Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © Tanya from Cisco discusses her faith and desire to convert to the Catholic church, including her past confusion with Muslims and her desire to become a true Christian sister. She emphasizes the importance of following Jesus Christ's teachings and not giving false information. The Bible is also discussed, with a man named Jesus Christ being the only non Christian faith. The speaker encourages those who believe in Jesus Christ to believe in the last and final messenger.
AI: Transcript ©
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Finally, my name is Tanya, I work for Cisco. I'm not here to disagree with anything. But I've always had a lot of people, especially Muslims. Well, not a lot of people just Muslims, always telling me because you're a Catholic, you're going to go to jahannam but we're Muslims you need to convert and you will go to heaven. According to me, I'm a good Catholic. I try to be a good Catholic. I don't intentionally commit sin. But does that mean because I'm a Catholic? I'm going to go to * and if I'm a Muslim, I'm going to go to heaven since that's a question that many of her Muslim friends say because she's a Catholic because she's a Christian. She will go to * that is it true that because

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she's a Christian sister according to me if you're a true Christian, if you truly follow the teachings of Jesus Christ peace be upon him inshallah inshallah Jana.

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But, but if you truly follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, Jesus Christ, peace be upon him said, see the truth and the truth shall free you. Correct. Now what you are following? I don't know. Are you following a church? Are you following Jesus Christ peace be upon him. If you are following your church, the chances you're going to join them is very high. If you're following Jesus Christ peace be upon him, inshallah inshallah inshallah. Jana. Now,

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if you read the Bible, there are sayings of Jesus Christ peace be upon him. I don't know how much you are well versed with the Bible. Now all the things of Jesus Christ peace be upon him are in that letter, or in that letter, sister, do you believe Jesus to be God?

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Well, I'm a bit confused about that. So I'm not going to get into that. Yes or no? Whoa.

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Confused God. No, it's not confusion, but I don't want to answer something. I don't know. And it's not. I'm not saying you know, on on Sr. I'm not saying you know, not what do you believe I'm asking. I do believe he's God. Yes, that's it. I'm not saying what you know, you may not be able to prove it. Right. I do. Pfister I literally one thing. Islam is the only non Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. No Muslim is a Muslim. If he does not believe in Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. We believe that he was one of the mightiest messengers of God.

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We believe that he was born miraculously, without eliminating dimension. We believe that he was the Messiah transcended Christ. We believe that he gave life to the dead with God's permission. We believe that he healed those born dinosaurs with God's permission, the Christians and the Muslims are going together. But one may ask, Where is the parting of ways, the parting of ways is that most of the Christians almost all, they believe that Jesus Christ peace be upon him, his Almighty God, they believe he claimed divinity. In fact, if you read the Bible, there is not a single unequivocal statement. There is not a single unambiguous statement. In the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ

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peace be upon him himself says that I am God over receivership. You, sister, if you can point out a single unequivocal statement, a single unambiguous statement anyway, from the Bible in which Jesus Christ peace be upon him himself says that I am God always worship me. I am ready to accept Christianity today.

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In fact, if you read the Bible, I'm not talking about you.

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I'm not I'm giving you Yes.

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You won't have the answer. I'm giving the complete answer ensure you're gonna have the answer. I told you that if you're a true Christian, you say go to john. You don't know what to do Christian. I'm giving information about true Christian is if you read the Bible, Jesus Christ peace be upon him said in the Gospel of john chapter number 14, verse number 28, my father is greater than I gospel of john chapter number 10, was the Medina My father is greater than all Gospel of Matthew chapter number 12, was number 28. I cast out devils with the Spirit of God, Gospel of Luke chapter 11, verse number 20, I with a finger of what costs are devils gospel of john chapter number five, verse number

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30, I can have my own self do nothing as a euro judge. And my judgment is just for a sake, not my will, but the will of my Father, anyone who says I seek not my will, but the will of Almighty God is a Muslim to Jesus Christ, peace be upon him submit his will to God, he was a Muslim. He never said he was God is clearly mentioned the gospel of john chapter 14, verse number 24, Jesus Christ peace be upon him says that the word that you are not mine, but my father who has sent me and he's clearly mentioned the book of Acts, chapter number two was number 22. He men of Israel, listen to the Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God amongst you, by wonders and miracles and signs, which God did by

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him and your ministry. So Jesus Christ is a man of proof of God amongst you, by wonders and miracles and signs, which God did BAM and you have witnessed it. So from the Bible, you come to know that Jesus Christ was one of the most beloved messengers of Almighty God. We love him, we respect him, do we follow his teachings, if you come back

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What do you guys peace be upon him said in the Bible. I told that yesterday that we Muslims, we follow more of the teachings of Jesus Christ peace be upon him, Jesus Christ the Gospel of Luke. He was circumcised on the day, we Muslim the circumcised most of the Christian Jesus guys peace be upon him said you have to follow each and every law Gospel of Matthew chapter five, verse number 17. Everything of the Old Testament you can make one law adopt articulate, as I mentioned in my speech, it's mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 14, verse number eight, in the book of Isaiah chapter 60, verse two to five, and the Book of Leviticus chapter 11, verse number seven to eight,

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that you should not have poke, we Muslim, non deaf, but most of the Christians. It's mentioned book of Ephesians, chapter five, verse number 18 book of Proverbs chapter 20, verse number one is your novel called Muslim novel called medication of alcohol. So if Christian means a person who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, then we Muslims are more Christian than the Christian themselves. So if you become a true Christian,

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and truly follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ peace be upon him said in the Gospel of john, chapter number 16, was number seven, it is expedient for you that a go away for the fact go not away, the Comforter shall not come 45 go Shall I send him? It's mentioned the gospel of john chapter number 16 was summer 2014, Jesus Christ peace be upon him said, I have many things to say unto you, but he cannot bear them now for even the spirit of futurecom He also he shall not speak of himself, all that do shall he speak. He says, notify me verbatim quotation from the Bible King James Version. So Jesus Christ is prophesied about the coming of the last and final messenger, Prophet

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Muhammad peace be upon him if you're a true Christian. If you truly believe in Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, you have to believe in the last and final messenger prophet masala Salam. So if you're a true Christian, you will believe in Prophet Muhammad and inshallah we'll go to Jana. Hope answers the question sister. Thank you.

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