Abdul Nasir Jangda – Leadership Lessons From The Quran

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of forgiveness and practice/experience in building a sense of belonging and belonging in a culture. They emphasize the need for individuals to be careful with their words and actions, as they may cause harm. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning and practicing leadership, and in providing individuals with the ability to practice and be forgiving.
AI: Transcript ©
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salatu salam ala rasulillah

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Shalom, shalom. Today we have dinner we recited

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we completed actually so today I'm wrong but I wanted to speak about one of the ads from the suit on the last panel Italian is number 159 says Fabi mouthwash might've been a lucky little one open to

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VLAN frontwoman Holic Falco is a subfield Where shall we

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say either as a token of the law in allowing

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Allah subhanaw taala basically to just briefly translate Allah subhanaw taala says for the man I met him in a logging into them, it was only due to the mercy of Allah tala that you were soft and gentle with them,

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when I wouldn't have been an evil kalbi, but if you have been harsh, if you would have spoken harshly, or if you would have been hard hearted towards them, love for boomin Holic, they would have dispersed they would have abandoned you. They would have dispersed from around far far I'm home. So forgive them was selfish. And seek Allah's forgiveness for them. I wish I went home

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and include them in consultation regarding different affairs and different issues, basically consult with them for you that

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a lot. Once you have made up your mind once you have come to a decision, a firm conclusion and decision fatigue aka lala land and put your trust in your reliance upon the last pero tada in the loving giving a last panel which Allah loves the people who put their trust in Allah. So this is a brief translation of this ayah. Now this ayah follows after the IOD that are speaking and addressing the issue of the Battle of boyhood. And I don't want to get too much into the historical context into discussion of it, because that's a whole nother lesson altogether. But I wanted to talk about something very specific and extract that particular

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thought and an idea from this ayah. But to give a brief idea what this is talking about, because it's going to contribute to the lesson that shall be taken from here is that this ayah follows he is talking about the Battle of the hood. And during the Battle of boyhood, what the issue that it's addressing here is that, at the bulk of the profits of autism, I've given very specific direct instructions to a group of Muslim Sahaba to Oman. And that group of Muslims ended up disobeying the direct instruction and command of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They ended up abandoning the post that he had assigned them to and told them not to leave, no matter what happens until I do

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myself do not inform you directly, that now you can leave this post you are not to leave. And they ended up leaving and abandoning the post. Once they assumed that the battle had been over at around least most of them did. And this led to a great loss of the Muslims. And this opened up a very strategic attack point for the other side for the machine of Makkah. And the Muslims ended up suffering a lot of loss of lives and a lot of injuries they sustained due to this situation and these this incident that occurred. So this follows after that, because once this had occurred, the profits along asylums demeanor in dealing with these people would who had disobeyed him was not was

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not very, very harsh. He wasn't harsh on them. He didn't come down on them with severe punishments or anything he he, he, he treated them very, very gently, very kindly, he was very forgiving, he was very generous, he was very benevolent in his in his dealing with them. And he was very generous in his dealing with them. And he forgave them, he did not hold a grudge against them. And in fact he prayed that Allah forgives them as well. And he continued to keep them as a as contributing members of the Muslim community.

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So now going through exactly what the is talking about. So let's see what Allah says for bemaraha Massimino logging into them.

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The first thing I wanted to explain here is that Allah, the sequence of the words in the eye of the grammar of the ayah gives the meaning that it was only due to it was only because of the mercy of Allah that you were soft and gentle with them. This teaches us two different lessons. The first lesson that it teaches us is that this softness, this kindness

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This that the prophets of Allah Salaam, displayed in dealing with these group of people who had actually disobeyed His commandments was not a sign of weakness of the prophets, Eliza. The Prophet was a weak with them, he didn't forgive them because he couldn't punish them. You know, sometimes when you say okay, that's fine, I'm going to let you go this time. And you tell the person back you said, what could you do even if you want it?

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Like if somebody gives you a warning, and says, Don't do that next time, and you tell them or what?

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What are you going to do about it? So it allows power Italian designers and formulas. It's not that the profits of artisan was weak, or he did not have the capacity to hold these people accountable. The prophet SAW officer was firm when you need it to be

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he yet every yet every resource, and he was completely capable of holding these people accountable. So but he was merciful towards them. And this mercy was instilled within him from Allah. So by attributing the mercy to Allah, Allah is actually displaying that it's not that the prophets a lot of zeros week that he could not hold these people accountable. But it was rather due to the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. The other thing that this teaches us is that only because of the mercy of Allah were you soft with them. That means that they were not deserving of softness. They were not deserving of any special kindness, they had disobeyed a direct commandment. The books have seen if

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you read the books of Hadith and see if you read the prophet and given them very clear, distinct directions and instructions, have told them very clearly what they were to do, and not leave that post under any circumstances. But they directly disobeyed a very clear instruction from the prophet SAW Selim. So they were not deserving of any kindness, or any gentleness from the profits a lot.

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But rather, it was due to the mercy of Allah spawn Tada. So they weren't deserving of some type of

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rebuke or some type of punishment. But Allah subhanaw taala chose to shower them with this mercy through the prophets alarmism. So this is the first thing that we learn here. The second thing that we learned here is the word itself. Allah says Lin's Allah home, you were soft, you were kind with them, this word naked, because of overlaying in the Arabic language, which is basically some imagery being used here, it literally means something that is soft, or something that is very comfortable or something that is very soft, very easy.

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Something that is very soft and very convenient, that is laying in. So unless one or the other is describing the conduct, the character, the disposition of the profits or loss him as being soft, and gentlemen is likening it to an example. There's some imagery you that just like silky soft,

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just like silky soft, that's how soft and gentle and kind and easygoing the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was with the believers. But Allah says what I wouldn't do for them. But what's the other side? How else could a person would have reacted fun if you would have been fun? The word father in the Arabic language means somebody who was very harsh in his speech, somebody who's really harsh in his speech. This actually teaches us a lesson. I'll explain this in a minute. But it means somebody that is harsh in their speech, and their words, they use harsh tones. They use harsh language in dealing with people.

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And you would have been hard hearted heartbreak harsh your heart would have been towards them. This is describing a different characteristic. The word if I mean literally means something that is rough or abrasive in the Arabic language, like if you tell something and it's very rough, like a like some type of thorns or a wall or gravel or something like that it's very rough that's beneath something that's rough or abrasive. It's quite funny as in the Arabic language. Once again, you see the imagery here. The Prophet was very soft, like silk, soft and this is describing somebody being very harsh or very abrasive. So it's two polar opposite qualities characteristics dispositions demeanors

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one being very harsh and one being very soft. So if you would have lessons if you would have been harsh in your language, in your words in your tone, and you would have been hard hearted l'enfant boom and holy l'enfant boom and holiday would have dispersed they would have abandoned from around you. And this word infantile literally means to break something, they would have broken off from you never to be rejoined again. Because when you're harsh with someone, you're hard, extremely hard with someone. You're very rough with someone. Many times when they're breaking a relation, you end up severing a relationship that can never be repaired completely. There's a couple in the Arabic

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language, the Arab poets, he says Joe had to send any LaHood to Wellington.

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He says that the wounds that are inflicted by the teeth, if you bite someone, and you cause them a wound that will heal one day.

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But the wound that is inflicted by the tongue that never heals, it never heals. So this is what I like speaking about here, then if you have been harsh with them, you have been hard with them at this very fragile moment. At this moment when they were very vulnerable, they realize they did something wrong. And now they're ashamed, and they're confused. And they're conflicted about what's going to happen with them.

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If you would have been extremely harsh with them, you might might have just broken them permanently, they would have broken off from you, and they would have lost that connection, that relationship that they have with you that love that affection that they have for you, they would have lost it. So losses that were kept them close to you was your love and your compassion. Even in those moments of difficulty, even when they're wrong, even when they're guilty. Those those moments are sometimes the times when the people are the most vulnerable. They really need people to be kind and generous to them, when they've actually messed up. Compassion is a very powerful tool to rehabilitate a person

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to correct the person. Compassion is always a very, very powerful tool. So Allah says learn fundamentally they will have dispersed from around. Now one thing I want to mention here is Allah mentions two qualities, harsh in tone, and being harsh, hard in itself, being harsh and tone and being harsh internally in your heart. And Allah mentions both things. You know why? Because both of these things are reprehensible. Many times somebody speaks very harshly with other people. Many times you'll find someone they have a very harsh tone, they have a very harsh manner of speaking. But they say Oh, it's nothing in my heart, I don't keep anything my heart against Allah is informing

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us here in this ayah. That that is not a valid excuse. Just because you don't, you don't harbor animosity towards someone, it does not excuse you from being rough and abrasive with them. That is still wrong. You cannot speak to people that way. You can't talk to people that way, let alone when you are in a position of authority.

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Especially when you are in a position of authority, we need to constantly be very, very careful about this problem. And Holly, that is fabulous. fafa. So now what are you supposed to do with them?

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What are you supposed to forgive them?

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Forgive them, let it go. Don't hold them accountable for whatever what's the film and see forgiveness for them ask a lost power Tata Tata, have mercy on them. And also forgive them so that they're not held accountable in the eyes of Allah, what shall we do, and then include them in consultation, consult with them about important issues, about different matters that need to be decided. This is actually a step by step process on how to deal with maybe some type of a difficulty, or some situation that might have occurred within a group of people that work closely together. The first thing is, let it go. Don't hold them accountable for that meaning. What that

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means is don't punish them for that, let it go. It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. We're still filming and asked a lot to forgive them. What this does is, this removes any ill feeling that you might have in your heart. When you pray for someone, when you make the offer someone and they are not even present in the in your own time in your own privacy. You may want to have mercy upon this person, and forgive that person that removes any ill feeling or any stains that might be on your heart towards that person. Any ill feelings that you might have towards that person get removed at that moment. And then consult with them. Now that you have removed any ill feeling you might have

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towards that person, that person is still nervous, that I think he might still be mad at.

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You didn't punish the person. You said okay, don't worry about it. It's alright. Everybody makes mistakes. No problem. Don't worry about it.

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But that person is still nervous when they come around you. They're ashamed to come face to face with you. So we shall get hopefully, the next time there's a decision to make. You have to decide something something needs to get done. You actually talk to them, you say excuse me? Can I have a minute of your time? I need to take care of these things. What's your advice? What's your opinion on this matter? Now what that does is that's a gesture to this person that shows this person that this person is no longer angry with me. This person doesn't have any ill feelings towards me, this person doesn't think any less of me because of what I might have done wrong I wish I would have known for

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either as a token Allah, then when you come to a conclusion and decision put your trust in Allah in the light when we're talking a lot of love so people put their trust in it with the lesson I want to extract here from desire is this is teaching us. Now I just don't want to use the word leadership. Because sometimes we have a very specific idea in our head, what leadership means. Leadership is actually much more broad than we consider. The better word that I want to use is. This teaches us how we should behave when we are in a position of authority

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when we are in a position

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of authority, whether it's within our own families, whether it's with our own children, whether it's with our at work, whether it's here in the masjid, or it's in some organization, or some other effort that we're doing, or in the extended family, whatever it might be, when when a person has a position of authority, how should he deal with people? How should he interact with people, the prophets allottee, some is in the position of authority, these people have disobeyed a direct command that's ended up in the result. And that's resulted in the death in the market of the death of dozens of Muslims. And dozens more have been injured, because these people disobeyed him, and

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he's the authority. How does he deal with them? He's soft, he's gentle, he's understanding.

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That's the first time he's not harsh with them not in tone. And same thing in his heart, he doesn't have any real feelings towards them, then he doesn't punish them, he asked the Lord to forgive them. And then when the next situation comes around, he includes them in this consultation in his close circle, he doesn't exclude them. Now, all of these people don't know us anymore. Don't you remember what they did last time.

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Let's remember what he did last time, I gave him a responsibility to profit into that he still kept them close, still consulted with them. And this is how that community that society, that group of the Sahaba remained connected and bonded and stayed very close to the property. So this is from the Quran a lesson and how to have a position of authority and how to be a leader. And once again, I mentioned that this doesn't refer specifically only in specific terms of leadership,

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any position of authority. Anytime you have a position of authority over other people, this is the way to behave. This is the way to conduct yourself. And this is how our community is built. This is how a solid unit is built. And the last thing that I wanted to mention here is one thing that I lost power until I mentioned here at the end is the issue of consultation, Mashallah Shula, this is a very important teaching from our dean. And this is something very valuable that we should implement in our lives. This is we see the presence of an end up for our, and it had a very strong presence in the life of the prophets a lot of fun as well, the word mature itself, it means to make something

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apparent, something that is hidden, or something that is not clear to make it clear. And then some of the linguist even mentioned that the word extracted from the word from Russia is also used to extract honey is the same word used for extracting honey from the beyond.

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Because there is some element of danger there. And you have to be very cautious and very careful to pull out that which is pure, and that which is beneficial. And that is what consultation is that is what much works. Because there's a lot of things that can go wrong when making a decision. But when you consult with other people and other believers, and you consult with them, and then you put your trust in a line you go forward, and so a level delivered to you that which is pure, and that for which will be beneficial to your situation. And the prophets. Eliza was very particular about consulting with people has another love and who the grandson of the prophets Allah, He says, but I

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know a lot who I know who might be in a pageant. Well I can assume the beam about them, that

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Allah subhanaw taala knew that the Prophet Alayhi Salaam necessarily did not need to consult with people, the prophets of Allah was fully capable of making a decision. He didn't have to consult with people. He didn't need to consult with anyone, but a lot of what Allah commanded him to do so, so that this would become a set practice. And this would become something that people would continue to do after him. The province a lot of a sudden himself, he says, matters our opponent to Illa we do he actually under him, whenever people will consult with one another, in making the decision alone will guide them towards that which is the best for them in that situation. Or those circumstances.

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Whatever the law says that you I never saw anyone doing more consultation and Metro with one another when making decisions. Then the companions of the prophets along the center, if not above the law says that Allah and His Messenger salon the salon lover nega they are unhappy, they don't need to consult with anyone. Allah doesn't need to consultant anyone in the prophets Allah likewise does not need to consult with anyone will enjoy Jada Welcome to Allah Almighty. But Allah subhana wa tada has made it a source of mercy for the oma of the prophets a lot essener feminists the shadow minimum lemmya

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whoever will make it a regular practice to consult with others, he will always find good in whatever he does, and woman tabaka

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and whoever will not consultants, people will habitually not consult with people and

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Make sure and consult with other people, then that person will constantly find himself in a position of difficulty and a difficult position. So therefore it's very good to always consult with others, and take the advice of others. And this builds a sense of community. This builds a sense of belonging. And then the last thing that Allah subhanaw taala mentions the ayah right after this, Allah says, em, so boom, Allahu Allah, Allah. If Allah subhana wa Taala helps you for that money, but no one will ever be able to overcome you. And the connection, the reason why Allah subhanaw taala mentions right after, whenever a leader will conduct himself with his people, in this manner,

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he will be forgiving, he will be merciful and he will continue to include them in his decision making. the help of Allah was always we will always be with this group of people and nobody will ever be able to overcome them. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to May Allah grant us the ability to conduct yourself in such a manner may give us May He grant us the ability to practice everything we've seen her so how about he will be handy to have along

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