Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 171B Tafsir Al-Muminun 1-2

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of the heart in past tense, actions, and success. They emphasize the importance of humility and submissiveness in achieving success, and the need for humility and humility in order to achieve success. The speakers also stress the importance of focus and humility in prayer, and explain that distraction from actions and thoughts can lead to distraction and confusion. The speakers stress the importance of listening to lectures and books to improve productivity, and emphasize the need for concentration and focus during prayer.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are the layman a shell planula Jamie Smilla Rahmanir Rahim lesson number 171 Sudha to me known ayah number one to 22

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Sudeten won't be known is a murky surah and it was revealed after so little Ambia

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so let me known has just over 100 verses about 118 verses approximately 1800 words and over 6000 hodl

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim pada F Lucha me known, certainly will the believers have succeeded, but certainly of lucha he has succeeded, who has succeeded and movement on those people who believe, but, the word pod it means certainly, definitely, and when this word comes before a verb of past tense, like over here a flock of lucha youthfully who of lucha he has succeeded, meaning already succeeded. So, when the word pod comes before a verb of past tense, it gives us two benefits. The first benefit is that it gives us the certainty of the event that is being mentioned. So, an F law, meaning certainly most definitely success will happen. This is a promise, this is a fact this is a

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reality, this is very certain, that success is guaranteed for these people. And the second benefit that God gives us over here is off the crib, meaning very soon in the near future, this will occur do not think that it is far do not think that the success is far rather it will happen very very soon. But if Lucha it is as if they have already succeeded. They are definitely on the way to success, they will definitely meet success and their success is a reality. So much so that it is as if they are already successful by the F Lucha minimoon. And who is it that is being promised success in the near future? Those people who have Iman, Al mcmeen On the previous Surah Surah Hajj it ends

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with a similar message. And what is that message? That yeah, you have Medina Avenue? All you people who have believed who have Eman? There are certain things that you must do, if you wish to be successful, and what are those things? Il Kuru was judo wobbu Robert calm will follow Hydra La La calm to flee Hoon, do Roku do sujood do rabada do different actions of head so that you may be successful. And those people who perform these actions who do two core sujood different works of hay, then Allah subhanaw taala promises us in the next Surah right at the beginning that a fella helped me known these people are on the way to success they are on the path to success. Their

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success is not far, but the F lehle movement own.

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More qualities of the successful believers are mentioned. And what are those qualities over here first and foremost, a Lavina they are those who home they feel solidarity him in their salah. They are harsh your own ones who are humbly submissive ones who are in genuine fear of their Lord and thus they perform their prayers with utmost focus and attention. Alladhina homefield Salah team costs your own cause your own is a plural of the word harsher and harsher is from the root letters ha sheen rain from the word who Sure. Have you heard of the word kosher?

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What is what's your who? Sure it's understood as an Hodor? What the welder humility submissiveness, but what kind of humility and submissiveness that which is genuine, that which is not fake? It's not a pretense it's not a show. Rather it is genuine, because who sure is actually the humility of the heart. And when a person feels humble here in their heart, then that humility that submissiveness is immediately reflected on the body as well. This is for sure. The fear of Allah humility to hear

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aim in the heart, which directly affects the limbs of a person. This is why the word issuer is also used for, like, for example, harsh RTL a sweat, when the voices will be low meaning a person will not be able to speak loudly. When is it that you cannot speak loudly? When you are afraid? Where are you afraid you are afraid in your heart? Or when is it that you cannot speak loudly before a particular individual when you have way too much respect for them? All right. So what happens even though you wish to speak loudly, but you cannot, so harsh rattle a sweat the voice goes low. Likewise, the word crusher is also used for eyes when the eyes are downcast meaning a person is

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looking down he's not able to look up. He's not able to look straight in the eye. Why? Out of genuine real fear all humility submissiveness, which is in the heart.

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So AlLadhina houfy Salah team Call Sharon, those who are humble and submissive in their prayers. Why are they humble before Allah in their prayers, because they realize who they are standing in front of.

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They remember that in Salah, they're not talking to themselves, they are rather facing Allah subhanho wa taala.

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They understand what Salah is, it's a conversation, it's a meeting with Allah. It is the fulfillment of the purpose of our lives. So it is not possible that a person realizes what he's doing in Salah he is speaking to rob Bucha Allah mean, he is showing he is asking Rob will Allah mean for help, and a person will be distracted, not possible. And a person will not be humble. It's not possible. The person who realizes what Salah is, it's a meeting with Allah, then he will definitely have who assure in Salah.

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This is just like, if you meet a person somewhere outside, you don't know who they are, you have no idea who they are, you will look straight at them, you will talk to them loudly. You don't know who they are, you don't know what the respect that they deserve. But if a few minutes later or during that conversation or meeting you find out who they are principal of your school or something, then what happens or a person who is very, very rich or a person who has a very, you know, high position somewhere, then what happens immediately we become conscious of how we're looking what we're looking at how we're talking what we are saying we become extremely conscious of what we're doing of

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ourselves. Why? Because we realize who we are meeting.

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So a lot men own those who are successful in their prayers. They are humbly submissive because they understand what Salah is. It's not just an action that they have to check off on their things to do of that day. No, it's a meaningful action a meaningful prayer. Why? Because they realize who they are facing a Lavina homefield Salah to him cos your own the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he would be in record. He would say Allah Houma, liqueur character, were big man to wear laka Islam to hush our Aloka summary were bus Ludy were Mahi wha was with me, we're also be this is reported in Sahih Muslim, that in record the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would say, or Allah to you, I

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bow down and in you, I believe, and unto you I have submitted Hush, ah, Crusher. I like a summary. humbled before you is my hearing. What does that mean? humbled before you is my hearing, so I don't pay attention to any sound. Any voice, any conversation, any noise. My hearing is submitted to you were buffoonery and also my vision, my sight so I do not look here and there in my salah. Rather I look at where I am supposed to because my eyes are humbled before you oh my lord, were Mahi and my mind. My mind is also in humble submission to you Oh ALLAH. So I will not think in my mind I will not occupy my mind with anyone other than you. Why? Because this is who sure this is humility. This

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is the objective of prayer while me and also my bones are in humble submission to you will also be added

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My nerves because in ReCore, what are we doing? Essentially, we are bending down everything before Allah. Even our head is not up now where is it? It's been down before Allah, where our eyes down where our ears down. We are bent in order to show submission to Allah subhanaw taala humility before Allah. So Allah Vina winfields Salah to impose your own those who are humbly submissive in their prayers. Now who Sure, remember that it has two components to it, it has two parts to it. Firstly, who sure is Hulu called for Salah. It is the presence of the heart in prayer. Meaning that when a person is performing the prayer, his heart is actually present. It's not absent. He's attentive.

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He's paying attention to what he's doing. The actions that he's performing the words that he's saying, he's paying attention to the one that he is facing.

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And who doodle called for Salah, the presence of heart and mind in prayer. And secondly, who sure includes sukoon will Akerlof meaning the calmness of the body, the calmness, the stillness of the limbs, so that the hands are not moving unnecessarily, that a person is constantly either pressing their body or scratching their foot or adjusting their hijab or constantly they're moving their arms, their elbows, their shoulders, no, they are calm and still, this is why many times who sure is translated as stillness, tranquility, calmness, fear, focus, attention, concentration, because all of these words explain to us what who sure is, but for sure, as I said, it can be divided into these

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two main components, the presence of heart and mind so that the heart is not distracted, it doesn't move here and there. And secondly, the calmness the stillness of the body.

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In the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that yeah, you Alladhina amanu is the you know, the Sabri was salah, Oh you who believe seek help through patients and prayer meeting if you're in difficulty perform the prayer. So that you can get help.

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So that you can work towards the solution. You can be guided on the right way. But then Allah says what inner her look hubiera tune Illa Allah Maha Shireen Salah is difficult, except for those who are harsher in

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Salah is difficult to perform. It's a burden. It's a chore for people, except for who those who have who should in Salah. What does it mean that if we do not have who sure in our prayers, what are our prayers,

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Salah without who sure is what it's empty, it's empty, it's meaningless, which is why it becomes a burden. Which is why it becomes a chore, which is why a person doesn't enjoy it, which is why a person is just waiting to end it.

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A person is just waiting to get out of it as quickly as possible.

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This is a reason why many scholars considered who sure to be an obligatory part of Salah meaning they said that if who you are is not in Salah, then that Salah doesn't bring much reward. It's almost invalid It's like as if it doesn't count. However, from the Sunnah, what we see is that who you are is a necessary component. But you can't say that without it. Salah is invalid. Rather a person doesn't get much out of the prayer. Because what reward do we get from the prayer?

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How much reward do we get from the prayer as much as we were attentive in it?

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So if we were attentive for like, 20% of the solar, then that's the reward that we get for that entire activity. How much reward do we get out of it only 20% If we were focused and attentive 50% of the time, then that is the reward that we will get 50% if 75% Then that is the reward that we'll get it's up to us. What we get out of our prayers is determined by how much we're sure we have in our prayers. How much focus and attention we have during our prayers, a Lavina homefield Salah to him has your own.

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Now remember that the sight of who should wear is crucial, it is in the heart. Because where do we feel fear in the heart, right? Where do we feel conscious of our surroundings or the one whom we're facing in the heart?

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All these feelings and emotions they are in the heart, and what is the heart, it's the king of the body. So if the heart is involved in the prayer using the body won't be involved, it wouldn't be right.

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If the Heart is afraid, if there's fear in the heart, then that fear will also be on the body.

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You see, there are two types of Crusher, you can say one is real, for sure. And the other is fake. Who Sure?

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What is real crucial?

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Real who sure is of the heart,

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that when a person is focused, attentive than what will happen, his sight, his vision, his limbs, his entire body, every part of his body is involved in the prayer.

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But the other kinds of who sure is fake, who Sure, meaning the heart is distracted. A person is thinking about the movie that they watched last night, or they're thinking about what they're going to prepare next, or what they're going to do, what they're going to say what they're going to check on their phone, the heart is distracted, and the body apparently is focused, the eyes are focused, apparently, it's fake. Who knows whether that who shooter is genuine or not? Who knows? Allah subhanaw taala, the one whom we're talking to the one whom we are facing.

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And the fact is that if who you are is not real, meaning if it's not from the heart, then what will happen, the body will not be involved. Which is why we see that at one occasion, a man was seen playing with his beard during the prayer. So he was performing the prayer and he was also you know, doing something with his beard. And the prophets of Allah Selim said, Lo Hashem call boo, Heather le hotshot, Jodi, who, if the heart of this man had her Sure, then certainly his limbs would also have her Sure. His limbs would also have her Sure.

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Why is it that sometimes we cannot focus in our prayers, that we are distracted by who's coming? And who's going? And who's going upstairs? And who's coming downstairs and what the kids are talking about, or what the kids are getting into? Or that the phone is now ringing for the third time? Why are we distracted by these things, because the heart is not involved in the prayer. You see, there are different levels of focus and attention. Whenever you're doing something, any action that you're doing, you could be at a different level of focus. One level is that you are, you know, apparently doing something but your mind your heart is elsewhere. So for instance, you're reading a chapter,

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you're reading a text. But at the end of the page, you have no idea about what you read.

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And if somebody were to ask you, what did you just read, you have no idea. Or if somebody were to ask you, what are you thinking, you can tell them about 10 Other things, and not a word from what you read. Why? Because your focus, your attention was really not there.

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Then sometimes we're doing things half, half, half, half, meaning a little bit of this and a little bit of that. So for instance, we are reading something, or, for example, we're having a conversation with someone, we heard first part of your sentence, and then what happens, we zoned out, and we start thinking about something else, or we're looking at our phone, we're reading on our phone, and then all of a sudden we hear silence and we look up and we say, what, what did you say, you get the fact that you're talking to somebody, they were saying something but then you completely zoned out, half half 5050. Sometimes our prayers are also like that.

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We are somewhat in our prayers, but we are also somewhat not in our prayers. Then there is another level of concentration,

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a higher level of concentration, such level of focus and attention, that you are in the zone, you are in the zone, you are fully immersed in what you're doing, it's as if you and what you're doing are one, so you lose track of time, time becomes irrelevant.

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This is the most productive state.

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This is the highest level of focus that a person can have that they are completely immersed in the activity that they're doing and they don't care about what's going on in the world. They're not distracted by anything. hours can go by and they're still loving what they're doing. They're not burdened by what they're doing. They're not bored of what they're doing. Why because they're in the zone who sure is basically being in the zone.

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When you're performing salah,

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Alladhina, homefield, Salah to him, cos your own and people who are successful in life, who are they? There are those who focus

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on what they're doing, they're not half half. They're not inattentive, they're not distracted. any task that they're working on, they give it their 100% 100%. Because if it's any less than that, then you cannot get the maximum advantage of what you're doing.

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Think about it. If you're trying to write an assignment on your computer, and at the same time your chat is open or your Facebook page is open, then what will happen?

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You have your thoughts, you're writing them and all of a sudden, something pops up, or blink blink or something like that. And then you have to switch windows. So many times what I do to focus on my work, I disconnect from the internet. completely disconnect, turn it off, because sometimes you don't even realize that you have, you know, your Skype open or something and you're in the middle of writing something and somebody calls you.

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So Alladhina homefield Salatin Kashi Arun, Salah is Reba, what have we been created for the worship of Allah subhanaw taala. If we cannot perform Salah with focus, then what can we do with focus?

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So now is a reflection of our lives. It's a reflection of how we do stuff, how we are living, what our priorities are, what our attitude is. It's a reflection of not just our Eman but our life. If we're performing our prayers late, then what does that mean? We're doing other things late as well. If we are distracted in our prayers, what does that mean? We are distracted when doing other things as well. If we are skipping missing our prayers, it means that we are also missing many other things that are important. The first quality of those who are successful is that they have who should insana because this is what will fix your life. Your salah, fix your prayer, fix your life, and if

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our prayer is not proper than the rest of our life is also messed up. Literally it will be messed up.

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Salah is the foundation of Islam, of improvement of reformation of improving our condition. This is why Allah begins with Alladhina homefield, Swati him, her Sharon, those who have who sure, in their sunnah her they follow the law on who he used to say, be aware of the issue of hypocrisy.

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Be aware of the issue of hypocrisy, he was asked what is the horseshoe of hypocrisy, he said when the body shows who should but there is no kosher in the heart. And unfortunately, many times our prayers are performed like that. We are apparently standing very still, our eyes are not moving at all. Mouth is constantly reciting. But we don't know if we recited to the Fatiha or is finished reciting something else.

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This is fake who sure fake who sure

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are they voted the low it was said beware of that. Which means that try to get real kosher in your Salah. try as best as you can, that every Salah is with Kushner

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for laying it out he said it was disliked for a man to show more who sure than he had in his heart. Meaning this is dislike that in the heart a person is thinking about into the new app that they're going to download. Or where they're going to go to have dinner, or what they're going to write in their assignment, what argument they're going to give or things like that. And on the physical body, they're showing a lot of how short the heart is distracted and on the body. They're showing a lot of who show up. Who are we showing it to?

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Who are we showing it to? Like seriously, are the people going to give us reward for our salah?

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Can they they cannot? Who are we praying for and to

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who give me the answer? Allah subhanaw taala for Sully, Lee Rob big. Perform Salah for your Lord, does Allah not know the state of our heart? Does Allah not know that apparently our body is very humble and submissive. We're not moving at all, but our heart is constantly moving. Meaning it's constantly distracted thinking about other things. This is why on one occasion, we learn that earlier once there was a person who was performing his salah, and you know his shoulders were like really bent down. So someone came up to him and he hit him on his shoulders and he said also and so who sure is here and he pointed towards the chest that don't try to show a lot of assure in your

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shoulders and your posture as if your head is bowing down and you know over

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submissiveness in the postures in the positions of prayer, where is real for sure it's in the heart and the one whom you're showing kosher to he knows if that kosher is there or not Alladhina homefield, Salah to him, harsh Iran.

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But it is said that sometimes we think that it's okay. It's no big deal. If I'm performing my prayers without any concentration, you know, it matters a lot. Because think about it, the purpose of our life is worship five times a day, we are fulfilling the purpose of our existence. And if we're not doing that, right, if there's no for sure in our prayers,

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then isn't our life a waste? Aren't we wasting our days and nights?

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We're wasting our lives. We're wasting our time. If we're not performing Salah with for sure.

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This is why for every Salah you have to try to have who Sure. Don't wait for it to naturally come that you're going to have an Eman high. One day someday, I don't know when. But when I'm in the, you know that Eman high, then I'm going to have Kushner in my salah naturally, no, you have to bring it.

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You have to bring it consciously. You know, just like if you have to write an assignment, if you're doing your work. You're not going to sit in the living room with the television on everybody having dinner over there. You can't do that. You can't work like that. You have to consciously try to have focus. So what are you going to do? Get up in the morning, backup your stuff, go to school, sit in the library and do your assignment. Are you putting in any effort over there to have focus and concentration while doing your assignment? You are? Why because that assignment matters. My dear sisters, Salah matters more than every single assignment that we've ever done.

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It matters more than every single exam that we've ever sat on.

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Anything that we have prepared for every Salah is more important than that.

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It deserves more concentration, it deserves more focus. So we need to consciously try to bring focus and attention to our prayers. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us in a hadith we learn. The Prophet saw a lot of Saddam said the first thing to be lifted up from the OMA will be who sure

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the first thing to be taken away from the ummah will be who Sure?

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What does that mean? That one has your goals, then downfall will begin, decline will begin personal as well as at a societal level at a community level. One who sure will disappear, our strength will disappear. Our success will also go away.

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Alladhina homefree Salah to him cos your own.

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Now the question is, how should you have assured? It is important? How should you have it because there are so many distractions, if anything, there's a biggest distraction, which is shame upon the hidden one.

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And in how these we learn about this, that when a person begins his salah, then Shavon comes to him and he says, oh god Qaeda or al Qaeda, remember this, remember that remember this.

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And then a person forgets about what he was reciting. He forgets about who he is standing in front of. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave us a solution to this. And what was that solution? He told us, first of all that recognize what the problem is, and what is it its shape upon? Whose name is cleans up? And what does he do that when a person begins the prayer, then Kaitlan comes and tells him remember this, remember this he tries to distract him. So when this happens in Salah that repeatedly, you're being distracted.

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You repeatedly we're distracted. What do we need to do? The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Seek refuge with ALLAH, say are all the villa.

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So literally, if you're in the middle of your recitation in your Pm, and you're being distracted again and again, what do you have to say? Stop your recitation and say our other Biller, seek refuge with Allah.

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And the Hadith continues that spit three times to your left. That doesn't mean literally spit with saliva, but a dry spit

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without any spit coming out three times to the left.

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And if you do this, I guarantee you, you will have focus in your Salah.

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You will not be distracted.

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You will regain control over your prayer. Because it's as if we begin the prayer but we lose control over it. It's not within our hands anymore. It doesn't show up on

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comes and takes over. We forget about what we're reciting why we're reciting who we're standing in front of. We don't even know what record we are on. We don't even know the number of sujood we have performed. Why? Because Chopin has taken over our mind. So chase that shaitan away, get rid of that enemy, regain control over your Salah, how seek refuge with Allah and dry spit three times to your left.

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And we learned that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he would begin the prayer also, he would seek refuge with Allah against the shape on.

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For instance, in one Hadith and a Buddha would we learned that once the prophets of the Lord incident began to prayer and he said, Allahu Akbar Kabira. Well, Hamdulillah he cathedra was Subhan Allah he begotten, were asleep Allah and in one narration, he said this three times each. So Allahu Akbar Kabira Allahu Akbar Kabira Allahu Akbar Kuvira Well, Hamdu lillahi cathedra Al Hamdulillah he cathedra Well, Hamdulillah he Kathira was Subhan Allah He booklet and we're asleep Allah was Subhana Allah he will call it and we're asleep. That was Subhan Allah He booklet and we're asleep. You see, if you say this three times, you think you'll be distracted?

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Honestly, why are we distracted? Because we begin with the pinnacle of eternity.

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We don't even know what we're saying. Just because we have rote memorized it. We say it in a rush in that rush to begin reciting Surah Fatiha and in that rush to complete the recitation of Surah Fatiha and just read in our clinical counsel and then go into court. We're in a rush, rush rush. But when you have to say different of God, a certain number of times than what will happen automatically you're focused. It helps you have Sure.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that oh the bIllahi min ash shaytaan Ragini Manaphy one of the williamsii there's different versions of this you can even say simply our will be less Amir LRD min ash shaytani R Rajim or simple R or the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. But when you begin your prayer, consciously say that Aruba bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. You see it is not possible that a person tries to do something and Allah doesn't help him.

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If you try to have focus, Allah will give you focus. If you try to pay attention, Allah will give you the attention and concentration that you desire in your Salah, Alladhina, homefield, Salah to him, cause your own those who have who sure in their prayers, and this is why they enjoy their prayers. This is why salah is a source of comfort and joy for them. Like the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that my joy has been placed in Salah that I find comfort and happiness and relaxation in my prayers.

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But unfortunately, we find relaxation after the prayer

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because that prayer was a burden.

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It was heavy. It was not a source of comfort, because it did not have you sure

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you see anything that you're doing?

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Every day, every day, every day, five times a day. What happens after some time you get bored of it, don't you?

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You get bored of it. Right? So for example, on a weekend if you're home,

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and you clean up the kitchen in the morning, and then everybody wants to have a snack and then you have to clean it up again. And then everybody wants to lunch and then you have to clean it up again. By the time it's dinner. Right? What do you say? I'm not cleaning it. Everybody put your own dishes in the dishwasher? I'm not doing anything. I'm sick of this. I've done it too much today.

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Correct? What happens when you learn how to drive at the beginning? Can I take the car? Can I take the car? Can I have the keys? I'll do this. I'll run this errand for you. I'll drop you I'll pick you up. Why? Because you're excited about driving. But then what happens after one month or after one year? Can you give me a ride? I don't feel like driving. Can you drop me off? Can you pick me up? Because we're bored of it. Now many things in life if you're bored of them, you can stop doing them. Correct. If you're in university for the sixth year, you can tell yourself I need a break. Before I continue with any further studies, I need a break.

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But when it comes to Salah Can you tell yourself I'm not going to pray a sauna so that I can concentrate on marketing

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can you do that? No you can't Salah is Why do you can't leave it.

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Can you say things like I'm too tired of praying so I think I need a break. You cannot have a break from Salah you have to perform every Salah so what does that mean? You have to

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figure out a way of enjoying your salah. Because if you don't enjoy it, it's going to be a burden.

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And if it's a burden, then you know what? Allah, first of all, he doesn't need our prayers anyway. Anyway, he doesn't need it. When our prayers are lifeless, we are only harming ourselves. We are only depriving ourselves.

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So let's do something to improve the condition of our prayers to improve who sure in our prayers and for that you have some homework.

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And what is that homework that you have to listen to a lecture by Shasta bridges on how to have kosher in your Salah. Now, if you tell me Yeah, I've heard it already.

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I don't care if you've heard it, you have to listen to it again.

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You have to listen to it again. Because I'm sure when you heard it last time, it helps your prayers. But over the course of how many ever months or years it has been, I think the spirit of Salah needs to be rekindled. So for that reason, you have to listen to this lecture this is part of your Gs 18 assignment in sha Allah when we will get there you will be marked on it so you might as well listen to it now. It's on YouTube free Sheltie acid bit jus b i R J S.

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So AlLadhina houfy salata him, costume, those who have who sure in their prayers,

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Man you're walking called

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the Solana team for us

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