Zakir Naik – Watching Television and its Harmful Effects

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © A doctor discusses the harmful effects of television on children and young adults, citing multiple negative consequences such as causing problems for parents, children, and others. The speaker also discusses the health consequences of television, including problems for children and young adults, as well as negative lifestyle consequences such as bribery, violence, drug addiction, and alcoholism. While acknowledging the health consequences of television, the speaker hopes that people should be on the straight path to achieve their goals, even though media may deviate from the Bible.
AI: Transcript ©
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Next question, doctor Zakkia,

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relates to

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the fact that now, of course, Ramadan is

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and the devils are set free,

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many of the youth,

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not to mention other people,

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adults as well, will revert to their bad

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habits of watching

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television. Could you shed some light on

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the issue of watching television and its harmful

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does multiple times more harm

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than good.

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It harms a person spiritually,

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and economic wise.

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There are various you can give a talk

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only on the ill effects of 1 on

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Number 1

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is that

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I call it rather

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it's a.

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It's the footstep of the devil for many

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reasons. Number 1 is

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it many a time

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prevents a person from offering salah. A person

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gets addicted to the tea. So Muslims,

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though he realizes the time he's okay after

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5 minutes after 5 minutes, and he watches

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the program, the soap, or the opera, whatever

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it is, and he misses salah.

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Number 2,

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there is too much of obscenity

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on the television.

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Normal channels that you see, then in which

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channels you find so much of obscenity, and

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Allah says in the Quran in Surinur chapter

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number 24, verse number 30. Say to the

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believing man that he should lower his gaze

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and guard his modesty. Whenever a man looks

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at a woman, if any unashamed thought, any

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bathed thought come, then a man should lower

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his gaze. The next verse speaks for the

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woman, Surinur chapter 24 verse number 31. Say

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to the believing woman that she should lower

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the gaze and guard her modesty.

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That when she looks at any man and

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any unashamed thought comes, she should lower the

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gaze. So now, how can a Muslim watch

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on which you find ladies

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without hijab,

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Many of them, the clothes that they wear,

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they expose more of the body than cover

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the body.

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So but natural,

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most of the channels

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that you see

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more than 99% you can safely say,

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more than 99% are haram as far aslam

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is concerned.

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People give excuses, oh, why not news live

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in news channels. The ladies that they come,

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you know, they dress up, they're not having

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hijab, etcetera.

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And the obscenity that is there,

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it is tremendous. And there are many reports,

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which if time permits, I'll tell you later

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on. And the second is obscenity on the

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3 is the extravagance,

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that when we see any channel, the advertisements,

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they entice a person to buy things which

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are not required. You may see a latest

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car that is launched in the market, and

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your desire will be there to buy it.

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You may want a very big house or

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thing which aren't required of, like, extra wagons

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as Allah says in the Quran in Surah

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chapter number 17, verse number 26 and 27.

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There do not be extra wagon, do not

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be a spendthrift. For verily, the person who's

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a spendthrift is the brother of the devil.

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The 4th point is

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it leads

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There's too much of glamour

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and fame. The person tries to get involved

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in that glamorous world, seeing the

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actors and the other people, and the time

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imitate them, the time immolate them. They become

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the idols and they become the heroes

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rather than Muhammad

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and the Sabas.

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is that there's too much of violence on

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the television,

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and that really

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influences the person's lifestyle, and there are several

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reports on that too.

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there's too much of drug addiction, there's too

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much of fighting,

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etcetera, which a person gets involved, you know,

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oh, some people know it's nice to have

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drugs. When a person, a young person see

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that, he tries to at least try it

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out. And that's how drug addiction increases, alcoholism

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increases, and there are various. Just to culture,

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I'll just give you some of the reports.

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The special report done only on the effect

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of television on children.

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since 1950, more than a 1000 surveys and

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researches were done on the effects of television

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on children and young adults.

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And according

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to a survey which was present in the

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senate committee of judiciary in USA in 1999,

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it says

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that because of young children

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and young adults watching television,

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it makes their lifestyle violent,

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they're aggressive,

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and they're unsocial.

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According to the report of

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a service conducted in 1992,

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And by the time a child reaches the

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age of 10, and if he watches television,

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the average hours that a person in the

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USA watches, he would have viewed 200,000

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violent acts on television

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and 40,000 murders. Imagine what impact it will

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have on that young mind.

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According to report of

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the American

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Council of Pediatrics

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in the year 2,001,

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it says that death in children

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and young adults and adolescents only due to

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that is homicide,

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and trauma is much more

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than the diseases,

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much more than cancer,

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much more than congenital

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heart disease, the deaths caused by these volumes.

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And furthermore, going to research done by the

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Foundation in the 2,005,

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it said that on an average,

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an average American child

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watches television every week for 44 and a

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half hours. That means every day he watches

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and sits in front of the computer game

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or in front of the computer screen all

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put together for about 6 and a half

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hours every day.

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That is there's no the activity does more

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than sitting in front of the television screen

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or the computer screen more than sleeping. Sleeping

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is the only thing where you may sleep

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more. Otherwise, any activity that it does, maximum

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is this. And the impact it has on

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the lifestyle, on the

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is drastically negative. There were research done on

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what effect

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a video

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album has. You know, you have a lot

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of video albums coming up and dancing and

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singing and music. It takes a person away

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from an Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Therefore I

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say it's.

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There are researches on

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the * shown on this television.

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It's tremendous.

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Maximum number of channels on the satellite

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TV. In America, it's * channels.

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In UK, it's * channel. The maximum profit

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the percentage of profit made by any channels

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are the * channels.

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And the cheapest to run a channel is

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the * channel, and even the entertainment channels

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have started getting obscenity on it to attract

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the people.

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And people get slowly and slowly alluded towards

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it. And India, which is the

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conservative country, the eastern part of the world,

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maybe a few decades back when we

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see the way the movies were made in

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India, if they're to show a love scene,

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they used to show 2 flowers. That's it,

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indicating love scene. Later on, we had the

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hero heroine,

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They're running around the tree to show a

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love scene.

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you see them openly kissing on the street

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in the movies,

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Even sleeping in bed,

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and it's very normal. So that's how I

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know it started

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with just showing a symbolic

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* of flowers. And then we see today

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that open

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openly sleeping and showing all the scenes and

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all. And it's even getting into the normal

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film television channels. Then you have the fashion

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TV and all these, you know, therefore,

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we are very particular that in our school,

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all the children who are studying in our

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in their house, in the family, there should

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be no cable TV. Even if they want

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to see PEACE TV,

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if they have a private dish where only

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PEACE TV comes, it's permitted. But if they

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have the cable TV along with PCH TV,

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if another 100 or 80,

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Haram Chan has come, we said, don't see

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PCH TV. While the Islamic sharia says, let

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a small loss take place to prevent a

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big loss. So the bigger loss is the

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haram channels. The small benefit

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is the PEACE TV, but best is to

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have only peace TV. Have a decoder, see

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the channel, that's fine.

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And there are very few channels which Islamic

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and getting people

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to the straight path. Very few. The percentage

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will be less than 1% of the channels.

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So we pray to Allah that we have

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more channels. And even the Islamic channels should

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see to that down the Quran sunnah that's

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important. Whether they get deviated with

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this media, the film industry, you know, trying

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to get more popular, slowly slowly, the time

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deviate. So we pray that we be on

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the straight path.

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So this is just in short the fuel

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effects of TV and you can give a

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talk on this.

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