Mufti Menk – Eid and Beyond

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses Islam's milestones, including achieving the full month of Georgia's praising Islam, celebrating achievement, attending events, and witnessing happenings like the upcoming month of praising Islam. They emphasize the importance of fasting, avoiding drinking, and support one another. The speaker also reminds people to be aware of their actions and receive rewards for them. The importance of worshipping Allah's teachings, including gathering together and being prayerful, is emphasized. The conversation ends with a recap of the importance of fulfilling daily prayers and avoiding offense towards others.
AI: Transcript ©
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My beloved brothers and sisters,

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every time we achieve something,

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we love to celebrate that achievement in one

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way or another.

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Every time we achieve something,

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we become happy.

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This time we have achieved

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the entire month of Ramadan in obedience of

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fasting, standing in prayer, recitation of Quran, giving

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remembrance of Allah, and so many more acts

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of worship.

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May Allah accept them from us.

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As a result of these acts of worship,

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Allah has given us a day to rejoice.

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Allah has given us a day to celebrate

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this huge achievement.

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And on this day,

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it is indeed a day that has been

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given to rejoice

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to us by Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. So

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declare the greatness of Allah by saying,

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Akbaru Allahu Akbar

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On this day, one of the most important

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things is for us to dress

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with the best of our clothing

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on condition that that clothing is well within

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what Allah has ordained

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and not that which Allah would be displeased

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with. May Allah make that easy for us

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and may we be strengthened

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to realize that what is beautiful

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is what Allah has ordained.

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What is beautiful can never be that which

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Allah Almighty would be displeased with. Allahu Akbar

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Allahu Akbar.

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This is a day in which fasting is

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prohibited because

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Allah Almighty wants us to eat and to

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thank him.

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The discipline that we achieved during the month

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of Ramadan is to be extended by way

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of us

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abstaining from that which displeases Allah and engaging

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in whatever pleases Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So

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today he told us you're not allowed to

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fast. Hence,

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it is prohibited to fast on this day.

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Allah almighty wants us to eat and drink

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and thank Allah,

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and to eat and drink and show appreciation

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without being wasteful

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and reaching out to those who do not

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have the food and the drink. Hence, we

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have something known as zakatul fitr or sadaqahul

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which we should have already given

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to the poor in order for them to

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have something to eat on a day like

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this, and to enjoy and to thank Allah

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to be part of the beautiful ummah of

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

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My brothers and sisters, if you notice, the

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takbir is the declaration of the greatness of

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He wants us to worship him alone

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and he wants us to abstain from rendering

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any act of worship

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to anyone or anything besides him because the

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most important pillar of Islam

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is the declaration

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of faith.

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I bear witness that there is none worthy

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of worship

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besides Allah.

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Hence, we will not render a single act

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of worship to anyone besides Allah because they

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are not worthy

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of worship.

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Besides Allah,

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none is worthy of worship. That is the

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primary declaration of faith in Islam.

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And I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam

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is his messenger and his prophet. So whatever

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he brought, whatever he did, whatever he said,

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I will take it very seriously.

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Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.

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On a day of Eid, Allah Almighty wants

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you to gather together and to do Eid

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in a large group known as the Ummah

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because we need to support one another. We

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need to greet one another with assalamu alaykum.

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Peace be upon you, to begin with before

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we give them the congratulatory

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regarding Eid. So before you say Eid Mubarak

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and takabbalallahu

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kum, you start off by saying assalamu alaikum

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because that is the greeting

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the greeting that we are taught as Muslim

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The greeting that will happen when we meet

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with Allah

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in this verse. When they

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meet with Allah, the greeting that will happen

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is salaam which means peace.

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The idea is on this day, you shall

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be in peace.

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No one will harm you. No one will

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bother you. So when I greet you in

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this world with assalamu alaykum, I am telling

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you peace be upon you. May no harm

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come to you neither from me nor from

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anyone else. What a beautiful ummah. Allahu Akbar

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Allahu Akbar.

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La ilaha illallah

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wallahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wallillahi al hamd. My

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brothers and sisters,

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the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, says

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the ummah is like one body.

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If any part of it is in pain,

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the entire body is in pain,

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suffers with insomnia and so on. Our brothers

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and sisters in Gaza are struggling.

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Our brothers and sisters in Palestine need our

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dua and our help, our support in whatever

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way we can. It would be wrong for

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to have a day of Eid without remembering

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them. Oh Allah, grant them goodness. Oh Allah,

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protect them. Oh Allah, grant them victory.

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Oh Allah, help them. Oh Allah, you know

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that we are bleeding within. Oh Allah, help

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them and grant them the best of this

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world and the next. Oh Allah, forgive our

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shortcomings as an ummah for indeed we have

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failed them. We know your strength, you Allah.

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You have allowed this to happen, oh Allah,

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for reasons you know best. You expect us

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to help them too you Allah.

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But illahaalalameen,

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we have failed them. Forgive our shortcomings.

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My brothers and sisters, as you continue through

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this day, don't forget your brothers and sisters

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in Palestine.

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And beyond Palestine, wherever they are suffering and

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be it in Sudan or Somalia or Afghanistan

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or wherever else it may be, there are

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brothers and sisters of ours who are struggling

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and at times people are struggling in our

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own midst without us knowing, oh Allah, alleviate

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their struggles. Whoever is going through difficulty, illahaalalameen,

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make it easy for them. Allahu Akbar Allahu

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La ilaha illallah

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and many people are entering the fold of

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Go easy on them as you are teaching

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them, as you are encouraging them.

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Go easy on them and realize and understand

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that Allah always brings his worshipers and his

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slaves who are sincere and who continuously

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ask him to guide them. He brings them

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towards the guidance at times with baby steps,

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one at a time. But trust me, as

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an ummah, we care for everyone, the weak

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and the strong. And we pray for them,

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and we will not harm them. So be

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conscious of the fact that many who may

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not be practicing

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as well as they should

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need a nudge, and they need to be

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helped and supported. A word of encouragement

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needs to be said to them rather than

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a word that will chase them away from

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the deen of Allah.

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So congratulations

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to every one of you for fasting during

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the month of Ramadan.

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If because of sickness or travel you were

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unable to fast, there is no sin upon

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you. You make it up after today, any

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of the days, Insha'Allah.

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And you will be rewarded in a similar

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fashion because that is the mercy of Allah.

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Allah Almighty tells us whoever has not fasted

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because of travel and because of being unwell

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and so on,

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they will fast and make it up later.

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Similarly, a woman who was unable to fast

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due to her cycle,

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Allah Almighty asks

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her to make up the fasts later and

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she will achieve

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a greater reward

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because not only did she observe the Ramadan

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in the obedience of Allah, when Allah said

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eat, she ate. When Allah said do not

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eat, she did not eat. When Allah said

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fast, she fasted. When Allah said do not

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fast, she did not fast. So not only

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did she achieve the reward of Ramadan,

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but even out of Ramadan when she makes

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up the fast, they will be equivalent to

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the fast of Ramadan. May Allah Almighty bless

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all of us. May Allah Almighty grant us

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from His virtue, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.

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La ilaha illallahu Allahu Akbar

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My brothers and sisters, as in ummah, we

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are one body.

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There may be differences among us, but remember,

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never disrespect a person who utters the shahada.

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In fact, we are taught not to disrespect

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another human because everyone is a potential Muslim.

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May Allah Almighty grant us goodness and guide

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us and guide everyone else to the straight

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path. Amen.

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My brothers and sisters in your families,

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solve your matters and your problems. You have

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differences with your parents, with your brothers and

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sisters, uncles and aunts, with your husbands or

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your wives.

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Make sure that you resolve the matters. This

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is a day to solve matters. It's not

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a competition as to who was right and

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who was wrong. When you say, I am

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sorry, let's turn a new leaf. Let's start

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afresh. Let's forgive one another. Have a big

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heart. If someone has come to you with

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that statement,

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take it seriously and make an effort.

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Make an effort insha Allah to open your

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heart and to to forgive one another. This

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life is very short. We live for a

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few years. We return to Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala. There is no point in holding grudges

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for so long with your own kith and

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kin. Allah says in the Quran that goodness

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is achieved by those who try to resolve

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matters and to solve problems, especially with those

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whom you are related to. May Allah Almighty

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help us. On this day we remember the

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deceased, the martyrs of Gaza and Palestine. May

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Allah grant them the highest strengths of Jannah.

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And the martyrs and those who passed away

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from any other place in the world, the

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entire ummah. We ask Allah to forgive them

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too. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.

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La ilaha illallahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Walillahi

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Alhamd. My brothers and sisters, what a beautiful

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day. We're all smelling quite good. We're looking

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quite good. All this in the pleasure of

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Allah. When Allah asked us,

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we went ahead and we did it. Try

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to make it a point

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to fulfill your 5 daily prayers. In Ramadan,

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we engaged in extra voluntary prayer at night.

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What about the normal compulsory prayers out of

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and our duty unto the rest of the

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creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Allahu Akbar

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Allahu Akbar

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La ilaha illallahu

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Allahu Akbar

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