Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 159 – The Prophet Pbuh Enters Makkah

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam's actions during the conquest of Mak foundation and interactions with people in the city, as well as the use of a dark red shawl and the use of a white flag to identify people in the city, are important for achieving victory. The interviewer discusses the holistic nature of the Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam's actions, including the destruction of the coverings of the streets and the use of a turban, and the importance of not denying the idea that the Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam is the one who wants to open the Kaaba. The interviewer also touches on the history of the Middle East, including the implementation of Islam and the use of the Kaaba as a symbol to symbolize the culture. The interviewer concludes by reminding everyone of the importance of their relationships with Allah and the need to be a measure of human integrity.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him, and better ourselves through his example. immersion, mentorship, companionship and Tobia These are just a few of the things we offer alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the theater intensive, two weeks, dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter in sha Allah join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, go to Sierra intensiv.com to register or for more info

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smilla Willem de Laval salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He will Safi edge Marin

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inshallah, continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a siracha number we are the prophetic biography.

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In the last few sessions, we've been talking extensively about one of the most

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one of the biggest events of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, one of the most noteworthy events of this era. And that is the conquest of Makkah. phytomer, aka the opening of the city of Mecca.

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And what we've talked about so far is not only obviously the events that led up to that significant monumental occurrence, but we also talked about the Prophet talathi some preparation in that regard. We talked about some of the events that unfolded prior to the conquest of Makkah. We also talked about the prophets allottee. Sam's journey on the way to Makkah, and how when he stopped outside of Mecca, the prophets a lot of Islam was met with was met by some of the leadership of the Qureshi who accepted Islam at that time, and brokered a deal to basically ensure the protection and the safety and the security of the people of Makkah. What we're going to be talking about today is the prophets

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allottee, some entering into the city of Mecca, the prophets, a lot of these along with the 12,000 Muslims that were with the prophets a lot, he said, um, they're entering into the city of Makkah.

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There are many narrations which kind of described just the appearance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, when he was entering the city of Makkah, and that's what I'd like to focus on first. And then as we proceed forward, I'll basically be mentioning about three different things. The Prophet sallallahu sallam, his appearance, his demeanor, his character. And then the second thing that we'll talk about is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam going into the Kaaba and what the prophets a lot of them actually did at the Kaaba at the Sacred House of Allah subhanaw taala Mashallah haraam. And then thirdly, we'll talk about some of the very interesting interactions that

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had with some of the people as he came into the city of Mecca. And as they basically began to deal with all the different issues that were going on in Macau. So first and foremost, would have mentioned about the appearance of the profits a lot he said himself, in terms of physical appearance, it's mentioned that the profits a lot of a sudden was not in a state of Iran. He was not in a state of drama, what that meant. What that means is, the prophet salatu salam did not come with the intention to perform the ombre immediately, but rather, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would in fact performing Umrah before returning back to the city of Medina. But we'll be

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talking about that later in sha Allah, because at this point in time, they were basically coming in to secure the city of Mecca. It was more of a military expedition. And that was the primary purpose of entering Mecca. So for that reason, the prophets a lot of them was not in a state of at all. What was the prophets a lot of them wearing. So when the narrations mentioned that the prophets a lot of these images, very, very deep, dark red shawl that the profits a lot of them had that was bordering on like being black, and the profits, a lot of them was wearing that shawl.

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And then secondly, the profits a lot of a sudden, he was first wearing the helmets were allowed to see he and Milford.

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Milford for he was wearing a helmet as they entered into the city of Mecca. However, the narration mentions that film and aza are who the prophets a lot of them removed the helmets after they entered into the city of Mecca. And then the prophets a lot of them was wearing an amama. Now mama basically means a turban. In my mind. He had a turban tight on his head, that is described as soda. It was a black colored turban that he was wearing on his head. And the way the profits a lot of them would tie determine his

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That would have like a tail. One Piece of one edge of it would be left. And then he tied it. And then he tucked it in, and there was a second tail a second, the other end of it was hanging down as well and he had both the ends hanging down on his back behind his back between his shoulders and that's what he was wearing on his head. It also describes that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered into the city of Mecca, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had a flag and the while he had a flag and the flag was colored white, it was a white colored flag.

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And as the prophets allottee some entered in the narrations mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he saw

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you know, basically what had

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what had occurred and what had transpired, you know that Allah subhanaw taala had Hina Mara Hina Rama Rama who Lacombe human alpha t, that Abdullah bin Abu Bakar the son Abu Bakr, radi Allahu taala, who says that when the prophets alabi some saw how Allah had honored the prophets a lot, he said them by giving them this moment of being able to come in and secure the city of Mecca for Islam. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam was so humbled, was so humbled by this moment Lega Baraka who tato anila he, he bowed his head down, while writing the animal that he was writing he was writing a camel, he bowed his head down so low out of humility before Allah subhanaw taala for granting this

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And for finally bringing about this moment, this great moment, and the narration mentions Abdullah bin to be Becca says, had that Inner Earth noona llegada musawah, Sita Ronnie, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was bowed down so far down, that his beard was almost touching the back of the animal that he was writing. And another narration multiple Sahaba note this and narrate this. And as radi Allahu talanoa narration of bei hucky. He says that was akin to who Allah Rahim watashi and that the prophets a lot ism was so lowered down that it was like almost like his chin was touching the back of the animal that he was riding with the Hershey, out of humility before God, out of

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humility before Allah subhanaw taala and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a narration of Bahati mentioned Abdullah bin magoffin radi Allahu talanoa Sahaba. He mentioned this it's in the Hadith. It's a hadith a body that are at Rasul Allah He salam, a semi Yama fecha maka, Tanaka T, I saw the prophets a lot Islam as he was entering the city of Mecca, he was riding on the she camel, the camel that he was writing, well, who if crow sutra alpha t, and the prophets, a lot of symbols reciting certain facts in there for lack of a better movie now that we have granted you without a doubt we have given to you a very open clear victory.

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And you refer to the prophets a lot, the son was reciting the sutra and he kept reciting it over and over and over again.

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And so that's what the prophets a lot he said was doing as he entered into the city of Mecca. I've done up in Minnesota radi Allahu taala, who he mentions, and I'm going to be commenting on this now, the humility of the prophets, Allah deason was such so powerful, and the compassion and the mercy and the gentleness of the prophets, Allah He said, it was so profound. I've done up in Minnesota, the Allahu taala. And who says that

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a man came up to the prophets a lot a seminar, Roger and kendama, Rasulullah, sallAllahu, Shem, Yeoman feci, the he was talking to one of the residents of Makkah, was speaking to the prophets, a lot of them for aka that Harada. And he started shaking and shivering, out of just fear.

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Because the people of Makkah understood, we persecuted these people. We attacked them, we murdered them, we tortured them.

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We slandered them for 20 years. for two decades. We made their lives miserable, we made it the mission of our lives, the purpose of our lives, to make their lives miserable. That's what we devoted ourselves to for the last two decades. Now, he's got the upper hand. Now they have the upper hand. Now we are at their mercy. And so many people were very conscious of this fact. So this man from the people of Morocco was speaking to the prophets, a lot of them and while talking to the prophets a lot he started to shake out of fear.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him how when he said Relax, relax, calm down.

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For innama and even though he meant to rush, says you forget, I am the son of a woman from kurush.

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And from here

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can attack a deed and my mother was a very simple woman. She used to eat, you know, the food of the people in Macau very simple person. I am the man a very, very, you know, humble woman.

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Maka, don't be afraid. Relax, breathe. Okay. It'll be alright. And that was the demeanor of the prophets a lot. He said that this is the humility of the prophets a lot. So at the moment of the greatest victory

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in the life of the prophets allottee. So maybe that anyone has ever experienced such a moment of triumph over one's enemies. One could even say not from the perspective of the profits a lot, but from the perspective of the enemy, mortal enemies. They wanted nothing more than two they tried to attempted to assassinate the Prophet sallahu. Some not once but on multiple occasions.

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These were the people who were responsible for killing dozens of the companions of the Prophet talathi, some some of his family members.

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Time after time, there were people in Mecca, there are so many different incidents, so many different things that are mentioned that when the daughters of the prophets, a lot of the time after he made the hedgerow when they were leaving Mecca,

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two of the daughters of the prophets allowed him when they were leaving Mecca, one of the individuals of Makkah had, you know, come and as they were leaving, to try to like intimidate them, he grabbed the reins of the animal, and he kind of jerked the animal around in the daughters of the process and fell down on the ground off their animal. These are people who attacked his family, the eldest daughter of the Prophet salani, sums a number of the Allahu taala on her. When she was leaving Makkah, a man attacked her with the spear stabbed her. She lost the child that she was carrying, and she became wounded severely, that never healed. And she would eventually die from

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complications of that same wound.

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Like they had dumped this. These were people who killed the uncle of the processor and then mutilated his body.

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These are the things these people had done. And you look at the humility of the prophets who loves him, he has opened clear victory as a lie guaranteed in the Quran.

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they surrendered. They are at his mercy. He's entering into the city victorious, triumphant. But how is the prophets a lot of them entering the city of Mecca.

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He He's humble, he removes the helmet he had to wear the helmet coming in just because you don't know if someone's going to be trying to ambush or attack or some overzealous person. But as soon as he saw that the situation was calm, even removed his helmet to not even have very intimidating appearance.

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And he was making reciting the Quran had his head down, lowered so low in front of Allah subhanaw taala, out of humility, that his chin was almost touching the back of the animal he was writing.

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So quiet and serene and humble.

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And when he finds a man who's shaking and shivering, he comes him. This is the enemy.

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And you think about any other example that you can find in human history, where somebody would have been given that type of an opportunity over their enemies, how would they conduct themselves how would they behave?

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How do people in power act we're seeing it now.

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But this is an example of our messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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that the Prophet ism was always humble. But his humility was just breathtaking in the moments where he was in a position of power, where he had the upper hand over his enemies.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The narration mentions of Bahati that the prophets Allah Islam came in from the south of the city of Mecca he entered in from the south and he said hollyburn will either the Allahu taala knew from the north side with the cavalry to come in from the north. And as they entered into the city of Mecca, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he made a proclamation about the city of Mecca. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said in the LA Herald Omar Abdullah Abbas radi Allahu taala and many other narrates this and it's found in many of the books of Hadith and Sira Bharani mentions this particular narration that the prophets a lot is made a proclamation he said in the La Habra Mahal

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Bella de Yamanaka sumati will Allah wasaga who Yama, Safa, shumsa will Amara Well, my Shia luminesce Maha Rahman we're in the hula hula had in Kobani. When Mr. * Elisa min had into my other kumbhakarna the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that God has made this place sacred sanctified. This is sacred land, the day that he created the heavens and the earth that Allah subhanaw taala fashioned this place designed this place, the day that he fashioned and designed the sun and the moon. And everything that is above this place, even all the way up to the sky is also considered sacred. Nothing can be placed over it or on top of it. And he said that this place was not allowed.

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It was not allowed for anyone to encroach.

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To to kind of invade this place before me it was not allowed. And Allah gave me permission to enter into Makkah with my forces today for just those number of that time that it took to enter into the city of Mecca. This was by the command of Allah commanded me to enter in with the Muslim army on this day, but it will return back to its previous state that it will be sacred, it will be sanctified, and no one will enter in with an army and displace ever again it is not allowed. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he made a profit. So at this point in time, what I wanted to mention was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he makes his proclamation as he enters into the

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city of Mecca, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at this particular time, when he goes to the masjid, the profits allottee some proceeds towards the machine. When he gets to the masjid, he sees that Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who has gone and you know, brought his father the father of Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala on this one, the very beautiful interactions.

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The father of Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allahu, his name was Abu hanifa. Abu hanifa was a very elderly man, very elderly man.

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And he was blind at this point. So he gets a Boko Haram and he's holding his hand and he's bringing him when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam saw that he was bringing his elderly father who's blind holding his hand and walking him in the profits. A lot of them said Hello Dr. Shay coffee, Beatty. hacia akuna te fi Why did you not leave our elder uncle at home? And I would have gone and seen him if he wanted to speak to me. This is the humility of the prophets allottees

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and I've been working with the Allahu taala who says yeah, Rasul Allah Who I am share in a common anthem Shia and Allah He, he says on messenger of Allah, he should walk to you rather than you going to him.

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He should come to you.

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And then a snub into the back and a smart the daughter of Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah and missionaries as she says the prophets a lot of them asked him to come and sit and he had him sit down in front of him the promises from sat across from him from Mombasa who the prophets a lot even placed his hand on the chest of the father of Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala No, which was a gesture of love and respect. He placed his hand on his chest, and then he said a slim Please accept Islam. For us llama and the father of a worker of the Allahu taala no accepted Islam.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the narration mentions that he looked at the father of a worker and all of His hair was at gone white. And the profits a lot of them told Abubakar the Allahu taala No, I get it. Why don't you die in color his hair. So he doesn't, you know, doesn't look like this. And so this was the humility of the prophets a lot. He said them that, you know, when he sees an elder walking towards him the prophets a lot of them says no, no, no, you shouldn't have brought him to me, I would have gone and seen him. Furthermore,

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Oh, honey,

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Oh, honey, who was the cousin of the prophets a lot. He's I'm an older woman. She was one of the eldest of the children of a Bhutanese, the uncle of the process. I'm obatala Mohini was one of his aboot olives, oldest, you know, children, so very elderly woman. She was she was like a big sister to the Prophet ceylonese. And growing up, she always looked after the prophets, a lot of them. So Oh, honey, she comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And she said that there are two individuals from my in laws, minima zone. There are two individuals from my in laws. And I live in a bizarre liberal, the Allahu jalon who came and he's basically trying to, you know, kind of round

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them up, he's looking to arrest them, round them up, because the profits a lot easier to spread this about and he said, make sure you secure the city of Mecca. So she said that he's trying to round them up, but I have given them my protection. I promised them that I would keep them safe, and they're in my home.

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The profits are sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said marhaba Marlin Bo Mahoney. Welcome Welcome. Much respect to him. Oh honey, look how humble and respectful he is. Welcome, welcome to Mohini Marja beaky, what may I do for you? How may I be of service to you? And she tells him this and he says other agenda manager manager at

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m&t, he says that we have protected whom you have protected, and we shall keep safe whom you have promised to keep safe. So tell Li to leave them be.

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Again the graciousness of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at this particular time.

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Similarly, it mentions that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, one of the very interesting situations that we'll talk more about, but a crema, a crema, who was the son of Abu jihad. He had fought against the prophets a lot. He said on multiple occasions numerous occasions, led armies against the prophets, a lot of them when the officers had come for Umrah to a bar a year earlier, and Kadima was amongst the people who had protested the presence of the officers in Mecca, and he had gone outside of Mecca that well Mohammed is in Mecca for three days. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. I will not remain in Mecca at the same time.

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And when the prophets alongside him was coming, he had fled,

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and he had gone to Yemen, his wife, Omar, Hakim bentall Harris, she had accepted Islam. She came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that if I can bring bring you a creamer back, if I can go and fetch him and bring him will you grant him amnesty? Will he be safe, he's worried that he won't be safe. He said, Yes, I'll grant him safety. And she went and she got a crema and brought him to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he accepted Islam. And the narration mentions that when he was brought to the prophet to luxury when it came to the prophet to lobbyism, the prophets Allah DCM, advise the Sahaba random that do not curse his father, do not curse Abu Jahan in his presence, do not curse don't speak ill of the dead, those who have gone don't talk ill

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of them. You know, oftentimes we hear this type of we hear this, that this is an instruction in our Deen that we don't speak ill of the dead.

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Right? They've gone to their deeds and Allah will deal with them. They people are accountable to a lot. They're not accountable to you and me.

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We sometimes act as if we're judge, jury and executioner when we're neither we're all on trial before Allah subhanaw taala.

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But we hear that you shouldn't speak of those who have passed.

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And who was that narration about that was about Abuja, about a Buddha.

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And now where do we get off in our day and age

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where we don't even spear Muslims.

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We hear about a Muslim passing away and everybody gets into conversation about what they did and did not do.

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Whether they were good or bad, as if somehow we have a say in them

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as if our opinion matters at all.

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And what we furthermore don't even realize it's a lot more serious and the fact that nobody cares what we think about somebody's fate. It's more serious than that. The more serious thing is that if we're not careful, and we flap our tongues around, and we talk about people we will be held accountable for what we say.

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Don't ever ever, you know, take that for granted.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as he once again as I had mentioned before, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now enters into the Kaaba, the heart of the machine itself. And at this point in time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he calls for So first of all, I mentioned that the prophets Allah has him he enters Majid al Haram, the machine itself the area around the around the Kaaba itself. And the profits allow me some starts doing the walk around the camera, he starts doing the offer on the camera.

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And but the problem was that they had erected some of the narrations mentioned, that they had erected 360 idols around the Kaaba. They have placed all these idols around the Kaaba. And as the Prophet Solomon was doing tawaf, he had his staff in his hand, he had a staff in his hand, the prophets a lot, he said, um, he was knocking the idols over one by one by one by one, as he was doing tawaf and some of the narrations of Han Allah even mentioned, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, excuse me, I forgot to mention this. Before the profits, a lot of them did toe off. When he first went into the gut when he first went into the muscle hurt on the profits, a lot

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of them did such that he did such that just to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala, such as sugar, just to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for giving him this opportunity for letting them arrive at this great moment. So first, he did such that then the profits a lot even went to the well of Zamzam, and he asked for somebody to bring him something that he could drink from and he drank the water of Zamzam. And then the profits, a lot of them did, we'll do there at the well of Samsung. And the narration mentions that as the processor was doing will do, as we've said multiple occasions, the Sahaba would grab the water as it was falling from the face in the hands of the profits a lot he set up for the

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blessing of it.

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And the machinery cool and many of them were watching and they were shocked and amazed by this and they said Marina Mulligan, Petula semana de Jani, Mithra hodza. They said that we were lucky we have never ever seen or heard about a king that is respected as much as Mohammed Salah these images. Remember that comments when Abu sufian said to a bus

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That your nephew has a great kingdom. He said this is not kingdom. This is Prophethood. This is Prophethood is a whole nother thing and these absolutely You're right, because people don't even treat kings like this.

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There's there's something deeper here there's something more profound here. It's faith. It's belief, it's the man. So the profit of some does this will do and then he starts to throw off of the Kaaba. And the narration mentions that as the prophets a lot easier standing there before he starts that the wife, the prophets, a lot of them says La ilaha illallah wa de there's no one absolutely positively no one nothing worthy of worship except for Allah, Allah, La sharika, who he has no partners at all. Sub kawada he fulfilled his promise. When I saw Abdullah he helped and aided his slave refers to him himself as a slave of Allah. He is a prophet and a messenger. But he says first

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and foremost, I'm the slave of God.

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The humility once again, was xaba Wada. And Allah is the one who defeated the enemy. I did not defeat anyone, we did not defeat anyone, Allah defeated the enemy.

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And then the prophets of Allah is some sort of set off. And he starts doing that too often the narration mentions that he was as I was saying, before he was knocking the idols over. In fact, some of the narrations mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, there was something miraculous. Many people saw here that the prophets a lot he said, he wasn't even, you know, his staff wasn't even touching some of the idols. As he was doing tawaf. He was reading the verse of the Quran, JAL Haku was a while back when the truth came and falsehood disperse. in Alberta, Canada who can falsehood was never meant to last falsehood was always meant to go. What's right came so what's

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wrong is gone. And things that are wrong things that are bad, they never last game as a whole. It was always meant to go. And the narration mentions he was reciting this verse of the Quran, and his staff would not even touch the idols. He would just kind of point it in its direction. It wouldn't even touch the idol. The idols were just flopping over, we're just falling down one after another, as he did to off and all the islands fell down. And the profits, a lot of them told the Sahaba to clear all the idols out. That mean Haiti anamosa who biasa who is I wouldn't even touch the arrow just fall over and they would just knock over miraculously. And then the Prophet has told them to

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clear out the idols after they had cleared out the idols. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then wanted to enter into the Kaaba.

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He wanted to go inside the Kaaba itself. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called Earth man been talha, who was the individual who had the key to the Kaaba, the door of the Kaaba, it was entrusted to his household to his family. This was a part of their legacy. So he called the earthmen mental high in a very remarkable story, a very beautiful, powerful story is that before the prophets a lot, he said, when he was anticipating the instruction from Allah to leave my car before hegira we're talking eight years ago

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as he was anticipating that any day now he would be told to leave the car but the profits a lot. He said one day, went to the car, went to the home, and he asked earthman mental How can you open the car for me? I'd like to go inside, pay my respects. Can you open the camera for me? And he said, No, no, no, not opening it go.

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And the Prophet celebration was so heartbroken, so devastated.

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And he calls her Othman, mental high, and he says, Give me the key.

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And he brings him the key and he gives it to him. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells Allah The Allahu taala to go and open the door of the Kaaba.

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They opened the door of the Kaaba

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he enters in the narration mentioned that when he enters in there were some drawings on the walls of the Kaaba inside they are drawn certain things on the walls like pictures, and idols and shapes of idols and things like that, that they are drawn on the inside walls of the Kaaba. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them, oh my god, Allahu taala, and who to clean this up. So I'm going to look at the Allahu taala and who he took a cloth, like he took a scarf or a cloth, and he wet it, he made it wet and he went inside and he wiped all those drawings off the walls of the Kaaba. He washed the walls of the cabin on the inside, and

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cleared them out. And seven narration mentioned when the professor went inside, there was like this one idol that was put inside the cabin, the prophet SAW some took it and he smashed it with his own hand and he threw it outside the door of the Kaaba.

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And then it describes that the profits a lot of them, he went inside and with him was for them in a bath, Osama tube news aid bill Allah The Allahu anhu, the Sahaba they went inside with him. And they described that on the inside of the Kaaba, there were six pillars. There were three pillars in one roll as you entered the door, three pillars and three more pillars, the prophets, a lot of them stood between the second and the third pillar like

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Right, he had two pillars to his right and one pillar to his left in the front row like there was the first row after the door. Then the second row, he went to that second row where he was between the second and the third pillar facing that wall across from the door of the Kaaba, and he stood there. And some of the narrations mentioned that he prayed there. And then another narration mentions that he went and stood by each of the six pillars, and he made the law

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and then the prophets, a lot of them came out from the Kaaba, the prophet tells him was inside for quite some time, you may do it every single pillar. Some narrations even mentioned that he prayed there and so when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came out, he was in for quite some time.

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And after he came out, there was a whole group of people that were gathered there all the Sahaba were gathered there kind of waiting for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, to exit and to now further instruct them and some of the other Sahaba then started taking turns to go inside the Kaaba and also worship there and pray there and make dua either. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he came out the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he commanded, beloved or the Allahu taala. And this is another very monumental, profound moment, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam commanded, beloved of the Allahu taala on who to call the man.

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Now, when it was time to call the event, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not just simply turn to call the London prophets, a lot of them said to reestablish the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the name of Allah subhanaw taala, the oneness of God at the garba the Sacred House of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He told me lander, the Allahu taala knew to climb on top of the Kaaba stand on top of the carbon called the oven.

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And beloved of the Allahu taala, who stood on top of the Kaaba and he called the event and some

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some some of the leaders of mcca

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they they started to make some comments they started they got agitated and one of the narrations in fact units been located

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and others in Bombay healthy mentions is even a saccade. He mentioned this many historians they mentioned this it's narrated from Ottawa, who narrates from his father's who obeyed under salicylate ism. Amara Bilal. And unfortunately for Adana, LL Kava tea Louisa Hill machinic. In the prophets, a lot of them specifically told Bilal to stand on top of the garba and call the other and specifically to teach the people of Makkah lesson

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to teach them a lesson that the ways of the older gone.

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That time has passed, there will be no more shortcut discover number one. This is the house of Allah. Number two, all your your your social order of the past, the discrimination, the racism, the classism

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that you, you know, perpetrated for generations for centuries. That is all a thing of the past. It is ancient history now, that belonged of the Allahu Jelani who was a minority in Mecca. He is an African living amongst the Quraysh. Number two he was a freed slave, he was formerly a slave in Makkah, that he will stand on top of the carbon called the other and the profits are large and made this profound statement. So I was saying that some of the people they got agitated by this which was part of the process of wanting to agitate the culture wanted to wanted to disrupt that culture.

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And so some got agitated, and some started making some comments. Specifically Sara asked who was a leader of pradesh who had died now his sons were there, they said la cama la husar eden is about the habla Anuradha tabula rasa has asked whether Allah Baraka, some of his sons were there and they started to say that God was most generous to our father, that he, you know, allowed him to die before he would have to watch this black man stand on top of the Kaaba and called the other they started making comments like this.

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And you know, some people started getting agitated, and they said, I Lazzara ilhabela Abdi nsra. Look at this slave Look, he's climbing up on top of the Kaaba.

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And the prophets. A lot of them heard this and he came and he came to them. And he said that I hear everything that you're saying.

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I hear everything that you're saying.

00:34:17 --> 00:34:29

And you will be held accountable for this. And then they they they realize the position they were in and they beg for forgiveness, but the prophets a lot of them establish that Huck, and that truth on that particular day.

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The next thing is that the as all of this was going on, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abu sufian he was sitting there near the carrabba he was sitting there near the Kaaba watching all of this happened. The promises of knocking over the idols, clearing out the Kaaba. Bilaal, climbing on top of the Kaaba and calling it on all of this is going on. The McKinsey leadership is freaking out. All of this is happening and apostrophe answers for a moment while I was sitting there.

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Just I couldn't, you know, old habits kind of Die Hard. And he said, I started thinking to myself that, you know, maybe I should have gotten an army together and tried to resist.

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Maybe I gave him a little too quickly.

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No Jamal, Mohammed in German. Maybe I should have gotten a force together and army together and tried to fight him off, resist. And he says, as I was thinking this to myself, the prophets a lot, he some walked up behind me, and he slapped me on the back. And he said, if you think Allahu, he says, I didn't even say it. I was thinking it inside. And the process inside me on the back end, he said, if you would have done that, God would have defeated you. And he said, I was so shocked when he said that, and I looked at him, and he was standing over me. And he said, at that time, man, about a unto Anakin have begun Hadassah, he says, at this moment is the first time I have zero

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doubts about the fact that you're a prophet.

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Another incident he mentions is that he says he went home. And he spoke to his wife.

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He spoke to his wife Hindi, been to Aruba who will be talking about in the coming sessions. And he said to his wife, tsarina hadn't been allowed Allah, do you see that all of this is from God? She said, No. I mean, Allah. This is all from God. Abu sufian says that when I came to the prophets a lot, he said them later, he says that you said to your wife, you Do you still believe Do you fully believe because you're the one who said to his wife that this is from God, and she agreed that this is from God. He said, Subhanallah he said, I should do Anika Abdullah rasuluh. He says that, I swear I bear testimony. I testify. I bear witness that you are the slave in the Messenger of Allah will

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levy your level behemoths me I totally had that I had him in a Nazi radio and I swear to God, when I said this Hindu was the only one with me there. This conversation was exclusively between me and my wife, and yet you know about this conversation. It is a love that informs you.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam after all of this happened, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he then, you know went kind of back from the garba he climbed up on the mountain of Safa, and he looked at the GABA now cleared out and the Sahaba all praying and worshipping at the GABA and the prophets, a lot of them raised his hands up to this guy. And he started making dua as thanking Allah subhanaw taala for giving them this glorious moment.

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And maybe one of the most remarkable things that really is just astounding about the dignity and the character and the the honor of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is that the prophets a lot of them at this time after all of this was done, you know, I live in avitar liberati, Allahu Allah, new king to the prophets a lot. He said when he said, O Messenger of a lot, the key of the Kaaba because remember, he had gotten the key and he totally opened the door. He told the leader of the Allahu taala Allah The Allahu taala, anusara messenger of Allah, let me keep the key from now on. Let me be the, the the keeper of the key of the Kaaba. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Go

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get earthmen mental health

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and he called earthman, mental high and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave earthman been told her the key and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he remarked at that time in the law, Yamato come unto adult Amati Illa Allah, that Allah subhanho wa Taala commands us to give the trust and the Amana to the people, in whose hands it belongs. And this was again the dignity and the honor of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that this the profits or losses from return the key and the profits, a lot of them said the key will remain with earthman mental health and with the family of earthmen mental health

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and have finally conclude with this. And then inshallah we'll continue on about what would continue to transpire in some of the other conversations that would happen in Macau, and how the processing would establish the order in Mecca.

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But the profits a lot of the time at that time. He gathered the people of Croatia and he said yamashiro kurush, or people of Croatia, in Allahabad as harbor uncom natalja helliya. But the other will happen by the prophets, a lot of them said God has removed your ways of the ignorance of the past, where you used to pride yourselves upon your lineages. Those days are gone. And NASA mean Adam, what are the moment to rob all human beings come from Adam and Adam came from dust. Then he recited the Quran from Surah gerat Yeah, you unnatural enough Allah kanakam in the Quran. Oh humanity we created you from a man and a woman which are under control Urban wakaba la Jara foo, and

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we've divided you and we kind of split you and spread you out into different tribes and groups and people so that you may recognize one another in a coma, coma and the law he called

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The most noblest amongst you is the one who has the best relationship with Allah.

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And the prophet in some narrations, the prophecy some commented at this time he said what taco Hakuna Matata Hakuna Matata Hakuna Shara suddenly then he pointed to his chest and he said taco, Ally's here taco Elijah taco Elijah, meaning the most noble is amongst you is the one who has the greatest tequila and taco is hidden inside of the heart nobody can see anybody step off. So you must treat all people with nobility in the law Lehman hubby God knows everything and seeing and he is informed of everything. Then the prophets a lot of them said yeah, Mashallah for a show people of courage martorana in effect, what? What do you think I'm going to do with you now? So they said,

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Hey, Ron, they said we hope you'll do your treat as well. I couldn't get him on webinar him karimun you were a noble brother and the son of a noble brother. The prophets a lot of them said is Habu for ultimate calaca Go Go now go, you are free to go.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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As I mentioned, he asked for Othman mental health and he gave the key to earthman mental high and I wanted to mention the comment the professor said, A yo yo move between Wawa in today's the day that we will establish righteousness, and we will establish integrity,

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righteousness, piety and integrity. Those were the two things, the process Some said piety, your relationship with a lot and integrity with your fellow man.

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And that's the big lesson that I want everyone to take from today. Our relationship with Allah and how we treat people as a measure of a human being.

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May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all piety and taqwa And may Allah subhanaw taala. Grant us integrity in our interactions with people and inshallah with that will conclude for today, and inshallah we'll pick up and continue from here in the next session. Subhana Allah Subhana Colombia hamitic Chateau La ilaha illa Anta Sakura Guna to Lake

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