Shady Alsuleiman – The Biography, Seerah, of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH #26

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary © The Prophet Muhammad sallali at the Battle of the Better gives a speech highlighting the need for more people to be prepared for the upcoming battle, as well as the importance of the removal of debt and doubtful fears. The conflict between the people of Christ and the Prophet Muhammad tallali is caused by a large army of soldiers and animals, and the need for comfort in combat against the people of Christ. The conflict is expected to lead to war of pride, and the speaker suggests that the upcoming conflict will be a war of pride. The segment also touches on the history of the Prophet Muhammad sallali's campaigns, including the use of the God Zayed to support believers and the pressure of the Prophet to win.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germain labiche rally sodre Wessely, Emily Warlock. The terminal is an e f o m about or president Allah subhanaw taala. And please be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I testify that there's no god except Allah. And I testify that Muhammad is the Prophet the Messenger of Allah, my brothers and my sisters are welcome every single one of you to another lesson on the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a story of a great man that Allah subhanho wa Taala has sent to us as a prophet and a messenger, and more importantly, a guide that

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will connect us to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Not even talking about the seed of the Prophet Mohammed Salah was Ella for the past months. And last we started talking about the Battle of better.

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And a lot of people have that perception and understanding the battle better is the first battle in Islam. It's not the first battle on Islam, but it's the first biggest battle in Islam. There are a number of battles of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had engaged in before the Battle of better. And one of the reasons that the better or better, better had evangel eventuated is because of previous battles of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had engaged with and because of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam engage in those battles.

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before the Battle of better, the better or better, came as a consequence of those battles. So the better or better is the is the first greatest battle in Islam.

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We spoke about how the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went out on an expedition to ride one of the caravans of the people of courage and because of that, right the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam Mr. caravan that belonged to the people of Christ as a consequence of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Attempting to ride the caravan of the people of Christ, the people of kurush had assembled and the people of kurush had deployed an army to fight against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Now the problem Hamad sallallahu, wasallam said out of Medina with Rana 13 fighters, but they weren't prepared, they were just going out to ride a caravan of 50

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people in some narrations, or some of those narrations even say 40 some of them say more than that, less than that. But the reason the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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and the Sahaba, the Lodi Lanham had set out of Medina not for the purpose of fighting though we're just going to right so the one that prepared. On top of all these the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam did not compel in of the companions to come with him. It just gave the option the choice to the Sahaba of the law to allow them to join the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in the expedition, we mentioned all that last week, what adventure waited out of the intention or attempt in writing a caravan that belonged to the people of crush, a full battle. This battle took place at a place called better

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in better this is a world unknown world known as the world of better weather is about 150 kilometers away from Medina and about 250 kilometers away from Mecca. It's between Mecca and Medina, between Mecca and Medina.

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Obviously the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got there before the people of Christ. And because the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam got there before the people of Christ in a way Allah is Salatu was Salam had the leverage and the advantage of encamping in a more strategic place than the people of Christ. And we mentioned that last week. One of them is that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam encamped around the wall, which means that nobody sallallahu wasallam had given to him serve under the law and his army access to the world and deprived his enemy from the will remember that one in your mind, because we're going to have a better understanding later on with

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regard of the combat. There the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam consulted the Sahaba the lowdown on them. And obviously, this fee 100% this fee? Yes, the real or not loss of Hannah tala depend on Allah azza wa jal, this concern this fee that human beings at the end of the day, they look around this alley, 313 of us the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went on his an inspection. And he sent a number of companies to go and inspect and investigate what's going on and do a search on on the number of people for the news came back that the people have kurush their number exceeds the number of the Muslims three times. So obviously, you're going to be concerned and

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some of those are below the law thought. I know what

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concerned that human beings at the end of the day, you think about it tomorrow we're going to be facing an army three times our size. So each one of us needs to take on three, not only the three times the size, the reality is that a lot more experienced than the Prophet Muhammad Allah said I mean his army and a lot more equipped than the Prophet Muhammad Allah sent him and his army. We mentioned the the Prophet Mohammed Salah sama, two horses that had 200 horses, and Nabi sallallahu, wasallam had 100 camels, they had 1000 camels. So though a lot more prepared than the Prophet Muhammad, Salah Salem, it's enough that they came out of Mecca, with the intention of fighting and

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nobody's awesome came out of Medina with the intention of writing as one caravan. So you could imagine the discrepancy in equipment, in weaponry, in preparation, in experience, but obviously, one has Allah subhanaw taala on this slide, the other one doesn't. So at the end of the day, the one that has Allah subhanaw taala on his side will always prevail. If Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So the premier Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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is preparing the Sahaba on the Allahu taala. No, never have to bear

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that in campton better.

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They've taken over the wall. And we've mentioned the store had the problem hamazon gave access to the people of crash. Then one of the companies came to the Prophet alayhi salatu wa sallam told them well, messenger of Allah. Did Allah subhana wa Taala order you to stay here or is there something that you made your choice? So the premises are said it's my unexperienced choice. So I said, Mr. Joffe a lot that give him access in camp around send them some took on the advice and we elaborate on that last week.

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And now the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the Sahaba the low tide I know in camping at Bethel, waiting for the people of grace to arrive. Now along the way, when the people of Croatia were marching out of Mecca, slowly some of the trucks start to turn back for many reasons. One of them is that we came up with a reason to go and protect and safeguard the caravan that belongs to us. Abu sufian has already sent a message that he managed to salvage and protect the caravan, so there's no need to fight. So about 200 people turn back and then as they continue to march towards better, they start to disappear amongst each other. Why should we go and fight

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Mohammed? What's the purpose half of the people and families in this battle the family, the family members that they'll be fighting against each other family members will be killing one another. There's no need for us to combat the need for this and that, but Apollo jahaan was adamant.

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Abuja is the one of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu. wasallam describes us for our own heavy and oma. He's the Pharaoh of this nation. It was adamant it was arrogant. And anyone that thought otherwise, he's to tell him off, scream at them.

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embrace them, embarrass them in front of other people. He used to embarrass anyone that used to say anything otherwise. So our job was very arrogant, adamant and persistent. And following is the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and the Sahaba the lowdown on Sunday of the Prophet Muhammad Allah is Salatu was Salam is that better awaiting for the people of Christ arrive? That night, Allah subhanho wa Taala sent upon the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam with the Sahaba rain.

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Half of that rain came to the Sahaba of the Lodi law known as a peaceful rain, peaceful rain. On the other side, it came as a disastrous rain in addition to this, now obviously going to be sleeping that night. You're so stressed over what's gonna happen the next day, you're gonna be fighting against people a lot more prepared and a lot more equipped and a lot more experienced the new so the Sahaba was stressed and rightly so. They be stressed now human beings at the end of the day.

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So you could imagine this I have it on the low tide. I know that night before the battle the night of the battle that we're very stressed and concerned. So Allah subhanho wa Taala sent upon the Sahaba the Allahu taala on him a deep sense of sleep slumber. Allah subhanaw taala says and na Khurana Karim if you're shaken and NASA aminata Minh who were in asila Allah communists Emma Emma and leota Hera combi with the bank, Amritsar trade one, while the other bit Allah co lubicon. Way sabitha bealach The Allah Subhana Allah makes mention of this event, that during that night, the night of the battle, Allah subhanho wa Taala sent upon them

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a very deep sleep when they went to sleep. Some of this Ahava described that night as one of the most beautiful nights that they slipped so deeply.

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Allah subhanaw taala sent upon them tranquility. Harry imagine tranquility during the state of war doesn't make sense, but loss of Hannah

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Allah surrounded

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and Allah azza wa jal bestowed upon the Sahaba the lowdown on them that night,

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a sleep or a night of going into deep sleep with comfort and tranquility. And Allah subhanaw taala sent upon them rain that came on them as a merciful, tranquil, peaceful reign. And Allah subhanaw taala says, Lita Hera combs Allah subhanaw taala would purify. Why is the bank committed to Satan and Allah subhanaw taala to remove away from you. Any whispering of the shaitan that whispering? Are? Do you think there's any chance for us to win tomorrow? We're facing an army the three times the size? What's the purpose of us being here? What's the reason that we came here? Out of all things Mohammed wanted this for us? You know, what benefit Do you get out of this Deen? Oh, there's

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whispering and all those thoughts and insinuation starts to get in your head. So a lot of handled I said, well, either I'm committed suicide on a whim I'm committed suicide thought for Allah subhanaw taala to remove away from you, the whispering of the shaitan does that full thoughts? Does doubtful thoughts that come especially during the times of predicaments times of challenges, you know, when you are cornered, and you are going through a challenging time, he starts to think you become very doubtful. Why for what reason? What hammer bring us see what gain is he getting out of this? What interests Allah subhanaw taala says, We're at Banco Britta shaitan.

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To remove the debt for mines or to remove the doubtful insinuations of the shavon. While you're with Allah, for Allah subhanho wa Taala, to empower and to strengthen your hearts, to be strong in your faith, to be strong in your conviction, Allah and following Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be strong in your reliance on Allah subhanho wa Taala why you better build up them and for Allah subhanho wa Taala to strengthen your position and your stance. That's the night before the battle, which is in any battle. It's considered to be the most stressful night because it could be your last night and it could be a lost sleep. But Allah subhanaw taala made that much of the battle

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before the day and the combat of the Battle of the better. Allah subhanaw taala made it to be the most peaceful, tranquil spiritual, and motivational night for the Sahaba of the Lord on

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the previous day before the Battle of better was the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is preparing his army. Allah subhanho wa Taala unveiled to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what's exactly going to happen on the battlefield.

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And some narration said on the same day of the battlefield on the same day of the battle, Allah subhanaw taala inspired the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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of what's exactly going to happen.

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And not only that, but the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam start to walk around better before the people of Christ arrived, and the Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam start to point at stations and positions inside. That's where Abuja Hill is gonna die.

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That's where it was gonna die. That's where one of the leaders on the people of crash is going to die. That's where one of the generals of the people of grace will die. Now based on a lie Leo, Selim start to point out exactly with the leaders of the people on price you won't be killed. And by the Sahaba on the lot, I know there's a lot I know a number of them said by Allah, exactly. Where the Prophet Muhammad Allah had pointed, where each person will die, died every day. And it was killed every day.

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The author inspired this a habit on the law, Thailand. Now I know how we think about it. Okay, now on with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Like, that's enough of inspiration. Yes. But when it comes to the crunch, a lot of things got here. A lot of things have to work here. Human Being at the end of day, you know, you put yourself in that position, it's not an easy position. You thought that you're gonna be coming out of Medina to go ride a curve and come back wrench now you're going to come back then. It's a big concern. It's a serious concern. And this ama De La da da da human beings at the end of the day. So Allah subhanaw taala, confident, the Sahaba the Lord Allah know,

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through the problem, Hamad sallallahu wasallam that night, Allah subhanaw taala made it to be a very peaceful night. That day, Allah subhanaw taala made the Prophet Muhammad Allah said to point out to this avatar the last item, exactly what each one of the leaders are the people who will be killed. The inspired

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that inspired the Sahaba de la mer Aveda this habit of the alota Alanna.

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So they slept

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That night,

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a very peaceful night.

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very comforting night. Comfort, na Battlezone that really worked out together, but Allah subhanaw taala made it to be a very comforting night during an expedition. That was the night of Friday, which is another Blissett night on the 17th of Ramadan. 30 after the his emigration of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam with the Prophet Mohammed Salah La Silla Sahaba Hello, Todd, I know are preparing themselves for a combat engagement against the people of Quraysh

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the people of Christ arrived to the battlefield 800 soldiers, to 100 horsemen, nearly 1000 camels, all well prepared and equipped to fight against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam threat 113 men 200 horses 100 camels, huge discrepancy. There the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sahaba the alota face their enemy. Now they got face to face. Now obviously the variety better, very thirsty. He's got access to the water, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam the people of Christ and have the

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in the bass Allah Allah Allah wa sallam from far. He sees the people of Quraysh coming to the battlefield, coming to the battle zone,

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to combat and face and engage against the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam turns to Allah Subhana Allah says Allah, he's the people of grace, that come forward with the arrogance and pride.

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With the arrogance and pride, fighting against you, and your profit

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40 against you and your profit, challenging your word, and challenging the word of your prophet or Allah grant me the victory that you had promised me or Allah sent upon us the victory they had promised. Allah grant us why he had promised.

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So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam resorted to Allah azzawajal because when you really want to compare our measure it this huge discrepancy. That number three times not only in size, in size, in weaponry, in cattle, in, in camels, in horses, in everything. But now Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is relying on Allah subhanaw taala and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lines up his army. Now the people of Quraysh are coming forward. Abuja had to set arrogant a man with so much pride when he arrived, and he saw the problem Hamlet's on the line he was in his army. He said, Oh Allah because I used to believe in Allah. They used to believe in

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Allah, but different Allah to Allah that we believe in.

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And they used to connect or they used to ascribe and associate Allah subhanho wa Taala a number of idols and gods.

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When john had arrived to the battlefield, he said, Oh Allah, make the most beloved one to you win this battle. Allah subhanaw taala says, into stuff the whole fucka Jackman fat we're in tanta of Ohio Lacan, wine, Tara Donald one and Tony. Shea, one, oh, Catherine, we're an Allah Allah. Allah subhanaw. taala is referring to john, he's the head and the Chief of the army of the people of Christ. He's the head that's coming to fight against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And the followers of the provider is salatu salam and the believers, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, If you ask, we are listening, and if you turn back, it's better for you. And if you want, we'll give

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you what you want. And here's the most beloved one to Allah azza wa jal, it's Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his followers know.

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his followers were an Allah Allah. And Allah subhanaw taala is with the believers.

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It's an amazing scene. Imagine you are from the 313 standing with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam,

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up against an army that three times your size,

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and now a lot more prepared than me. Now the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is lining up the Sahaba dlo Dada known as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is lining up the Sahaba, the alota Allah, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a stick.

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And the Prophet Muhammad Allah is Salatu was Salam was pushing the Sahaba of the law to Allah rose. When the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was lining up and straighten up the rest of this habit on the low tide on one of the companions His name is Sawa

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Ignore nausea. He was out of line. It was at the front. So while the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam straighten up the lines, so

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I know he was out of line. So maybe Salah Selim hit him with a stick and I told him straight in your line and go back into the row.

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Mostly and gently

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says so what's it ouch?

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that's painful.

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or missing job alijah struck me. You hit me.

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And if you hate me, I have to get you back. In though Islam teaches us you hate me. He back.

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He just made me feel pain. That's unfair. You hate me right now. I hate you back. So let me set some Sedna problems. He uncovered the stomach said he made it so so what straightaway grabbed the stomach of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam is looking

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and nobody saw some knew that he's not gonna hit him. It's out of love Vina

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send me Salah Salem told him what do you exactly doing? joaquina Well, in the middle of the battle, we're about to fight. Some of us want full dead and yeah, grabbing my stomach and hugging me and kissing my stomach. So I said O Messenger of Allah as you could see, this couldn't be my last encounter with you. So I wanted to be the last thing in my life that my skin touches your skin, or at least something for me to stand in front of lots of data within a after. Yeah, Allah The last thing that I did on the face of this earth, that my skin touched the skin of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Prophet Mohammed Salah, lado Salim smiled Subhana Allah. Look at

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the mindset of this habit of the Lord Allah and the love the the head for the Prophet Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam.

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At that moment, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He had a headquarters. His headquarters was just a small tent. That sadhana Mohan had recommended that we should and we must have a headquarters for the problem Amazon's or at least someone looking at headquarter where we could resort to you know what's happening.

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Well, this habit of the a lot of standing, preparing themselves, and the people of Christ are also preparing themselves. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went into his tent

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at that moment in the bay sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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when I saw this tent

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supplicating to Allah subhanaw taala

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it's a tough moment. Very difficult moment. And if we really want to measure there's no word for the problem. Amazon's lm to win only through Allah subhanaw taala. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went in his tent, and it starts supplicate Allah subhana wa Taala. Yeah, Rob Yeah, Allah, the victory they had promised me. You promise me victory. And I want you to give me this promise. Oh Allah, I ask you that you fulfill your promise upon me.

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Oh Allah, as you could see that the people have crush their poor knees, elites and seniors had come

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on, I've got my people behind me. Or Allah. These people behind me, here with me on this battlefield, are the only people that worship you on the face of this earth. If you finish them off, you're not going to be worshipped anymore on the face of this earth that say, these are the last people that was up on the face of this earth. If I finished the gun, and if that's what you want, I surrender. Oh Allah. grant me the victor they had promised. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is making this dog and he's standing next to him. Abubakar, hello Thailand.

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abubaker is next to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I was listening to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam raising his hands to Allah and Allah and supplicating to Allah azza wa jal asking Allah subhanho wa Taala and insisting on Allah. So back

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to the providing such an emphasis on messenger of Allah. You've insisted so much on your Lord.

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Relax and be

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calm them.

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And the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is insisting on Allah.

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Allah, grant me the promise that you had promised me fulfill your promise. You told me if I stand for a meal, my believe is me or my followers, and we are sincere for your sake and we strive in your path. You grant us victory Allah give us the victory today. These are the only people that wish appearing on the face of this earth he Allah, he take them away. There's no one else left to worship you on the face of this earth.

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So a backup of the Allahu taala no turns

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Run to the Prophet Muhammad wa salam. And it says team on messenger of Allah hi spoke, come down on messenger of Allah. You've insisted so much on your Lord and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes out of his 10th

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coming out of his 10 sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they're the Prophet Muhammad Allah is Salatu was Salam says, Abubakar glissading, Allahu Akbar, I see jabril alehissalaam descending down with ever 1000 angels to support the believers.

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And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam grabs a handful of dust and he casts he throws it towards the non believers. And he says I lay is Salatu was Salam Shah had to loot Drew, May those faces be damned, made us face phases be doomed. And he threw that handful of dust towards the non believers. Allah subhanho wa Taala made those dust enter the eye of every single non believer that was standing.

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opposing the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam a fun I guess the profile de salatu salam.

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It started with the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the believers, three honor 13 against I 100 of the non believers.

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And the first combat took place with a sword fight.

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The sword fight, where the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his army are standing

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against or facing the army of the non believers.

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This sword fight fight took place with three people from the people of Christ and three people from the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem site.

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Now wasn't the first blood to be shed

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on a battlefield. The first blood that was to be shed on a battlefield is one of the non believers from the people of Christ insisted that he wanted to drink from the world. The problem how much Allah Allah Allah wa salam, Osama de la tal animate surrounded

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and he saw in front of the people of Christ, the boy Allah, I'm gonna go and drink from it.

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I swear I'm gonna drink from it. He tried. By the time we got there was killed Hamza or the Alo Thailand who killed him that was the first blood to be shed on that battlefield.

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But then, there was the sword fight three people from the people of Christ. And three people from the side of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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The people of Christ had nominated three people,

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those three people were

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able to be on his brother shaybah

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Eva, robbia and alwaleed, even aka the son of two brothers on one son, these are the three nominated

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fighters from the people of Quraysh. He came out to fight and that was the custom back then you start with a sword fight leaders against leaders that will make them break the battle.

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So the people of Christ nominated those three warriors from this side who are senior people amongst the people of pradesh artha shaybah. And Valley the Son of God bah

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bah is the father of hint that we'll talk about later on.

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And he's also the father in law of Abu Sufyan.

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So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam nominated three men from the unsolved not the mohajir. In those unsolved were out of marathe and Abdullah Abdullah waha when those three men from the unsalted came out those three men from what I said who we

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were not after you were after and blood, one and people send us people from Christ, we've got an interesting new issue is not with you.

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I issues with the people of Muhammad and families and reverence and blood. He left us one against us, the other ones that we want to fight against. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam turned around, looked around. Who is he going to nominate?

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Look how smart the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salamis because this is a swordfight there's a bigger chance of you being killed than staying alive. So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam nominated the closest cousins and relatives team

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or by Daniel Harris or Hamza bin Abdulmutallab or Ollie even abitata

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Three of you get up for the perilous that's awaiting for you on this battlefield.

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These three were the closest people to the problem homosassa he did not nominate anyone else he could have nominated someone out of na Bob. He could have nominated another companion, but he nominated the closest people team to show her just unfair the problem Amazon Salamis Oh by Diablo herreth, first cousin of the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem through his Auntie

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Oh Hamza bin Abdul muttalib, the uncle of the Prophet Mohammed Salim or Allah tala. The first cousin of the profile is awesome and son in law, the profile is also lab three have you get up and four against the three fighters of the people of Christ. So they've got up, stood face to face.

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within seconds, took his opponent down. shaybah killed him. I didn't

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After some time, he took his opponent down. By Aveda, he got stuck.

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And he was struck. So I helped him and also killed him three of the the first three of the people have already killed that brings motivation and morale to the people. He saw that and people that and fighters and soldiers when against the other people Allah Akbar and hamdulillah that was the first beginning. And then the clash, the combat.

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We had the fighters from the side of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam against the people of Christ, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Sahaba Allah tala annum with full happiness and joy Allahu Akbar, we just won the first round three fighters against three fighters from the people of Christ. Three of the people of brush were killed, and three of the photos of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam one victorious returned back. Now it comes to the combat face to face engagement.

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Knowing full on the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turns around to the Sahaba of the Allahu taala and I'm preparing the Sahaba on the low tide I'm gonna say to them boy

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Oh believe is good for the paradise then the width of the Paradise is what is a dwarf as wide as the heavens and earth get up? That's the motivation of the Prophet Mohammed Sasa love. Every single one of you get off on the agenda. Look at the motivation of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam is saying say you Zamani Jammu were you alone or do more try these gatherings gonna lose your the believers you're fighting for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala get off from agenda the Allah subhanho wa Taala had prepared and the Sahaba the load on home and the Muslim fighters was full motivation got up to fight. Each one of them needs to take

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on three. You've got 300 against 100

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bah. One side is with Allah. The other one is against Allah. And there's no way there's a side that's with the loss of hanadarko evil is you can't

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there's no way it does not add up. There's no possibility there's no chance then when you're with Allah subhanaw taala you'll ever lose. So there's a hobbit on the low tide got up and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying to the people around him, Allahu Akbar the ICJ brim with 1000 angels all descended from the heavens to support the believers.

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Some of us How about the low tide? And who would say By Allah, we saw worries that we've never seen before. Never seen after. We saw worries we've never seen before we're never seen after we saw fathers who have never seen before we're never seen after saddam some of them would even say well law I count up to one of the non believers to try and kill him and Subhanallah his head just gets chopped off. Out of nowhere, Out of the Blue

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Angels of Han Allah Allah subhanaw taala for the Prophet Mohammed Salah with

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these are the angels that Laws of Power Darla makes mentioned Khurana Karim.

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As Allah subhanaw taala reveals an entire verse, speaking about that moment, when Allah azza wa jal talks about how Allah Zoda supported the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam was out of the a lot I know with angels, descending down from the heavens.

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Now the Prophet Mohammed sallallahu wasallam didn't say aside, hey, Allah is salatu salam was at the forefront of fighting. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was amongst the fighters themselves and they set aside and just watch the habit of the Lord Allah don't fight, but he is salatu salam was amongst them. And somehow Nala amongst the beautiful stories that's been mentioned

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is a story of one of the companions or the alota

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I know

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while he was fighting

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he was just about to enter the battlefield who's saying button button?

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His name is I might even know hi ma'am. Button button. Damn this damn this nannied for our nanny first the Prophet Mohammed Salah Sam told him, why are you saying that for said the Messenger of Allah.

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I have three dates in my pocket.

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And I was about to eat them. them I thought about it by the time I finished eating those dates, I'll be delayed from entering the paradise stuff them.

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He said behind button, no need for him. I'm not gonna be the light from entering the agenda. So he went into the battle and fought until he died. And in sha Allah entered the agenda, and many other great examples that you hear about this. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the Sahaba the Lord

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had gone full in into the bedroom 40 against the people of price and the barrel start to heat up. But there's a pan Allah, Allah subhanaw taala had given victory to the Sahaba and slowly

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either people from the people of Christ, or the side of the people of pradesh were falling dead or retreating, running away from the battlefield 313 against 100 didn't last for too long.

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It was a day's battle hours battle. Well, Allah subhanho wa Taala had given us either the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu taala victory over his enemies.

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Within hours, either people died from the people of crush, or captured or retreated.

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Ever 70 from the people of Quraysh filled it ever 70 were captured as captives, and the rest, ran back, retreated back to Mecca. Allah subhanho wa Taala even mentions about a police, a police lanata la la Iblees was also in a battle. But then when he saw zebra Salaam and 1000 angels descending from the heavens and the Muslims prevailing Allah subhanaw taala says he ran, he fled. Why is playing people saying to him Where you going? Because it was just causing me solving a human being. He said in the arama tone in the harmful law. Well, OSHA didn't see what he didn't see. I see angels coming down. You don't see them. He fled. He ran off, he ran away.

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Within hours was wrapped up.

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Over 770 of the people of Christ passed away or were killed.

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Ever 70 were kept T and the rest ran back to Mecca.

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The vast majority of the leaders of the people of Christ were killed.

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The leaders,

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the Sahaba the low tide I know including our beloved Amazon says by Allah exactly what the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam said that this person will fall dead here and this person will fall deadly and dispose of all dead. Each one of them fell dead exactly what the problem homosassa had pointed

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with the problem Amazon get that from from Allah subhanaw taala.

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But then it becomes very interesting

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how Buddha * was killed and who killed him.

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We're not talking about Senior Companions or elder companions, how john was killed and who killed him and what happened at that moment. And what the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam did

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after Allah subhanaw taala gave him victory. It's something that we'll be talking about next Thursday in sha Allah. So inshallah stay with us next week. I look forward to your company, my loss of handle dollar origin except for me somehow like alum Hyundai, no shadow Allah, Allah, Allah and Mustapha Rocha wanted to avoid like, Salam Alaikum wa rahmatullah. If you enjoy our content, be sure to give it a thumbs up. If you're on Facebook, like our page, and if you're on YouTube, be sure to subscribe. A salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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