Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 161 – The Oath In Makkah

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of the Prophet sallavi's oath of allegiance, the prophets' actions, and the importance of pursuing one's values and beliefs. They touch on topics such as the loss of women, the social media, and the importance of bringing together young people to pursue a path of knowledge and education. The importance of pursuing one's values is emphasized, and the need for forgiveness is emphasized. The segment also touches on the importance of bringing together young people to pursue a future that is not just a logistical or financially burdened.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him, and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and Tobia These are just a few of the things we offer alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the theater intensive, two weeks, dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, in sha Allah, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam go to Sierra intensive.com, to register or for more info

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Al Hamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah, who Allah Allah, He will be admiring shala continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a siracha number we had the prophetic biography, we've been talking about the conquest of Makkah,

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in basically all of its different assets, and all of its different facets and aspects, from the circumstances that led up to it. The journey on the way to the conquest of Makkah, the actual unfolding of that day and the the course of events themselves, and we've been talking about the aftermath of it as well, to some extent, and to some degree, we're basically within that same subject and talk that topic, that same moment of the foot of Mecca, the conquest of Makkah, however, we are moving on to some of the now events and some of the things that happen in the aftermath of the conquest of Makkah. Most notably, what we'll be talking about today is a couple of different

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things, we'll be talking about three things, namely, the first couple of things, obviously, as you see there, within that are mentioned here in the title of today's session as well. And that is the oath in Makkah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave the beta took the beta rather the oath of allegiance from the Muslims, the new Muslims in Mecca. And so there are some very interesting, fascinating conversations that occur there. And it's very noteworthy. Number two, we'll be talking about the end of higit, ah, the cessation of the higit Ah, as an institution that it was at that particular time earlier in the life of the prophets a lot he said I'm, and I'll explain exactly what

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that means, particularly. And then the third thing that we will be talking about is some of the very noteworthy

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part of the Quran that was revealed at this particular time in the aftermath of the conquest of Makkah. So those are the three things inshallah we'll be talking about here today. The very first thing I wanted to talk about is the oath in Makkah. So there's a number of different narrations that all be kind of mentioning a few different ones, because these are different accounts from different people. And they all add like different, you know, dynamics and different perspectives.

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The very first narration that I mentioned here, is that Mohammed didn't, even if he says that his father us word mentions, this is a narration that Mr. Mohammed mentions that he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, taking the oath of allegiance from the people on the day of the conquest of Mecca, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he sat down, he mentioned the place, gotten muscular.

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And this was basically towards the northern side of the city of Mecca, the prophets, a lot of them what that was one of the places where he basically set up and then he received people there and people came to him, and they offered the oath of allegiance to the profits, a lot of them. And he mentioned for by a NASA Allen, Islamic or Shahada, the prophets a lot exempted the oath of allegiance from them, number one, stating the fact that they would dedicate their lives to living in accordance with Islam, that from this point on forward, they would live their lives according to Islam. And number two was Shahada Shahada. What that means here is that if need be, they be willing

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to make the ultimate sacrifice to defend what they believe in, and to defend the community that they are now a part of. And so he took this Butoh, my Shahada to any basically, in another narration, he mentions what's meant by Shahada. So he clarifies that it wasn't so much the fighting what it was was, by our whom Allah Imani Bella, he was Shahada to Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Muhammad, Abu rasuluh that he took an oath from them, that they bear witness, they give testimony to the fact that there is no one worthy of work

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Except for Allah alone, and that Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon him is the slave of God and the Messenger of God. So then the narration goes on to mention according to Bombay hockey for Java who nasu people continue to come to the prophets a lot. elkie baru was Serato DJ Lu one Nisa, older people, younger people, men, women, folk, everyone was coming for baiyang phobia or humulene Islamic were Shahada and the prophets, a lot of them took the same Oath of Allegiance from all of them, number one, that they would live in accordance with Islam. And number two, that they testify that they now accept a law as the only one where the worship and that Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam is not only the slave of Allah, but also the Messenger of God. Similarly, there's another narration where even Jedi tabari Rahim Allahu taala, he mentions in his studies,

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when people started to gather to give the oath of allegiance to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam went and sat down at the place of Safa,

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the mountain of sofar, when we do sorry, where we start this entry from in our water, so that mountain of so far, he sat down there.

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And he started to give people the oath of allegiance there, that they believe in a law that they believe in the Messenger of Allah. And this is very powerful and very beautiful and very poetic. And if someone can recall, kind of go back, that was the place where the profits a lot of the summer had stood. And he had delivered his first public call to his message. The first public address was from the mountain of sulphur,

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where Abu lahab had spoken out and, you know, spoken very rudely to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and rebuffed his his call, and then the people dispersed from there. So, think back in your head, tomos, you know, 20 years ago, when the prophets Allah December, standing there at the mountain of Safa, calling people to Islam. And then everything's come full circle, where he's sitting there at the mountain of Safa, now giving the oath of allegiance to the same people who wouldn't believe in Him all those years ago.

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So the narration mentions that Amara, the Allahu taala, and who he was sitting, or he was standing a little bit down from where the profits are loving someone standing was sitting, excuse me, so I'm gonna have the Allahu turon, who was standing a little bit away from where the profits a lot of the time was seated. And part of the objective was so that he could basically assure people in have them seated, and kind of, you know, welcomed them into the gathering of the prophets, a lot of them.

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So the prophets a lot a Salaam was taking the oath from the people on a seminary, whatever it may Lackey, when the rasuna he famous Tata. And the oath, the prophets, a lot of action was taken from them was that they would obey a law, that they would obey the messenger of Allah to the best of their ability,

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that they would listen and obey the obey, align the Messenger of Allah to the best of their ability. So after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he was done basically giving the oath of allegiance to the men, then it was time for the prophets, a lot of them to give the oath of allegiance to the women.

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And this is where we see that the prophets a lot. He said, I'm, of course, that from a theological perspective, from a spiritual perspective. Women are basically and this this, you know, there's a lot of rhetoric out there. And so a lot of times, people are very hypersensitive to this subject. But we're talking about spiritually in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala, in obligation to Allah, in loyalty to the Prophet of Allah syllogism that women folk are the equal of men in that regard. And there's not it's not problematic to say that at all. Everyone is a slave of Allah subhanaw taala. And everyone has has sustained me for a line everyone has to answer to a law and everyone is

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accountable before a law and everyone's faith is valid. And one person's faith is not subject to another person's faith and belief. But eemaan is something that each and every single human being is empowered with, is obligated by and is honored with. And so the prophets, a lot of them after, you know, basically getting done with the men who are giving the oath of allegiance, the prophets, a lot of them then had a gathering for the women who wanted to give the oath of allegiance.

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So, in that gathering, one of the very interesting individuals and one of the very interesting moments in this gathering was that one of the women who came to give the oath of allegiance amongst the women to the prophets of Salaam was Hindi binter otava. Now Hyndman to Aruba is very notable individual because she's the daughter of an Autobot obviously as her name

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As your name says, and her father and her brother were killed in the Battle of London and they were amongst the most staunchest of the enemies to the Prophet, Salafi summoned to Islam.

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Not only that, but her husband was Abu sufian, who had led armies against the prophets, a lot of the some of the Muslims and to avenge the death of her father and her brother in the Battle of bud. She was the one who had hired

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washi to basically go into assassinate the uncle of the prophets a lot he some Hamza, and then to mutilate his body.

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And when Abu sufian

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went outside of Makkah, and brokered amnesty and peace with the prophets a lot, he said before the conquest of Makkah, she objected to that. So this was somebody who had quite a bit of a grudge against the prophets a lot, he said. She came to that gathering and the narration mentions and Muhtar, Kleber metallic Kira that she came completely covered up, she had her face wrapped up as well. And nobody could recognize who she was.

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And she was very afraid as interation mentions that because of everything that she had done, particularly in the case of Hamza, she just didn't know what to expect.

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Because from the culture that she was coming from the custom that she was a part of, you would never forgive somebody who had done that to your family, you would exact vengeance. But she was not yet familiar with who the prophets Allah ism was.

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So she came very afraid of this.

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And when it came time to give the oath of allegiance, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he

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addressed the womenfolk and he said, bye yeah. And then he, Allah, Allah to Sheikh Abdullah, he made

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that promise to me. Give me your word, that you will not associate any partners with Allah.

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So Hindi, very interesting woman. She says that I mentioned this for a particular benefit. And I'll explain in just a moment, she says she speaks up in the gathering and she says we're lucky Nicoletta Hola, Alina mulatto, Allah Rizal. Why are you taking a different oath from us than you did from the men?

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam didn't necessarily, you know, respond. He continued on. And he said, Well, Atlas rechner.

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Well, Atlas rechner, okay, that you will not steal that was part of the oath. And again, she speaks up and she says indicando assumptive. mean malleable Sophia, Elena de la hannity. Omar can agree acana valic Helen Lee amla.

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she says that you're saying that we won't steal. But she says about soufiane. She's talking about her husband. I sometimes will go and take his money as needed without necessarily discussing it with him. And I don't know if that falls under what you're mentioning right now we're not Abou soufiane who was present there. He says that a mama's mama sub A sub t female MOBA Auntie Min houfy. Elin. He says whatever you've taken in the past I don't mind. That's fine. I don't mind. I don't have any problem with it. So when this whole conversation happens, then the profits a lot of them because remember him their faces covered up.

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And so then the profits are lovely. Sam says we're in the killer hyndland Wait a second. Wait a second. Are you Hynde is this hinge right here? And she says yes. And when she's responded with Yes, she doesn't only say Yes, it's me. She doesn't only identify herself. She says now I'm thoughtful. I myself I follow her anger. She says Yes, it's me. Please forgive whatever has happened before. Let it go. Let bygones be bygones. And may God bless you.

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So she throws that in there. She says Yes, it's me and let bygones be bygones. And you know, may God bless you.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, no problem and he continues on with the oath of allegiance. The prophets, Allah says will act as Nina

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and that you will not commit adultery. That's the next part of the oath.

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And again, she says she speaks up and she says, yes will allow messenger of God What does he do when an honorable noble woman ever committed adultery? Why are you worried? Why are you making us take this oath?

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She's like I said, She's a very interesting person. Very strong personality. The prophets a lot of him doesn't say anything. He continues well after Katrina Ola,

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and that you will not kill your children.

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And she says Agra baina whom say Horan, Wakata won't be bothering Kibera for Antigua Humala.

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She says, look, we raised our kids and many of our of our people

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died fighting you and bother.

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You know, when they know what happened between you?

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Again, it seems like she's still carrying some of the just some of the the weight of all those years of conflict is very interesting. I want everyone to really understand this. This is a woman saying this to the prophets a lot. This is a person saying this to the prophets a lot. So we can imagine speaking back to the process.

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And so for a second, you're forced to kind of thing that

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didn't anyone do anything?

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Like how would How would a leader react to respond today?

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Right? How would a boss really react or respond at work? Somebody said something back a father if their child says something, a scholar if a community member says something? How dare you talk to him like that? Who are you?

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Do you know who you're talking to?

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Right, because all of us carry certain elements of ego. The prophets a lot. He said, um, he was so empathetic, and so merciful and kind and generous in Seoul and spirits. That the prophets, a lot of us have understood that this is a woman. This is a person who is still carrying a lot of that weight of all those years of conflict. And

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it takes time for the wounds to heal. For those wounds to heal. It takes some time. It doesn't happen overnight.

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And so you see the the the forbearance, the hill, the calmness, the coolness, the thoughtfulness of the profits a lot a seller. So when she says this, I'm gonna kill her Tara the Allahu taala. And when he hears that comment, the narration mentioned for the Hagar Omar had testified about Amara de la Catalano kind of like chuckles or laughs kind of awkwardly, like, haha, trying to break the tension like, this is the most

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like, I don't know what to do with this situation. What do you do?

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feel, you know, oh my god, Allahu taala. And who is also kind of like, there are many occasions when somebody would kind of speak out or say something kind of out of line or the olana would grab them right away. But it's, it's an it's a sister, an older sister. And he's kind of like, I don't even know what to do. So literally, the narration mentioned he laughs kind of awkwardly to break the tension. Oh, ha, ha, ha.

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And everyone's just kind of like frozen, like in the moment and the profits a lot. He said, I'm

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the master of that forbearance process and continues, makes no note of it. Okay? It's okay. Get it out of your system. And this is another part of the wisdom of the prophets, a lot of them that if you don't talk it out with the person that you have some issues remaining with, then it's only going to fester and get worse and you're going to go to other people and talk to other people. So you just put everything out on the table and just work out your issues. Very honestly. And so then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, well, Tina Bhutan into Farina, who been a de coonawarra licona. The next element next part of the oath is that you will not slander you will not slander not make up

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lies about other people. And she again respond she says we're lucky in the Indiana booth, Danny, the cubbyhole she says that's a really terrible thing. Well about to Josie anthon.

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And she says there's other lots of terrible things like that as well. But basically, she's trying to say that's a terrible thing, and we would never do that.

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Then the profits a lot. He said him says what I thought I've seen any. The next part of the oath of allegiance is that you give your word that you will not disobey me. And again, she speaks up and she says female roofing, female roofing, we will not disobey you in good things.

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As long as your rights we won't disobey you.

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And again, the Messenger of Allah is always right. But you just kind of see, it takes time. And this conversation is almost therapeutic. They're working out 20 years worth of issues. In this conversation. It's it's actually quite remarkable and beautiful, that the prophets, a lot of them can bring someone along like this.

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You know, someone asked me one confrontational question. I'll never forgive that person. I'll hold the grudge against their children.

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Right. One community member talks to me the wrong way. I'll be mean to his kids when they come to the machine. Hey, you go shoot.

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Right? I mean, just think about it, how we act. And this is Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Sega de la Molina Allah fearing a Mamma mia evil mursaleen, the leader of all of humanity, the crown jewel of prophethood.

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But there's a reason why he was given that station status. He was made for that position with this

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type of you know, just just big heart and generous spirit.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says to Amaro the Allahu taala knew by ear or who knows Cephalon Allah in the law of Rahim, he says, similarly take the oath of allegiance from the womenfolk.

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And then, you know, ask a las panatela for forgiveness on their behalf, and allies Forgiving and Merciful, then are the Allahu taala, who helped the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you know,

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kind of initiate all the people to give the oath of allegiance. And there's one specific note that's mentioned here. And there's quite a few narrations about this. I shadowed the Allahu taala. And others mentioned this, that when the prophets a lot of them will take the oath of allegiance with the menfolk who basically have them put their hands in his hand. But when the prophets a lot of them would take the oath of allegiance from the women folk, he would not take their hand, but he would verbally take the oath of allegiance, because that was that's part of the instruction of the prophets a large sum, those are part of the boundaries between men and women folk, that physical

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contact is prohibited. And so the prophets a lot of them would not give the oath of allegiance with the hand, but he would verbally just take the oath of allegiance, lie yourself, your wholeness. Our aim was to imagine Allah Allahu, Allahu Allah. Allah Allahu Allahu Allah tala Herman.

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So, like I shadowed the Allahu taala and SS Makana you by your hoonah illa kelemen. The prophets Allah isms would not take the oath of allegiance from the womenfolk except only verbally, he would only verbally take yields of allegiance from them. And there's a very interesting kind of conversation that same one that I was mentioning before, where Hinzman towards about a shadow the Allahu talana mentions the Hindu artba. at this particular time after the oath of allegiance, she came to the profits, a lot of them individually, and she had a comment for the profits, a lot of follow up comment a thought she wanted to share. And she also had a question, or mentioned her

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question first, and I'll save the comment for later because it's very impactful and powerful. The question she had was very interesting. She says in that about Sofia and her husband was with Yan, Raja Loon. shahan.

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She says he's a very stingy person.

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And she says, like your ugly name and an ephah potty, Fini, waxy, baniya he does not give me enough, you know, money allowance. That is enough for me and the kids. Like he doesn't give me enough money to be able to pay the bills for alcohol am in Harajuku is a family, he betrayed me. So if I know where he keeps the cash, and I go there, and I take the cash without telling him without him knowing it. Is that okay? Am I doing anything wrong? And the profits a lot he's upset, who the Maliki bill Murphy, my freaky way a few moneykey as long as you take it in, you know, in a fair amount, like you're not being unreasonable and being extravagant, absolutely. Go and take whatever you need for

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yourself and for your children. That's his responsibility. He's not doing you a favor by paying your bills. You're his wife. Those are his children. He's not doing anybody a favor. That's his responsibility. It's his God ordained for cassville halali farinata alpha. The narration says that earning a lawful income for your family is an obligation after the initial obligations to Allah, five times daily prayer, and put some bread on the table. That's an obligation. So the process I'm told her look, if he doesn't give you enough money, where you can pay the bills, you can put food on the table, and you know where the money is, and you go in you take what you need. And this is

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something very interesting the prophets Allah told her at this time. The next thing that I wanted to mention was the comment. Kind of a thought she wanted to share with the prophets a lot. He said them in the Chateau de la hotel, and I mentioned this as well, that after the oath of allegiance was done in Hindi, came to the prophets of Salaam and she said yeah, Rasul Allah, own messenger of God. Makana mimma Allah, what are the about one

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I have by Ilya mania, the lumen Ali Akbar, aka, she says all messenger of God.

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Before previously, there was not a person

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that I wanted to see humiliated, that I would have loved to see humiliated more than you.

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There was basically she's saying, There's nobody I hated more than you.

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And then she says, through Mama, Leone, but what has transpired during this event, the compassion, the mercy, the understanding, the benevolence, the empathy, the generosity that you

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have shown us.

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It has changed me. It has changed my mind my thoughts and the way I understand things. She says, mas polyoma Allahu Akbar in a hapa la manera zooming Ali Akbar Erica. She says, Now there is no one that I would love to see honored and revered and respected. On the face of this earth more than you mean, there's nobody I respect more than I respect you.

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There's no one I hated more than I hated you. But now there's no one I respect more than I respect you.

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And that is something that is truly truly remarkable. All right, and that's why I was talking about the the wisdom of the prophets. Also, hearing someone speak back to the process, I'm truly kind of shocks you a little bit. But you see the wisdom of the process. And we understood she's working through some issues. This conversation is therapeutic. It's cathartic. And she's working through the issues and look where the conversation ends, where she says, I, I do, I do not know a more honorable human being than you.

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There's no one I respect more than I respect you. That's where she arrived at. See, that's the difference. The profits a lot The song was about the potential of people he was about where he could get people he was about, you know, where he can help people get to.

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Rather than just being demanding and turning, turning it into an issue about one's own ego and making it about yourself. The promises have made it about the other person.

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So this person said something that they shouldn't say to me,

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doesn't bother me. I'm okay. I know who I am.

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I know what I'm doing. I know what I stand for. I know why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm good. But it's about that other person.

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Where does that other person need to be? What is that other person dealing with? How can I help that other person get to where they need to go? That's the leadership of the process. And he didn't make it about himself, he made it about other people. That's the, that's the preaching of the prophets a lot. There's so many layers here, you look at the process of as a leader, because he made it about the other person didn't make it about himself. You look at him as a preacher

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as a diary,

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because he made it about he focused on the other person's needs, not what he wanted or needed.

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You look at the profits a lot, as a teacher,

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it's because he's focused on the student.

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Rather than trying to stroke his own ego, and project his own, you know, his own, whatever his own thoughts are his own sentiments on to the student.

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You look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as a mentor in a nurture, because he was constantly concerned about the betterment of the other person. And you can go on down the list, a community leader, to a father or husband, the big brother, whatever all the different roles or profits, a lot of them played.

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It was because of that empathy of the profits of some of the selflessness of the profits a lot of the time, the generosity of the profits a lot easier now

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that that's what made him so remarkable. And that's what we need today.

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Now, the second topic that I wanted to mention was the end of hegira. The end of Israel, the cessation of Islam, allow me to explain what I mean by that.

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When Makkah became very, very difficult,

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and the work could not continue on in Mecca. Mecca was way too hostile of an environment to continue.

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And Medina became available.

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We're now there was a place where Muslims could go to and freely practice their Deen and religion and grow and learn and practice and preach all of it,

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that it actually became obligatory, it actually became mandatory on them to make the migration and go to the community in Medina, that was an obligation at that time. It was a requirement of a person's faith, unless of course, they were being prevented. But somebody willingly saying, like, Nah, I'll just stay in my car. So what I have to lie about not being a Muslim, but I'll just

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I don't want to deal with it. That was problematic that was like a major sin. And according to some at a particular point in time, during the life of the processor that was even tend to mountain the fog, hypocrisy, very serious. So you had to migrate. So now that the conquest of Makkah happened.

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Many of the Muslims who were coming into Islam at that time, they have questions. So safarnama suffian been omega who we talked about previously, so fine, even omega.

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Someone mentioned to him in the whole idea, the whole genetic element, the only person who can go to Paris

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Nice is someone who does the Hydra, the migration, you have to migrate to be a proper believer.

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So, he was very confused. He said, he said logical Manzini, Hata atira slices and

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he says, I will not go home until I go to the process. I'm in clarify this, do I have to leave my canal? Now that I become Muslim? If I do, I will. But I need to clarify this with him for the country law who he says I went, and I asked the prophets a lot. And he said, law he wrote about a Makita. Well, I can jihad in one way the stone fell to Pharaoh. He said, Now that the conquest of Makkah has occurred, there will be no more hits that are after this, meaning the hijra will not be mandatory higit are still exist, the concept is still there. If someone wants to go from one place to another, for the sake of their Deen for the sake of their religion, to learn about their

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religion, to be able to raise a family to be able to put themselves in a more advantageous position, spiritually. Absolutely. That's a good thing and it's admirable. It's like we move to go to school we move to go to get a job. Why wouldn't you move for the sake of your deen? If you think you could better your deen somewhere, all right. But it's not an obligation anymore. It will not be mandated from this from this point on going forward. That's not a thing anymore. It was before the conquest of Mecca and no longer is a requirement. Well, I can do hadn't eaten. But all that remains that a person needs to strive and struggle to practice their religion to the best of their ability when he

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atone. And a person needs to have a very good intention, high aspirations and goals about what they want out of themselves spiritually, way that's unfair to him from Pharaoh. But if you are call to action, if you are asked to step up to the line, to be able to serve your religion, then be willing to do so. So the prophet of Islam basically said what remains is that type of activism, that type of involvement, be an active involved member of the community, but that migration will not be mandatory will not be required anymore. And there's many, many different conversations that are along the same lines, where there's another Sahabi, who mutia Jr, who says that I took my father to the Prophet

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sallallahu sallam, and we went there with the intention to give the baby the oath of allegiance to the process of Sodom, declare our faith, and also let him know that we would migrate with him from Mecca to Medina. And when we made that intention clear to the process of the process and said mcglothlin hegira, truly Allah hegira has passed. That was a time when we required that we no longer require you to come to Medina, what will we do require you Oh, by your war Island, Islamic Jihad, we require you to live in accordance with Islam, and strive and struggle every day to better yourself and to practice your religion. That's the mandate now. That's what's required. And that's what's

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mandatory another narrations of the prophets a lot. He said, The Hubba alija Tb mafia, the people who did his job were the people who did his job. And now that is not a requirement anymore. But now, Islam when he Manuel Jihad now is that you practice the religion you increase your faith every day, and you strive and struggle to be the best person that you can.

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So much so that he mumble hottie even mentioned more narrations that the Sahaba used to teach this to the people as well. Mujahid attacked vieri from the next generation, a great scholar and Muslim of the next generation. He went to his one of his teachers, one of the Sahaba Abdullah bin Omar, and he said that I want to make his route to a sham. I want to make his route to a sham. And even though I might have told him that he gelato, well I can Jihad when he says there is no hindrance, but rather you strive and struggle to better yourself and learn your religion and practice your religion. So if that journey of bettering yourself takes you to a place like a sham Bismillah then

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you go, but it's not 100 of the way you're thinking about it. Where it's a requirement to move from one place to another. That is something that has passed law he did not abandon Fauci after the conquest of Makkah. That was not a mandate that was not required anymore. But the prophets a lot in some another narration. He says that, or rather, excuse me, I shadowed the Allahu talana. There's another narration and Bahati were a couple of the tabea own. They say that I thought it'd be raw and obeyed, been are made. They went to go visit our mother I shadowed the Allahu taala on how they went to go pay her a visit. She was a teacher of that generation. So they went to go visit her and then

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just you know, ask her some questions and learn from her. And they asked her about the Hydra and she said la hora de Leon Guerrero hegira. Today, canon minutiae furusato combi de la la Virgen de la su de Mahabharata and Justina la people used to have to do his raw but that's

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Not required anymore folio family on the other Allahu Islam today Allah has spread Islam far and wide she's saying at her time for me no yeah boo boo boo Hey through Yeshua.

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What's required of a believer is to worship your Lord wherever it is that you find yourself. wherever it is that you find yourself in Muscat and Makkah and Medina and Medina if halfway across the world, then halfway across the world, well, I can Jihad donita the only thing that is required of you is strive to better yourself every day and have high goals and aspirations and ambitions for yourself.

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The next thing and the last thing I wanted to talk about here is just some of the prom that was revealed at this time and I'll specifically talk about two verses or two two portions. The first one is in similar to a deed in Sultan Hadid is number 10. A law says is that we mean common and common public records rakatan those who sacrificed for Islam before the conquest of Mecca.

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It is not the same La Liga de moda Rajat Amina, Xena and Saku min value workato. Those who sacrifice for Islam before the conquest of Mecca, they are of a higher rank and status than those who sacrifice for Islam after the conquest of Mecca. And somebody say that, that's not fair.

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But that's easier that that's easy to say that it's not fair. But it's easier said than done.

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Because before the conquest of Mecca, the sacrifice that was required was everything

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was everything. So it's just not the same. It's not the same for those who sacrifice before and those who sacrificed after. So the first Makkah the conquest of Makkah, was a clear line and delineation and moment in the life of the prophets a lot easier them. And then the last And the final thing I wanted to mention was, it is at this time of the conquest of Makkah, that a very well known sutra of the Quran was revealed. And that is the sutra we know as sutra to NASA.

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That the sutra of the help of from Allah subhanaw taala, the sutra of the victory from Allah subhanho wa Taala, Elijah and Allah He will fetch

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that when the help of God arrives, and when the victory from Allah is delivered, what are the necessity of feeding the lucky fortune, and you see the people flocking into the religion of God waves and after waves, groups after groups

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for submission be handed out because of fear who then praise and glorify your Lord and Master and seek forgiveness from him in the who can utter weapon without a doubt he has always been is and will always be the most forgiving and willing to forgive.

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So this is what I was revealed at this particular time in the profits. A lot of him recited it to the Sahaba this time, and there's a very beautiful story that talks about what the sutra meant when it was revealed. It's mentioned in Buhari and I'll conclude with this, that Abdullah bin bass, radi Allahu taala, who says I can offer you the Filoni, my Shahada.

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Some years after the prophets a lot of the time I passed away, or matter the Allahu talana was a halifa miramont, meaning the leader of the Muslims, and he used to have a special counsel. And in that council were some of the most Senior Companions particularly there were a lot the most most of the Senior Companions in that Council. The senior council had participated in the Battle of budget.

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They were old school.

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And so he says that Amara, the Allahu talana used to call me and make me sit in that senior Advisory Council.

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forgotten about the home what are the feet of sea? And I could tell that some of them were a little uncomfortable with this. Summer a little uncomfortable with this for Karla Lima to the Hill. hazama Anna? Well, Anna, Abner

00:39:03 --> 00:39:21

Why does you know he? Why do you ask this young man is a good young man. Mashallah. But why do you ask this young man to come sit with us? We have children his age, and you asked him to come sit with us on the senior Council. So I'm going to the Allahu taala, who says in the homie Monica, do

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you know who he is?

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And what his caliber is

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for the album that the Yeoman so one day he called the senior Advisory Council together for at the Hala Houma home. And he specifically asked for me, in another more extended narration, Abdullah bin Omar even says that, he says sometimes try to avoid, you know, being around when it was time for the council, but he asked for him and he told him to come join the council. And he says from our UI to an attorney fee him Yama isn't illyrio and I realized that on that day, he was only asking

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to come and sit with them and join the council because he wanted to prove a point to them. He was going to make a point that day.

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So he says to the council, Mata una foto de la jolla JAL. What would you infer from the verses of the Quran from the statement of a law, either Janice Rola who will fetch that surah What do you infer from that for Colorado? So they some of them answered the question they said, Amina Mohammed de la hamana, Sofitel Sydney,

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Elena, some of them kind of like translated the sutra and said that we've been told to praise a law and seek forgiveness of a law when we finally find victory when we are helped. And when we achieve victory, that we should be humbled and we should praise a lion we should ask forgiveness from Allah, like basically kind of a paraphrasing a translation and explanation of just the words of the surah

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one second about the home for Lamia, Pooja, and some of them didn't have any comments to act as to add. And Amaro, the Allahu taala, who did not respond, he didn't say anything. Then he turned to me. I'm delivering our buses for quality, a karateka tokuyama bus.

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Hey, even Ibis, would you would you say the same thing that he just mentioned? Or do you have something more to add? For kotula? He said no, I have a little something more. I would. I would very humbly add here. This is Mata cola. What is that?

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For all of you who are agile Rasul Allah, Allah mahalo hoop.

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This sutra coming down, what it's saying how it's saying what it's saying, when it was revealed, under what circumstances it was revealed. All of this pointed towards the fact that the prophets a lot of the time was being told that his mission was almost complete. His time in this world was coming to an end now was going to be kind of the farewell tour.

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This is the beginning of the end, he needs to start wrapping things up. That's what he's being told you need to start wrapping things up your mission has come to an end is coming to a close.

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And when he said that,

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and he says either Janice will like you will fetch her family calama to angelic. And so that's a sign of the fact that your era has come to an end for some behandelt because oxido now who cannot awaba amaravati Allahu taala. And who comments and he says, Allah momina ilaha illa Mata, he says, I understood from it exactly what you just said.

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And then Amara, the Allahu taala Han, who said that this is why I invite him into the council. He might be young, might be half your age, or even a third of your age. But he has wisdom. And he has knowledge. And he read the Quran directly with the prophets a lot. And the processor made to offer him a love methoxy houfy de noir limited, we, oh god give him the understanding of the religion, a deep profound understanding of the religion and give him the meaning and allow him to understand the meaning of the Koran.

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And so the two things I wanted to mention here, in conclusion was number one, this pseudo was revealed at this time. And it was a very clear indication of the fact that the mission of the profits luncheon was coming to a close now. So everything we talked about from here on forward, you need to kind of also look at it from the angle in the perspective that how is the profits a lump sum, in this event in this situation, wrapping things up? You have to keep that in mind. Because then you'll be able to learn from the wisdom of the prophets, a lot of them, how do you conclude things? How do you wrap things up? How do you wind things down and tie up all the loose ends,

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profound wisdom in that? And then the second thing I wanted to mention here as hopefully is obvious that

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this is a beautiful example the story of Abdullah bin Arbus about the potential that our young people have

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given the right attention.

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You know, to be training, knowledge, education nourishment,

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with the right environment created around them

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with the correct opportunities being provided to them

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and encouraging them and empowering them. This is what our young people have the potential to become.

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When the Prophet says and passed away, Abdullah bin Omar Abdullah bin bass, radi Allahu taala and Omar was an early team

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was in its teenage years young man.

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But look what he was able to become.

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Even in his 20s he was one of the wisest men of his time.

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The prophets Allah gave him gave him love and attention yah, yah hola me new Allah mocha Kalamata

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where he

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SMR on a ride on his animal and he says, Son,

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young man,

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Young Buck, I'm gonna teach you some things I need you to pay attention now.

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Like gives him time and affection and attention, teaches him, trains him, talks to him, empowers him and encourages it makes to offer him and look what this young man is able to become. This is the son of the Prophet Salaam. This is what we have to get back to

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in terms of nurturing the future talent of our oma. That's the greatest asset. And the greatest resource we possess is a future generation that has stopped being rhetoric.

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It has to stop being a slogan it just it has to stop being something we say at fundraisers.

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But it has to become actual practice day in day out, in our communities, in our homes, in our societies, in our country, in the world, in our own mind, it has to become a reality.

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May Allah subhanaw taala allow our youth to carry on the good work and May Allah subhanaw taala allow them to realize their potential. And may Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything we've said and heard. So I'm gonna lie behind the use of Hannah Columbia Hamlet, Nashville La ilaha illa Anta a soccer one, actually, Zach maka.

The Oath In Makkah And The End Of Hijrah, 03/07/17

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