Abdul Nasir Jangda – Ramadan FAQs #13

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of fasting during men’s period, with a focus on women's health and medication. They also address questions about women's health and medication during the fasting period, and suggest creating a schedule for oneself to manage fasting. The importance of fasting for managing health and prevent accidents is emphasized, along with the use of showering and changing one's clothing to avoid impure vaginal discharge. The speakers also address questions about women's health and the challenges of fasting during heavy protein intake, including the need for regular showering and washing of one's body.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, we should be good to go.

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Yes, we are live there as well. All right. Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah and he was me edge marine. I said mo Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Everyone, welcome back to another session of Ramadan FAQs, where we and where we try to answer your questions.

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So hamdulillah we were doing this throughout the whole second half of the month of Ramadan. It's been a really beautiful, you know, experience.

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And yes, Mashallah. I mean, is acknowledging appropriately within the comments that I coordinated, technologically speaking, I coordinated this entire broadcast.

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That's okay, that's okay. We just have to give people credit where credit is due. All right. So but we we've been doing this all throughout the second half of the month of Ramadan. And it's been really an interesting experience, because folks are sending in, we're getting to see what kind of questions we'll have. And then every day we are trying to answer your questions. So hamdulillah

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with this is something that we, you know, pending, the announcement of aid, will let you all know.

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And out of our budget, just got a shout out on Instagram.

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quick reaction,

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not the appropriate reaction. Okay. So, but in gela, pending the announcement for a later today

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we'll see what we what we're able to do tomorrow in sha Allah. But if he this Thursday as this been expected, then in sha Allah what we will do is tomorrow we will have a little bit of a special session about the etiquette and the formalities and the procedures of aid insha Allah will do that tomorrow. But this alone q&a is something that we definitely want to keep going in terms of how regularly how frequently we'll be figuring that out and letting y'all know. So keep a lookout for that but hamdulillah it's been a great experience. And as is the case as always, I want to encourage everyone go to support column calm and support the work that Pelham does so that we can keep on

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inshallah doing this work.

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So with that, I'm going to go ahead and get right into the questions. So we have set the author for Sharif with us here today. This uh, you know, she's not a stranger to y'all anyone who tunes into column stuff and benefits from the work that column does knows who saw the artifact is. But for those who are joining us for the very first time, Alan was Arlen bourbon, welcome, welcome.

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Sir artificial reef is a martial law. She has a background and professional background in mental health.

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And also, She is a graduate of the Pelham seminary multicomponent is saying Mashallah.

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Mashallah, so.

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So, she also was a graduate of the Pelham seminary Mashallah where she completed a five year course of advanced a sonic study with teachers like Mufti commanding, Mashallah. And since then, she has been continuing her studies, specializing in the areas of the fsid and also women's phip. She's been specializing in both of these areas with teachers like multicam, Bonnie, Mashallah. And others. And so, and she is now an instructor aquadome, where she teaches classes on the feet of the Quran, she teaches numerous courses online on women's fic. So and hamdulillah. All throughout this last two weeks that we've been doing these daily Q and A's,

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we've been collecting a lot of questions that are related to women's check. So I figured, you know, we would have on Stella artica. We are on once before we'd have her on again here where she could answer the questions number one, because obviously, like I said, it's an area of her focus and research, number one, and number two, also, obviously for many Muslim sisters,

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Southern Africa can answer a lot of the questions from a much more, you know, nuanced point of view, and also understanding where the sisters might be coming from as well in terms of a lot of their questions, because South Africa is always working with

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You know, sisters in the Muslim community, so she would be better equipped to answer those questions in sha Allah. So let's go ahead and get right into it. So

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I believe we have a list of questions. So we'll go ahead and follow the process that I've typically done here in Ramadan for these sessions will start with fasting related questions. So do you have the questions as well?

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Yes, I do.

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Okay, let's go ahead and get started. Are women a lot too fast during menstruation have their physical condition makes it possible? Or is it actually not allowed? for women to fast during menstruation? This is an easy question. Yeah. So I mean, it's an easy question, but it's a good question. Because you're often think like, Okay, if I'm, you know, I thought that I thought that exceptions of fasting exceptions for fasting are if you're physically unable to write, whether it's travel, or whether it's, you know, physical, physical illness. So if I'm not experiencing those, if I'm physically capable of fasting, then you know, should should I be able to? Well, the answer is

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actually no. Because for the for a men's menstruation is not, it doesn't fall under one of those categories. It's not an illness. It's not. It's not obviously, it's not travel. But it is its own special ruling where where it's fasting is actually just, you know, not not even prescribed for a woman who is menstruating. So fasting is it she's not required to do it at all. She's it's not. It's not a it's not legislated for her. So what that means, and I'm kind of using those like legal terms in that sense, is that even if she decides to not eat that whole entire day, during the day of Ramadan, while she is, you know, while she is menstruating, it wouldn't count as fasting for her.

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Like, it doesn't matter. Because fasting is not a thing, basically, for women who are menstruating during Ramadan. So

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she wouldn't just It has nothing to do with whether she is you know, physically able to handle it or not. It would just be, you know, something that she is she makes up after the Ramadan is over. Very good. Pretty good. Um, the next question

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is sometimes kind of toss in some questions I might see pop up here there. Someone said views on skipping menses with meds, medications during the month for worship reasons.

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So that's, that's an interesting question. So I'm not a doctor, I'm a woman. So I know what menstruation is like, and feels like, but I'm not a doctor. checkup Nasir is great. Not a doctor, either. And so, yes.

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So when it comes to asking about, you know, views on medication, like we're just simply not the people to answer that question. A doctor pharmacist would be somebody who is better equipped to answer those questions of that field.

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You know, we just kind of know what the fifth is when there is a men's menses going on, or not going on. Now, if you're going to do anything to induce one or the other, that's between you and your doctor.

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Very good. JACK.

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Another question that we had here was, is your fast valid if you get your period later in the day, like after the floor,

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okay. So whenever, you know, during the daytime, anytime that the

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peak during the fasting day that a period is experience, whether it's you know, right at fudger time, like right after you you've like started the middle of the day, end of day, right even before that, if our time comes in, the mother of time comes in, it is all it is that all experienced during the fasting day, the fast immediately breaks, it automatically breaks, you don't have to do anything to break it kind of going back to the very first question that fasting is just simply not a thing for a woman who has menstruating. So it like it's automatically you know, cut off. So if it's longer time, extra time, you know, right before my work time, it whatever time it is, it does break the

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fast immediately, and then that day would have to be made up. Very good. Um, someone was clarifying in the comments, I think she might have been talking about taking birth control to stop your period from happening to skip your period to fast throughout the month. Right and that we understand that that's exactly what we're saying is that is a medical decision and therefore henceforth

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Ergo, it should be made by a medical professional. From a religious point of view, the religion has no comment on that. Islam has no comment on that sort of Sadat for saying that islamically there's no comment on it. Fit has nothing to say about it. chip is saying, consult with your physician, and then make whatever decision is best for you. From a medical physical point of view. We're lucky Tanana. Okay,

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another question that

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we have in the comments here that we also have on our list here in about makeup fasts. But we'll go ahead and address this question because it just popped up in the comments. The best course of action for a sister who wants to fast the six days of chawan, but has makeup fasts. Okay. Somebody in the comments also said combining super fast I can show while and make up days from Ramadan. So this is a question that Southern South Africa and I were discussing before the session as well earlier, and when it comes to this particular issue, this is an suelen fit issue. So even though it's coming up here, in you know, the fickle fasting, it's coming up specifically, you know, being asked, from a

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woman's point of view, this is more of an Sulu infec issue, it's more related to the principles of Islamic jurisprudence. So here's the idea. When you are performing one deed, okay, when you are performing one deed,

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then number one, it depends on Is it an obligatory deed, or an optional deed? If it's an obligatory deed, it goes in this bucket. And obligatory deeds are the kinds of things each one has to be put in its own slot, you can stack them on top of each other

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obligatory deeds for it further, they cannot be stacked, you don't have like, sometimes you have some things to start out. Like, you can stack them like, you know, boxes, you can stack them on top of each other. But if you have a glass vase is like you have a vase made out of glass, a glass vase, glass vase,

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right? I'm from Texas, therefore, I have the correct pronunciation of things. All right. So avas fancy, all right. But if you have like a glass vase or whatever, you have multiple, you don't stack them on top of each other, right? Because that's not how they're putting you put each one separately. Okay, that's what for it are like you can't stack them on top, you got to put each one separately. Okay. Now I feel optional deeds are like boxes, you can stack them on top of each other like crates, you can stack them right up on top of each other. Okay, so what does that mean? That means that when I am fasting as an obligation,

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I can only be just doing that one. deed I can only be doing that one fast at one time. But if I'm fasting, optionally, I can make multiple intentions, right? So if I'm fasting, the six days of show while and it's a Thursday, can I make both intentions? Six of Shaolin Thursday? Absolutely.

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If I'm fasting, the six of show while and it's the 13 14/15 of the lunar month, a yam will be the white days. Can I combine those fats? Yes, I can. But mandatory fasts are only one at a time, Salah is the same way fasting is the same way. So based off of that general rule, make up fast, ultimately, at the end of day are also obligatory. So you can the general rule is the majority of the scholars say, and that's the answer. So the autofill is going to give you that

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know, if you're making up your missed fasting for Ramadan, those were an obligation when you were doing those, no other intention goes in there. It's just it's like a glass vase vase. It's by itself. Okay. However, however,

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something that, you know, we've discussed academically as well in the classroom, and that is, there is a minority position. So, some of the scholars particularly notably

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Malala, shefali, Tantawi, Rahman Allahu Allah, a great scholar of the subcontinent.

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He actually said that from a kind of sun with the Hanafi scholar list exam with the Maliki's called Musleh Ha. From Ministry of sound or Muslim point of view, women have a lot of fast to make up a lot of times. And um, so he says, for their for women, Muslim women their makeup fast, they can add in optional intentions along with it.

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Specifically for women, because they have a lot of fast to make up. A lot of times, you know, there's the fast they miss every Ramadan.

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Then on top of that, they end up missing fasts, you know, due to pregnancy or, you know, childbirth and nursing, and so on and so forth. Okay. So anyways, so there is an exception, that is a minority opinion, that is not the position of the majority, I should clarify that I in these FAQ sessions and saw the altova. I've always whenever there's a difference of opinion, I've been informing people that are listening, what my own personal

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kind of inclination on an issue is, on this issue, I do incline towards this minority position. That's just my own inclination. It is a minority position. I don't want no drama for nobody. All right, it's a minority position. It's not the majority position, I see the sense of the minority position, that is my

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position on the issue, I am licensed to have a position on the issue. So that is my position on the issue.

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So going back to sister's question, can she combine an intention of the six of chawan washi as fast to make up for Ramadan?

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You know, do whatever you're comfortable doing? You know, I informed you? There's opinion saying yes, more opinion saying yes, no. But some opinions saying yes, I am one of those people saying yes. But ultimately do whatever it is that you're comfortable doing.

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And in terms of prioritizing, you know, you can totally keep the six of show wild first, and make up your fasts later on. You can totally do that you can switch up the order. Okay. I've spent enough time on that question. Next question set out if someone's asking if the period comes in the middle of the day, does that automatically break your fast? Or do you still have to eat a date or something to formally break it?

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The answer is that it automatically breaks that you don't need to do anything, any other steps to formally break it. It's broken. Awesome. Next question. Also about makeup fast. The sister is saying that she is currently nursing her one month old baby, and she has been unable to fastest Hold on,

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Should she just make up the fast whenever she's able to, or should she pay fibia.

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The amount the $10 per day for the Miss for missing the fast in case, she says she doesn't live long enough to make them up with paying the video exempt her from having to make up the fast or what she also have to make up the fast in the future.

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So the majority opinion is that she would not pay the 50 Vidya to like cover up her the fact that she would miss. If a fat is missed due to nursing. If the fastest Miss due to pregnancy, illness, travel menstruation in any of those cases, then it would have to be made up at some point in one's life. And just kind of the, the way to go about doing that is to try to your best to kind of create a schedule for yourself to be able to make up those fast. Obviously, nobody knows how long they're going to live. Right. So that's like, that's a non factor, we are nobodies aware of that. So it's more so our attempts at doing our best and creating a schedule for ourselves. You don't have to make

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it up all at once. You don't have to like, you know, be fasting every single day after Ramadan to be able to make it up. Just something that is feasible for you. It doesn't even have to be made up before the next Ramadan. So you're like, if you know, there's there should be no question about how, how am I going to make up like 30 days, you know, within, you know, in the next year, or if there's like, you know, multiple years that one hasn't been able to fast, right? Whether due to pregnancy, or nursing or so on. If there's, you know, multiple Ramadan's that were missed, so to speak, then that doesn't have to be obviously those they can't be made up before the next Ramadan. So that's not

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supposed to be a stressor that's not supposed to be something that someone worries too much about, if that's something that they can do, you know, more power to them. But you know, it's more so important to kind of keep a schedule for yourself and do the best that you can to make up those fasts eventually, to the best of your ability, but the, but the payment would not be made. Very good. And you answered within that you answered the next question. Somebody said that they didn't know that they were supposed to make up their fast before the next Ramadan. And now they have like 15 days to make up. Is it okay for them to do make them up slowly? Or do they have to pay the idea?

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So you already answered it, that they can kind of take their time slowly make them up. They don't need to do it within the year. There are some opinions that say it's better to do it in within a year, but it's not nuts. If they if it goes beyond a year, there's no harm, no foul, and in this scenario, they just continued

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slowly make them up.

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Yeah. Yeah, that's the most a recommendation at most. Okay, make it up with.

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Very good. So now we have some mahato related questions. And, again, you know, these were in the list of questions that were sent in. And, again, having you here, I thought it would be best to

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answer these questions now. So there's one that came up in the comments. Let me just deal with that one first. Because it kind of is. Yeah, it's at the heart of related questions. Solo worship related question. If you're unable to do listen, after the monthly cycle due to physical medical problems, do you make up the Salas when you can?

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So if you're unable to do the muscle,

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right, so there is a substitute for somebody who is unable to do muscle, there is a substitute for that. And that substitute is the young. So that would be a complete replacement for that muscle. And you would just, you know, pray after that. Very good. So again, so that everybody understands take him on the same team, you've always heard about, like, if you're wondering about in the desert, and you can't don't have water, right? That what how do you pray you do take him? Well, not just when water is not physically available? It's also when I just don't have access to water. Very good. Okay. The next 100 related question is what to do if menstruation stops while at work, and you need

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to make listen for her. So for this particular issue, so this is basically asking that she went to work. And she is certain now at this point that her

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hide, her menstruation has

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ended has concluded. Okay, so now she's she, she kind of has a sense of certainty. That's it? No more. All right. It's obviously time for though her prayer. Now she's at work. But she is our work. She hasn't done husen so what does she do?

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So in this particular scenario, because water is available and accessible, I understand her situation is a little bit kind of tough, but in the sense, in the it's very plausible, her being able to use water in the sense of, you know, it'd be possible for her to be able to say, I need to go home, to take care of something urgently. Right, like those are in the realm of possibility. When those are in the realm of possibility, she cannot do that to him that we were just talking about she can't do that. She's going to have to wait to do the hosel so either she is able to go home for a little bit in the middle of the day, do a quick lesson to where she can offer to the word or she

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should just wait until she

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gets back home and then do a whistle

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and then pray at that time now somebody says well what if the overtime is gone? I understand that and inshallah Allah is kind and merciful and a less forgiving so you know, it is what it is it's an unfortunate situation but it's okay. All right. But the correct thing to do is to wait to do the wholesome inshallah

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salado somebody has a question here in the comments. Is there still reward or blessings? For doing makeup fast mist from menstruation?

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Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you saw you put yourself in that situation right that's like a god given thing that you you know, you're experiencing that a woman experiences so and and we didn't make the rules either. Right? It's it's Allah himself who made those rules that a woman does that fast while she's on her menstruation. So when you're making up that fast, that was Miss due to menstruation. You know, we can absolutely guarantee and you know, you know, put our hopes and our Yachty in and on the fact that our certainty on the fact that Allah is one of those going to reward us for whatever makeup that we have to do. Because Because of fast that were missed. Very good. So I'm sure I saw a

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question in the comments here as well can a woman go through the motions while on her period? This is another one those kind of issues that's more of like an issue. It's a discussion on the evidences of the issue. So what I will say is that once again, the majority of this so there's a difference of opinion. Some of the scholars say that a woman can basically you know go in the masjid quickly if need be or pass through, or something of that sort or get something from the masjid but not go there and stand out spend a lot of extended time.

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Then another opinion of the scholar say no, a woman should just not go into my ship. Well, she is on her head. She's on her period.

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Now, however, one thing I always clarify to people is that that is the designated prayer hall specifically talking about, but not the overall facility. So sometimes the back room the side room, the overflow Hall, the classrooms, the lobby, the all the rest of the facilities, except for one small little designated area, all the rest of it is not fee how committed Masjid it's not technically the prayer space designated prayer space. So all the rest of that facility would be okay. And what's not even your recommendations

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for even how to designate the spaces within the masjid

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what what would be some of your thoughts or ideas in regards to that? And I mean, in terms of it being designated, that's something that like the those who built the masjid would have to have like officially properly have designated but in terms of like a woman and her you know, her to experiencing her menstruation and just being in that Masjid. So our concept of a Masjid is typically a lot bigger than what what is just that prayer area designation. So we would definitely a woman who is experiencing her period can can go into those side halls and the whatever overflow, the multipurpose halls, anything that is actually even considered a classroom at that moment. You know,

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that some something that, you know, share from an officer, like you, Gollum has done a lot of programs in the mustard. So a lot of women have that question, you know, can I even attend that class, if it's going on in the masjid, and that that moment that class is being that that that class is being held in?

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Maybe it's, you know, maybe it's that prayer area, but that moment, it's a classroom, right at that moment, it's a classroom. And so, there is, you know, there's a little bit of a leniency and flexibility in a woman, you know, being a part of that class, and, you know, being in that area, so

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it's not, you know, obviously, like the scholars have the, you know, the opinions, the fic rulings that they that fake opinions that they have, but you're, you know, trying to do the best that you can in terms of like, if you're part of that must have experience, you need to be you know, you need to be there, you don't have to stress again too much about, you know, where you're sitting or where you're at just being mindful, though, of the exact prayer area where people are praying, maybe you might want to sit like you're closer to like the back of the hall or, or if you're kind of sitting in the area or you know, closer to maybe in like the other rooms as opposed to like the main room.

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So there's there's accommodations that can be made.

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Very good. So there's some follow up questions. So the sisters saying that someone can sit so a woman can sit on the side and listen to the Quran recitation while on her period.

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Oh, yes, absolutely. Obviously, yes. Someone's asking that. How is the purification after the menses performed?

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Okay, so after the menses, though, what's performed is something called a vessel and very bare bones, like very bare bones, is essentially what's called a ritual bath, or like a shower bath of purification. And the main goal is, you know, just you have an intention. And the obviously there's a Sunnah method to it, there's a method that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught us, but essentially, right, the bare bones of it is that the entire body of the person is washed. So like, you know, every part hair, you know, face ears, every every part of the body is, has water, you know, reached it touched it, you know, rubbed and cleaned, you know, to perform that full shower

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with also with the intention of it being a bath of purification. Very good. Another question was if a one's period ends in the middle of the day, which she has to now refrain from eating until if thar since she fulfills the requirements for a fasting person. So so that's actually that last part of the question. She said she fulfills the requirements for a fasting person. So she actually doesn't. That's kind of where I was going with with the answer to the first question, that the requirements for a fasting person one of the requirements is that is a woman who's not going through her head, a woman who is not going through her menstruation. So she's for the duration of that whole day, for

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the entire day. So the question is about somebody, a woman whose period ended in the middle of the day.

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Okay, she still doesn't qualify, right? So she is Yeah, so she still doesn't qualify because you know, it the fast works, the fast starts the fast starts, right. The Fast has to start at the fundraiser time, at that pre dawn time, right?

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Or the dawn time. And if you know the fastest start, then that whole day is kind of it doesn't, it doesn't even matter whether her fast ended like right after fudger time, like the fast starts at fudger. And so therefore, if you know she's experienced your period at all, any time during that fasting day, she is not a fasting person during that day. Hmm, very good. Another question that we had here.

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So I don't want this person's question to go unanswered, but we technically won't be able to fully answer it over here. Someone's saying that new Muslims first year fasting, it's hard to do all the fast. What's the exception for new for new Muslims? Because they never done it before. So let me put it this way. There's always the rule. And then there's exceptions to the rule. But one thing that I was explained to students as well is, but we don't make rules out of exceptions. There's rules, then there's, you know, isolated cases, exceptions rule, but we don't make rules out of those exceptions. So I'm the person who has the question, I would advise you to try to reach out to someone try to

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reach out to someone who has knowledge, try to reach out maybe even someone column we can try to see in sha Allah, if somebody can get in contact with you. And that's where you want to inquire about your specific case. Because we can't make a rule out of an exception, there's no way there's no rule here, about what level of an exception can be made, if someone's Muslim, and they're an adult, and they're physically healthy. And they're saying they got a fast, it just kind of that's the general rule. But I understand, you know, sometimes people are dealing with some very severe circumstances. So you need to ask someone, personally, and inshallah we'll be able to answer that, um, someone

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asked a follow up to your questions about the phone,

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can you just take a shower will count as purification after the menstrual cycle.

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So I mean, it depends on what your shower looks like, great.

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So as long as like the, the all of the requisite, you know,

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things are taking care of which is primarily that every single part of the body, you know, the, the external part of the body, including the, you know, the, the washing of the mouth, and the and the cleansing of the nose, as long as that's taken care of, and all the other, you know, skin and, you know, crevices of your body. Hair, if that's if it's in that complete way. That is essentially what the whistle shower is, you know, again, with the intention of purifying for the sake for the, for the sake of worship. Very good. Very good. Someone is saying, what is the ruling of fasting with St. hava, the period longer than the normal days?

00:32:52 --> 00:33:03

Okay, so that's a really good question. And of course, you know, that's like a very challenging thing, because somebody who's experiencing that, right, they're seeing something in there, like, you know, big question marks about

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should I be fasting or not, if it's been established, absolutely, that this is St. Helda, that this is bleeding that is outside of the normal period, then all the rules of a fasting person apply. So praying, you know, praying also applies. Fasting also applies. And so that's not something that a woman should worry about, as long as it's been, you know, established for her that this is, is

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very good. So there's multiple questions we have here on the questions that were pre submitted. And this is also a question that's here on the comments as well. And that is just vaginal discharge break will do is it considered impure if it gets on the clothes? There was a question about cervical fluid.

00:33:48 --> 00:34:32

So yeah, there's there's a lot of questions about this issue. Okay. So of course, a woman experiences you know, there's different types of discharge, we, you know, we have we talked about period we talked about, you know, similar similar to period is postnatal bleeding that a woman experiences so, those two kind of have the same rulings in terms of what you what you can and can't do. Praying note, you know, not praying and not fasting. But there there is other discharge. So for example, we also mentioned the term St. howdah. We mentioned that it's the how that is bleeding that is not not the norm, so not menstruation and not the postnatal bleeding. So in that case, a woman

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who's experiencing that st how though she would continue praying and fasting, and then there is this like third category of discharge, which is a vaginal discharge. So vaginal discharge, regular vaginal discharge that doesn't have any sort of illness involved in it at all. Regular vaginal discharge, does not break the widow. It does not nullify the fast it does not break them with you it is not considered impure. So what does that mean? I will

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And will continue fasting when she's experiencing it a woman will continue praying when she's experiencing it. And she does not have to change her clothes at all. If she's experiencing it because it's not legally considered impure. Now what what a woman does in her own time, you know what her to her comfort level? That's her prerogative, but in terms of it, you know, nullifying or not nullifying the prayer fast, it does not apply. Very good. Very good. So, just to kind of tie things up, because we have a lot, we're able to go through all the questions about fast make up fast, about the hora there was one more Tara related question very quickly. And that is if a woman

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is experiencing is to harbor and has to make a new will do at every prayer time, that she also have to change her clothes and use a fresh hygiene product for every single prayer as well. No, that she does not have to do that. Very good. Very good. It just depends if, if the clothes need to be changed, and they need to be changed. But if there's no impurity on the clothes, and they don't need to be changed, like almost like ritualistically they don't need to be changed. Um, yeah, so the Sorry, I was kind of a blunt answer. But yes, the idea is that it doesn't, it's not required for it to be changed. But if she you know, for her, like comfort level, and, and everything, like it would

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not need to be changed in that case. Very good. Very good. Um, and

00:36:34 --> 00:37:02

I think there's a lot more questions coming up. But we're gonna wrap things up over here. There was one question that I was specifically asked to just address in this session, because it's a month of Ramadan. And this was a question that came in in case we don't end up having another q&a session in northern. So just to answer one last one. And that question was, I finished reading the Koran when I was 10 years old.

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And the person saying that they finished reading the Quran when they were 10 years old, but I've forgotten how to read it. How do I learn again? Well, the first thing I wanted to say was, may Allah bless you may Allah reward you.

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Your Ramadan was successful. Because if you woke up to this reality of wanting a relationship with the book of a login, that I hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah now know that a loving the Quran is he will look at the arsenal Cora analytic, Allah has made it easy if I remember decade and you've taken the challenge, you're saying I will learn it. Now how can you go about learning it?

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Take whatever opportunity is available to you. But you want to start off by just, you know, picking up and start learning the letters again. We actually have a class on the column, website, lm dot Institute. If you go there, somebody said obey the law. It's about the basics of reading the Quran. He taught it actually last from above, online. So go there.

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Take a look at that. But just start picking it up and just start reading it again. start learning those letters again. And don't hesitate and don't doubt yourself. And don't second guess yourself.

00:38:19 --> 00:38:45

May Allah subhanaw taala bless you man like except does that from a la habana. Sadashiva Thank you very, very much for waking time and joining us. We have a still have a lot more questions. That's just nature of this this endeavor, this q&a endeavor, it's never done. But in sha Allah, we're going to set up some regular q&a sessions for after Ramadan. And we will make sure that we have saw the article back on a regular basis

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to answer

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any questions that you might have in sha Allah. So with that, I'm going to go ahead and wrap up and conclude for today. Just got from a lucky night everyone remember go to support column Comm. support the work that's going on? And later tonight, we're going to have the completion of the recitation of the Quran by you know, column on line, the students who've been doing it, and Chef McHale is going to be making a beautiful, powerful tool for the completion of the answer that is 10pm Central Time. Make sure you tune in, so Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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