Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 147 – Expeditions Post Khaybar

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the aftermath of the Battle of Haifa, including tensions between Muslims and the British during the period of the time before the Battle of integrating integrating the Muslims and the importance of peace and trust in community relationships. They emphasize the need for everyone to act with appropriate behavior to avoid harming the community and emphasize the importance of respecting chain of conduct and structure in protecting the people. The speakers also mention the negative impact of actions taken by the prophets on society and emphasize the importance of following guidance and following the guidance of the Prophet sallavi to enhance one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him, and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and therapy. These are just a few of the things we offer alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the theater intensive, two weeks, dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, sha Allah join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam go to Cedar intensive.com to register, or for more info

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah, who Allah Allah he was actually he is married

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shala continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a skeleton of a we have the prophetic biography.

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In the previous session, we were discussing and talking about

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the events in the aftermath of the Battle of Haifa. And we talked about some of the concluding events of the Battle of labor, and some of what transpired at that particular time. What we'll be talking about today in sha Allah are some of the very interesting expeditions, some campaigns that took place post labor. So to explain better, as we talked about previously, in the seventh year of higit, on the seventh year of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, his residence in the city of Medina, the Battle of labor took place after the Battle of labor concluded, and that's what we were talking about previously. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on his on the way back to the city

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of Medina, there were a few stops that the Prophet sallahu some very strategically took to address different issues, different tribes, that were between Faber and Medina. Similarly, after arriving back in the city of Medina, the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam, once again, very strategically, he sent out groups of companions, groups of Sahaba, very small contingents, very small groups, as expeditions and as campaigns to different areas to just once again kind of secured the area around Medina and to address the different situations that existed in the region.

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And the reason why, aside from the fact that this is what occurred in the aftermath of the Battle of clay, but at the same time, there are some very profound lessons. In each of these expeditions that I'm going to specifically highlight the ones where there are some very, very intriguing some very remarkable, some very necessary lessons, where we see both truce, peace being established through these expeditions. But we also come across some tragedy that occurred in some of these expeditions as well. The event that we're going to start off with is, it discusses some, you know, it discusses the establishment of peace. And that was that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the journey

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back from haber, to the city of Medina, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed by a Lackey, the urbanists have been cathedra, and others who mentioned this, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived at a particular place at a at a particular location. And it was the place of tema, and at this place of Thema, there was a Jewish tribe that resided here. Now, you can imagine, obviously, there were some tensions that existed between the Muslims in some of the Jewish tribes of the region, and not in the sense that a lot of times there's, you know, hate mongering or there's a mis portrayal of Islam, but there were very natural tensions because of the different events and the

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conflicts that had taken place between some of the Jewish tribes of Arabia and the Muslims of Medina. So there was a Jewish tribe about this particular place, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam stopped there. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know,

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when they stopped there, they didn't realize that the Jews at that place have a map, they have basically assembled and they started to launch an attack against the Muslims, because they were very defensive. Those tensions were very high, because they were coming back from labor. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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He reached out to them. And he basically told them that we call you to peace. We call you to a truce. And the prophets, a lot of them gave them some time to divert deliberates, they were able to go and come back. And you know, can they conference and they discuss the issue with one another, they consulted amongst one another, and they came back. And they informed the prophets a lot. He said, I'm in the Muslims, that they were interested in establishing a peace treaty, they were interested in establishing peace and truths, and the prophets a lot obliged. And at that particular time, they were basically taken into the fold of the protection of Medina, the governance of Medina.

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And what that basically meant was that they were free to live there, they were free to practice their religion, they were free to even governor govern their social affairs as they saw fit. But they now had a peace treaty to the extent where now they were allied with the city of Medina. And the profits of lobby, some went as far as telling them that they would be left to be able to continue their business as they saw fit. They were going to be left there to go about living their lives and doing everything else that they wanted to do. And this was these were the people of dogma, and why do you put off and they were basically left on their own accord. And this is another

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testimony to the fact that the primary objective of the prophets, a lot of them, as we saw in who they be, yeah. And we saw on repeated occasions with even the other Jewish tribes, the primary objective of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was the establishment of peace. And because the Jews here at SEMA, and why do you look around, they were interested in they were

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invested into establishing peace, the prophets, a lot of them did so with them. And so once again, you see here, the establishment of this piece in the aftermath of the Battle of labor.

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Now, the next few things that I'm going to talk about here are some of the tragic events that occurred in in these expeditions in the aftermath of haber. And there are some very profound lessons here. First and foremost, when they left haber and they proceeded towards what you will Pura

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there was

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a man who was basically, you know, serving the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his name was midam. This man was basically a slave. And he was given into the service of the profits a lot. He sent them.

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The profits, a lot of them honored him. And the profits, a lot of them dignified him, and basically told him that he was allowed to be with them and be like a personal assistant, a Hadith of the prophets, Allah, He said them. And I mentioned just a little while ago that when they arrived at the place of where do you draw

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that day? They were very nervous. They were very anxious to Jews of what do you look for? So I mentioned how they had already assembled to launch an attack to kind of ambush the Muslims or at least attempt to do so. And they had launched a few arrows. One stray arrow ended up striking the same man midam this servant, it ended up striking him and he ended up dying from this particular arrow from being struck by this arrow. And when he died due to that many of the Sahaba the companions who were there, they started to say, Honey, Allah huben, Jenna, honey, Allahu bilgin. That, you know, congratulations to him. Congratulations to him. He will go to Paradise. And the

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prophets, a lot of them said something very, very interesting at that time. He said Cola, he said absolutely no, which is very shocking.

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Because we know that the disposition of the prophets a lot of them was towards mercy. The benefit of the doubt, he said cola will let enough CBD in Shimla talathi aha Yama Haberman, ohana mineral Maharani lamb to civil mocassin the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was informed by gibreel alayhis salam of the fact that made them this individual. On the day of haber. When the spoils of war were being gathered and collected before they were rightly distributed.

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This man made them ended up going into the spoils of war when no one was looking. And he snatched a shawl from there.

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And he hid it and he stashed it in his stuff. He basically stole the show from the spoils of war. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, let's take a look at a neuron

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that that Shaw has now is symbolic of a shawl of fire over him

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that he will be punished for this. Because this was such an egregious violation of trust

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in such a sensitive place, and when the prophets a lot of them made this proclamation for that matter

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Send me an IRA bizarrely kanessa when he made this proclamation, people heard this and they were taken aback. They were shocked by this. JOHN Roger Looney larochelle iclr smbc rockin OSHA rockin another man came to the profits a lot. He said I'm with a sphere, two spheres with some type of equipment.

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And he basically said O Messenger of Allah, I also kind of picked this off the heap.

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I can * this from the collection wrongfully.

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And the prophets, a lot of them said shirakami, not in oshoala Academy. Now. The prophets a lot of him these were Spears made a fire. I mean, these could have led you to the fire of *.

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And this is reported in the Sahih hain. This isn't Bukhari and Muslim.

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And if we kind of pause here and really understand and think about what's being said, it seems very harsh.

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Somebody sacrifices, right, puts their life on the line gives their time and everything, their energies, everything, and they go out for the sake of a song for the cause of a song. They commit a minor indiscretion, right, in terms of the value of the property, what's the shawl worth? What's the spear worth? Right? It's not millions of dollars.

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And it's so severe the repercussions of it, that there's talk of the fire of * as a consequence.

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But the lesson here is very, very important.

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That with the level of responsibility,

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because you also have to understand that when somebody went out, you know, in jihad, somebody went out to fight on the frontlines. Somebody went out on these expeditions and campaigns, there was a lot of respect, there was a lot of prestige, there was a lot of honor, there was a lot of trust that came with that people admired you. People looked at you as a hero, as a leader,

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as somebody to follow.

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And when you find yourself in that position, there's great reward. There's even great, you know, intrinsic benefit to you in even in the short term, aside from the long term of the athlete. But that also comes with a serious level of accountability and responsibility.

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That when you violate the responsibility, you are trusted so much that you're on the inner circle of the prophets a lot a setup,

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that that men who took the shawl the process of trusted him, he was personally assisting the prophets a lot, he said them handling the prophets, a lot of himself.

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He was there where all the meetings were happening, he had full access to where all the goods were being stored. That's a lot of trust. But when you violate that trust, the repercussions are also very severe. And that's the profits a lot decent expressing that disappointment.

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And that very severe reprehensibility of that. Now, the reason why I made a point of mentioning this and only mentioning it, but emphasizing this point, because we have to also understand and internalize that we have an opposites, we almost have a reverse logic, an opposite logic that basically operates within our communities that we conduct ourselves with what I feel today, a very common trend, a very common thought process is that if I'm sacrificing a lot, if I'm doing a lot of work, if I'm investing a lot if I'm, you know, stepping forward, and I've done a lot.

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And then I commit some type of violation of trust, I have earned the capital.

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I've earned the leeway. I've earned the privilege

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where nobody can hold me accountable.

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Somebody says, Why did you do that? How did you do that? How could you do that? Really, you're gonna talk to me, you know who I am. You know what I've done.

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But the profits a lot of the time is teaching is quite the opposite.

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You sacrifice you gave a lot. That's very good, but you did it for yourself. You didn't do anybody any favors. You did not do God any favors. You did not do the Messenger of Allah any favors. You didn't do Islam any favors, you didn't even do the community any favors. I understand we should be respectful of those who serve the community, that's fine. But those who serve the community can never ever conducted themselves with a little level of entitlement and impunity.

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Right? This is a session about the life of the prophets a lot a sermon, we're supposed to connect it to kind of real life and what's going on, but I don't want to pollute it by talking about the entire political scene right now. But you see exactly that.

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That is because maybe somebody who's done some work or somebody, you know, served public office and served, you know, public service for a certain number of time. There's almost a level of impunity and level of entitlement that they conduct themselves with.

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They're above the law now.

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That's fundamentally a problem. And when you hear the disappointment and you hear the disenfranchisement, and you hear the disenchantment amongst the populace amongst the people, that is very, it's very justified.

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Because it's a violation of trust.

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It's like how a child would feel the level of betrayal a child would feel, if that child was violated by his or her own parent.

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It's worse. And this is what the prophets a lot of time was teaching us. And that's what he was teaching his Sahaba. And he was teaching all of us,

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the more you work, and the more you make yourself, make your way to the front of the line. And the more you work your waist inward towards the inner circle, the more you are accountable and liable and responsible.

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You don't earn some type of impunity.

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So this is something very, very profound that the prophets Allah taught us about at this particular point. And the earlier one I didn't

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do you know, a proper job of explaining it. So as I was mentioning, when they arrived at karate, they were at they tried to ambush some Muslims and that straight arrow hit me that these were those people did use a video camera, in spite of them, ambushing the Muslims and actually killing someone. The profits, a lot of them still put peace on the table as an offering. That's the testament of the prophets a lot of times commitment to peace. loss of life is the most important thing in our religion.

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We do not determine only Allah do the prophets a lot of them said never ever aspire to actual battle and fighting and killing people never aspired to laughter man No, never hope for it. never wish for it.

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Baal sallallahu ala Aafia, ask God for safety, protection, peace tranquility, well being

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ask Allah to protect everyone

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while mo mljet metadata Lila this youth do things become difficult at times, Yes, they do. Then at that point in time know that Paradise is earned.

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Paradise is paradise rest paradise lies under the shade of the swords meaning sometimes you have to you have to do what you have to do and you have to sacrifice but that is never ever the first option. nor even the second option, as the profits a lot improved here.

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The next event or expedition that I wanted to mention here

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is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he sent another expedition with Bashir even sad. This is again mentioned in all the books of Sierra that in but she'd been sagra the Allahu taala on who the prophets a lot of him sent an expedition with him to go out to the area not far outside of Medina and just secure the region.

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Osama took news aid rhodiola Coachella and who he narrates this incident. Now you have to understand who sama bin Zayed is who sama took news aid is the son of Sabin haritha, who is like the adopted son like the adopted son of the prophets a lot he set up. And that's why it was summer to date had a very grand some type of relationship with the prophets, a lot of them he was known hibou rasulillah, he's a lot ism. He was a beloved of the messenger salatu salam

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and the process and praise him for being a remarkable, you know, individual. But he tells the story himself. He says that we went out

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securing the area in the region. And myself and another individual from amongst the unsolved we whose name was Mitra das in the heke. He said that we came across one of the, you know, people, one of the men, one of the soldiers of that area that we were trying to secure. We came across him.

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And so we drew our shorts, right because it was like maybe one soldier got broke loose, he got loose and he was running around. So we put we drew our swords when we saw him. And when we saw him and we drew our swords, he said, a shadow Allah, Allah Illallah

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a shadow Allah, Allah, Allah Allah.

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He said the kalama of tawheed which meant what he was identifying himself as a Muslim, man, I'm not one of the enemy. I'm with y'all.

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Very unfortunately and tragically usambara the Allahu taala on who he says that.

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We did not withdraw.

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We did not withdraw. We did not back off

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but we proceeded

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We carried on with the offense until he was killed. This man was killed.

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He says when we made it back to Medina and we went back to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, we informed him of what had transpired what happened. And the prophets along with him was so

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His face like twisted in agony.

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And the profits a lot of them yeah, Osama, he said Osama especially because of the love and the relationship that he had with Osama yeah Osama

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Malacca Villa Illa Allah Allah

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Mundo naka de la ilaha illa even La la la la cannot protect somebody from you.

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What huh? Even Laila in the law cannot protect someone from you.

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He was so furious

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for continue Rasul Allah, in the makala hacia with Amina cottony

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O Messenger of Allah. He only said that, so that we wouldn't proceed towards him. He was trying to use it as an out he was trying to get away. He was being sneaky.

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And the prophets a lot easier said from Manila Yahoo, sama, Bella, la la la, even lightline la Osama doesn't protect somebody from you.

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And then some are the Allahu taala. And who says for one day the Botha who will happily masala you rock the duha Elijah. He says I swear by Allah, the process of kept saying that over and over and over and over again, Manila Yahoo sama, Bella, Bella,

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even lightline Allah doesn't protect somebody from you

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had that a man NATO Anima bomb in Islamic Islam to Yama even when I'm actually who so much so that I wished that I was not a Muslim before this time and I just now accepted Islam so that this could be wiped from my record and I or maybe that I never was Muslim before this, I never would have gone on that expedition. I never would have ended up killing that person. Like it was so it was so it was so frightening to me.

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how upset the profits are the someone's how bothered he was by this faculty in New York City law. Then Allah aktueller Rosalyn yaku, La Jolla, Abaddon

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sakalava de Osama aku badak.

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He said that at that point in time, I said to the prophets, a lot of them I take an oath today that I will never ever raise my sword against anyone who has ever said like nine a lot ever again. And he said even after me, oh, somebody said even after you will profits a lot, I will stay firm, I will never lose my way ever again.

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You see, once again, the theme, the point that I'm trying to make here the sanctity, the value of life. And you see how destructive profits a lot of the time was and how he held people accountable. There's another very similar story to this as well.

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Even as Hawk and others, they mentioned this as well, from Abu Hadhrat. Abu Hydra, there was another expedition, another campaign, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had sent and 100 he says that the prophets a lot he sent him sent us to another place another region to kind of secure the area. And

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we went out to go about and securing the area and there was a man by the name of Ahmed

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even have but Allah Cherie, and he had some, you know, some goods with him. He had some goods and some things with him. And it seemed kind of like he was from that area. It seemed kind of like he was maybe trying to get some of his stuff and just kind of sneak out and slip out.

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And as he was passing by us, he said Assalamualaikum to us.

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He saw us notice him and look at him. And so he said Assalamualaikum

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so he said that we went and tried to grab him. Oh, anyway, we wait.

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This guy is trying to be sneaky.

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Where is he trying to slip out to what he got with him. And so we went there and grabbed him.

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And he started to obviously, you don't get frightened and kind of resist. And will hydroid says that one of the Sahaba who's with us Mohan Mohan Lim he ended up drawing a sword and killing the men.

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And when we got back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam after the campaign was over,

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we informed the profit to lobby some of what had occurred and what had transpired. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that a verse of the Quran was revealed about what you guys did.

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Allah sundown revelation, admonishing you and admonishing everyone because of what you did. And the eye of the Quran Surah Nisa is number 94. Yeah, you have Latina amanu eva bot opportunities.

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be lucky

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when you go out on these expeditions on these campaigns in the path of Allah subhanaw taala then clarify. Be very clear.

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Well, that's a kulula man Alka la como Salama Lester Macmillan. And don't you dare ever say to somebody that says salaam aleikum to you that you are not a believer?

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Tip tahuna dunya Do you just want the material things of this world that if you kill him then you take his goods

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during the lifetime of animal kathira God can provide you plenty spoils of war if that's what your motivation is. That's very harsh. Like I was telling them is all you wanted was material things alone would have given you material things you'd have to kill an innocent soul just to acquire that this is a lost power tada reprimanding them because Allah subhanaw taala can do so. gallica countrymen Pablo from and Allahu Allah comfortable. In the law Academy, my Tama Luna Kabira, Allah is constantly informed of what you do. This is also narrated in the masa, Devi, Mohammed. So once again, we see that same profound lesson here.

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That you have to be very clear and very cautious. Even in a state of war, even when there is active engagement with the enemy, you have to have so much clarity,

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and so much confirmation before a sword is ever raised before a weapon is ever raised towards another human being. And this was another one of those incidents.

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similar incidents where there's a very profound lesson here as well. Now it's kind of changing the theme a little bit. The the second theme that I wanted to address here, which also once again, somewhat alluding to what I talked about before, but the responsibilities of leadership. But somewhat from the other side, we talked about the you know, the responsibility on the bird on the shoulders of those who might find themselves in the front line in the front ranks. But this now another expedition has a very profound lesson about the fact that even Yes, we try to respect the chain of command, we try to respect the structure that's in place as much as possible. But we do not

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attribute we do not attribute infallibility towards anyone.

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But we still have to remain critical. Respectfully critical, but we still have to remain critical. And there's no blind following of any human being in our religion. There's a lost power to Allah. And there is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And outside of that we do not blind follow anyone for who do who in Allahu wa soon we measure what they are telling us up against what God and His Messenger have taught us. And there's a very profound story, the in another expedition that the prophets allottee some sent, this is mentioned in the Sahih Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. The prophets a lot of them sent an expedition at the leadership at the forefront of that expedition was Abdullah even who that sent me. very notable Companion of the prophets a lot he said them. I live in avatar liberati Allahu taala. And who narrates this incident? He says that the prophets a lot, he said, I'm pleased to have delighted

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Sammy, who was an unsavoury Sahabi and Medina, he placed him at the head as the leader of this,

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you know, at the head of this expedition, this campaign, this group of Sahaba, the Allahu anhu, and he collected, you know, a group and placed them under his leadership and the prophets, a lot of them told them he advised them. And yes, merola Who will you do?

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That you listen to him and you obey Him. You do what he says.

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So the narration goes on to say for us, but for us, the blue fish a

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while they were out on the expedition, he became agitated with them. The group that he had that he wasn't responsible for, he became agitated with them for some reason. They upset you maybe they weren't doing what he said or whatever the case was. And they upset him.

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So he got very angry. And he called all the troops together everybody now

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and he said he might only have to go out and gather firewood for me. So they they went out and they gathered the firewood together and they piled it up for further Okay, do not run. Now. He said now start a fire with that firewood and he started a fire until it started for Oklahoma until it started burning pretty big. Then he said that. Then he says lm yat muqaam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and tessmer only What to do? Did not the Messenger of God Salah at some command you did not tell you to listen to me and do whatever it is that I tell you to do. They said absolutely hollow but of course he did. So he said for the Hulu. Ha. Now jump into this fire.

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I'm in charge go

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For another about hula, they started looking at one another makalu enema for Ronda ihlara. She likes a lot is Amina now. They responded to him, they said, Listen, sir,

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we came to the prophets a lot he sent escaped the fire, meaning spiritually speaking,

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we came to the profits alleged because you wanted to get away from the fire.

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And here you're telling us to jump into a fire.

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And at that time, the narration says for a second, I thought, oh, boohoo watopia tinaroo. He kind of calmed down a little bit. And the fire was extinguished at that time. When they got back to Medina when they got back to the profits, a lot of kurunegala, who they told them exactly what happened. Look, this is what transpired. They gave the report

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the profits, a lot of them said something so profound, so profound. He said lo de Hulu ha Maharaja minha.

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If they would have entered into the fire, they never would have come out from the fire, which means if they would have jumped into the fire out of this mistaken notion of obedience and compliance, that would have led them to the fire of * this would have counted as them killing themselves pointlessly wrongfully in the mythos to filma roof. The profits, a lot of them said yes, you should obey your leader. But you only obey your leader in things that are right. Not in things that are wrong. And again, that's very profound. Once again, on, you know, again on the side of those who might be following who might be the congregants, that we do have a very analytical critical

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perspective. It's respectful. But still, we are always analytical and critical.

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That what the leadership is dictating to us? Is it in compliance? Is it in line with what align is messengers? allottee Some have taught us yes or no, that's the question. And number two, it's also a powerful lesson to those who find themselves in a position of leadership

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that you, you are only owed the respect and the obedience of your flock. As long as you are trending in the correct direction, as long as you are doing the right thing. But you do not have the right. Again, no entitlement here, you do not have the right to push your flock to push your people into the direction of evil to ask them to do something unjust or wrong. Absolutely not. You do not owe anyone any type of obedience or compliance if what they're asking you to do is something that goes against what a lion is messengers allottee. Some have said, this is another very, very remarkable and profound lesson

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from amongst these campaigns in these incidents.

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The next thing that I wanted to mention here

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is that

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the last thing that I mentioned here is just another thing that occurred on the same expeditions. But it's a very interesting lesson and it teaches us the significance of following the advice the guidance of the prophets allottee Center, and how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a messenger of Allah. Almighty antico Anil Hawa in huella watching you ha he does not speak from a place of desire. Everything that he instructs us to do is a divine inspiration and commandment from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And how our safety and our well being. And our benefit is in following the sun of the prophets, a lot of assembly instruction of the prophet to lobby some the guidance from

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the prophets, a lot of them to the best of our ability.

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There's a very interesting thing that's also mentioned, were on the return back from the journey of labor when they stopped at what do you look for, as we talked about,

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and then they arrived back to Medina. They arrived back. They got to the outskirts of the city of Medina in the evening time. And I've actually talked about this before that the prophets a lot he said he had given this instruction. The prophets Allah had given this instruction, where he said, lotta trochu, and Nisa about the Salat in Asia

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that do not arrive home late at night. What he basically meant by that was that when you get close to home, if it's already evening time, if it's already nighttime, especially keep in mind that they didn't have the ability to send a text message or make a phone call. That if it's already evening time where your family cannot

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Receive the news of the fact that you've arrived and prepare for your arrival

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to welcome you home, then wait till the following day so that the news reaches home that you have arrived, and that they can actually welcome you home and make preparations accordingly. The Prophet says I'm had always taught the Sahaba this lesson, when they arrived on the outskirts of the city of Medina back from the journey of Faber. One particular Sahabi he says, one particular Sahabi His name is not mentioned here, that he became very anxious and impatient. For taraka Allahu he went ahead and just went home at night, going against. Now keep in mind this the process of not forbidden this. This is a powerful lesson here. The promise of some had not said it is haraam to go home at night.

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No, no, it's not wrong. You can go, I advise you not to go though. See, how often is it that we hear about something from the sun of the prophets? A lot of them the guidance of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the advice of the prophets a lot he said, How often is it that we hear of something we come across something? And immediately our first question is, is it is it? Is it? Is it haram?

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Is it a sin?

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Like do we have to do in should we not at all is a prohibited? That's immediately where our mind goes, we have very bottom line mentality.

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But you have to understand the objective the place the benefit of having the profits allowed in your life, having the son of the prophets a lot in your life. The benefit of it is is that it allows you to grow beyond that bottom line. It helps you become a better version of yourself. It helps you live

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a more fruitful and more beneficial existence. It enhances your existence, it illuminates your life.

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So we immediately have a bottom line mentality is it prohibited. So the Sahabi went ahead and went home against the advice of the processor. And the processor hadn't forbidding it. So he said fine. But my advice is you don't. He ended up arriving home. Now I know that this is gonna raise some curiosity. But a lot of times there's details that are not mentioned because they're not they're none of our business. All the narration mentions is for tharaka Allah who he went home at night for widget of my Yahoo. And he found something that he could not tolerate.

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He found something that he did not like.

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What that means Allah knows best. The narration leaves it very general because it's nobody's business. They didn't they didn't come to the process on with it. Nobody they it's nobody's business. But it just says that he found something he did not like if he came across something he could not. He felt like he couldn't tolerate for Allah subhanahu sebelah ha

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ha ha. And the narration basically says that

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he initially thought about leaving his wife due to whatever it is that he found whatever transpired and occurred. He thought about leaving his wife. But then it says that one of his OJT he and you find it haha.

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But he found it very difficult to be without his wife, what kinda who mean how old they are children together? Well, kinda, you hit boo Ha. And he loved her very, very deeply.

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He really truly loved her. They had children together, they had a home, they had a family and he loved her very deeply.

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So he ended up having he ended up deciding to stay with his wife.

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But it was something that remained,

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you know, that it was something that remained very stressful in their lives together. It was something that always weighed very heavily on him, whatever transpired, whatever happened, whatever it is that he came across, that broke his heart, but because it was so difficult for him to leave her and to leave his you know, and to break up their family.

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He struggled with not leaving her.

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But it was something that really caused damage to their relationship. And that's why,

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Amara Amara, radi Allahu taala and had the Sahaba who narrates his incident, she says for Assad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam for Mia Accra. he disobeyed the prophets a lot. He said

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something very profound. You have to understand he didn't do anything wrong. Merck Taco Bell Hara

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Omar Omar, Taco Bell hubiera. He did not do something haram he did not commit a major sin by going home at night. But he did not follow the advice of the prophets, a lot of them and he paid the price for it.

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Now with whatever transpired, not have transpired if he hadn't gone and gone home at night, we don't know. But it's not our job to play what ifs and what whatnots

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The point of the matter is that there is a profound, unforeseen benefit and blessing

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in abiding by the guidance, the advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam This is why we study the life of the prophets. This is why we study the zero. This is why we learned this and of the prophets a lot, etc. so that it can enhance our lives, so that we can have a life full of blessings. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us all to study the life of the prophet SAW Selim And may Allah subhanaw taala make the study of the life of the Prophet have such a profound blessing within our lives. And may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to live and abide by the guidance of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Subhana Allah who will be humbly he sort of Hannah Colombe Hambrick

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national Allah in a circular corner to the lake. We'll stop here and next session inshallah we'll be talking about Ramadan, about the armor of the prophets a lot, etc.

Peace And Tragedy

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