Abdul Wahab Saleem – Fiqh of Fasting

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of fasting for personal health and mental well-being, emphasizing the benefits of eating healthy and staying within a range of what is healthy. They stress the need for an intention to achieve and acknowledge the challenges of fasting. The speakers also highlight the benefits of fasting, including reducing risk factors and improving mental health.
AI: Transcript ©
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Throughout history love salatu salam ala Rasulillah hamdulillah him then you are fina Amma who you Cafe OMAS EDA or SallAllahu ala Sayidina Muhammad the more an early he also have you here Jemaine Allahumma aluminum and pharaoh now on fat and albumin alum Tina was in Albania Kareem aebischer Actually surgery recently Emery why rapa data Melissa Annie of Cabo Kohli for visiting the arrangement of visit near element of visit near Alma Allahumma Salli. Ala Niger Delta who Salah wanted to God has no either she does Allah, awesome, everyone to tonight's lecture on the fit of fasting.

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Now, I am going to try my best to focus on this specific topic because I know you've already had lectures related to fasting, generally you're fasting in the month of Ramadan, or the Quran. So I want to stay focused on this, I'm not going to be mentioning various virtues of fasting, anything related to Ramadan, that is generally related to Ramadan. Maybe we can go over some of that, but it's all going to be really related to the field of fasting. Okay, so we can, because we only have this one lecture that one hour, maybe a little bit more than that, maybe a little bit less than that. So let's try to cover as much of this raw subject as possible right.

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Now, fasting, as you know, is an obligation. And this was an obligation that Allah subhanaw taala had obliged upon the previous nations as well, at the LA Coliseum, Okemah kuti, but Alan Levine and publikum, Allah had written upon you to fascinate you, Allah had obliged you to fast just as Allah had obliged, fasting also for the nations that came before you as well. So it was an obligation in the prior nations. And it is an obligation within this nation as well.

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And what's the purpose of this? Obviously, the purpose of this is to develop self control, I looked at the code so that maybe you're going to be able to be God conscious, you'll have self control, whenever you see the Haram, you'll have self control, also to not over the exhaust, things that happen to be halal as well consume things that are halal as well, because now you've avoided even things that are otherwise halal for you.

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How did this fasting begin? In early Islam, obviously, the advent of Islam, there is no obligations as of yet revealed to the prophets of Salaam, then the Prophet SAW syndrome, he got the obligation of fasting in different stages. In the beginning, they would fast the day of Ashura and then slowly the Prophet got a revelation to fast the entire month of Ramadan. And in early Islam, the way fasting would work is if you did not break your fast

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then to sleep before Russia, then you would have to go and carry on fasting all the way till the next day. So become 48 hours of fasting said instead of 24 hours of fasting now at the time of the Sahaba, where they barely have food, where, you know, keeping time can sometimes be difficult as well, even getting just a glass of water could be difficult. Many of the Sahaba would fall into this problem where they couldn't break their fast, or they you know, they weren't on time or something of that nature, or they go to sleep as well because of how exhausted they are. So they have to go and fast another day. So for 48 hours, they're fasting and obviously this would exert people so Allah

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made it easier for people and he said that now it's permissible for you to do whatever you need to do at nighttime, you can eat drink, you can get into * with your spouse's and special others and so forth. All of that is highlighted for you now, now, you didn't have to carry on fasting for 48 hours were you to miss that deadline. Okay.

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So, this is a little bit of a backdrop, when do we start to fast when is it considered an obligation to fasters two situations when they happen one of two scenarios one of them when when it occurs? At that moment, it becomes an obligation to begin and commence the fast of Ramadan. What are those number one? If you see the moon, the Hera, if you see the birth of the moon for the month of Ramadan, then naturally it becomes an obligation so that happens on the night of the 30th right meaning the date night before the 30th and, and you see that that moon that means the next day is considered a day of fasting. Okay.

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The other possibility is you don't see it. So what do you do? You carry on, make sure about 30 Complete days and

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And then you go and commence the day of fasting. Now, of course,

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there's a an important question here. And the question is, is it okay for us to replace this? Sharia? Well, or complemented? Let's put it that way with the idea of calculations because these two things are clearly mentioned in the Hadith. Well, they're very, very explicitly mentioned in the Hadith. The Prophet SAW Selim, he said Somalia was at war after all you're at for in Houma, Aleikum, the Acme word data, Shabana Serophene. That fast when you sent the moon, break your fast also when you cite the moon.

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And if they are cloudy days before you on the 29th, then go ahead and complete all 30 days. And for Shaban, so you've completed a complete month, and then you go into fasting, the month of Ramadan, then the month of Ramadan begins, can we go based on calculations? The trend that we see around the world right now is that in every single country, I would say pretty much

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the majority of countries, right, the Muslim countries, you see slowly but surely, the government's are generally adopting the fatwa that allows calculations to take place.

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There are still some countries that are still holding on to the fatwa which says that you're not allowed to hold on, you're not allowed to go by calculations whatsoever. But slowly but surely, you can see a trend that many of the governments are starting to adopt this photo. What's the reason for this? Why are they doing this? Well, the real reason that they're doing this is because I mean, remember governments are not concerned about Islam. This is not their primary concern. There may be some governments which are concerned about Islam, but they're thinking about it from a practical perspective, can we

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can we decide ahead of time when it will be so we can plan around that? Can we decide ahead of time when the beginning of Ramadan Ramadan will be so we can plan around that as well. So a lot of countries are starting to follow this. I used to live in Malaysia Malaysia is also doing this at this point. And the Grand Mufti he gave a fatwa accordingly as well. Now the question is this fatwa considered valid? Is there any early scholar who gave such a fatwa? I really researched this matter very, very much in depth. For many years, I've been looking into it to see if there's anyone who in early generations had said this, there are traces of it. Okay, but no one vocalize this completely.

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There are traces of it. But no one really said, You know what, let's go complete the calculations. But there are traces of it. And remember, nobody alludes to it in his book, in his shot, he's a Muslim, and there are other traces of it, as well. So you can see that the essence is there, when Imam a suitcase time came, which is not too long ago, just a few centuries ago, he was even more daring. And he said, at our times, we can see that calculations are becoming more and more perfected, hence, he loosened the fatwa a little bit more in the shaftments habitat point, right? Now, where are they taking this from? They're taking this from another variation of the Hadith,

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which is, which says that when it becomes cloudy, FUCK DO Rula then fuck do that. Now this word, the NMR they have a number of opinions about what this word means. Some of them they say that, go ahead and complete 30 days, this is the opinion of the shaft area. Others they say don't complete 30 days rather go for 29 days. This is the opinion of the Hannah biller. Another group they say that FUCK DO Rula calculate. This is the opinion of Ibn Suraj. And it's also the opinion of even katiba and a number of other early scholars as well. So from there, they said okay, well, calculations can be done as well. And in our times, there is a very, very famous Hadith from Egypt who wrote a book on

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this manual. And he, in his manual, he basically proclaimed that it is considered permissible. And I think that there's no there's no harm in it. If you go based on calculations, there's no harm in it because

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at the end of the day, we go based on calculations and per times as well right.

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Now, obviously, the response to that would be because there's a hadith over here saying that you need to fast when you cite them one, but even when you go based on calculations, early scholars were strongly contesting this even

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They call this a buddha image document used to consider the data as well to go based on calculations for the period time. So right over here, but then as people, you know, they continue to figure it out the calculations are actually doing a better job than if we were to put a stick outside. And they started to have every one of us started to have these apps in our phones. What did we do? We just completely neglected what anybody said in the past. And he said, You know what, it just seems like it's more practical. So I think over time, what's going to happen is, and this is the trend, this is the trajectory every year I'm seeing more and more people are adopting this because there's,

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there is the letter of the law but what the prophet is really intending and of course, the word fuck guru has a number of interpretations but the what the prophet is really intending is that fast when you know it's time to fast.

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Now, I'm not discouraging the practice of going out and even in Malaysia, this is what they do from a fatwa perspective. And from a legal perspective, what they've done is they already pre decided the date based on calculations but as a sunnah, they still continue to send people out to check because it is a sunnah as we find in some of the Hadith, so they kind of merge between the two over here, and

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Allahu Allah.

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This is the first thing so there's three ways that we can say that you can start the month one of them would be that you know, either through calculations or any other way one of them and this would be the last of the three. The other one is that you literally see the moon. Number three, is that the month goes. Shaban completes 30 days and then you start the month of Ramadan.

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Now one of the suddenness of fasting, is that you do so Hill, you do Soho, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us of this and he said that the Sahel, the inner facility, Baraka go and do Sahara because the hood has Baraka in it. When you do Sahara, which is the pre Dawn meal, there is baraka within that meal, even if it's just a little bit sometimes the profit by the way, would have very little bit of food in itself. So even if you're going to have a little bit some people say, You know what, I'm strong enough I'm able to fast even without

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even without needing sicko, but you do it because it's a sunnah and you do it because there's Baraka in it as the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, and another one of the Sunnah of fasting, is that as I said, another this is a sunnah so we don't neglect this is that we at least a group of people go out to see them on. Okay?

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Just to implement the Sunnah because we know that he mentioned in a hadith that the people would go out there are a natural * HiLine people were out looking around for the healer. So there I told the prophets I send them I saw it and the prophets Allah Allahu Allah wa salam commanded everyone to fast based on that. This also tells you another thing, you don't need to have two witnesses for the fasting to commence. If you have one witness who is adult who knows. Basically, he is upright in character and be he knows what it means to see a newborn known. He knows that he knows what it means to see a crescent, then you can accept his witness, because nowadays, again, we're being going based

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on calendars, we're going based on clocks, we're going based on calculations, everything most people don't even know the art of,

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of the moon cycle, right? You can't even tell for most people if people don't even know where you need to go to check the moon.

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So how are you going to tell whether this is a moon or not is just a star? Do you understand what I'm saying? So considering that if the person is such that he knows how to tell the moon apart from perhaps anything else, that's Galactical? Well,

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in that case, we will say that his shahada can be accepted. Because this is a person who knows what the moon looks like what the question looks like.

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And whose shahada is accepted, as I said, one person, he has to have the condition of knowing how the cycle of the Mona's and any Muslim is acceptable. And in this case, they even accept a woman as well, because this is not one of those cases in which the shahada or the witness of a woman is rejected. Now, you have to have Nia

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you have to have Nia at nighttime the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he told us in a deep, authentic, he said, Mel, you manlam up to CRM I mean, Elaine, or he said another report public federal fella Yamuna, that whoever doesn't make the intention for fasting before Fajr time comes, then his fast is not considered acceptable. So you have to ensure every night you're repeating your intention. This is the

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union of the shaft area now this sometimes this can be very difficult every single night, you're repeating the intention, right?

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So what do you do?

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as a backup plan, make an intention for the entire month as well. Ideally, you do it every single night.

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This is the ideal circumstance. And you have to get used to that because we're going to talk about that when you go for prayer. When you want to pray your Salah, don't you make your intention for your prayer every single time you pray, similarly, every single time you're going too fast, you will also make an intention as well, you understand. And there's a hadith of the prophets of Salaam, whoever doesn't make the intention and nighttime, there is no fast for this person.

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But as a backup, you can go ahead and make an intention for the entire month as well. This is the opinion of Malik Imam Malik allows for the intention to occur throughout the month one time and that's, you know, that's just a backup. But as I said, if you want to follow exactly what the hadith is saying that in short, every single night, you're making your intention. And as for the and this is obvious, obviously for the obligatory fasts. As for the fasts, which are not obligatory, then what do you do?

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Well, for the fasts that are not obligatory, if you're fasting outside of the month of Ramadan, then

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it's not an obligation for you to make the intention before Fajr comes in. But you still have to have an intention, that intention should be at least before the time comes.

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At least before the whole time comes. Okay? At least before the time comes, you have to make sure you do the intention. How do we know this? We know this from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam as well, that the Prophet entered, and this is reported by Isha and a number of the lives of the Prophet so this seems to be a practice of the Prophet that he entered

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in the house of Isha progenitor Aisha and he said, Do you have anything to eat? She said, No, we don't have any food. So he said for any saw him and then he told her, then I am fasting. Now, where did they get the idea that this can only be done up until the whole time? Well, because the hadith is saying that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked for her da, he asked for a meal, which was taken before. Okay, they would have their lunch before long time basically. So he asked for whether Are you do you have something to eat for the weather. And

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Asha is the meal you have asked her the whole time, right? So because of that, whenever they said that means that up until that time, it's okay for you to not have intended the fast if it's non obligatory. And you can intend up until that time with one condition, very important one that you've not done until this point, something that breaks your fast. If you've already done something that broke your fast, you can't fast in the middle of the day, do you not understand what I'm saying? If you're already had your breakfast, or you've already had, you know, a cup of water or a cup of tea or whatever else, and then you say, okay, more time I didn't get any lunch Bismillah I'm going to

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faster, that's not acceptable. The condition is that before that fun Fajr until that point, you haven't done anything that would break your fast.

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Another thing to notice for this rule, some people they have a practice of keeping their school very, very close to the other. This is not a good practice. The Prophet would give it some time. Yes, he would delay there's a hadith of the prophets and salam that the school should be delayed but not delayed right? Till the oven. Can you do it? Yes, you can. It's okay. Your fast is still going to be valid. But still the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam had some time that he would give this hadith in Bukhari and Muslim the prophets of Allah Allah, Allah wa salam would give at least about 50 ayah worth of time between

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between these two points, okay. Why because you have to be safe. Right and also, this is a good time to worship Allah subhanaw taala as well. Now, there is a Hadith in which the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that if you have something within your hands and the event goes off, then don't put it down until heteronuclear hijacked a woman until the person finishes what He needs from it.

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This hadith is widely misunderstood. My brothers listen to this very, very carefully. This hadith is widely misunderstood.

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And because of that, many people unknowingly break their fasts. Not according to this imam or that Imam according to the consensus of the Islamic scholars.

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And that is that when

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The exam goes off, you have something in your hand, people start to devour that food. I've even seen it at a masjid, and Wallahi I even at that muster, they told the brothers, that this is not allowed. And it's not like it's not allowed, according to me or him or the next person. All of the scholars believe this is not allowed.

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The hadith is talking about in the time of the Prophet they had two events, the prophets of salaam he said in Avalon and you every nobody that Dillard he gives his night as an earlier in the night for Kulu workshop who had a dinner in New Mexico. So eat and drink until they will only make two mixes or that why because they didn't look to me couldn't see. So what would happen is you'd be waiting to make the event, there'll be someone else who would say that morning time has come, then it would open them up to actually do the Federal Reserve. Okay?

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This is very important. That means that if you're capable of giving the exam, but let's say you can't see, you can still give the event but someone else needs to come and tell you it's time for that. Right. So this is what they will do with evidence. Remember to him, he had a good event, he had a good voice, the prophet had given him this task to give the exam but there'll be someone else that is dedicated to tell even OMIM up to now Fudger time has come as for the time that Amazon have began would happen. This is when the Prophet was saying that if the alarm goes off, and you have something in your hand, then don't put it down until you finish what you need from it.

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you know, in sha Allah, Allah has given you a lot of the night, when the oven goes off, I mean, the actual Fajr time, stop eating,

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stop eating.

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That's it. You don't need to have that last bite. It's not going to make you look any longer than the bite before that. You don't need to have that. And sometimes again,

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interestingly enough, that happened over here.

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But at that time, I remember the nighttime was very, very short. Many, many years ago, when I saw a group of people, Muslims, they're basically making their fasts because there's no scholar who believes it's okay for you to do this, even though there is a Hadith but that hadith, again, all of the early scholars, they understood it the way I've explained that it is referring to the Advan of Bilal and not the Yvan of Ibn only Maktoum.

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Jimmy. So from this, there's also another thing to take as well that when the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that layers Al Nasser will be hiding. Now a genuine photo, people will continue to be good, so long as they hasten the breaking of the fast now we're at the other end, breaking of the fast, which is most of time, people will continue to be good, so long as they hasten the breaking of the fast from this. Keep in mind, that breaking of the fast doesn't shouldn't be hastened. Even though I'm translating it. As he said, The reason why I'm doing this is because all of the translation of this hadith are like that. But really what it means is so long as they prompt,

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so long as they are prompt, because you have to wait till you're short.

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So just as you leave the food when it when you when Fajr time has come in, you don't start eating until Muhammad if time has come in, you have to wait. Till mothering has actually come in meaning you are certain, but oh, I think it's around this time doesn't work like that. Make sure. I mean they have the gift scenarios where a person is completely uncertain like someone behind a jail cell. I mean, subhanAllah we have all of the facilities in the world you have a phone, you can pick up that phone and figure out the time from the phone, right? You have all the facilities in the world. So don't hasten to break your fast be prompt in breaking your fast

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meaning when you will certainly now time to break your fastest come in Belgrade Yvan has actually happened. This was the knows what time he makes the other hulless stop. Start eating at that point. Similarly, when you don't find your time has come in, stop eating. Stop eating. That's it. It's now time for you to begin. Your faster marathon at this point begins as well. But if you accidentally eat or accidentally drink the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told us in a hadith he said that whoever forgets and he's fasting, then he ends up eating or drinking. Then let him continue his fast and let him continue to continue as fast. Well, you didn't know Soma Hofer in nama Obama hula

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was Allah because Allah Subhan Allah Allah has simply fed him and gave him a drink as well. And you don't need to feel bad about this as well.

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You don't need to feel bad about this. Now. Go

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Going back to the amount of time

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I said, I had no free time, you have to make sure that nobody has actually come in, right?

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and similarly, the same thing goes with federal time, you have to actually make sure that Fudger as soon as you don't find your time has come in, you have to stop at this point. But

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now, one of the things is that

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one time, some of the Sahaba, they will give some of the thought they were in they were with a Sahadi by the name of Sahib. And as they are within their,

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their eating food. And on this day, it was really, really,

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it was really, really dark outside and cloudy as well. So you couldn't really tell what's going on, they didn't know whether motive time is about to come in or not.

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So they estimated at this point, they estimated. Now, if you're in that scenario, where you have no idea what their motive is here or not, and you genuinely do an HDR, you look at the situation, you look at your daily schedule, I've been doing this for three hours, right? Let's say someone has a work schedule, you've been working, but your watch is not working, the whole world is falling apart, your phones are not working, nothing is working out for you. So you say okay, it's about time for me to break my fast now you break your fast. By considering your daily schedule, this is considered okay. If you broke your fast on the right time, your fast is acceptable. But let's say you figure it

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out later on, you were completely off by three hours. You're too hungry. So you thought it's about time but it was really awesome. Right?

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Or even five minutes, even two minutes, you're off in terms of time. So do you have to make up that day of fast? The answer is yes, you have to make up that deal fast. And

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and in addition to that, let's say you were off for three hours, one hour later, you found out that

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that McGraw time hasn't come in as of yet, then you have to continue fasting till the end of the day as well. But you have to make up that fastest one. This is a complicated issue, make up the fast but you have to continue till the end of the day as well this happened with suede are the amount that I know and he said this is just food that Allah was giving you go ahead and continue fasting till the end of the night but make up the day as well. Okay, so you have to make it the day and continue the frost till the end of the day as well.

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Should I fast when I'm traveling? Should I not fast when I'm traveling? Common question, right? Every time you're traveling, you're thinking to yourself, should I fast? Should I go fast depends on the scenario. Some people are very capable, they're very able, they're able to fast. In one of the reports. The Prophet was with the sahaba. And they were traveling and everybody both their fast all of the Sahaba except for two people. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Abdullah Hibben of Allah was among the great companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam as well. Right? This particular is a hobby he had a unique built as well, even within the battlefields, you see his

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stories, he's very unique, right? He's stronger than the average person. So not everybody is able to keep up with the people who have a very good healthy body, etc. The prophets I send them was very physically fit as well, Abdullah was as well, most of this habit, they said we couldn't handle it. We couldn't handle it. So they all go through fasts. So it's okay to be what traveling and be divided on this as well. Some people may choose to break their fast, no problem. Other people may choose not to break their fast. This is a concession from Allah subhanho wa taala. It's not necessary for you to break your fast, but it is a concession if you wish to bake it. And you feel

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like the difficulty is too much for you to bear. Go ahead. If you don't, and you feel like you can handle the fast, go ahead as well. But don't censure somebody else as well, because that's how they explained also In another Hadith, that some of us would break the fast other would not break the fast. None of us would censure the other this is what the Hadith says.

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For now, go ahead. Now.

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One person would never say why are you fasting and the other one would never say why are you not breaking your fast and not accepting the concession of Allah, this person chose the concession because he felt that his situation was such another person didn't choose the concession. It's up to him. Maybe he doesn't want to go back and have fasts to make up after Ramadan because you still have to make up these fasts. So you make the choice. But if you get to a point, if you get to a point where fasting is very, very difficult, right? And you are basically forcing yourself to fast at this point.

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And then you should go ahead and take the concession. You should go ahead and take the concession of Allah Subhan. Allah, Allah, Allah has permitted for you to break your fast when it is very difficult, especially when you're traveling. So go ahead and accept that concession there is no sin upon you. In fact, the prophets and Sydenham saw a man who was fasting. And all of this huddled around this man. And they were basically sharing the man it looked like he's gonna pass out Sahabi. So the Prophet went to that man, and he said, ladies and gentlemen, of CRM officer, it's not considered a good deed for you to be fasting while you're traveling.

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So if you are, this doesn't mean it's not a good deed. In all scenarios, it means specifically, in this scenario, where a person is just too exhausted, he can't handle it. So when you get to that point, some people they think it's still, you know, something good for me to carry on fasting, the Prophet is saying in this scenario, it's not considered a good deed for you to go in fast at this point, except the concessions of Allah, Allah loves for his concessions to be accepted as well. It's not all about the ESA, it's not all about the things that are super difficult. Allah allows for these concessions, he's made these concessions, he knows that sometimes people are going to travel

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and it's difficult for them, right? Even if there isn't the concession is still there. When you travel, you have that concession to break your fast and make it up later on. And that is a very important point. It needs to be big made up later on as well.

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So don't overdo the piety except the concessions of Allah, especially if you're in that scenario for women, if you are going through the cycle, or you're going through the postnatal bleeding as well. You don't have you're not supposed to fast during this time, and you have to make up the Fastow. And there was a woman who came to by the name of Lada, she came to Arusha with the Allahu Taala and her and she asked our Isha, she said that

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what is the matter with the menstruating woman she the woman on her period? She has to make up her fasts but doesn't have to make a prayer. So Aisha said a hairy yet an auntie. Are you basically from the hydrates? Are you questioning basically the commandment of Allah azza wa jal over here, right? Are you from the hot objects? Maybe this was one of their opinions. Anyways, he she said uh, how old are you 20

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Are you are huddled here? We at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would leave praying, and we would not be commanded to make up the prayer and we will leave fasting but we are commanded to leave to make up the fast so this is something that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordained whenever the prophets I'll send them ordains we don't need to ask if ands or buts right. So here this is something the Prophet od not everything has a Hickman, some things haven't. hikma, keep that in mind, some things have an objective. And you can kind of sense the objective. Other things are just rules given by the prophet even here, you can kind of sense the objective as

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well, because fasting is only obliged one time during the year. Whereas prayers they pile up really fast. It's going to be hard to make up all of those prayers if every single time a woman is required to make up all of our prayers as well.

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Another rule to keep in mind is that it is discouraged. Too fast on the day of Jamara.

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One of the taburiente came to gentleman Abdullah and he asked him that is it true that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam forbade us from fasting on the day of Juma. So he said, Yes, that's true. Now what does that mean? That means that you shouldn't fast on the day of Joomla alone, you can fast on the day of Joomla if you choose to fast also on Saturday or Thursday as well. So you can combine two days but Joomla alone is not something that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam permitted for fasting another thing to keep in mind is that

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that five days of the years, five days of the year, it's haram for a person to fast impermissible so you can't fast on the two beads the Prophet forbade from this similarity you can't fast on the three days after the second lead after the either of her as well. So these five days are considered haram. Joomla is considered mukou it's disliked to fast on the day except if you collected together with the one before or one or the one after as well. How do you break your fast? The ideal scenario the ideal way to break your fast is that you have moist dates. That's the best way. Hadith mentioned in Muslim Imam Muhammad authentic awareness diplomatic that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he

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would break

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faston Anis knows the profit really well, because he's working for the profit isn't serving for the profit he serves the profit is always around him. So he says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to do Iftar, he used to break his fast on waste dates, two or three, three plus, before he would pray, so Baker's fast, then he would go for McGraw. And if he didn't have the voice dates, the prophet would then use the dry dates. So the ideal scenarios, the voice dates, and there's something about those voice states, really even when it comes to the nourishment, there's something about them, and then you go for the dry dates. And then after that, if the prophets or Salam didn't have

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the dry dates as well HESA has a lot or has a yachtie Mumma than the prophet will take some sips of water. This is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would break his fast. And at the end of your fast you make the DUA whenever the prophets of salaam would break his fast, he would say that now this is more or less a comment as well.

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But this is something the Prophet SAW Selim would say that they have a walnut with the letter O with a better edge in sha Allah, that the thirst has left and my veins have started to become full with blood again, well, and Agile has been established, this is something you can memorize. It's a statement, the profit center would say at the end of his fast as well. And there's another guy as well. But this one is the most authentic one. Although you can have the other two as well, it's up to you. Because an authentic to ask don't mean the wrong.

00:36:34 --> 00:37:00

Okay? They say that when it comes to the two R's, you can use your eyes which are an authentic as well as well. But but the ones that are most fabricated, you can't get anything is considering them to be authentically attributed to the Prophet This is the problem. But can you use a fall for those that are not very strong? Yes, you can.

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But this is the best because this is the most authentic narration that I know in this particular topic thing.

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So another thing to note is that if you are at a point where you cannot fast, or you cannot fast

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like you're older or you have diabetes,

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right people have the power to some people are diabetic, some people have other sicknesses, acid reflux, right.

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So people are every one of us has some challenge. If you're in a situation where you you really cannot fast, it's like not possible for you to fast any longer, either. Because you go through severe pain, people that have acid reflux, they have to go through real difficult times too fast. It's a very, very long, fast because having an empty stomach for a long period of time is difficult. Similarly, people that have diabetic that have diabetes that goes up and down their insulin, it's very difficult for them, doctors will tell them that if you continue to do this to yourself, then potentially, you might have an impact on your senses in the future. And your life, right? Even if

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you can handle it now, it might affect you in the future. So if those type of sicknesses are there, or you've just become too old, too fast,

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and believe it or not, some of the Sahaba did not fast. I'm telling you this, because sometimes

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it becomes so difficult for people not to fast that.

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Like it's easier for them not to pray,

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even though the prayer is an obligation upon you in all cases.

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But because it's a cultural related matter, and I completely sympathize with your feelings because you want to be involved with everybody else. But if it is having an harmful impact on you, you should not fast. You're not supposed to fast. You have to accept the concession of Allah azza wa jal. What do you do in the scenario where you've gotten to the point in your life where you just cannot fast any longer? Well, you have you should give Vidya right most of the scholars believe you should give Vidya and what is this video the idea is that you give one mode which is basically two hands full of grain has set the bar for every single day of fast that you miss which is not very

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much so in our you know country most people will be you know, they might do wheat, for example, or a lot of people will probably do rice so you can go buy bags of rice and give them out for Allah subhanaw taala that would be considered acceptable as a compensation for every single day of fast that you miss, and a handful for every single day to answer like this for every single day. That

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would be the best way for you to go about it. Because a person who's sick like this, it's not an obligation for you to fast any longer. Just as if you don't have money. You don't have to go for Hajj prayer you have to do their own cases. This is where you can't be neglectful here. There's a concession given to you by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And as I said, there were Sahaba who are unable to be accepted the concession. It's very important for you and I to be able to live up to that as well. There's a very beautiful story actually of is happened with Ali with Ali Mohammed Buhari. And in this story, Imam Ahmed Bihari it's authentic. Imagine Buhari

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he was sick one day. So this half he came over, and he said that

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are you fasting? He said to Behati Buhari is a student keep that in mind. So He says I'll be fasting in Ramadan Buhari, he said I'm not fasting in normal Buhari. Just think about that for a second Imam, Muhammad ibn Ismail evil Buhari, he's not fasting.

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Even though it's a time for him to fast it's an obligation for him to fast in that scenario. So he says I wasn't fasting. So he said that great good is hackable while he was also one of the great Imams. He said good while he said I was afraid. I was afraid that you will not accept the concession of Allah mobilicity Majora

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because sometimes what happens is people they want to be righteous. So they forget that some righteousness is that over here, I have to press the brakes. Okay, so he said that I was afraid that you would feel like you're too good to be able to accept the concession of Allah subhanaw taala. So if you're in that scenario, and if you're not, not in that scenario, then you have to fast this is considered an obligation for every single person to foster. Now what breaks your fast

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what breaks your fast

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or breaks your fast is that

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of course * because this is one of the things you have to avoid. In fasting, there are two obligations and fasting. Number one, the intention, which you do before you find your time comes in at nighttime, you can do it for Maghrib onwards. And number two is that you avoid all of the things that will break your fast what are the things that will break your fast I'll discuss that now. Right? Number one, * breaks the fast. Number two, if a person does foreplay, that also leads

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to an I have to be a bit explicit here that also leads to *. At that point, the fast breaks as well. Okay? And that's why there is there's a hadith of overall the amount

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that two men came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when one of them came to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam allowed for the one of the men he allowed. He gave him the concession that you don't have to, they were asking him Are we allowed to kiss during the fast so one of them because it's Allah Salam, he gave him the concession, obviously to your spouse, right, and the other one the provinces and didn't give them the concession. So when they look deeper, they found that one of them was a young man. The other one was an elderly human being. Now he understood that the elderly human being will be able to control himself, whereas the

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young man, Allahu Allah, if he's going to control himself or not, so he said, This person you're not allowed to, that's for you, you can word right so this is something to note that kissing and foreplay generally doesn't inherently break the fast. But if it leads to a person releasing *, then that obviously breaks the person's fast as well. Pre seminal fluid does not break the fast and also that dreams do not break the fast waking up in the morning and a person has Genova meaning Fajr time coming in and through nighttime. You've had Janata in whichever way right major ritual impurity, then that also does not break your fast this is found in the hadith of Aisha and on selama

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as well authentic hadith that Phaedra time would come in, and the Prophet would wake up, and he would be in the state of Genova, meaning he wouldn't have taken a shower from last night. So all of these things are related to the private life. Now, another thing is that puking if it's self induced puke, it breaks the fast. The profits of celery said Monza will pay federal Koba Holly woman is the effect for luckily, that valley Hill cola often locally as well, that whoever is overwhelmed by the vomit, right? He has no choice. He just feels like vomiting has to vomit, then he doesn't have to make up as fast but woman is stuck often Jacobi

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Whoever self induces the vomit causes himself to vomit, then that person has to do color he has to go and make up as fast. Alright, another thing to note as well is that

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that the mucus, the mucus, does it break your fast

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the mucus that you have, you know, the thick

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mucus that you have, does it break your fast? Well?

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What I mean, when it comes to taking it out, it doesn't break your fast. Okay? So if you kind of, you know, forced the mucus out of your throat or your nose, that doesn't break your fast, but what about if you eat it? Right? I know some of you are getting grossed out here. But still, what about about if you end up eating it? Well, does that break your fast over here? Some scholars they say does break your fast and others say does not so what you should do is spit it out at that point, right? If you've already taken it out, taking it out, it's not a problem. But if you have it in your mouth, whatever reason mucus came in your mouth you go ahead and spit it out as well but insha Allah

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I believe it doesn't break your fast because technically, our bodies are made up of mucus, right? A lot of the body is actually made up of mucus so it's really very difficult to continuously spit it out every single time and different people depending on their sinus conditions. They may have more or less of mucus as well so because of how readily it's available in the body I don't think it breaks your fast how about just regular split obviously doesn't break your fast again you have that in your mouth, but if it is from someone else and that goes for mucus as well it does break the fast how would that happen? Maybe from a kiss maybe someone splits in your mouth could be anything right

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so that the world does that does break your fast how will remains of a food in the mouth.

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How about remains the food in the mouth remains the food if

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Imam Shafi believes that all of the remains of food if US

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actually take them in you swallow them they can your teeth for example sometimes right? You swallow them they that breaks your fast completely Abu Hanifa says no, it doesn't break your fast the remains of food in food in the

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in the mouth. So my suggestion is you go ahead and spit it out as well. Okay, whatever is in your mouth, what if you can, it's not that hola you never noticed that it just wanted Insha Allah, Allah will forgive you but the idea is if you can and you know you can feel something coming out of your teeth. Just take it out and put it away. So you're on the safe end of the spectrum Well, suppositories break the fastest Well,

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suppositories, * suppositories, they break the fast vaginal suppositories also break the fast as well are drops and ear drops do not break the fast they are not passengers to the body, right especially the ear drops if you put them in the you know you have to break your eardrum drum in order for it to get inside. And even if it does get inside, it normally ends up drying up before it gets into your stomach for example, I know you're not trying to nourish yourself through this so I drops in ear drops

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would be something that doesn't break your fast. Although this is a different there's a difference of opinion about this. The chef urea they believe anything that goes in the ears breaks your fast and some of the scholars they believe anything that goes in the eye also breaks the fast as well. Alright, so because of that, I would recommend don't do it. But if you have to Insha Allah, it won't break your fast especially the eye, more so than the ear because we have a a sort of NSF medical the Allahu Anhu that unassailable Malik he used to put on mascara but when he would be fasting similarly there is a report as well that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would put on mascara as

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well to help as well when he will be fasting, although all of the reports reported from the Prophet about the quarter or week, all of them without exception, but from ns, we have an authentic report that you put on the cushion as well. Another thing to note is injections. So you always have questions about injections, right? So injections so long as they're not nourishing, they do not break the fast. Okay? If there are not nourishing if they're administered for the purposes of something else, they would not be considered something to break your fast. Why because this is not an opening into your body. This is not the the regular opening into your body from whether it be

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your mouth or all of the other openings into the body. This is something that that you're placing into the body so they say you're piercing your body to get it in. So they say this is not something that breaks the fast again, except if it is intended for the purposes of nourishing as well copying. So bloodletting or cupping or

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in our situations, surgeries might

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minor surgeries where they have to, you know, cut you a little bit to release something, maybe cyst removal, maybe a more deeper surgery. But does that break your fast? Well, if there's blood coming out, that alone is not something that breaks the fast, right?

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If they're administering something into your body, or they're cutting your stomach, open completely and putting stuff in there, then it's a different story. But if they're simply surgically removing something that doesn't break your fast, why we know in an authentic hadith, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he did the JAMA, he did cupping while he was fasting. And also while he was in hedges, well, but there is another report in which the prophets have said, Let me said of oral hygiene, well imagine that the person who does hijama, and also the one upon whom the hijama is being done, has broken his fast. So how do we respond and reconcile between the two? In one

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situation, the prophet is doing hijama to himself, like someone is doing it for him. And another situation, the Prophet is saying, the person who does hijama and the one upon on the Hagana is on both of their faster broken. So how do we reconcile? Well, this was a specific scenario, the prophet to send them was specifically referring to two people who was a Handyman in June. And he said, This person and that person, they have already broken their fasts. You understand, it wasn't a ruling he was granting, while because we noticed that the Prophet himself he did hijama as well. So considering that basic surgeries would be also exempt, they wouldn't break your fast again, unless

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you're administering something into your body which would nourish you, which sometimes ends up happening along with surgeries as well. So you have to be cognizant of that.

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Now, it's mcru disliked for you to that said, it is okay for blood to be light, it's okay to do hijama It's okay. But it is mcru It is disliked. I mean, you have the rest of the day as well, you can pick another time. And if it's not a an emergent situation, but if it's an emergent situation, we understand. But if it's not an emergent situation, you can also wait till after Ramadan and do your surgery at that point is, especially if it's one of those optional type of things and you're not afraid that you're not going to be able to get another appointment with the doctor, etc. So don't just wait till after Ramadan and do it at that point as well. They

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Okay, now another thing is that continuously fasting back to back, one day after another after another after another is also something that is disliked, obviously, outside of Ramadan, right. Why? Well, because there's a hadith of Allah who asked the prophets of salaam told them. He said, I'm going too fast every day and I'm going to stay up every night in prayer. So the prophets of salaam told them they'll do that. He said, Instead of that, he gave him

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a regiment, one of the terms of fasting he said do three days. He said if you I can do more than that in uteco football, I'm italic I can do more than that. So the Prophet SAW Selim said you should only do this much What if you really want to do more than fast one day break the fast two days? He said I could do even better than that. He said, Okay, well, then fast one day and break the fast another day fast one day break the fast another day. This is the Siyam of their world. This is how their will delay Salam used to fast and the Prophet said In another Hadith of the Luciana Siyam would that would the best to fast is the first of their will that is Rob Can I assume Yeoman they

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used to Yama used to fast when they break as fast the other day as well. So if you really want to excessively fast, do it one day on on the afternoon, back to back continuously. This is something that is disliked by the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, although he used to do it himself, okay. But this is something that is not encouraged.

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And another thing is that one of the things that is not encouraged is you fasting, dark back to back in another way meaning without doing your thought also help you understand some people they say, well, I'll be able to handle it. And some of us have other tools, the prophet will do this. Sometimes he would not have the thought, not have this heard fast, 234 days consecutively. But the prophets I send them told the companions that

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he said that don't follow my lead in this why? He said that in the A V to Utah muneera be with when I go to bed, and my lord nourishes me and he satisfies my thirst as well.

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Do you understand? So because the Prophet had a special scenario, Allah would literally satisfy the Prophet. Allah would literally nourish the Prophet says similar, meaning this was something granted to the Prophet, everybody else doesn't have that for the women who are cooking. This is a very important rule. And you may be wondering as well, that what if I have to taste some food to make sure that my husband doesn't get angry when he comes home? Right? So or if it's the other way around?

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Now that the husband is cooking so he says, you know the same type of scenario but the other way around whatever it may be, ideally the sister should be cooking serve your families in your husband's fight. So the Hadith goes that

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Abbas will be allowed to do this is not a hadith is a statement that he says that there is no point there's no problem law that certain Yetta Amma saw him be che, there is no problem if a person eats a little bit. Not it tastes a little bit of what he's cooking tastes not it's a hustle and bustle. He explained this further. He's a diary as well as a crema Abbas he's also hobby, Hassan is a Dabiri. And he's saying that what this basically means he says that there's no problem in tasting a little bit of honey, for example, or anything else, so long as you spit it out afterwards. Okay. So you can go ahead and taste it a little bit just to make sure the taste is good. But then you have to

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spit it out. You don't just Bismillah right, and just inhale it or Hamdulillah you know, that's not what's intended, but you can go ahead and taste if you need to make sure the salt is perfect if you need to make sure whatever else if it's going to save your marriage to make sure the salt is perfect Bismillah you can go ahead and do it. And with that in sha Allah, I will stop. I tried to put as much information in this hour as possible, but you know, there was a lot to stay still. But inshallah we'll have another opportunity to say more. Allahu Allah. Are there any questions? I'm sure there. The question is, why did Imam Bihari break his fast okay.

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Now, in terms of the fast breaking the fast

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from sickness, there are a number of opinions about what type of sickness allows you to break your fast number one is the opinion of Imam Shafi, which is basically any sickness and in sickness that increases that can be increased by

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you fasting that is a sickness by which you should break your fast. Okay, so is the first opinion.

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Another opinion is that any sickness that allows you to sit down in prayer,

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then that is a sickness, which is enough of a reason for you to break your fast as well. Meaning if you're feeling tired enough, or if you're feeling like you cannot stand not tired, but you're in a situation where you can't bear standing in prayer. That is enough of a sickness in order for your fast to beat you to be allowed to break break your fast, a third view. And this is the view of Al Bihari, since you're asking me the question related to Buhari and this is also the view of even CDN and it's also the view of Imam Al Rahim Allah as well, that any sickness period is enough to break your fast. In fact, there's a story that Imam Al hasn't

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even seen in Rahim Allah. He was one day sitting around and he broke his fast. Okay. And someone came up to him and he said, what's going on? He said, I have a, I have a thorn that has pricked my,

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my thumb or my finger or something like that, right? So he said, from that I broke my fast. Why because emammal Bahati, even seeding and also to be they said that the verse is general, whoever is sick,

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since Allah has given a concession related to sickness, let it be any sickness. So enameled Buhari sickness, we don't know what level it was. We know that he was sick, because his view is that any sickness is acceptable, okay? But I suggest that the best idea is, be fair to yourself, you have to make up this fast in all scenarios anyways, even if you were to be allowed to break the fast, it's gonna be a lot easier for you to be able to make up make your faster with everybody else. You understand what I'm saying? Even if you're allowed to break your fast for example, because your sickness allows that but you can handle this fast it's not a it's not a type of sickness that's

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going to be making your life very difficult to fast. And go ahead and do it because you have to make it up at some point anyways. You understand?

00:59:28 --> 00:59:29

Got it? Yeah. Okay.

00:59:34 --> 00:59:37

How about the elbow, you just brushing your teeth generally.

00:59:39 --> 00:59:54

Okay. But depends on what he's doing right? It really goes back to something going into your body from the mouth. If something ends up going into the body, then that would break your fast so it really depends on what procedure is taking place.

00:59:55 --> 00:59:56

Got it? Yeah.

01:00:06 --> 01:00:53

Yeah, so the question is what about brushing your teeth? What if you accidentally swallow something? Now, brushing teeth is considered okay to do during your fast although after the time of the Lord it's better not to the prophets have said to me said in a hadith that the Hulu femicide me available in the low humidity * misc that the smell the scent of a person who's fasting his mouth Yanni is better is more beloved to Allah subhanaw taala than even the smell of musk. So when does that send to begin to come? It begins to usually come around one more time from that the scholars they said, because this is an athame This is a sign of your Ibadah the smell, then it's better for you not to

01:00:53 --> 01:00:54

okay, yes

01:00:59 --> 01:01:03

you can use both but if anything goes in then there is a problem.

01:01:05 --> 01:01:05


01:01:07 --> 01:01:52

Because there's a there's a there's an angle of making sure from your side as well. Why do I say this? Like one may say oh, if it accidentally goes in can we not just forgive it? You understand? Like, when you are putting toothpaste in. You have to be extra Cognizant at this point. Why? Because you're going right to the corner it's possible that something may go past and that's why the prophets are salami said in a hadith Balliol Phil Astin Shakti illa Anta kunafa Eman you know be very excessive when you're driving water up your noses except if you're fasting why? Because if you get if you get really up and close in your nose, the watermark trickled down your sinuses when and

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if it does, it breaks your fast

01:01:56 --> 01:02:09

at that point you can't say you just accidentally went in there the prophet is basically suggesting in this hadith that you have to have a level of care as well meaning that if you feel that if you bring it too close is gonna go in don't do it. You understand?

01:02:10 --> 01:02:11


01:02:15 --> 01:02:15


01:02:17 --> 01:02:24

does rinsing your mouth water spitting it out? Break your fast no doesn't. But again, if water goes in it does break your fast. So you have to be careful

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01:02:43 --> 01:03:25

Yeah, for sisters who are nursing or they are pregnant, do you have to make up the fast? Of course the fast needs to be made up. But do you have to pay any video or anything like that depends on the scenario. If the person is only afraid for themselves, okay? If they're only afraid for themselves, meaning there's no fear upon the child, it's only themselves, then there is no fifth year to be paid. If you're afraid for the child then there is a fifth year to be paid. And if there is a fear upon yourself and your child then there is a fifth yet to be paid as well. So depends on the scenario the three scenarios number one, when the person is just afraid for himself, there is no

01:03:25 --> 01:03:55

Vidya when the woman is just afraid for herself meaning that I am feeling you know, like I can't handle fasting right? In that case, you only have to make up your fast and if you're afraid for the child and not yourself then again you have to make up the fast and do video as well. If you're afraid for the child and yourself then make up the Fast and Break and pay the video as well. So they all have all scenarios you have to make up the fast

01:03:56 --> 01:03:57


01:04:03 --> 01:04:07

there's different views on this but you can fast on their behalf inshallah.

01:04:09 --> 01:04:11

Inshallah, you can fast on their behalf.

01:04:14 --> 01:04:42

There's a hadith of the prophets of salaam said whoever as a person who's related to him or dies. Sama Han who really you who the person who is his guardian or his relative, they confessed on his behalf. Now a good question. So what happens if there's a discrepancy that has happened by the way? Yeah, what happens if there's a discrepancy between the calculations and also the actual sighting of the moon? When it comes to the impossibility of sighting Okay.

01:04:43 --> 01:04:45

When it comes to the impossibility of sighting

01:04:48 --> 01:04:59

that is something that the scholars do establish. Even those who consider Moon sighting the only way that is something that the scholars do establish by

01:05:01 --> 01:05:13

calculations. So if, if everyone who is calculating who is able to calculate basically says conclusively on this day the moon cannot be cited. Got it.

01:05:14 --> 01:05:19

Then one person gets up and says I saw the moon, his witnesses rejected.

01:05:21 --> 01:05:33

Why? Because it could be that he saw something he thought to be the moon, just one person. Whereas they calculated that the moon is not even born yet, you understand?

01:05:37 --> 01:06:24

The problem is this, that if the calculations tell you the moon is born, this is where the real problem is. If the calculations tell you the moon is born, and people go based on the calculations, and the moon is not cited on the day in which the calculations suggest the moon is already born, then this is where the problem really happens. Because now you're going solely based on calculations. You didn't cite the moon. And this is completely possible because it's possible that the moon is actually born but not sizable yet. Because this is the case the moon is born before it can actually be cited as well. You understand what I'm saying? So from this, this is where the

01:06:24 --> 01:06:42

scholars got divided. They said if deciding doesn't happen, a lot of scholars said if this it doesn't happen, no fasting. The other group they said, if the calculations are telling us the moon is born and excitable but was not cited. Then we go based on the calculations

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