Mohammed Hijab – Fame and Knife Crime – Sneak0, Akhi Ayman, Muslim Lantern, The Warner & The Champ
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Allah Hola, Miami, but what can I do? So I just want to speak to the book, we resonate with the youth and the youth want to be heard, but no one was giving them that platform and that opportunity then
call your local. What do you think that the youth wants? What do you think that they want to get out there that's not getting out there do you know is is their voices that are not being respected and heard inside the household and their community. So therefore they find it in the nearest person that could be like a father figure but it's not a father figure. So the man on the block, the truck guy, so it's a form of grooming them. So I'll give you a prime example. I'll give you $100 today. And then I'll come back the next week and I'll give you another 100 And then the week after that we'll take you shopping and say Yo you want some Jordans or so now now that I've done all of these things
to you you're suffering return Listen Listen to me don't tell them about my strategy my wife please yeah
I'm trying to get to La man what do you want to do?
I want to conquer
I'm not there to take over taking over takes time conquering is by force that's one territory
Have you been selling before?
Even allowed in the country? No. You're not bang by now they've made it harder fuel to get
us Yes. Not as difficult. Even the Lima even even Lima.
The love in youth is very clearly different than the American youth. I think the LA youth their voices are heard like we're more on social media. It seems like the nice people here. What do you think the main differences? I'm gonna be honest with you? London is obviously UK forget London. UK school more hot than the US. Okay, when it comes to bravery. I want to come
No, no. UK, they've been smoking a different type of joint bull. Babies come out of nowhere. You can't compare them to the US by cracking would kill you in the UK. or crack it in the American now. The Mannequin Challenge
that'd be known. But not the bravery is is tremendous. If we had guns to where you might have guns, oh,
yeah, gave up the purge will be will be the UK. And guns could be as easy as counting numbers. It could be argued the opposite. Let me let me explain. If you look at the US, I know I know what you're thinking. And it's a it's a difficult one. You look at the US there's different gun gun rules in it. And you guys will tell me you wanna we need your hair. And
so there's different Gumball rules. Yeah. In order to concealed carry and open carry and different ones. Yeah. If it was true that the more access you have to guns, and the more accessibility and opportunity you have with them, the more violence will occur then Texas should be the most violent state. It's not though. So this point. So Chicago's because if you know of a woman look for think about the broader knife crime. If I'm walking in the street right now.
And there's a 14 year old have a big Rambo knife. He sees me and he might think to himself, this guy's not carrying anything or whatever. And therefore I got a chance against him. Maybe you'll think, Oh, he's a bit big. So I won't go for him. I'll go for a smaller person. Maybe you'll meet me.
What makes these guys great. What makes these guys brave of knives is the asymmetry in the equation. But if you notice that this guy probably has a Glock in his pocket,
and he might use it. But if you're in Texas, yeah, if you're if you're in Texas, and you know that the old woman has a gun in her pocket in her pocket, you're not going to want to rob her that much. So it could be argued that part of the problem while we have an issue with knife crime in the UK, London, is because of the asymmetry and opportunity, right? That's something you're not allowed to carry. Like in the UK, you're not allowed to carry more than two three inch knives. If everyone was allowed to carry 10 inch knives.
You could make an argument I'm not saying that's the case.
Sometimes the smaller the better still
is you've got more reach. What I'm saying is that if you're allowed to carry that people would would make me think twice about using because now we're in a fight. The thing is, you're more likely to use it if you think you're not going to get it back. But if everyone's got 10 inch knives in the water of it freely, it could even be argued that the crime will go down. It could be argued, if everyone's carrying gun, it could be argued that this could reduce the army. So I'm not saying it's a good point. A good point is still
not because guns, but it could be argued that because of the because of cultural differences, yeah. In the US, it's like constitutional right. Second Amendment. Yeah. In the UK is so like, you cannot go to our blood and our cancer, whereas in the UK, it's not guns, our DNA, but then the problem of knife crime arises when you have asymmetry and access to weaponry. This guy who's let's be honest, why? Why is crime happening with the with these groups, is happening because it's a high risk, high reward situation, like you said, this guy might we get money from?
This guy has got limited thing to lose, he's not going to make it into university in his mind. You might as well shoot rocks in the blocks and get rocks, he might say, you might as well do this kind of thing. So
it's actually a rational decision for them. If they're not just being dumb, and impulsive. They're thinking about it think, okay, I can make, I can make 60 grand a year or 80 grand or 100 grand selling certain thing, but I need to be armed. Because I have to be and, you know, so in that situation, if it becomes rational for them, if the states that everyone can have 10 inch knives, maybe you could argue I'm not saying this for sure. Maybe we have to look into this. It will reduce knife crime for martial law. So I don't know for sure. But like, imagine, imagine that you're with you on the road? Yeah. Like, let me ask you. If,
if, if, if you knew everyone was carrying a knife, and if everyone knew that everyone else was carrying a knife, what would you think how that changes? Psychology? No, you would think twice.
Count to preserve if you really want and you were
the devil's feminine? Not a real, real talk. So it's a very good point. Because you guys are so though I'm seeing I'm seeing guys, I watched a documentary years ago of a guy in the back of a van selling a glove for like, $200 I'm like, what?
Both? Because it's in this country for 150
I told you will be the
UK will be like the purge. Where does the anger come from?
I'm gonna speak on my behalf based on the lack of sunlight.
Hello, my forgiving you know,
to be honest, I must speak I must speak from what happened when I speak to you know, that they're not being heard. And that this was a lot of the youth also, they come from a very abusive background, where their fathers being abusive towards their mother. And they call release the anger on the Father because they get turned over. So they go release her on someone. So that's not all cases.
But most a lot of the cases will face a lot of the cases sometimes is being left out as well. You see our people prosper in your life and you feel miserable and like you feel down on yourself and you feel like you don't have a vision. But the reality is both if you're teaching you because all Muslims here hamdulillah if you're teaching you my guide to Prophet, peace be upon him was poor. And he remained poor. Like Allah could have given him the world and the garden and and the land itself may chose to remain a humble servant. So guess what every single puffy was a shepherd as well. So don't come to me with your account do a nine to five because I'm trapping and making five grand a
day we're talking about people so date there's so
how can I say this boat they're addicted to this false lie for false money.
But the reality is, I'll give you a prime example. There's one guy that I know. Well he for him just to drop his beanbags into the rubbish. The rubbish section in his flat or whatever, maybe yet he has to carry a gun in the UK. But he will say to him what were you unless you've got a family and he's a bow. I've already told my family if I were to gun if I were to get into a shootout with police forget enemies but with police I'm not going back to prison where they got to kill me
to understand this is amazing. They have they call I'm looking at the issues of Islam has become one of the worst areas we're where we are right now. Muslims killing Muslims right here. Yeah, bro. Why are we here?
English people when they get married or to death, it was quite novel as Muslims to different beyond remember,
I get that tattooed on your chest
Oh ALLAH he Alhamdulillah adult, I've never tasted alcohol as well, how I'm so happy, like I'm proud of this. And I have no no tattoos. It's surprisingly to hear from the outside look again, because the way we talk about Islam in America is like it's a way away from all the violence and from these problems, and then you come here and it's, I got to do have to admit that most of the knife crime and the violent crime is, is probably from a lot of the Muslim Brothers, unfortunately. Yeah, but how does the DEA and there's an of course, like the work you that you do, it pushes people away from that, and it gets them on their deed, like so lack of knowledge, right? I'm trying to push them to
the lunch boat, you know, when you came into the shop, you see the carpet outside, you know, when you dust off your trainers, because you might have some dirt on your side. And that carpet, use me as to be that carpet, before getting further into the religion and seeking knowledge from people of knowledge and your local Imams and so on and so forth. So what I tend to do now Pro, is that if I'm joining the youth in, I have someone of knowledge with me. So some of those loans was safe
let them speak about the religion. And then after that, let me resonate with you. And what do you want, they want you to be vulnerable like them. So when I'm speaking about certain aspects of my life and certain aspects of the road, I'm opening up myself in a boat. I'm a waste, man. I'm gonna waste a
lot probably because I disobeyed my parents, right? This makes you
bow right wait for Americans, what is a waste? Man? What is a waste? What is a coward?
This is
still in America, not waste from someone.
You say, Oh, he's so brave.
Which one is like a waste of space? What? A waste of space, someone that doesn't benefit the society. It doesn't benefit. Yes.
That's the best word for someone that doesn't benefit anyone and anything around them.
That's a waste of time.
So when I say I'm a waste when there's not to humble myself, but in a sense where like is,
is that I could do more. You could do more. You could seek more knowledge. You could do more praise. You could do more for the youth. You see. I don't like all of this talk. And you see the hypocrisy in some of our tools. Our reaction to it. Yeah. But but
there was a there was a talk I don't sneak who was doing a reaction this before he was Muslim. So I'm gonna say what I want to say. And
I don't remember what I said, to get choked up
or you refute him. I was just talking.
I was just talking. And then sneakers that
he was used to a reaction to a video of mine talking about the bones. And then I was like, people are dying. Like look at the receipt. What happened with again, the Lamborghini and the post office, and the postman. Sorry. And so on. And then sneakers aloo or like the way to talk in London.
To you like an English accent, bro. You're
so yeah, well, Hamdulillah
I don't even remember the
ball, what?
From someone that's on social media. So what do you feel like is missing from just your comment section from people approaching you face to face and speaking to you
in terms of the deal in terms of the youngsters, the youth Muslim or non Muslim?
What is missing? I think I think what you are number one are doing it. I think that that's good like being people that connect to non Muslims and
because a lot of a lot of shakes they come off with this idea that you're not supposed to confess your sins. And you're not something you're supposed to be perfect a lot of them are afraid to like smoke shisha on camera, but off camera, they might desist. I haven't seen that. But that's an example of what I'm talking about. I think the relatability if people that talk like them that act like them. I think the reason that someone like shake with mon is really effective because he talks about his past. He talks about like, how he stayed away from the DNA and you know, his history with with gang violence, and how he came back to them how it changes like relatability Yeah, relatability
is a big part is a huge part. Yeah. But you get it. But what do you see every single person that actually resonates with the youth all have the same gift? And the gift is, you have to show them that you're vulnerable just like them. You understand? Show them that you're vulnerable.
They need to understand what it means. I am humbled.
The show vulnerability. Yeah. 100%
Okay, I that's nice. That's enough.
Alcohol by the way from
there you want
to try?
What is
the mocktail Marcel
it's a good life.
Well, Aki, let me ask you, what do you think that that Muslim influencers can improve on? I hate that term Muslim influencers? Right? Well
I guess he just, you know, Muslims, I talk in front of the camera all day long, because it's very difficult, you know, in that in that world, it's just you're you're signing up to be in a in a world of ShakeDown. So so how could we do a better job? And how do you think we miss represent Islam? What do you think that we could do better? For someone, someone that's around me, that's very, very close to me. So this to me, yeah, the more you are in the public eye, the more you need to do in secret between you and Allah,
to understand, because all of the things that you're doing in the public eye wouldn't mean nothing. If your relationship with Allah is minimum, you know, the certain days, days days, you want to you want to work on the, you want to work on your relationship with the creation and not the creator. So that is sort of kind of exposes your intentions. As Omar Mahatama said, we could judge by what is apparent, and from what was apparent, actually, every one is a cloud chaser. And even in the Muslims, everyone was good for you. Until you become better than the
poor, they will support you. They do that the moment they see you surpass them now, but that's when this slander and the backbiting comes in us, every single one of us able everyone could tell you this. That's true. Look, I mean, the thing is, it's like it's, you're dealing with resentment and jealousy a lot of times, and we don't know, like, a lot of people would desire failure. So they'll see people that are going and a lot from this room. And they'll say like, Okay, well, we'll start attacking you. And the reason why they're doing it, the motivation to do it is because they want to be famous, and you've got what they want. So they have to find a reason to attack you is a cheap,
but superficial reality. How do you how do you I want to ask all of you that, how do you deal with that? Because desiring and chasing fame, is a form of shirk, I think, in a way because you want to be worshipped, like, like a god, like God is worshipped, you know, wanting to be that famous person. Like, sometimes that's happened before I've seen him, we will, like will bow down. Like, they'll literally perform Sousou like in front of you, but like, you're like You're an idol. How do you balance that? Because it's a very fine line, and it's not something that Muslims had to deal with for centuries is is? Is this this issue of fame?
Boat, you know, is a very difficult question. Because, you know, like, you, I think people are like this. Yeah. And this is in the usually in the self help books and stuff. They say, think Win Win,
which is the following you also ask yourself the question, if you make more money in life, where you get more fame, or you have more power, those three things in particular,
if you're a strategic about how you kind of distribute those resources, and you and you want people to be on your side, whether they're on your team or not, like Muslims are, so you have to share it, you have to be of benefit to them.
So how do you do that? So for example of money, right? If you make more money,
you have to start sharing this money. Because if you don't share it, breaking bread, so let me explain what I mean by that. So for example, like, let's say you're making 30,000 pounds a year well, and then you start making 80,000. Now people start realizing that you're making more money.
They will, it's a natural thing for them to be jealous of Allah. Okay, you have to understand human nature. That's how you
When nature works, they're going to feel that certain way that so they might want to harm you, they might want to speak bad about you, they want to, they might want to take what you have, they might want to even have it remove what you have, wherever it may be, unless you make your success, their success. So for example, if they're close persons, if they're your cousin, if they're your brother, if they're your friend, you bring them in, you say, Listen, this is what's happening. And we're all gonna, we're all gonna succeed together. So it's win win. So now when you're winning, they're winning. So they're less likely to feel jealous and resentful. Now, that's easy to do with your
inner circle, because you can easily just bring them in to financial things about what that was the wider community, you have to provide benefits to the wider community. So that if you if you actually provide real benefits to the wider community, they may say, We don't like this guy. We don't like his mountain mannerisms. I'm pretty sure everybody on this table,
say something funny.
With yourself, because you're less controversial, but everybody like you know, who's been famous. We don't like how he approaches this. We don't like his mannerisms, whatever, blah, blah, blah. But if there's a redeeming quality, which is that however, he's he's procuring this benefit for our community. So all of the negatives end up being a positive, because he's bringing people to Islam or because he's relating to the youth, there's this redeeming quality, then I think they will tolerate us if you don't have a redeeming quality. They won't tolerate you. It's your intolerable to the community. So I think you have to think win win. If you're becoming more successful, don't just
think oh, well, these guys have to work work on their diseases of the hearts and so on. That's one way of approaching it but you're not going to quash the issue of that you have to think Win Win How do I bring these people how do I give them benefit so that they don't act in such jealous manner towards me, right? And also levers of power share the power of us with money share the money with us, we're fame give us your fame for a benefit that everyone can accept. But we're raising money for charity because everyone accepts that if you're using your fame to raise funds for charity for example, that okay, this guy's using it he's at least doing this redeeming quality or disguise using
it for this purposes join me right I want to ask all of you about this but that just reminded me I forgot to mention this you guys can go to a project if right now for every $2
He was exactly doing what you were saying.
I forgot to mention that this whole street project if tore down
I need to mention that now. Before we continue we had a long conversation about that about how to deal with face doesn't seem like you you deal with as many of those issues as maybe we do.
The truth is like for me I think it depends on the person for me honestly I despise fame. But look there are harmful effects from fame that I'm going to mention that which I would struggle with that everyone was struggling but the side of wanting the people to recognize me when I walk into the room that's the opposite of what I want because I'm a very private person that's why I don't people don't know my background don't know where I said I like privacy right? I don't like someone I do not know okay, he knows me through social media he loves me and all of that okay. And loving Islam is important. But he comes up to you he already knows you don't know that but he's approaching you in a
way that he already knows you right? That's what fame does right? He got he wants to have University and we all have that and like you don't know the brother of course you have to be humbly Humble yourself. Because you know why they recognize you because you're doing something right? But for me I am a very private person. That's why I never wanted to ask your question bro. Yeah, we challenge you a little bit
if if you could press a button
that delete all your social media
and that it can transfer it like AI can be generated your voice changes your face changes on all of your videos you can still have the same benefit with a different person which person
would you without shadow our first before before before
before being before being on social media
like if you know some of the brothers will go to the corner you can even speak to the ones I didn't want to make a jump because as I said I don't I like privacy
before I could have been anything
this is because when I say I'm a private person, I mean I love you don't mean it, but I do need it right. So this is I don't start it from that aspect of wanting people to recognize but there are other harmful as the aspects of the control. Sorry, the power you get with you speaking people listen
Tonight, so you start thinking that No, you're a person of authority now, who are you to disagree with me? Like someone comes on last few minutes? Brother You said this is what do you disagree with me? What did you do in your life you started in
ego you start building this is the biggest harmful aspect, I would say that aspect of fame is you trying to, you know, have like self adornment, loving yourself thinking you are you are above other people, which then you will demean the other people, like for example, and I've said this, and I will say this publicly, I never have any problem with any Muslim on any social media platform to make a video correcting me on something that I said that was wrong. As long as he knows this is publicly, he doesn't have to message me. He doesn't have to save it here for everyone for a live for people to know. I don't care. Because, okay, if he's doing it, either, it's a win win situation for
me. If he is doing it out of jealousy, I will have my right to the Day of Judgment. Right? If he's doing it out of goodness, then he's correcting me is benefiting me, I'll come back and say this brother corrected me is wrong. I want my say feeling favoritism. Right. So I don't have issues with this happening. The problem is, as I said, this is the harmful aspect of fame. The idea I notice is that you start having you done what comments, you go on my channel, maybe other browsers chances What 99.9% of people praising you, sometimes people over praising you. And and that can have a huge effect on your heart. Because, okay, we are human beings, and then people continue to praise, you
continue to praise, you continue to praise, you don't say you will not have an effect on me like I don't have an answer for you, Cory, you're a human being. Right. So this is I think, is the biggest after the fact that then you start doing things, wanting also people to praise the actions that you're doing, not necessarily recognize you. So there's not this aspect of fame, but to always be right. Always to be the correct person, always, no one is going to refute me, no one is going to be above me, you're going to listen to me because I know what I'm talking about, right? These aspects, I find the most problematic aspects. And this is why I'm not right. The brothers for example, like
that, he'll do that in the UK. And I've noticed that with in person, right? When I sat down one to one level and brought evidences, like, Brother, you've done this, which is wrong. I did privately. And the product, you know, he says yes, this is wrong. Okay, I'm going to remove it when I'm wrong, then I think we still do. In fact, someone disagree with me. To the extent one time I'm going to mention with this person is
there was something he mentioned, he said, about one, I don't even want to mention it because I don't want to him to recognize exactly, but he said something. He said this prophet X didn't do X. And I said, Brother, this is not correct. Because he said, Do Christians have this? We don't have it. But we do have that same thing that you were criticizing, right? Do you have to be careful about what you criticize it? Then I provide it to him. He kept arguing all the way until I sent him a verse of the Quran, where it explicitly opposes what he's saying literally word for word. Then he says, Ah, okay, okay, and he didn't clarify it and move the videos in doing it. So then it becomes
this problem, right? Because I'm engaging with non Muslims a lot. I'm always I have the truth. So I'm winning the argument. So I started thinking now that I win every argument out there, no one can correct me now. You know, now I have the truth collected everything that I say. And what I say is the Absolute Truth, this becomes the biggest issue I see. This is the issue of ego. And jealousy is that there are groups and I've left many of these groups before certain people associate the brothers doing that or this or that, and they will be criticizing other or other people in that group. Okay, a group of 60 people, that person is not there, and you're talking about him behind his
back, for what reason? And he will do something good, right? You do something good. They're not gonna mention the good they will look at that point one second forever bad thing was individual, all of them in the group will be off is this is very harmful. This is very bad. Yeah. How could he do this, this and that, and they will be talking about it. And this is a sad, sad reality. Honestly, it is a sad reality. That yeah, with fame, you need to understand, you are still a person who came from a sperm drop. If it left, it will start to stink. This is the truth. This is who you are as a human being.
Yeah, well, it's a way to start stinking.
You're saying that's a good point. What were you thinking? I agree with you fully, wholeheartedly, and I feel that if anybody you see we live in a time and age, everybody wants their voices to be heard. But it depends on what type of audience are hearing that voice. So I'll give you a prime example. If I make mistakes, I would love to be corrected this according to the Quran and Sunnah.
I'm more than happy to vote on the label at the end of the day, not that email, law scholar.
I'm just gonna make mistakes a waste by.
learning the lingo.