Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 160 – The Conquest Of Makkah 2

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the complexities of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam's life, including the new Islam and the use of the term "sababa" to describe the situation. They stress the importance of calm behavior and forgiveness, as it is crucial for everyone to be thoughtful and deliberate in actions. The speakers also touch on the importance of educating oneself about the practicality of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam's Deen and religion, as it is a lack of our own knowledge and knowledge of the Deen.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him, and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and tibia. These are just a few of the things we offer alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the theater intensive, two weeks, dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter in sha Allah join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, go to Sierra intensiv.com to register or for more info smilla Willem de la salatu salam ala rasulillah, who Allah and he was fbh mehreen, shall I continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a siracha number we are the prophetic biography we've been discussing and talking about the conquest of Makkah. tumaco, one of the most monumental events of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we've talked about it from a number of different angles. Obviously, we've talked about what led to this particular event, how things unfolded. And what we've been talking about so far is some of the interactions and some of the

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different things that occurred after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his arrival within the city of Mecca. We're going to be somewhat continuing with that theme today but departing from Mecca for just a moment, after the conquest of Makkah had occurred and the prophets allottee some had secured the city of Makkah. at that particular time, there was a little bit of a threat that was facing,

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you know, the Muslims at that time from some of the surrounding areas of makup. Of course, one of the major threats that would present itself that would pose itself would be from the side of her name, where the Battle of her name would take place that inshallah we're going to be talking about very soon. However, prior to that, there was a new jazzy Ma, who were another tribe or another.

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You know, subset subtribe from the people of Kenya. They had basically risen up and there were some reports about them becoming hostile, and even contemplating an attack against Makkah and arrayed against the Muslims. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam This is mentioned in a number of the different books of seed on the books of Hadith, like given his haka in his Sharma and others, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to deal with this particular potential threat. The prophets a lot he sent him sent Khalid bin Walid, radi Allahu taala and who

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in that particular direction and he attached with them, some of the other tribes that had basically joined in with the Muslims at that time, such as Sulaiman monsoon mood ledge, and others and they proceeded on in the direction of bonucci Thema. This particular subtribe, when they arrived there when they reached their Khalid bin Walid radi Allahu taala, and who, who he informed them at this time that look, we're here,

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you know, there's really no point in trying to put up a fight.

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And there, this isn't going to go well for you if you do pursue the route of you know, combat. So he basically told them that you need to surrender and lay down your weapons at that particular time.

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Some of the people of New Jersey ma these people, they resisted, and they said that we're not going to put down our weapons because they said my brother brother in law is our one my burden is a de la de la la, la la la la, la la, la vida. Some of the leaders of that tribe they basically one person in particular he was called jack them, he said that no, we're not going to lay down our weapons we're not going to surrender because if we surrender, then we will be captured will be taken as prisoners. And if we're taking us prisoners, the only if we if we resist Furthermore, then we would be basically risking, you know, being even executed. So they said that we're not going to lay down

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our weapons and we'll put up a fight

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his own people jackets on people other leaders from bonucci azeema they basically approached him and they said yeah, jack them whaler come Yeah, jack them to lead. antastic Dima Anna, he said that oh jack them they said oh jack them Do you want us to be slaughtered in the battlefield. I mean, we just can't match

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Their numbers and their strength. There's no point in putting up a fight here in the nasaka slomo. What will they do i mean unnatural. They said, look what happened in Mecca. in Makkah people, they surrendered. Many of the people even accepted Islam. There was no battle. There was no fighting, there was no warfare, and the people are safe and secure. So for me as lb Hutton as Rosita who were the Mozilla home, they are recorded, and they kept on persisting with him until he finally surrendered. And he said, Okay, we'll surrender to Khalid and the forces, and they surrendered. They lay down their weapons, and they said, Okay, we're, we're, we're, we're at your mercy.

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Now, there are a couple of different reports here. And one of the reports actually does mentioned something very peculiar, very interesting.

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And what it basically mentions is that Imam Ahmed actually mentioned this in his Muslims in the narration, that when they lay down their weapons, Caliban will eat or the Allahu taala. And who basically told them, he said, Look, here's Islam, and here's your opportunity to accept Islam.

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And the narration mentioned that they weren't familiar with some of the verbiage as lemna we have accepted Islam. They weren't familiar with that verbiage. So they started saying things like sabat NASA BATNA. Now, this word Saba is a very interesting word. The word Saba literally means to kind of it means to forsake one's tradition, to depart from one's tradition. And the reason why it was a bit confusing was that if you take it literally, somebody who used to worship idols says so but he's saying that I have left the old tradition, which means I am embracing this new religion. But at the same time, in Makkah, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had first started preaching his

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message 20 years ago, and the early Muslims when they accepted Islam, many of the Moroccans would refer to them as a Serbian, they would call them Saba

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that they would say that so bottom cuts about two people have forsaken your tradition by embracing Islam. So you kind of see how it's a confusing, you know, word that it could be used both ways. And so people started saying things like so but now so but now, Khalid radi Allahu taala? And who not understanding exactly what they were saying and being kind of taken aback by it? Are they? Are they saying that they don't accept a song? Are they mocking the Muslims? Are they speaking ill of the prophets a lot? Like what exactly are they? Because the word sub sabi had basically become known as kind of a curse word that they would say that the mccanns used to say towards the prophets, a lot of

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some of the Muslims. So because of this ensuing confusion, Khalid or the Allahu taala, and who ordered them being

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taken us prisoners, like they should be arrested? Because he again, he misinterpreted what they were saying. So he ordered them to be taken as prisoner. And he said that start tying up their hands and lining them up as prisoners. And the moment that that started to happen, remember the conversation that had happened earlier, one of their leaders have said, No, we're not going to surrender because if we surrender, you're gonna take us prisoner.

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And it was basically the conversation that the Abuja Thema had amongst themselves, they said, if we surrender, if we lay down our weapons, then we won't be taken prisoner just like it happened in Macau, there will be peace, they'll they'll give us amnesty. And they'll let us go. But when they started saying this, and Khalid or the Allahu anhu, got confused, and he said, tie him up. And then the senate as soon as some Sahaba came and started tying them up, then some of them started fighting back.

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And once they started fighting back, then obviously, it becomes a very chaotic situation. And a few of their people, some of their people were actually killed. Because when they started fighting back, obviously, some some of the Muslims, they drew the swords Khalid or the Allahu taala, understand, defend yourselves.

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And some of those people have been uzima they were killed. And this was a very tragic, unfortunate situation that occurred.

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when, when all of this was said and done, they came back to Mecca to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they informed the prophets a lot of the time about what had happened, what are transpired.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did three things.

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Number one, as soon as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam heard the news, that these were people, you went there, they lay down their weapons. Fine, the confusion occurred, but then you took them as prisoner and then obviously, because they felt like they had been lied to. They felt like they had been betrayed. They started resisting and then once they resisted, they were killed.

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And particularly because they were saying so button so button at the profits, a lot of you have interpreted properly for holiday that many of these people that you ended up killing. They were actually accepting Islam they were proclaiming the fact that they were embracing Islam.

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So the prophets, a lot of them was so upset, and he was so distraught by this entire experience. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the narration says, refer if they eat less sama he, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam raised his hands up to the sky. One generation mentions that he raised his hands up so high, that like his hands were above his head.

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Whereas like armpits were all the way open his eyes and his hands were above his head. And he said, Allahumma inni abre oolagah me masala Akali double O Allah, I am not responsible for what?

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I take no responsibility. I disavow the actions of Khalid, that he acted brash brashley

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that he acted a little too

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hasty, he was a little too hasty in his action. He was a little too Maybe a little reckless in his behavior.

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Because the prophets a lobbyism always emphasized calmness, being calm, being collected, and really figuring out the situation. The profits, a lot of a sudden there are numerous narrations and traditions, a Hadith of the prophets, a lot of them, where he, where he speaks about the evils of being very hasty and rushed in one's actions.

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Were the profits a lot, some said allergy, let him initiate on being very hasty bit hasty be being very rushed in your reactions is from shape on.

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But the profits, a lot of them emphasized be very deliberate, be very calm, very collected, and be very thoughtful in the actions that you take be very, you know, be very

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thoughtful about what you're doing. Think it all the way through, explore the entirety of the situation. The prophets, a lot of him we talked to will, we'll be talking about it, when the tribe of Abdullah case was to Abdullah case, when the people the delegation of Abu face would come to Medina to accept Islam, and the leader of the delegation of the tribe, a shot, he would take his time and he would, you know, secure the animals and, you know, pack up all the luggage, and he will change his clothes and take his time before coming into the machine. The rest of the delegation just left their animals outside and ran into the machine to meet the profits. allottee some good reason,

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good intention.

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But their leader, a judge would take his time.

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When he would finally arrived, he would find that the profits a lot he somehow had not started, you know, talking to the rest of the delegation who's waiting quietly, and then he made room for sheds next to him. And then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam praised him by saying that you are a person God has blessed you with two qualities that Allah loves very much in Mecca in the FECA hustla Dini, you have Boomer law, you have two qualities are very beloved to God. And he'll move well and you are very forbearing very patient, and you are very deliberate and thoughtful in your actions.

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Very calm, cool and collected. And so there was some reprimand from the prophets, a lot of them here that he basically told Khalid or the Allahu anhu that instead of just reacting in that moment, very brashley

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you should have been a little bit more deliberate and you should have calmed down and calmed everyone down and figured out exactly what was going on. So the Prophet son was so distraught by that reaction number one, the first thing the prophet SAW some dead he raised his hands up to the sky, and he said, Look, my knee abre oolagah masala holiday Nova lead, or LA I completely disavow the actions of Khalid, I can't take responsibility for that. And he asked Allah for forgiveness and protection for that.

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The second thing the prophets, a lot of them did was he inquired. He said that Helen Carolla he hadn't Didn't anyone try to tell Holly not to do this.

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Then anyone tried to tell Khalid not to do this. And this is the second lesson. So the first lesson here is

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there will two lessons here first and foremost, obviously, the emphasis upon being very calm, cool and collected, calm everyone down, calm the situation down, and then figure out what exactly is going on, do not react brashley do not react very, you know, very quickly.

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Like Don't rush into action, but be very thoughtful and deliberate about what you're doing. And that's something that a lot of times in our day and age, we hear a lot of praise. We admire somebody who will just, you know, immediately take, you know, very drastic action.

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But the profits, a lot of them said that's not wisdom. That's not the way to do things. That's not a sustainable strategy on how to conduct things, but you have to be thoughtful and deliberate. The second thing is to

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forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala asking Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness immediately. The third lesson I wanted to emphasize here in the process of some says hunka anchor Allah He didn't anyone tried to reprimand him or rebuke him or stop him? Because the third lesson here is that this is why in the group the prophets a lot he says, You're lucky Elijah. You're the lucky Elijah, that the prophets a lot he seldom says that the hand of God is over the group. Like it's to me Almighty Allah Allah. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that my Ummah will not collectively my woman gather upon misguidance that that's part of the blessing and the benefit of operating as an oma operating

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as a group as an as a collective. As a community.

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We do not admire the lone wolf, we do not admire somebody who will go it alone. There's no glory, there's no greatness in that, once again, from a worldly perspective, you know, the one man Wrecking Crew, the Rambo, the commando was very, you know, admired, revered glorified. We don't find any glorification in that. But rather what we admire, is being able to operate as a group as a jamara as an oma as a community.

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And so the prophets allottee, seven years saying that that's the benefit of the group. you benefit from the group around you when you fail in your judgment. You have your brothers and sisters around you who might be able to advise you in that situation. So Helen Carolla hadn't so

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so one of the people responded now I'm uncorrelated. Rajan appealed Reba tune for now Hema Khalid.

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So somebody responded by saying yes, one person who any describes a person because he did not know the name, he said kind of a middle and average heights person who had a very lighter complexion, kind of a younger person, average height, lighter complexion, he ended up telling Khalid big slow down, don't do this. And Khalid kind of brushed him aside and and dismissed him for Secretary and for Secretary. And then the person backed off because he didn't want to create more problems. Well, I'm corralejo Rajan and we don't move.

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And the second there was a second person who tried to step in and try to,

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you know, stop Khalid, from what he was doing. This was a very tall person. And he says, look, but him, which basically what the language basically means is that he was kind of lanky, like he's just trying to describe this person who answered the questions, didn't know everyone by name, maybe he was a newer Moroccan Muslim. So he didn't know the person by name. So he kind of says that he was a very tall kind of lanky, person, tall, thin guy, and he tried to also step in faraja or who first said that Mirage, Mirage Akuma. And Holly told him step back, and he was very harsh with both of them like step away.

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Or Marathi Allahu taala, who was there he recognized who this person was talking about, and he had also, you know, inquired about the situation, he said, earlier Rasul Allah as for the first one for evening, Abdullah, who was my son, Abdullah Abdullah bin Omar, he tried to tell Khalid, slow down and the second person was Salim Mola Abby who they found another young man from the Muslims, his name was Salim, he was adopted by Abu her they find his wife Salah, their story is very famous. But Salim the second Sahaba he was this tall guy who basically tried to step in and tried to stop the situation. So that at least provided the profits a lot of them with the information that they were

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operating that there were other people there who did try to step in, but the situation got out of hand.

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The third thing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did know, was Thoma Daraa Salaam Salaam, the Somali of Nabi Talib, the Prophet sallahu some called Alexander Vitali, because now he needed somebody that you know, who knew exactly what the prophet SAW the son would want in this situation? So he called the leader of the Allahu taala and who, and he said yeah, Ali.

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Ali, I want you to go back out to those people but he just Dyneema from your family him. Check what their situation is now. Watch. I'm Raja helia Tita Takada make, and he said,

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basically extinguish any of the attitudes and the behavior and the conduct of Jackie Leah, which that's a literal translation to kind of rephrase it so that it makes a little bit more sense. He said, Go and handle things the way Islam has taught us to handle it. In Jamelia, things like this would happen. And the response a lot of times would be you go out there and you further crushed him, just so nobody would dare ever try to get any type of vengeance in this situation. But he said go and handle things the way that I have taught you. The way that a lion is messenger have instructed you to

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know the Allahu taala knew he went out there and what he did was for her job

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Anahata Ma, Ma Ma Humayun alira de Allahu taala. When uttering the prophets, a lot of him gave him a lot of the prophets, a lot of them sent some funds, money, he sent funds and money with him. For what Donna, Houma, D Ma Ma OC, Bella homina, Mali, the alira, the Allahu taala went out there and found out okay.

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Who are the individuals that were wrongfully killed in this situation? It was again, it wasn't a deliberate murder, it was a situation that got out of hand. So the course of action in that regard is that you consoled the families and you also offer retribution to the families financially.

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So he said, okay, who are the individuals that were killed in this accident in this situation? When he found out he offered them, he basically provided that retribution to them

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and, and any destruction of property that don't happen. He also compensated them for any destruction of property as well. So much so that after he had taken care of everyone that He further inquired again, he asked them how Bucky alaikum de mano, Marlin lamb lamb you delicate? Does anyone have any other complaints that have not been handled?

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And they responded by saying law? No, you have taken good care of us. You have apologized. You have taken care of the families of those who lost something or someone and you've done right by us. allinone Allahu talanoa. At that time, he looked at what was left from the funds the prophet SAW some I provided him with and he saw that some funds were still left. Allegedly Allahu Jelani said for a new article Mahathir Mohamad, the attorney rasulillah, Salam Mallanna, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, he said, the remaining funds that I have here, I'm going to hand over to your tribe as an extra gift to you from the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Because I might not realize something, you

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might not realize something, but the wisdom of the prophets, Allah is there. And this is what the prophet SAW Selim would have done in this situation. So I'm going to give you whatever is leftover as well as an extra just gift from the profits a lot he sent him.

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And he handed it to them. When he came back to the profits a lot he sent him the process, I'm asked him, How did everything go? And he informed him Look, I found out who are the deceased, I offered the retribution, I gave the retribution to the families, I found out about an image destruction of property, I compensated those people, there were some funds that were left. And then I further distributed that as a gift amongst the people as well. The profits are lovely, some responded by saying our sub TA Center. He said you did right and you did good. That's what I'd like to see.

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Then the profits a lot. Again, he stood up he faced towards the Qibla. He raised his hands up as it mentions, again, that so much so that you could see under the arms of the profits, a lot of them and again, the profits allowed him three times made the DA a lot of money abroad when they come in masaka holiday mobileread Allah, I asked you to absolve me. And I disavow the actions of Khalid.

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And so this was something that transpired there at the time of Fatah maka.

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And it's a very notable incident for the obvious reasons, as we mentioned, that number one, it illustrates to us that obviously in a time of in a situation of war, in a situation of confusion and conflict, Accidents will happen, bad things do occur. It's human nature to areas human khulumani.

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Every human being makes mistakes. But the important thing is that how are those mistakes handled? How are those situations resolved the profits, a lot of them did not make excuses the profits, a lot of the sudden did not try to cover up the situation, the profits, a lot of them did not take it even further. The prophets, a lot of them immediately reprimanded Khalid, he asked Allah for forgiveness, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then check with the group to make sure that the group that was with college realized that this should not have gone down this way. And then the prophets allowed him to care of the people who were wrong.

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And this was the reason why the prophets a lot of them had the impact that he had. This is why the prophets are so revered and respected and beloved, because of that honesty and that integrity, and that, that that remarkable character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So this is a notable incident that occurred at that particular time. And then

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going forward in sha Allah, we'll be talking about some of the other you know, just kind of progressing forward towards some of the other major events that unfolded at this time. One of the things I wanted to mention was, how long did the prophets Allah discipline remain in the city of Makkah, when he came for the conquest of Mecca, so they arrived near the middle of the month of Ramadan, and the prophets a lot of them spent the remainder of the month of Ramadan there in the city of Makati.

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There are different variations to different effects. Some of the narrations mentioned 18 days, some mentioned 19 days, either way, they remain there for a little more than half the month, the remainder of the month of Ramadan. Now, the reason why that's a little curious and this is going to get into some technical issues, but I don't want us to get bogged down into like a detailed discussion. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the thing that's noted, there's no difference of opinion, the prophets allowed him the remainder of the month that he stayed in the city of Mecca, the prophets, a lot of them shortened the prayers as a traveler does. And secondly,

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the prophets, a lot of them did not fast the remainder of the month of Ramadan. But he made up those fasts later on, because the traveler is allowed to not fast on those days of Ramadan and make them up on another day. And the prophets, a lot of them did that, which tells us a couple of different things. First and foremost is the fact that Morocco was the original hometown of the prophets, a lot of them, but the fact that the process of shortening the prayer was also not fasting on those days, tells you that the prophets, a lot of them considered Medina to be his home.

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He considered Medina to be his home. And we talked about this earlier. The second thing is that the different schools of thought the different schools of fic, you know, some of them are of the opinion that up to three days, some say up to four days. And then like some of one, two schools of thought of Abu hanifa are from Allahu taala. They say up to 15 days, prayers can be shortened. And a person is considered a traveler, this is obviously 1819 days, so hardly so shortening the prayers. Well, that is when somebody has a pre made plan that they are going to be staying somewhere for longer than 15 days, this situation was not exactly that they arrived into Makkah, not knowing exactly what

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to expect and what would happen and transpire. And they were remaining in Makkah until the situation was revolved resolved and all the different situations were handled. So due to that, because it was kind of a day to day type of thing. They were just assessing the situation and handling things as they were going along. So whenever that ends up being the nature of one state, where somebody could be departing at any time that person remains in a state of perpetually being considered a Mousavi a traveler, as there's a narration from the prophets, a lot of him as well, or a Buddha or the Allahu taala, on who mentioned this, that even if somebody would were to end up spending 10 years, in a

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place where it was just kind of a day to day type of thing, then that person basically would remain in the status of being a traveler. And the really remarkable thing about that the lesson in that is, that is the facilitation and the ease that Allah subhanaw taala has created the practicality that Allah has instituted within our religion. Allah in the Quran says you read the law to be committed. Yes, you saw when I agreed to become ultra allowance to facilitate your spirituality for you, not Cumber, you burden you with your spirituality, the prophets, a lot of feminine authentic narration says whenever the prophets a lot of him are embracing that whenever the prophets a lot of him was

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given the option between two legitimate courses of action in law Academy, a salaryman, the profits, a lot of them always took the more practical course of action. And so a lot of times, like the level of university levels, aha, God does not burden any soul beyond that souls capacity. So the first reflection that we take from that is everything that our last commanded to do is within our capacity, when I feel that something that Allah has commanded me to do is outside of my capacity, that is a shortcoming in my understanding, I need to realize that no, this is something Allah has made possible for me. But on the second thing that we get from that is, a lot of times there are

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concessions and practicalities built into our religion that we're not aware of, that we're not educated about. So if somebody has a bad back, or an injured leg, and they're having trouble standing and praying, and that person is trying to stand and pray despite feel, you know, having such terrible pain,

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and they feel like this is impossible, this is too difficult. It's just a matter of the fact that they don't realize they don't understand that Allah subhanaw taala. The prophets a lot of exam has taught us that if you can stand and pray, you can sit and pray. But that person doesn't know that.

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And so then that person might walk away with the understanding that or somebody else might look at that person and think that this religion is not very practical, but no, in fact, it is practical. It's a lack of our own knowledge, and a lack of our understanding. So it's very important to educate ourselves about our Deen and religion and learn about the beauty. How our Deen our religion has such a beautiful practicality and pragmatism and, you know, has such a beautiful design to it. That no matter what the situation is, we can practice our Deen and religion at all times, even when we're traveling. Even when the Muslims found themselves in very difficult situations I can cut in conflict

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and in war

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The religion was so practical, they could still practice their religion.

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So inshallah with that we'll conclude here and then we'll continue on forward inshallah with some of the more lessons of the conquest of Mecca. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard. So how to live humbly he Subhana columbium dek netshelter La ilaha illa Anta soccer corner to bhulekh

The Conquest Of Makkah and Khalids Mission, 28/02/17

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