Zakir Naik – How to Remain Steadfast in Doing Good Deeds after Ramadhaan

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker advises the caller to ask support from Allah to continue doing their duty after the month of Easter by asking them to go back to their previous deeds. They also suggest attending Islamic lectures, events, and events to get more knowledge and guidance on the path to Islam. The caller is advised to pray for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and to take the position away from the straight path.
AI: Transcript ©
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Well, doctor Zakkia,

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I agree with you. I think it's very,

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very sad that, so many of us

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neglect our deen after the month of Ramadan,

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but perhaps you could persuade some of us

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to retain

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some of the good deeds that we've accumulated

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and we've started doing during the month of

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Ramadan by telling us what are the means

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by which we can continue

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doing those righteous actions after the month of

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Ramadan and beyond, Insha'Allah.

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Number 1 is to ask the support of

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to ask his help. As Allah says in

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the Quran in Surah Al Imran chapter 360,

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if Allah helps you,

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none can overcome you. If Allah forsakes you,

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who is dead, then who can help you?

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So let the believers put the trust in

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So first and foremost,

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you should seek help of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala, and ask him to guide us on

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the right track and feed to it that

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he keeps us steadfast after the month of

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Ramadan. And the best dua a person can

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make is what Allah has mentioned in his

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book, the Quran in Surah Al Imran chapter

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3 verse number 8, where Allah says,

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which means our Lord. Let not our hearts

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After Dua has guided us,

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grant us mercy from their own presence, for

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Dua art grantor

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of bounties

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without measure.

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This is one of the best dua that

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a person can read, especially after the month

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of Ramadan. That

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Oh lord,

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let not a Hajj deviate

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after thou has guided us.

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Grant us mercy

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from thine own presence.

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For thou art grant her of mercy

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without measures. I purposely repeated because it's very

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Number 2, a person should be in the

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company of the righteous.

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His friend circle, the people who live with,

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should be righteous people,

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should be on the straight path, should be

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true believers, so that that helps him to

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be on the straight path, on the steadfastness,

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what he was doing in the month of

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Point number 3, he should attend

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Islamic lectures,

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Islamic talks,

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Islamic seminars, Islamic conferences,

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should visit Islamic organizations,

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which will help him to be on the

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straight path and come closer to Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala.

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Point number 4, he should watch

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programs on the video tapes, on the CDs,

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on the DVDs,

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on the television.

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And so that he gets more and more

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knowledge of the Deen, and gets him closer

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to the Deen of Islam.

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He should

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to authentic Islamic sites

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on the Internet

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that help him to be steadfast.

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He can listen to audio tapes

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of the Islamic scholars.

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He can read books, he should read the

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translation of the Lord's Quran.

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He should

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read the Sahih Hadith.

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Translation of the Quran, as I mentioned earlier,

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say international is a good translation.

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Translation by Abdullah Isofali,

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by Muslim Khan, all is a good translation

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of the Quran. As far as the book

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of Hadith are concerned, we have, say, Bukhari,

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say, Muslim,

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Sunan Abu Dawood,

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Sunan Nisai,

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Ibn Majah, etcetera.

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We have the Seerah of the Prophet, one

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of the good books is Raikul Muqtum by

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Sheikh Zafir Manubar Puri, and so on and

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so forth, which will keep you on the

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right track.

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he should see to it

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that he does all his obligatory acts,

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whether it be praying 5 times a day,

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whether giving charity,

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if he has not performed Hajj, he should

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perform if he has the means to, and

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so on and so forth. He should increase

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his superegatory

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the nafil acts, the nawafil.

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So that we get him close with Allah

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Subhanahu wa ta'ala and keep him steadfast. All

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nafil acts.

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He should

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do more dikar of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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Remember Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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He should read the Quran as much as

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possible, and remember as much as possible. And

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what he remembers, he should decide in the

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Quran so that it becomes part of his

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Furthermore, which is very important,

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he should abstain

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from things which take him away from Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala which are Khutawatul Shaitaan.

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Watching un Islamic television programs,

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watching un Islamic movies,

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during Islamic songs, listening to music,

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going to an Islamic websites,

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all these things are to Shaitan, we take

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the person away from the straight path.

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And lastly,

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he should again pray to Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala to help him

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to be on the straight path and thank

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and repent if he

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had made any mistake and thank Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala for all that good he has

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done to him and to keep him on

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the straight path.

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