Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 174 – Death of Abdullah ibn Ubayy Ibn Salul

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam is a source of pride and pride in the spiritual life of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam. The importance of not missing out on spirituality and staying up late in the night to avoid waking up early is emphasized. The importance of community sharing experiences and experiences is emphasized, and the use of the word "arise" in a Prophet sallam is emphasized. The importance of showing one's face to the gods and the upcoming graduation of the Prophet sallama Alayhi wa sallam is emphasized, and the importance of showing one's face to the gods and the upcoming graduation of the Prophet sallama Alayhi wa sallam is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in an attempt to learn about him, love him, and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and tibia. These are just a few of the things we offer alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at this theater intensive, two weeks, dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, sha Allah join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, go to Cedar intensive.com to register, or for more info

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Kay Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was a marine. So inshallah continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a sirata number via the prophetic biography.

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In the previous session, we talked about after the prophets a lovely someone's returned back from the campaign and the expedition have to book we talked about how the people have thought if beneath up if they arrived in Medina, and they accepted Islam at that time, and it was a very,

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very powerful and also a very heart, you know, felt very heartwarming story and experience from the life of the prophets a lot except Him. And there were also some very profound lessons that were contained there, where we talked about the idea of community, and how community is compassion, and the type of approach the type of mentality the type of,

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you know, heart, that community requires. And that community is built upon. One of the things that I had mentioned last time, and I had kind of mentioned it very briefly, I wanted to go back and touch base on it just once more, because what we're going to be talking about his, unfortunately, a very different side of community as well. So I want to start off by reminding us of exactly what the foundation of the community of the prophets, a lot of him was, how he built and how he established that beautiful community of Medina, that is a role model for all of our communities today, one of our very senior teachers who's passed away now Chicago, either from a law, he always used to talk

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about this idea that the goal of the work that we're doing is to try to get back to the place where Medina was before the passing of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So that's what we're trying to always get back to that type of, you know, sincerity and that type of love and that type of inclusivity and compassion. That's what we're trying to work our way back towards. So the story that I had mentioned was that the prophets a lot, he said, him, and I and I didn't get to explain the proper context of this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because of his routine and his schedule and how demanding his lifestyle was, right, the profits a lot SLM would he wanted, you

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know, and it's a part of something that we all need to think about spiritually, he would spend time every day dedicated to just his relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And he used to do this every single day. And so one of the moments that the prophets are one of the times of the day, the prophets, a lot of them would dedicate really, to purely just his relationship with the law was before fudger in the nighttime, well, soluable lately when NASA neon, because the idea is a lot of times spirituality can come at the expense of other obligations and responsibilities that we have. And a lot of times that just ends up becoming selfishness and self indulgence. But spirituality is not that I neglect my family. Spirituality is not that I ignore the community. Spirituality is not that I tone out, you know, the problems in society, that is not

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spirituality. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to dedicate a couple of hours of just dedicated worship to Allah subhanaw taala, at the very minimum, but when did he do it? He used to do it at 3am.

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You know, he would sacrifice his own personal rest, in order to invest into his relationship with the law, but not make his family sacrifice or not make the community sacrifice or not, may not ignore what's going on around him in the world around him. But he would do it at night. And so in order and then the rest of the day used to be so busy, he'd come for fudger after fudger he'd answer questions, spend time with people check on people. Then he go around Medina see if there was anything that needed addressing, he would go home for a little bit. He would take a little bit of a nap. You know siesta, a Lula and then basically the hard time would come after a thorough time. He

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would go and he would sometimes check on some, you know, relatives and other people who needed visitations, visit them in their homes, he would visit people in their homes, and then also time after answer time he used to go home and then from answer to McGrath, he used to spend time with his family. Like talking

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to his wife, and you know, playing with the kids and checking on the grandkids, and you know, and then most of the time for mclubbe, Terry Shah, he would be in the masjid, again, just teaching people talking to people spending time with people, then he, our prayer would come. So and then remember, his day didn't start at 5am, or 6am, or whenever fudger was his day started at 3am, because of his worship routine. So in order to be able to just manage all of that, and kind of not lose his sanity and not lose, you know, his mind because of how busy he would be. The prophets a lot of time was very particular about that, when he saw prayer is done, he would go home, and he would

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pray whatever needed to be prayed as a follow up to a shower at home. And then he would go to bed. And in fact, the prophets a lot of the time, and this is something we see in society, the parents who maybe have, you know, teenagers, or who have raised teenagers are going to nod their heads when they're going to understand this, that, you know, with the lighter you stay up at night, the more you sleeping and during the day, right? And there we go. There's the head nods. Right. So they're like, Yes, correct, right. So that's, that's a common frustration that we all have, right? The bad habits start to develop during that time. So for this reason, the prophets allowed him to harness

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some of the profits, a lot of them very seriously disapproved of staying up late in the night, and you know, just hanging around, and that's when the QA or the tea or the coffee, and hopefully nothing else worse than that starts coming out. And everyone just sits around and congregates and laughs and jokes and talks. And before you know what it's 1am 2am. And that just completely destroys productivity, right? Even from a very worldly dunya perspective, whenever they talk to, you know, people who are very,

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very brilliant, you know, brilliant people, people who are leaders of their industry, and things like that. They always talk about the fact about how they go to bed early at night, and they wake up at the crack of dawn, they wake up very early in the morning. So that's an important part of productivity. So the prophets a lot he said them was not about, you know, social gatherings at nighttime.

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But like I mentioned last time community requires you to really sacrifice even part of yourself. Right? So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was aware that these people have bought it for here. They're kind of sort of almost becoming about to become Muslim. So maybe they already had some of these bad habits of hanging out at nights. And then on top of that, the travelers and I talked about last time how travelers you know, they usually everyone's camping out to everyone staying up and hanging out the prophets a lot of a sudden would go home after Isha. But then we think about it that these guests are here, and you would come back out at night and talk to them. And there was something very

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almost like very endearing in the behavior of the prophets, a lot of the some that the Sahaba they describe

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oshman who they thought, radi Allahu taala. And who was amongst this delegation from thought if who became Muslim later on, he describes this, he says the prophets, a lot of them would come in, he would come out to check on us because we'd all be hanging out in the masjid and talking. So he come out to hang out with us and check on us, Ghana. And then he says that, yeah, Tina Baudelaire Isha you had the through NACA, even allegedly, he but he wouldn't sit down, you know, when you're kind of in a rush in a hurry. But you do want to talk to somebody, you don't sit down. And when they sit down, sit down, you're like, No, no, I have to go, I have to go. Just real quick, just a minute,

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just a minute. Right. And so the system would stand there talk. And he said that he would give so much of Himself to us. Like he, he'd be so sincere, and he'd like, really get into the conversation and start telling us about his life and start asking us about our lives, that the conversation will go on, so long as you get tired, going to Europe, Euro we have been that is a human to live. And then he would start to lean on one leg and lean over to the other leg. And, you know, like, when you're standing outside talking in the parking lot, you're like, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go. And then you're talking. And then after a while, you notice yourself, you're leaning on the car,

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rides and things like that. So that's how the profits a lot of them was. That's how much he loved people. And specifically, he would talk about, you know, and this is the other thing, we think community is always just based off of lectures and holidays and classes, as I'm giving a Hanukkah right, but I get the irony in that. However, we think that that's completely what community is predicated upon. Community is about sharing your lives and sharing personal experiences, and really bonding with one another on common experiences. And so what did the process I'm used to talk to them about? He didn't wouldn't start giving them a lecture Al hamdu, lillahi, Mohamad who when I say

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aliens are giving them a lecture, what do you say La anzar wakulla mustafina Mustafa Lena B Makita philam Maharaj nyla Medina kana see john Harvey been an hour been a home noodle La, la luna Alina. Oh, I remember the days when we were weak and oppressed in Makkah. And then we came to Medina and then there were wars and some of them we won. Some of them, they won. And it went back and forth. And he would just kind of talk about life and experiences, struggles and sacrifices, because that's something that we all share.

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Everyone's got some pain, everyone's got some struggle. Everyone's got some type of sacrifice. So this was what the community of the system was built upon. But that specific thing I mentioned was one particular night when he didn't come out for a long time. And they kind of, you know, jokingly said to the prophet SAW Selim, Lakota of Tata Anna Lee letter, that, you know, they, they said that, you know, we've been expecting you because you come out every night. So we've been expecting you, but you came out a little bit later. And the prophets a lot of them said that I was reading my portion of the Quran that I read every night, and it just took a little longer today, and the

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narrator of mama Buddhahood. In that narration, he adds on to the end of it, that oh specifically mentions that I asked the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how much Quran they used to like how they would divide up the Quran, like how many days they would finish up on in a reading of the Quran. Some said Salah from some said three days, some said comes in five days, some said seven on seven days, some said this, or on nine days, some said he had a shot at 11 days, some said Salah tashera 13 days. But nevertheless, you see that these were people who spent a lot of time with Docker on every day, because that's the Food for the Soul. Right. And that's something we

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definitely need to recommit ourselves to. So I started here by kind of reiterating where we ended last time, to remind us of what the community of the processing was built on. Because as I said, we have a little bit more of a challenging theme to talk about today. Another part of community is that sometimes there are difficulties and there are conflicts and there are problems in a community. And what we're going to be talking about today is kind of the final chapter of one of the really problematic people in the community of the Prophet salani set up that was a man by the name of Abdullah even obey even saloon

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up the line even obey even saloon was a man who is very, you know, infamously remembered as a diesel mafia clean. He was a leader of the band of hypocrites, the group of hypocrites. Okay? What hypocrisy means here is not necessarily you know, the prophets, a lot of the seminal Hadith and multiple Hadith, he talks about, you know, I get to monarchial on three signs of hypocrisy. When you speak, you lie when you make a promise, you break it when you are trusted with something, you violate that trust. In another narration, he adds a fourth one, that whenever you get into a dispute or an argument with someone, you become obscene or vile, okay? Like you can't disagree without

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fighting. Alright, so, those are more like what the scholars have explained NIF optimally, those are the actions of the hypocrites, but what the hypocrites were during the lifetime of the prophets, a lot of them that the Quran spoke about, that the prophets, a lot of them dealt with. They were true hypocrites, hypocrites of the heart. And that's something we that we can never, you know, ever know. It's something we constantly, you know, gauge ourselves in regards to, we hold ourselves accountable for we take a long, hard look in the mirror periodically. But it's not something that can objectively be gauged from the outside that can't be measured or seen from the outside. It's

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something inside the heart and only Allah knows, we are fearful of it, we are mindful of it, we work actively against it for ourselves. But we can't say that about anyone ever. All right, but the hypocrites at the time of the prophets are somewhere declared and exposed by God. And they were exposed by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. And so these were very, very seriously, you know, problematic people. They were people who acted and pretended like they were Muslims. They acted as if they were a part of, you know, the efforts and the straw struggles of the Muslims of that time. But they were constantly actively working behind the back of the prophets, a lot of the

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time in the Muslims in trying to undermine them and trying to betray them, and then trying to aid the enemy against them. And there's multiple incidents that we've talked about in this series, which you know, where they unfortunately did something really terrible. Like in the winter profits, a lot of them arrived in Medina, they tried to create conflict between the Mahajan and the unsought and they insulted the profits a lot. So when they left for the Battle of awkward when they were going to fight the army that was coming in defend Medina against the army yet awkward. They came out initially to kind of give them a sense of confidence. And then they at the last minute they pulled

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out to try to, you know, because imagine like if, you know, I'm trying to purchase something, and I talk to the brother and I say, you know, I can't afford it on my own. Could you partner with me on this on this deal? And he says, Yes, I'll go 5050 with you. So I proceed confidently into the contract. Then imagine as I'm sitting down about to sign the contract, he goes, Oh, yeah, I'm out. He left me high and dry. That puts me in a very bad tight spot, and that's just money over here was potentially the loss of life. And eventually, it was

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loss of life at 170 Sahaba were martyred, were Shahada. So they did terrible things like this on numerous occasions. We talked about sort of tomorrow afternoon coming down at the incident behind that. So this man Abdullah, nobleman, saloon and if we talked about this, I'll briefly recap it here in the last major incident that, you know, he was a part of. They were out on the journey of Mr. Lake. He at night gathered together with a group of his cronies and his buddies, and he said some very vile things about the profits, a lot of him called him, you know,

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he referred to him as lowly and filthy and humiliated, and so far, so on and so forth. One of the young sincere Muslims heard this conversation, came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and informed him. The prophets a lot of a sudden when he asked them, he summoned them, and he asked them about this. They lied, and they swore, yeah, California biLlahi makalu. Right. I actually foon Allah completado like many references in the Quran, right? So they said, Our Luna shadow in Nicola Rasulullah, right? No, no, we know you're the Messenger of Allah, we bear witness, and we didn't do this. And we didn't do that. And we didn't say this. And eventually Allah revealed certain

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monasticon where he exposed them. Well, luckily, yes, I do in the mafia, clean alacati when God testifies that these people are a bunch of liars. So like, expose them when that happened. That's it. That was kind of the final, you know, that was the that was the final. That was a final, you know, indiscretion, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. So when they returned back to Medina, his own son opposed him and threatened him. And eventually, his own tribes, people, his own family members who were sincere Muslims, basically placed him under house arrest. They told him you're not allowed to speak publicly anymore, because you used to sometimes get up and start

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speaking in the masjid without permission from the prophets a lot. He said, No. They said, No, you're not allowed to do that anymore. And they kind of essentially placed him under house arrest. And they banned him from participating in any type of communal activities. And when he was caught lying about having said terrible things about the process of them, you might remember Amaro the Allahu taala, anusara, messenger of Allah, now that God has exposed him,

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should we not deal with him? Which was code for we should remove him from existence, right? So at that time, the prophets a lot of them said no, because then people people won't know the backstory and they won't care about the backstory, right? We know the nature of gossip, what they'll say is in the Mohammed and the Oculus haba, who the Mohammed kills his own people, so no. And then when his own people place him under house arrest and silenced him, the profits, a lot of them turned to Omar. And he said, Do you see what I was talking about? Allah will make away and Amara, the Allahu taala. And he said, I already knew this. But at that moment, it was a reminder of that the most, the

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greatest strategy in the world could never outdo the wisdom of the prophets. allottee. So, so much wisdom. All right, let this play itself out. There's a wisdom in that let it play itself out. You know, it's a sinking ship. It's a downward spiral.

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It's a stone rolling down a hill. You don't need to try to push it you just get out of the way and you know, keep on rolling itself down the hill and crash. Okay, so that's what ended up happening with him. We are now at the occasion when the profits a lot of these him came back from the journey of Dubuque

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Abdullah in urban saloon, this man who had been so much trouble, he became ill, this generation, these are narrations that are mentioned by even this Hawk and walkie and even narrations that are found in Bukhari and Muslim.

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He became very, very ill. And something very interesting. This is this, this should blow our minds this should just absolutely astounded us. He became ill. And the narration mentioned what kind of model to who he didn't and a lot and he was very, very sick for 20 days. for Canada salicylate, a semirara hufa. Karma yo via he didn't take the process of visited him.

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He regularly visited him.

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Who does that?

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Who does that?

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Your enemy, your sworn enemy. And you know when we use that word, in today's culture, it's hyperbole. Right? It's drama. Right? It's blown out of proportion. No, no, this was an actual enemy he tried to assassinate murder. The profits allowed him multiple occasions. He was the primary architect of the slander against the wife of the prophets, Allah and the mother of the believers.

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He was involved in causing so much pain to the prophets, a lot of them his family and his community and his Sahaba

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He becomes a sick, he is ill, and the prophets allottee some visits him multiple times, goes to check on him and see how he's doing.

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It's beyond even. And this is the meaning of Allah Allahu lukianov. In one of our teachers are some Shahabuddin from Allah, who is our teacher intercede. He said in NEC Allah, Allah, Allah use the word Allah Allah.

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Allah means to be on top of something, because Allah is saying you are above good character. like think about the best character you've ever seen in your entire life. That's where the character of the prophets a lot of people where it ends, that's where his character started. He was beyond what we even call good character, nobility, he was beyond nobility.

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Unbelievable. And so the profits allowed someone to go visit him.

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So he actually made a request of the profits allottee. So think about how accessible and how kind and how generous your soul must be, that your sworn enemy actually can feel like they can make a request of you. He said for in metu. He said, If I die, Father loosely, that I would like for you to be present at the washing of my body

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without the need for me, sakala de la Jessica for caffine fee. And please grant me your shirt that is touching your body. So that I may be shrouded in that was suddenly aleja. And I want you to pray my janaza prayer was sutphin Lee, and I want you to pray for my forgiveness. He made these requests of the prophets a lot. So the narration goes on to mention

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that when he finally died, his son, whose name was also Abdullah, he was a sincere Muslim. Remember, he was the one who confronted his father and said, I will not allow you to enter Medina until you take back the terrible things you said about the prophets a lot easier.

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And so his son came to the prophets, a lot of fishermen. You know, he was very torn up. He said, I know my father did terrible things, but he was my dad. And he's dead now he passed away. And I fear for him. So he asked for your shirt. So can you please give me your shirt so that we can shroud him and bury him in your in your garments?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam took off his shirt and he gave it to him.

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He took off his shirt and gave it to him. Mr. Bahari Rahim Allahu taala does mention that when the uncle of the prophets Allah, Maha bass, he was he became Muslim a little bit after this. And he kept his two sons his secret hidden for some time because of the danger in Mecca. He came to fight against the Muslims in the Battle of butter. But he did not come willingly he was forced. They made him come to try to make a point against the prophets. A lot of women rally support against the prophets a lot. So he very reluctantly came with the grace in the Battle of Boston and he was captured in the Battle of butter.

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When he was captured, his shirt had become torn.

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And so while he was being held captive, the profits a lot of them came by and he saw that he was tied up and his shirt were torn. And this is the uncle of the profits, a lot of him and the profits, a lot of him called the Sahaba. Together, and he said he's my uncle. He's an old gentleman. If it's okay with y'all do y'all mind and tying his hands? And he said, Of course I'm asking you just have to tell us what to do. He said, I know. But I have to be fair, and just, it can't just be because it's my uncle. You have to agree to that. And so they untied him and then his shirt was torn. So Abdullah New Haven saloon who had a relationship with our bus as businessmen from back in the day,

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he saw that his shirt was torn so he brought him an extra shirt and gave it to him.

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And so Imam Bukhari mentioned that that was also part of the wisdom of the prophets a lot of the time that he paid this favor back. And that's why the prophets a lot of them said, anyone who displayed any kindness or generosity towards me, I was able to pay all of them back except for Abu Bakar

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for Allah, because Abu Bakar has done so much. Allah subhanho wa Taala will have to reward him on my behalf. So that was also part of the wisdom of the prophets, a lot of him giving you a shirt for Abdullah beneventan salute to be buried in.

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Then there's a little bit of a, you know, disagreement amongst the Mojave throne. The narration of Buhari mentions that the prophets a lot of them did not pray the janazah of Abdullah bin and Raven, Sulu, he did not leave the janaza prayers, the narration of Sahih Muslim and some others mentions that he did offered the janaza prayer it's just a little difference of opinion. But essentially what it says is that the Son then said his janazah is ready Can you please come and lead the prayer? The prophets a lot of them got up. And Amara, the Allahu taala and who, you know, kind of reached out and grabbed the close of the profits a lot. He said I'm pleading with him he's begging him, O

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Messenger of Allah. In the huhtala fiio mi Cabeza de Vaca de la Cala to Mika cassava. He

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He said this and he said that and he said this and he said that you can't go and pray his arousa and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said Danny aroma said leave me oma for any beta halothane for I have been given two options. I have been given two options. in Nairobi. Hi Ronnie, my Lord has given me options. What he was referring to was the ayah and sudo to Toba. I am number 80, verse number 80 and sudo Toba in which Allah says ista finlaggan. Allah to suffer long, seek forgiveness for them these hypocrites or do not seek forgiveness for them. In the Sufi loom, Sabina Martin, felling extra long, even if you were to seek forgiveness for them 70 times. Allah would never

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forgive them. That it could be an anchor for rubella solely because they disbelieved in God in His Messenger. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he actually commented at that time. Remember Hari mentioned generation, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Well, Allah mu, and ni, NZ to Allah submarino who fear Allah who loves it.

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He said that if I knew God said even if you ask forgiveness for them 70 times a level so not forgive them. If I knew that by asking forgiveness for them 71 times I would forgive them, I would then pray for his forgiveness 71 times. Look how generous the soul of the prophets a lot economists. Look how invested he is Harrison aliko Look how invested he is into people's salvation by any means, whatever it takes, right? That's that type of compassion that we were talking about.

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So now the way that some of the scholars like Kevin kathina and others have reconciled, that did he lead digitizer or not, is that the narrations that say he then went, the narration assumes that he led the den as a he went, but on his way there right when he was about to reach there.

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The next ayah basically came down where Allah subhanaw taala told the prophets, a lot of them went out to suddenly Allah had a Minamata burden, while ata kumala Cobra II do not offer they're not need their janaza prayers, nor should you go and stand up their grave and pray for them there. So that verse came down and so the prophets a lot of some generation that says he led the prayer as soon as he left the prayer because he left there. But before he arrived there, the verse came down, and he turned back from there. And that's why the narration says he's ultimately he left to lead the prayer, but he ultimately did not end up leading to prayer. And that is the proper understanding.

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Allahu taala. Allah, Allah subhanaw. taala knows best. So sockliner Thank you. So at this particular time, of course, then Abdullah bin urban saloon was buried at this time. And that was essentially the end of his his very tragic story of a man who very tragically and unfortunately, made it the purpose of his life to oppose the profits, a lot of them and just for the sake of reflection, and for the sake of lesson, if you were to kind of think about and reflect upon it, what exactly led to that circumstance in that situation?

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It becomes very apparent from the very beginning, that ultimately the issue was ego. And it was arrogance. Because Sabina rabada, the Allahu tadano actually told the prophets a lot, or I believe it was outside binzhou urara. He told the prophets a lot he sent them that basically the two tribes that were in the unsolved the Arabs of Medina Osen has Raj, they had been warring and fighting and quarreling for quite some time. And they had ultimately started to reach some type of peace amongst one another. And the terms of that peace were that they were going to a point of delivering the raven salute to kind of be the de facto leader, the governor of both tribes. And that would, that's

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how they were going to reconcile. And that coincided with the time where they became introduced to Islam. And once they became introduced to Islam, that of course, they turned our attention to the prophets allottee. So, and he always resented that fact that I was going to be chief and he came in he took that away from me. And it was just that arrogance and it was that ego. In spite of all the generosity when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam arrived in Medina, he arrived in Medina, hundreds of Muslims from Medina from Oba came to welcome the prophets allowed him there was like a whole parade like a congregation following him into the city of Medina. And as admin gerada requested the profits

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a lot he said um, do you mind stopping by and just kind of like,

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you know, greeting him

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you know, recognizing him acknowledging him as a leader.

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In the profit somebody some stop the whole procession, hundreds of people detoured, went to the house of Abdullah and knocked on his door and said, I'm here I've arrived in the city and I would like to, you know, get off on

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Right foot and build a relationship with you. We work together to bring two people together.

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And he refused to come out of his house. He said, I don't want to talk to him. If I want to find him, I'll find him.

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So it was that arrogance. And that ultimately did him in. And that's something we have to constantly think about.

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The next thing that I wanted to talk about here today is there are two more deaths that occurred in the ninth year of higit. On towards the end of the ninth year of Hydra, there were two more deaths that occurred, one happened in the month of Rajab, and the other happened in the month of Siobhan, and they were both these were deaths of two very remarkable people. And they were very sad occasions for the Prophet ceylonese. In the month of Rajab, is when an agenda, an agenda, the kingdom of Abyssinia, the Muslim king of Amazonia, his name was in the joshy was more of the title of the position. Okay. It's like president or king. It was just the title. His name was actually us hammer.

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He has a very fascinating story. We had a whole session dedicated to him very early on in the series, where we talked about him, but he had a very fascinating situation where his father was king and his father's his father was killed, murdered, and most of his family was also massacred by his uncle. All right, Lion King, but anyways, so his father was killed and most of the family Forgive me, right. So most of his family was also massacred by his uncle.

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He, the child I asked him I was on was the only survivor. And he was actually by some of his father's supporters and loyalists. He was hidden and taken away and raised out in the countryside.

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And he had even lived abroad in different regions for some time. And because of that, you know, he grew up like on a farm, he was a very humble man, because of that he grew up working on a farm, learning how to work with his hands, a simple person and growing up, he didn't grow up as a spoiled Prince. And not only that, but the people that he grew up around, were very devout Christians. So he actually studied the Christian tradition and was a Christian scholar, a biblical scholar in his own rights. And later on, once he had grown up, then they kind of rallied together the loyalists of his father. And then they brought him basically back and he led a coup and was able to regain the throne

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that belonged to his father. And the other thing was also the fact that his uncle was a very, he was a tyrant. And so it was very easy for him to drum up support and he was a very benevolent ruler, very humble, very generous, very benevolence, and, you know, safety, security, and particularly, you know, rights and freedoms and asylum and religious freedom was something that were some of his the hallmarks of his kingdom. And that's why the prophets, a lot of them sent the early Moroccan Muslims to Abyssinia to take refuge there, because he knew about this king, this king had a reputation. If you have trouble in your own homeland, that's the place you can go and seek asylum and you'll be

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safe and he'll even support you. Okay, he'll provide relief and refuge. So he was an amazing person. We know the story. Jaffa, the Allahu taala, recites him, he becomes Muslim. He tries to sway the courts, to you know, his ministers and everyone to accept Islam with him. He finds them to be completely unreceptive to this. He's very fearful of the fact that this will cause a lot of upheaval, this will endanger the lives of these Muslims, nearly 100 people and it'll create chaos in the kingdom. It's Civil War, loss of life. And so he decided strategically very wisely and the process of approved of this decision to keep his Islam private. But he was a very devout Muslim him

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and john Farrar, the Allahu jalon, with the cousin of the process and had a very close relationship. Jaffa used to come and visit him regularly. And they would pray together and Jaffa used to teach him the Quran. And it's beautiful, beautiful stories. It talks about that one moment where we, after the Battle of butter happened in the Muslims had a victory, miraculous victory. jafra came to give him the news, but in the joshy already heard about it. And so when he walked in, he found a joshy, wearing some old clothes and sitting on the ground,

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kind of like making Vicar and he said, What are you doing? And he said, I don't know what Muslims are supposed to do. But in the Christian tradition, one way that we show gratitude is we put on an old pair of clothes, we sit on the ground and we praise the Lord, when something good happens. So I heard about the victory about that. So I was just trying to thank Allah for the victory, but that however I know how he in fact, create a he in fact, arranged the escort for Ramallah been to be soufiane omo Habiba who would become a wife of the prophets, a lot of them safely to Medina, and in fact offered the Maha the marriage gift on behalf of the prophets, a lot of them to her. So he had a

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very beautiful relationship in this way. His personal assistant, his hadham, right, he he had also become Muslim.

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So when Nick joshy and I talked about this before, but when the Joshua was about to die when he was about to pass away,

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he told his personal assistant who was also a Muslim secretly. He said, Look, it's a Christian kingdom, I'm the king, they're going to have a huge Christian funeral and procession and awake and all that good stuff. They're gonna do all that stuff. But I want to first have a Muslim funeral. So when I die, push, wash my body, put a shroud on me. And I want you to pretty much

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and that's what his assistant did. And then basically, he called everyone in and then they have the Christian funeral. One other thing that it mentions is that and again, this is not something that's allowed in Islam. We're not supposed to do this, but he didn't know. He didn't know any better because he was so far away.

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He had some pages that have the Quran written on it, it said to be the same verses that Jaffa the Allahu Tanana recited to him from sort of medium, he had written it down on a couple of papers. And he always used to keep those pages folded and used to put them inside of his shirt.

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Right. And that's why even when he would talk to his ministers, he would always say, this is what I believe this is what I believe. And they would think that he was saying, like, you know, like, I believe in, you know, our kingdom or whatever. But he was actually always tapping the pages of the Koran he had inside of his shirt. So when he died, when he was gonna die, he told his assistant, I want you to take those pages of the Quran, and I want you to put them inside of my shroud. So when they do their whole Christian funeral, I still die as a Muslim and I die with the column of Allah, and then bury me with that we're not supposed to bury pages of the Quran with the disease. But

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again, that was excusable because he didn't know that's not the right thing to do. Nevertheless, when he passed away, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam commented, and he said, Today, a great man has passed away, a great believer has passed away. And when the people from Habesha came to visit the prophets, a lot of the prophets a lot of them got up, he took off a shawl, he put a shawl on the ground, and he made them sit on it. And they felt very, like, you know, kind of, you know, awkward about that they made them sit, and then he went to go get them water and dates and the Sahaba said, we'll get it for you. We'll get it for you instead. No, no, no, I will get it. When my

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people went to their king. He personally took care of them, so I will personally take care of them.

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And when he passed away the profits, a lot of them said a great believer has passed today. And then the prophets, a lot of them offered a janaza prayer for him. in Medina, it was the only time in the lifetime of the prophets a lot. He said, when he offered janazah for someone who did not die there and whose body was not there. in Medina, it's called janaza, belhar janaza. funeral in absentia. It was the only time the prophets a lot of them did that. And he did that for a machete. And then the prophets, a lot of them commented as well said, Allah subhanaw taala showed me and the joshy in Paradise, wearing two beautiful garments and smiling, and he's in paradise. So now joshy passed away

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here in the ninth year of digital edition this year. And then the second death that occurred here towards the end of the year. It happened in the month of Siobhan, and this was very tragic. It was the daughter of the prophets allottee omocha

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Makoto, and this was the second daughter of the profits, a lot of them to pass away.

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He, his first daughter who died was by the name of rupiah. She died in the second year of hedgerows when they were returning back from but they got back from London and they found out that she had passed away. And this was a second daughter, and he had three sons who also want to who had passed before this. So this was the fourth child the prophets, a lot of them had lost. Right? And this daughter of the prophets are large numbers, of course, very beloved to him, and she passed away in this particular year. And some of the relatives a smart bento, mais who was the wife of Jaffa,

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Sophia beans, Abdulmutallab who was the aunt of the prophets, a lot of them, they washed her body and prepared the janaza. And then the prophets a lot of them personally buried her. And the narration mentions that the prophets a lot of the sun was very upset at the burial. And the narration even mentions that he ended up kind of reprimanding someone at the burial. And he was just very upset. He lost his another one of his children, his daughter, and it had a profound impact and effect on him. It was very painful for him.

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So this also happened here in the ninth year. Lastly, and finally, the the final. You know, the other big event that occurred in the ninth year of hedger was the very first hedge in the history of Islam. So Hajj, was initiated by Ibrahim Ali salam o as in financeable *. The Quran mentions that make the call for Hajj, Hajj had continued on but unfortunately as

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We've talked about you know, the the place and the occasion was the same but it had become completely distorted and that in fact become a celebration of, you know, they would do business and poetry and tribe and you know, even celebration of shitcan fortunately, but this year, the ninth year of digital was the first year that Hydra was restored to its original purpose. And this was the first hybrid This is called had gentle Islam. This is the restoration of the Hajj by Islam. Okay, in accordance with Islam, the prophets a lot of him did not go on this Hajj, he sent Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who, as the leader and leader of the Allahu taala, who has the like teacher on this

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Hajj in 200 companions, he sent them to go and perform the Hajj and kind of you know, set the groundwork for the hydrogen without the farewell Hajj. Hi jetten Nabi sallallahu alayhi from the heart of the prophets, a lot of which would happen in next year. So inshallah in the next session, we'll talk about the Hajj that Abu Bakr radi Allahu talana went and performed and exactly what happened there. And what efforts were made by Abu Bakar, the Allahu taala, and who, how the foundation and the groundwork was laid for the following year when the prophets a lot of him would go and perform the HUD. And we'll pause here and we'll talk about that next session.

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Now, they were not, so we'll we'll talk about that in the next session where a verse from sort of teutoburg specifically came down prohibiting the participation of the machete goon in the Hajj with the Muslims. No, no. And because this was also after the conquest of Mecca, so mcuh the Kaaba itself, the Safa Marwah Mina Musa leafa arafa all of these sacred places had been purged from idols and from the practice of ship, may Allah subhanho wa Taala give us all the ability to practice everything we've said and heard so Hanalei reham de semana Colombia, Hamburg, Nashville La Ilaha Illa into a circular corner to the lake.

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