Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 189

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © Speaker discusses the importance of learning the language of the people and not being enthusiastic about prayer. They emphasize the need to study the holy Bible in order to better understand the words and communicate with the people. The importance of learning the language of the people is also emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need to be aware of the prophets and their cultural implications.
AI: Transcript ©
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said I want a camera Hello America to this album so Jenga. If you enjoy and benefit from listening to our podcast, please donate to column by visiting support along.com we love being able to share this content for free with you and your donation ensures that we are always able to do so. Each podcast we produce has 10s of 1000s of listeners. So the opportunity for gaining immense reward by supporting this effort is endless. inshallah. You never know who will be able to benefit from your contributions and donations does that Kamala Hayden was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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Bismillah. He will handle our salatu salam ala rasulillah, who Allah and he will be here to Marin shala continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam siracha number we had the prophetic biography. In the previous session, we started talking about the hotbed of digital readout, the farewell the sermon rather of the farewell pilgrimage of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, we've been talking about how digital readout and the farewell pilgrimage for quite a number of sessions. But we reached the point where we talked about the day of alpha, the day of our offer the main day of hedge. Now, at this particular juncture,

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we're taking the moment in the opportunity to pause the discussion of what transpired on the following days of hedge and the conclusion of the hedge to talk about the hookah of the prophets a lot, he said that he gave on the day of arafa, in the place of honor, fat. This again, just to reiterate what we talked about previously, in the first session on the hookah, this is the most monumental address of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And as I mentioned previously, there are a number of scholars and authors who have written about the hood above the prophets a lot, a set of everything that we can learn from it, everything that we can take from it, and literally hundreds without exaggeration, hundreds of pages have been written about this particular address, sermon of the prophets a lot, he said, um, and everything we can learn from it. And so we started off with the sermon from the very beginning, the end, as I also mentioned, for the purposes of just the academic integrity of it, and that is that the full form of the hookah that we're going through, that many of the scholars of Hadith have generally agreed upon. This has been

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pieced together and compiled together from a number of different narrations from the different companions. So we started at the beginning, we got about halfway through. And so I felt that in order to be able to at least attempt to, you know, show the proper respect to the words in the message and the legacy of the prophets, a lot of the time that we would take our time and we would split it up into at least two sessions. So starting from where we left off the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, very quickly to recap what he talked about the prophets a lot of time after beginning with the praising the glorification of Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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the testimony of faith, after which he emphasized the significance of the importance of taqwa upon the believers. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then spoke about the sanctity of life, property, dignity of every single person, and how it is even more sacred than the sacred acts of worship, and the sacred places of the Hajj. The prophets, a lot of these have been talked about the importance of honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then addressed the importance of financial ethics in Islam, and talked about how Riba usury and interest is something that is impermissible and will not be allowed in Islam going forth. The prophets a lot

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of them also talked about how any tribal

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for lack of a better any tribal enmities and animosities, what we would call in more common language, a grudge that a family had against another family, or a tribe had against another tribe because of something that happened generations ago. Apparently, I've been told that my great great grandfather had a fight with your great great grandfather, and that's why I'm trying to murder you now. Right, this type of mentality. This was something that unfortunately, tragically, was very prevalent in Arabia at that time.

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And the prophets, a lot of them said from this day going forth, none of us are going to indulge in this any longer the bonds or the bonds of faith and belief and that's what we're going to revere and that's what we're going to acknowledge going forth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Furthermore, he said something very serious. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that someone who is convicted of murdering another person, deliberately murdering someone, then that person will face capital punishment if convicted. And secondly, if someone is responsible for the accidental death of another person, their negligence or their recklessness causes the tragic death

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of another person, then they will be responsible for what is called the DIA, Blood Money roughly translated, basically reparations of 100 camels will be made to the family of the deceased. And this is something of course, the Koran speaks about as well.

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From here to the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he, after addressing some of these very important foundational legal principles, about five financial ethics, about the sanctity of life, and the consequences of violating that sanctity, the prophets a lot ism, now we'll address some social issues that are again, great significance and importance. He says I'm about to do. And again, I'm about is kind of a a statement that says As for what follows, it is a way to regain people's attention. He says I'm about and as for what follows, he says, You Hannah. So people continue to listen for English shavonda, the salmon and Yoruba be out of the comb has he

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listened very carefully, he says people shake on has given up hope, shake on has become hopeless, he has given up hope of ever being worshipped in this land ever again.

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shape on knows that people in this land in Arabia will never worship shape on ever again. Now, there's a little bit of a question here, before Islam, the people in that region in that area, we know that they used to worship idols, but they didn't worship shape on. So what is the prophets a lot is a mean. And again, what the prophets a lot was alluding to is that something that is

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as false, as illogical, and as evil as worshipping idols, stone, wood, carved idols, something that is that evil can only be a product of the work of shaytaan

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that can only be the product of the work of a clock. And the only way that someone can legit someone can actually, someone can actually continue to worship an idol is if they are completely diluted by shaytaan. Otherwise, it's in it's inconceivable. it's inconceivable that someone would worship something they carved with their own hands. And so that's what it means that they used to worship shape on that Earth. But the prophets allottee some years saying that shape on knows that From this day on forward, no matter how bad things may become how eerily irreligious people may become, how they might start violating all different rulings of the religion, people might become lacks within

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their prayers, people might start behaving very badly with one another, the one line that they will never ever cross ever again is worshipping idols, that's never going to happen. And one of my teachers always used to, you know, say something about this, about this point of the prophets a lot. He said, um, that you can find, you know, you can come across a Muslim in the most wretched state imaginable.

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Try to imagine a Muslim in the worst position possible, right? imagine somebody who's intoxicated, sitting at you know, sitting in a casino gambling

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with someone who is not their spouse next to them, like imagine all major sins combined. This person is sitting fraternizing with someone who is not their spouse of the opposite gender, gambling and while consuming in toxic and while consuming alcohol, all in one right there.

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And, you know, this person has no concern about what what Islam says about anything, anything.

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But if you walk up to that person in that state, and in that case,

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And you say to them, you probably worship idols as well. That person will want to fight you. Would you say to me?

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Would you say, Yeah, you're probably machinic you worship idols, that guy will want to fight you. Partially because he's drunk, but he'll also want to fight you, because he's offended. That you would dare say that he worships an idol. I worship Allah.

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Allah, Allah wa. Right, beer in one hand left with the other hand, right? But it's something you know, all jokes aside, it's it's quite fascinating. The power, and the and how captivating, and are powerful to read, oneness of God is once it enters your being, even though someone might have buried it with all these sins and delusions, that though he never leaves you, never truly leaves you.

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And this is why we see that even in Islamic history, even at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, tragically, and unfortunately, very rare, one or two cases here and there, when somebody would defect from the community or become a traitor to the community. It's not like they would embrace some other religion. It was more of a political thing. I was even reading this research that was conducted out of the University of Michigan, where they were talking about crisis of faith in the Muslim community, and people leaving Islam and claiming to no longer be Muslim. They found that the vast, overwhelming majority, in fact, they said, majority of them, said they you know, because

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of their own issues, they had left Islam they claimed, but they would not claim another religion.

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They would not claim another religion.

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And the few of them a few literally, such a small percentage, I forget the exact number but single digit percentage, the single digit percentage, a few of them, who actually said yeah, I joined the Christian community, when they were asked point blank, do you accept Jesus as your Lord? They said, No, I can.

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I can. And this is someone who, quote unquote, is defecting from the Muslim community, and claiming to be part of another community but cannot embrace that belief.

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There's something that is just it's the ultimate truth, the oneness of God. It is the ultimate truth. And that's what the prophets a lot ism is acknowledging here, and reminding us here in the shavonda yaiza, and you're about to be out of the commodity. She don't know you will never worship idols here ever again. However, other than ever, however, what I can know, he's got a backup plan. She always has a backup plan. We don't have a backup plan. She always as a backup plan. Well, I can know who in Yato a in Utah, FEMA, Siva, Delica fucka Dara de,

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but if he can get you to obey him, if he can be obeyed, if he can be listened to, if he can get you to listen to him in other things, for cadabra to be he's more than happy with that. What are some of the other things he wants us to listen to him in regards to he the process of exchange, be Martha the rune Amina maliko, the things that you overlook

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the things that you overlook?

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Right, the things that you feel that you say are not that important.

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you know, are on how you talk to one another, telling a little lie here and there. Little little things. He just he's going to chip away at you. He knows that you won't sell out your deal completely wholesale. He says, that's fine. I'll make you go bankrupt over the next 30 years.

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If I can't rob you, if I can't just take your house out, go completely Rob, you have your home, in one go in one shot, that's okay. I'll chip away at you for next 30 years. But I will make it so that you're bankrupt by time you're dead.

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And that's a town's plan. And that's why, you know, survival. It's a fascinating statement. It's an expression, they would say, the devil is in

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the details. The devil is in the details. That's the idea behind it. That's where he strikes in the details in the periphery, in the small little things and I use quotation marks to say that because nothing is small, little insignificant being the things that you might very easily overlook. When you're not paying very close attention.

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The profits a lot easier.

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Then talks about a second very important issue that

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at first when we talk about it, it might not seem very pertinent or relevant, but I'll explain what the issue is. Then the prophets a lot ism says father who Allah Dini come. So he says so be very cautious and be careful of when it comes to shape and in your deen.

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the next thing that the prophets a lot is addressed and that he talks about here.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, you handed us our people.

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In the madness he was he had written filco for you to be he lives in a cafaro you halona who Iman was where you had Ramona Harmon. Lee you are to determine haram Allah for you, hello Muharram Allah.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam quoted a verse from the Quran from Surah, two Toba.

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The verse basically says that an se Nessie means the distortion of the calendar, the distortion of dates, the distortion of the calendar, where today's Tuesday, but we and I'll explain what the motivation is, but we arbitrarily make it Thursday.

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And then we'll call tomorrow, Tuesday, and then we'll make it Wednesday and then we'll reset on Friday.

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Okay, somebody could say what's the point behind that I'll explain just a moment.

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Allah says this practice of distorting the calendar zyada tim Phil Cofer this further exposes people's disbelief, their Cofer.

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You will be healed as in a cafaro the people who disbelieve disavow the misguided others. You Hello nahama. One year, they change the dates around so that they are able to do what they want. Well, you have the Mona Harmon, and the next year they switch the dates back so that they can prevent someone else from doing what they want to do. They switch it one way for themselves and switch it back another way to restrict someone else I'll explain all of this legality or drama mala for your Hello Mahara Bella, they do this so that they can do what God has forbidden. And they can make permissible what's god what God had said was not permissible.

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Now Allow me to explain what this means.

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In particularly pre Islamic legislation, pre Islamic legislation, what I mean by that is in the legislation of the prophets of the past, okay, Ibrahim Alayhi, Salam. Musa alayhis, salam, Isa alayhis, salam, these profits, there were four months of the Islamic calendar, the lunar calendar, rather, there were four months of the lunar calendar. They are the months of

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mojarra. And then the month of Rajab,

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the cada will hedger, Muharram. And then the month of Raja, these were the four months of the calendar that were considered sacred months. These were the sacred months.

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And what they would do, the rule about the sacred months is that you are not allowed to engage in warfare fighting combat during these months. Now, how would that work? Roger is the seventh month of the lunar calendar project is the seventh month of the lunar calendar. So what that means is that if they had a battle that was going on, two tribes are fighting against one another. In jumada, Lula and Giovanni during the fifth month, the sixth month. And then the first day of Rajab comes the month of Raja begins, they have to call a ceasefire islamically.

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Legally, they have to call a ceasefire, and they put down their arms and they move away. They can stay there camp out across from another whatever it is, but no arrows can be launched. No combat can occur, no fighting can happen. And for 30 days, it will be an automatic ceasefire 29 or 30 days depending how long the month is. As soon as the month of Shaban comes in the eighth month, they can resume their fighting.

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And then they continue fighting let's say through the eighth, ninth month of intense

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month charbon ramadan chawan.

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And then the first day of the cada, the 11th month, the first day comes ceasefire. And now there will be no fighting for three months consecutively vilakazi mojarra 1112, and the first month of the following year, no more fighting.

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So 90 days ceasefire,

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they would go back to their homes. And then if they wanted to continue, they'd return back and on the first day of the second month suffer, soon as the second month started, they resume their combat. There isn't a war. This was the rule.

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This was the rule.

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So what the Arabs who were basically the many of them were directly actually the descendants of the Prophet Ibrahim minister married at a salon. And overall they have inherited the religion of Abraham, and the religion of his married, right. But of course, they have changed and distorted they were worshipping idols. But what they would do is when the sacred monks were come would come. So let's say two tribes tribe A and B, are fighting against one another. The month of Rajab comes. But the day before the month of Rajab tribe a is making is gaining ground. tribe a is pushing back tribe be their days away from victory.

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Their days away from victory, and the month of Rajab, comes. What they started eventually doing was tribe a would say,

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Not to worry, we're going to swap months.

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Roger, busy month number supposed to remain number seven. And then Siobhan is meant number eight, we're just going to swap them

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and swap them. We're gonna move up, Siobhan.

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And we'll delay Roger, that gives us 30 days, we get our victory, we defeat our enemy, and then we'll observe Roger.

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We'll do that.

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Now, that's not allowed. that's problematic in and of itself. But then the following year, some people would say, okay, we've changed a month, right. So we're gonna keep it that way. Siobhan and then Roger, then they would say, maybe it was the other way around. Try B is trying to attack them. So then they would say no, no, we switched it back. So you can't attack us. Roger just started that you can't attack us. So they would just swap around and all tribes are doing their own calendars. And everybody is swapping around whatever they want. It's just chaos. It's just chaos. Right? Imagine Ramadan is coming. And it's supposed to be really hot. It's in the summertime. So we swap it

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for December.

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Right? We just said we're just gonna swap it for a later month. I'd be problematic. It's not okay. It's chaos. It's unruliness. It's a lack of discipline. There's no submission, there's no obedience. And that exactly is the problem. Now, when you hear this, it sounds like a historical thing. Okay. The prophets, a lot of them said, we're resetting the calendar. No one's ever going to do this over again. That makes sense. But how is that what is the relevant lesson in it for us? The lesson in it for us is do not play games with the Shetty of Allah.

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Do not play games with the rules of slump. When Allah told you to do something, do what you've been do what Allah told you to do, when he told you to do it, how he told you to do it, where he told you to do

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no playing these games, but rather do exactly what Allah has commanded you to do.

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And the way that that could become problematic is like I just mentioned, all of a sudden, if somebody came up with this

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solution, I'm using quotation marks. sarcastically I'm calling get a solution. There's somebody came up with this supposed solution. You know, Ramadan, during the summertime, it's too much to handle. And so we're just going to swap it for the wintertime. And we're just going to always switch around Ramadan so that it always stays in the wintertime. It's easy, the days are shorter, so on and so forth. That is playing games with the religion. That's how that would be problematic prayer times. Brother, you pray whenever you reach a destination,

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Allah wants ease for you, brother. Allah wants ease for you.

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But that would be problematic. And that's what this is condemning. All right.

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And the prophets a lot of time explains inla zemana de esta Dara heya T. Yamaha Allah Allahu Assam, Archie will out. Time has been moving forth since God created the heavens and the earth in the tissue huria in the lucky is na Shara Sharon. And he quoted the subsequent verse of sort of the Toba that the duration of the year of course

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According to God, as Allah decreed it is 12 months. Do not move this calendar around minha arbeiten Harun there are four sacred months.

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The next issue the prophets a lot in some addresses he says yohannes Oh people listen.

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And this is a very important issue. He says in the inner lelisa he Kuma Alaykum haka. He says that your women have a right upon you. The prophets, a lot of them on this particular day, at this momentous occasion, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talked about the very important issue of the dignified,

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ethical, responsible, respectful treatment of women.

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And again, we all are extremely familiar with the indignity that women suffered before Islam in the Arabian Peninsula, before Islam, we've all talked about it we've read about in our seated books and history books, that it was terrible. But you think about the significance in the relevance of this message of the Prophet sallallahu even today, without going into too many details, but we're all generally aware of a lot of the conversation in the discourse, the issues that have been going on in society, pertaining to the indignities that women have to suffer.

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Right, in the workplace, in the public setting, in the public setting. The indignities

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And not only that, but then furthermore, the violation of rights and abuse that happens, even within people's homes. And this is something the profits a lot of a sudden have no tolerance for. And he said in Melis, lelisa eco Malaika haka, what a como la hinda happen, and you have rights upon them as well. This is a relationship. It's a mutual, mutually beneficial relationship.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that lakum Allah hinda Allah you thought now furusato Hi, Rocco. What are you doing? I hadn't Accra hoonah Hoo boo taco. He says that you have the right, that your women folk should respect your privacy, and not allow anyone into your room or your private domain that you would not approve of. That is your right, a right to privacy and respectful treatment and dignity. What I got Tina before I shut in, and that they should not, again engage in inappropriate conduct or behavior for in foreigner. But if they end up doing something that could violate the sanctity of the home and the family, something very serious for in

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the law, at the Athena law calm that Allah subhanaw taala has created has allowed certain mechanisms for you to be able to try to repair the situation of correctness wrong. And

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there are a couple takes some time apart for separation, to re evaluate things.

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And then the profits, a lot of them address this that is also addressed within the Quran. But it requires a lot of understanding of what it implies without rebooting darband, Hydra mbarara in that the prophets, Allah vsam said that you may communicate if need be the severity of the situation,

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communicating the severity of the situation. And this specifically is talking about some of the gestures and the the cultural aspects of communicating that when you're trying to really communicate the severity of something to someone, you grab them by the shoulders, you shake them, you tell them Do you understand what you're doing. So you may communicate that. But again, how this is interpreted a lot of times as this is giving some type of license for what is called violence and domestic abuse. That is not allowed and nor is it permissible in any way shape or form. And that has a very long detailed understanding and explanation for in into hayner for Laguna de una vaca tuneable

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maruf. And he said of course if they desist, they cease and desist. They stopped doing whatever they were doing that was destroying the family, destroying the home. Then you go you go you can return things back to normal you go back to normal, where once again you are responsible for supporting them, taking care of them and you can start to live your life together again.

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Then the product after addressing a very drastic situation, the profits Luddism once again returns to the general advice in regards to women folk and families.

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He says we're supposed to be nissa t Hydra. Always be good to women, and use the word was. So Sue is so Sue,

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which basically is a very strong word it means no matter what you do

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always be good to your women, for in the hoonah in the coma are well known

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that they are aids and supporters and partners for you

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were in a coma in

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a manner

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that you have that position of responsibility, like a husband has a position of responsibility in regards to his wife. But that is a trust that Allah gave you.

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There's a lot of talk a lot of times about authority who has authority, that authority is responsibility. And that responsibility is not because you are God's gift to humanity. And you're such a superior creature that you have the responsibility. Now you have responsibility be amanatullah because God gave it to you.

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So you have to answer a law, whether you will fulfill your responsibility or not.

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Was that loyalton furuya gonna be Cali Mattila.

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And think about it. There's a very serious ruling in Islam, that women

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maintain their privacy.

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the privacy of a woman is a very serious and sacred thing in a song where a woman does not grant private access to anyone

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except for her husband.

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And a woman grants access to her in her private space. She grants access to her privacy to her husband, why, when? When the name of a law is invoked?

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What is the what is that

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ceremony called? That gives this man the right to be in private with this woman? We call it Nika.

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And how does the contract of kneecap begin Alhamdulillah

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It begins with the name of Allah.

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Yeah, Johan de su Taku. Rebecca.

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It begins with the name of Allah. So the only reason why you are speaking to the men, the husband's The only reason why you have access to this one is by virtue of the name of Allah.

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So respect the sanctity of this relationship, that when a husband and a wife come together, they come together because a law brought them together. always respect that. That's a sacred relationship.

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Then the prophets, a lot of them said something very interesting, right?

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A lot of times, you know, public speaking techniques and things like that. We discussed them. He says fire Caillou. And you have Nespoli

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because he talked about something that's so sensitive, so personal, right? If I sat here, or if somebody gives me I'll flip it on myself. If somebody gives me advice about Salah Thank you. Yes, yes, of course. Of course. somebody gives me advice about reading Quran Of course, absolutely. somebody gives me advice about a flock Mashallah, Mashallah.

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somebody gives me advice about how to treat my family, watch yourself.

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Oh, easy there now.

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Right? Careful.

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Right, because it's something very private. We get very sensitive. It's very personal. But Elian is messengers, a lobbyist from can advise Allah commands is in our families. The process gives us advice in regards to our families, and they have every right to do so. And the prophets, a lot of them knew that especially in the pre Islamic Arabian, Arab culture, there was a high level of sensitivity about this.

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And so the process of after giving such sensitive advice, he says, Hey, you understand? You know, when you say something really kind of hard to swallow, afterwards you say, understand, you get it. nod, let me know. Okay. Very good. Right, you have to because you know that the person is holding back a little bit. They're a bit defensive. So you have to say, No, no, I know, this is hard, but I need you to listen, the processor said far Caillou. Think about it. You only think about what I'm saying. Think about what I'm saying.

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Then the profits alarm goes on. He says, you know, so people, and this is so powerful and beautiful. In the middle movement, he

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said the believers are family. The believers are like a family. And what's very interesting, I won't spend too much time on this.

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But what is the plural of sibling

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However, there are two plurals for siblings.

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In the Quran. There's a one which means

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Like biological siblings, and one

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which is used more figuratively, like when we talk about brothers in Islam, if one if one thing, like Allah says do not be the brothers of shape on, right, not the biological siblings of shaytaan Don't act like you are affiliated to the shape on. Right? But are all believers Muslim brothers and sisters? Are we biological siblings? No, we're not. But Allah means to say we're like family, but he uses the word for biological siblings to emphasize, think about how loyal I am. I need to think about how loyal I am to my younger sister, how loyal I am to my younger brother.

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Where I would give my right arm to my brother.

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I would sell everything I own.

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To help my sister

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You should try at least Aspire at least try to have a similar loyalty to your Muslim brother to your Muslim sister in Malmo,

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then the prophets a lot of assumptions for like hillbilly imagery in Malou.

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Therefore, it is never okay for any person to violate the property of their brother. If I steal something from Omar

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that makes me a bad person. That's bad. But if I steal something from my own sibling, Abdullah, my own younger brother, there's something really wrong with me.

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And that's what he's saying. Illa on TV, knifes in men who the only time you should ever put your hands on someone else's property is if they allow you to.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam starts to conclude the message. He says Allah Hello, beloved.

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Have I conveyed the message to you? The message of Islam? Have I conveyed the message to you?

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And they all responded Yes. So the prophets a lovely sunset Allahu Mashhad, follow up my witness.

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And then he said, Follow your own na ba de Ferran.

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He said two things. I I'm wrapping up here by saying two things. Number one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, Do not turn back on your do not go back to Cofer after I am gone. Do not leave your Islam after I leave.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:50

Do not turn your back on God after I'm gone. yelled three boo bah, bah, bah bah.

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He said And number two, do not turn on one another. Do not kill each other. Do not fight each other. Do not hate each other, don't go after each other.

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For any attack, attack to V come in, to be healing Tada, Luba who, because I am leaving you with a resource with a treasure with a blessing that if you hold on to it, you will never ever lose your way ever again.

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You will never lose your way

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Kitab a law assume nothing a biggie, the book of God the Quran and the practice the tradition, the Sunnah, the way of the prophet of God.

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Never leave these two things. And we've all heard this before Quran and Sunnah.

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But the the point that I want to make here that I feel is very important for me to remember.

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And that is there's a difference between

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using it as a slogan, grandson operand, and so now

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it's on billboards and banners and we're chanting it and we're writing it in the signature of our emails.

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Right just slogan turning it turning it into a cheap slogan.

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And versus living it? You know what the question of living it is, I need to ask myself, we all need to ask ourselves

00:39:23 --> 00:39:28

how much of the Quran do we actually read? How much of it Do we understand?

00:39:30 --> 00:39:31

How much of it do we study?

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How much do we know of what the Quran says?

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And number two,

00:39:38 --> 00:39:39

the Sunnah of the prophets a lot.

00:39:41 --> 00:39:59

For you know, not even going to talking about more extensive, complicated things, deep issues. How much about the life of the Prophet syllogism? Do we actually know I understand why I'm asking that question in the middle of a senior class, but not really think about it, how much of the life in the process and do it

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Actually no.

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So the professor is telling us study the Quran, know the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and you'll be okay. You'll always find your way.

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And then once again, once again he asked Allah Allah, Allah to have I conveyed the message they all responded yes a messenger of Allah and he said a lot of Mashallah up my witness

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and then the prophets a lot he said, um, he wrapped up the last major point the prophets a lot, so made was a very powerful point. And something so beautiful in how the processes are structured this, he started off by emphasizing God consciousness. Then he talked about some of the very complicated difficult issues in the middle, but he's ending on this very, you know, inspirational and powerful point. He says, a yohannes in the rock bottom wha hidden. He says, oh, people remember, your Lord is one.

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Your Lord is one way now back on Waukegan.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:13

You all descend from the same father, Adam,

00:41:14 --> 00:41:22

could look only Adam, all of you came from the lineage of Adam alehissalaam. What Adam

00:41:23 --> 00:41:25

and Adam was created from dust.

00:41:27 --> 00:41:29

In a Chroma Kumar in the law here at

00:41:31 --> 00:41:33

the most noble amongst you,

00:41:34 --> 00:41:37

is the one who is the most conscious of God.

00:41:39 --> 00:41:56

In a Chroma Kumar in the law here at koco, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, while a Sally IRA Bian faloona Allah Jimmy elaborado, taqwa no Arab, is inherently superior to a non Arab.

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00:41:59 --> 00:42:33

or only by way of having taqwa God consciousness. The only thing that gives any person any kind of virtue is their relationship with Allah is how conscious they are of Allah. And guess what? in a more extended version, the prophets a lot he said, um, he says, when he says that, he points at his chest and he says, a taco, Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Dakota is here, taco taco is here and he taps himself on the chest three times, meaning taco is inside, it's hidden.

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I can't see it, you can't see it. And if the only thing that makes one person better than the other person is their level of taqwa, the truth, the sincerity, the consciousness, the quality of the relationship with a lot. And nobody can really see that our gauge that only Allah knows. That basically means as far as I'm concerned, everybody is deserving of my respect.

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Nobody is better than anybody.

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Allah will decide who's better than whom. And Allah will do that in the hereafter on the Day of Judgment till then we don't need to worry about it.

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And one little point that I'll make here that I feel is again, very important.

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When the prophets a lot a sentiment, some extended narrations, he does say in other places, where they certainly allow us what the problem, what I mean is what the problem, he says no black person is better than a white person, no white person is inherently better than a black person, etc. So he does say that in some places, but here in the hueco Huntington, we are in the majority of the places where he made this comment. He specifically said no Arab is better than a non Arab and no non Arab is inherently better than an Arab.

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And there's something very profound about the prophets logics and using that mechanism, or identifying that element of being Arab.

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Because there are many, unfortunately, there are many things that people use to divide themselves up color, race, and language is one of those things.

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And if we know that if there is any language that does have any virtue, or significance, it is the Arabic language. But the prophets a lot of these elements here saying the Arabic language in and of itself has no virtue.

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What does that mean? If someone is a disbeliever, and they speak Arabic, doesn't matter.

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Who cares?

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doesn't make a difference.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:42

Arabic has significance if it's used to

00:44:43 --> 00:44:44

understand the Quran.

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00:44:47 --> 00:44:49

know the words of the profits a lot easier.

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But if I have a mastery of Arabic, Will I ever be lying I don't believe

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like that caffeine.

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Abu Jamal knew better Arabic than all of us ever will

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write a new better Arabic than the best Arabic teacher

00:45:10 --> 00:45:13

doesn't make a difference. Now it doesn't

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doesn't matter. So this is why it's so profound the profits a lot of successes.

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And then the profits a lot is from once again asks, Allah has been lucky to have I conveyed the message. They all responded Yes, a messenger of Allah. He said a lot of mush had Allah UPI witness. And then the prophets, a lot of them concluded he said, Phil, you've been laser shahidullah that every single person who receives who has either heard this message in person or received this message, conveyed this message relayed this message delivered this message to those who are not present to those who have not yet received this message. And then he said was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah and he concluded the sermon. This is the Hooda of huddle VEDA as delivered by the

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prophets a lot a sermon during this Hajj I'll conclude by mentioning a beautiful Hadith 30 man Buhari your mama Samia, I'm telling me the nessa EMA Muhammad. All the major Maha dethroned I mentioned this hadith in their books.

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Joshua Raja mineralia who de la

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jolla cuando a Jewish men came to Omar Radhika laquan

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for polygamy, meaning he lived in a Muslim territory so he says Oh, leader of the Muslims in the Koran chakra una is and freaky topical.

00:46:45 --> 00:46:49

Y'all read a verse within your book, your sacred book.

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Low Alena Marshall yahudi nazaret letterhead, Natalia Merida, had we had a similar verse in our book, we would celebrate it

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and he was trying to basically take a shot you saying you people don't even really fully appreciate your religion. You don't really you're not very enthusiastic about your religion so on and so forth.

00:47:14 --> 00:47:17

Amaro the Allahu talana said Why are you is in here. What are you talking about?

00:47:18 --> 00:47:40

Allah, Allah Allah. Allah codina como la comida Mati Ravi Tula? C'mon Islam, Medina. He mentioned the verse number three from Silicon Valley that the portion of the verse where Allah subhanaw taala says, today I have completed for you your religion. I have fulfilled my blessing upon you. And I've chosen for you Islam as a way of life.

00:47:41 --> 00:48:26

amarante Allahu taala. And who said we're lucky in Nila allemaal, Yom levinas Allah tala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sir I attend nuttiness, Allah Fie Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said, I swear to God, I still remember the exact day that this verse was revealed upon the prophets a lot in the exact moment on which it was revealed in which it was revealed upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said and desolate arshi yetta arafa Fie Yomi jawatan. It was a day of Friday, we were in the place of autofac. It was a nine day of the hijab the most sacred day of the calendar, Yamato. And that day was revealed upon the Prophet salani. So, so don't tell me,

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Don't lecture me about not knowing my religion, and not being enthusiastic about prayer. Really, I remember the exact moment and guess what? We do celebrate that day. Every year when that day comes around we fast that day. yamaraja there are there are millions of Muslims standing there making dua and all the rest of us What do we do we fast that day? So we do celebrate that day. So don't talk to me about my religion. So that narration I wanted to conclude with that, may Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that's said and heard Subhana labmd he Subhana Allah who will be hanged ik the shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta Masako nathula

Hajj – The Sermon Pt2

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