Abdul Nasir Jangda – Qalb A Turning Matter

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The series of disconnected sentences and phrases discussed include a man who is supposed to be a doctor and a woman who is supposed to be a woman. The importance of having a clear heart to protect one's life and achieve great success in life is discussed, along with the need to be mindful of one's relationship with Allah. The heart is the leader of the body and is crucial to achieving spiritual success and clarity. The speaker shares personal experiences of being in a good relationship with Allah and the importance of taking care of one's heart. The heart is seen as the leader of the body and is used to signal hope and encourage people to gather in the presence of God.
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Along luck
Three lucky will hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allah Allah He was Sahbihi Marina salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
In surah, number 26 In Surah Shuara ayah number 18 ADH in 89
Allah subhanaw taala tells us about what ultimately matters. What is ultimately the most important thing. Yo Mala again for Omar lumada, noon,
that day is coming, the Day of Judgment, the Day of Resurrection.
On which day all the money in the world cannot help someone
having all of their family members children by their side
will not do anything for them. In common at Allah Hubby, Calvin's selling,
except for the one who comes to Allah with a sound heart
that someone who comes to Allah subhanaw taala with a clean heart with a sound heart. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, what's meant exactly by the sound or clean heart that the Arabs had a proverb and an expression to autofill a shirt will be a daddy, ha. Things are oftentimes understood best by looking at their opposites. Allah subhanaw taala tells us about what does it look like when the heart is wrong?
Allah is saying that the heart needs to be right. But what does it look like when the heart is wrong? People who became my problem, their hearts are diseased, polluted, I have a Hoonah Bihar they have these hearts, but their hearts do not grasp the truth. Their hearts do not understand the difference between right and wrong. The prophets Allah Allahu Allah He was salam. In a beautiful Hadith in Sahih Muslim, he says yet the halal janitor aka Wabun of either to whom mythical of either too tight that the people that will enter paradise in the life of the hereafter, their hearts will be like the hearts of birds. What does that mean? Some of the scholars explain that it means that
their hearts will be free from any kind of Shik, any kind of illness, any kind of bad thought, they will have no evil within their hearts, that just like a bird is this worry free, carefree creatures that flies around and enjoys God's green earth. The hearts of these people will be like that. In another narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, a
little Jannetty al Bulu that the majority of the inhabitants of Paradise will be people that many people in this world would have described as being naive. You know how when we describe people as naive because we say, Oh, they're not cunning enough. They're not sharp enough. They don't understand how to play the game. And so we call them naive. The prophets alarming sentiment saying you know what's going to be shocking? What will be shocking is when you come on the day of judgment, and the majority of the people of paradise are exactly those people that we would have called Naive
because they weren't interested in playing the game.
They were interested in having a clean heart and coming to Allah subhanaw taala without any kind of burden upon their heart.
That Muhammad no serine Brahim of Allahu Allah, Allah one of the great tap your own, he says, Abu Salim and your Allah and Allah has
to have a good clean heart. That means that you know that Allah is the truth when Assad to it or to larae Buffy ha and you know that the Day of Judgment is coming and there's no doubt in the Day of Judgment. Well and Allah Yeah, but I will avoid that Allah will resurrect us and raise us from our graves of delivering our bus said called was Salim to have a clean heart. It means yes, head to Allah ilaha IL Allah. That person testifies that there is no one worthy of worship except for Allah. Mujahidin al Hassan Busteni they say Yanni Mina Shinnick that person never associates a partner to Allah. Sorry, the moon will say him says
Who will call Musa haywire who are called will movement it means that your heart is good. And that is the heart of a true believer. So this is what it means to have a clean heart. Allah has granted us this gift and this blessing of cognizance and consciousness and intelligence, the bulb.
But this comes with a responsibility. dislike if you are given some great blessing, you then have a responsibility to that blessing with great power comes great responsibility. With great blessings comes great accountability. i If Allah blesses me with a beautiful home, I have to take care of that home, maintain that home, clean that home, guard that home, protect our home, it comes to that blessing. Many of the people listening here who have been blessed with children, Allah calls him a gift. Yeah, humbly man, your shadow in Athens, where you're having him on your shirt with the good children are a blessing and a gift. But they come with a huge responsibility, to protect them, to
guard them, to save keep them, to educate them, to teach them to raise them in to raise them as believers with iman and faith and conviction and devotion and dedication and commitment to love for Allah subhanaw taala. So that is the gift of the heart that we have been given. But we have to make sure that that heart is good. We have to take care of it and this is what it means to take care of it. Now, I wanted to also at the same time, talk about and share how Allah places the emphasis on the heart, because the heart is the core of the matter. Like I started off by saying what ultimately matters, the heart is what matters. Allah subhanaw taala in Surah number 50 Surah off. A beautiful
powerful sutra beginning with is number 31. Allah says woozily vertical Jana tubulin with Sakina later buried Paradise will be prepared and brought forth for the people that were conscious of God who had a relationship with Allah and it will be accessible it will not be far away from their grasp. I in number 32 had to are doing illegally a weapon Hatfield, this is exactly what you were promised in the life of the world. And every single person who constantly turned back to Allah and was mindful of their relationship with Allah. This is what they were promised in the life of the world. I in number 33 Min. Akashi mana Bill ravey That whosoever was mindful and fearful of man, the
most merciful, even when they were away from people's eyes, that even when they were in private, and they could have committed any sin, no one was there to catch them. No one was there to watch them. But they were so mindful and fearful of Allah wa Alayhi Muneeb. And then that person comes on the day of judgment to Allah with a heart that is filled with the love of Allah that is completely submitted to Allah in devotion and dedication completely contrite and humbled before their Creator.
I number 34 Allah says, Who do who knew happy Solomon Salomon, Allah will tell them enter into paradise safe and sound. Vandy que yo ml Khaled This is the day of eternity of immortality, I in number 35 The Home Maiya SHA una fi ha wala de Namur Z. And Allah says that they will be given in paradise, anything and everything they ever desired, anything and everything they could ever want. Were supposed to sacrifice our desires in the life of this world. We're talking about the heart, what spoils the heart, once again, I go to the analogy of the child, if you give your child every single thing they ask for, when they ask for it, how they ask for it, wherever they ask for it, you
are spoiling your child, any good parent knows this. Similarly, if you give this heart everything that it desires, in because it's in a childlike state, it doesn't know any better, you will rot and spoil this heart. But if you take away some of those desires, you take away some of those indulgences, you sacrifice some of those things. It is like you are training your heart. You will keep your heart good, you will keep it safe, you will keep it sound and then Allah subhanaw taala says to this person, on the Day of Judgment, you gave up what you wanted to do in the life of the world. So now here, you get whatever it is you desire. You can have everything and anything that you
want. Well, Adina mozzie then there's so much more that you can't even fathom will come alakina tabula hoomin padam, whom I shared them in whom bottleshop For Nakaba will be allowed he helped me my haste and I am in number 36 Allah says that there were many mightier
evil that came before you, but they were destroyed and annihilated that these disbelievers who traveled all throughout the land, let them go and see and reflect Is there any escaping the judgment of God? Allah subhanaw taala says an ayah number 37. In Nephi Dalek, Allah Decra. In this Quran is a reminder, it is a realization, it is a wake up call, but for who? Lumen cannula who build bone, for the person who has a good heart, for the person, for the person that has a good heart,
for the person that has a good heart.
Meaning what? Once again, something can be very, very good. Imagined maybe the most, you know, amazing cuisine.
Just some food that is remarkable. Prepared by a master chef.
But you were sick. You were ill.
You have blisters in your mouth.
You are throwing up. You're not well.
Will that food taste good to you? Absolutely not. Similarly, Allah says that this Quran will change your life.
It'll wake you up. It'll teach you how to live your life. But your heart has to be good. Your heart must be good.
Oh elke summer and you have to listen carefully what was Shaheed while being attentive.
And the last point I wanted to make is I'm talking so much about the heart but Aren't there other things? Absolutely. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in an authentic narration. Bukhari and Muslim already explained this to us. He said Allah were in the villages at the medulla. Within the body, there is one Oregon, there's one Oregon within the body, either solo hats. If it is correct, Solihull just had to Kulu the whole body will become correct, where you got faster, that's but if it is corrupted, faster, faster, faster than just do Kulu then the whole body will become corrupted. Allah will heal. It is the heart. So the heart is the leader of the body. And that's why
in Hadith, Sahih Muslim, the prophets Allah the Psalm says, In Allahu Allah young through e la sua Alikum. Allah does not look at your faces, meaning you are not judged by your face. You are not judged by your wealth, the money in your pocket, when I can run through Illa Kullu. Because Malecon you are judged based off of what's in your hearts and the deeds that you do. Now, to talk about something more practical. Now what can we do to start correcting the condition of our heart?
There, that's a huge science. That's a whole area of study in and of itself, the purification of the heart does Skia
What does fear, the purification and the rectification of the soul in the heart. There are hundreds of texts written on this subject. There are dozens there are hundreds of resources available. I can just share the resources I'm aware of. But if you go to, for instance, the alum podcast, there are multiple series, not one multiple series talking about the purification of the heart, the purification of the soul.
But you have to delve into that you have to take that seriously. But I want to share something bite sized that you can take home with you today.
I will share a couple of doors of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, first and foremost of the Quran.
There's a narration actually a really beautiful narration in the book of Deuteronomy the cinema or the Allahu Taala and her our mother
meaning one of the wives of the prophets Allah they sent him she was asked Yahoomail mumineen
that makin excellent dua or Eros who likes a lot he's either gonna indicate what was the most common to our you heard the prophets Allah decision making? Khalid cannot accelerate dua II The most common two are used to make Yamo a liberal Pulu it's a bit of Viola de Nick Oh determiner of the hearts. Turn my heart onto your deen your religion, put me onto your faith.
And this was the most common die I used to make and then the Prophet when she asked the Prophet doesn't Why do you make this dua so frequently? He said that all the hearts of humanity are between the two fingers of man. He can turn them however he wishes. And then the narrator of this narration, he recited the verse of the Quran in surah two
Allier Imran verse number eight Robina our Lord led to Zulu banana. Do not derail our hearts do not take our hearts away from guidance. BARDA is heading tonight after you have given us the blessing of guidance will hobble anomala donkey Ramadan and bless us with Your mercy. In Nikka Antal Wahab. Indeed you are the Great Giver of gifts, you are the great bestower of blessings. So the first thing is remember this dua from the Quran Robina Allah to Zuko, Lumina Bada is her data now understand it and believe it when you are reading it, the dua of the prophets awesome yarmulke liberal Kullu forbids Albee Allah Denecke Oh, the Turner oh the Turner of hearts make my heart firm onto your
religion. Well, yum was suddenly a fellow Kulu and the Turner of hearts suddenly funny be Allah pa tick, turn my heart onto your obedience. And also another narration mentions a beautiful dua. The Prophet salallahu Salam used to also say he would say Allahumma inni as a liberal Gurkha Pearl ban Salema Oh Allah I asked you for a good heart. May Allah subhanaw taala bless us all with good hearts. May Allah purify our hearts, purify our souls, protect our future generations and allow us all to be able to gather under the shade of Allah on the Day of Judgment. I mean, arable Allah mean does not come alone, Hayden was salam. Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh