Abdul Nasir Jangda – Shamail Muhammadiyah 01

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The Shema mohammedia provides detailed explanations for each chapter, including the physical description of the Prophet and his behavior, as well as insight into the importance of witnessing the message to strengthen one's image and image in the face of the deceased Hadeeth Number 3. The operator discusses the use of words in narratives to describe the Prophet's actions and interactions with profits, as well as the historical context behind certain events and actions from the prophets, including the idea of a "haste by jury."
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts, we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, to love him, and to better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and tibia. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the Syrah intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the ultimate mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he will hamdulillah Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah he was he as Marian said, I'm already gonna have to love your little cat you

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So in sha Allah as part of the sila intensive, we're going to be going through a systematic study of the Shema mohammedia, the descriptions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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what I've done is I've allocated a number of ahaadeeth or chapters for each of the days in sha Allah that we're going to be having the DeCosta lesson. Again, in sha Allah we're going to not sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity. So we will slow down the pace if it requires us understanding more properly and discussing properly inshallah what the narrations are pertaining to what they're talking about. As is the case in the

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start of any subject or topic, particularly when we are studying from a text. There are some introductory things that need to be understood and covered.

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First and foremost, the name of the text itself. And this is the first of its type of compilation. It was the original. So in the early studies of Hadith, and in the early studies of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Initially, it was just done, generally speaking, a bunch of different narrations pertaining to different aspects of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would be compiled together. After that, basically around the third century of Islam, the scholars started focusing different books, different writings for very specific aspects of the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. This is the first compilation of its type. That does

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not mean that these narrations were not documented before this, they most definitely were documented prior to this, but this was the first time that a compilation in a book was dedicated to this particular area of study and focus on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so this book is typically known by a couple of different titles. The actual title of the book is a Shama in

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a shama mohammedia, or Shama. mohammedia. Some later on, it's very frequently and commonly referred to as Shama. illud. Timothy, Timothy is the name of the author and I'll be telling you a little bit more about him in just a minute. So the text itself is called Shema in mohammedia.

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Shama in mohammedia. So, let's first understand exactly because, again, it's one of those words that gets thrown around, but a lot of times people don't know exactly what the word refers to. The word Shama is plural of the word *. The word Shima. Now, it might sound familiar to some linguistically speaking, we know that a lot of times are refers to the left hand side, you mean Shimon. All right. So you have right and left. However, the case the fact of the matter in the Arabic language, when you study English talk, when you studied derivatives and derivation of words, and finding the roots in the origin of words, what you find a lot of times is certain root words,

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while they generally have a particular meaning, there is a lot of times maybe one usage of the word that is an offshoot,

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a usage of a word that has a completely different meaning. And a lot of times for beginner students, that's something that is very hard for them to grasp. Like how can this one derivative or this one particular noun that comes from the same exact route, not be congruent with the rest of the meaning, right would be what how can it not fit in with all the other different usages of the word, but what you have to understand is that the Arabic language like any other language is a language it is people based and the

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language is not determined by us and our usage of the dictionary. And what seems very convenient for us in terms of looking up the roots of words, a language is based on the usage of the people who spoke that language to begin with. And so the Arabs, the ancient Arabs, they tell us what the word means not the other way around. And so the word shamal would also refer to the temperament, the

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the temperament, the attitude, the conduct, the behavior of an individual. So when you would refer to someone you would say, shamala, who a who, who to be to who? His character or his personality, right, his temperament. And so as a good definition, what you can understand is that the word Shimada refers to personality, and the plural of this word is Shama.

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Shama, when he Delica, huge Morrow Allah, Allah for the chaos, and that's why typically, that is not the plural of the word of this type of a form, but that's why the plural of this is in a more unique form, Shama in, and therefore, it refers to characteristics, traits, fundamental aspects of one's personality. And so Shama in mohammedia refers to the prophetic personality, the prophetic personality. And so the title of the text is the prophetic personality.

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And so, Imam Timothy, who is the author, so a little bit again about the book before we get into the author, this particular book has 56 chapters,

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covering all different aspects of the prophetic personality. It has 400 and some odd narrations. If you were to narrow it down to only the unique narrations, more unique narrations, then it has 396 unique narrations. But if you were to look at any type of repetitions that are available, that are that are present in the book, then there are 415 narrations

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overall, so there are 415, a hadith or narrations that are mentioned in the text. If you omit the repetitions, then there are 396 unique narrations within the text spanning over are divided into 56 different chapters and inshallah I hope to be able to cover for here for our group and Shall I hope to be able to cover at least half of them inshallah.

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The different narrations. There's some discussion but I'm not going to get into a lot of this because this is a more technical discussion of all sort of Hadith. But the narrations are not only the words of the prophets a lot, he said them the actions of the prophets, a lot of these but they are also observations, right just observations about the prophets a lot he said them. So from that particular aspect, a lot of them could be referred to as technically speaking what we call mo boof, moko phots mo Latif, that these are narrations of the companions about the prophets, a lot of them but because they are still about the prophets, a lot of them it is still valid to call them a hadith

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to call it the Sunnah to refer to it as a hadith or the Sunnah, because it is pertaining to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Now a little bit about the author, Mr. metonymy, the Rahim Allahu Allah He is typically known as Imam ultimately. So I'll tell you a little bit about him. His name is Muhammad, even their Isa even soda, even Moosa, even the hawk. So Muhammad, the son of Isa, the grandson of soda, the great grandson of Moosa, the great great grandson of the Huck. So this is a mama Timothy.

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He his, his laptop, or rather his cornea, rather, his kunia was abreeza. He was known as a board Isa. So after his father, he named his son Isa as well. And so he would oftentimes go by Isa, or Isa Timothy, his Misbah Misbah basically means his connection. So he had a couple of different nisbets that are mentioned for him. The first one is salami, as salami, and that refers to the tribe that he belonged to. The second this brother is mentioned for him is El Bulli, El Bulli. He was from a very small town of village by the name of boo.

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And then finally, he's known as a Timothy tidmouth. Or some mentioned that the original pronunciation of the name of the town The city was to move to the north or tidmouth was an old city that is not really existence in its original form any longer. It was an old city and ancient city that was on the banks of the river in Afghanistan modern day of runestad. So based off of that, what we know about him Timothy is that he was he was what we would call an economy. He was from the region that we know as modern day current

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They have Coniston and there's actually even some discussion that he ethnically belong to the took many people, he was took men. And so he that's basically where he mounted him in the hills from that's where he came from.

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Another very common law club that is mentioned for him. I'm determined he is that he's referred to as a buddied of buddied. But he refers to somebody who becomes blind later on in their life, who becomes blind later on in their life. And so among Timothy later on in his life, he lost his eyesight. And that's primarily attributed to of course, obviously just physical, you know, ailments and getting old but also because of his intense study and the amount of stress that he endured in just the study and the research and the compilation of Hadeeth that that contributed to the loss of his eyesight.

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Eman, Timothy Rahim Allahu taala was born in the year 210 after his arrival.

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So he was basically born two centuries after the passing of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Imam Timothy was, of course raised in that region of Central Asia. And he primarily benefited from the scholars of Central Asia. Now, the thing that you have to know about Central Asia at that particular time is it basically was the hub of knowledge in that era, particularly when it came to the science of Hadeeth. Other notable scholars of Central Asia were Imam Bukhari and Muslim and they are the two primary teachers of Timothy. He was able to learn and benefit from Imam Bukhari ma'am Timothy, there's many other different teachers of his that are mentioned cultiva to moosari, the Taliban or Hojo, even Bashar and other teachers, but his two primary teachers were of course the

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Mambo hottie and Mr. Muslim Rahim Allahu taala.

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Imam Timothy also had some very notable students, Abu Bakar, a Samar Conde, Ahmed,

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acid anessa fee for buddy, mid wazee. These are some very notable scholars of Hadith alpha buddy amid was he these are all very notable scholars of Hadith and they were all students of Islam, Timothy, and Al middle is he is the primary narrator narrator from Mountain media himself.

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Just a little bit about him because I don't want to get into too much detail here. A little bit about one very powerful testament to the notoriety or the qualifications of a scholar or what other scholars basically have to say about him including contemporaries. Imam Bukhari Rahim, Allahu taala. He says to me about him and Timothy, he actually said to him, I'm Timothy mansarovar, to become a third amendment manufature bigger month ma interval to become a third amendment father be that I benefited from you a lot more than you benefited from me. Even hibben who is from again, one of the most notable of Hadith scholars, he says Ghana abor hmm and Gemma was one of our heavy lava dakara

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that amounted amazing is from amongst the scholars of Hadith who compiled who wrote the ahaadeeth down he memorized the a Hadith, and he was a teacher of Hadith. abou sodden. Idris in he says, Can abort Isa Eudora, boo boo, he admitted.

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That if you wanted to give an example, like if you wanted to say somebody had an amazing memory, you would say he's like you bumped into me, saying that someone was like you, ma'am, Timothy was saying that this person has remarkable memory. Actually, the title that is given to Mr. Timothy, by his contemporaries, in terms of his stature, in narrating a hadith is that he is called a half with a half with a Timothy. Now what does have is referred to these definitions are not completely precise. But generally speaking, there is kind of an agreement between classical Hadith scholars about some of the titles half is was the title that would be bestowed upon and half it would be bestowed upon

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someone who had memorized at least a minimum of 100,000 ahaadeeth with their chain of narration and the texts of the Hadith. So your mom Timothy had more than 100,000, a hadith to his credit that he had memorized and that he had taught and narrated

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it Mm hmm. Kim and Lisa Bodie, another great, remarkable scholar of Hadith. He says that I used to hear teachers talking about him I'm telling me the end as a matter of Bukhari when Buhari died for them, you have live Bihar Asante, Flavio a Sophia and me will have the World Water a wizard, that when Imam Bukhari died basically the heir apparent to Imam Bukhari, in that entire region of Central Asia was Mr. mahtomedi. And there was nobody else like him in terms of knowledge.

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memorization, piety and asceticism, that he was somebody who just was not very interested in material things. bucha Hata Omnia, he cried until he lost his eyes were abakada read and sin and he lived for a number of years after that without his eyesight.

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Another cemani says I had an email at Yokota begin for your email ids. He is one of the leaders in the science of Hadith and all other students of Hadith follow Imam Timothy and Hadith, some Nephi Kitab al Jamia whatever it was a little the sniffer Rajoelina alameen motzkin that he authored these compilations of Hadith and these are the compilations and the books written by a very pious, notable scholar what kind of movie and missile film has the word dopt and imovr hubbie Rahim Allahu taala, who is one of the primary critiquers have Hadith and was actually known to be quite stringent in his critique of people who narrated Hadith and a hadith itself. He says about him, I'm Timothy, ALLAH

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hafiz Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah bahria that he is a scholar of the highest caliber when it comes to Hadith. He is a landmark scholar of the science and he is any mom someone that should be followed in his knowledge, and he is someone who is extremely nuanced. In his understanding, theologian, mage, Myrna Allah, He, that he is a reliable source of knowledge and there is an edge map, that there is a consensus scholarly consensus on the fact that a mounted meeting is a reliable source of knowledge that we can take knowledge from him, Mara Mithra, who he says that I myself in my lifetime from what I know about him, I have not come across a scholar of the caliber of humanity to me, even Kathy

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Rahim, Allahu taala says, Who am I how do I met you have any fees or money he that he basically was one of the rare scholars of his time

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and another abou Yalla, who is another scholar of Hadith, he similarly says that motif Hakuna Allah He that he is somebody whose authenticity is agreed upon, that anything that comes from my mom Timothy is something that we are very confident in.

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Now, Imam Timothy Rahim Allahu taala. While there's a lot more that said about him

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the Shema of Timothy so Imam Timothy has a few books to his credit that are very well known. The first is of course a Jamia asuna known as the Jamia Have you ma'am Timothy sunanda, Timothy jammy archenemy, the agenda or sunon, right. It's a compilation of Hadith. And it's one of the six major works of Hadith that are taught throughout the world even till today. The second book that he has, to his credit is key tabula aylen, where he provided an analysis of how a hadith are critiqued and how to find the hidden defects within the chain of narrations that a lot of times even very qualified scholars of Hadith are not able to find and he basically showed the methodology and

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arriving at some of these criticisms or critiques of some of the changes of narrations and of course, the Shema is his other very notable work the Shema in itself scholars have praised this work, Imam even Kathy Rama Lakota, Allah says, but the son of an L Sufi has a Kadima, Hadith and Quran kathira Masada was a Masada that many different scholars have authored text in regards to the prophetic personality in the description of the prophets allottee salaam, woman asanam and Gemma Delica father What father and Imam Abu Raisa Timothy Rahim Allahu taala. But nobody wrote a better text, or compiled a better compilation of a hadith in regards to the prophetic description than Imam

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Timothy did. And so on and so forth. Many different scholars have praised this particular compilation of Imam Timothy, the texts of Imam tinamou he has explanations have been written for it. Classically speaking, there are up to 25 different explanations should all that have been written for this particular text. So it's such a landmark work that basically scholar after scholar in almost every generation of Islam has written an explanation, a very thorough explanation of this particular text. And it's something that has been taught by scholars far and wide.

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Imam Timothy finally he passed away in the year 279.

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He passed away in the year 279.

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And he was buried in the same town, the same village that he was born in of boule on the outskirts of the major city of total Mota at that time. So this is a little bit about him. I'm Timothy.

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So this is the text that he's written. Now, as I mentioned to you before, that Imam Timothy has put 56 different chapters in this text. The very first chapter that we're going to be looking at if you can look in your text, is Bible my geography hulky Ross

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lillahi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I want you to make very specific note of the pronunciation of hula. hula prefers to character conduct, mannerisms. And that's something that we are going to be talking about in a lot of detail. But this is here referring to the physical description of the prophets allottees and Babel, my geography hulky Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam

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the physical qualities of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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There's a very interesting point that some of the scholars discuss, you know, a lot of times we talk about, that the exterior is not what matters as much as the interior, that it's not the physical description, or the physical,

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you know, manifestation of a person meaning their their physical attributes or physical description, that's not as well as important as is that person's character. The character is what really defines a person. The actions are what defines a person and their worth and their value. Why did Timothy mention the physical traits of the prophets a lot, he said before talking about his character, or before talking about his actions or his attributes, in terms of his his conduct, his manners, why would he describe why would he mentioned his physical description first. So the scholars mentioned that what he lumped in with he is trying to describe to us is he's trying to provide a very

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intimate, a very natural, a very organic, if you will, experience in interaction with the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. So if you he's trying to give you as close of an experience as to actually physically interacting with the messenger Salafi setup. And so if you were to physically interact with the prophets, a lot of them before you spoke to him, before you sat with him, before you interacted with him, the first thing you would do is you would see him

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until he's telling you what you would see, when you walked into the room when you first walked through that door, what would your eyes fall upon? And what would you see, so he describes to you the men, as you would see him, and then later on, go on to interact with him. And then as he goes further, he becomes more and more intimate in the description of what he would wear, how he would eat, how we would sit, how we would walk, how we talk, etc. So the first Hadeeth that he mentioned here.

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And so excuse me, before I actually get into the first Hadeeth, I almost forgot.

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I also just kind of wanted to mention, and this will be not too different than what we talked about earlier this morning. And that is what are just obviously some of the benefits of setting the compilation of the Shema in and specifically the physical descriptions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, that what are some of the benefits that a student can get out of the this particular course of study.

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So the scholars mentioned a number of different benefits, obviously, first and foremost is, again, this gives you familiarity with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam allows you to almost start to visualize him and see him and that's something that's extremely important in terms of developing love for the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as Allah subhanaw taala has described to us in the Quran, that that is something that is central to our Iman into our faith and belief. Obedience is something that we are obligated towards the Prophet ceylonese him in regards to and that type of obedience is of course, born out of love and that love necessitates this type of familiarity. So it

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helps us develop a sense of familiarity with the prophets a lot. He said, um, of course, once we move past the physical description of the prophets a lot, he said, and then we'll also be able to benefit from just overall studying the mannerisms, the character, the lifestyle, the daily routine, the conduct of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which gives us something very tangible to be able to base our own, you know, conduct and lifestyle and behavior upon.

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And so these are just some of the benefits in terms of why we're exactly studying this text is to be able to better understand and know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the introduction many of the scholars when explaining this text, they said that Allah subhanaw taala when you look at how Why do we you know somebody could find it even bizarre somebody could find it kind of strange that we you obsess over this man so much

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somebody could say and there's actually some out lying, even thoughts in the Muslim community that you know, whether you call it traditional Muslims or practicing Muslims are a little too obsessed with the prophets a lot he said on Why do you talk about him so much? Why do you

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You have to know what he looked like why did you care? You know exactly what his physical stature was like, What bearing does that possibly have on you? Right? So all we basically have to do is go to the portal and go to the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala itself and see how Allah describes the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah subhanaw taala. when describing the, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he says, that mabunda Sahaba Kumar Maha

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Allah subhanho wa Taala absolves the prophets, a lot of them from having any type of deviant thinking that he did not error in even his thinking and his approach to things that his mind his thoughts were pure. Allah subhanho wa Taala says MCE double fu Abu Mara, that the sights of the prophets a lot he said was pure. He saw what he saw he was never fooled or tricked by his eyes. His eyes never played a trick on him. Allah subhana wa tada saying about the prophets a lot he sent me he says well my entaco amin Hawa in what Allah Why do you have his words were appear his thoughts were pure, his heart was pure his site was pure. Allah subhana wa tada even goes as far as saying

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that his actions were dignified. Luca de Kumara su lumen and fusi come as he is an Allah Hema I need to hurry Suna Aleikum, Bill momineen are often Rahim on that their came to you a messenger who was from amongst you, that he was very extremely bothered by the difficulty you experienced. That he was fully invested. He lives his life for the betterment of humanity and humanity's condition. He was extremely compassionate and merciful when dealing with the believers. Allah subhanho wa Taala validates Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In quantum to hibben, Allah phetchaburi are only biblical Allah, He tells the prophets a lot to announce to the people that if you claim to love Allah, then

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follow the messenger of Allah and Allah will love you. So the actions of the prophets, a lot of them were so dignified, that they necessitate the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala that somebody that embodies themselves with the actions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that person becomes qualified and deserving of the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala Of course I Isha radi Allahu taala. Actually, the Quran itself in Surah column in Surah. Number 68 says, it was the second revelation of the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala said to the Prophet sallahu, wa, Allah, Allah, Who can mean that you are upon a very great, amazing character. You live life you live life and you conduct

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yourself in the highest by the highest of standards. And that's what Khadija the Allahu taala was alluding to in Babel, but then what he did was he the Hadith about the beginning of revelation were Khadija radi Allahu taala. And her says about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that Allah subhanho wa Taala will not waste you Allah subhanaw taala will not ruin you. Lay you they let you die your Aquila who abandoned laying You see, Allah who abandon Allah will never waste you Allah will never

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ruin you. And she says for indikator sila Rahim because you maintain family relationships

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what's what's sexy Wilma Do you give to those who can you take care of those who cannot take care of themselves? What's actually will kill you lift the down fallen? What's your in Orlando evil, Huck, what's up great Dave, you show hospitality to your guests once you are in Orlando or even Huck, and you are always willing to help in any type of a good cause.

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And so this is exactly why we study the Shema Island is not some infatuation or obsession with an individual. This Is Us learning how to become more beloved to Allah. As eyeshadow the Allahu Allah Allah says Ghana, Hulu Al Quran, we have a very clear methodology that we follow, that we study and we observe and we analyze and we implement every single aspect of the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, because that is the that is what is pleasing to Allah. So we emulate the prophets a lot he Salaam, in obedience to Allah, and to seek nearness and closeness to Allah, and to become beloved to Allah, that we implement. We study and we implement the character of the prophets, a lot of them in

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order to be able to actualize the Quran within our lives. So we have a very clear understanding of our methodology, and how everything is interconnected. That the study of the life of the Prophet sallallaahu Selim brings us closer to what Allah has asked of us in the Quran.

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So it's a very clear understanding, and it's very clearly connected all the way through

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of course, as I've already mentioned,

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The text itself of the Shema Elizabeth scribed as use of who have an OB al Karim Hill cotton wahoo Lucan that the physically physically and in terms of mannerisms, the prophets a lot he said them will be described for you to forget to hit death through uncertainty. Utley, what should it be? What did he was he he was Courtney, he was Adobe. He was shoddy he was shady, he will not he will hopefully he will help me he was the heart to me he was a Mama T he will Milford he was you Lucy he was he was the boss he was is that he will feel this he will because he will call me he was he worried about that he will know me what the welder he was. He was he doesn't he why he will refer to

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you. Yet he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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that in this text will be going through the study of not only the physical description of the profits of autism, but the description of his character. We will be talking about everything from how we ate to how we drank, how, how he went into battle, how he adorned himself and basically maintained and groomed himself. We'll be talking about what his hair looked like. We'll be talking about the type of shoes the type of clothing that he wore, the type of ring that he wore, how he covered his head with a turban when he was at home, and how he covered his head in battle with a helmet. We'll be talking about how he sat and how he leaned back how we laid down how he dressed,

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how he laughed and how he cried. We'll be talking about how he spoke and how we joked we'll be talking about how he worshipped how he slept. his

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humility, his modesty, his dignity, what he ate, the lifestyle, the standard of life that he enjoyed.

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We'll be talking about how he passed away. We'll even be talking about the seeing of the profits, a lot of these him in a dream. And all of this is done. Why? At the Shambo we'll be having Nabeel Kareem what to Halle behold, he will be behind Yes, he was shamy he will be somebody he went into Hi, Amanda Hahn, who was adjara Kala la de la casa Candela confy Rasulullah he shorten Hashanah, lemon can Abdullah William will have it was aka la kathira. That will be doing all of this in order to be able to embody the character and the spirit of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how he lived his life so that we can abide by the commands of Allah. And we can stay away from what God

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has prohibited as Allah subhanaw taala told us that you will find a complete precedent and example a role model contained within the messenger sallallahu sallam. And this is what leads to firmer faith in Allah belief in the last day, and actually allows us to become nearer and closer and to live a life of worship and obedience to Allah subhana wa Tada. So, now going to the first chapter of Bible my geography healthy Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the chapter about the physical description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the first Hadeeth. Now, one of the things that I should mention to you here before we go any further, is that the vocabulary of the Shema, in this physical description of the profits, all of a sudden the portrait of the profits, a lot of these in words, this is this portrait in words, the vocabulary is something that is very difficult. All right, it's actually very difficult vocabulary. And what that tells you is that even the contemporaries of the prophets a lot decent, the Sahaba, rather the Allahu taala, and home, even though the Profit System didn't use this type of vocabulary in his speech, not because the prophets, a lot of them was capable of it. But because the prophets

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are lovely, some spoken very clear words. Because the prophets, a lot of them focused on helping people understand what he was saying. So he spoke very clearly. And very precisely, and almost, you know, with a simplistic beauty. There was beauty in the simplicity of how the prophets allottee, some spoke, but this is the description of him provided by other people.

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And the reason one of the wisdoms of why they would use such very intricate, very detailed and oftentimes complex words, was because they found it difficult to express what they witnessed in the profits, a lot of them in any other way, shape or form, that they almost had to go and find the most fascinating words to describe the most fascinating men and individual that they had ever seen or interacted with.

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And so the very first narration, if you look within the text, that what you see in the beginning of the text there, especially bolded in the text that you have in front of you is what we call the Senate, the chain of narration. This is the chain of narration from Mr. Timothy who authored the book going back to where he is getting this narration from and so I'll read

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through the chain of narration so that we are doing the book in its entirety. But those are just names of individuals that he is receiving the narration by means of say mom Timothy says had done a boo Raja Potato Potato to musar Eden, unmanly kidney ins. This is the Mr. Malik and Robbie, Archie BNI, rb abderrahman. This is arrabiata, right? One of the scholars of Medina, the teacher, Mr. Malik, and Anna signo Malik in radi Allahu taala, on who this is a great Sahaba euroschool, the great companion of the Prophet talathi, from Anna's been Malik, he was the third last Sahabi to pass away. So he lived the way he was the third individual who had actually interacted with the profits,

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a lot of him the third last individual to be alive in this world who had interacted with the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And in terms of duration of interaction, and level of interaction. He was the last of the Sahaba, who had spent a lot of time with the Prophet system to pass away the couple of Sahaba, who passed away after I just interacted with the prophets, a lot of them sparingly, once or twice, and they're super nomadic, or the Allahu taala. And who was the personal assistant, the word that's using the Arabic In the Arabic language is called the M. He was the personal assistant of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he says that I served the prophets a lot to him for 10

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years. It's a very fascinating story that he says that, you know, his own biological father had passed away.

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And so in the profits, a lot of these some arrived in Medina, his mother took him to the profits allowed him and she said, This is my boy, Ennis. He's, he's a very, very good boy. He's very, you know, well behaved, well mannered young man. He's very intelligent. He's his father passed away, I want him to have a good positive, you know, male figure in his life. At the same time, his father was a poor man, he didn't really receive much in inheritance from his father, I'm hoping that by serving you by being with you, by learning from you, He will not only learn to be a man, but he will also be able to then find a way to be able to, you know, learn enough about responsibility to be

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able to make his own way in life, because his father was not able to leave him anything. And as a mother, I have other younger children as well. I don't know what I'm going to be able to provide for him. And so I basically offer him to you in your service. Let him be your assistant and let him serve you and learn from you. And so then he says, I spent 10 years being the personal assistant of the profits a lot. He sent him up to 12 hours a day, he would basically be waiting on hand and foot for the profits a lot. He's running errands for him going around with him walking around with him, doing whatever needed to be done.

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So now this man, later on in his life, this young man at that time, who so closely interacted with the profits a lot. He's in such a critical time in his life, his teenage years. He describes he says Ghana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a laser beethovenian by any what I've been considering what I've been, what I've been unhappy. What I've been a dummy, while I've been charged in karate, when I be 70 Botha hula hula Allah Allah Rossi Urbina Sonata for apama be Makita Asha see Nina, Robin Medina de Ville Medina Tiatia see Nina, what's our follow la junta Allah Allah cc Tina sanditon. When they serve Eros, he will create a year issue a bar.

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So let me go ahead and just give you a brief translation then I'll explain some of the words. He says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not

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extremely tall. nor was he extremely short. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not pale in his complexion, nor was he very dark skinned. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not have hair that was very curly, nor did he have hair that was extremely straight.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him Prophethood messenger hood at the age of 40. He lived in Mecca after that for 10 years, and he lived in Medina after that for 10 years alone subhanho wa Taala

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took him back meaning death. Allah subhanaw taala took him back the prophets A lot of us and passed away at the age of 60.

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And at the time that he passed away in both of his head and his beard, his hair and his beard combined, he did not have even 20 white hairs combined. So he was still very youthful looking. Now, let me go ahead and explain some of this. So first and foremost

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He describes that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lays a bit taweelah back in. Now the word by in in the Arabic language means for something to be completely separated, completely separated. And what that means in the Arabic language when you describe someone as atone baton, it's a way if I'm going to use some common language here to try to explain, explain or express the meaning of the expressions that they're using the constructions that they're using, it's a way to call somebody freakishly tall. Right when you say somebody is up, but we don't buy in, it's like saying someone is freakishly tall, not just a little tall, or a little bit taller than the average

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person, right? So maybe in a room, somebody standing there, they're 6626364 that are a little bit taller than everyone. But then if somebody is like six, nine, or 610, or seven feet tall, then that's somebody that we usually kind of describe as being freakishly tall, extremely, overwhelmingly tall. Right? That he says the prophets a lot isn't was not overwhelmingly tall. It's not like he was seven feet tall, or six foot six, but the prophets a lot. He said him had a good moderate height. One the narrations that we're going to come across later on, it describes that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was a little bit taller, when he would stand in a group of people, he seemed to be

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a little bit taller, maybe an inch or two taller than the average height at that time. But again, not to the point where he was like a foot taller than everyone else in the room would have been a seed, nor was the profits a lot of extremely shorts. So he was not under shorter than the average height either. Then he goes on to describe what had been a bl am Huck. Alright, then he basically says that the profits a lot, he said, was not extremely white. Now the word that's used, um, Huck is it's derived from a stone that is very white. So he wasn't white like a stone. And what he means by that he was not devoid of any type of color. He was not pale, very, extremely white. All right. And

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another narration that we're going to come across describes that the prophets a lot, he sort of did have a lighter complexion. But that lighter complexion had a lot of redness in it. So the prophets, a lot of them is described another narration yet says that he had a wheat like complexion, all right. And then it describes him as what I've been Adam.

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Adam is a word. Now you might be thinking, no, all right, the roots of the word Adam in the Arabic language basically refers to dirt, that the Prophet of Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam at the same time did not have a very dark complexion, like the color of the earth.

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Right. So at the same time, while the prophets a lot of symbols that very pale like a stone, limestone, that at the same time, the prophets a lot of a sudden was not, did not have a dark complexion like that of the earth. So it's not a derogatory term. In fact, it was a very nice term that they would say that this person has a complexion of the earth. So they would describe it in a dignified manner. Just the fact of the matter is the prophets a lot of them did not have that type of complexion. When I've been jogging cut it, jobs in the Arabic language refers to hair being curly and a cottage cottage rather refers to being very, very curly, like almost, you know, curls in on

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That the prophets a lot of these women did not have very extremely curly hair, where each and every single hair would curl in on itself, would I be sub sub in the Arabic language refers to something that is flowing, or something that is straight, that at same time he did not very straight hair, so the Prophet salani, some kind of had lightly curly, or some describe as wavy type hair, where once his hair got long, it did kind of like curl up into locks. That that was how the hair of the profits a lot of them was Botha hula hoop da da da da crbn sH and of course, now this is the part that's familiar to us. He says that he was given the message, the mission at the age of 40. And that is

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something that we know very well and that's something that's agreed upon.

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Then he says that after receiving the message in the mission, he resided in Mecca for 10 years. Now we of course know that the mission of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the marking period of his prophethood his mission was 13 years.

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Why is a souvenir Malik saying 10 years? There's a couple of reasons why. First and foremost is that he's speaking either about the active preaching that he preached publicly the message for 10 years, because something else that we know from the life of the seed of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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is that the first three years of his practice?

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hood, were spent privately preaching the message, sharing the message with friends and family. He was not public, he did not publicly proclaim the message and invite just the public of Makkah to the message that he was given the three year period by Allah subhanaw taala, to strengthen himself to become familiar with the message, and to also develop a very strong core, a nucleus around him that he would have to depend and rely upon when things in Mecca became extremely divisive and combative. Alright, so that's he's discounting those first three years. The other thing about this is, at the same time, the Arabs at that time, it was not uncommon for them to basically as we do as well, but

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it was not uncommon for them to round things off.

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Right to round things off. So when he's saying 10, he's saying it's like saying 10, some odd years. It's very common. And that's why he then goes on to say he spent 10 years in Medina, which is something of course it's accurate. The prophets, a lot of them did reside in Medina for 10 years, Medina to El Medina to munawwara, the illuminated city of Medina, but then when he says that he passed away at the age of 60, this is again, the issue of rounding down, because the prophets, a lot of them passed away at the age of 63. And that's something that we have very authentic accounts about and something we know very well, it's very well documented. So again, this is just an issue of

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rounding it down. But then he says something very fascinating. He says that even at the age of 60, or 63, as we know, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not have a total he had less than 20 total white hairs in his head and in his beard, I obviously haven't beat All right, so the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam had less than 20 white hairs in his beard and in his hair. And again, why was this of course this was the youthfulness of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but also there is a divine right? Obviously, everything happens by the command of Allah. Obviously, we know that, but particularly in the life of the prophets, obviously, there's a very specific divine

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design that is that can be observed, that can be seen. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, multiple things, there's so much shut up about just this idea about how few white hairs, the prophets allottee. Some had, there's so much fascination about this. The number one, the prophets, a lot of them wasn't just the preacher, the messenger, the preacher, the teacher, the Imam, right, the educator, the counselor, he wasn't just so saint, he was also the military leader. He would also lead the soldiers into battle. And so the Allah subhanaw taala maintained the youthful appearance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to inspire that confidence that when young men and young

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soldiers were following him into battle, they didn't feel like they were following some old man into battle to their death or their demise. No, they were inspired by the messengers a lot. He said, because he looked as old as they did. He still looked like he was in his 30s in his 40s, very youthful looking.

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The other thing they also talked about this is that Allah subhanaw taala gave the Prophet sallallahu sallam, not just obviously, in his words and in his ideas in his in his teaching. But even in this appearance, Allah subhanaw taala gave the prophets a lot of the ability to connect with anyone and everyone.

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Right, everyone just felt a connection to him. And so the Prophet sallallahu Sallam remained extremely effective, even well, and even into his 60s, early 60s, he remained extremely effective in preaching and teaching to young people, children, teenagers, young people, they still connected with him because visibly, he was not somebody that came across to them as being very, very extremely old.

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But at the same time, I must tell I gave him a number of the white hairs, right? Why? Because at the same time to impress to somebody that you are still dealing with somebody who's older than you

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to impress a sense of respect.

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To give obviously, this the messengers allottee sensor, there is no question of wisdom. But again, we're talking about when you first saw him from a distance, you still recognize this is somebody who knows what he's talking about is somebody with a certain amount of experience.

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And there are there's a certain dignity to white hair as well. There are Hadith of the prophets a lot he said them in numerous books of Hadith that also talk about the fact that our last panel, Jada will show respect, meaning that our last panel, Angela will be lenient with elderly people on the day of judgment that he will account they're more lenient, right with greater lenience because of just the life and the experiences. And, you know, just the difficulty that they might have endured in living the life that they lived. Right. So all of that kind of factored into a very against specific variable.

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precise definition that Allah subhanaw taala gave physically even to the prophets a lot of them had these number two

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among Timothy says had definitely made the blue Masada al basri Carla Hadassah Abdul Wahab a coffee and homemade ananas Ebony Malik radi Allahu taala on Groupon, Ghana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a robber hacen lays a bit of really well I will proceed has an adjustment. What kind of shadow who lays a B Jordan will are submitting as Maloney either Masha yet.

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Unless you know Malik radi Allahu taala, who relates the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a very moderate build. roboton means that he was a moderate build, he was not extremely thin or frail. nor was he very, extremely overweight. But the profits a lot of the time was of a moderate build. He was not very tall, nor was he very short. He was very handsome,

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and very beautiful. In his physical appearance has an adjustment. He was very beautiful enhance him and his physical appearance. His hair was not extremely curry curly, nor was his hair very straight. As smart alone, he had a very wheatish complexion.

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When he used to walk, he would slightly lean forward, he would slightly lean or hunched forward when he walked. Alright.

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Now again, some of the things we've come across the moderate build of the profits, a lot of them is actually something that's coming up, so I'm going to save it for there. inshallah will, there's a greater description provided about what was that moderate build. We've talked about the height of the prophets, a lot of them, of course, has synergism refers to the fact that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was very handsome when you looked at him, you were just impressed by looking at him.

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You're just immediately impressed when you looked at him. And then of course, he describes his hair, which we've talked about as well, the color of the complexion of his skin. Now a new detail is provided here, which will have more detail coming up when he would walk, it was almost like you would kind of lean or hunch a little forward.

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Now, what comes into discussion here a lot of times is the issue of posture. Right? We've always been taught to have good posture. Right? And that's what's very interesting is that when the prophets a lot of them would sit,

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he had extremely good posture,

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the profits a lot, he will not lean again, things when he would sit. He didn't lean back. He didn't lean over to the side, he didn't hunched forward. Right? The profits, a lot of him wasn't one of those people that just couldn't sit straight. You know, I'm basically describing all of us. Alright, so the profits, a lot of them wasn't one of those people that just couldn't sit straight. Some people you just like, like, if you're trying to talk to them something very serious and maintain eye contact, it's like you have to keep shifting, right? they'll lay down like this Oh sprawl out, then they'll sit up and lean over, then they'll very awkwardly hunched forward almost to the ground, then

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they'll lean back. Right then halfway through the late like that was the prophet SAW said when he sat, he wouldn't lean against something and he would sit very straight. She had extremely good posture. This is not describing the fact that the process of my terrible posture, right, know he would sit he had very good posture.

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But when you would walk

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the profits a lot, he said, wouldn't walk like this.

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Kind of chest out, shoulders back, head up. The profitsystem didn't walk around like this, because that is intimidating. That gives the era of kind of arrogance.

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Right? Like the Quran says we'll enter free will and will attack the * outta valenza Beluga Ji Bala Tula, you will not tear the earth as you walk through it. Right walk Sufi machine, right, you're not going to reach the height of mountain so therefore be moderate in how you walk. The Quran talks about this as well. Right and sort of local man. So similarly, the prophets, a lot of him when he would walk though, he would not

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stick his chest out, have his head held up, shoulders back. But when you would walk around in public, the profits a lot easier to be a little less intimidating. The profits, a lot of someone would walk very humbly you would kind of hunched forward with an air of humility. Right? And so to not be intimidating number one, and number two, not to come off as arrogance and to seem very approachable to be very kind. Alright, so and there's going to be a little bit more detail that we'll talk about in regards to this Hadeeth number three,

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the implementation

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As he says head deaf and I'm Mohammed Abu Bashar tala Hadassah, Mohammed Abu Jafar. Kala had done a show on his heart palace Emil Bara. Bara even azim radi Allahu taala and who yeppoon kana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Rajan and mirboo

00:55:20 --> 00:55:27

by Barry Dima Bienal monkey monkey Bane, alima. Giamatti, Elijah Mati una de la, la,

00:55:28 --> 00:55:34

la de la john hamre Mara a che and cut to us and I mean who

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the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is described as so barraba Isaiah, radi Allahu taala and who another young Sahabi he describes the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam he says that he was a very moderately built men, Roger landmark, and a very moderately built men. He was his shoulders were very broad. His shoulders naturally were very broad.

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He had long hair, he had long hair, he would grow his hair out. And Avi will Juma refers to hair that basically reaches to the neck, right, the lower part of the neck, and specifically what the reason why obviously right even if you have short hair, your hair comes down to your neck, obviously back here. What that makes reference to is the fact that even the hair from like the locks of his hair were so long that the hair from the front would hang back toward to his neck. And because again of the curliness, slight curliness of their of the province, and so it would curl up around his ear lobes. So it would curl up around his ear lobes. And so the profits a lot of them. So again, going

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back to the translation, Roger Len mirboo, and he was a very moderately built man, he was very broad, his shoulders were broad. His hair had, he had long locks of hair, that would fall and curl up around his ear lobes. He was wearing a red striped cloth. Alright, he was wearing a cloth, he was wearing clothes that had red stripes on them dark red, like almost Maroon stripes on it. I never saw anything more beautiful than that

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model a to shade and to a sentimental I never saw anything more beautiful than him. All right. Now what is he exactly describing so we've talked about the modern build of the prophets, a lot of him and it's gonna have a little bit more detail. It now describes that he was very broad chested, kind of wide chested, wide shoulders, it then describes that fact that the Prophet system would grow his hair out long. So the Prophet says it would grow his hair out now, how would exactly and there's going to be a specific chapter about the hair of the prophet SAW them. But just a little bit of detail, when the processor would grow his hair out, the way that he would wear his hair, if you want

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to call it that is that he would basically have his hair going back. And naturally, his hair would kind of part in the middle.

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But the profit zone would basically wear his hair back. Alright, and because his hair would fall back, and again, it was currently the, the locks would kind of start to curl towards the back of his head. And then they would basically curl up and you would see that like locks of hair curling up around his ear lobes and coming up. And that was what the profits allottee some looked like, what it's describing about the clothing of the process. I mean, again, there will be a chapter specifically about his clothing. It's describing a particular garment, the profits, a lot of them had. And this was actually one of the nicer garments that he had that he would sometimes wear on a

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Friday, or he would wear even at the occasion of either special occasions that he had the shawl yet the shawl that was black, and it had like dark red stripes on it, like thread there were there were red threads that were put in the middle of the black cloth. So he had this black shawl that had these dark red stripes on it, and that's what he's describing. So he says that the prophets a lot. He said, I'm being broad chested, very moderately built man with his hair falling back and curling up around his ear lobes. And I saw him sitting there wearing this dark black shawl with the red stripes on it, and he said I've never seen anything more beautiful than what I saw on that day. He

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was just breathtaking to look at.

00:59:29 --> 00:59:59

And so he's describing the promises on a particular day when he looked at him and he said I've never seen anything more beautiful than that Hadeeth number for him I'm Timothy says head deaf and moody blue halen color had the Santa Joaquin Kala had the Santa soufiane and Abby's Hawk Anil bardney is even though the Allahu taala and who Paul Morrow a to mean v Mara a to mean v limiting. V Hill Latin hombre. Santa min Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ah Lucia.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:07

on young woman Kibera, he bury them Albanian monkey Bane. lemmya couldn't build a city. Voila. betawi.

01:00:08 --> 01:00:50

Again, let me just give you a basic translation. He says babina zebra, the Allahu taala. And who says, I never saw anyone with long hair, wearing a black shawl with red stripes on it more beautiful than the Prophet sallallahu it isn't. I mean, I never saw anyone more beautiful than the prophets, a lot of them with his long hair wearing that shawl. He had hair that would sometimes fall to his shoulders. So because the hair of the processing was currently when it would kind of dry up, it would kind of curl up in the back. But sometimes when he would comb it, or when his hair was wet, and it would hang down because of the water, then it would even start to kind of touch his

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shoulders, like it would touch the top of his shoulders. So he had a hair that would touch the top of his shoulders. He was very broad. His shoulders were very broad. He was not very short nor was he extremely tall.

01:01:04 --> 01:01:05

The next generation

01:01:06 --> 01:01:58

had definitely mounted to me the says had the Thera Mohammed no is married. This is a Mambo hottie. Kala Hadassah buena calidad de la rue de EU on earth many many Muslim even Hormuz are nafion intubated in the military and I live in a Vitaly * the Allahu taala and who call this of course earlier the Allahu anhu Lamia coonan wU sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a bit odd while I've been sad shafiul caffeine in one of the lofi lava tin chefin will caffeine shatin Olga Fany will further many above murase voc mool cara de Torino Masuda Eva mashatu Chaka Chaka fu and the Anima again had to mean suburban la tabla who Allah bada who miss Lu.

01:02:03 --> 01:02:18

The fifth narration which amounted mercenaries from a mumble hottie going all the way back to Alabama Vitaly, but not the Allahu taala on who he says, a rough translation, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was not extremely tall, nor was he extremely short.

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He had thick hands and feet.

01:02:23 --> 01:02:28

He had a very, he had a large head.

01:02:30 --> 01:02:33

His joints were also very thick.

01:02:35 --> 01:02:42

He had a long line of hair going down the middle of his chest, and belly.

01:02:45 --> 01:03:07

When he would walk, he would slightly lean forward, it was almost as if he was walking down, descending from a high place, he was walking down the decline. I never saw before him or anyone, any I never saw anyone like him before him or after him. I never ever again saw anyone like him.

01:03:08 --> 01:03:25

Now let me explain a couple of things now because there's a couple of new details earlier, the Allahu taala, who of course, who knew the provinces and better than the Allahu taala knew this was somebody who is raised in the home of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was the second person to accept Islam.

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at the tender age of 10, he lived with the prophets a lot he soon from the age of six or seven.

01:03:33 --> 01:04:03

He was married to the daughter of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. So there's somebody who grew up the process of effectively raised him. All right. And so he says that the prophets a lot is on his hands, and his feet were thick. And when we when I say that, that sounds almost kind of weird or even negative. So you have to now understand the expression in the Arabic language. This is where literal translations do not work. You have to understand how these expressions were used by the people when they were used,

01:04:04 --> 01:04:19

that the Arabs how they would use this as an expression saying somebody saying that someone had thick hands and thick feet meant that somebody was very strong. So he says that the Prophet ism was very strong. He was very firm handed and very firm footed.

01:04:20 --> 01:04:29

Like the Prophet says, it was not somebody that you would see dropping something the prophet SAW, Selim was not somebody that you would see losing his balance you strong.

01:04:30 --> 01:04:59

When he says Bahama Ross, he had a big head. Again, it's not saying that he had a freakishly large head, right, but it means that the prophets a lot, he said them, and this is a narration the clarification comes later on that the prophets a lot of them had a large forehead. His forehead was very open. Alright, so that's sort of what he's alluding to. Now, when you play when you put the two pieces together, you first of all learned that the profits a lot of them had a very large open forehead, and then you also factor in that he had long hair

01:05:01 --> 01:05:17

So it gave the appearance as if the head of the proper system was very large because his forehead was big. Right and he had very long hair. So he was his face. His head was very prominent. You noticed him? That's what it means. Duck mode. Ross, you noticed him. Alright.

01:05:19 --> 01:05:31

Dennison duffman. Kara this the profits a lot. Some had very thick joints. Again, it's not saying that he had some deformity or arthritis or something. What it means is that the profits a lot of them was very strong.

01:05:32 --> 01:05:34

Again saying that he was very strong.

01:05:35 --> 01:05:49

All right, very sure handed surefooted he was very strong. The women Mesaba now here it describes that from his chest down to his navel, the profits of loving someone had a long line of hair that went down from his chest to his navel.

01:05:50 --> 01:06:02

And this is something that's coming up in a narration later on, why would he describe the fact that he had a line of hair going down from his chest to his navel, because the prophets a lot of him did not have a lot of hair on his body Other than that,

01:06:04 --> 01:06:13

that generally speaking the prophets, a lot of them did not have a lot of hair on his chest, or even on his stomach. But he had this line of hair that went down from his chest to his navel.

01:06:15 --> 01:06:24

He says that when he would walk, he was again inclined forward. And it was almost it looked as if imagine somebody walking down some steps.

01:06:26 --> 01:06:32

Right? imagine somebody kind of walking down a hill. That was the appearance of the profits a lot, he said when he walked

01:06:33 --> 01:06:36

and he said, I never saw anyone ever look like him ever again.

01:06:37 --> 01:06:53

Hadeeth number six is one of those repetitions that I was talking about. A moment Timothy Rahim Allahu taala he says had the Santa Sophia no blue walk here, but I had death and a be Anil Mr. Odie behalf is not enough Rahul Bhima Anna, who

01:06:54 --> 01:07:04

that he narrates. And he says that the beginning of the chain is different. Instead of the previous narration. He got it from a mumble hottie.

01:07:05 --> 01:07:32

And he mumble hut he got it from his teacher who know him, who then got it from God. This is a different narration that that comes from the teacher of Imam Timothy Sophia bluerock. Here Who says I got this narration from my teacher who got it from God and then the rest of the narration is the same. He goes back to the Allahu Allah, Allah. And then the narration is identical. They would just do this to basically establish the fact I was able to get this narration through two different chains.

01:07:34 --> 01:07:36

The seventh and the

01:07:58 --> 01:08:05

All right, there's just all right. So the seventh and the final narration that we're going to be covering today, Mr. Timothy says had

01:08:07 --> 01:08:09

a dog be

01:08:10 --> 01:08:28

Albus sorry. Well, you know, what Abu Jafar Mohammed Ahmed Hussein, what was even a B Halima. Well, ma Hayden. Alright, so basically, these were three different names that the same person was basically known by.

01:08:29 --> 01:08:31

All right, three. And

01:08:33 --> 01:09:17

so the last three where it says Abu Jafar, Mohammed Al Hussein, well, what can I be Halima? That's the same person. But there are three different individuals that amounted to me, he gets this narration from Alright, so he mounted me he gets this narration from three people. He found the same narration from three different teachers that have no abda Olive no hotjar and Abu Jafar Mohammed Abu Hussein and Abu Jafar Mohammed Hussein was more popularly known as Avi Halima. Well, mana Wahid all right kalu he's they all say had done arisa blue Eunice and Omar Abdullah Abdullah Mola who fra Kala had destiny Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, Minh Walla de la vida de Talib, radi Allahu taala a new call kana

01:09:17 --> 01:09:59

Ali young radi Allahu anhu either wasserfall Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call Lamia Kunal Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a bit tawi Lily moon. Mama hit, Willa, Bill Cassidy Matera did work on roboton minakami lamea can bill jardel cottage Tata wanna be Sabbath? Ghana Jordan Rajin while American bill Muto hum. While our bill Mukul some work on a fee what he heated we run a BIA do mush Mishra one or the other our July in any double ashari jelly will Musashi will cater the other

01:10:00 --> 01:10:37

geradezu Masaru button shutting old caffine will condemn any either masaka and amag and how to feed suburban where evil taffeta interpreter ma baina kataifi hearts mo Nobu Watashi wa Hartmann Nabina ajua danesi sedan was Dr. Nancy La Jolla Elijah 10. We're Eliana humare cotton. Akram Houma Sheraton manga Abu Dhabi howdy Hutton Habu woman Hala Tahoma de bajo yaku Narita hula hula hula hula Mithra who sallallahu alayhi wasallam

01:10:38 --> 01:10:45

I'm going to give you a basic translation I'll explain some of the interesting concepts. I live in a Vitaly bro the Allahu taala and who

01:10:47 --> 01:10:49

he or rather one of the

01:10:50 --> 01:11:08

children of Allah, the Allahu taala. And who he says that Allah The Allahu taala on him whenever he used to describe the prophets a lot, he said them to us, he would say that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not extremely tall.

01:11:09 --> 01:11:11

nor was he very short.

01:11:14 --> 01:11:20

The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a very moderate type and build.

01:11:21 --> 01:11:31

His hair was not extremely curly, nor was his hair completely straight. Rather, it was very, moderately curly, kind of wavy.

01:11:33 --> 01:11:35

The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:11:37 --> 01:11:40

was not very heavy set.

01:11:42 --> 01:11:45

Nor was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

01:11:47 --> 01:11:51

Nor did he have a very heavy face.

01:11:53 --> 01:11:56

Rather, his face had a certain symmetry to it.

01:11:57 --> 01:12:05

The profits a lot of a sudden was of a more lighter complexion, with some color added to it.

01:12:06 --> 01:12:08

His eyes were very dark, very deep.

01:12:10 --> 01:12:12

His eyelashes were long.

01:12:19 --> 01:12:19


01:12:21 --> 01:12:26

shoulders were very broad. His shoulders were very broad.

01:12:29 --> 01:12:59

He didn't have a lot of hair on his body. He did not have a lot of hair on his body. He just had that one line of hair that went down from his chest, to his navel. He was very strong, very sure handed and sure footed. When he walked, it was as if he was walking down the hill. When he turned he turned completely. When he turned to face someone to speak to someone, he turned completely between his shoulder blades, was the seal of prophethood.

01:13:01 --> 01:13:04

And he was the seal of all the prophets.

01:13:06 --> 01:13:10

He was the most generous of people, the most open hearted of people.

01:13:11 --> 01:13:14

He was the most well spoken of people

01:13:17 --> 01:13:18

were aliana, whom IE cotton.

01:13:20 --> 01:13:41

And he came from the most widely no humare cotton, that he was the most softest in how he dealt with people. He came from the most noblest of families. If somebody saw him, all of a sudden, for the first time, they would be overwhelmed.

01:13:42 --> 01:13:46

But when somebody interacted with him and got to know him, they fell in love with him.

01:13:48 --> 01:13:58

Anyone who ever described him, anyone that would ever describe him would say, I never ever again says I never before him or after him saw anyone like him.

01:13:59 --> 01:14:00

I never saw anyone like him.

01:14:01 --> 01:14:07

Now, just to explain a few of the concepts that he talks about here.

01:14:08 --> 01:14:33

Specifically, the some of the new concepts that he mentions is he says a wheeling mama hit. All right, that's basically the same. That's why the word is so difficult. It's a way in classical Arabic to basically say freakishly tall, so he was not freakishly tall. Well, I probably will, I will concede will Matera did. At the same time he wasn't so short that you had trouble finding him in a crowd.

01:14:35 --> 01:14:52

Then he goes on to describe the hair of the profits allottee some, which we've talked about already. Then it says Well, well me I couldn't build moto ham. moto ham basically means very heavy set. Like the Prophet syllogism was not overweight. He was not heavyset.

01:14:54 --> 01:14:56

When I build mukil thumb.

01:14:57 --> 01:15:00

What this basically means is sometimes when people are

01:15:00 --> 01:15:14

Little bit more heavyset, their face will also be very heavy, alright, describing it very kindly understand what I'm saying. All right. So he said that the profits a lot of them was not somebody who was physically very heavyset nor was his face very heavy.

01:15:15 --> 01:15:22

But he did have a certain symmetry to his face. He had definitions to his face. All right.

01:15:26 --> 01:15:32

Then it describes the complexion of the profits a lot SM, which we've already talked about, he had a lighter complexion, but it had some color to it.

01:15:33 --> 01:15:47

Now it describes it the first time the eyes of the prophet SAW Some are being described at the ideal name at the edge at the edge in the Arabic language. Typically, a lot of times it's used to describe

01:15:48 --> 01:15:57

a shady to see where the line shadows are the line, right to be very dark eyes.

01:15:58 --> 01:16:06

Now, scholars have kind of explained this in different ways. One thing that we do know for certain is that the pupils of the prophets, a lot of them were very dark.

01:16:07 --> 01:16:09

his pupils were very dark.

01:16:10 --> 01:16:15

So the profitsystem didn't have like colored eyes, but his eyes were dark.

01:16:17 --> 01:16:30

And the second thing that this also describes is overall, they would describe his eyes as kind of being very another thing that other eyes kind of refers to is something when it's a little bit deeper, it's a little bit darker, that he had very deep eyes.

01:16:31 --> 01:16:32

For a deep eyes.

01:16:34 --> 01:16:37

Right like you feel like you could like look into his eyes.

01:16:38 --> 01:16:41

Right You have very deep eyes, very welcoming eyes.

01:16:42 --> 01:16:51

The next thing he says I have double as far they're basically basically is as it says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had long eyelashes.

01:16:53 --> 01:17:07

Gianni Musashi will cut it will cut. Well catered gelila Musashi will cut it basically refers to the fact that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had

01:17:09 --> 01:17:49

very large, broad shoulders, very large, broad shoulders very strong, in a very strong build. So while he wasn't extremely heavy set or anything, or freakishly huge or big, at the same time, the processor just had this look about him that he seemed like he was strong like he could handle himself. Alright, he had very strong, I had a strong build, when you would walk. Now, this is why it's so astounding. There's somebody who's a little bit taller than average. This is somebody who has very broad shoulders. This is somebody who has a very youthful appearance. This is somebody who has a very strong build, he looks like he could handle himself. And when he walks though it looked

01:17:49 --> 01:17:55

like he was walking downhill. He had a very humble yet this beautiful humility to him.

01:17:57 --> 01:18:03

This unassuming this to him. He didn't. He didn't walk down the street like he owned the place.

01:18:05 --> 01:18:47

But he mixed in with people. All right, and there'll be other narrations that will tell us this. And after describing the fact, two things, the first step the process was very imposing physically. Like he was very impressive physically. He wasn't arrogant. So he walked with humility. At the same time, his humility was not to the point where he made him antisocial. The problem was in weird, right, like when you spoke to him, he was just like, right? That the problem is a lot. So it wasn't like that. When he spoke to somebody, you would turn to them with his chest, and he would speak to them. Right? He would turn that into Fatah, into Fatima. And when you return, you would turn completely to

01:18:47 --> 01:19:10

somebody, make eye contact with that person, face that person and speak to them. Right, he was very forthcoming. He was very open. All right. And so this is how he's described. The other thing, and we'll talk about this when you get to the clock. The other thing that is very remarkable or very noteworthy about this is this is the character and the dignity with which the messengers allowed him conducted himself.

01:19:11 --> 01:19:45

He's a messenger of Allah ceylonese. He is the most important human being that has ever lived. Right? We talked about somebody being important. I'm very busy and very important. Go Go talk talk what? Right vizeum important, right? That's the impression that we get, nobody was busier, nobody was important than the messenger ceylonese enough, he literally had the weight of the world on his shoulders. That's not an expression he literally did. In the Rasulullah he they come Jimmy amasa laka laka fatale nasi Bashir, he literally did have the weight of the world on his shoulders. Nobody was busier. Nobody was more preoccupied. Nobody had more to do than he did.

01:19:47 --> 01:19:59

yet. When somebody came to talk to him, he stopped what he was doing. He turned towards that person didn't just look up or glance up at that point. He turned towards that person gave them his full 100%

01:20:00 --> 01:20:26

pension and spoke to them. And the reason why it describes you those efforts at interferometer, like it's repetition, because when you're standing, okay, you can turn face, when you're sitting, it's difficult to turn and face somebody, you have to completely reposition yourself, he would do that. But he made sure that when you spoke to somebody, they felt like they were seen, heard or listened to noticed attended to. They felt special.

01:20:27 --> 01:20:30

Right? They felt validated, appreciated,

01:20:31 --> 01:20:35

respected, right, and that's how the profitsystem would speak to people.

01:20:37 --> 01:21:07

And then he says between his shoulder blades was the seal of prophethood. Now there's going to be a chapter specifically about the seal of prophethood. But just very briefly here, when we get to chapter, you'll see it in more detail, what it what it was, was that it was it's described as almost like a cluster of moles, that was on the middle of his back, on his upper back between the shoulder blades, it was like a cluster of moles. And this is described as the seal of prophethood is a very beautiful, fascinating story that will occur in the chapter

01:21:09 --> 01:21:25

narrated by Sandman and fantasy that the Allahu jalon when we get to that particular narration, and so I'll save it for over there in sha Allah. But it's a very fascinating, beautiful narration about some man and fantasy, looking for that seal of Prophet and on the back of the prophets a lot he sent him.

01:21:27 --> 01:21:41

So he had the seal of Prophet and then he says, because he was the finality of all the prophets and messengers. Now he describes a little bit about the, just the demeanor, the character of the prophets along the center. He says, as you were doing nasty southern

01:21:43 --> 01:21:53

edge, what means generous enough of the people Southern means chest. But of course, it refers to the heart, like his heart was so big, his chest could barely contain his art.

01:21:54 --> 01:21:58

It's like an expression here beating his heart was so big, his chest can even contain his art.

01:22:00 --> 01:22:03

He had room for everybody. He had time for everybody.

01:22:05 --> 01:22:06

He had love for everybody.

01:22:08 --> 01:22:19

Right? Most Generous of people. And when a lot of times we think generosity, we just think money. No, no, no, he was generous. With his time, he was generous with his affection. He was generous with his love.

01:22:21 --> 01:22:26

Which is a lot more harder to come by and generous than people that are generous with their money. It's harder to find,

01:22:27 --> 01:22:34

right? Many people that can write a check, can't make a minute for somebody can't make time for somebody.

01:22:36 --> 01:22:38

So it's true generosity.

01:22:39 --> 01:22:42

When you can be generous with your love and your affection and your attention.

01:22:44 --> 01:22:46

Was the Ganassi letter.

01:22:50 --> 01:22:52

He was the most truthful in his speech.

01:22:53 --> 01:22:54

He's the most truthful in his speech.

01:22:56 --> 01:22:57

Like he never liked you.

01:22:59 --> 01:23:00

He never deceived you.

01:23:02 --> 01:23:07

He never said something to you that you that didn't sit well with you.

01:23:09 --> 01:23:12

You never felt like he lied or cheated you.

01:23:14 --> 01:23:15


01:23:17 --> 01:23:18

Well, you know, humare cotton.

01:23:20 --> 01:23:27

Right? I didn't get 10 in the Arabic language, basically refers to someone's demeanor.

01:23:28 --> 01:23:33

Someone's demeanor, like someone's natural disposition is called the Arica.

01:23:34 --> 01:23:47

Arctic, right, they would say Fulani, linvilla Arica. And so it reversing natural disposition basically refers to someone's default conduct and behavior. By default. The prophets Allah was gentle.

01:23:48 --> 01:23:57

He only was harsh when the need arose. His default mode was gentleness. He's very gentle by default.

01:23:58 --> 01:24:16

Well accurate, what a charlatan, he was. He was the most noblest he was the most noble in terms of family. Now again, this is not only complementing the fact that the Prophet system came from a very noble lineage a noble family, but it also means that he was the most notorious in his conduct with his family.

01:24:18 --> 01:25:00

And there's something else that we'll come across when we get to the lack of the profits a lot. He said, Oh, but this is a very common predicament. There's a very fascinating story. It's in the books of Hadith as well, which that a negative description, a negative description of a man that they would have at that time. Is that either hot Raja Asada de la vida, right, that they would say when he goes outside, he's like a lion, meaning in terms of like dignity and honor and presence, and when he enters into the home, he's like a leopard. Right? And so what they would basically mean by that is, and this is a very common predicament that we find sometimes people

01:25:00 --> 01:25:41

are very well spoken, very dignified, very well mannered, right in their public conduct and behavior and inside the home complete opposite. They take the people around them for granted. They don't conduct themselves in a very dignified manner, very disrespectful, a lot of disregard, so on so forth. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was added his most noble thing about how noble his public conduct was, his private conduct with his family was even more dignified, was even more respectful, was even more noble. And that's why the Prophet sallahu some another narration says, absolutely, and you want to absolutely leave that the best amongst you is the one who is the

01:25:41 --> 01:25:46

best to his family. And I am the best from amongst you when it with my family.

01:25:47 --> 01:26:00

That that's what really defines the worth of a man. The words of any human being, is how do they conduct themselves with the people that are closest to them that are the easiest to take for granted, that probably aren't going to go anywhere.

01:26:01 --> 01:26:14

Right? If I disrespect or I misbehave with my parents, were they gonna do this on me? They couldn't even if they tried. Right? I just show up again. Right? I'm resilient. Right.

01:26:16 --> 01:26:26

But they, how they, how I conduct myself with them, and how they conduct themselves with me. How I conduct myself with my wife, and how she conducts herself with me.

01:26:28 --> 01:26:29

Right, the people that are closest to you.

01:26:31 --> 01:26:36

People that will put up with you no matter what, don't make them put up with anything no matter what.

01:26:37 --> 01:26:45

Right? And that was who the prophets allow the system was and this is somebody who lived in the home of the prophets, Allah Isa, who saw him how he interacted with his wife and his children.

01:26:47 --> 01:26:51

And his saying about him, I never saw somebody who's more dignified with his family.

01:26:52 --> 01:27:01

And then he says, If you walk through the door and laid eyes on the on the profits a lot of the very first time you would be a little overwhelmed.

01:27:02 --> 01:27:06

You'd be taken aback like you would take your breath away for a second. like wow.

01:27:09 --> 01:27:11

He just had that presence about him.

01:27:13 --> 01:27:14

He just took your breath away.

01:27:16 --> 01:27:17

But the second you spoke to him,

01:27:18 --> 01:27:19

You fell in love with him.

01:27:22 --> 01:28:06

He won your heart. The second you interact with him or spoke to him. Yoku narrative and this is the eloquence of Allah the Allahu talana. He says, anyone who ever interacted with the prophet SAW ism, or saw him. And if you ask them to describe him, without fail, they would say, lamb or a cobbler, who What about the Who? mithila? Who? Never before him or after him? Did I ever see or meet anyone, even close to him? I've never met anyone like him. So Lola Ronnie, he was. Alright, so we'll go ahead and stop here inshallah. And we will pick up from the eighth narration and try to finish the chapter inshallah tomorrow, I know that a couple of people had sister and also raise your hand for a

01:28:06 --> 01:28:17

question. So if anybody's got any questions, I'll take it at the everyday at the end of the does, because they're recording this as well for the benefit of other students and things like that. So inshallah I'll take the questions at the end of this. Yes.

01:28:22 --> 01:28:22


01:28:31 --> 01:28:31


01:28:35 --> 01:28:36


01:28:37 --> 01:28:41

Ah, better to avoid, yeah, better to avoid.

01:28:45 --> 01:29:05

Right, that's something that most scholars have usually had a lot of reservations about, not only because of the Hadith of the saw, we'd have drying living creatures and beings, but then also to not seem to have done the profits, a lot of any type of injustice when you actually physically draw him out. So it's best to avoid that altogether. Obviously.

01:29:06 --> 01:29:08

One second sister, Tanya, you had your hand up earlier.

01:29:27 --> 01:29:39

Right. They basically just say that it almost seemed like he was on that he was standing at a decline. That's what it means. So it's like, it just seemed like he was kind of tilted a little bit.

01:29:41 --> 01:29:48

Exactly. Yeah. No, it just seemed like he was like, slightly declined, right? He was always leaning forward a little bit.

01:29:56 --> 01:29:59

Right, it's described as mithila to faha. And we'll we're gonna go through

01:30:00 --> 01:30:22

a chapter on it. But basically, it's what they mean more so by that is that it was an actual protrusion from his skin. So it wasn't just a seal like a mark like flat with the skin it actually stuck out a little bit. That's what so in the in the classical Arabic language and we would call something Mithra tufa because another narration says mythical beta, it was like an egg. And what they just mean by that is it actually protruded from his skin?

01:30:25 --> 01:30:31

No, no, not like that. It wasn't like a shape drawn out. But it was almost a cluster together to the point where it kind of stuck out like that on his back.

01:30:41 --> 01:30:49

Yes. So very briefly, one very famous commentary is by a llama by Judy,

01:30:50 --> 01:30:56

by Judy, it's just known as shuffle by jury. I think it's called alma hiwula. duniya.

01:30:58 --> 01:31:00

There's a shuffle wasa in

01:31:01 --> 01:31:07

Fisher Shama L. And then there's a couple more, I can actually share them with you.

01:31:08 --> 01:31:10

All right, Mohammed.

01:31:26 --> 01:32:04

Very good. So this kind of goes back to an earlier conversation that we had in the class this morning about the technical definition of the word cinda. So we understand that anything pertaining to the life of the prophets, a lot of them historically speaking, is called similar. But legal, legally speaking, not all of it has some meaning, and we're not strongly recommended to do all of it. So a lot of what were this text is basically a text. And I will clarify for you kind of based on the chapter that we're going through, but generally speaking, this text is the text of, of the Sunnah, from a historical perspective, not so much from a legal perspective, when we do come across

01:32:04 --> 01:32:18

something that maybe is also recommended. I'll definitely clarify that. But generally speaking, you can understand it to be more of a historical documentation of this, rather than a legal analysis of the summer. All right. It's brother.

01:32:32 --> 01:32:32


01:32:36 --> 01:32:44

Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. So it's a much more eloquent expression. Right? Instead of saying that, ima he

01:32:45 --> 01:32:55

muda, Janey muda detainee or something of that nature, saying, Angela, I mainly write is just more expressive and a lot more emphatic. Right. Yes.

01:33:01 --> 01:33:10

Very good. So the brothers question is that talking about the same thing in terms of what is so nice in terms of just historical documentation versus what is actually recommended?

01:33:12 --> 01:33:25

You basically requires some type of explanation, or some type of shutter or direction from somebody knowledgeable within the sciences. It's very difficult to figure out It takes a lot to figure all that out. Yes.

01:33:40 --> 01:33:52

So so the brothers question is that, to what extent is what the prophets a lot of them did, maybe in terms of what he wore, how we looked and things like that? To what extent could it even be, you know, not even recommended,

01:33:53 --> 01:34:01

in terms of his physical description, so what you have to understand is that there are certain things obviously now, somebody, you know,

01:34:02 --> 01:34:45

even to the point of mutilating themselves to try to seem or appear in the physical description, right? That was the Hulk, how God created him physically, to try to be more like the prophecy. So it would actually be reprehensible. That'd be bad, that was never the point or the objective, then there are certain things that, you know, are optional, such as growing out your hair a little bit longer. Those are not necessarily recommended. But what's generally said about that is that if somebody does it out of just admiration and love of the prophets a lot, then it is a noteworthy practice, it would be good for that person to but isn't necessarily recommended in the same sense.

01:34:45 --> 01:34:46

All right.

01:34:47 --> 01:34:59

So that's kind of just, I mean, to a certain degree, it's some type of a certain amount of common sense. But what we also understand is that things that were actually part of his character, his actions are more so what's recommended.

01:35:00 --> 01:35:03

Not so much the physical description itself. Yes.

01:35:10 --> 01:35:14

Right. So there's some analysis about this particular idea.

01:35:16 --> 01:35:55

I would love to tell you that we'll talk about when we get there, but I know we're not going to get there. So the among Timothy kind of, he places the chapter about seeing the prophets a lot is him in a dream at the end of his book. Some people have kind of interpret that to say that, after reading through all of this and kind of visualizing the profits, allottee someone really internalizing what he looked like, it would actually aid somebody singing his dream, and that's what he wanted him to do. He structures his book accordingly, not so much more. So what he wanted me to he did was he he actually in another place, he states his intent for placing that chapter last. He says, the reason

01:35:55 --> 01:36:13

why he said this chapter doesn't even belong in this book. The only reason why I placed it here towards the very end almost as an extra section, or an appendix, was for the purpose the reason that the Hadith of the Prophet session reminded me that the prophets a lot of them says man, Ronnie, Phil Manami, Fatah Ronnie,

01:36:14 --> 01:36:51

right that whoever saw me in his dream actually saw me What that means is shape on cannot present himself to try to trick you or deceive you in your dream in the form of the prophets, a lot of them. And so he says, based on that, that just kind of occurred to me. And that's why I placed it here. But there's nothing really scientific, there's nothing formulaic that if you kind of go through this whole study, then that results in then seeing him in a dream that just creates unnecessary expectations. Right, seeing the profits, a lot of human your dream is definitely a really special experience. But it's not necessarily indicative of any type of achievement of a particular level of

01:36:51 --> 01:36:52


01:36:53 --> 01:37:29

Or vice versa. It really doesn't say anything at all. It's actually what's been documented a lot more by some of the scholars even say BIA, even though they've all written like treaties and little texts, about seeing the profits a lot of men once dream, what they actually document is if you win around kind of like hearing stories, you find people that are more struggling in their spirituality more so than the pious, they are actually more prone to see the prophets a lot of human their dream than the more pious are. Because Allah subhanaw taala allowing you to see the prophets a lot is when your dream oftentimes serves as a

01:37:30 --> 01:38:07

as a reinforcement at a time of great tragedy or difficulty that somebody teetering on the edge of faith, somebody losing their emotion. And so Allah Spano tala will grant is this to reaffirm them and strengthen them. So if you got any other questions, I'll take them tomorrow in the class. Let's go ahead and wrap it up for tonight. I promise the ducks will not be this long every night. Today just because of the introduction, a little wind a little bit longer, but our goal and objective is going to be try to wrap things up by 915 inshallah, so that everybody's back in bed on time inshallah and be able to roll the next morning does not come along later and I will see the cedar

01:38:07 --> 01:38:11

intensive students class. See those intensive students in class in the morning, Saturday, come in

The Physical Features of the Prophet (pbuh) Pt 1


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