says Roger on the word Roger on in the Arabic language, refers to zafferano Safra saffron, which would be used a lot of times to it would be added to the color of the henna, also for a nice for fragrance as well. Or he said Rod the horn, and rather than basically refers to just purely using enough, all right, and some actually say that rod there

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was a lighter color of henna, which would be a little bit more on the orange side, or even slightly yellowish orange side. And the rod the one with the vine was a darker color of Hey now where it'd be more like a darker red almost a light brown shade. Right and then he says Shakopee has a Shea who Shaka Shea who fear that the narrator of the Hadith, he had some doubt in this, whether it was rather on or read the one. In either case, the meaning is pretty straightforward. And it's corroborated through a number of different variations. And that's the fact that there was a slight little bit of tinge of color that was noticed within the hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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Hadith number four.

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Allah had the Sunnah Abdullah ignore Abdel Rahman. Bella had the Sunnah. Awesome. Carla had Malibu Santa Paula had made an ns, Colorado a to Shara Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He says that under supramolecular, the Allahu taala and who says, I saw the hair of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and it had in fact been colored it had been dyed.

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So these are the narrations which basically give the idea that the Messenger of Allah Salafi, some did apply some dye to his hair. He didn't have a lot of hair that had gone white. But nevertheless whatever here there was, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had colored that hair, there is a difference of opinion actually, interestingly, on the issue, and that's only because that there are also some narration from some of the companions.

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such as when the earlier Hadith we saw in the chapter where unecessarily Allahu taala, who is asked, Did the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam dye his hair color is there? And he says that, um, yeah, Blue valleca. It never got to that point he never had to color or dye his hair. So some scholars, even * Rahim, Allahu taala mentions both opinions. And even the stadium also mentions both opinions in southern my eyes, that some people are of the opinion that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never dyed his hair.

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But the way that both are reconciled in that particular case, that either in the narration, were unnecessarily Allahu taala. And he was saying that he never reached that point, meaning what he's talking about is, he never did, he never had to dye his entire head. But he had a few white hairs. And you just applied a little bit of hint or a little bit of dye at the specific white hairs that he had. And some of the scholars say no, but some of the Sahaba who say that it looked like he had applied some dye to his hair, or that I saw a little bit of red color to his hair. That that was because of a couple of things. Number one, the prophets allies have never really dyed his hair, but

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he would apply a lot of oil. And so because of the oil does hair of the profits, a lot of these women sometimes have a certain type of glean or shine to them. That would make it seem as if he had dyed his hair. And the other thing the profits a lot of him did used to do regularly was sometimes you would apply perfume. So after taking a bath or a shower, the prophets a lot of them would have certain types of perfume that were almost like what we would call like a lotion that was scented, and he would apply that to his body and he would also apply that to his beard and he would apply that to his hair.

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So that could also be the reason why the hair of the prophets a lot of him had kind of that reddish tinge or color to it.

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Chapter number seven.

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All right. We're on a roll today.

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All right, chapter number seven. Bible my geography Courtney rasulillah has a lot. And it's also a very short chapter. And it's not a very detailed topic. Bible. My geography Courtney also likes a lot. So the chapter about the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam applying good.

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It's an expert translation. Alright, so what does that exactly mean? Right? Obviously, I just translated the word with the same word. So what does the word mean? The word Gohan in the Arabic language a lot. If you looked it up in the dictionary of formal translation of it, he uses the word antimony,

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or antimony. And what that basically refers to is that it's something that's applied within the eyes. Right? So it's not too different than the process. Not it's not the same thing. But the process of applying it is similar to the process of applying eyeliner. All right. It's similar to that process. And so let's go ahead and read the narrations and then I'll explain anything that requires any type of explaining but it's pretty straightforward.

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The first Hadeeth in this chapter are the head death and our mahamadou know homemade in a Razzie. But I had a Buddha Buddha policy and Abadi been a monsoon and a crema and even a Baskin Robbins Allahu taala and Houma

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and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon eluvial Ismet for in Abuja Lu l Bazar ynb to shower

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was an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, gannets Allah who MOOC halogen mahalo MOOC, hula Tian alright MOOC hula Tian Yahoo looby Hakuna Laila in philosophy has he with a lotta 10 fee.

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So if you know a bass or the Allahu Jana Anima relates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam now this is what we call these the chapters that I had eaten these chapters are both Alia Alia. Some of them are actually the words of the messengers a lot. Some of them some of them are observations about him. And that's very unique or rare, because typically when the physical description of the prophets a lot of these images being given, these are more philia like the he's being described, or something is being said about him, not so much. He's saying something himself. So, a basadi Allahu taala Anima relates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, apply gohil using Ismet

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he said, because it brightens the vision and it helps it strengthens the eyelashes. And he

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presumes that the Prophet of Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam had a stick.

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He had a stick that he used to use to apply the Quran. And he would apply it three times in this ayah and three times in this is, and he pointed to his right and then he pointed to his left. All right, so now this is a bias, even though I Basanti Allahu taala No, of course had a very close relationship with the prophets a lot easier. If not a boss or the loved one who had a double relationship with the prophets a lot. He sent him both from his father side and his mother's side. His father was of course Ibis, the uncle of the prophets, a lot of him and therefore he was his cousin. And being a younger cousin, he was somebody the prophets a lot, he showed a lot of affection

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to treating them almost like a son or a nephew. And the prophets allowed him to kind of take him under his wing and used to take care of him and look after him and speak to him and spend time with him.

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On the other side, from his mother's side, the mother of ignore him as a mother of Abdullah bin Abbas her name his own father,

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and normal father, her sister is maimunah not the Allahu taala and the mother of the believers, the wife of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so basically, our bass had this double relationship with the profits allottee zone, where he was

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the nephew of the wife of the messengers allottee center. And so because of that, whenever the profits a lot of these him would go to stay at maimunah rhodiola Coachella and his home ignore basadi Allahu taala would come also over and he would spend time over and stay over. So you would get a little bit more closer interaction with the prophets a lot even more exclusive access to him. So he says that he presumes so either he loosely remembers, or he's saying that something that he came across, he says that the prophets a lot of them did have like some of his personal effects, right like somebody would have typically a hairbrush or a comb or something

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Along with his personal things like a toothbrush and other things, he also had this stick that he used to apply us to apply the Quran.

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And he would apply it three times and this eye in the right eye and three times and left. And based off the narration that we read yesterday, Ghana, you would say I'm one, that the profits a lot easier, we used to prefer to start things with the right side. So he would first apply it in the right eye and then in the left eye three times and decide three times in that eye. Now, obviously, this is the first time that we're coming across the word is Smith, what this is made exactly referred to.

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So it's made at that particular time, at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was a particular type of stone that they used to have. And what they would basically do is that they it was a little bit softer.

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And so if you hit it, it would basically crack into pieces. So they would it was a type of soil, or a type of some stone. And so what they would do is that they would smash it up and grind it down to the point where it became very powdery, very soft. And then that's what the profits allowed us to apply in his eyes. And the thing about that was that that was something that was already an established practice in their culture. This is something that was medically recommended at that time. This is something that the Arabs used to practice that especially as they got a little bit older in age, to basically preserve their eyes and to kind of protect their eyes from any type of

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ailments and help maintain the strength of their vision that the This was recommended to put within their eyes. And so they used to do this and so the prophets a lot easier for us to practice this. Similarly. Now,

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first and foremost, of course, what this tells us one concept I want to explain right here is that what this teaches us is that again, the Messenger of Allah Salatin was somebody who used to rely upon, you know, whatever information was available about health and healthy practices. And he used to basically take steps to maintain his health. So if something was good, something was healthy, something was recommended. The profits a lot of his own was very particular in that regard. And he's to physically take care of himself not just in appearance, but also his health. And so you see the prophets, a lot of humans basically doing whatever is recommended that is good for the eyes. All

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right. So same type of rules and what would the way again that we can expand upon this this is a recommended practice of the prophets, a lot of them but also from the gin seven from the principle of this what we learned is that if there's anything else similarly that's recommended, generally for the maintenance of health in a particular place and a particular climates in a region if there's something that is recommended to maintain good health than it is from the sun of the profits allow the sun to make sure that you do that.

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The second Hadeeth

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Paula Henderson Abdullah, even a Saba al Hashimi al basri Kala Esperanza Aveda Lai even Musa Al Akbar Allah israa Illumina Eunice, and I bought him on sudhin but we had death Anna alumina fujinon. So this is a different chain of narration that he has going to that same particular point about the monsoon. We had the Santa

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Paula had data

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about the monsoon shooting on a crema anemia Bassam radi Allahu Allah and Omar Khan. Can another use Allahu alayhi wa sallam he Luca Bella and Amma bill is Mehdi Salas and equally I mean, because he doesn't know her own fee Hadith he in an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam cannot hula tune Yata Hello minha in the Noemi philosophy Kalia I name

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so in this particular narration about some of the Allahu taala Anima provide some more details. He says that the Messenger of Allah Salafi said we used to apply this korhan before he would go to sleep using Ismet three times in each and every single eye. He has either no her own. In his particular narration. He says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam had a tool had a little stick that he used to use to apply the squalene his eyes at the time of going to bed three times in each of his eyes. Now we have a little bit more detail. The second, the next detail that I wanted to mention here, about Ismet specifically, one of the things about that equipment is that it was very

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light in color.

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And it really didn't show too much within the eye when you would apply it. The province Eliason would very sparingly very lightly applied and even then it was not very visible.

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It was not very, very visible. And then the next detail that we have is that the prophets a lot of them used to applied before he went to bed.

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He supplied before he went to bed.

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The next generation

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had the number three in this chapter called

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rahmanir and calahonda. Farah Muhammad and Muhammad Yunus hopped on

00:55:00 --> 00:55:12

Mohammed evening monka did and Javid who are even Abdullah the Allahu taala. On Who? Kala Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on a belief media and the know if I enter who yet Lu al basara with me to Shara

00:55:14 --> 00:55:22

jabber bin Abdullah that's why he clarifies javin Hua Hua ignore Abdullah because jabiru man Abdullah, radi Allahu taala, who is one of the most

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he's one of the highest ranking of the Sahaba in terms of the number of narrations, a hadith that he reports from the prophets a lot he set up, but in the specific collection of the Shema in we see job has been someone who has narrated more narrations in this particular topic. So the roles are kind of reversed and that's why he clarifies your job but but this is not even similar. As you become familiar with this is rather the job it had been Abdullah, who actually has narrated more narrations in total than job has been similar. Nevertheless, job bin bin Abdullah radi Allahu taala, who says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said you should apply if needed at the time, you

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should apply intimate to your eyes when going to bed because it brightens the vision and it strengthens the eyelashes

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in another the next narration number four of this chapter color

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code a bunch of blues are eaten by the Hadassah Bishop nanofab done, and Abdullah

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Hussein, Ansari, devenu VEDA and evening Ibis in the Lakota Anima call collar. So why salon ism in a halal Akali Komal is middle finger who

00:56:37 --> 00:56:48

basara up to shadow, even know about something Allahu Allah Anima relates at the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, the best thing that you can apply to your eyes is Ismet.

00:56:49 --> 00:57:28

So that would right here what this basically tells us or let me just complete the narration, the best thing to apply to your eyes is if myth, it strengthens the visionary brightens the vision and strengthens the eyelashes. Now, the prophets along these him saying the best thing to apply to your eyes is ethmoid. What this basically tells you is that they used to have other things that they would also apply to their eyes. They had other things that they would apply within their eyes as well. Other types of remedies or other types of things that they would apply. And some of them were actually a little bit more darker than others. And so the prophets a lot he's saying the best thing

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to apply is this myth number one, because it's medical benefits are better. He's saying, and number two also, specifically because it's lighter in color, so it's not as visible. And I'll comment on that and explain that in just a second.

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And the last generation of this chapter by Ibrahim Abu Musab Al basri, calahonda, vana, Abu Asim and Abdul Malik and Salim and the Allahu taala Anima call Paolo Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Aleykum Believe me de Lune basara up to Sha the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abdullah bin Ahmad radi Allahu taala Anima relates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, you should apply Ismet to your eyes because it brightens the vision and strengthens the eyelashes and we've seen that same verbiage a number of different times. So now just a little bit of a comment on this before inshallah we wrap up for the night.

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The practice of the prophets a lot, he said, I'm in applying to school to the eyes. This is something that gets

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confused a lot of times or is not practiced very appropriately a lot of times. So first and foremost, what you have to understand is that, again, there's a difference of opinion amongst the scholars, some say because there are only a Hadith, and it's a lot more explicit. And the professor has mentioned the benefits of it, that in and of itself, this specific practice is a Sunnah in and of itself.

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But at the same time, there is overall a lesson here, that overall the prophets a lot of him is teaching us to practice, you know, good health and maintenance of our bodies, and specifically the eyes. The eyes are a huge blessing of Allah subhanaw taala whenever Allah subhanaw taala talks about the human being and the human beings ability to comprehend good and bad, right from wrong, good and evil. Whenever last pentawards Allah talks about the human beings ability to understand the guidance from Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala oftentimes will talk about the human beings ability to see it's a very interesting correlation.

00:59:46 --> 00:59:47

It's a very interesting connection.

00:59:48 --> 00:59:59

Allah subhanaw taala and sudo to Dotto he says hello etalon inszone hainault mina darina mcconchie mascoutah there ever a time come upon the human being where he was not something that was mentioned? Didn't

01:00:00 --> 01:00:20

exist in a hospital in Santa Monica. I'm charging the last panel which Allah says that we created the human being from the drop of bodily fluid nepeta Li, and then we test a human being further Allahu Semyon basura and therefore we've given the human being the ability to hear and the ability to see

01:00:21 --> 01:00:43

in nadina, who Sabine and then we have guided the human being to the path. Ima Shakira maka flora. Now either he can be grateful or he can be ungrateful. What are they now who knows your name? Allah says we guided him to the fork in the role one of two paths, right basura besides the profits a lot is is told to announce that

01:00:44 --> 01:01:07

either lucky Alibaba zero 10 and Amanita Ronnie had the sabini. Allah, this is my path. This is my way. This is my task. This is my mission that I call to Allah upon an understanding but what's interesting is that deeper understanding of the religion is referred to as basura, which comes from busta, which means the ability to see, as you see here, the word Yazoo as bizarre

01:01:08 --> 01:01:12

right. And what's interesting is that the prophets of autism doesn't say

01:01:15 --> 01:01:33

that it brightens the eye because even the prophets Allah Islam is basically reminding us that this eye in and of itself is a huge blessing of Allah. It's it's a Alaykum Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us to reflect within ourselves, well, he and Fujiko look within yourselves. The eye is

01:01:34 --> 01:01:40

a remarkable, a breathtaking manifestation of the Buddha and the greatness of Allah.

01:01:41 --> 01:01:51

And it's a huge blessing from Allah subhanaw taala in and of itself, but the prophets a lot of assemblies using the word bussan here to remind us of the fact that the eye is not just relevant to you physically,

01:01:52 --> 01:02:33

health wise, but the eye is something that's very necessary even in terms of guidance and the understanding of the religion. To be able to read the Quran to be able to see the creation of Allah how many times is Allah subhanaw taala tell us to reflect on the creation of a lab by looking at it. Way llg falaj young una Ll ebene k for wholecut whalers, semicha farofa lg balika from OC but what are the differences he had, looking at the camera, how it's been created the sky, how it's been raised the mountain, how it's been erected the earth, how it's been spread, right, so looking at things and reflecting on the greatness of Allah. And that's exactly why the loss of eyesight, or the

01:02:33 --> 01:02:36

lack thereof is such a huge test from Allah,

01:02:37 --> 01:03:22

that in a hadith could see where Allah subhanho wa Taala says that Allah has said, or excuse me the profits a lot. Some says that Allah has said that if I test my slave by taking away his eyes, and the eyes are referred to as the two beloved things, that if I test my slave by taking away his eyes, I guarantee him paradise, I guarantee him or her paradise, such a huge test from Allah, such a huge name and blessing of Allah. So not only is the prophets a lot of them teaching us, so this is a specific so now, then what we can also extrapolate from this is the importance of taking care of our health and our bodies, and our blessings. But on top of that, specifically taking care of our eyes,

01:03:23 --> 01:03:38

specifically taking care of our eyes, that that's even in particular the profits, a lot of them is teaching us the importance of that. Now the second thing that I was going to talk about here is the estimate to something to profits a lot he said, I'm emphasizes because it's lighter in color.

01:03:39 --> 01:03:49

So this is not result, applying the estimate did not result in the appearance as if somebody had actually put on eyeliner, it didn't look like makeup.

01:03:51 --> 01:03:55

And that's why he's recommending it to men specifically as well.

01:03:56 --> 01:04:12

And then the third thing that is a huge misunderstanding, again, is that the prophets a lot he said, I've applied this and he says it in his actions. He demonstrates it through his actions he says it in his own words in his recommendations, apply it when you go to bed

01:04:14 --> 01:04:22

so the profits a lot he said I didn't used to wake up in the morning, get dressed, get ready applied and then go outside. But the profits along similar to apply it right before he went to bed.

01:04:23 --> 01:04:27

And then he would sleep and then when he would wake up in the morning, what's the very first thing you would do?

01:04:28 --> 01:04:29

Make will do.

01:04:30 --> 01:04:59

So he would wash it, it already didn't have a lot of color to it, and then you'd wash his face so you'd wash it out. Alright, so by no means does is it a sin of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to be walking around with eyeliner on for men specifically. All right, but a lot of times what I'm saying is that this gets misunderstood and so sometimes people will misunderstand it as a sinner. And so sometimes in trying to implement this and not even coming to prayer or

01:05:00 --> 01:05:14

GMO, or you know, coming to the machine and they'll apply it and it'll be darker in color and they'll apply before coming to the machine. So it looks like a bunch of men have eyeliner on the machine. And that is by no means the Sunnah of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam

01:05:15 --> 01:05:29

All right, so inshallah we'll go ahead and stop here again, may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to know the messengers a lot easier to love the messengers, a lot of them and to be able to implement the lessons learned from his life somehow. Leave me alone.

Conclusion of his (saws) Physical attributes


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