Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 173 – Ta’if Accepts Islam

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The fourth century has seen a decline in the importance of praying and giving in, as it is allowed to be made up. The need for people to pray and not give in is emphasized, as it is not allowed to be made up. A scene from the movies describes a woman who had a sexual encounter with a drug addict, and she explains her secret information to her father. The transcript describes a sexual encounter between two women, one of whom was a drug addict, and their behavior and emotions. The segment ends with a discussion of the importance of women in empowering young people to lead in prayer.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him, and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and therapy. These are just a few of the things we offer alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the theater intensive, two weeks, dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter in sha Allah join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, go to Cedar intensive.com to register or for more info cube Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He will Sufi ajmeri shala continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet salatu salam ala to Namibia, the prophetic biography will pick up from where we left off in sha Allah.

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Previously we talked about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has returned from the journey and the expedition have to book and we talked about some of the experiences of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam On his return. For instance, previously we talked about in the last session we talked about the story of Goblin Malik, right the Allahu taala, and who his other two companions, the three that the Quran makes mention of and also the other 10 that the Quran also alludes to, while Karuna Torah forbidden obey Him Ramadan, sorry, how. So we talked about their particular experiences and their story. What we're going to be talking about today is the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam when you returned back from the journey of Kabuki, it was the month of Ramadan. It was the ninth year of his era, the ninth year of the prophets, a lot of times residents in the city of Medina, and it was the month of Ramadan.

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And something really remarkable happened in this particular Ramadan. After shortly after the profits, a lot of them returned. I'm going to take us a little bit back to to earlier moments in the life of the profits a lot he said him to be able to understand exactly what transpired. So if we recall all the way back to the 11th year of Nobu Prophethood. So two years before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were actually even less than that a year and a half before the prophets, a lot of them migrated from Mecca to Medina, the the very tragic and traumatic, and in its own way, very remarkable event of the prophets, a lot of them going too far if that's when it occurred. And

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if we recall what happened at that time was the profits a lot of time after realizing that the situation in MCI is not getting any better. It's only continuously getting worse and worse. The profits, a lot of them decided to go to thought if try to take the message outside of MCI, take it elsewhere ticket to some other people. And he attempted to go to ball to basically preach to the people there and see if they would accept the message and they would receive the message that they would be receptive. We know that that did not turn out very well. They ended up rejecting the offer from the prophets a lot. He said, I'm to even allow him to preach the message to the people the

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leadership did. The prophets, a lot of them at their insistence that we do not want you here. We do not want you preaching the message. The prophets, a lot of the prophets, a lot of them said, I will leave the city now and I will not, you know impose myself upon y'all. And so the Prophet sallallahu Sallam along with his travel companions, they'd been Hadith proceeded to leave peacefully and quietly. But that was not good enough for some of the troublemakers there.

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And what they decided to do at that time was they decided to set after the prophets allottee, some, some of the very troublesome people in thought if you're in every city, there's a group of troublesome people, maybe some criminals and things like that. They sent them after the profits a lot of the time and they said, you know, we want you to torment him, harass him, bother him, taunt him, and even physically inflict pain upon him on his departure from our city, so that he does not attempt to come back. And very tragically, and unfortunately, we've talked about in a lot of detail, they threw rocks at the profits a lot. He sent them for the duration of three miles from the

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outskirts from the edge of the city of thought if to the place called Cardinal minassian, also referred to by the locals at that time as cuddling with the island for three miles straight, they threw rocks at him and the profits, a lot of them bled profusely. We've talked about this, his feet were completely torn up because they were aiming for his feet. And finally when they relented and they left the profits a lot he said him and he sat down there and he was bleeding from his feet profusely and he had blood all over his clothes and his clothes were ruined. And he had he was bleeding so seriously from his feet, the profits a lot of them turn to Allah subhanaw taala and made

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Very beautiful, powerful tool that we know that many scholars refer to, as do I wouldn't call Salafi the derives the weak and the oppressed and the tormented

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a llama Escuela de COVID de Vaca hayleigh Tijuana Elena's Yamasaki mean? Well, I complained to you of my own weakness, the lack of resources and the fact that I did not command enough respect. In the eyes of these people Olmert most Merciful of all those capable of showing any mercy element tacky, loony Illa buried India to Germany, Isla de when Malacca who agree that Who will you hand me over to, to an enemy to have his way with me are to a merciless creature who will abuse me in lemmya can be gallega bufala obala as long as you are not angry with me, the worst thing in the world could happen to me. But if you are not upset with me, you are not angry with me, then I don't care. I

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don't mind it does not bother me. It does not trouble me.

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And he goes on to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah, shower me with your mercy and your forgiveness and your protection. And he basically says that, Oh Allah, you're the light of your face and your mercy is that that which can dispel all the worries of this world and all the difficulties of the life of the hereafter. So he turns to Allah subhanaw taala in this powerful moment, and that's when God lolly Salaam comes to him the angel deputed to the mountains, come see him. And he's given the offer that if you want these mountains and collide and crush these people and obliterate these people, wipe them from existence. Right? And the prophets, a lot of them so powerfully, at

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that moment, the prophets, a lot of them says no, I don't want any harm to come to these people. I pray that Allah blesses him with guidance and if not them, then I hope that Allah will raise people from their progeny who will accept this message. He makes this very beautiful, powerful while and it says almost two out of the prophets of Salaam is to some degree offer answered immediately. Were on the on the journey back I das, the Christian slave who works for a couple of the leaders of the Quran, he accepts Islam, where it's sort of not unique enough phenomenal Genie SME owners are on a group of the jinn basically end up accepting this accepting the message in Islam on that same

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journey back into profits a lovely some returns home. And even on returning home, he's faced with more adversity, where the rumor has spread in Mecca, the the opposition has spread this propaganda against the profits, a lot of them that he went there to thought if to recruit an army and come back and then invade Makkah. And so then the profits, a lot of them goes to the cave of Hadar and he actually has to stay there for a few days, until finally, multimedia ad offers the profits a lot different protection, and then the profits a lot someone's able to come back to the city of Mecca and he's able to come back home. So that was his first interaction with the people have thought in

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an official capacity as a messenger and the Prophet of Allah. And it was not a very good one. They rejected him. They did not allow him to preach and then furthermore, they threw rocks at him and they physically abused him. And it's a very tragic relationship from the very getgo from the very start. The second interaction the prophets Allah has with them in an official capacity is when the prophets Allah Islam arrived in Mecca for fetch her maka, the opening of Mecca, the conquest of Mecca. Shortly after they arrived there about 20 days later, they hear about the fact that some of the Bedouin tribes that live between Mecca and thought if they are amassing together and coming

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together and building an army to launch an attack against some Muslims, the prophets, a lot of them goes out there to face them often to deal with them. And this is known as a battle of who name, the Battle of her name.

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That battle basically concludes with the Muslims achieving victory. It has a very fascinating story behind it that we talked about in quite a bit of detail.

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Part of that battle on the day of her name was it was the tribes of Hawaii as in these Bedouin tribes, but also the people of thought if who were known by the name of Ben ootheca, if like Porsche was the mecca was a home of Quraysh, but it was the home of the tribe of Banu Salif. And so beneath the cave, the people of pxrf had come and joined her was in to fight against the Muslims in her name. When the Muslims achieved victory, her wasn't surrendered. But the people have thought if the people have therapies, they ran back to thought if they retreated to thought if they had a huge wall and a huge fortress in thought if and they went inside that fortress and they locked themselves up

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and close the gates. And the Muslims went and laid siege to the, to the fortress of thought if for about a week. But the fortress where the walls were so huge and the fortress was so strong, it was impenetrable. Secondly, they basically sent word saying that we have prepared this place for a very long time. We have entire farms inside

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Here, we have entire like flocks of animals that live inside of here. We can live in here forever. You know, we you, you won't be able to force this out. So we're here you can stay at camped out outside of the fortress for as long as you'd like. When the profits a lot he saw this situation he said let's go back to Makkah leave them some of the Sahaba were concerned with we're just going to leave them This isn't an enemy. But if they come in the profits a lot of them said leave them I put my faith in Allah. And in fact again the prophets a lot of them reiterated his faith and reiterated the fact that he had such conviction in his door with Allah want to move on ability. Java always

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believed that God will enter your eyes, which he will die with a diary that the army right so the prophets, a lot of them said I still retain hope that these people will come around they and then fact the prophets, a lot of them said Next time we will not come to them, they will come to us.

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They will come to us I have conviction. I'm fully convinced of the fact that they will come to us. So this is where we're picking up from. So the prophets a lot of them comes back from this journey of the book, arrived back at the ninth year of his rights a month of Ramadan. And he arrives back in Medina shortly after the prophets a lot the summer arrives in Medina.

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What ends up happening, the people have thought if arrived in Medina, to meet with the prophets a lot. And there's a very fascinating story about what happened with them as well. What happened with them is that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was leaving for to book,

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one of the leaders, one of the leaders of the people of thought if one of the leaders have been a thief, his name was Robin Massoud Urdu I've been Masood Azhar coffee. He was one of the leaders and he was in fact, one of the younger leaders of the people have thought if he was like a young superstar he was they're young and up and coming leader. He was like in thought if they had individual by the name of Mr. Rue de puffy, he was kind of like their abou Jan. He was his son. So just like a boo Johnson became Muslim, he also became Muslim. And in fact, he was married to a woman from Quraysh. So he had some relationships with the prophets, a lot of them as well. He left thought

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if and came to Medina he was coming towards Medina to meet the prophets alabi Salaam and to accept Islam. He ended up meeting the prophets a lot. He said I'm on the journey, the prophets of Salaam and the Sahaba. They had left Medina, he found out that they left Medina he went and he met with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he accepted Islam. And then he asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. I want to go back to my people and convince them to accept Islam. I want to go back to my people and convince them to accept Islam. The prophets, a lot of them warned him in the home party. Look, they will kill you. Your people are very tough people. They're very rough. They're a bit

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stubborn, and they will kill you. If they don't like what you're saying.

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The prophets he insisted And so finally the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he insisted by even saying, and I have we lay him in up carry him that they love me more than they love their own children. They love me more than they love their own young people. Like I'm very, very beloved to them. And so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he confirmed the fact he said what kind of gallica what kind of him gallica Mahabharata and they really did us to love him a lot. And people would listen to him. He was an up and coming superstar in their community. So the process of some said, Okay, fine, I've warned you. But the prophets, a lot of them said, and if he him now, I tell

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him, Tina, that they are very stubborn people. And so Nevertheless, he went back to his people. He gathered them all together. And he presented to them that I am a Muslim, and I call you to Islam. And this is why I call you to Islam. This is why it makes sense. Please listen to me. He he knows he he reasoned with them. The narration says that Rama who been dabbling in Cooley virgin for Saba, Hassan foccacia, who

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in that very gathering when he proclaimed his own Islam and called them to accept Islam, in that very gathering, people pulled out their arrows and started shooting arrows on him.

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And he tried to duck but one of the arrows caught him and ended up dying from that. And while he was dying, while he was dying, he was on the ground there bleeding out.

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Someone asked him what type of new job

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who was also a Muslim, but he was like a covert Muslim. He was keeping his Islam hidden. He was from the people of thought if he asked Ottawa while he was there on the ground, bleeding out and he went to him. He said Mata Rafi dhammika do you think this was all worth it? Was it worth it for you to give up your life? And he said kurama tune, Accra, Mani Allahu Bihar, Shahada tun Sarkar, Allahu Allah. He says that this is a great honor that God has given me and Allah allowed me to die as a martyr.

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Even though I'm not in the battlefield, and then he said Felisa figure in them official head I live in ophiuchi Luma, rasilla, syllogism cabela, anger, tequila and GM for the new NEMA, whom he said My only request to you is when the Muslims had come and laid siege to the city of thought if the fortress of thought if remember a couple of years ago, or a year ago when they had laid siege to the fortress of thought if they were shooting arrows down from the fortress, and some Muslims that were struck by arrows and they died. And so the profits a lot of them had buried them outside the fortress of five there was an area where the profits a lot of a sudden had buried the Muslims who

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were shot down by arrows from the fortress and they died there. The Shahada of five he said, My only request to you is go and bury bury me there with my Muslim brothers. Bury me there. And so he actually was buried there. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was informed of what happened with urawa the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said something very beautiful, he said in the masala houfy ami, he can masala Sahaba seems to me

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that he is like the man from suta trc

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he is like the man from suited to seeing without Roger luminox Almudena TSR Kalia permit to be almost selling it to be

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Mr. de la batalla de faraone way later on, that the man who basically came from the outskirts of town to support the messengers who were preaching to the people, and he said listen to these people follow these people. And he reasoned with them and he called them and he pleaded to them, but then I but the sutra tells us that they killed him. And Allah subhanaw taala says that Allah subhanaw taala entered him into paradise. And there he said, that I wish my people could know. Yeah, later komiya Allah Muna Bhima for Allah be with Allah and Mohammed, I wish my people could know how my Lord forgave me, and how much honor my lord bestowed upon me. And my lord granted me such honor and such

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nobility in the hereafter. So the prophets, a lot of them said Ottawa is like the man of yessing. And, but what ended up happening was a middle, there's so many powerful lessons, in this particular story of the people of five coming in accepting Islam. First of all, like we talked about,

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this is why, you know, mercy is the most powerful force in this world. Mercy is the most powerful force on Earth, we oftentimes as human beings, are creatures of immediate gratification.

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We are creatures that are very short sighted, so a lot of times force, force, and strength, and violence, and oppression. An exertion of our force over other people, is something that's very intoxicating, is very we become enamored with it, we see it, and we become, we become very enticed by it, because it leads to some type of immediate gratification, instant gratification. You I can get what I want, if I just exert my force on you. But Mercy is the most powerful force because that that exertion of force and even violence is not something that's sustainable. And you haven't really won somebody over

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for the time being because the person maybe does not have a proper response or cannot retaliate to you they're giving in. But from that point on forward, that person is basically plotting their response in their retaliation. But Mercy is a very powerful force gets about a buco Milan FC Rama, Rama de Silva kata be like all the mentions of it in the Quran, where it talks about how powerful God's mercy is, and the Hadith could see where the Prophet where the promises and tells us that God declared that my mercy supersedes Allah but gotta be, it overcomes my anger in my wrath. Mercy is something very powerful. And we see the power of the mercy of the prophets a lot. He said that the

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prophets, a lot of them practice that mercy. By not praying against those people, by not continuing the siege and trying to dominate those people. And we see them ultimately coming back. We see the power of the law, right? A lot of times, when somebody comes to you with a situation, a circumstance and you you tell them they're like what should I do and you tell them make dua

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pray to Allah subhanaw taala that Allah alleviates your situation. People a lot of times feel like that is a canned response. People feel like that's not something concrete. People feel like that's a cop out. You're just saying that because you don't have a real answer to give me. Just go Do da pray to Allah, Allah will make it better. But there is the most powerful thing because you're accessing, you're reaching out to your pleading for you're seeking the help of Allah subhanaw taala and there's no greater force analyst panel wattana and so we see the door after profits are large and praying for the guidance of the people of five and liquidity does. It ultimately shows its food sooner

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rather you don't eventually

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Maybe it doesn't happen today or tomorrow. But that's our problem, that we are so short sighted that we don't have any type of perspective. But that's why we have to put our faith and trust in Allah subhanaw taala and know that Allah will always in law California, Allah will always deliver on his promises. And so Allah subhanaw taala said, You pray to me and I will enter you. And we seem to derive the prophecy of someone coming true even if it'd be a decade later. All right, and the third lesson here particularly is the fact that no sacrifice is in vain.

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No sacrifices in vain. In the law, you do general Marcin, God never wastes the reward and the effort of those who strive for excellence. If you made a worthwhile a worthy, noble, sincere, sacrifice a lot more rewarded, or do I've been missing out? He's there preaching to his people and his people murder him.

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They murder him in cold blood in broad daylight. They murder him publicly. They Lynch him.

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But he recognizes the fact that this sacrifice is not in vain.

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And how do we how does the law teaches that lesson? Well, what happened was after he was killed,

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a couple of you know, while the profits a lobby, some was away at the journey of the booth during that time during those couple of months. The people have thought if a cause like a lot of soul searching amongst them,

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because this was their leader, the son of their leader, this was their superstar. And we just murdered him like that in broad daylight. Just shot him down. And it caused a lot of soul searching amongst the people. And people started getting together through my inner home tomorrow by now. The narration mentions in his heart he mentions in narration that they started consulting with one another that did we do the right thing was what he's saying what he was saying didn't it make a lot of sense. And they finally kept on consulting amongst them, talking amongst them. Eventually, they developed a consensus that we need to go and meet with the profits a lot. He said,

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this is at least worth a conversation. That's all he was asking us to do. So they finally gathered together and they choose a group amongst them even as hoc or sorry Musab inner Akbar mentioned that it was, you know, about a dozen people. They choose a dozen of their leaders. And then they send them out to go and send this delegation to Medina to go and meet with the prophets a lot. He said them and they are basically given the permission from the people that go there, except Islam, give the oath of allegiance of the prophets, a lot of them and talk to him, and they had certain terms that they wanted to negotiate that we're going to talk about that are very profound. The narration

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mentions that when they got near to Medina, they stopped at a place where there was a bit of a canal, there were some water there. So they stopped for a little bit of a break to freshen up. Mohit I've been sure about the Allahu taala and who was a companion of the profits a lot. He said, um, he was out there basically grazing, some of the, you know, camels of sadaqa he was out there grazing those camels. When he saw them. He went to he ran into the city of Medina, to tell the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that the people from Fife are coming, and they're not coming like in the form of an army, it's a delegation. So he became very excited. It looks like they're coming to

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accept this song. He met Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who, before he could find the prophets, Allah they sent him and he told Abubakar, the Allahu taala arnhold that, you know, the people of Thai have come to accept Islam, Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who said okay, we need to handle this properly. First of all, Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala, who said allow me to inform the prophets a lot. He said, Oh, because Medina was like so excited. He said that you might kind of create a sense of panic. He said, let me inform the prophets, a lot of them. Secondly, he said that you need to then go back and escort them in. So nobody feels like there's some invading like, you know, this is like

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a raid coming upon the city of Medina, you need to escort them because everyone recognizes you, everyone knows you here. And number two, number three, this very fascinating, he says, teach them a little bit of the etiquettes of how to speak to the prophets a lot.

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So this you kind of see as well. And there's a very interesting kind of juxtaposition here. The prophets alabi some was a very, very, you know,

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the professor some was a very accessible person. The profits are lovely, some was very approachable. He did not have like this air of like, royalty and monarchy to him. Speaking to the processor was very easy. approaching him was very simple. Little children would walk up to him. We know all the stories about little children coming into crawling into his lap. We know little kids pulling him around, you know by his finger, and

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asking him to do things for them. Anyone could talk to the processor anyone could say Salaam to him, anyone could, you know approach him, but we also see on the flip side now because the community is developing, that the while the processing was very approachable, some of the Senior Companions that are the Allahu taala at home, they made it their particular job to make sure that people knew how to speak to the prophets allottee center

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and so we kind of see this very interesting dynamic. Nevertheless, Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala on who goes and you know informs the prophets a lot so and so the prophets a lot, he said, um, you know, can prepare and mohito goes to escort them in and kind of instruct them on the proper etiquette.

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Now, the next lesson is that the prophets, a lot of them as soon as Abu Bakar tells him that the people are fighting for here to accept Islam, the prophets, a lot of them immediately instruct someone to pitch a tent in the back of the machine.

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Like the very first concern of the Prophet sesam is hospitality. And this is another the process they haven't accepted Islam yet. He doesn't know what they're going to talk about. But all the prophets of Salaam knows is that they are my guests. They have come to my house, my city, my home, my Masjid, they are my guests. And the processes mind immediately goes to hospitality, for dorabella home to button fill machine, the process on how to attend to put up for them in the machine so that they would have a place to stay.

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they ended up coming in the meet with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when they sit down to talk to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam This is a very fascinating thing that occurs here in this particular conversation. They have a few things that they're want to talk about. You almost can say they had a couple of terms that they wanted to discuss about becoming Muslim.

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The first thing that they wanted to talk about was that and yet the other otalia were here let fella fascinate

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these people used to worship idols they were like decoration Mecca decoration maka used to worship like the many many idols but the chief and the key amongst them was like Ursa.

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Well, one of the other major idols of the Arabs was a lot that's why you alert with Ursa, right? The the the idol of a lot was actually kept in part if the tempo of a lot existed and thought If

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so, they came to the process and they said, We are on behalf of our all our people, we are here to accept Islam, pledging allegiance of tequila and five to the prophets, Allah sent them into Islam. And when we go back, all the rest of our people will accept Islam. However,

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we've lived by shit for so long. This idol is more than just simply the object of our worship. It's like a central part of our culture and our people and our identity. So we would like for you to grant us a grace period of three years where this idol can remain the temple can remain. We won't worship but we'd like for it to remain

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for my buddy who is aluna who senate and senate and way above him. Hi de Lucia. Why didn't bother him. Later I left sofa home for about a manga shade and musalman ella and yerba ma home about Sofia hub. Well Makita Li Maha.

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They kept on saying can we keep the idle for three years the prophet SAW said no.

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He said okay, two years this he said no. He said one year is it? No. Six months? No. Three months? No. One month? No.

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Finally the prophets a lot of them said I will no I cannot. And this is something very powerful. The prophets a lot he said I'm and we're going to read further about how accommodating the prophets a lovely son was. Remember the famous statement of the prophets a lot of essential shadow the Allahu taala. At the time of Fatah, maka, when he looked at the Kaaba and the he said that, you know, because we remember from the renovation of the Kaaba, the Hatim the hatred is married to have circle. It used to be included within the construction of the Kaaba. But at the time of the renovation. Five years before the Buddha when the processor was 35. They did not have enough funds

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to basically include it so they constructed the square as we see it and they just put like a little border around that half circle kind of like it is today. And the prophets a lot of them said Lola Heidi through the whole McKibben Islami that had it not been for how new your people are to the faith into the religion. I would have returned to Cabo back to its original construction. The process was so accommodating of people to slowly kind of work their way into Islam, very accommodating extremely Alright, however, shit and associating partners to God, and, you know,

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any type of a discrepancy in God's right to be worshipped was something that's intolerable to God to somehow to get of autonomy.

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who attend Chapel Hill Juba under our Amanullah, right in the lava flow and you should be here. It's the unforgivable sin.

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That's the thing that can't be tolerated. So it says if the prophets, a lot of them, and this is a little bit of, you know, this is very humbling for a lot of us were the prophets, a lot of them said, That's not even my decision to make. I cannot even if I don't want to, but even if I did want to I could not give you any concession or license here. This is God's right. This is God's decree, this is God's decision.

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And so no, all I cannot give you any concession of how long this idle can continue. What I will tell you is that when you return back home, two people will come with you. Abu sufian will come with you because he was a leader of the McKenzie and operation there would be a little bit of a you know, a little bit of a connection and a sense of respect. And Molina Robin Sharma will come he was a bit of an enforcer of the profits a lot he said he was a warrior. So these two will come with you and they will basically tear down Latin its temple

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that's what will happen.

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Then they went on to continue to talk to the prophets of Salaam they said what's Allahumma Delica Allah you Salou what else Li x zero a sama whom ba de him

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the next thing they asked was we also want to stipulate that we're not going to pray

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your Islam is fine, whatever makes sense. But we're not sure if we want to pray

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and we understand that the idle needs to come down but we would like to ask that we not be made to tear down the idle with our own hands that we they you send somebody so that's what the prophets a lot of them said that a Marcus will Islamic can be a de confessor. navico means alika the process I'm said fine, I won't make you tear down the idle yourself. I'll send up Luciana send mahira and they'll tear down the idle Well, I'm masala but as for prayer for nahida feed in in LA salata fee.

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There's no there's no, there's no good in a religion that does not have worship and prayer in it. How are you going to be Muslim and you don't pray?

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Think about that. That doesn't make any sense. In fact, some of the other narrations are also mentioned that they discuss some other terms with the prophets of Salaam. The next thing that they asked about was and in fact, Mr. Mohammed in his narration mentions for unzila humble mushy Delhi akuna Raka, Kuru became that the profits are made them stay in the machine to let them know that, you know, to basically win them over to show them generosity. And the next term that they stipulated was Allah yoshiharu What are your shadow? What are you Jabu? What are you stamina, Allah hi to him. They have four conditions for terms they wanted to discuss. Number one is that we will not be made

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to go and report to some Zakat officer card collector, but rather we will give it Okay, we will give it

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whatever needs to be given whatever needs to be done will take care of it. But don't make us go and register and go and sign up somewhere. Number two, allow your shadow do not impose any type of tax taxation upon us. Number three, you just boo and scholars explained what the meaning of that is that they were basically talking about prayer.

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This was talking about prayer that we don't want a prayer to be enforced. We don't want to pray. And number four, that you do not appoint a non positive person as the governor of Fife, the mayor of life, whoever you appoint, to govern the area needs to be from amongst us. The prophets. A lot of them said lakum Allah to Allah to our shadow.

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He says fine, you don't have to go and register anywhere. Number one, number two, I will not impose a tax upon you just pay years ago and you will leave and nobody will even come to collectors. I got you just give me a second I'm going to trust you to pay years ago.

00:33:58 --> 00:34:01

Right? And now you start Malala

00:34:02 --> 00:34:23

and I will not appoint a non thought if person to be your governor to be your leader. And demand that the professor sent him appointed was earthman opennebula. us a coffee earthman opennebula house he was from Cardiff as well. I'll talk more about why he chose him. But then the process set him said well I hate a fee. Dini. naruko fee. There's no good in a religion in which you don't pray.

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now, there's another very fascinating conversation about this. And that is a Buddha the mama Buddha would mentioned this in his book that Wahhab, the same man who initially was like a covert Muslim amongst them. he narrates that I asked job ID on chutney thief in his bio. Later on, I asked jab jab, it was a Medina Muslim, because Wahab said I was not amongst a delegation who went to Medina to talk to the professor saddam later on when I got to visit Medina I met Javed or the Allahu

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Tell us who a young man of Medina young Muslim, I'm sorry. I asked him what was it like when my delegation that people have to leave when our delegation came there What happened? So he told him ish tala tala rasulillah salam, O Allah sakata, La Habra, la Jihad ah.

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They decided they wanted to discuss terms with the process. I mean one of the terms they wanted to discuss is we will not pay charity we will not give the Zakat nor should we be obligated to go and fight in jihad.

00:35:28 --> 00:35:49

When the who semirara Salah salami semi aku Baba Radhika, the prophets of Salaam explained to them that look, this is a command of a law can do that, etc. He like he explained it to them. He didn't give them like an ultimatum. He explained it to them. But after they left the gathering, the professor Sam said something very fascinating jabber says. He says the professor says say at the Santa Puna where you generally do not either Islam.

00:35:51 --> 00:36:24

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said don't worry, because the Sahaba were kind of riled up crazy people come to town, we're not paying, we're not praying, we're not paying zakat. We're not gonna fight and jihad, we're not gonna do this, we're not gonna do that we're not gonna do this. And the process of them was like, you know, when you hear the tone, the process was talking to them. Lahaina feeding in LA Salafi, how you going to be Muslim? And I pray, and the Sahaba were kind of like left scratching their head a little bit like, why not tell them? Hey, no Salah, alright, why don't you get lost? We'll show up with an army in a couple of weeks, and then we'll see what's up.

00:36:25 --> 00:36:30

Why don't you just basically say that? Why don't you just give them the ultimatum, pray or else.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:47

But the process is they're talking to them very nicely. When they left the gathering, the process of them said, Everybody relax and calm down. So you get this at the corner. They will pay there's a cat watch what you Jackie do now and they will fight for the sake of Islam, either Islam or once they become Muslim.

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Let them become Muslim. Let this eemaan settle into their hearts. Emmanuel mokara Lb Vasa calama, let it take root within their heart, let it settle into their hearts, and then watch. They'll fall in line in terms of everything. And that's exactly what ended up happening. So we see something really remarkable and profound here. Two things I wanted to highlight here is number one, the significance and the importance of so law, when they said we don't want to go in Zakat collector to come and like collect the Zakat from us. It's humiliating to us. And in fact, in one place, they even said, they even commented by Tikka ha, we're in Canada, and I

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will pay as a God, but this is humiliating. This is humiliating. Right? So they said that we don't want as a collector to come around and knock our door and collect samples from us. It's humiliating, we don't want to be taxed, and to made to feel like we're foreigners in our own homes.

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We don't want some other guy from some other city to all of a sudden come upon us and then be our governor and have to report back to him. We don't want this we don't want that we don't want this. And the prophets have said fine as a kind of collector will not come to your town. I'll expect you to pay years ago to your poor take care of your poor. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said we're not going to tax you. Fine. Fine. We'll appoint a person from your own tribe to be your leader. Happy. But the one thing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did kind of talk to them about kind of he did push back on was Salah was the prayer.

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The thing he pushed back on was the prayer. Guys, you got to pray. You got to pray. And that teaches this a central importance and significance of the prayer in the salon. It is our opportunity every single day to talk to allow five times a day to connect to a large panel. It is our opportunity to actually physically

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you know demonstrate our belief. La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, that we pray to Allah and we pray to Allah in the way the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught us to pray solu camara at mon usually Salah is the physical embodiment it is the physical demonstration of lightline Allah Mohammed Rasul Allah, you pray, because Allah told you to pray and you pray like the prophet SAW, some taught you to pray.

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So it's very powerful. And that's the thing, the process I'm pushed back on. And that's why the province allottee, some taught us that kind of the demarcating line. The differentiation between Islam and COVID is a Salah.

00:39:22 --> 00:39:59

Right? So it's very important. That's the first lesson we all need to internalize that. And generally speaking, somebody listening to this might be thinking like as a Muslim, well done. I know Salah I have to pray. I know it's important. But at the same time, it's not enough for us to just know but we at some point, we got to grow to the point where we started doing. We all know, but it's time to do we have to actually establish our prayer. And we have to make an effort to do that. We have to make it a priority. We have to schedule it accordingly. Think about anything important in your life, how it ends up becoming a reality. How does it happen, whether it be your job or whether

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it be

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school or whether it be an appointment or whether it be, you know, personal engagement. like think about it, a personal commitment. It happens when you put work into it, you schedule it, you have notifications, you have reminders, you work around it, you schedule things around it that's necessary. So that's what we have to implement that level of practicality and significance to our prayer. Number two,

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just very briefly, I also wanted to touch on the idea that there is a lot of conversation today about well, prayer seems like a very kind of like, mundane activity, it seems like a very just kind of mundane spiritual thing to do. I don't get the point of it. Really? What difference does it make? Whether I stand up and make these physical postures? Or I don't? Really, is that it? Is that my faith? Is that determined my faith? Isn't it something more? Isn't it something more profound, more deep, more philosophical? You're telling me if I just stand up and make these postures and do these, you know, fulfill this ritual, that that somehow that's my, my, my faith,

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we have to understand the meaning of what what what faith is, it's a mission. It's believing in Allah, it's admitting to Allah, it's obeying the law. So yes, absolutely, if that's what Allah has asked us to do, that demonstrates that obedience to God. And a condition of prayer is not what I think of it, or I don't think of it, what I feel from it, or I don't feel from it. Whether I philosophically get it, or I don't get it, that's arrogance. But I have to pray because Allah subhanaw taala commanded me to pray. And then the second thing I wanted to talk about here is this Subhanallah, the profound lesson from the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam that he's teaching us a lot

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of times we get very caught up in what people are willing to do, we're not willing to do, but we don't understand the sequence of things, the hierarchy of things, the priority of things, the Ola, Ouija of things, right. So we have to understand our first and foremost objective is to connect people to Allah, subhanaw, taala.

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And all the little, you know, all the different requirements and all the different elements of the dean and the religion, they'll all fall into place eventually. But first allow people to experience a relationship with Allah, allow them to connect to a less power tower. But we get so caught up sometimes, in the minutiae of, you know, the practice of the religion, that we forget about the fact that the very first part of someone's journey is to just realize their relationship with Allah. And this applies to Muslim and non Muslim, both. within our own community, there's a number, there's a huge segment, the vast overwhelming majority of our community that's very disconnected from the

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dean. And a lot of times, they're very intimidated, because at the very, it's like, we're standing at the door, saying, stop.

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Now, before you come in here, I'm gonna need you to do these 27 things. I need you to figure these 27 things out. And then we can have a conversation, instead of just letting them first experience a connection in a relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. Beautifully, the professor say, Get this set up on why you Jackie do not either assalamu let them become Muslim, then they'll pay there's a God, then they'll fight when it's time to fight, but would you let them become Muslim first?

00:43:15 --> 00:43:36

Right. And then particularly when it comes to interacting with non Muslims who might be curious about the deen, somebody who's willing to accept Islam, we really, really have to check ourselves. And we have to be very mindful of the fact that we invite people to the Dean of a law in the way of the Messenger of Allah. Not what I want, not what I think they're not joining my club or my calls.

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But they are joining the deen of Allah subhanaw taala they are embracing the Dean of a law in the way of the Messenger of Allah. And that's very, very important and profound. The next thing I wanted to talk about here, and then we'll wrap up with this in sha Allah

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is the leader. Remember the prophets, a lot of them said fine, you get to have a leader from amongst your own people. And that was I told you earthman bin Abdullah asked, How did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam decide that he should be the leader? So there's something very interesting.

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Earth mind being able to ask was actually a young man. He was not very elderly. He was not very senior, he was a younger person. So by the virtue of the fact of the prophets, a lot of him appointed him as a leader, we see that the process of empowered young leadership, he empowered young people in the community. But not only that, Abu Bakr Siddiq radi Allahu taala who came to the prophets of Salaam even as Haku mentions is a boba Casa de kado de la kujala who came to the process how many said yeah Rasul Allah in the era a to have the local lamb min aha see him Allah aqui fil Islami with the alumina

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instead of messenger of Allah. I've been keeping an eye on that young man right there.

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A young man right there. I seen I have seen him while they've been here, that he is the most motivated amongst them to understand Islam and to learn the Quran. And in fact, there's an aeration where he comes to the prophets and lobbies him and he says, I live

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elcor Anya rasulillah teach me the Quran O Messenger of Allah.

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So, and another narration mentions that Earth man been a blast the whole time that they were there in Medina. He used to try to find the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam anytime he could find him for Salah who and in the end, he would ask him questions and learn from him for stuck Rahul Khurana and he would learn the Quran from the process of Sodom Fein wotja, who not human, but sometimes if the Prophet system was taking a nap or the Sahaba told him he's gone home, he's not here anymore. The Hubba Illa Abu Bakr Siddiq, then you would go to Abu Bakr, radi Allahu taala and he would say teach me the Quran. When he couldn't find Abu Bakar he'd go to Qatar birth mom and I found her I

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live in a Vitaly which is bouncing around between people teach me the Quran, teach me the Quran Teach me Islam teach me the Quran, Philomena is that baja taco halfen Islam wahoo Rasulullah sallallahu Brangelina and he kept on wanting to learn his religion until he developed a very sound understanding of the religion and the process of love this young man very, very much. And so that was the reason why the prophets a lot of them appointed him as a leader

00:46:07 --> 00:46:44

was because he was keen on understanding his religion. So we see that the community of the profit so someone's a meritocracy. It was based off of merits in a matter you know, how necessarily how old you were didn't matter how you know what your lineage was, or how much money you had or what your background was or how much influence you had or what your connections were, it was about you and your quality your your your own character and your caliber as a person and what your quality was. And then the last And the final thing was that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was sending them back home.

00:46:46 --> 00:47:21

earthman been up in the house. He went to the profits a lot of time and he said give me some advice before I go back to the community. Give me some advice. And the key piece of advice the prophets a lot of them gave him was he said omap omaka were either amantha omen for Africa be masala? lead your people in prayer, but when you lead them in prayer, be light, be moderate be understanding Take it easy on them. Take it easy on them for in the who Jaco mafia serene? Well, cabbie what the evil muddy water Hydra.

00:47:23 --> 00:47:59

There's lots of people come to pray. There's young people, elderly people, weak people, ill people who are sick, and people who have somewhere else to be, they have needs, they have to be somewhere else. So be very reasonable in how you lead the prayer, and be moderate in terms of how you lead the prayer. And again, you see the compassion of the process of community is about compassion. You saw them when they were accepting Islam, the process of most compassionate you saw the process of making do it for the people of life, when they come to accept this and he's compassionate. When he's appointing a leader. He's telling him to be compassionate community is about compassion. This is

00:47:59 --> 00:48:02

from the center of the process of them from the seat of the processor directly

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directly from the seat of the profits along the center. And

00:48:23 --> 00:48:28

the The other thing that earthman Mennella has mentioned that

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when he went to go meet with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he told the prophets a lot he said, um, that I have some pain this is you know, because a lot of the beautiful new hires we learn from the prophets a lot he said, um, so he said that I'm experiencing some pain in my chest, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam taught him a door.

00:48:47 --> 00:49:28

And this door is mentioned in Sahih Muslim and Mata Malik and many many Hadith books that he the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught him, he placed his hand on his chest and he said, whenever you feel any pain, place your hand wherever you feel the pain vaya con la de la maman Jessa de coco Bismillahi salah and say Bismillah three times were called Saba Murat in and then seven times recite the following are the beer is Attila lucky we're qudra to human shettima a judo habit, that I take refuge with the power and the majesty of God, from the evil of what I feel and what I am experiencing at this moment, and what I fear could occur. And he said that Allah subhanaw taala

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remove the pain from you.

00:49:32 --> 00:49:48

And then narration goes on to mention that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when they went to the city of Fife when they got back home. Now, of course, the process Adam had said, like we had talked about Robin Sharma, and he had sent

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a boo soufiane to destroy the temple of the idol that they were worshipping.

00:49:54 --> 00:50:00

They destroyed the idol. And they started to tear down the temple. But the people started to

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freak out. And they said, something bad's gonna happen, something bad's gonna happen. And they said, Look, nothing Bad's happening and they tore it down. But then they said no in the this idle goes down into the ground, its roots are in the ground. And as long as that's there, some evil could befall the people. So then the narration mentions that Abu sufian dug up the ground and dug out the roots, the foundations of the temple and that idol, he dug it out. And he showed the people that here it is, here's the foundation of it, it's nothing. And that's when the people relax, and they calm down. But what they used to do with idols was they would surround the idol with like gold and

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money and jewelry and all these offerings to the idol. When all of that was recovered. They said, what do we do with all of this? And look at the justice of the prophets, a lot of them, the prophets, a lot of them said, or Robin Massoud, whom all of you murdered, when he first became Muslim, and he told you about Islam and you murdered him. All this money should be given to his family as reparations for having murdered him.

00:51:02 --> 00:51:15

And all that money, the process of didn't take that money for himself. He didn't say send it on over to Medina, the process of said, Take care of his family and make reparations to his family, for having done what you did to him. And

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you know, something very beautiful. I talked about how,

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you know, community is about compassion. Community is about camaraderie. Community is about company and and and, you know, spending time together. And the Prophet degeneration, the Sahaba, who came from this is found in the Masada Mohamad, in the book of Abu Dawood in the book of eminent Raja, the people from thought if the people of thought leave, when they came to Medina, and they became Muslim. They talk about how the prophets a lot of time, we used to spend time with them. So he said all day long, you know, he would spend days, we would pray with him, he would teach us, we would ask him questions, we would have conversations with him. But he said, When nighttime would occur, and we

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would have dinner, and we would pray. And everybody would kind of go back home. And the processor would initially go home for a little bit. But then we were kind of sitting around in the machines were travelers. So you know, when you're travelers, you kind of stay up a little late, you're all camping out together in the same spot. So we were just be off kind of talking amongst each other. He said the process him would come out

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a little while later after Asia. And he would come and he would talk to us. And the professor was had such a tight schedule, that he wouldn't have enough time to sit down with us. So he would just kind of stand there and talk to us. How are you guys doing? How's your night, and he would talk to us. But he said he would get so much into the conversation with us that he would just stand there and he would kind of lean on this leg and then he would lean on the leg like he he wouldn't sit down because he didn't want to be there for hours. But then he wouldn't like leave either because he actually enjoyed their company. And he wanted to spend time with them. So you just move from leg to

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leg leaning on one leg to another. And he said What did he used to talk about? They said that he used to talk to us about LA and Sarawak. Una mas de la Vina mostella Lena B. maka used to talk about the old days of NACA, I still remember when we used to be oppressed in Mecca. And we used to be tortured in Mecca. And people were trying to kill us in Mecca. And this happened and that happened. And this happened. And that happened. And he used to tell us all the old stories used to share stories with us as the other thing, sharing experiences sharing stories. Look how intuitive the community building of the prophecy sentiments, spend time with us share stories with us. And then he

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says they say that one day, he came out really late. Like he usually used to go home after a show and then come back like 45 minutes later or something. He came back like an hour and a half later. And we asked him that

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later Rasul Allah said, we've been expecting you. It was always like an unannounced visit. But we knew that he was going to be coming eventually. So they said that, you know, we missed you. You came late tonight. And he said that I was I was reading my portion of the Quran. And I did not finish reading my portion of the Quran today. So I wanted to finish it before I came to hang out with you guys.

00:54:14 --> 00:54:29

And you see the dedication of the process, like the balance that he had in his life, and how it's not easy. He had to run the community. He had to take care of his family, he had to read his own Koran, but he still made sure that he made time to hang out with his guests.

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And this is the balance and the beauty of the lifestyle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this is a really remarkable story about when the people have thought if when they do have the process, animals accepted, and the people have thought if finally came and they accepted Islam and there's so many beautiful stories that are mentioned here. And so many profound lessons that are mentioned here. We pray and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to allow us to practice everything that we said and heard. And we asked Allah subhanaw taala to grant us the ability to build the

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community like the community of the prophets of Salaam to have a sense of compassion and bringing humanity together. And may Allah subhanaw taala always make us a means of bringing people closer to him and never allow us to be the reason why people go away from him. I mean, the Arab a lot, I mean, just like malacanang so can only be from the history 100 Columbia Hambrick

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