Aarij Anwer – It is permissible to wear clothes with pictures

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history of the use of pictures in advertising and the ban of images on shaming individuals. They explore the use of polygraph and "IT" in pictures, as well as the use of "IT" in clothing and clothing clothing. They also touch on the use of "IT" in clothing and clothing clothing, the mythology behind certain clothing terms, and the use of images on walls and shelves. They briefly touch on the issue of black culture and its influence on clothing.
AI: Transcript ©
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Exactly hamdulillah so that is silk all Hamdulillah

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you know Alhamdulillah for the Industrial Revolution, right? Get rid of these things now. Okay. And the other topic is the clothing with pictures, huh? All right, very interesting. Let us start maybe a little bit before the pictures on the clothes. We'll start with the pictures themselves. Yes. Oh boy, hot topic. Pictures themselves. What do we do with pictures?

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If you remember in the early 2000s I'm old enough to remember this. Some of you are to mashallah as well. This was a hot debate. Among the Maasai is can we take pictures or not with the cell phone? You remember that? How many of you remember that? Some of you were having the dilla right now mashallah every chef is posting a selfie on Instagram Allah. You see how the fatwa has evolved? It is like, I remember if you take a picture and the brothers would step out of the pictures like oh, I don't take pictures. Now everybody's taking pictures and everybody's posting them on Instagram. It's not even a question to be asked. Okay, so what happened? Okay, here's what happens. The first thing

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is the picture there are a hadith where the prophets of Allah is very strictly warning against

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making pictures and pictorial representations of animate objects a very important animate objects are about an hour that has a soul and there's very very stern a hadith about this that the ones who make these pictures will be punished in the day of judgment and the ones who are wearing them or have them in their homes the angels don't enter those homes have you guys have heard of these a hadith? Yes, I don't have to repeat them correct under the law. These are Hadith

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are there is a context to this these a hadith and let's look at what this is referring to when I read you this this this this this piece written on this topic and there's a lot of detail about this this paragraph summarizes it really well okay. He says for in Canada he a sore elbow Judah mean Mala ukara who have in bait for Inhotim narrow the hudl melodica medallic A missile a sewer, el Katara o el Mohana. Alright, what does that mean? He says this is from a photo of one of the Messiah here and this is actually a coding another way and he had he will quote an alien even Hydra later he says that the pictures that are okay to be in the house. Okay, they don't prevent the angels from

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entering the house. So there is a category of pictures that don't prevent the angels from entering your house. And thus it means that they are okay. They are alright. Okay.

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What are that that is either to one of two things one that the picture does not does not have a head a it's a picture without a head it's a picture of a person without a head maybe that not is not everybody's cup of tea

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or and the other one is as Mohana

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the the pictures that are better for lack of better transition humiliated, right? What does that mean? They're not venerated, they're not seen as something

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that is a loving veneration of that object. Okay. It is debased it has little value. Okay, what does that mean? Okay. The polygraph is so high in an eyeshadow Delana color it but even the views also mean suffer. What's the term to be commonly Allah? Certainly. He had Timothy if Allah Maha fella Mara who Rasulullah is also Lama had taka who, who Allah Donna see Adam and Yamanaka, Allah Dena yoga, Hoonah Tila, call it for Jana VESA didn't always hesitate. This isn't Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim the problem came back from traveling and I shall draw the line I had

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it alarmingly, Allah Sahaja Lee, we had the mouthfeel the ROM here is

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it's like a it's like a curtain or an object similar to a curtain. So it had pictures on it, okay. It had pictures on it. So the prophets of salaam was an unhappy with that he did not like to see this. And in fact, when he saw that he said that the people who are

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the people who are punished

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most severely on the day of judgment are the ones who are trying

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trying to replicate the creation of Allah

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the props of them did not like this. This this cloth that had a animate objects picture on it. Okay. Now

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what did I show the learner or the Elana do? But Allah He said that and always had the day. He said that we made it into a we saw that we saw that as a pillow. So they made into a pillow or two pillows. And that's the Hadith, the idea being the picture that was on like a curtain or something that was venerated in a way where it became a picture that is humiliated on a pillow like you sit on it, you step on it, you sleep on it. Yes. That did not become that wasn't considered to be haram anymore. The Prophet son allowed that in his own house. Do you guys see the point here? It's not condoning making those pictures, that's a different conversation. What can you paint? What can you

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draw? That's not what we're discussing right now. Maybe we'll discuss that some other time. But the point is, what if you have something or you bought something that is an image? Yes. If it is venerated, not allowed. Not Allowed tape, but if it is humiliated, but maybe not the word for it is like, like, degraded? Yes, thank you just like nothing right, then that is no problem.

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Because the problem with the picture is the veneration.

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I'll give you an example. How did

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you would think that a person would hang a picture on the wall, and this is a picture, but in a generation, that picture will become a family memory? Yes. And it takes the place. Like, almost like a demigod in the house of that person.

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That's something that you could see, you could witness in people's homes. I for example, this family members I have who have a picture of their, you know, like grandfather, and if you touch that picture or move it Oh, my goodness, you have like, pinched a nerve or something like It's like yelling and screaming. It's we of course love our forefathers or grandfathers or, you know, parents, we love them hamdulillah that's something we should do. But the picture has become such a like object of contention. It is almost like it is venerated and a generation later, it becomes what, even more so? that slippery slope of Shiva

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is what the Sharia shut, that door completely was shut. So that that would not not be a situation that arises inside the homes of the believers. Okay. And that is the reasoning behind it. So if there's pictures that don't serve that purpose, that is okay. I asked my chef about this. When I first read this in fifth grade, I was like, shit, what is this? Because I never knew that. He said it's okay. He's like, if you're, if you have a Mickey Mouse, blanket, it's okay. I was like, I don't have Mickey Mouse back. But do you think

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just because I came from Cal doesn't mean I have a Mickey Mouse on my blanket. Alright. But good to know. Thank you.

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But the idea remains, if it's something that is, you know, degraded or debase, it is not a problem. So that's pictures. Okay. Now let's come to pictures on clothing. Pictures on clothing are generally a type of veneration. Generally, you would say this is a type of veneration you're reading someone's picture. You are probably admiring them. Yes or no. And even if you are not admiring them, you at least you're not debasing them. They're on your chest. Yes. Right. Okay, great. I saw this one sister come to the message. She was wearing a picture she's wearing a shirt that had Michael Jackson on it

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has like,

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what do I say this lady right. But anyway, interesting choice of apparel.

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The point is that person is venerating the person on the picture on the on the on their clothes. And as such those pictures and those codes are then impermissible to wear

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that has a picture that is a word that has a picture of something that is animate. Okay, if it is inanimate, or the head is cut, and again, I don't think the head cut is a little extreme for us. Okay? But if it's inanimate, like, you know, the picture of like a, you know, some scenery or mountains or trees or anything else or artistic sketches or something that is the face is off, you skated, let's put it that way, like the face is not obvious.

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Then that is okay. Okay, that is completely fine. There's no problem with that because

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That itself does not represent what is impermissible in the deen and this is again the Hadith of the person that Gibreel wanted to enter a call us or Salam porthole Gibreel said how can I enter in your house the baby can sit through and fee a fee he does Tommy your house has a curtain that has pictures for him and Dr. Russo her out to gyla dishearten you on top he says your house has a curtain that has pictures how can we enter as angels that house either you cut the head of the of this of this person in the picture right or obfuscate the the face right so it's not a face? Or you make it into like a pillowcase or a you know pillow? That is you have stepped on it sat on etc etc.

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For inna mashallah melodica, Lana, Tolu byton feet Vasil because our US angels, we don't enter houses that have pictures. So because if the image is as such a head is not there facing out there or obfuscated, and then that is completely permissible. There's no problem and of course, anything that is not animate, that is also permissible inshallah. Now what about what about Puma?

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Right, it looks like, looks like a human right? Actual like, like a tiger or? Ma, right? Whatever the animal category has helped me out here, auto neuron

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the feline, thank you.

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So that is not actually a picture of a feline, correct. Do you agree with that?

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If you think it is, then you don't wear it. Alright, if you think it's not, then you then you wear it, there's no problem. Because it's also a little bit of how you see it. All right. What about what about other types of

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other types of items that are on the clothes? For example? I have a jersey of amoeba Magomedov actually do. Right? And it has a picture of it has a emblem of a bear on it.

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Alright, because apparently, from you know, the Russians, they have the beard. I don't know why. Or maybe because he wrestled a bear. Maybe that's why they have an emblem for Bear. But it doesn't like if you don't know the story of why the bear is there. You can't even really say that's a bear. You could think of it like just like a cartoon here. So I think that's okay.

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I also have a Toronto Blue Jays shirt that has a blue J on it.

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I think that's not okay to wear. Like for Salah at least. Okay? Because the blue j in the Blue Jays picture is very obviously a bluejay it's a very obvious animal. It's not like the Puma logo. It's not like the bear on the beam jersey. Right? It's a very obvious animal. And they make it very obvious because that's the name of the team. Right? So, uh, you know, I would wear it with like a, like, I would put a shirt on top right? And then I lost that said, right, you get to

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support your team and also be faithful to your deen inshallah. Okay, get to in one. What about things like, logos like Nike?

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Is it okay to wear a shirt that has the swoosh logo on it?

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Yes or no? And he will say yes.

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Like, please, please don't say no.

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He will say no. Okay, good. hamdullah you don't have anybody saying no. And the correct answer, of course, is yes. Because the swoosh logo is just the logo doesn't represent anything.

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It doesn't. It's definitely not an animate object. And there is mythology, Greek mythology that is behind the name Nike, here. But the Greek mythology is not what you are, you know, representing you're representing maybe the company or maybe you just like their shoes or you like their clothes or whatnot. So it's not that right.

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On a similar analogy, the scholars of standing finance allow you to purchase Nike stock.

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They say it's permissible to purchase Nike stock, if you're able to purchase a share of the company, make money from it, it is also permissible to buy the products of the company and wear it okay. That's another interesting way of looking at it inshallah.

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Anything that has the ayat of Quran on it.

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That is something there's some detail there. The ayat of Quran cannot be debased.

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and they cannot be disrespected. Hey, Daddy government you are Lim SHA, Allah in the Harmon Taquile pollute the Quran says the one who venerate the symbols of Allah, that is because of the righteousness of the heart. So they should be, they can be on clothes, but those clothes have to you have to make sure that you do not disrespect the words of Allah meaning that they are not tossed to the ground in a in a bad way. And they're not, then you have to treat them more carefully, and more in a better way inshallah. So those are some of the things questions about pictures on clothes, or something else that I didn't maybe discuss. Yes, Brother, what's your name, sir?

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Touching the screen, okay, go ahead.

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Okay, finally pictures at home, you can have pictures in an album, you can have them in an envelope and you can have them put away there's no issue there there is. Well, to be honest, like the scholars are quite divided on this topic. Okay. But from what I have studied, it seems like it is fine to have pictures that are close the book. Okay. But hang them on the wall on a structure on a wall is where the problem arises.

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Is that other shows?

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Very good question. And you see the people's faces.

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If the face is clear, like you can make Yeah, it's

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huh. Okay, excellent question. The answer would be if the face is there, like if just imagine there's a picture and like, there's a

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you know, one of the people making the off looks at the cameraman. And the pictures taken.

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This is a

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you, if you if you take pictures in the heart of you will see all all types of like, you know, interesting things I have seen. Mashallah, like a whole host of hilarious images being taken in the huddle. Okay.

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So if that's the case, then clearly the person's face is there. And that will be impermissible. But if the person is there, obviously, there's a person or people are there, but you cannot see their face, or the faces obfuscated. Like it's blurred, because they're moving. Right, that inshallah that should be okay. Right? It is if the exactly is visible, that's when the problem arises. Alava.

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Other questions? And then we'll come

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But the name is not a problem. But the question is about jerseys. Someone's names on the back. You know, yes, you are, you know, venerating the person, but it's not an image, right, the image is the problem. The name itself, or the love of a person is, you know, that's not like necessarily haram. Right? It could become haram if it becomes extreme love, or an individual.

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But mostly, it won't be and that type of veneration is okay. And unless it's a pictorial representation of the person,

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because the picture is the one that is you can say, like, it is a step closer to being an idol than a than a name or some writing. Right? The whole idea is what these things were started off as pictures and nice things eventually turned into Gods of people. Right throughout history throughout history. So that is the door that Islam shot. You can see that in the Catholic tradition. You can see that in the Hindu tradition. You can see that all over the place. It starts with the picture turns into an idol over time. And our deen completely shut that door so that is never a you know something that can happen right so that's the intent The name doesn't fit that bill and that's why

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that should be okay well last

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question brother.

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the polar bear

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I don't know if I've seen it

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Oh, okay. I mean, again, it goes back to that like if it's a polar bears face or it's very obvious that it's like a bears face that's problematic. But a shape like a bear is not a problem just because it's the problem is the head and the face meaning visible and the picture being represented by that Alright, well on has any other

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Masha Allah you have a frame jersey on the wall

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you're hoping one day you'll have a frame jersey on yo Masha Allah has on

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there the frame jersey or anything that is, you know nice there's no problem with that the problem is with the picture of a person

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inshallah shahada

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The NBA logo

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What type of shirt is this? Sorry?

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Is it like the you talking about the NBA logo? Oh, okay. Okay. So like the Jordan, Air Jordan, for example, right? It's obviously Michael Jordan dunking, right. Like that's very obvious. That's the whole point is logo. But it's not a picture, right? It's not a image of a person. It's a logo, right? Because if you see the logo, it's not like it doesn't have eyes. And it's not like Jordans faces there. It says the silhouette of him dunking, for example. So that should be okay. Because again, if like the Hadith says, inland took power Rasuwa or Buddha, or it to Joel RUSADA. Right. If the head the idea being the face represents a picture, right.

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perfect. Exactly. If it's a face where the eyes and the features are visible, or it's, you know, barely visible, then yes, that's not allowed. But if it's a silhouette, or a logo, right, or the picture, the face is obfuscated, like it's blurred because they're like moving around the Kaaba for example, then that's not a problem Chandler is gonna say, let's just Mars and then we'll come around Mars Yes.

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I mean that that's all Yeah, those things are you can't help it right. And again, those are not necessarily like things that you hang on the wall venerate right

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yeah, so if you are praying in an area and then there is like someone's image, then it is recommended that like, that should not be right in front of you, right, you move it out of the way or something and then you pray it is it is not acceptable in that manner. It is not appropriate sorry to be in that situation. Right. But the idea of any product that has an image or anything as such, it's all about veneration and not in and that's really what it comes down to blow up. There was one other question yesterday but what's your name again? In it but the nitrous

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emojis and stuff are okay, because they're not like they're they're cartoonish representations, right? They're not actual like faces of people. Right? The question is

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that it has water in

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a Bronco

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like, is it a picture of a bronco? Or is it like a silhouette of a bronco?

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Yeah, I mean, see the blue j is like they actually have the eyes of the blue J have the nose of the beak of the blue J not the nose. Right? They have everything very visible right? There's like certain blue J logos that are just a silhouette. Broncos,

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the Denver Bronco logo even though it's all horse it's not it's a silhouette. Right? So if you have that that should be okay. Right? That's the actual horse like you know

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face of the horse or something then maybe that's something else but at the end of the day you're just using it for your sports team right you play your game in it and you're done. So that's also not a problem even if you are you can always wear something on top when you have to pray the question here is about wearing something like this specifically for Salah right? You they you can have something like this in certain circumstances, but for Salah it is to be covered. Does that make sense? Jello

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Doctor man

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Excellent question. I do have a picture on the first one, my daughter's

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digital images are not what the ahaadeeth of pictures is talking about. Because they are, as you can see, I can turn it off. Right? It's, it's gone. Right? If that reality their pixels turn ON light turns on their their light turns off, they're not they're here. So they are not considered to be pictures that the Hadith are speaking about. Even if, of course, there is some love and veneration. It's not the same as being hung on a wall and literally raised up in the house. It's different still. So the difference is loving someone or venerating someone is it's acceptable, of course, in fact, very highly recommended in many circumstances, like with your family, yes. But when I say

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veneration here, it's about like the person is on their way to becoming like a demigod of sorts. That's where the problem lies. And the images on the walls are a first step towards that. Does that make sense? That

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picture in the wallet, it's okay. Because it's closed book, anything that's closed book. There's no problem with that closed book stuff because it's again, put away or in a place that's not a problem. Even the 40 again, kind of think of it as a closed book, because when you close the phone, it's closed, right? But the picture on the wall remains there. Right? It's almost like it's

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