Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 148 – The Messenger Performs Umrah

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam, a symbol of the church's mission to better the lives of the people and themselves. The church's proposal to allow individuals to come back from Iran is considered a show of weakness, and the legal retribution of the court to honor individuals who missed an act of worship is considered a reward. The importance of finding comfort and solace in these examples is emphasized, and the return of the Prophet's teachings to Mecca is discussed. The return of the Prophet's teachings to Mecca is also discussed, including the appointment of the woman in charge of the city to perform the operation, the return of the Prophet's teachings to Mecca, and the return of the Prophet's teachings to the city of Mecca. The importance of humility and humility in achieving spiritual success is emphasized, along with the tension between the church and Muslims during the marriage.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him, and better ourselves through his example. immersion, mentorship, companionship and Tobia These are just a few of the things we offer alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the theater intensive, two weeks, dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter in sha Allah join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam go to Cedar intensive.com to register or for more info.

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Like you will have the love of salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He will be here at Marin shala continuing with our series on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a sirata number we had the prophetic biography. In the previous session, we talked about some of the events that unfolded in the months following the Battle of labor, the conquest of labor, and as we talked about the conquest of labor, it occurred in the early part of the seventh year of higit. On the seventh year of the profits a lot he sums residents in the city of Medina.

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So the scholars of Sierra they mentioned that after Hubbard concluded the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Of course returned back to the city of Medina, where he then remained for the duration of the month of Ramadan. Oh, well, Robbie will occur Jimmy Giamatti will ojamajo will occur. Raja Siobhan Ramadan Chevelle. And then in the month of Hoopa, so about six, seven months after the Battle of haber, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gathered the Sahaba together, and he said that we are going to be embarking on the journey of Umrah we're going to be performing aamra. So we need to go back very quickly and very briefly, to exactly a year before the moment where we're at

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the month of Zulu kada in the seventh year of law. So if you go a year back, which is the sixth year of his law, the same time of the year, the month of fukada, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sahaba, the Allahu taala and home had set out from the city of Medina, in order to go and perform Umrah. They were going to perform Amara, they were in her arm, they had animals for the sake of sacrifice. They did not look like an army by any stretch of the imagination. Of course, people had their own individual weapons with them. But that's because that was just an essential item that you traveled with at that particular time. But it was not an army. It didn't have an artillery and,

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you know,

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an extensive cavalry and things of that nature. It was not an army, they were going for on Raw. And we went through this and a lot of detail very famously, they were of course stopped by the Quraysh. At that point in time, the court said We cannot let you let you enter into Macau because they were still at odds with one another.

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And it was at that particular time that the Treaty of who they be Solihull who they be at the Treaty of who they BIA was enacted at that time. And part of the Treaty of de Bo was that you will come back a year later because one of the terms of profits a lot of them put on the table was we came here to perform Umrah. We are in the state of a head arm All right, we are in the state of Iran we are coming to visit the GABA the house of Allah. So we need to discharge this responsibility of the FDA in order to be able to come out from the state of Iran

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and they ended up responding by saying that we understand your predicament however, we cannot allow you to come this time around it will be a show of weakness on our part. And so they ended up rejecting the proposal of the prophets a lot he said um to be able to go and perform Ramadan and they said that you are you can come back the following year stay no longer than three days and a few other conditions were there that you will come you will perform ombre you will not have once again extensive you know weaponry and artillery with you. People have their own individual, you know swords or weapons that they carry on themselves when they travel. That's fine, but those swords must

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also be sheathed. Right they must also be you know kind of holstered as we would say for a gun, the gun must be holstered. Alright, so your weapon must be put away. And you can come for three days performer I'm rod that time

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And then it will be alright. So now that it was a year later, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the Sahaba Let's go, we're going to go and perform ombre. And so, the the fifth that I had explained at that time was that this is for certain from a state sentimental Howdy, there are Allah speaks about this in the Quran, that if you are going for like hedger, Amara, you are in a state of Vietnam, and you are prevented, you are blocked from going and performing it, then what is to be done at that time is if you have an animal for sacrifice, you offer the animal for sacrifice, you shave your head, you come out from the state of Iran. And then at that point, you are out of the

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state of Iran. But now making up that hugger Amara, doing this a subsequent or makeup a follow up hedger Amara is mandatory upon you, whenever the opportunity may present itself if the opportunity presents itself. So now, of course, the opportunity was here. So this was kind of the follow up or makeup or ombre of the Prophet ceylonese him and the companions that are the Allahu taala on him. And that's why they were going. So this particular camera for this very reason has three different names that has been referred to some scholars referred to it, some books of history have referred to it as ombre to papa ombre al Qaeda, the word al Qaeda in the Arabic language means like a follow up,

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or a makeup of a missed or a violated dis disrupted act of worship. Okay, a missed or a makeup of a disrupted act of worship. The example for that is if, for instance, somebody misses the time of Muslim, they missed the McGregor prayer, then once the time for a shot comes in, and they are now praying, they're Muslim before they pray their Asia, that is known as Al Qaeda.

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Right, they missed the prayer and they're making up for it.

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Similarly, that's if you miss an act of worship, for a disrupted act of worship, and is also similar. How so if somebody is fasting, if somebody is fasting, and let's say that while they are fasting, it's a month of Ramadan, it's a month of Ramadan, so it's a mandatory fast, so that the ruling is universal across the board. And while they're fasting in the month of Ramadan, which is mandatory, obligatory.

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For some reason or another, their fast becomes violated, maybe they start traveling, they they're traveling in the middle of the day, and as they're traveling, they decide to take the dispensation of traveling and they eat or drink something. Right, and therefore they did not finish their fast, that's a disruptive act of worship. Another example of that could be somebody, you know, was fasting. And then in the middle of the day, while they're fasting again, in the month of Ramadan, they start to feel ill, they start to feel sick. And due to whatever advice that they're given by, you know, a doctor or a medical professional, that you should go ahead and maybe drink some water or

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take some medication, whatever the case may be, and they end up leaving the fast in the middle. This is a disrupted act of worship, it was not completed. So what they will have to do now is they will have to do it again they will have to follow up. Alright, so that's what alcohol refers to. So

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it is the makeup or follow up of the profits a lot a setup. Another name for this is Amara Toluca sauce, or marinara sauce. Okay, sauce in the Arabic language again, in Islamic terminology, like in fifth, it has a more specific meaning. It is basically retribution, legal retribution, where the court grants someone retribution for something wrong that was done to them. But linguistically speaking, this also means when something's taken from you the replacement for that, so because the prophets a lot of him in the Sahaba, were going for ombre, they were in a harem, and they were prevented that Amara was taken away from them by the Americans. This was now making up for that

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missed opportunity. This Armada was being given to them for that one or that was taken away from them. And that's why it's called the umbra Toluca sauce as well. A llama so Haley in his book, he basically prefers this particular name, and even cathedra Allahu taala also makes a reference to the eye of the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala says, I shall have Rama we shall harami will Rama to please awesome. There are sacred month in exchange in exchange for a sacred month and these sacred things must be made up for okay. And lastly And finally, some have also referred to as or murottal cobia. ombre Alka de cada means a decree or a decision, a decree or a decision because this law was

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contractually agreed to. This was contractually agreed to in the negotiations.

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Between the prophets Allah, December Muslims and the kurush. Right when they sat down for the Treaty of Arabia, this Armada was agreed to therefore, it's called the American Katayama that was decreed that was decided that was contractually agreed to. So those are a few different names of this particular ombre. The next thing I mentioned is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just a little side note, but it's beneficial to know this, the prophets, Allah decent performed for almaraz in his life, he performed what's referred to as four almaraz in his life. What that means is, first and foremost, the first of those was your camera. It's basically referred to as an ombre, but that's

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the Treaty of who they be. So the actual camera was not performed. But the reason why that's counted as one of the cameras of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is that if somebody makes the intention for ombre, the baker lamella bake, okay, and puts on their ROM

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and proceeds towards Mecca to perform their ombre, and then they are prevented, they are blocked by someone else, or by something else, it could be a natural disaster, it could be a flood, it could be war, it could be an enemy, like in this instance, when they are prevented and they are blocked, and that is outside of their control. They still get the reward of their ombre, they still get the reward of their because it was not, it's not negligence, on their part that they didn't perform the aroma, right? Yes, they make up they follow up the act. But that's for the performance of the actual deed, but it does not take away from their reward. So it's almost so the way to understand this is

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the Prophet Salamis him in the Sahaba when they went around who they be at that tree that trip, and they were going to perform Amara but they were blocked in the Treaty of Arabia happens a year later they go and they perform ombre, they get the reward of two or MREs, not just one. Right? Because it's not it's it was something that was out of their hands out of their control, they made their best effort possible. And in that is a very profound lesson. We don't control the end of things. We don't know how things are going to turn out. All we can do all we're obligated to do is to make the best effort possible, to be sincere, to be diligent, to be mindful, to be vigilant and do the best

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that we can and put our best foot forward in our best effort forward. And Allah subhanaw taala accepts and regardless of what ends up happening, actually, logistically, physically, our reward will be with Allah subhanaw taala for a Jew, who Allah Allah, right, as I mentioned, in the Quran, that person is rewarded with God. And Allah has taken Allah Allah, Allah has taken responsibility of rewarding that person, of taking care of that person. So in that is great comfort and solace. Because we all deal with that. Sometimes you make a very remarkable intention. You know, I'm going to memorize a juice of the Quran this year, you make that intention working professional, maybe you

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got kids, you have a family, your life is very busy, full time student going to college, working part time doing all of these things, your life is very busy. But in spite of all of that, in the midst of all of that, you say, you know what, that does not remove me from my relationship with the Quran.

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I'm going to memorize the juice.

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And you make the best effort that you can use for every free minute that you can write on Sunday, instead of watching the football game, you're sitting in your memorizing Quran, driving to work and driving back home or to walking around campus at school, you're listening to the Quran, instead of something else, you're doing the best effort that you can. And when the year comes and goes and you haven't finished the gist of the Quran. But you feel sincerely and honestly, you made your best effort possible. No, you're rewarded with Allah subhanaw taala. And find comfort and solace in that because at that moment, a lot of times people feel very defeated. They feel very demoralized. I did

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everything I could. Brother, what do I do? just doesn't work. You have to find comfort and solace in these examples from the life of the prophets a lot easier. Now, think about how the prophet SAW some of the Sahaba must have felt.

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He longs to see the Kaaba. It's been six years, I haven't seen beta law.

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And they put on the harem and they have animals for sacrifice a big mama bake. And they're marching from Medina all the way to Makkah, and then they're stopped.

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But they know that the reward is with Allah subhanaw taala All right, so this is so that I was talking about the four cameras of the Prophet system. The first is the Treaty of who they be. So while that wasn't the actual performance of an ombre is counted as one of the genres of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam number two is this genre the follow up ombre of the prophets a lot easier mama to papa.

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The third or Umrah is referred to as omega two j Ronna Lj Ronna, the reason why it's called that there is a place outside of Makkah, excuse me, Macau, that's called Lj Rana.

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And that place is between Paris and Mecca. That places between Macau

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And five and it is the meat part, which means it is that boundary from where people coming from the direction of thought if they have to put their head arm on before they cross that point, and the profits a lot decent performed in Umbra, where he put his or her arm on at the place of Jared Rama after the conquest of Mecca. After the conquest of Makkah, which we're going to be talking about in a lot of detail, but basically, in the eighth year of hijet, on the Prophet salallahu salam, the conquest of Makkah cultural Mecca, the opening of Mecca occurred after that there was the Battle of her name and the Battle of thoughts, the siege, the siege of thought if the Battle of her name and

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the seeds of thought if after they were coming back from their from thought if then they stopped at the place of Jared or Ana because they had not performed at all coming into Makkah because they arrived under the pretext of potential battle and war. But now that there was peace and safety and Mecca was secure the profits a lot Some said we have to still perform our Ramadan for coming to Mecca. So then they did it head on from Jana Rhonda and they performed Ramadan, that was the third and the fourth one was your Umrah. The prophets a lot of them performed before had written down because the prophets a lot he some todos if you are not a local residents, if you are not a resident

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of the city of Mecca, if you are not local to Mecca, and you come in to perform Hajj from outside like you go from, you know here from the States for example, when you go to perform hajj, as an as a as an expression of gratitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala for allowing you to perform hajj and travel and go there to Mecca for Hajj, you are supposed to perform an ombre before the Hajj. So you do both in Umrah and Hajj on the same journey. So the prophets a lot of them he performed in Amara before Hajj, hydrated WIDA and that was the fourth and the final Ramadan of the prophets, a lot of them so this is the second one that we're talking about here. So they go ahead and they proceed on

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towards the city of Mecca. And even Kathy Rahim Allahu taala and others mentioned that this was a, this was a fulfillment of the dream of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Allah refers to instead of defects. La Casa de la hora de la Roja bilhah

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Rama in sha Allah Who me Nina, Mahalia cleaner, Osaka mamuka Selena lotta harpoon, that without a doubt God has fulfilled

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or has fulfilled To the Messengers allowed him his dream and brought it to fruition. Allah has fulfilled the dream of the prophets, a lot of them are brought into fruition and that is that you shall enter the machine, the Sacred House of God, the Kaaba, the Mazel Haram in sha Allah, meaning safe and sound and you will be shaving your head or cutting your hair and you will not fear any attack from your enemy. So even concede and many other historians and scholars are of the opinion that this was referring to Ramadan Kaaba, that you even though it may be, you felt

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like you were prevented performer from performing their Amara insha Allah This is a dream that God will fulfill of yours, where a year later you will enter the Kaaba and inshallah performed this great noble act of worship.

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And similarly, the Honorable cadabra the Allahu taala, on who the prophets a lot of them had sent to him when the Allahu taala and who was very frustrated at the Treaty of Arabia, that why are we giving into these people? He said, lm takanohana anessa Santa t l beta on a movie or messenger of God, did you not tell us that we would go to the Kaaba and we would perform tawaf Hala Bala. He said, of course, Your Honor, I did tell you that for Akbar Touka

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Baraka and Nikita T, Amma kochava. He said, but then I tell you that you would be doing it this exact year. He said, No, my Allah, He said no messenger of God. He said for in the karate, he will move away from me. He said, you will go to the Kaaba and you will perform too often sha Allah, just keep the faith and keep the hope.

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And so when they came this particular year, to perform, that the wife, the scholars mentioned that the vast overwhelming majority of the Sahaba, the Allahu taala, on whom they accompany the prophets a lot, he said them, the prophets, a lot of them in his stead, in his absence, he appointed or wave in the UK, but do le to be in charge of the city of Mecca in his absence. So he appointed away for the Allahu taala on who to watch over Medina in his absence. And then they proceeded on. And the narrations mentioned that as they came close to the city of Mecca, the Quraysh became notified that they were approaching that they were coming and initially while there was a little bit of some

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apprehension on their part, but the profits allowed to some central

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Word ahead that this is something you contractually agreed to and you you will clear the way and allow for this to happen and they once again sent a reminder saying that but remember the terms you agree to you have three days she's holster put away your weapons and you can come and you can perform your ombre at the same time they also said do not forget the other terms of the agreements. If somebody from Makkah tries to leave and go with you to Medina, you cannot take them with you. If a mechanic tries to escape to Medina with you that will that will be a violation of the agreement you agreed to that person will be returned back to us and the profits a lot he's upset Of course,

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I'm a person of my word will be the output. Right The Quran commences fulfill your contract and your promises will or will be lively in life The Economist oola right. This is something you'll be asked about. So the prophets a lot of them said no worries and concerns that we will keep our word you just keep your end of the end of the bargain. And so they proceed on and the narration mentions that Abdullah bin raha Abdullah bin O'Hara, the Allahu taala and who and the narration mentions very beautifully that the Sahaba were all entering into the city of Mecca, reciting the Tobia saying the praise of Allah subhanho wa Taala what kind of Rasulullah sallallahu semula be was Sahaba to will a

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boon that they were all saying the Toby Allah bake Allahu Allah Baga Baker Lucha de Kala Kala big and they were entering into Makkah and Abdullah bin O'Hara, the Allahu taala and who was holding the the rains of the camel of the prophets Allah, Lucas WA, the camel of the prophets have some that was named by the province of Casa Abdullah who was holding the reins and bringing the animal in walking. And he was saying the following words as they were entering in, and some have attributed that this actually occurred during futch hamaca. But there are an abundance of narrations, which also attributed to this Ramadan, follow up on one of the prophets, a lot of them were Lakota, Allah Allah

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so Allah knows best, which exactly it was, but he was saying hello bonica Faria, answerability Illuminati bukem Aleta Willie he, commander of nakoma, Latin z, that he was saying that Oh, disbelievers remove yourselves from the path of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Today, we will show you the meaning of our religion in our Deen, just as we have shown you the Quran and the revelation of the Quran. So it was just kind of a way to assert right the self esteem and the dignity of the Muslims as they entered in so that they would not feel intimidated because the narrations mentioned as the prophets a lot easier than the Sahaba. were entering in all the courage,

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all the Meccans everybody was lining the streets. They were along the streets, they were on top of the homes. It was just like an entire crowd that was lined up on both sides. You know, you kind of get the image in your head of maybe like a procession or a parade. But in a parade, those people are lined up, they're celebrating they're cheering you on in a procession of maybe they're standing along the sides like a funeral. And they're mourning and they're praying but in this particular instance, they were standing along the sides and they were staring them down and the narration mentioned scandal Yoruba. Illa Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam was saboteur unfun. What have I done

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well done while

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they were staring at them with this angry, mean hateful look in their eyes. And so it can be very intimidating to be walking in and amongst them, and you're in a state of Islam. So you're in this sacred state, where you have to stay focused on praising the glorification of the worship of Allah. So he was kind of raising the, the morale, the self esteem of the Muslims by saying, No, no, we are with the Messenger of God here to realize the prophecy of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So don't be intimidated by this. And they enter in

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and they go to perform the camera. Now when they go to perform the camera. The camera to camera is particularly remembered for a couple of very specific things. And a couple of specific things that eventually became a part of the actual practice of ombre and even hedge became institutionalized, if you will, became a part of the thick of it. All right.

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When they arrived there,

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some of the most unicorn some of the people of Makkah, and this is narrowed into Sahil Bahati by Abdullah bin our bass radi Allahu taala and Homer that they started to say in the who Yakumo la con wasden

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wahana home from my trip

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that this group is coming to you. This group is about to visit and the illness the disease the virus of yesterday. Yesterday was the old name of Medina.

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Yeah, we thought it was the old name Medina and even the name had a negative connotation

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I talked about this very early, you know, quite a while back in the cedaw. Here, when we talked about the migration to higit, or from Mecca to Medina, that yesterday or pre Medina, if you want to call it that was known for a couple of things. It was obviously a farming town. And it was an had been a resource, a major resource for the mccanns when it came to dates, and food supply. So they used to, you know, do business with them. But another thing that it was kind of known for was a little notorious or nefarious, right, it was more infamous than famous. And that was that it was known for people getting sick when they visited there. And they would say that either the water

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smelled bad or tasted Bad, and the water made you sick, those types of things. And it wasn't maybe necessarily that even it was the fact that the water made you sick or whatever, maybe it just had a different, you know, mineral counts are in a different type of consistency that will take you a while to adapt to. And so nevertheless, there's even in john Healy poetry in pre Islamic poetry, there's this one man who kind of poet who travels around Arabia to different places. And he writes poetry about all the different tribes and places that he visits. And when he talks about yesterday, he says that I did not even enter into the town of yesterday, I came near I stood far away, because

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I didn't want to get close and get sick from yesterday. And he talks bad about yesterday. Right? So that was somehow that was a bit how it was, like, more infamous.

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When the prophets a lot of them arrive there. And it's very possible that maybe there was something in the water that was making people ill or sick, but part of the miracle of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was when they arrived, and yesterday when the Sahaba started to get sick, and you can have either explanation, maybe there was something in the water or again, it just was taking them seem to adjust to the water and the the air in the you know, the food and yesterday, but nevertheless, the Sahaba were getting sick, and they came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that we're all getting sick here in the afternoon, and the prophets a lot he said to me,

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he prayed and he asked Allah subhanaw taala to remove the illness of yathrib. And from that point on forward, it was gone. Alright, so that was part of the miracle of the of the prophets a lot. He said them, and also is remembered as a miracle of the city of Medina. All right, so nevertheless, because those old stories were still there about yesterday, and it was no longer yes or not, we was Medina, el Medina to nebia. Right, Medina to Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam moves the city of the prophets, a lot of them. So the name was now Medina. Nevertheless, because those old stories were there, they started spreading these rumors saying this group is coming. And the disease of yesterday

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has weakened them, has made them frail, has broken them. And they were starting to spread this type of, you know, just gossip and talk about them. So that when they would come they, you know, people would be taunting them and saying things and they were just creating that, that that very, you know, problematic element and culture and environment, so that the Muslims will not be comfortable in Mecca, the prophets, a lot of them received news of this, he received news of this. So the prophets a lot, he implemented a solution.

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He implemented a solution and the solution was threefold. There are three things that are mentioned. Number one, the profits, a lot of em instructed the Sahaba, that as you approach the tawaf of aamra, then what you do is the ROM how it's normally worn, I don't want to get into a detailed, you know, session on the fit of her arm, or hydrometer. Ah, but just real quickly, if you can kind of stay with me and kind of visualize it, everyone has either either somebody has done ombre, or at the very least, or been in a head arm, or they've at least seen what it looks like. So for the men, there is a specific,

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there's there's some specific rules and regulations in terms of what to wear, and the men wear a lower garment that's tied around. Alright, and then how you would kind of wrap a towel maybe around your waist, so there's a lower garment, and then there's an upper garment. Now, typically, normally, the way the upper garment should be worn is it's kind of worn like a shawl, it's worn over your shoulders, alright, like you would wrap a shawl around yourself. But the profits, a lot of them said, when you come and you're getting ready to perform the toe off of your camera, then what you do is you uncover your right shoulder, you uncover your right shoulder, and you bring the forearm from

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beneath your right arm from your armpit here, and you can just kind of fling it over your shoulder. So what that does is it creates that where the left shoulder is covered, the chest is covered, the back is covered, but the right shoulder and the right arm is now outside it's exposed. And obviously if you even if you just picture it in your head and you get the visual, that's kind of a it gives like a warrior type look to a person right where you got the

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Arm exposed, right so it gives that warrior type look to a person. So that was one thing because the profits a lot of a sudden said we need to look strong.

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The second thing to profits a lot he said I'm instructed them to do was the wife which which is one singular act of worship, it is a one it is one act of worship like today because think about how the different components in selected Asia let's take salata, Asia, for example, it's four units for God's it's got four continents, and each rocker has a yam has a rocker has two soldiers has so many different components. Okay? But all of it together is one singular act of worship. Everybody understand that? Okay. Similarly, the wife has a few components. The wife is you circle around the Kaaba counterclockwise seven times, you make seven circles, seven circuits. And then you go and you

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pray two cars. Okay, all of that together, even though it's seven circuits, and two cars, all of it together is considered one tawaf all of that is called one pull off. Sometimes people have a misconception about that, right seven circles into a cause it's called the Aleph. All right. So the prophets, a lot of them said, when you go to perform tawaf, the first three of the seven circuits, when you do them, do not just simply walk,

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don't run, but don't walk, what he instructed them to do was somewhat March, stick your chest out, put your shoulders back a little, and kind of lift your legs up a little bit more and kind of March.

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And again, obviously, because of the rush in the crowd there, you can imagine, you can't really move really fast, there's a crowd, but nevertheless, just a little bit, kind of asserting yourself, maybe moving your arms a little bit more, if that's all it takes basis, stick your chest out, put your shoulders back, get your arms up, lift your legs up a little bit, and March. And the first three circuits look like soldiers look like warriors look strong.

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And then in the next, the last four, after doing that, the first three, the next four can be done in a more normal state. Where now you can relax, you can walk, particularly if you think about the act of go off the edge, the act of worship.

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You're at the Kaaba,

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and anyone who's been and even those who haven't been can also imagine how humbled you must feel there.

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To be there, at the most sacred place on Earth, the most majestic place on Earth.

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To be in yours, you're in such all

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and you're so humbled and overwhelmed spiritually, emotionally, even physically to just be there.

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And actually, you're humbled before a lot. So your instinct is to kind of lower and bow your head

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and humble yourself in front of Allah.

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Right and make dua and ask Allah for forgiveness, and cry and make dua. Those are very humble things. And it's beautiful humility is not it's not embarrassing.

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It's not disgraceful. It's not humiliating.

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Right? The prophets a lot of the time was the strongest man, the strongest human being that ever lived.

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And the prophets a lot of the time when you would pray at night in front of the lowest power teller.

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He would cry and cry and cry so much, that his beard would become soaked even his chest would become wet with his tears.

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Right? You're standing in front of Allah. The prophets, a lot of em described you believe that alayhis salam right now Haida Bukhari, he's just so tall, so huge, that his feet on the ground his head is in the clouds.

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He when he when he opened up two wings, he covered the entire horizon from the east to the west, you can see anything, and he had 600 of such wings. He moves at the speed of light on the night of the throwing Mirage the Brock was moving at the speed of light, and the promise of some sensibility was next to me the whole time.

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Think about how powerful Do you believe Islam is but the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that when we reached a point of similarity monta gibreel stopped. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said gibreel was so humbled in front of Allah. He was like a torn, tattered piece of cloth. It's like he fell apart in front of a lot

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because of the majesty of the greatness of our Lord.

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So humility is a beautiful thing. So the process of understood this is an extremely intimate, personal, vulnerable, humble moment. But he said that you make the display of strength.

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How your religion has empowered you, your faith in a law has empowered you in the first three circuits in the next word, then you can return back to your humility, because the point is made and then the third thing that

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Some ignore a bass in a narration also mentions is and there's other ASVAB for this. There's other causes or reasons for this that the professor mentioned as well but nevertheless even our best mentions this being one of the reasons for it as well, that when you do sorry, when you walk between Safa and Marwa, right when you walk between safa and marwah, then there's that little point in the middle in between closer to so far along the lane along the Rhine, right, where you basically kind of speed up. And once again, just kind of jog or kind of March a little bit more. Alright, a little bit more of a brisk pace. And again, that was something to process I'm instructed Saba to do. And

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part of the benefit was, again, it shows the strength and the conviction that you have in your faith in your belief in your religion.

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So this was this is something very notable at Amara to Allah, that what we know today as something we do in America, especially for the men who are who are wearing those garments that and by the way, this instruction was for the men only not for the women folk, but it was only for the men. So now as brothers probably can notice, when we get there, we uncovered the right arm, the right shoulder, and we kind of in the first three circuits, do a little bit of this when you're instructed to do that. Now you know exactly why it happened at that time, because once again, at the Kaaba at the harem, they had basically surrounded the area, just stacked up with like a huge crowd, like a spectator

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crowd, just watching an audience watching. But they weren't watching and all they weren't watching and curiosity. They weren't watching in celebration, they were watching and anger, kind of staring them down. And they had already spread the rumor that watched and watched them, they're gonna look all weak and frail and broken. And then when they did this, it kind of silenced all the critics and silence them.

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The only question that then follows and this is something very beautiful.

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Is that

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so some entertain the idea and I'm kind of jumping forward a little bit, that the profits a lot of them did this to kind of make a show a display of that strength, because of the

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you know, the the, the people of MCI in the way that they were criticizing the Muslims and talking about Muslims and the prophets a lot. He said them. So was that only relevant because the enemy was there and they were watching over them. Or we obviously do it till today, but what's the explanation of doing it till today? So there is a narration where honorable Hata Brody Allahu taala and who he basically talked about this he was asked about this during his khilafah and he said,

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femur Ramallah, who? He says that even though we used to do the Rommel, Canada marching at the time of the prophets a lot to show the strength of Islam. waka waka Allahu al Islam.

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Like somebody asked him why are we still doing Ramallah when Allah has now strengthened Islam? We don't have to show nobody nothing now. Why are we still doing that? Oh, man, somebody asked her Omar radi Allahu talana during his khilafah and he said, What am I have

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learned through Shay and for Allah who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? He said, Yes, you're right. The process taught us to do it, when we needed to show the enemies that we were strong. Now we don't have to show anyone anything there at the Kaaba. But we will not leave something that was done by the prophets a lot. He said he did it. And that's the overwhelming dominant position of the scholars, that Mbah as soon as ignore bass and others suggested that basically the Sunnah has been established. And that is what we practice. So today, now, continuing on kind of just a narration of, you know, the ombre that they were performing.

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So as I mentioned, Michigan had all kind of gathered around there, and we're watching over them. The in the hadith of Bokhari, the Sahaba mentioned lama hmri Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when the prophets a lot exam performed the Umrah saturna human human and machine Aquino men home and Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, when we went there to perform, I went up because the whole crowd was gathered around to try to like, you know, intimidate. And we were afraid that they might try to say something or somebody might, you know, some young person might try to get out of line and try to win either Billa God forbid maybe potentially harm the profits, a lot of them. So they said what we did

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was we basically circled around the profits a lot so that nobody could directly region. And we kind of covered the promises and we got around him to shield him, just in case somebody was going to get out of line. And as mentioned in Bahati, so it shows how cautious and careful and how diligent the Sahaba were about the profits a lot easier.

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Another thing that's mentioned in aeration is the profits a lot is how many came for a distributor to a bar. He himself was writing his camel swap

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The she camel Naka

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when they went to go do tawaf the prophets, a lot of them he himself, he did the wife on the back of the she camel.

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He himself did tawaf on the back of the camel, because of the advanced age of the Prophet tells him at this particular point, the processor was nearly 60 years old. They had traveled from Edina to Makkah, so the processing did throw off on the back of the camera. That's why we see today, it's okay and it's permissible if somebody is not able to, that they can do so off in a wheelchair. Right. That's why it's okay, so the processing did throw off on the back of the camel. And when they got to the point of Alhaji last word, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was holding in his hand, like a walking stick and the process and reached out from the back of the camel and touched Alhaji less

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with the Blackstone with the walking stick that he had. The process of some is proven and established, as we'll see in the future in the future visits of the promises on he is proven and established to do that off on foot as well kissing the Blackstone physically as well. But in this particular trip, when they got there for the camera itself, that very first camera that toe off you do for the camera to process some data on the back of the camel. And he touched the alleged last word with you know, the staff that he was holding. He Shawn basically mentioned him in the radio enlighten that it was not that the prophets a lot he said was like sick or ill, but nevertheless

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were probably contributed to this was two things. He maybe felt exhausted and fatigued from the journey itself, nearly being 60 years old. And secondly, secondly, was the Prophet sallallahu some out of his mercy and this is part of the prophetic. You know, this part of the prophetic responsibility, if you will, part of the Prophetic Mission, he would also do these types of things to demonstrate its permissibility Libyan ninja was to demonstrate it is permissible so that

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from that point on forward until the end of time, whenever anyone would go to perform hunter Amara and is physically not feeling capable of doing the throw off, they can find comfort and solace in the fact that they couldn't do it the loss on the back of a camel or in our case in a wheelchair if the situation arises. So this is the part of the mercy of the prophets. A lot of Rahmatullah mean that he demonstrated that even such a person could end up doing their top off.

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And in this manner, the prophets allottee, sediment, the Sahaba, the Allahu taala, on whom they perform their ombre, they completed their own raw, and they remained there in the city of Mecca for a total of three days. And at this particular point in time we'll be talking about two things. Number one was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his marriage to the mother of the believers may Muna maimunah belittle Hadith that the Allahu taala on her. Alright, one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad a mother of the believers may Muna radi Allahu Allah, the prophet Assam was married to her at this occasion. And secondly, we'll also talk about the departure from the city of Mecca.

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And some of the things that transpired there were a couple of very interesting things. There was a little bit of tension. As the Muslims were leaving the city of Makkah back to Medina, there was a little bit of tension, a little moment of tension there between the Moroccans and the Muslims. And secondly, there was also a very,

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there was also a very serious case about the custody of the daughter of hams out of the Allahu taala and the daughter of Hamza or the Allahu taala, who was orphaned, who had lost her father hums out of the Allahu taala and who, there was a case of her daughter, who was in Makkah at that time that what's going to be done with her and her custody in her situation. So inshallah these three things a marriage of the process and to maimunah, the departure from Makkah in detention that arose, and thirdly, the custody of the daughter of humps out of the lack of children who will talk about all of those three things. inshallah, in the following session, we'll go ahead and conclude here, may Allah

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subhanaw taala give us the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard Subhan Allah who will be handy he Subhana columbium Nick Nash. Hello La ilaha illa Anta the socks that are going into the lake

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