AbdelRahman Murphy – Stories of the Prophets #07 Submission

AbdelRahman Murphy
AI: Summary © The history and culture of Islam are discussed, including the Prophet lobby's impact on protecting people from harm and its potential impact on the culture. A woman describes her desire to become a woman with a certain kind of woman, including a woman named Robina who talks about her desire to be a woman with a certain kind of woman. The importance of the spiritual and material aspects of the submission is also highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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so don't worry you can what happened to live with regard to

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Smilla to level hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah who Allah He was happy he is remain

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inshallah today in our selection on the lives of the prophets from the Quran

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we'll be going in sha Allah over a second trait of Satan Rahim I saw them. Yesterday we covered the long passage and it was a soft fat about the sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim displayed in many scenarios whether it was earlier in his life whether it was later in his life. Today we're going to be talking about a shorter passage from the Sunnah actually, which shares his name, call him number 14 in law, the IAF that we'll be discussing are i

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i a 35

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to 41 in sha Allah.

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And in this passage, Allah subhanaw taala highlights, you know, like a beautiful prism. When light shines through it, it displays many different beautiful colors, Allah Tada highlights now another beautiful trait of Prophet Ibrahim spiritual character. And that is that Ibrahim alayhi salam, despite having a close relationship with Allah subhanaw taala and displaying his sincerity and his beef in every situation. He never let that sincerity and that belief become something that took him away from submission meeting to Allah subhanaw taala. Ibrahim, I said, when he first goes to what we now know as Mecca, he leaves his family hajat on a sedan and a smile on a sedan. And he has a young

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child. And as the story goes, is my email is hungry, and there is nothing to eat. His mother is not able to produce any food, because there is no vegetation here, there's no water. And it's a very, very difficult scenario. And at this moment, in the height of difficulty, Allah subhanaw taala tells Prophet Ibrahim to leave and to go back and to leave his wife and his new born son. And as he's leaving the narration tells us that

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his wife call out to him and says to him, Where are you going? And he doesn't respond. And she calls out again, are you going? Where are you? Why are you leaving us? doesn't respond. And then finally she asks the right question, which is Allah Who Mr. Lacombe did Allah subhanaw taala tell you to do this. And to this Ibrahim I'm turns around and he responds Yes. And a moment, his wife, she says beautifully, that if Allah commanded you to do this, then the same Allah Who commanded you will never ever let us down. And so her face was displayed in this moment. Now, we know the story of what she did. After this moment, we know that there was a her crying child and she was running back and

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forth between the mountains of stuff on Medusa. And then of course at the, at the apex of the climax of the moment. She is given or gifted the well of zamzam. And that well then becomes what we know today, the well of zamzam and stuff on mandala till today, the action that people on Hajj and Umrah they perform in ritual memory of her action. But the other side of the story is also very interesting. And this is what Allah subhanaw taala memorializes. Allah Tala gives us the perspective of Satan Ibrahim it said that when he answers this question, that I'm leaving you here in the middle of the desert, and some of the Tafseer it actually says that in that moment, he waited

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to perform his duty until he was able to get out of eyesight because he knew that if he had a moment to look at his family, it would weaken him. He crossed over the hills right the mountains of Mecca, and he raised hands and he called out to Allah subhanaw taala a draw of submission and a draw of desperation. And this is the trait that we're going to hopefully be able to glean from tonight. He says an Allah to Allah tells us with audit, Ibrahim will be John has hull Bella Anna. What you know Bernie Webb, Enya, and Nat Bowden, a snom that Oh Allah, please make this city a place that is secure and keep my children away from the worship of idols. You know if any of you have children in

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this room, you understand that even more so than your own well being your own fitness your own mental and spiritual well being. You think often I'm

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is about the fitness well being spiritually of your children. You know, many of us come to a point where we start to think about, and many people in here probably even moved to Dallas, because you thought about what can I do to preserve the faith of my children? So this is a challenge that from the time, you know, in memoriam parents who have had a relationship with Allah subhanaw taala have always displayed their concern through their children not just through their material well being but primarily their spiritual well being. I mean, if any of us in this room were asked about our professional aspirations for our children, you know, there is some that would say we want our

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children to become doctors, engineers, lawyers, the people saying that are probably themselves not doctors, engineers, lawyers, alright. The doctors are saying don't become a doctor right? The lawyers are saying don't become lawyers but and then there's a few of you that want them to become mouse players right? Allah give topia culture Allah will have to start fundraising Manisha Allah, we have a couple of muscle mass players. But many of us if we're asked about professional trajectory, we can give the answer. How do you do that? Well do well in school, take the MCAT data, do well in school, take the LSAT and so forth. But have we thought about what it would take for our children to

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do well spiritually?

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Like have we have we strategized? Have we sat with families and figured out roadmaps on how we can make sure that our children love Allah and His messenger? They love the Masjid. They love the Quran, that they want to be muslims and they want to take this path as their own. This was the concern of Ibrahim before even asking about anything else. Notice, this city has nothing in it. He describes it later he asked for provision. But the first thing he asks is oh Allah protect them from ever worshipping anything else. Before the material well, being all up, please protect the virtual well being. Why? Because he says, My Lord, those of snom those idols have caused many people to go astray

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he seemed the effect of it. Day in day out, we all see the effects of an absence of iman, in society, pop culture at work, we see it what happens when a person doesn't believe in Allah and His messenger. What kind of degeneracy their soul falls into May Allah Allah protect us. We witnessed it, and we fear it, and we're concerned about it. But sometimes that concern is not strong enough to motivate us to action. But Ibrahim in his dua he's saying, Oh Allah, my goal in my dream is just that my family and I become submitters to, and I've seen the effects of this stuff. I grew up in the shade of idolatry, I've noticed and witnessed the destruction of faith that demons can have. And

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then he says, Woman Asani for in Mecca of a food Raheem, are you says, feminine? Feminine Tebbe

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femme Entebbe Anisa and that woman the woman ASAN Eva and Nikka la food that whoever follows me, Oh Allah, they are from me and whoever goes against me they are up to your forgiveness and your mercy. You gotta be automated. Then Allah Tada. Or tells us that Ibrahim I said I'm switches his mode here. And once he's now done clarifying the matter about their spiritual well being, He then asks and says Robina in the scan to Mindo Ray the reality be Wan rady these are in, this is where he describes it. Oh Allah, I have placed and made our abode for my family and myself, a place that has no vegetation. I know many of you are thinking that this is daswell. But he's talking about Mecca, right? And he's

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saying that this is a place that has nothing, no water, no greenery, no vegetation, nothing. But it does have something in the basic and

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it does have this sacred house. And when you weigh the spiritual benefit of what is there versus the material

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vulnerability of what is not their Ibrahima is to them is telling us 10 times out of 10, you take what spiritually available, and you leave what is materially available. Many people in this room are nodding because you've sacrificed a material opportunity for a spiritual opportunity. You've come to a place where you know that you and your family can benefit in terms of your relationship with Allah, even though the contract that was waiting for you in another place at another time with another place, another company, etc. Was very lucrative. You now share a trait with Prophet Ibrahim is set up and that you brought your family, whether it's here, whether it's this is more

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metaphorical or physical. You decided not to take that job and stay at a different job. Why? Because you knew that the position that you were offered that you were going to take would have threatened the spiritual well being of you and your family. So you decided to leave it be in those moments you're sharing in the trait of this submission of profit.

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Ibrahim alayhis salam, and he says Why did we bring them here? Oh Allah, we brought them here. But I'm benna Lemos, Salah, so that maybe they can establish the prayer. Notice he's a prophet of God. I mean imagine Subhan Allah if I told you as parents, that your children in sha Allah will grow up and they will be people who pray salah, in sha Allah, how at ease is that put your heart, only half of you said to Allah, the other half are like we want her father. We want MFIs we won't call them graduates. I want you all to understand something. Ibrahim I said,

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asked Allah for what is both the foundation and the pinnacle of spirituality. The foundation of spirituality is Salah, but the pinnacle of spirituality is Salah, what's the difference? foundationally knowing you have to do it, at its highest Apex loving to we want Allah to make us in our families, people that pray but not just pray, but that we love prayer, up mo Salah, we established prayer, nothing can move our prayer in our life whatsoever. And then he continues and he says Oh Allah, you understand Rob Robina in Napa Alamo, McAfee woman Arlen that Oh Allah, you have complete and total knowledge of everything, whether we hide it, or whether we proclaim it the

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dangers that I'm afraid of, that I can't even speak of, Oh Allah, you know them, the opportunities that I've passed up on, Oh Allah, you know them with Allah, the beauty, the beautiful thing about your DUA is that you don't have to, you don't have to emphasize and re emphasize details over and over again. In fact, sometimes you can even stumble over your own words because you're too busy trying to figure out how to say something. Take rest in knowing that when you speak to Allah with your DUA, he knows every single thing that you are mentioning to well, now young on Allah, human shaken out of the wildlife is somehow lost power to Allah proclaims that there is nothing on this

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earth that can be hidden from him, completely and totally. And then Ibrahim alayhis salam, he then finishes his draw of submission after seeking it from Allah first asking for spiritual then seeking material and saying oh Allah give them protection. And then he mentions finally, the blessings Allah Tala has given him and this is the three parts step of submission is that you finish always by recognizing your blessings every dua should contain a moment where you don't ask for something, but you thank Allah for something. So he says Alhamdulillah Allah de wherever li ll Kibi Ismail Isla, what is hot. Thanks b to the one who despite my seniority and my age, he gave me my children. He

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gave me what I thought was impossible. He gave me what I thought would never happen. He gave me the sons of mine. And he gave me the ability to have my dua answered in order to be less than me or do I he is the one who is the here of all prayers, brothers and sisters, in this Ramadan, we have an opportunity in these first 10 days and then the next 10 days and then the final 10 days to experience this gradient of submission that Prophet Ibrahim has displayed here. We have an opportunity to go for people that have to fast to people that are fasting to people that love fasting to people that compassionate to pray because others text us to those that come regularly

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because it's our routine. To them the last 10 nights where we're actually sacrificing things that we love to spend time in the house of Allah subhanho wa taala. This dua is a summary of what submission can do when it transforms your heart. It takes you from a slave that was brought by shackles and change and turns you into a slave that brings yourself and presents yourself before Allah subhanaw taala and says thou shalt be loved Bake. I'm here for you. We ask Allah to Allah to give us this sincerity. ask Allah to Allah to give us this submission that manifests from force into willingness and we ask Allah to Allah, to give us the bounties and the blessings of those things that we pray

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for Subhan Allah Mohammed HCA Nationale de la isla into Mr. Food according to be lake was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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