Jamal Badawi – Prophethood 6 – Jesus In The Quran Birth

Jamal Badawi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of Jesus's coverages in the Bible and their use in the culture of the world. They also touch on the use of Jesus's name in the Bible for peace and forgiveness, as well as his use in the Bible for peace and forgiveness. The speakers also discuss the use of Jesus's name in the Bible for peace and forgiveness, as well as the importance of man-made births and the need for a "moneddere" to ensure the birth is complete.
AI: Transcript ©
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alaikum Ladies and gentlemen, peace be upon y'all. And welcome to another episode of Islamic focus. I'm your host, Mohammed Courtney. And this is going to be our sixth episode in the series on on profit within Islam. Our guest today is Dr. Jamal Badawi. Welcome to future labs in America.

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Could you give us a quick sort of wrap up of what we talked about last time to link it to our topic today? Okay. In the past five sessions, indeed, we were talking about various aspects of prophethood in Islam, the need for prophets, who is a prophet? What are the basic characteristics of the Prophet? What is the basic mission of the prophets?

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The infallibility of the Prophet again, as a human being still his should be a moral person who is a good example for his people, the number of prophets that were mentioned. And we concluded last time, specifically with the finality of prophethood, that is, Prophet Mohammed being the last of all prophets and messengers of God through whom the entire mission of prophethood was brought to final, most comprehensive and complete format.

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grid. Now,

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today's topic is going to be mainly on Jesus the Messiah in the Quran. And to start off, I would like you to answer the very common question of what is the extent of coverage of Jesus's life in the Quran and items? How many times was Jesus mentioned in the Quran,

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when there is at least,

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it's probably the total number really 11 chapters in the Quran, a word the name of Jesus or something about him.

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And his birth and his life is mentioned. So it's nothing really that's extraneous or exterior to the belief of the Muslim. I'll give the number of chapters in the for the benefit of some of the audience who might wish to

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read it to double check it on their own, for example, in the Quran, in chapters 23459 1921 2343 57 and 61. This are the number of chapters in the Quran, where there is some mentioned somewhere about Prophet Jesus peace be upon him. And as you know, the total number of chapters in the Quran is 114. So that's substantial coverage that the Quran has on Jesus.

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In fact, I give examples of three chapters, the titles, even a few chapters and show how much importance is given to them to this particular topic.

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one chapter in the Quran, that's chapter 19.

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takes its title from the name of the mother of Jesus. The title of the chapter is Marian sort of Miriam or, which was Mary chapter Mary.

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one chapter in the Quran, which is chapter two takes its title from the family of Mary. It's called lm Ron, or the family of imraan, which is the family of Mary.

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There is another chapter in the Quran, which is chapter five,

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which take its title from the Muslim version of the Last Supper, it's a different story, but it's called the metadata or the table the table. So even three chapters, titles of features and current are related to the in some form or the others to the story of Jesus peace be upon him as presented in the Quran. Yeah. How is he referred to in the Quran? By the way, what is the name that is used? They use Jesus.

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In some verses in the Quran, he uses the term Isaiah, yeah, in Arabic which is equivalent to Jesus.

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In some places also achieved and Messiah.

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Messiah has nothing to do anything but as a description. It could mean Messiah but also it could mean messianic means the anointed from

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the exact Hebrew translation of the word Messiah actually promise Yeah, exactly. And they

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Noting the use to annoy great evil kings and sound with oil so that the word Mercia also could could be another title given time.

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Now what about the background of Jesus? The conditions at the time of his birth and things like that the Quran delve into that subject, though there is some brief discussion of that also. But basically, the impression that you get is that, at the time of the mission of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him. It appears that the main problem with his people was extreme ritualism kind of formalism and the materialism.

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That's corroborated also, as you know, in other differences. For example, in the Bible, people refer to Jesus dismissing the money changes from the temple. Yeah, but the thing that's quite obvious is the fact that the mission of previous prophets, Israelite prophets, has been misinterpreted by many people to mean that you have to just stick to certain letters of the law of the law, forgetting the spirit of the law itself, just unlike the whole notion of an eye for an eye and tooth for tooth rather than also at times the spirit of charity and forgiveness whenever it could be applies and could be more beneficial for all concerned. So it was important

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for his time, just like the case of many previous prophets in the past, that God sent them whenever there is some fundamental need of change some fundamental deviation from the previous

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message or loss or change of the nature of previous

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message of the prophet

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SAW his birth, in fact, the miraculous aspect of his births is somewhat consistent with the kind of reminder that people need needed at that time. That is the existence of the spiritual world.

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How about his descendency his lineage? Does the Quran talk about

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his ancestor? Yes, it does. In fact, according to the Quran,

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Prophet Jesus peace be upon him is regarded as one of the descendants of Abraham. In fact, it's amazing to notice that all the prophets, the the famous prophets, I should say, what emerged in the Middle East are all from the descendants of Prophet Abraham. Because the first son of Abraham, as you know, was Ishmael. And the only prophet that we know of that who came from the descendants of Ishmael is Prophet Mohammed, the last prophet. And then from the second son, Isaac, was the patriarch also in a sense that all other Israelite prophets actually were his descendants. In fact, I could refer you specifically to the the chapter in chapter six in verses 83 and 85. It's clearly

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implied there, that Jesus is of the descendants of Abraham this one thing, if you're asking more specifically, about his last linkage in terms of his mother, we find that the Quran traces the story or lineage of Prophet Jesus to his grandmother, that is the mother of, of Mary. She's called in the Quran in Ramadan, or the wife of Emraan.

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Now, the, the story briefly before I say that, I just summarize the main points so that it would be easier to follow the exact citation from the ground that

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it says that the wife of Emraan

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got pregnant. And she vowed to God to devote

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or valid Harish is the fruit of her one to the service

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of God, some interpret that as the service of the temple.

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But when she gives birth, she found that she was a girl that was married.

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At the beginning, she was a bit disappointed, because according to the Mosaic Law, a girl cannot

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kind of serve in the in the temple. However, she accepted, whatever God has blessed her with and she prayed to God to bless her daughter, Miriam, and all her descendants.

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The Quran also says that, later on,

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Miriam, or Mary, was raised in the care of Zechariah prophets, a courier who was a relative within the same family. And he, as you know, was also the father of

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john the baptist, called them.

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john the baptist, he was a relative, so she grew up under his supervision.

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He noted strange things about Mary. Whenever he entered her sanctuary, he found that she had lots of food. He asked her Mary, what did you get this food? She said to him, or she answers, God has provided me with that. He was very impressed with this very pious and pure girl to the point

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He started praying to God, to give him

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a child as good also of his own a pure child. It is important to notice here that at that time zecharia was very old, was very advanced in age, so was his wife.

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Not only this, his wife also was barren.

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And the Quran continues on telling that there was a miraculous birth actually, of john the baptist.

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And in fact, the very birth, miraculous birth of john the baptist to a burden mothers and very, very advanced in age parents, indeed, was a kind of prelude to another, greater miracle, or greater, miraculous birth, that shortly was to take place, and that was the birth of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, maybe I'm just caught the is to give the just the clever with. That's in chapter three, verses 33 through 37. It says, Allah, or God has chosen for his message, Adam, and Noah, and the family of Abraham and the family of Emraan.

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in preference to all the people of the world, they all belong to the same chain and were the offsprings of one another. Allah knows everything and hears everything.

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When the wife of M, Ron was saying, My Lord, I vow to you what is in my one, four by suspicious service.

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So accept it, or accept this offering of mine, for you here and knows everything.

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Afterwards, when she delivered her child, she said, Lord, I have delivered a girl. And Allah knew very well what she had delivered. And the male is not like the female, in a sense, of course of service to the temple. As it is, I have named her Mary. And I implored your protection for her, and for her future of springs, from the nice chief of Satan decorist.

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So, her Lord very graciously accepted the girl and made her grow, or grow up as a good girl, and interested her to the care of zecharia.

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Whenever the courier entered the sanctuary to see her, he found some eatables with her, he would ask, Oh, Mary, once have this come to you?

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She would answer, it is from Allah or God, Allah provides without stint for whom He wills

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there upon zaccaria, invoked his Lord, and said, Oh, my Lord, grant unto me from you a progeny that is pure, for you are he that he his prayers?

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Did Mary according to the Koran, predict her predicament, so to speak? Did she know beforehand that she was going to be with child and that the child is going to be Jesus and his status in life is going to be that important and all that.

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According to the Quran, she did have some

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notion or at least a clear idea of the kind of miracle that's going to be

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taking place through her.

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According to the Quran again,

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I put it very clearly.

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Because that relates to further discussion, that the birth of Jesus according to the Quran, is a virgin birth. There is no dispute. There's no ifs and buts about it.

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And that she gave birth to Jesus actually, before she got married. As somebody, for example, to this Joseph the carpenter.

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And this, as I said, was perhaps the most outstanding miracle of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him the way he was born.

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When we talk about this, we cannot really speculate much more, perhaps I can refer directly to the Quran. The summary of the verses I'm going to recite is that one time Mary took a place away or took in seclusion away from her family.

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And when she was alone, there appears to her the angel of God in the form of a human being. In the beginning, she was scared, of course, a girl alone. She started imploring Him not to get near heart or touch harsh, he really fears God.

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Then he started telling her that she should not fear is not there to hurt her anything is simply coming to bring to her the news of the birth of a novel or pure child

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This is basically the story as it goes maybe like we did last time perhaps if I refer directly to the translation, this appears in chapter 19, the chapter again, that takes the title Mary, especially verses 16, to 21. It says,

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and relate, relate or Mohammed in the book, that is the Quran, the story of Mary, when she was drew from her family to a place in the east,

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she placed a screen to screen herself from them. Then we sent to her Our engine, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects. Of course, I may interject here that we mentioned before in a previous series, that engine Gabrielle appears to Prophet Muhammad in a form of a human being. So this was not unknown or unusual. Right? She said, I seek refuge from you, to God, Most Gracious, come not near, if you does fear or if you do hear God. He said, that's the engine, knee. I am only a messenger from the Lord, to announce to you the gift of a Holy Son, Holy or pure, actually, the original word zakian means pure.

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She said, How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me? And I am not unchaste. He said, so it will be. Your Lord says, that is easy for me that's easy for God.

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And we wish to appoint him as a sign unto men and mercy from Us.

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It is a matter so decreed.

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This is how the message how the the the news of the future birth is related to.

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Okay, the following question, the logical question sequence would be, did she beget Jesus, if you will? Or did she bring Jesus in the proper fashion? Or in the not? Not the proper? I mean, in the normal fashion? Was her childbearing and her delivery, like everybody else's? Or did she have any medical in that respect as well? Okay, just summarize again, and I'll get the citation words also,

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as far as her pregnancy there is no evidence in the Quran that it was not unusual. It was just like any woman's pregnancy. In fact, the Quran talks about her suffering, the agony of birth, of childbirth, like any other woman would. But the Quran also add that she was particularly distressed psychologically, because she was very worried as to what her people will think of her how she's going to explain to them this virgin birth, nobody would believe her, she was afraid.

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The Quran also indicate that something miraculous also happened immediately after Jesus was born, that when she was suffering from that stress and pain, he assured her

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and told her what to do when people ask her these types of questions. And even the Quran shows later on that as a baby. As an infant. Even in her arms, he started responding and defending his mother against the kinds of accusations that were made. The reference to this summary that they give is an agenda 18 verses 22 through 26, maybe I can read the translation.

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So she says Mary conceived him because of Jesus, and she retired with him to a remote place, and the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She cried, and her anguish, ah, wood that I had died before this wood that I had been a think forgotten and out of sight.

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But a voice cried to her from beneath the palm tree. By the way, that voice is interpreted in some versions as a voice of an angel. But another very legitimate interpretation that this was also the voice underneath. How does the voice of Jesus himself, he cried unto heart, give not,

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for your Lord has provided a rivulet beneath you, and shake towards yourself, the trunk of the palm tree, it will let fall fresh, ripe dates upon you.

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So eat and drink and call your eyes. And if you do see any man, say, I have vowed a fast to God,

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Most Gracious, and this day, I will enter in no talk with any human being.

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Beautiful. Okay, does the Quran continue by talking about the reaction of people? It does affect the following verses from 27 to 14% chapters chapter 19

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covers the kind of reaction of people that the they had the kind of condemnation they made against me. Perhaps I could continue to give the same

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indication. At length. She brought the baby to her people carrying him and her arm. They said, Oh, Mary, truly an amazing thing. Has you brought

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all sisters of Aaron and by the way, sister is telling me that she was sisters blood sister because all believers are regarded as a very common misconception among Western writers. They say the Quran confuses her with the sister of Moses was called

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the sister the sister mother, because she was the brother sister, like the believers, or Batman brotherhood, so all believers, and also some Assam

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to an essence of similar to him in worship and devotion to God, right, or whichever meaning it's still very consistent. or sister of Aaron, your father was not a man of evil, nor your mother, a woman unchaste.

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But she pointed to the babe Jesus. They said, How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle. He said that Jesus, I am indeed a servant of God.

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He has given me revelation, and made me a prophet. And he has made me blessed wheresoever ib,

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and has enjoined on me, prayer and charity as long as I live.

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He has made me kind to my mother's not overbearing, or miserable.

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So peace is on me. That's on Jesus. The day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life again.

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Such was Jesus the son of Mary. It is a statement of truth about which day vainly dispute.

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It is not be fitting to the majesty of God, that he should be getting some Glory be to him. When he determines it matters, he only says to be, and it is, verily, God is my Lord and your Lord, that's the word of Jesus, telling his people, my God and your God, verily, God is my Lord, and your Lord, him therefore serve you. This is a way that is straight. But the * differs among themselves. And war through the unbelievers because of the coming judgment on a momentous day, how plainly will they see and here's the day that they will appear before us that is before God. But the unjust today are in error manifest, but warn them that is one of them or Mohammed, of the day of distress, when the

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matter will be determined. For behold, they are negligent, and they do not believe

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it is we that is God who will inherit the earth and all beings, they're on to us, that is to God. Will they all be returned?

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Now we come to the ultimate rhetorical question raised by a lot of people and that is if the Quran says it's so beautifully that Jesus had only a mother and did not have a father. And if the Koran attests, and confesses to the fact of his miraculous birth, who was his father? Okay. You can respond back by asking, Who is his father, the first woman whose Adam's father, if because a person does not have a physical human father, that this imply that is divine or his God, then he have must have been God, Adam must have been God because we don't have a known father.

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The Quran answered this question in one verse, not directly, not because somebody asked me this, but the answer could be derived easily. In chapter three, verse 59, I think we mentioned that verse before in the context of discussing the concept of monotheism in Islam.

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It says in msla, sign the law he can SLE Adam halaqa, human to Robin, to macabre who can translation, the similitude of Jesus before God or before Allah is like that, or as that of Adam, He created him from dust. Then he said to him, Be and he was, the truth comes from your God or from God alone. So be not of those who doubt. So according to this verse Then simply says that God who were who was able to create Adam, without father or mother, to create a from a man side but not from

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from a woman side is it

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To create Jesus as well also without necessarily having a physical father. Indeed, we should remember that it is not only the creation or birth of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him. That's miraculous. It's unusual. But it is just as miraculous as the rest of any human being. If you really study how the various genetic characteristics are passed on, from parents to children, that is a miracle itself, all sorts of all we can say that it is both miraculous and unusual in the case of Jesus, peace be upon him. The point here is to remember is that we should,

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we should not imply in any shape or form, that God our Creator is bound. To follow the same laws are the same thing that we consider as laws in nature, because God Himself created the nature, he created these laws that we think and break them, you can break them whenever he wishes. Of course, this may not necessarily be the pattern, there is some most of the time there's harmony between, you know, what we perceive as natural laws and the will of God, but at times, we should have the discretion and the power of rogatis whenever he wants to give us some certain science, something that's different or unusual for a certain purpose, that he is definitely able to do that we cannot

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limit the power of God, maybe one point

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should be added here.

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And I could do that best perhaps by quoting a verse from the Quran and just make a comment on that. In the same chapter, chapter three, verses 45 to 49. It says, and remember when the engine said, Amiri Allah, God sends you the good news of a command of his, his name shall be, and Messier, which is translated and noted or Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, he will be highly honored in this world, and in the next world, and he will be among those favored by Allah.

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He will speak to the people alike, when in the cradle like the previous verse indicated, and when he grew when grown up, and he will be amongst the righteous hearing this way, he said, How long shall I have a son, when no man has ever touched me? Thus, shall it be was the answer. Allah creates, whatever he will notice here, Allah creates whatever he wants. That was the response to her wondering how could she get the Debian this way. When he decrees a thing, that's when God decrees a thing. He only says B. And it is you don't need even a mother or father. He says, you need the word be the Word of God creates everything. And Allah will teach him the book and the Wisdom, and give

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him the knowledge of the Torah and the Gospel, and appoint him as a messenger to the children of Israel. The comment I wanted to make here, that it's obvious from that that the will of God does not need this human media intermediary for for pregnancy, if you decide something, you can just simply order that a child will be born from a virgin, he can do that. But there's some beautiful thought also, that's one of one Egyptian scholar has commented on. And he said that if you look into the various unusual methods of creation that God has made, you find that the creation of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him completes the picture, in what sense,

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there was a type of creation of people or humans without a father or mother. That was the case of Adam. And then there was the case of creating a human being from a man side, but not from only a woman side. And that's obviously if she came from a man but not a mother. And then there is the average or normal creation of a human being, both from a mother and a father. And that's every one of us. I don't know if anybody would have yet so that is contemporary. And then the fourth, the different thing is the creation of a human being, from a mother's from the woman's side, but not from a father's side. So that completes beautifully. The various signs of God, the various miracles

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of God, all are equally important all are equally stunning. Miracles creating from no father or mother from mothers from a father, from both mother and father are all various signs of omnipotence and each and every one of them is miraculous in its own way. And this online birth of Jesus is just the completeness or the the finality of the miracle and its final shape. Well, unfortunately, we don't have enough time but on this beautiful thought. We close our program today. And we hope ladies and gentlemen that you enjoyed this episode. Join us next time when you would continue on the same topic. And till then this is Mohammed hossler. bidding your farewell ceremony

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