Navaid Aziz – Revelation Comes To The Prophet Saw Seerah Halaqa Part 4

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The speakers emphasize the importance of accepting and embracing Islam for personal reasons and for finding a way to live a life to the fullest. They also discuss the negative impact of social media and encourage attendees to be aware of its negative consequences. The speakers urge individuals to be mindful of their behavior and to learn to change.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim and then hamdulillah number one is that no one is stuck
when they're older bIllahi min surely and fusina women say Dr. Medina, Maria de la Hola, medulla Juan Manuel de Lille, who further heard the Allah or shadow in La ilaha illallah, who had the whole la sharika was shadow under Mohammed Abdullah who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he was so happy he was sitting them at the Sleeman Kathira and my blood Allah Hamada. In Medina in the lamp Tana for alumna Malian, federal now, one foreigner beamer Olympian I was in the Omega Kareem, my dear brothers and sisters Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
So we left off last week, where there were signs leading to the fact that revelation was going to come to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has started performing the Hangout, isolating himself in the cave, reflecting just distancing himself from the vices of MCCA at that time, and we had seen that from time to time Gibreel used to give Salam to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but would not make himself apparent, until finally, the day of revelation came in the month of Ramadan. And in the Gregorian calendar in the year 610. In the year 610, and Gibreel, makes himself appearance to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and you can imagine what a frightening experience it is that you've been going back and forth this whole entire time, and no one's ever been in sight. But then all of a sudden, with no footprints with no sounds with no trail, all of a sudden voice shouts and commands you read a crop. And you can imagine how scared and petrified the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gets. And this was the beginning of the first revolution, which was Surah Al Alok. Now, I want to comment over here briefly.
To us, understanding that sort of Allah being the first revelation is almost consensus, like no one's gonna have a difference of opinion amongst us. And this is going to be pretty much unanimous. Whereas if you look at the early collections of Hadith and the early collections of Syrah that unanimous consensus did not exist. And it's what's very fascinating is that the unanimous consensus starts to develop after the compilation of Sohail Bukhari and this goes back to you know, the the effort that Imams vocoded Rahim Allah puts together in compiling al Bukhari to facilitate knowledge, because prior to that, there were opinions that certain Madatha was the first shooter revealed their
opinions, a Surah Fatiha was the first Surah revealed among some other verses as well. And then after Sohail Bukhari, all of a sudden there's unanimous consensus. So now, these first six verses have sort of Alok come down to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And in these verses, there's this command to read and to recite. And oftentimes we focus on the literacy component, which is in contrast with the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam being unlettered and I think that's a very important component to highlight. Whereas the vast majority of people at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were unlettered, and here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is
commanded with read and recite, which is physically impossible for him. But this was an indication that that which seems impossible to you right now will be become possible with the help of Allah subhanaw taala, it could be some Arabic, Allah, the Kulluk, read and recite in the Name of your Lord, the one that created you. And this is going to be a very powerful reminder throughout his whole life that you will be afraid it will be a very daunting task. But as long as you remember the one that created you, you will be able to achieve all of those things, like asking the one that is unable to read and recite, to read and recite.
So now when you focus on that component of it, we focus to a second component, which is an own ma of knowledge and OMA of knowledge. So if you remember back that it was the home of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is now documenting things that is now documenting things, right? That was the miracle that Evan hasm Rahim Allah spoke about, and it is taking this very miracle that we're going to expand upon even further. It is the OMA of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is commanded to recite what Cora visit the ALMA they say, Oh my Lord, Increase me in knowledge. It is the former Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam that is commanded followable or LME for a.on Allah called a
Muslim or Muslim that the seeking of knowledge is mandatory and compulsory upon every male and female Muslim.
Abdullah no Baraka Rahim Allah, if you study his biography, you will notice that he balanced his life between two things. Being a scholar of Islam at its highest level, where he was called a middle meaningful Hadith. And he was also a Mujahid, in the way of Allah subhanaw taala that
He fought in many many wars and expeditions. So when Abdullah no Baraka him Hola, he is asked if you could be recreated and just dedicate your life to one of these things, what would you choose? And we all know of the many virtues that come behind, you know, sacrificing your life for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. He says, without a shadow of a doubt, I would sacrifice my life in seeking knowledge, in seeking knowledge, there is nothing more virtuous than it. And I want to highlight this point, for a variety of reasons, you know, we see a growing ignorance in the Ummah, unfortunately, on a daily basis, and a lot of that could stem from a disconnect that people have
with their scholars with their masajid with the language of the Quran. But it's not about access, though, right? Everyone has access to the internet. Everyone has access to translations. Everyone has access to books everyone has access to lectures, is the desire to learn is the desire to grow is the desire of understanding that as you increase yourself in knowledge, you distance yourself from the Hellfire Bismillahi Tada. Right. So it is that with that motivation that we need to continue this desire to learn and grow based upon this very first revelation. So now this incident happens in the cave, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes running down to Khadija or the Allahu
taala, saying, cover me cover me. And you can imagine again, the frantic and the panic. But what's really fascinating over here is the natural response that Khadija the Allahu Tada and her had, right? She didn't delve into the details, describe for me exactly what happened. She didn't tell me, you know, what did he look like? How tall was he? How short was he? How big was he? How small was he? You know, what was the fragrance, none of that. Her main concern was that she wanted to console her husband. And this goes back. We didn't discuss this in the class. But one of the things that the book mentions, but she actually had a foretelling that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was
going to become a prophet. And that is why she was prepared for it. So you can imagine her relationship with Barack Obama and often that preceded her knowledge that her though the knowledge worker snowfall preceded it, and that she was informed that the person was going to become a prophet, and that she had that natural response. Number two, it's such a beautiful reaction, that when someone is anxious and almost having a panic attack, how you comfort them and you console them, right? reminding them of their good deeds, reminding them or the favors of Allah subhanaw taala reminding them how they've lived a good life. So that's why they call my friend how do you do? Would
you like to take this? I will give this to you on one condition. One condition I give it to you but then you sit down. Do we have a deal?
Bismillah you're gonna go sit down now.
you can't win all of them, right? You can't win all of them. So now
the her how to console someone that's having a panic attack. So if you look at the words of Khadija or the Allahu Tanana, she's telling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that your Lord would never forsake you. You've always been kind to the orphans, you've always been kind to your family and relatives you spend on the poor and the destitute. All of those things Khadija, the Allahu taala, Anna is consoling him with, which brings us to point number three. And this is a continuation from yesterday's session on what to do men really want from marriage. Men wants someone to support them, right? Men want someone to be there by their side, men wants someone that's unconditionally
going to love them in their most desperate of situations. And for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This was his first major challenge. And the fact that Khadija or the Allahu Tada stood by his side, mentor light, because you know that comfort is going to be there in sha Allah, as more troubling and difficult situations arise as more troubling and difficult situations arise. So eventually,
and actually, I'll read the quote from here. This is a quote from Sheikh Hamza Yusuf quoted in the book. The question is, was Khadija the Allahu anhu, surprised by the prophets Revelation, He says, she was aware that at some point this was going to happen. This is what she has been waiting for. When he has doubts about the authenticity of his experience. She reminds him you take care of the orphan, you look after the widow, you give charity to people in need, and you help the oppressed. How could your Lord abandon you? How could your Lord abandon you? She eventually takes him to walk up No, no fault. She eventually takes him to what occurred in the novel and look at what a couple
novel what he says, I wish I were younger. I wish I could live up to the time when your people would turn you out. Zakah thank you so much. I'm going to take this away now. Okay, and
I'm going to ask you to sit down in Sharla. Can you go sit with mommy? Where's mommy? Mommy's right over here. Look at mommy, look at Mama. Look at Mama. Yeah, look at MAMA right over there. Because I can look at it. Thank you so much.
He says anyone who came with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility. And if I shouldn't be alive till that day, then I would support you strongly, I would support you strongly. So this happens after revelation, right?
Now, what is the insinuation over here?
Like he says, If I live to the day, that people would Outcast you I would support you on that day.
What is the insinuation?
Say you will become Muslim, he would become Muslim, or he's already Muslim. Or he's already Muslim. Right? So this makes him the first man that accepted Islam. Right? And we're gonna get into all these discussions as to who the first man was. And this leads into like, you know, those very interesting discussions but have very little fruit to them. Right? That doesn't make a difference to the first person that accepted Islam was not really is an interesting fact to know as to how scholars discuss this issue 100% Without a shadow of a doubt. So some of the people did conclude that oh, it's more of a modern day opinion, that one of the novel was actually the first man to
accept Islam was actually the first man to accept Islam. So now, two things happen after this trip to walk up No, no phone. Number one, there's a silence in Revelation. There's a silence in Revelation. And number two,
even though the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam is being consoled by Khadija Radi Allahu Allah and the experience was very real. And this is like another benefit. Why was there a need for Gibreel to squeeze the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like why did that incident actually happen? And one of the wisdoms that scholars derive from it is that if something is just in your mind, it'll come and go in your mind. But as soon as physical touch is there, all of a sudden becomes real. Right? So when someone thinks they're hallucinating, what do you do? You pinch them, to make them understand that? No, this isn't an hallucination. This is happening in real life. So the fact that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam remembers the physical squeeze of Gibreel. This is to remind him that this is not a hallucination of his imagination. But this was something that physically happened. Yet, even with that happening. The Prophet salallahu alayhi salam still doubted, you know, what was it that actually happened? Could this have been real? Could this have been real? Right? It's a very surreal experience, that of all of humanity. You have been chosen to be a prophet of God, out of all of the people of Makkah, you have been chosen to be the Prophet and Messenger. So there is silence in terms of Revelation. There is doubt from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, there's
some commentary, and I'll actually quote this from the book, and I'll speak about where it comes from. It says the first revelation is followed by a brief period of silence, which leads the prophets to doubt in his own sanity. On several occasions, he nearly throws himself off mountain clips, but each time he is greeted by Gibreel who reminds him, that he is indeed God's Messenger. So this issue of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam attempting to throw himself off of cliffs. This is reported in Sahil Bukhari as a more unlock form, in the sense that it is not a complete narration, but it is a cut off narration and the cut off narrations insights to help Bukhari do not
actually have the same rulings as those that have connected chains. So oftentimes, when you find scholars quote to this, and they say it's in Sahil Bukhari, it's disingenuous because when we say that something is quoted in Sohail Bukhari, it's a complete chain of narration that is guaranteed to be authentic, not the more Allah caught, not the ones that are cut off. So that's something that's very important to keep in mind. Number two, did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually attempt to kill himself? And the answer to that is, from the vast majority of scholars? The answer is no. And in fact, the only people that have said that he did attempt to throw himself off, we're
not actually scholars of Islam. There were scholars in you know, various other fields. Because you can imagine that why would the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam attempted to do that, right? This was not befitting of the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and there's a more detailed discussion if you go to Islam q&a dot com Sheikh Saleh managers website in Arabic and English you can find an article that in detail discusses the narrations or talk about the process of selling allegedly trying to throw himself off the cliff. So in reality, this is not a true claim and should not be mentioned about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Then he goes on to say that
the second revelation that came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Surah Al Qaeda. And unlike certain Alok, there is no unit
animus consensus at this point, and I believe there's room for speculation, whether it was sort of Madatha whether it was sort of Muslim male, whether it was Serato caught up. And in fact, the way the author Mirage Mohiuddin, frames it and actually makes sense as to why it would be suitable column because Allah subhanaw taala begins with known tadami WOMMA your store on that, taking an oath by those that are known, and then saying that by the pen, and the writing that it does on the lines, right? So sorta Lala refers to the pen. And here's the continuation of the pen. Then the third verse one, Antonia amatola, because the image unknown, and it is not by the mercy of you, it
is by the Mercy of your Lord that you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have not lost your sanity, right? So it ties into the fact that the post Selim felt as if he was going insane and was doubting himself. So it fits in perfectly as to why certain column might be the second revelation. Then we also have certain Muslim and certain Madatha Yeah, you have Muslim male, or one who is covered up for me, Leila Illa, kalila, stand up and pray, except for a portion of the night. And this was where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was meant to get his source of strength, right? His source of strength was in his connection to Allah subhanho wa taala, by praying at night
by praying at night, and then you have sortal Madatha, you hold modesty or comfort under that oh, one was covered up, stand up and preach. So now he's been given the command to preach. So it's very possible that any of these three sodas could have been the second revelation. And in terms of a majority opinion, Allah knows best. But it seems that the majority were of the opinion, that sort of tomada theory was the second revelation was the second Revelation. Now, one of the accusations against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
By orientalists, by non Muslims, is that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, in fact, did not receive revelation, but he was having epileptic seizures. And he said that this was due to the fact that he would hear a ringing in his ear, he would be sweating, bullets of sweat, even though it is very cold out sight. We have a Muslim convert William Montgomery, what he is one of the sources of the book, he wrote several books in 1953 and 1954, subhanAllah, right, like 70 years ago, it's it's wild to think about non Muslim converts writing about,
you know, the spirit of the process, and I'm at that time, he says he would be gripped by feeling of pain, and in his years, there will be a noise like reverberation of a bell. Even on the cold day, the bystanders would see great prose of sweat on his forehead, as the revelation descended upon Him. Such accounts led some Western critics to suggest that he had epilepsy. But there are no real grounds for such a view. Epilepsy leads to physical and mental degeneration. And there are no signs of that and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, on the contrary, he was clearly in full possession of his faculties, to the very end of his life, to the very end of his life. So now, these, the
second revelation comes down, and then again, you're going to have a period of a dry spell where no revelation is coming down. And then the Quraysh they start seeing this, because anytime revelation will come down, you'd see something happening in Kurdish society that was being given people start praying, you know, the call to other Muslims is being given. And then when a dry spell happens, none of that is happening during that time. So on Jamil she comes to the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, she's the wife of Abu Lahab. And she says, even your Lord has forsaken you, even your Lord has forsaken you. And that is when Serato Doha was revealed, that is when solo to Doha was revealed. And
solo to Doha, in its essence, is a very, very important surah is a very, very important surah. Because this was the consoling of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that he would need, till the end of his mission, to hear the words in our darker book, our marcada that your Lord has not abandoned you, nor does he detest you, your Lord has not abandoned you, nor does he detest you, and this will stay with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all the way to the end. And you can imagine that this was perhaps the moment that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stops having that doubt, and gets that reaffirmation that he needs from Allah subhanaw taala which shows us the
fragility of human condition, on how we always need a boost to our self confidence to our self esteem, me that positive affirmation in our lives, that yes, I am capable and yes, I will be able to do it. Those that were fortunate like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received it from Allah subhanho wa taala. But that leaves a great burden on our shoulders, that we
When we don't feel it, we need to surround ourselves with people that do believe in us. We need to surround ourselves with people that do believe in us. And then those that are surrounding people need to do a better job of encouraging and motivating and believing and so on and so forth. And I believe that's very, very important. Subhan Allah
so, Serota, Doha comes down and then revelation becomes more consistent. So now during this time, let's speak about the first companions. So we have Khadija Radi Allahu Taala Anna, she is the first woman that accepts Islam. But then from amongst the men, you have three main men that are in contention, who was the first to accept Islam, Ali ibn Abi Taalib, Zaidan ohada and Abu Bakr Ibn abiquo, half a half out of the Allahu anhu, or the Allahu Anhu image main
who was the first of them to accept Islam. So as I mentioned the story of what occurred in the novel, it puts him in contention as well, even though it's not often considered, and then they break it down. That Ali ibn Abi Taalib was the first young man prepubescent to accept Islam, I will go to the Allahu Anhu was the first man to accept Islam. And they don't know how to say it was the first free slave to accept Islam was the first freed slave to accept Islam. And that's how they broke down the categories amongst the men. Other men that accepted Islam very early on, was Adorama had been off whose name was Abdullah Ahmed bin alpha at that time, and Abobe obaidul Moogerah. So these are
the first men. There's a very fascinating story as to how a man and Paula end up accepting Islam, all from the Moroccan era. So during the first days of Revelation, a successful young merchant by the name of a phenomenal fan was on his way home from trading in Syria. When he has awoken in the desert by the words, sleepers awake for verily Ahmed has come forth in Makkah, and then Ahmed being referred to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, before reaching mecca of man runs to into Abu Bakr, his cousin, Paul had been obeyed the law who tells us man that he recently asked about the very same mode by a monk is by a monk in Syria. So he was asked by a monk in Syria about this Ahmed
the to return to Makkah and approach to their friend Abu Bakar. With the news, Abu Bakr explains what has transpired during their absence, and that he has embraced Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as one of God's chosen prophets of man and fall her visit, visit the Prophet and join his course. So now the group of men that you have around the process Saddam, you have earlier Adeola who I know they don't know how later you have Abu Bakr Siddiq, you have a man of not a fan of the management of our beta and revenue genre. And thought have been Obaidullah there is this often statement and you know, this comes later on when the net Joshi is questioning about Sofia, and you
know who follows Him the rich or the poor? Yes, without a shadow of a doubt, the majority, vast majority of followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were the poor. But the very first few people, first few men that followed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were the rich and the affluent, were the rich and the affluent, and they are the ones that remained loyal and dedicated to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, till his very final days. So this is a very important point, in terms of when you're giving dower Do you focus on the elite the aristocrats know the social influencers? Or do you focus on the majority who are not from the elite, not from the aristocrats
not from the influencers? Where should the focus and our be
and when you look at the sale of the parts and sell them clearly, without a shadow of a doubt, there's things that naturally happen by the puddle of Allah subhanaw taala because some of these people were naturally in close relationship to the prophesy salah. They don't know how they are, they will not be tolerated and Abu Bakr Siddiq, but then everyone else is accepting Islam or being guided indirectly through Abu Bakr Siddiq. So the lesson over here is not really about who you're giving Dawa to. It's about who are you choosing as your close friends? Who are you choosing as your close friends, and if you can find someone that is pious and righteous and have good character, and
has influence Allahu Akbar, there are not very, very many more things that you could hope for. And Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Taala and who indirectly guided so many people to Islam that are from the affluent and the rich that we're supporting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam till the very last days. And this is a summary of your number one. You're number two, you're number two of Revelation. And this is how the book actually gets divided. There on in where it goes Quranic you're one Quranic year two, and Khurana Kia to
he argues that this is when certain Muslim male and certain Madatha are revealed as opposed to being earlier revelations. But he says
This is where Allah subhanho wa Taala started introducing
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim at the beginning of the revelations. So when you study alumina Quran, and one of the questions that arises is Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim actually a verse in the Quran or not. And if we go back in summarize the opinions, there's consensus that insert are normal. And the letter that Sulaiman writes, were in the home and so they minor in the whole Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim by consensus that is a verse of the Quran. But then at the beginning of every sutra, they say that Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim is a part of the Quran, but it's not a part of the surah. But it's not a part of the surah. So 113 times in the Quran, except for sort of the Toba, you have this month
out from under him. It's not a verse in the Surah itself, but it is still a part of the Quran. It is still a part of the Quran, so that the Toba doesn't have the smell out from under him at the beginning of it, and there's a discussion as to Is it a condition? Is it a continuation from certain unfurl? Or is Allah subhanaw taala speaking about the mashallah going and he doesn't want to affiliate mercy with the way that he will deal with them with the way that he will deal with them. And then last but not least, is Surah Fatiha an exception to the rule, that sortal Fatiha actually is a Surah that has Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim as the first verse in the Quran. And this will depend
on the script that you are reading. So if you read the manuscript, which you know, the vast majority of the subcontinent reads, it will not have the seminar man or him as the first idea, but it hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen is the first idea. If you read the printing from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, they have Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim as the first Iron as the first iron. And Allah knows best the opinion of the majority still is that Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim is not the first verse, but rather Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen is the first verse that is a summary of the opinions. Now getting back to the point over here. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is constantly reminded of a
Rahmani Raheem.
And what is the significance of this? The significance of this is two things. Number one, everything that's going to happen to you is an act of mercy to you, oh, Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I think that's going to be very hard to swallow. Because it is during this phase, where he is being ridiculed and mocked, he's being physically persecuted, his companions are being harmed, and killed, and eventually he's forced into exile. So when we think about everything being an act of mercy, what does that mean? What does that look like? I want to expand on that in a little bit. And the second component is the reason why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is regularly my
reminded of AR Rahman and Rahim is because these are characteristics that we are meant to embody. And to show for Bhima, or my team in Allah, He lent her the home, that it is only by the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala that you are gentle and kind and merciful with them. Right? So the embodiment of these two characteristics of compassion and mercy are very, very important. And, you know, compassion and mercy don't do justice to the actual in the actual names of Rahman and Rahim. Rahman is the essence of mercy. It is the source of all mercy, that any mercy that exists emanates from Allah subhanho wa Tada. And Rahim is the display of mercy. It is the display of mercy. And this is
why when you look at names, you can name a man or Rahim, but you can name a man or a man he has to be Abdul Rahman. You can be Rahim or Abdul Rahim. But you can't be your man. You have to be up there, man because there can only be one source of mercy. Now, let's get back to that other point. How everything that's happening in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a source of mercy. How would you guys understand that? How would you guys understand that everything that's happening in the face in the McCune phase, is a source of mercy for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam
promised promised what?
What did he promise
that's a very straightforward way of looking at it.
This Mala?
the message was so difficult, constantly being reminded
doing the punishment
or, or to, just
because I understand what you're saying, but I'm asking where's the llama in it
you're there, you're halfway there. I think if you think it through, you'll get it. The Smilla go ahead
difficulty and mercy is that there's going to be that success at the end of a purchase.
Okay, but what is that success
accepted by established Okay. Smell that go ahead. The success will not lie
in any element of
or not, they
must say
negative like the job to a better to Allah and Rahim dunya. But he or she mostly has already been at the end of
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I just caught up
with that last one go ahead yeah
whole issue of hypocrisy
some Aloha.
Jimmy, I love that answer. It's not something I had thought of, or even across what I read, but I really liked that answer. So let's start off with that. So one of the Ramas that came out of this persecution is that it
purified the OMA not even purified. It didn't allow for hypocrites to exist, because Islam was in in a source of strength. They didn't have their own state, they didn't have wealth. You know, none of that existed. So the only reason you would accept Islam at this time was for its purity and for what it had to offer, right. So the people that were surrounded by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were the purest of human beings the most loyal of human beings that were willing to withstand the persecution. Number two, we'll build off the other point, which is
you have to go through hardships and calamity before you can attain greatness. There is no greatness before attaining hardship and calamity. Which brings me to the point that I wanted to share. Our understanding of mercy and compassion is softness and gentleness. And for the most part, that is true, that mercy and compassion are softness and gentleness, but
it is also victory. It is also acceptance, right? It is through this hardship that the processes I went through the marketing, the ridiculing the persecution, the killing, that all of this led to the fatigue of Makkah. Right. All of this led to the people eventually accepting Islam, the vast majority of the McKinzie accepting Islam, through these phases, where the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam had to patiently endure everything that he went through everything that he went through, and then the greatest Rama out of all of this is the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be entered into paradise, as the greatest human beings have ever walked on this planet, as the
most beloved of Allah's creation to him. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that when Allah subhanaw taala loves the people, he tests them, and the most tested of people are the prophets, and those that follow there are ways for an unfaithful chamfered. So all of that has to be understood in its context, but the thing that I want to highlight is that mercy does not necessitate gentleness, ease and comfort. Mercy can also be encompassing of hardship, pain and calamity, if there's something greater behind it. Like in our case, the forgiveness of sins and the raising of Delta jet. And, you know, being honored with the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala that
we're, we're entered into paradise. So we have to understand what merci means in its context and its context.
Yes, of a concept aroma that troubles me like so. When when we are
Growing up or whatever we went through hardship and struggle, because our parents were first generation, they didn't have the same opportunities. They were uneducated. So we went through hardship to achieve the goals that we choose today. Yeah. Now the kids are your kids now or the younger generation now they're they're blessed in the sense of the opportunities and stuff that they have. No, we didn't have Islamic schools, we didn't have access to even financial access.
But why why? Why can't somebody who has that blessing, it has a sickness, you have to go through the hardship to achieve it. And this is coming from personally, I struggle with my neck and like, look, you're blessed with what opportunities you have. Why can you not see the blessings? Why do you have to go through a hardship to achieve or appreciate? Like, I don't understand, why do we actually
like because you say, Well, you guys hadn't heard so it's better for you. So but I got all this stuff handed to me like, Well, I would die to have what you have as an opportunity and take advantage of it. Why can you not take advantage of the blessing or the height? Is there an example where you know where somebody is born and in that environment word, they're blessed, and they take advantage of it? Because right now, I'm finding it's like, well, it's not my fault to poor rich, like, you know, it's an excuse for not whatever.
Because you want to answer Bismillah. Go ahead.
What happened? Last litigation, or what is the potential to be added to it, but some would argue that due to all the communications and social media and all the struggles, needs to shake me up,
go have met Dr. Mukesh Messiah, which offer they can go Assad is that tissue OSHA that the terms of blockade and again, we'll also have the results with
the quality,
quality I think, what
was said to be shaken?
Up by Tesla, Elon,
Musk, correct. I'll simplify it. You know, at the end of the day, there's two main
positive or sorry, emotional affiliations that were commanded with patience and gratitude. Right. And at the end of the day, we're patient upon the hardships that we face. And we're meant to be grateful for the blessings that we experience. Almost everyone will get closer to Allah subhanaw taala. In moments of hardship and calamity, very few people will be grateful to Allah subhanaw taala in moments of prosperity, and this is why Allah subhanaw taala tells us, according to many Obadiah sugarcoat that very few of my slaves will actually be grateful. And this is why they going back to the concept of mercy. Had the OMA been prosperous from the very getgo it would have been infiltrated
by hypocrites, very easy to become lackadaisical and apathetic and be ungrateful. But when it's filled with hardship and calamity, you will always remember your early roots, you'll always remember your early beginnings. Now, people that don't have early beginnings to remember, they're going to be spoiled brats, and that's what ends up happening. So as human beings, it's a lot easier to be patient and to seek ALLAH subhanaw taala and hardship and calamity than it is to be grateful and seek ALLAH subhanaw taala and gratitude, Allah Who Tada then we move on to year number three, we move on to year number three, and Mirage Mohiuddin. He argues that it is in year number three, that
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam starts giving public Tao in year number three public data. So here's number one and two is just personal, private data. You know someone you speak to them privately. That's it, but near and number three, so to show IRA is revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he's commanded to
invite his family to Islam invite his family, to Islam. So we mentioned that there's two main incidents that happen. Incident Number one, he puts a dinner together for his family invites them over. And he invites them to Islam. He tells them that,
you know, I invite you to Islam, and Eliade, Allahu Anhu shows his interest. But Abu Lahab he throws a wrench into the plan and says, This is you no nonsense, this is not the way of our of our forefathers. And this is not something that we're going to listen to. And that dinner party was pretty much broken up. Then Incident Number two is what a lot of people are familiar with, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam claimed one of the smaller mountains in Makkah, and he tells them that old people if I was to tell you that there was an army behind this mountain that was coming to attack you, would you believe me, and this is why it's very important to remember that
when they were calling the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam al Amin. This is the same man like nothing's changed.
very short period of time, literally, you know a few years ago that the Prophet SAW Selim was called Al Amin, and he's celebrated for being the trustworthy. What's changed in that time? Nothing other than the fact that they feel this is going to put a damper on their plans for some people who want to become the leaders of Quraysh they can no longer become leaders of the Coalition for some people that are threatened by the fact that our economy is going to be threatened. We are no longer going to be rich and prosperous. For other people that have positions of power and authority. They fear all of that is going to be taken away. So now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stands and he
commands the people to follow him. And again, you have Ebola hub and Abuja *, basically mocking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But what's really interesting is what how Abu Talib responds to this now. So as we know Abu Talib, he was the second male caretaker of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. So there is that very personal and close relationship to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, almost as if he is a son, and he tells him, do what you have been ordered, I shall protect and defend you. But I cannot code to the religion of Abdullah Matata, I cannot quit the religion of Abdulmutallab. And the story of Obatala was such a fascinating one. You will
literally witness all the persecution, you witness revelation, you witness the impact that he has, but it's still not enough to convince you of Islam, and he dies as a non Muslims panela. And that's such a difficult thing to logically reconcile. Because we assume that if we see enough miracles, eventually we'll accept Islam. As if guidance is a logical thing. And it isn't. It isn't. It is a supernatural thing. And this is why even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is taught in Nikola Tesla demand that your Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do not guide those who whom you love. Well, that kin Allah had him on your show, but rather it is Allah subhanaw taala that guides
whomever he pleases, that guides whomever he pleases.
That's fine. Finally, you know even the story of atheism is a very sad one because you can also imagine how much the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam loved him being a father Lee type figure. And the process of him is concerned for the whole entire ummah. Clearly he was more concerned for his own family members that loved him dearly as well. Yet even then he wasn't able to see him save him even then, he wasn't able to save him. It was also during this incident of the mountain, that the second woman accepted Islam. And the second woman was the wife of Allah Bas omole Father, the second woman was the wife of his uncle Abbas omole. Further, so now we see that we have an increase
in the men and the women. So now as the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam
is standing on Mount suffer.
And Abu Lahab is mocking Him. Allah subhanaw taala eventually reveals sort of lob, right, tab, but the the, the the Habima tab.
Like, you know, there's no polite way to translate this, other than the fact that may you be annihilated and destroyed, and may you perish in the most humiliating and disgraceful of ways. Abu Lahab right. And this This is a very fascinating concept that it's, you get ADGER for cursing Abu Lahab like can you imagine that is the legacy of Abu Lahab you get charged for cursing him Subhanallah you get adjusted for cursing him like that is how evil this man was that Allah subhanaw taala preserved his name till the end of eternity to be mocked and cursed. That is how evil he was. And this shows us Subhanallah that those people that were arrogant against Islam against the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't forget them. Allah subhanaw taala does not leave them be, but rather he increases them in their sins, so that he can justify the severe punishment against them, so that he can justify the severe punishment against them. And this is what we see with Abu Lahab the fact that he used to say parachute all day have you summoned us for such useless and futile things? It is Abu Lahab that would be
perishing, that he is the one that would be left unremembered. So now as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is giving this public Dawa. One of the things that we have to look at the Kurdish society is that the Kurdish are becoming more affluent, the rich are becoming richer, and the poor are becoming poor, not to the degree that we're seeing in our times today. But there is a discrepancy that is taking place and eventually the rich merchants, they are the ones that are controlling so
society almost as if it is our society today where the corporations and the rich people are running society. And then when the rich would commit crimes and do evil things, there's no one there really to hold them accountable. There's no one there really to hold them accountable.
So you see that these affluent people, and I'll read out from the book over here, he says, but he was no longer prepared to carry out the Chiefs traditional duty of looking after the poor members of the clan. So as these rich people are getting richer, they are saying to themselves, why should I be responsible for looking after the poor members of my tribe, nothing short of a miracle could reverse the growing trend of exploitive individualism that had taken hold of the college. So they no longer believe in the tribal system. And this is not at a grand scale. But it's starting to emerge amongst the few rich elite people, that they don't want to be a part of the tribe. They don't want to be a
part of their clan, because they feel they've earned this money. These riches are theirs, this prosperity is theirs, why should they have to share it, the conduct of the rich Merkins would have been looked on as dishonorable in the desert. So the people that are the Bedouin tribes that are in the desert, would view the actions of these businessmen as dishonorable. But inside the city, these are the noble ones that everyone is looking up to, and striving to be like, because they're rich and affluent. Now you bring this to, you know, our day and age that you think of some of the richest people. You think of someone like Jeff Bezos, right one of the richest individuals openly, you know,
cheats on his wife. Yet, he's still, you know, awed and revered. Because of the words that he has. You look at someone like Elon Musk, you know, variety of different issues, you wouldn't even know where to begin with him. SubhanAllah. But again, one of the most influential people in our society just because of the wealth that he has. And this trend will always be the case, the rich people will always be the revered because the poor always wants to be like them. But if you don't crave wealth, they're not going to revere the status, which is what the nomads, what who we were speaking about the nomadic tribes, they were Halima was from, they didn't care about wealth, they were content with
their lifestyles. And when they would see such behavior, it will be despicable and dishonorable to them will be despicable and dishonorable to them, which is a another sign that, you know, when you're in the rat race, you're just running, you're not paying attention to what's happening besides you in front of you behind you. But when you can separate yourself from the rat race, and you can focus on the simplicity of life, and the creation of Allah subhanho wa taala. You can definitely recognize or wrong when it's wrong.
Which brings us to your number four, and then this is actually where we're going to be stopping for today, because here number five is the hedgerow to Abyssinia, the healer to Abyssinia. So now when you're number four, let's look at all the people that have accepted Islam by now. You have Khadija Ali Zaid Amon Jaffa ibn Abi Taalib, Sofia Zubaydah wa I'm sorry, David W. ACOs. are married with Abby Waqas Abdullah no Josh Obaidullah the Josh Xena Ben Josh hammered into Josh omal further bundle Harris Maimunah mental health Smeb into a maze and Selma Abenomics. And these are some of the major supporters of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now in the number four. This is where the
first public encounter takes place, the first public confrontation. So everything else has just been an oral exchange. But now you see that the coalition are physically attacking the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is companions and site WWL cos, wounded one of the instigators wounded, one of the instigators and this is where the believers are commanded to be patient upon the physical harm that the Kurdish are doing, do not physically retaliate, right? Bear what they're doing with patience. And you can imagine Subhanallah how hard that is, someone physically attacks you and persecute you. You're being told just remain patient, withdraw yourself, do not engage with them, which further as
we discuss, you know, in sha Allah when we do the Medina and phase of the of the Sierra, this allegation of you know, Islam being violent and barbaric. How can a religion be violent and barbaric? When for the first 13 years, its followers are being persecuted and they're not allowed to retaliate? Allah subhanho wa Taala forbade them from physically retaliating. So that incident happened, Saddam who has retaliated and he wounded someone and then Allah subhanaw taala revealed that they should be patient. The Qureshi we're feeling increasingly threatened by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going influence and ask Abu Talib to intervene when Abu Talib asks
his nephew to concede the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam responds and this is the famous statement, all my uncle, but if they put to the sun in my right and the moon in my left on condition that I abandoned this course I will not abandon it until Allah has made me victorious.
or I perish. There is no difference of opinion on the authenticity of it, but he mentions it. But what's beautiful is that even though Abu Talib doesn't accept Islam, look at the value that he gives him. Abu Talib returns the oath with his own. Go and preach what you please for by Allah I will never forsake you for by Allah, I will never forsake you. And this further, you know, this discussion, the assumption that all non Muslims are evil, right we see this time and time again in the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam there were few non Muslims that stuck by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and were lawyer were loyal to him. One of them was Abu Talib,
and that is that even non Muslims need to be taken on their individual merit and gross generalizations just like we wouldn't appreciate them should not be done in return. In the year number for a lot of the verses that command the disbelievers to reflect on their own selves on the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala are coming down to sort of make me known so to dokkan Surah Yunus, sola gratia, all of these students are coming down and asking them to reflect. One of the key themes that is going to be addressed in this face is also warning against arrogance. And remember how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam defined arrogance, it is to reject the truth and to look
down upon people. And both of these characteristics were found amongst the majority of the college at that time, that they were rejecting the truth even though it was no clear as they in their eyes, and they were looking down upon the believers they were looking down upon the believer so there's a severe warning against arrogance, as we see in Surah Al Furqan in sortal, Iraq
and then this is where an official smear campaign is started against the prophets of Allah who are in the heat was salam were a variety of names are used, like sorcerer, like one that destroys families would like one that does not think clearly. And all of these names are now being used against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam till we get to Surah Abba, and Surah hubba is towards the end of the fourth year, and this is actually considered a turning point where the province of Allahu alayhi wa sallam has not been able to convince the Macomb tribe nor the OB Duchamp's clan, to accept Islam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was focused on giving
Dawa to Allah will YBNL mohila The head of the Muslim tribe, and that is when Abdullah bin Abdul Maktoum came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam basically saying, Look, I'm ready to accept Islam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ignored him and frowned at him. And then Allah subhanaw taala revealed Surah Abba, that you have someone that is willing to ready and ready to accept Islam and to embrace it. Yet you have someone that openly shows disdain and hatred towards you and everything that you stand for. Why would you not embrace the one that is willing to embrace you? And so that was a turning point for the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, according to Malama he
they were then he started focusing on giving Dawa to the masses, as opposed to focusing on the elite of the Quran as opposed to focusing on the elite. Have the courage, and that leads to your number five, which is the Hijra to Abyssinia and the revolution of Serato najem and that is where we will pick up next week. Bismillahi Tada Well, Allahu Taala Allah wa sallahu cinema Baraka Nabina Muhammad wa ala and he also had big man and inshallah we open up the floor for questions, thoughts, comments, concerns?
Anything just go ahead
so at that time, the things that were greatest to them was that which is visible by sight, right? So there was nothing greater than the Sun and the Moon, because of how appearance to the earth and how celestial they seemed right. So that is why he said if you put the put them in my hands, I was still wouldn't give it like you gave me control of the universe. I would never abandon the submissions, Paola.
Allahu Allah. Go ahead. Yeah, I have a question for you sort of,
sort of it says
inside of you. Yeah. So when I have like what the brother was saying, like how kids are raised and stuff like that, and the blessings
I'm trying to understand like, we're always struggling so there's basically no lesson so
like, the prophets struggle in this context.
Clearly, the prophets have struggled with Abu Lahab without a shadow of a doubt right. He's one is one of his greatest antagonize errs and
It hurts the most because he's one of his closest family members as well. Right? So clearly, there's a lot of pain that's felt with the actions of Ebola hub. But with regards to the verse that you're referring to insert a ballad. Look at the color canal in Santa Fe Cabot is that mankind, the nature of life is to struggle. It's not meant to be easy, right? So anyone that has this misconception that life is meant to be easy and enjoyable for prolonged periods of time need to get rid of that misconception. Right. If life is easy for prolonged periods of time, you're living life the wrong way.
What do you mean?
That's the life? What is the blessing? So this goes back to our previous point? How do we understand mercy? is mercy always ease? It's not? Right. And just like, is test always hardship? It's not, you're tested in patients and ingratitude, you're testing in hardship, and in prosperity, right. So when you're in hardship, it's more physical hardship that you're experiencing. But in prosperity, it's internal hardship, because you're feeling emptiness, you're feeling a void. This is what the rich and the elite are always feeling. This is why they're the the leaders of committing suicide because of that emptiness and that void that's inside of them, even though physically they have
everything that they need. Right. So you're either being tested physically, or, or spiritually, and with patients or with gratitude, right, Allah Allah.
One of the questions are not just a reflection
when you were talking about like the tribal system and what was acceptable versus what wasn't are speaking more longer term.
Like when you live
in a society, you constantly see it. Naturally your tolerance for things that are vulgar, cruder, things that are just morally wrong.
Of course.
You were mentioning that he did.
How would you? How
in the modern day world, how does one do that? How do you maintain that separation between myself?
And what I believe and maintain that that hierarchy?
That's a great question. What was really fascinating is, why didn't the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can tell you to handoff after revelation.
Right? So this shows us that the handoff was applicable before revelation. But after revelation, what he gave him everything that he needed, right? So that's the first thing to look at. Number two desensitization is, is a process. And at the end of the day, this is why those that are put in difficult circumstances are treated very differently to those that are put in easier circumstances. And the way I will equate it is that yes, falling into Fela, which is a sin and is evil. But the more easier it becomes and the more accessible it becomes, the less the severity of Allah subhanho wa Taala as punishment because of the greater the greater the desire is. And that is why when you
look at the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam, as the people whom Allah subhanaw taala will not look at on the Day of Judgment. One of them is in a very old man that still commit Zina. And the scholars have mentioned that the reason why this is mentioned is because the desire at that point has diminished. And you're only doing it because you can, but the reverse is also true, the greater the desire, and the greater the temptation and the greater the availability of that temptation. The more it is hoped that Allah subhanaw taala will be merciful. So
as as cliche as it's going to sound
try your best in protecting your children. Give them the best tarbiyah that you can and then leave the rest up to Allah subhanaw taala like that's the best that you can do. All right, well, Allahu Tadano
I grew up here
of course
Sorry, just before you continue whether you had to reflection
No, finish and then we'll we'll go to her in Shama. I was just thinking
Have you
deserve to get down
to Panama one of the losses we're talking about
is good news good standing
smear campaign
for Dina's income without dimensions, Allahu Akbar
Salam Ohio.
So beautiful
I mean
100% And I think you know, a beautiful example of this is that after short Allah hub is revealed on Jamil comes looking for deposit Salam and Abu Bakr is with deposit Salam and she comes to Abu Bakr and she asks, you know, where's your companion and possums literally right to there, but she's unable to see him. And she refers to him as more than them like one who's belittled and and debased. And after she leaves the poster, Selim says, I am Muhammad, the one that is praised and that is elevated, and this is the reality of it at the end of the day, now our sister over there
who was very, very sick
and she was up in Las
Vegas and then she
was saying that because of those options that you gave me that
she was a new corporation.
So can you say that if a person goes through all
their beautified from all the things
so the one who doesn't go through any hardships I hadn't surrendered or something so I would like to do
Just take a look at Allah have mercy upon her.
With that being said, you know Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us Yeah, you have livina Takala haka. toccata. He whether termo tuna Illa one two Muslim on that, oh you believe have Taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala and do not die except in the state of Islam. The mafia should only comment on this verse that those that strive to live a life of taqwa, Allah subhanho wa Taala will allow them to die upon Islam. But those that don't live a life of taqwa, Allah subhanaw taala will not allow them to die upon this to them. So what we want to extract over here is in sha Allah, if this person lived a good righteous life, and experienced these hardships and calamities, then inshallah it is a good
sign, it is a good sign. But if a person didn't live live a life of righteousness, and they didn't do good deeds, and they didn't have taqwa, and they're experiencing these hardships and calamities, then this is just Allah subhanaw taala, increasing their pain in this dunya before he increases their pain in the akhira. That's number one. Number two, with regards to a position with regards to the afterlife, understand that purification is required before people enter into agenda and even entering into Jannah is contingent upon the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. So let's start with that. The Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is attained through the good deeds that we do, or the patients
that we show through the hardships that we face. And with the vast majority of us, it's going to be a combination between the two. Some people will excel in their good deeds, so their hardships and calamities will be decreased. Some people will excel in their patients, because they don't have those good deeds. But for the vast majority of people, it will be a combination between the two, that through those two things Allah subhanaw taala shows mercy to us, through which were entered into paradise, which leads us to Jannah is the purest of places and will only allow the purest of people. And that purification process starts in the life of this world. That through the hardships
and calamities that you face, through the pangs of death, through being tested in the cupboard, through the tests that we all face on the Day of Judgment through some believers even having to go to the Hellfire before they're entered into agenda may Allah subhanaw taala protect us from that and allow us to enter into Jannah without hisab and other I mean, that is what actually happens. So now to make an assumption that someone who faces hardship and calamity and sickness and disease towards the end of their life is righteous or not righteous. This is not something that we will know for sure. But we can make an assumption that if we knew them to lead righteous lives, and then they had
this sort of ending in Charlotte is a sign that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is purifying them and that they're after life will be easier.
because they face their purification in this life, Allah Who Tanana
last question. Actually last two questions. Yeah, no, go ahead. Yeah, I was gonna say, regards to Islamic knowledge and the
different levels?
How? And I kind of know the answer. But how was it like when the scholars go to pursue continuing knowledge even as they're when they get to the scholarly
position? So, I mean, you go to undergraduate studies, you take a degree. And then my understanding is a lot of chairs, like in this modern day, they get that, but I've heard that the real knowledge they thought were actually outside university or the Islamic schools that they wanted to. But more how is it though, now, in this day and age, versus in the past methodology, like even maybe specific to yourself, like, you have teachers still right? That you but is it informal? Or do you actually have to score yourself at a higher level? I start off by giving a disclaimer, I do not identify as a scholar nor claim to be a scholar. And the greatest manifestation of this is I do not have any
continuous studies for myself, other than what comes through me trying to follow series on YouTubes and asking my teachers questions on what's up and through the things that I teach, like that is my growth in knowledge and my continuation, but with that being said, I think rather than looking at contemporary scholars go back, and I keep thinking of two things. One is the Abdullah bin Oh, nice. Right, he was a companion of the Prophet seven who heard one Hadith about the Day of Judgment, he traveled a far distance to Egypt to meet to Jabara Allahu Taala and who Giba invited him into his house after he conveyed the Hadith to him. And he said, No, like I came up with the intention of
learning the Hadith. And I'm going back now, inshallah we'll come back, like another time to show to receive your hospitality and those things, that they wouldn't allow their intentions to be mixed at all. And then the second you move forward from the students of Imam Muhammad Rahim, Allah, Al Bakr, Abdul Malik, let you know, he took two journeys in his life from Baghdad to and the last one being 20 years, the other one being 40 years, like, can you imagine leaving your wife and kids for 20 years in 40 years at a tie? Like what does that even look like? How do you like retain that relationships? All right. So, you know, the simple statement, now, you now will be rattled, just
said that knowledge will never be attained through the comfort of the body, that that's what it is at the end of the day. And even knowledge is such an obscure topic, like what does it mean to be knowledgeable? Well, folk only the element or name that on top of every knowledgeable person? Is someone more knowledgeable? Right? So I think
it's so it's a lifelong pursuit. And we need people that are specialized in every sense of Islam. And Allah subhanaw taala will continue to create those people. Like that's the the miraculous nature of it, right? Like you look in Morocco, you have a shift commonly you will get Mauritania you shall have Sheikh Mohammed has an adu in every country, Allah subhanaw taala manages the plain plant, a great scholar like that. And this is how Allah subhanho wa Taala will, will preserve this religion, although I know but again, bringing coming back to my point, you know, making that effort, like just because you're not going to become the greatest scholar, it doesn't mean you mean ignorant about
your deen. Right there has to be. We need to know how to pray properly, how to perform the huddle properly, how to give us the cat, how to fast how to plan to go for Hajj, all of these things, right? We shouldn't be content with Oh, my parents taught me how to pray. So I know how to pray. No, that's not true. Right? Study a fear of solid class like Go and attend something so that you learn how to do it properly. Right. So that's the point that I was trying to get at and don't become complacent with the level of knowledge that you have, on the one hand
order to know like what's the characteristic of one person masahisa was revealed deprivation
was a useful
companion, we'll see him what it used to go for dimension was the like, include his eyes. Excellent. So I'll give a short answer and then where to find the detailed answer. If you go on to YouTube, and you do the Book of Revelation, by the way disease, I've done an explanation of Kitab Allah He from Sahel Bukhari where we study that in detail, what did what he looked like, and how it actually took place. In summary, where he took different forms, right, so sometimes it has a physical impact, where where he would come down upon the result of prophesy Saddam, and it was so heavy that the camera was forced to kneel, or the process of selling was leaning on one of his companions, and his
head got so heavy that the companion photos of his leg was about to be crushed. And then we see that the process I'm used to perspire, he used to hear the ringing of a bell and sometimes even the Companions used to say that they used to hear the buzzing of bees, even though there were no bees around it.
to Revelation took different formats. That's a short answer to that. Allahu Taala they folks, we're going to conclude with that JazakAllah credit for your attention and thank you so much for attending in sha Allah next week 630 Again, just keep checking the salah timings I'm not sure if salon time is going to change again this week, so I was at six, it might remain at six might be recorded 545 But regardless of the timings change, our class will start at 630 Bismillahi Tala and I share the unfortunate news that next week's class is going to be the last sila class until we find another time to restart up. So I will try to cover as much of the mocking phase in next week's class as we
can be Nila heater Allah designed blockaded, was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh