Abdul Nasir Jangda – Paths to Peace #14

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the meaning of peace in Arabic language and the importance of knowing the meaning of peace through the web or oval. They also emphasize the importance of keeping track of time and not rushing to finish tasks. The speakers stress the significance of having a mindful eye on one's actions and not just focusing on negative thoughts. They mention upcoming events in May and the "has been praying for everything" event.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah you will hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah ala alihi wa sahbihi edge marine As Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

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continuing with our series here in the month of Ramadan, paths to peace where we are looking at dimension of peace salaam tranquility Sakina serenity Tama Nina in the Quran, and drawing lessons for our own lives on how we can acquire more of that peace and tranquility. Bismillah heeta Allah. Today we're going to look at surah number 50 Surrett off.

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And in Surikov, Allah subhanaw taala specifically mentions the concept of peace Salam in is number 34. However, we're gonna go a couple of hours back to exactly understand why Allah subhanaw taala talks about peace and tranquility here.

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So if we just go a little bit back to it, number 30. Allah subhanaw taala tells us and it begins the passage that we're looking at begins in a very

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begins at a very heavy place. Allah says Yeoman upou Newly Jahannam the day that we will say to the fire of * Hallym talathi Are you full?

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What Taku helped me muzzin and the fire of * will say is there more

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but then Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Changes switches the scene to something that's more inspiring and more hopeful. Allah says what was Leafa TT Jana to little matcha clean Aveda buried in a number 31 Allah says that Paradise has been prepared, has been beautified has been adorned decorated living with saline, specifically for the people who are conscious of God, who lived the life of God consciousness, a life of awareness of Allah subhanaw taala later by Eve, and this is not far

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this is not far fetched. This is not unattainable. This is not out of reach.

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And to further corroborate how within reach within grasp, this is an ayah number 32 Allah says hi.

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However, in the Arabic language, how the shadow Linari

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it's 2.2 something that's close, that's within arm's reach. Allah says haha, this is so accessible. My tour I do now. This is what has been promised this paradise that Allah Himself has prepared for his chosen servants, the paradise that Allah has decorated and prepared and adorned for His servants. This is so close my to I don't and it is what you were promised in the life of this world. And then Allah tells us that it was It is that which was promised to you, and it was also promised to and now Allah gives us some characteristics and traits that we should pay attention to liquidly away Robin Hatfield.

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This was promised to every single person who embodied the following characteristics. And these, this is the crux of the issue. Number one, Allah says a web, a oval, like similar to the dua of the prophets, Allah II guna it means to return back home.

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They are those people who constantly came back home. And what's meant by home here is they constantly came back to Allah.

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being close to Allah, talking to Allah being connected to Allah worshiping Allah, that's home for the believer.

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And so they always came back to Allah.

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And within that, the scholars of the language in the field they explained to us, there's a very beautiful meaning that's packed into this word, a web. Allah wasn't in mobile era, which means they constantly always repeatedly kept coming back.

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Well, you can only keep coming back. If you continue to leave

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somebody who's in the house, you don't say they came back, you say he's still here.

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You only say that somebody came back as if they actually left. And what that tells us is that at some level,

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To err is human

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And that propensity for constantly losing our way, making mistakes going astray.

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At some level that is the challenge and the predicament of the human being,

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the human being will constantly keep getting lost and losing his or her way. But Allah subhanaw taala is saying that obviously we don't deliberately go astray. We don't deliberately defy Allah. But if we, every now and then repeatedly find ourselves off track, we tried. But we stumbled, we fell, we got off track. That's not what's held against us.

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As long as we keep coming back, as long as when you open your eyes, and you realize you're off the path,

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that then you look at, you look for the path and you make your way back.

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As long as you keep coming back. That's what matters. What's in between those moments is where Allah forgives Hatfield and they were very protective, protective of what they were protective of their faith. And some of the scholars connect this

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some of the scholars connect this to diverse in solitude Bacara where when Allah speaks about the prayer, what does he say? haffi? Who Alesana what?

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Safeguard your prayer, and sort of me know him. Right? In certain movie known in solar number 23. When Allah subhanaw taala talks about the success of the believers, and then he enumerates their characteristics, their traits, what does Allah say, that will Latina whom Allah Salah to him, you have hit on

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that they took care of their prayers, that this word hafidh means that they tried to stay on top of their prayer.

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Because the prayer salah is a sinner, it's a connection, it's our connection, our link to Allah.

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And again, that's another place where we will falter. But we have to make an effort to stay connected.

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And that is most of the predicament of spirituality, and being connected to Allah. And having direction in life can actually be solved by the very simple thing of the prayer. And that's why the Hadith would see a sacred narration in which the prophets Allah, the Psalm says that Allah proclaimed, that my slave, My servant, does not grow closer to me by means of anything more than the thing I obligated upon him. And that is the prayer.

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So the people who constantly kept coming back to Allah, even though they messed up, and the people who tried to stay connected to Allah by praying regularly, number three, in verse 33, Allah says, Man, Hashem, man or Bill hype,

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man Akashi or Ramana Belhaj. Those people who feared the Most Merciful Bill hype, especially when they were alone, there's two translations of believed that they believed and feared Allah even though they could not see Allah. But it also means that they feared Allah and they were mindful of Allah, they were aware of Allah. They were mindful of their obedience or disobedience of Allah, even when they were alone.

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Even when they weren't in the congregation, they weren't at the masjid. There weren't eyes on them. They were all they were all by themselves.

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But even there, they were mindful of the fact that Allah is watching.

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And that kind of God consciousness. Allah is saying it's a third, what have you been Mooney been. And they come to Allah with a heart that was repentant.

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Because, you know, as they say, the expression goes, the cover up is worse than the crime.

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We all make mistakes. But it's in the stubbornness. And the insolence and the arrogance, and the argumentative behavior. That's the real crime.

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The sin is not the real crime.

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khulumani are the mahatva because everybody makes mistakes. Well, hate will hurt by in a taboo. But the best of those who make mistakes are the ones who repent, who say, I messed up, I'm sorry.

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And so these are the four traits that Allah lays out a web, they keep coming back to the path they keep coming back to doing the right thing.

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They are, they try as much as they can to stay on top of their prayer, their connection to Allah. In their private alone moments, they learned to be mindful of Allah they remember ALLAH

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And number four, that they repent. For the mistakes that they've made. They are truly remorseful and regretful for the wrongs they have done. The prophets Allah He said another Matoba regret and remorse is the essence of repentance.

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And if these characteristics and these qualities are brought together within a person, then line number 34 Why we are talking about this passage? Allah will say to them

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with the Hulu hobby Salam,

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O dahulu Javi Salam enter into that paradise that Allah personally prepared for you enter into that paradise that you are promised that you look forward to be Salam in with salaam

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with peace and tranquility. And what does that mean that peace and tranquility

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the Quran tells us a few different things. Number one is sort of throughout the Our Allah tells us Illa ki Len Salam and Salama

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The angels will greet them the prophets will greet them. Welcome Welcome to paradise

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that the MA tributyl for the hula holiday. Salam aleikum Bhima Sabato, because of the good you did because of the patients you had, because of how strong you remained welcome.

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Allah will bring them Salam o Allah mirror of Iran.

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And also, it's called Salam peace and tranquility. Why? Because Selim Tada one of the facilities are slowly moving other villa. They will never have to worry about the wrath, the anger, the punishment of Allah ever again. Allah will say to them, are you on a computer is wanting for us who to ALEC Mapa I announced to you today that I am permanently for eternity pleased with you. I will never be displeased with you ever again.

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They will not ever have to worry about death. There's a hadith in Sahih Bukhari where the prophets Allah He Selim says you type in multi yarmulke Yama t go hey a T coversion. Amla

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that death will be brought into physical form of a ram an animal

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and then that animal will be sacrificed.

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And the narration mentions for Yeshua Boone, William Varun, people will be stretching their necks looking at what is happening and that animal will be sacrificed. And then Allah will have the proclamation made. Yeah, hello, Jana.

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Oh people of paradise congratulations.

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Because you will never die after today.

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But then similarly, Allah will also proclaim that oh people of *

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will be to you. Ruin is your lot.

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Because you will never die after today. And this is your fate for all of eternity. May Allah protect us all. Will do Hulu happy salamin valleca Yo will collude. This is the day of eternity, that this will be your fate for all of eternity. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us peace and tranquility on that day. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to embody the characteristics of the believers that bring us peace and tranquility in this life and the next May Allah make us from the people of paradise. I mean, you probably mean Subhan Allah who will be Hamdi Subhana Allah we have Nisha to Allah ilaha illa Anta a subcritical Wanda today, Saudi

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