Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 053 – Uplifting the Fallen

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The Prophet salall Mazda unsuccessfully tried to use the Prophet's third son to influence Islam, but the success of Islam is highlighted by the negative impact it has on people, including the desire for the speaker's position and the desire for the speaker's position to be outcasted. The importance of faith and avoiding false accusations is emphasized, as well as the need for everyone to act with caution and consider their political positions. The segment also touches on leadership, including the use of words like "be internally" and "will" to reinforce people's biases and strengthen political positions, and the importance of educating people on respecting privacy and community.
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You're listening to Calum Institute's podcast series. See the life of the Prophet by sheer Abdul Nasir zhongda. visit us on the web at Calum Institute dot o RG or find us on [email protected] slash Gollum Institute.
Allah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah
salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
So continuing with our series on how to negotiate the prophetic biography,
in the previous session, last week class, we talked about a very beautiful, interesting, well known story from the life of the Prophet salani. Somewhere the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave Dawa to a very,
you know, famous, strong person at that time from plays. He was a famous wrestler, Rue Khanna, and that story was represent representative of the perseverance of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam in terms of giving the Tao and sharing the message. So not only was it chronologically placed around that same time period that we're covering now, the post boycott period, which is around the 10th year of Nobu Prophethood, the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam at this time is about 50 years old.
But at the same time, it's also representative of the prophets a lot. He sums perseverance, and the prophets a lot. He sent him his will, and undefeatable him that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had in terms of doing the Dawa, and how he continued to share the message, and he had not lost any of his vigor, none of his passion, none of his motivation, but he was just as inspired as he ever was, in order to keep talking to and sharing the message of Islam and telling people about Allah subhanho wa Taala. In this week's session, again, placed at that same time period, chronologically speaking, these next couple of incidents that we're going to talk about, are based in that same time period.
But what they are representative of is, while the prophets, a lot of them hadn't lost any of his motivation, and he was going just as strong as ever, in terms of sharing the message and talking to people and communicating with people, we see that response from a lot of the leadership of the majority of them who were opposed to the message of assignment to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the strategy that they were also employing. So on one side, we see the strategy over the profits, a lot of them now on this end of it, we will see the strategy of the opposition to the message of the profits a lot he sent him.
Even as Hawk relates in his, in his recollection of the Sierra, he narrates that demo rasulillah he's a lot he sent me that jealous of emotion for jealousy, he and musala funa Minos Javi Hubba? Wha wha boo ke ha, yes. Yes out was souhei washbag luminol muslimeen, that when the prophets a lot, he said would go to the harem. He would regularly every day he would go to the Kaaba and he would pray there. And then of course, he used to like spending some time there. You know, at the house of a lot of debates a lot. When he would sit down there, many of the believers, the Sahaba, or the loved one would come and they would sit there with the prophets a lot he sent them. And they would gather
around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam to be in this company, to learn from him and to just you know, benefit from the company of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
And it just so happened that many of the Sahaba radi Allahu anhu, who would wait for the Prophet ceylonese him to come to the Kaaba, because the prophets, a lot of them, still at this time, to quite an extent was untouchable. They knew better than to lay hands on the Prophet sallallahu Sallam than they used to come at this time to come and sit around him and sit with him. And this was their opportunity to be able to enjoy that that time spent at the Kaaba without being harassed, and sold the Sahaba like hubub amar yesod suhaib de Sahaba radi Allahu Allah would come to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam at that time. And it just so happened that these are the Sahaba who were very
weak. They were either slaves or they were freed slaves, former slaves, and many of the Sahaba had been the victims and the object of the torture and the persecution of the operation of the Americans. So they used to come and sit around the profits a lot a someone would huddle up around him
at that time, even as Hawk relates that has the XV him flourish, that the Quraysh would then take that opportunity to make fun of them and mock them. What Alibaba Julio
Then how would that Yes, hi, boo hoo come out on that look at this, these are the companions of Muhammad. He wants us to come and join him. He wants us to sit with him and listen to him. These are his companions. These are his people. These are the people that sit around him. How would I even the long run a human being I believe
that these people were Mohammed is trying to say that Allah has given preference to these people over us.
That Allah has selected these people from amongst all of us, with guidance and with the true religion of Islam, that these are the people that are blessed with the truth. These are the people that are guided by Allah. These are the people who are the recipients of the favor and the blessing of Allah that Mohammed called is that Mohammed calls Islam, lo gana, magia, Avi, Mohammed, hi, Ron, Masada kanaha, Allah La, when my hustle who loves to be doing that effort, Mohammed is delivering it well, if one Mohammed has to offer, really is something so great and so amazing, and so good and beneficial, then these people wouldn't have beaten us to it. And Allah wouldn't have selected these
people over us with this religion and this realization and this belief anymore. So there were two things here. Number one, you see the arrogance of the people
that many of these leaders have, per se, were arrogant. And so there were two problems that they had. The first problem was that even if at this point in time, the truth of Islam was something that was making sense to them. Islam was making sense to them. Now, the first problem for them was that okay, this makes sense to me. I feel inclined towards at least listening to what he has to say, considering the message of Islam. But the problem is, if I go and accept Islam, now, if I go into it with Muhammad now, and somebody like suhaib, or Amar or hubub, or somebody else of that stature, that, that that position within the society, he beat me to it. He beat me to it, that kebab would
have seniority over me
that a mob would have, you know, rank over me that I basically would publicly or personally to myself, and then publicly to the rest of everyone else in MCI be admitting
their hubbub figured this out before I could, that Bilal knew this before I did. That suhaib is smarter than me
that I'd be publicly be admitting that, and I just can't do that. That was the ego that was getting in their way. Number two, the second problem was that just going and sitting with them in and of itself was part part of the problem for them as well.
that these people are slaves, or freed slaves, or immigrants, or poor people, or laborers, or workers, or whatever the case may be. I'm a leader. I'm the upper crust of Makkah.
I'm an aristocrat. I can't go and sit with the riffraff. I can't sit with these types of people. It is not it is beneath me to go and sit with such people. What is everybody else going to say? What is the Buddha gonna say? What is the Buddha going to say?
And then there was that fear of being outcast, by everybody else in Mecca by the rest of the leadership of NACA, that I won't get invited to that party, and I won't be welcoming that circle. And then he won't want to do business with me. So these were the two problems that these people had.
Number one was just sitting with these people in general, because they thought them to be below them beneath them. And therefore being in their company was unacceptable to them. And secondly, was that okay, this message makes sense to me, this is the truth, then they would then they they felt like they'd be in a position to have to force to to have to admit, they'd be forced to admit that somebody likes to hate Blanca Baba Amar, who again, unfortunately, they considered to be beneath them and below them, that those people were more intelligent than they were and figured this out before they could.
And so that was presenting these that was preventing these people. So Allah subhanaw taala, sent down the eye out in the Quran. So of course, this chatter is going are going on this is the tone of the dialogue amongst a lot of people in Mecca. So Allah Subhan, Allah and the Prophet sallallahu sallam, without a doubt heard about this, the Muslims of that time heard about it.
The same Bilal kababs who Hey, by a model we're hearing about this, the prophets a lot Ethan was hearing about this. So Allah subhana wa
Allah sent down to my house from the Quran to bring because you can imagine how hurtful It must have been for them to hear this the Sahaba
that number one that they were looked down upon by these people in such a manner they will reviled by these people. Number two, there was also maybe, maybe there could have been some level of guilt that am I the reason why somebody wouldn't accept the message of Islam? Am I holding some people back? Maybe I shouldn't come sit with the prophets a lot of the time anymore. Maybe I just shouldn't show my face in public. Maybe I shouldn't be around the process I'm I'm a deterrent from accepting the message.
So this was very hurtful, undermining their confidence, as believers as human beings. Secondly, the prophets along these seven hears about this, and of course the prophets a lot of these was above and beyond such thoughts in Nicola Allah who can have him Allah attest to the level of the prophets Allison's character. You would never think that about anyone, but nevertheless the prophets Allah is hearing people talk talking like this in this manner. So Allah subhanho wa Taala send down the ayat of the Quran.
When I talk to the lady near the owner of Karachi valachi.
You read una vida who, when I tell you I NACA to reducing that and hayati dunya
when I am an alpha knuckle Bhagwan de now what about Allah who can move furuta in another place? Allah subhanho wa Taala told the profits a lot of a sudden when I talk to the Latina, get the owner above and below he will or she you read una vida ma la come in hi savvy man che
che Fatah to Rue de una Mina Bali mean work as Alec
Baldwin? LEAH kulu
damina Alicia Allahu Allah be shocked in ways that jacala Dina you mean una Biya Tina for cool Salam aleikum, kucha Babu Kemal nfcu Rama and alumina Amina minco su and be Johanna tiene film much album embody he was Lucha inaho for him. There are las panatela told the prophets a lot of him this from so little and
then when I talk to De La da da, da da da, da da da da she you know, watch her that do not ever cast aside, do not ever leave out. Do not ever outcast. Don't ever overlook. Don't you dare ever leave aside, overlook those people. You're the owner of the humble
who call out to the Lord in their master in the morning and in the evening they prayed to Allah morning and evening. Ud Guna Raja who all they want in this life in this world is the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala they seek nothing but the pleasure of Allah Malaika Mihai sahbihi Minh che
that you are not answerable are accountable on their behalf. Warm amin is happy can a human shake, nor will they have to answer on your behalf for top to the economy not only mean
and that you would cap meaning alone will take care of them. Allah subhanaw taala looks after you. Allah subhanaw taala takes care of you and law protects you and you are accountable and answerable before Allah. Similarly, Allah takes care of them looks after them and they will have to answer to Allah
photog to the home, so don't ever cast them aside or leave them aside for its economy. Nobody mean because if you were to leave them aside or overlook them, or outcast them or or just tell them to leave for takuna me nobody mean you would become one of the wrongdoing and one of the oppressors, along with the rest of the oppressors will gallica Fatah homi Bhabha, them. And another place the other idea that I recited from the other place, Allah said, beloved, that you will do well
on him, don't ever overlook them. Don't ever overlook them. So Allah already said that don't cast them aside. But then Allah is also saying Don't underestimate them. Well, I tried to I knock on him to reduce the natural hair to dounia because if you were to overlook them and their value and their significance and what they bring to the table and what they're capable of, and the Hadith that Allah has placed in them, to reduce the Nutter hayati dunya that would be an indication of the fact that you are more motivated by the glitz and the glamour of this world and you are the pleasure of Allah
to reduce zenithal hair to dunya well not to think I'm an alpha knuckle Baba andrina What about Allah?
And do not ever follow Do not ever listen, do not ever fall.
Do not ever listen are given to
or fall victim to the rhetoric, the propaganda of someone whose heart Allah says we have made devoid from Allah
without tm and
Trina Allah said, we have not given these people like the people like Abu Jad in Abu Dhabi. We have not given them the ability to remember us. There is no Vicar in remembrance of a line their heart there is no * of human in their hearts.
Well, today I'm in a fella called Bhagwan declare whatever. What can
those people do nothing but follow their own desires. And everything that those people do is in vain.
All of their efforts are in vain. No fruits will come about from what the people are doing or what they're saying. So don't listen to those people. Don't be influenced don't fall under the influence of those people. And here it was kind of what Allah said that don't cast them aside because then you would be wrongdoing, you'd be just as oppressive as those people who are creating this propaganda against these faithful believing people. These are believers.
In the law, they are they are firm believers in the sight in the eyes of Allah.
And then Allah subhanho wa Taala said waka Delica fatahna Baba, Baba, this is a test Allah said that we have created amongst people, some of them are a test for others amongst them. Leah kulu that's why they say a How would I imagine Allahu alayhi Mina that these people, really God has blessed these people from amongst us, really? These people?
Nina, Elise, Allah will be our lemma be shocking, Allah says doesn't allow know best about those people who are truly consistently grateful to Allah. Allah knows those people best. And here suddenly, Allah subhanaw taala is embedded something, a profound lesson in a reminder, we see this clash in society, where you have people who believe in people who don't believe people who accept the message people who are refuting and denying the message.
And we see the circumstances that the people who accept the message, believe in the message, keep company with the profits from the devout, the faithful, the observant the believing that they happen to be from a social perspective, based on the unfortunate social circumstances and standards at that time. They happen to be people of the lower caste in society.
And we see that the people who are opposing the message
opposing the message the people who do not believe the people who do not accept the people who are not faithful not believing not not, not not observant,
that those people happen to be again based on the unfortunate social standards at that time. They are the upper crust of that society.
And these are the circumstances but then Allah subhanaw taala teaches us a lesson here Elisa love will be our number be shocking, then what's the secret here? What's the secret? Because like we understand based on the scenario at that time, Abu Jamal Abu lahab, who may have been holla for Libyan lira.
So we see that social standard wealth, fame, power, popularity, seniority,
know how knowledge of the world education, that these are not prerequisites to human that these are not the conditions for acceptance by Allah.
But does this necessitate because this idea has prevailed this idea has taken many, many throughout Islamic history in certain movements or certain segments of Muslim society at different points in Islamic history. Some people have latched on to the idea that in fact, if you survey the Sahaba and Mecca, then you see like I said the Abuja hands and abou labs of that society do not believe but on the other hand, kebab Bonanza, haber Amar, are the faithful or the believing.
So does this mean that while fame money, popularity and power education does not results in faith?
is faith? Does it gravitate towards? Or do people who are downtrodden people who are poor people who are oppressed? People who are disenfranchised? Do they naturally gravitate towards faith?
That's a valid question.
That if on one end,
if money power, fame does not equal faith,
then does poverty, oppression,
victimization, does this result in faith?
is faith a natural consequence of these conditions? That's a very valid question. And Allah subhanaw taala Of course we know that Khadija
boubakeur I've found I've dropped my mouth. radi Allahu Allah May Allah be pleased with that.
Establish and prove the fact that that's not the case. But here Allah subhanaw taala very clearly and very explicitly in the ISS Elise, Allah will be I'll never be shocked at
neither one of these things necessitate faith.
That Yes, a person's faith can be influenced by their circumstances without a doubt, but it does not necessitate faith. Faith is not just inherently more available or afforded to people of power or money or influence. Similarly, it is not more natural, or more automatically afforded or people who are disenfranchised and poor and, and impoverished, again, are not entitled to say there's no entitlement,
rather than less power with Allah says at least Allahu bionda be shocking. It is gratitude that Allah looks for.
It is gratitude that Allah rewards with faith. The Grateful are rewarded with faith.
This is something I oftentimes emphasize
that when we talk about even the conversation of email when we talk about teaching people email when we talk about inspiring human within people, do our work.
That one of the very fundamental lessons in that regard is we need to instill an attitude of gratitude. We need to have a conversation that inspires people that reminds people of how blessed they are.
Our primary responsibility is to inspire hope within people. And that is first and foremost and by reminding people of how blessed they are, and how much they have to be grateful for. Gratitude leads to emaan gratitude, even amongst the Muslim community, create it remind people of how blessed they are, inspire gratitude within people, because gratitude leads to obedience, gratitude leads to eema that is very, very important to remember.
And that is what Allah subhanaw taala saying here. So that's why we see the diversity and degeneration of Sahaba.
But the consistent thread, the link between all of them, the consistent thing amongst all of them was a sense of gratitude.
Elisa, Elise Allahu Allah be shocking. Allah did not just simply say bill moving in Bill muslimeen, Bill Mousavi.
He didn't say the believers he didn't say the Muslims, those who submit he didn't see the weak,
the downtrodden, the oppressed, the disenfranchised, he said be shaqiri Allah knows best those people who are grateful.
So the the the the poverty of these people,
and the wealth and the power of these people. All of that is essentially relevant, irrelevant. The only thing that is relevant in the eyes of Allah is gratitude, gratefulness and gratitude. That is the gateway that is the key to unlocking the door to unlocking and opening the door of the heart and allowing a man to enter into the heart is gratitude.
And once that emotion enters into the heart, then whatever the external circumstances of a person are, whether again they be poverty, or they be power and money.
All of that is then submitted to a lot, then a person will implement the obedience of a lot in their poverty,
in their being oppressed. And on the on the other hand, a person will invest their their influence and their power and their wealth, again, into the obedience of Allah, which is exactly what we saw from both ends of the spectrum in the generation of Sahaba. And so that's where a lot creates a focus at least a lot will be on them will be shocking. Then Allah goes on to say this is I am number 52 and 53 and then I am number 54 of Sudoku and Allah says we're either jackin Edina up No, no big No. Then windows people who do firmly believe in our signs are miraculous signs, our ions, our verses, when they do come to you for quill Salam aleikum, something very beautiful,
because the specific circumstances that we're dealing with is that the majority of those people that are believing in especially keeping close company with the profits, a lot of them happen to be the poor, the downtrodden, the disenfranchised, and they are being ridiculed and mocked.
And not only that, but the rhetoric now is we specifically cannot believe we cannot sit with Mohammed Salah because of the riffraff
because of the trash in the garbage that sits around him. And like I said, one of the implications of this was imagine the effect that that had on Bilaal into haven Amal and hubbub. Imagine the impact of that
Hold on them.
Imagine how difficult that would be to listen to to hear. You see Mohammed the Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, you believe in Allah you believe in the Quran you believe in these Prophethood you've benefited so much you love him so much.
You want this truth and this message should be shared with all of humanity. And to even hear these rumors
and for a second thought to cross your mind that mia determent
that means sitting here, beus bruised and beaten, filthy and dirty, clothes torn and tattered.
Because I am what I am.
That are my reason why somebody else is coming here and hearing this Eamonn, hedaya guidance.
Allah subhanaw taala Not only is saying directly revealing in the Quran that none of Allah never once described him as Alma Salafi, Allah described him as what either at Latina
Latina yet the owner
you read, Allah described them as devout.
Allah described them as faithful, sincere people.
And Allah attributed whatever thoughts or concerns those people add as their problem for 10 Ah, Baba Baba, that's their problem. That is their fitna has nothing to do with these people. And then on top of that, he's telling the profits a lot of the time and it is your job to further reinforce them.
to dispel any of these ideas, we've got jack and levena, up noona Biya Tina, Allah said without any bias, any consideration for their external circumstances, if they are faithful, and they believe in a law. And they come and they sit with you for cool Salam aleikum. You welcome them. Salaam Aleykum Selam Aleykum. This is two things. Number one, of course it's a do offer them, you encourage them, you motivate them, you inspire them, you reinforce them.
You make to offer them May peace and blessings be upon you. And secondly, of course it can literally mean to Salaam you greet them. You welcomed them.
Yeah, you greet them and you welcomed them.
Just get the mental image in your head.
Get the mental image in your head try to put yourself in those circumstances
that you might Mashallah be somebody who's very educated, very respectful, very respected. You live in a nice house, you drive a nice car, you wear nice clothes. You have a nice job. You're very well known. You're very popular. Everybody loves you. Everybody looks forward to seeing you. Everybody gets a smile on their face when they see you. Everybody lines up to shake your hand and say Salaam and you're walking into the machine.
And at the same time you're walking into the masjid. There's another man walking in
and his hair is shelved.
He looks all unkept.
He hasn't had a haircut in a long time, he hasn't been trimmed up and groomed and cleaned up in a long time.
Clothes are torn and tattered
in order to homeless person looks like
where they're wearing most of their clothing. We don't we don't we don't realize that do we?
When you see homeless people, a lot of times they'll be wearing a lot of their clothing. They don't have anywhere to put it. When they move when they leave wherever they're sleeping there for that night. When they go somewhere. During the daytime, they have to take everything that belongs to them with them.
So that person's wearing like two three like sweaters and coat and jacket.
It's all torn and tattered and dirty.
Maybe the person doesn't smell really great.
They're carrying like a trash bag with clothes in it.
And they're walking into the machine with you at the same time.
What's the thought that goes through our head when we see that person walking in?
What would what do we think when we see that person walking in?
What's the thought that crosses our mind what thought enters into our heart? May Allah forgive us?
That was the hubbub that was the suhaib. That was a mob.
And when we walk into the machine, that person walks in with us and we're a little apprehensive kind of nervous is his boss's person coming here to do? Why is this person here.
It becomes the job of the leadership of the community at that time.
It's the job of the leadership of the community at that time. So when you walk in and the Imam of the masjid the present
into the masjid the board member of the masjid the administrator of the masjid the sheriff in the masjid.
When he walks he's standing there in the lobby saying Salaam to everybody, all the regulars.
And he sees that person walks in and goes slow on a comb. How's it going brother? And he goes in he hugs him and he shakes his hand How's it going? Everything's good. Everything's all right. Great easier again.
It provides a little perspective doesn't it?
May Allah forgive us because of our own shortcomings, your own lack of among our own biases and prejudices? We might have been having a couple of thoughts about that person.
But when the mom or the leader of the community steps up and hugs that person welcomes that person, brother, how's it going? Maybe even knows your name, brother. I
want to see you again Jazakallah fan, good to see you Mashallah. Keep coming back. We miss you around here.
puts you right back in your place.
You realize that's that's responsibility of leadership. Leadership isn't just wearing this mic.
It's not just getting to, you know, stand on stage or take credit or have your name on a piece of paper.
But that's leadership. And Allah subhanaw taala is telling the prophets Allah Smith is your job.
It is your job to establish equilibrium in community in society. For Salah when I was commanding the browser said I'm gonna help you welcome them you get up and you shake their hand and you hug them. kebab. How's it going? I missed you last night. Are you being
so a man Come on slow on a comb. I'm looking for you. Sit over here. I saved you a seat.
ammara shake you see come here.
When the prophets a lot of them migrated from Mecca to Medina, and he arrived in Cuba. And he saw Mr. rhodiola, who I knew who had to run away from Mecca, run off to Abba Sr. Then left the embassy and went to Medina. He didn't have a home. He didn't have family. He didn't have anything. When the profits allowed him arrived in Dubai. Imagine the impact that must have had all of the residents of Gabon, Medina must have known they were believers. So of course, you know, they were hugged. These are Sahaba. So of course, they were hospitable and welcoming. And they didn't judge.
But still imagine a modern Rama is he's homeless, he's sleeping in the machine.
He's waiting for somebody to just walk, invite him to their home at night and share some food with him. Otherwise he doesn't have any food. He's wearing all the clothes that he owns.
He's got a little sack that is so all of his belongings in this world. And when the profits a lot of them arrives and go by and everybody's out there welcoming, ready to open up their homes, ready to shower, the profits, a lot of him with gifts. It said when the families went out there, everybody was holding a gift for the profits a lot. So
he's the VIP of all VIPs. He is the ultimate guest of honor.
And at that point in time when everybody's there showering their affections and admiration for the prophets, a lot of a sudden imagine the scene just try to imagine how powerful the impact must have been. Everybody hundreds of faithful are standing there welcoming Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. Middle kids are literally singing,
welcoming the prophets. A lot of a sudden, women have food ready and cooked. People children are standing there presenting gifts and flowers to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And at that point in time the prophets Allah decencies Amar standing there.
His face lit up to see the prophets a lot. He sent him again.
The only thought that kept him going this entire time.
He's homeless. He's a vagabond. He's a drifter at this point. He doesn't have a home he does not family. The only thought that's keeping him going so far is to be able to see the face of the profits along with him again. And when the profits a lot of them season Ahmad imagine the impact in the tone it's set for the whole community that when the profits a lot of some season, Mr. He says marhaba
he says welcome welcome. Look at it the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my entire life. Now that's a sight for sore eyes. As the most beautiful face I've ever seen. Where you been? I missed you. I missed that beautiful face. Come here, come give me a hug. Come give me a hug. I called him out from the crowd and hugged him in front of everyone.
Imagine the impact it had.
And the narration even says that when the prophets a lot of them sat down and Oba because everybody welcomed him came and surrounded him with food you can imagine they put up the best dates, the juiciest dates that they had. He told the AMA suhaib so he was one of these again, he had to literally give up everything that he had in order to be able to leave Morocco when he was trying to leave MCC and make his route to Medina.
They came in, they basically blocked him off and they said,
we're gonna let you leave like that. He said, Listen, so we could fight this out, and I'm good.
I'll take a few of y'all out before you get a shot at me.
Or I have a, you know, I've been working hard in Makkah for all these years. I got some property and some money and some stuff back in my car stashed away. You want it? You didn't go back into I'll tell you exactly where it is. You go back, you make a little cash today. And you just pretend like you never saw me leave.
They're like sounds like a deal. So they left. And so he went on, no home, no money, no nothing left.
And when he met the profits allowed him when he met that when the processor arrived at bulbine he met suhaib. The process of not only you know, read him the ayah amin and Nassim he enough so who is Mr. obatala. Some people they will literally sell everything that they have in order to seek the pleasure of Allah. And he said Allah subhanaw taala has praised the transaction you did so ape, you gave everything you had in order to believe. Then the prophets Allah nice him again, this is a homeless man. He's got nothing. Everything that he's wearing is all that he owns.
The profits, a lot of them asked him come meet with me. Imagine all of Medina all the faithful hundreds are they're sitting around the Prophet saws and putting their food in front of him. And the problem is, is slave slavery. So hey, you sitting in the back? homeless guy, poor man.
This is coming from man, come here, I saved you see, you eaten anything yet? I know you haven't come here, calls him up and sits him down with him and talks with him and shares food with him and jokes with him.
And then so hey, begins to pick up the dates and eat the dates. There must have been other food there. But he specifically goes for the dates. And he had a sore eye. And one of the remedies at that time was that if you kind of had like a sore or you had infection, your I used to tell you not to eat dates, that wasn't good for the infection in your eye. So the Prophet says, Hey, I mean, look at the attention to detail. He's like, he knows him. He loves them and he makes it apparent to everyone. He goes, whoa, easy there. You got an infection in your ICU that
you're gonna eat those dates. So he says no, no, don't worry. He says jasola Don't worry. I'm eating it with the other eye.
I'll eat it from this side. I will need it from that side or leave from this side. We're good Don't worry about it.
Little Brother get his grub on now. Right? I mean, just look at the relationship.
And so this was the profits a lot so Ally's telling the profits a lot he said Salam aleikum, UC salam to them you welcome them, you embrace them, you hug them?
Good. seberapa como la Sierra. And then you congratulate them you let them know not only you love them, but Allah loves them. catarratto kumala and FC irama your Lord has made mercy. Your Lord has written mercy upon Qatar Baraka Kumasi upon himself, which is like an Arabic expression for saying that your Lord has decreed that he will be merciful to you. Your Lord will deal with you in a merciful way cutter bada boom, Alana Sierra, your Lord has obligated mercy upon himself. It's like an Arabic expression for saying your Lord will deal with you in a merciful manner. Your Lord's policy is mercy unless policy with you His mercy. And the human Amina men come to me Jonathan, and
don't worry. If you ever do mess up your lawn has also his policy is what that if any one of you ends up doing something bad be Jonathan out of ignorance like unknowingly without knowing one of you may be messed up or did something wrong through my job I mean, bad he but then he repents back to Allah turns back to Allah, while US law incorrect, his course of action
for the Hoover foodora. Then he moves from he most definitely, without a doubt, is extremely forgiving, an extremely merciful, constantly forgiving and constantly mersive this was the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala to the prophets or lanita, on how to establish the community. So I told you that the strategy of the prophets allottee Center was to give Dawa and to have no quit in him. But I also told you that on the other hand, this was one of the strategies of some of the leaders have kurush.
to mock to ridicule to point out who was around him who was following him. We can't sit with people like that.
But Allah subhanaw taala told the prophets a lot he said them, don't ever listen to what these people have to say. These people are far more valuable than they will ever understand. These are people who are beloved to Allah.
These are people who are beloved to Allah.
Not in these people their value and their significance will
become apparent, not only in the Hereafter, but even in this world. What happened later on
when the community was established in Medina and somebody needed to call out the oven
and stand
at a higher level and call everyone to the to the contest to Salah, somebody who was granted that honor of calling Dr. van Who was it? It was below that same freed slave. They said I can't go and sit with him. It was Bilal now giving the other I'm calling them Salah, it was Abdullah Nomi Mattoon, the blind man, the poor blind man who nobody wanted to sit around with. It was them.
It was them.
Who amar rhodiola was one of the most knowledgeable of the Sahaba he was a great teacher of the of the Sahaba and the Tabby
use of same people.
So we see that what Allah subhana wa tada told the prophets a lot of wisdom on how to handle this situation. And we specifically see a las panatela guiding
and teaching the prophets along with some leadership qualities, and how to build a community.
May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the tofik and the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to only seek the pleasure of Allah and to never, ever judge anyone, by their by their by by their exterior or by what we see or their conditions or their situations. But understand, we never know who is truly beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala value every person respect every person, and we only strive to please Allah subhanaw taala and be more like Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Subhana Allah He will be humble he Subhana columbium dek Chateau La Ilaha Illa antenna Sophia Guna to be like