Zoheeb Iqbal – Serve People for the Sake of Allah

Zoheeb Iqbal
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history of the title bossy, which refers to the bossy of Jesus Christ. The title bossy is a title given to those who have mercy on people, and is used to describe a boss who can be volatile and needs help. The speaker emphasizes the importance of helping others and being empathetic towards others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Smilla rahmanir rahim. Just a quick reminder today about serving people or serving those in your community. Allah subhana wa Allah says and the Holy Quran, those of you who have mercy on people, Allah will have mercy upon you. There's a hadith that comes to mind of Hazrat Umar Radi Allahu Allah. At the time of his era, when he is the Khalifa of the Muslims, when he is a mirror Mini, he is traveling around the city, and he comes upon 10 or comes across this tent. And in this tent, he can hear a voice off someone screaming. And it's a tent that he never ever recognized to be there before. So he goes to the tent, and he comes across a man, an

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old man and he says to the man, though, who are you? What are you doing here? He goes that we've traveled this far to come and meet the Ameerul Momineen. And he goes But hold on a second, who's the screaming he goes as my wife she's giving birth and unfortunately we do not have some another female to help her give birth. As a matter of the Allahu Allah. He goes, I will be back. Just give me five minutes you rush to his house and look at the announcement he makes before his wife. He goes, Do you want to get gained the adjure of Allah subhanho wa Taala Do you want some reward? Do you want to seek reward? She goes, Yeah, what's up, he goes, pack your stuff. There's a woman giving birth and

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she needs help. This is in the middle of the night. And she doesn't think anything because she's got the reward that she knows that she's going to get from Allah. She packs a bag and rushes towards his tent. He sends his wife inside to help the women give birth and he's an hazard owner of the Allah who can started to cook whilst his wife was helping that woman. And the man then hears has O'Meara, the Allah and his wife saying that oh me don't mean tell your friend, that you've had a son, and the man starts to shake and tremble seeing your Ameerul Momineen as no matter the angles, don't not don't worry, you know, I Hamdulillah this is the idea of Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, my wife

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has sought reward and so on. And they helped further and the left look how Amida meaning in the middle of the night went to go help someone and have mercy on someone because Allah will have mercy on him. Today what happens is when someone's in help, either we take out our phones and start to record it, or we simply just close our eyes and walk straight past it. If you want the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala have empathy. Put yourself in that other person's shoes and help them not for yourself. Not for sure, not for the camera, but only for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala desirable la que Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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