Zakir Naik – A Date With Dr Zakir – Ep6

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the practice of bathing during Dr. Zakir Ass schedules, including legality of bathing, the use of saliva during fasting, and the potential for saliva to come out of the mouth. They also touch on the use of water in the mouth, nose, stomach, and stomach, and the importance of fasting for achieving spiritual health. The speakers provide guidelines for treatments and procedures for fasting, including avoidance of certain activities, using vaporizable treatments for asthma, and using toothpaste and water only once. They encourage viewers to encourage their friends to join the group and share their experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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give charity for the pleasure.

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You believe breathe

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every native

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dear brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity

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as salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala be on all of you.

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Welcome to the series, Ramadan, a date with Dr. Zakir I'm your host, Yousef chambers and today

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we will discuss the topic

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x permitted during the fast Dr. Zakir

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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakato walaikum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakato and how are you today? Alhamdulillah Liberace, Masha Allah,

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this topic

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leads to quite a lot of confusion amongst our community, especially from where I come from.

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Many people abstain from certain actions, which we will find out today during the course of this show are sooner and they are also recommended by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So let's start with the question relating to one of those issues. I'm sure the taking of a bath bathing.

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Sometimes it is taken the bath

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in order to call the body down due to climatic conditions and other times it is taken to remove sexual impurity.

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Is this a permitted act during the past Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah cyberdemon Am I bad? I was a Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. prohibitionist sadri versilia Marie wallaga melissani escali. As far as bidding is concerned, that is Google

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whether it's done for

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religious further, if you're in the state of June, that sexual development or whether it is done to clean your body to remove the dirt or you're feeling sticky, or whether bathing is done, because you're feeling thirsty, or you're feeling hot. Whatever reason it's done for as long as the person does not follow water.

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The Fast does not get invalidated. So bathing is permissible while fasting. And there are several Hadith

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to show that it's permitted.

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It's mentioned in say Buhari, woman number three, in the book of fasting. How did number one nine to six

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that Ayesha Mallaby please. She says that the Prophet, he got up from asleep

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in a sexually defiled state, in the state of

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mind, he was fasting and he took a bath. And he continued as fast. That means bathing was obligatory here, because he had * with the wife. So it was compulsory, any bit further if you read

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soon enough without volume number two, in the book of fasting, how did number 235 900 aboubaker men live visit him? He says that he heard a man saying that when the Prophet had gone to urge and while he was fasting, he poured water over his head

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because he was thirsty, or he was filling excessively hot. So even when you feel thirsty, or you feel hot, you're allowed to pour water over your head or have a bath in the state of fasting. Furthermore, he mentioned in sale Buhari

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mom number three in the book of fasting chap number 25.

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Abnormal mela visiting he soaked his garment in water

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Any word

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in the same chapter sale Buhari, or number three, in the book of fasting, Chapter 25. It's mentioned that announcement Lopez at him.

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He says he had a tub of water in which used to sit by leaves too fast. So all these are the shows that they can Google pouring water over your head, whether it be for religious purpose, whether it's whether it's optional MOBA, whether it be excessively hot, whether you're feeling dirty, when they're feeling thirsty, in the state of fasting, all these are permissible as long as we do not follow water by having a bath.

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In the UK, Ramadan is about to enter the period of summer. And I know later on, we'll be answering questions about Ramadan entering summer. The next question relates to a person that is swallowing his or her own saliva during the fast Is this a permitted act?

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As far as following the saliva is concerned, it is a nominal act. It's a natural act.

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And research tells us that there are several litres of saliva be secreted by the salivary gland every day. And it is normal, it's natural that the saliva or human being upside down, he swallows it and this can be avoided. And Allah says in the Quran in surah baqarah chapter number two was 185 and it tells you that you should fast for the full month of Ramadan. And those who Ilona journey they can make up the period later on. Then it says Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to make it easy for you and does not want to put you in a difficulty. Allah says in Surah, chapter number 22

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verse number 17, Allah subhanaw taala does not want to give you hardship in your deed in religion. So but natural since hauling saliva is a normal act. And I know that some people keep on frequently spitting out and I have some of my friends who do that thinking it's haram to follow and they keep on splitting and imagine if you have to do it the full day you cannot even offer your Salah properly, well, then you have a solid takes a few minutes. And in few minutes also saliva get together. So we will be concentrating on spreading the saliva or on last minute Allah. If anything, the Quran will have to keep on spitting outside. Always. And I know some people always keep maybe a

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container, always spitting out not knowing the ruling. So if a person's follows the saliva normal saliva which comes in the mouth, it cannot be avoided at all. Shame a person when he breathes the dust with which a person goes to a city which is polluted, and there's dust particles, and you breed that and some of your lungs it goes so it's all this is permissible because this is a normal little drag. And these do not violate your Foster. What's about cleaning the mouth and the nose with water. Whilst one feels just like refreshing the mouth

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or in the middle of Moodle.

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Is this a permitted act as far as putting water in the mouth or gargling the mouth with water or putting water in the nose? whether a person is feeling hot, or whether while they will do it is permissible because it doesn't enter the body as long as the water doesn't enter the body. A person does not follow the water it's permissible. And in Voodoo, gargling is a requirement putting water in the mouth of the requirement. But natural doing Voodoo is further before Salah. And while fasting you have to have a salah and you have to do so how can you be prohibited. So when a person puts water in his mouth while gargling in Voodoo or otherwise, you should be careful that he does not

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follow the water. And when he puts it into the nose, there are some people who think it will break the fast based on Hadith.

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And that is the reason the only touch the water to the tip of the nose. And they don't put it inside because of the Messenger of Allah subhanaw taala. And Muslim said, it's mentioned hadith of cinema without boring number two in the book of fasting Hadith number 2360. That the Prophet said snuff water excessively

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Wilding Voodoo, except by fasting, that means the Prophet recommended that you should snuff put the water excessively in your nose, except while fasting indicating that if the water goes through the nose, into your throat into the stomach, it would be the first that doesn't mean putting water in the nose is prohibited. So normally when you put water, it doesn't go into your throat and even if it's not excessively always it doesn't go it can go so it's a precaution. The Prophet said that don't know what the excessively while fasting otherwise you have to do that. So this had this was approved, that putting water in the nose, it is permitted, but if to be careful, it should not snuff

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excessively so that it goes into the throat. Otherwise the water goes into the throat and the stomach either way

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The moat or the nose, it will

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break the fast but unintentionally while we do or while gargling if the water does enter insha Allah Allah will not hold responsible because it's done unintentionally.

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Okay, go goes back to the issue of intention before pleasing Allah seeking the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now I'm aware in the previous series, we've covered the next couple of questions. However,

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this topic wouldn't be complete without some answers to the following questions. First one, if a person whose fasting eats or drinks during the past,

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unintentionally does this break his or her fast when a person drinks or eats unintentionally, because of forgetfulness? It does not break the fast and this normally happens mainly in the first few days of the month of Ramadan, a person is used to daily activity and suddenly Ramadan comes so unintentionally may go to the kitchen or you may pick up a bottle of water and put it in the glass and have it a person goes jogging in comes back and used to having water. So it does happen. So based on the data from masilela solemn, which is mentioned in sable Heidi, one number three, in the book of fasting, how did number 1933

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the beloved partner Mr. Larson said that anyone who eats or drinks unintentionally,

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he has to complete the fast in the day, the fast is not broken. And whatever he has eaten or drunk, Allah has provided him with that. So if you drink unintentionally, the fast is not broken. But if you drink intentionally, then it is broken. And while drinking if you realize, or while eating, you realize immediately should stop. Because then if you continue, it will be counted as though you're having it with intention. Woman to realize we should stop it. And if there's some food in the mouth and realize they're faster, we should spread out. But unintentionally, whatever is done, it is forgiven. What about in the case of a person that eats it and then maybe 1520 minutes later suddenly

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realize, you know, sometimes that has happened to me

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suddenly realize, ah Subhanallah I've eaten something. What an idiot. I mean, what's the for Linda D says that that food and drink? Allah has provided you with that sort of thank Allah, but it should be unintentionally done. And out of forgetfulness. Yes, it feels or intentionally Allah knows your nia. Yes, so you can fool the people but Allah subhanaw taala

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is aka Dr. Zakir somebody is overcome then sensation of nausea and they vomit during the fast does this nullify the fast? Is this something can they resume their fast after the vomit has come out? One meeting can either be intentionally or it can be unintentionally. And the Beloved Prophet masala as mentioned say Howdy. It's mentioned in Timothy in the book of fasting Hadith number 720. A Beloved Prophet said that a person who vomits unintentionally, he should complete as fast and the fast is not broken. But the person who vomits intentionally, the person who vomits intentionally deliberately, then the fast is broken, and they have to make up for the fast afterwards. And the

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same is depicted in Santa Ana without or number two in the book of fasting. How did number 2374

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were the beloved Professor Rossum said that anyone who vomits suddenly same thing unintentionally, then he does not have to atone for it. But if someone vomits intentionally, deliberately, he has to atone for it. But the person who does it deliberately, for example, by sticking a finger in the throat, or by pressing the stomach, or deliberately smelling something, which is nasty, or looking at food, which will make a moment and it continues that then it comes under the category deliberately done. So then the fastest broken has to make up for that. But if it comes unintentionally, no problem. But when the vomit comes, you should not follow the vomit after disease

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the mouth. If it follows the vomit. After ditches the mouth, it will nullify the first. So when a woman comes, you should see that the vomitus comes out. And if it's unintentional, it will not break the fast. Thanks for that. That's very comprehensive. Dr. Zakir, I feel that the next question of all the questions that we've got to ask today will perhaps shock quite a few people. The issue of a man and his wife,

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perhaps sitting on a sofa, or some other place of comfort, and the husband delivers a kiss on the wife's face, let's say for it or the lips of the wife. Is this an action which nullifies the fast or is permitted

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while fasting, if a husband kisses the wife, or hugs the wife, or shows his love for the wife by kissing on the cheek, or the lip, or the hand or hugs or embraces all these things are permissible as long as it does not encourage him to go into an act, which is haram for fasting.

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And this is very well stated in the habito masala. It's mentioned in, say Buhari, we're number three, in the book of fasting Hadith number one nine to seven,

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I shall be pleased with her. She says that the Prophet used to kiss and embrace his wife while fasting.

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But he was the best amongst you to control himself. That means the Prophet had the power to control. Similarly, it's mentioned in Sedona without one number two, how did number 2379 that

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way I'm in love with pizza Tim,

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once while is fasting,

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Jesus's life

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immediately, he feels sorry, and you go to the Prophet, and he says that, oh Prophet, I've sinned. I've sinned against you and Allah. So Prophet says, What have you done? He says, that while fasting, kiss my wife. So the Prophet asked him that when you goggle, orange the amount while doing Voodoo, does your first break? So Mr. Malloy, President, you said no.

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So why bother indicating to him that you can guess an embrace your wife,

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furthermore, is added, which is mentioned in Muslim emod one number two, added number 67391 of the Saba generates that a young man comes to Prophet masala Salaam, and asks him that Can I kiss my wife? While I'm fasting? The Prophet says no. later on.

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And old man comes to the prophet and asks him that Can I kiss my wife while fasting? And the Prophet says yes. So the Sahaba look amongst themselves, that how come Nancy is different than the Prophet replies that this man can control himself. So the basic ruling is that if a person knows that he can control himself, after kissing, or hugging his wife, and ensure that it will not lead into an act, which will nullify the past,

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for example, it not lead into a sexual *, or will not lead into * as long as he can control himself, kissing and hugging is permitted, if he cannot control himself, and he feels that he will go to that which will nullify the fast, like * or *, then it is prohibited for him. So the answer is yes, but it comes with a an Islamic health warning.

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The next question, which is not unrelated to the last one, can a man approached his wife during the month of Ramadan, in the evening, after the fostered ended? Previously, when fasting became further

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for the Muslims, as Allah says, No Quran in surah baqarah chapter two was the one of the five that I'm one of the month and read the Quran was revealed as a guide for humankind and giving you signs of guidance and judgment between right and wrong.

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And then it says that so whoever witnesses this month, you should fast. So when it became first for the Muslim the first time, initially, the full month of Ramadan, at that time, it was the law, that approaching your wives, having sexual * with your wife, for the full month of Ramadan, whether it be day or night was prohibited.

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And it's mentioned in the succeed of alcohol to be more number two, page number 210.

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That Omar Mello presents him once, he spends a lot of time with the prophet and leaves the Prophet at night and comes to his house. And he reaches the house. He has the urge to sleep with his wife,

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and he has *, when he gets up in the morning. he's ashamed. And he goes to the prophet and says, that I have sinned against a lion you.

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So the Prophet says, Why? Because I slept with my wife. My soul urged and went towards my wife. And I slept with her and had it because the Prophet said, Did you really do that? Has a woman my life president said? Yes. And I told him I said that can you find a pardon for me? And then profit muscle loss from says, No one besides Allah can pardon you. He's the only one who can show you the way. And immediately the verse of the Quran of Surah Baqarah Chapman

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was number 187 was revealed. It says that you can approach your wife during the nights of the fast

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panella basilicum montem li Barcelona, because they are garments, and you are the garments, and then the work continues that, and Allah knows what you've to do secretly in the nights with advice, but Allah forgiving you. And from now onwards, you can approach your voice. And you can take what the light gives you offering from them. And you can eat and drink till the white thread of Dawn is distinct from the black thread.

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And then you can fast until sunset until nightfall. So when this was first revealed, Surah Baqarah chapter two verse number 187, then it became lawful for the Muslims to approach their wives during the nights of the past. So now, as far the present rule is that you cannot approach your wife's have a sexual * with them during the day, right from the break of dawn, from the time of Roger Salah, up to sunset, but immediately after sunset, up to just before the break of dawn, your further Salah, you can approach your wife and falafel and we can have relationship with them. Wonderful. Well, that was a reiteration as well, because of course, we cover that during the history of

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fasting, right. However, it's good to reiterate it and I don't think any point can be labored in Islam. Really. Another question for you is regarding a person who has a * during the day whilst he's fasting. Is this an act which would nullify the fast is it permitted for a person to have a * during the day was fasting, if a person has a *, during the day while having a fast, maybe you have a federal felony slips and you have a dream? It is involuntary. A person has a *, even if ejaculates it's involuntary, he is not to be blamed for that, in this case, because it's unintentional. Surely it will not break the fast. And he can complete the

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fast. And the thing that his advice to him is that he should have a Google about as soon as possible, so that he can offer the Salah. That's excellent. I think that's self explanatory. Thank you for that.

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Another question, very much related to the last one, I feel is a person allowed to be in a state of sexual impurity whilst they're fasting?

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As part of the question that can a person be in a state of sexual impurity? That depends if as long as it does not do any harm act during the past, for example, it's mentioned in the hadith of Muslim Salah in, say, Muslim world number two, how did number 2453 it's mentioned that Miss Alma Miller was the wife of the Prophet. She says that the Prophet caught up from his sleep in a state of sexual defilement state of sexual impurity, while you are fasting, and he had a bath and he continued as fast.

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there is a similar message given in say Buhari, volume number three, in the book of fasting Hadith number one nine to five. And that is narrated again, by

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Miss Alma mellow Peter, and nyjah mellow pleased with her to both of the words of the Prophet, and they said that the Prophet used to get up in the morning in a state of sexual defilement, because he had * with the wife,

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not because of a sexual dream,

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and he used to have a bath, and he never used to compensate the father later. This proves that being in the state of

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sexual defilement or sexual impurity does not nullify the past. Even if a person has a * in between his past is valid. The only point to be noted is that the person should have a bath as soon as possible. If he gets up in the morning after dawn breaks and if he's in a state of sexual impurity, should have a bath immediately so that he can offer the Salah of fudge or if you sleeves up for the Salah, another * and then become sexually impure. So you should have about at least before the word Salah so that you can offer this word Salah after having goosal. Okay, that I think that sheds some light on that issue. And the same thing if a person is menstruating if a lady

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if she's menstruating, and she finished the menstrual cycle, just before fudger

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and she delays about even after dawn has broken and she has about just before the fragile Salah that's also valid. Excellent. Next question relates to a woman who's cooking during the fast is she allowed to taste the food as long as the person who's cooking the food whether it be agend cook, or lady cook. Didn't say Bukhari

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Word number three in the book of fasting chapter 25. It says your boss inherited that tasting food from the pots or meals. It does not break the fast this is a mandala this of Buhari, but it is connected along with safely shaybah and bakkie. And the chain goes on it makes it so easy. And it says that Abner boss, Miller pleased with him. He says the tasting vinegar and food while fasting. Salva did prove that while fasting a person can taste food, but you have to be careful, the food should not enter your throat, you should not swallow the food. And that is the reason the scholars say that if it is required, you should do it.

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Otherwise not, for example, Imam Amitabh number, he says that tasting food is makrooh unless it's a necessity. Same with chicken with a meal. He said that it is true unless it's a necessity. And while it's a necessity, if a woman is cooking food, she has to place the food on the tip of the tongue so that she realizes

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whether the food is sweet, or salty. And then she would spit it out, she should not follow it. So that will not break a fast or if a mother wants to give food to the baby. And the only way she can give is by chewing it. So she is permitted to chew the food and then give it to the baby. But care should be taken that they should not follow any particular of the food. She should spell it out. So these are necessities where it's permissible to taste food, but unnecessary. Just because you're feeling hungry and you taste it. It's mcru do not pick the first mushroom is discouraged. It will not pick the first but otherwise for a necessity. It can be done but care should be taken it does

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not go down the throat. It should not be followed after tasting the food should be spat out.

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Okay, I'm glad that you corrected me in a way and said we're not gender specific because of course we know that men do cook and they should be encouraged to do so as well. But zakiyah relating to the application of alcohol or black eyeliner, as we know it is sooner. It is a Sunnah of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah bless him

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Is it something which is permitted during the fast as far as putting alcohol in our country India it's called a sama or

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like eyeliner.

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It's Sunnah of the prophet and we get in handy that announcement last piece with Tim he's always stay with the profit he's to cook his food also and he's to put this alcohol and profit no prohibited him even when he put during fasting. So this proves that putting coal does not be the first is permitted and even when you put any eyedrops

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or your drops

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even if the ear drops or eyedrops after certain time, you can feel that taste in the throat. According to most of the scholars, it does not invalidate the fast because that is not the normal passage of food and eyedrops. These are medicine down food and there are times that because you know that having a medical doctor, the ears Nose and Throat they're connected known an end

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end your nose throat. So when you put eyedrops even though your drops, you know nasal drops that are charged after some time it may go into the throat and you may feel the taste. In the other drop we should try it out but your drops and it drops you feel that taste. According to most of the scholars it does not bring the fast but there are some scholars who say that if it reaches the throat

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it will nullify the fast but the right ruling is that because it's not the normal passage for food and drink. Avoid most of the scholars, it does not nullify the fast and if someone who's has a doubt the best for him is he delays putting those nasal drops after sunset. So is absolutely safe. But the right ruling is that even we put a nasal drop or your drop it does not break the fast. Just the same apply for utter or perfume.

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You mean wearing perfume yes wearing perfume if for instance if you're going to apply perfume before or during the fast is the ruling the same if you wear a perfume and if you smell it, there's no problem at all smelling perfume is permitted any sort of perfume as long as it is not the incense smoke, smoke sticks, bra smoke that comes smelling that excessively it may go to know that may go in the stomach and particles may go to that is more.

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So that is what you should be careful of you know where otherwise

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smelling, perfume is permitted it will not break the fast. Next question is regarding injections is it permitted during the past, as far as injections are concerned, the different types of injections, it can be intravenous injection, it can be intramuscular injection, it can be subcutaneous injection, but the injections can broadly be classified into two types. One type of injection which gives a person a nourishment, which is equivalent to giving food.

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For example, if you take an intravenous glucose, the people who have excessive dehydration, etc, and cannot take food by the mouth so normally the medical treatment is given intravenous glucose. This is sort of nourishment, it is equivalent to giving food distribute the fast, but if it's not a nourishment, if it's only a medical treatment, like insulin, it can be subcutaneously or it is penicillin. All these medical treatments which are not nourishment to the body, are not somewhat like food. These can be given during the daytime, and the fast will not break.

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Though there are some scholars who say that it's true or discouraged. It's preferable if it's taken after the sunset, but the right ruling is that it does not break the fast because it's not any sort of food. Okay, in terms of medical treatments,

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was one is fasting such as nasal drops, sub lingual tablets to be used under the tongue or medical investigations where things are inserted into your body are these things permitted to fast There are a variety of treatments and investigations. The list is long we can have a full episode on this time will not permit us to discuss all this I just mentioned a few which comes to my mind. As far as sublingual tablets are concerned, they are normally taken for angina person has a heart problem, he takes it this sublingual tablet is kept beneath the tongue. It is not supposed to be followed. And it is not a sort of food and nourishment. It gets absorbed and the treatment is done. So because of

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this ruling, it does not break the fast, you should not swallow the tablet, it goes up quite nicely it gets absorbed without going to the throat. If you use nasal drops, as long as the doctor is not going to throw them to the stomach, it's permitted. If you put your drops also, it's permitted as I mentioned earlier, or if you

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a syringe the year even that's permitted. As far as investigation of the concern. If you do a poor vaginal investigation, whether you insert a finger or you insert an instrument is permitted. Or for treatment, if you insert a vaginal pessary or you insert a doubt or an instrument it's permitted.

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If you insert an instrument in the uterus, or any device known as IUD, intrauterine device

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you insert a catheter for investigation or a scope, all these are permitted. Even if you insert in the urinary tract, that is the retro

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a catheter

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or inject dye for doing an investigation, it does not break the fast.

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Similarly, if you take any injection as I mentioned earlier, subcutaneous or intravenous or intramuscular, as long as it is not a nourishment for the body, it's a nutrient for the body, it doesn't substitute the food, it's formatted.

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If it is substitute, it bakes the fast. Furthermore,

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if you take a little bit blood from the body for testing, that doesn't make the fast also and if you apply certain creams, maybe cream or lotion or medical ointment on the skin and it gets absorbed by the skin, this too does not

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break the fast and it is perfectly permitted.

00:34:08 --> 00:34:10

And if you take other treatments,

00:34:11 --> 00:34:18

like for example, if you do a laparoscopy in which there is a small insertion made

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on the abdomen and insert a scope with the for investigation over there for treatment or for a surgery it permitted. If you do a gastroscopy insert a scope into the stomach, as long as you do not put in some fluids or some nourishment. It's permitted for investigation. If you put an instrument in the spinal cord to examine the spinal cord or to see how the brain is functioning, all these are permitted. If you do any

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given that permitted, and you can go on and on as long as the basic rule is that it should not enter the body to the mouth or through the nose or it should not be a nourishment

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Otherwise if it enters any other part of the body, any instrument whether it be the urethra within the uterus, whether the * all these things are the basic rule it does not be the first because it is not giving food to the body and this is not the normal passage for food for the body

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all these are permitted

00:35:19 --> 00:36:12

I think the fact that these things are permitted, we'll put a lot of people's minds at rest during this coming Ramadan and Ramadan to come inshallah inshallah. Dr. Zakir, what is the ruling regarding issues of doubt. And one has doubts over concerns that they have over things that they may be doing during the fast. What should one do? How can we play a golden set of rules to the doubt, as far as when a person is adult that is doing? Is it permissible or not, or further doubt that it will break the fast. The best is, when in doubt, leave without a doubt comes, the best is to abstain from it. lest it may have been prohibited. If without and if you don't do it, that will not be a sin. So it's

00:36:12 --> 00:36:40

preferable to stay away from it. But the best golden rule is Allah says in the Quran, in chapter number 16, verse 43, fsra ambia, chapter number 21, verse number seven, first decree in Kingdom law. If you don't know, as the person who has the message, ask the pursuit of the knowledgeable when a scholar and He will guide you, whether it's permissible or not, that's the best. But there's that time, when in doubt, leave it out is the best policy, good advice.

00:36:41 --> 00:36:50

If a person in the situation where one feels composed or

00:36:51 --> 00:36:54

forced into breaking the fast

00:36:56 --> 00:37:00

or when one breaks it out of ignorance of a ruling?

00:37:02 --> 00:37:24

Is it permissible that this person should be breaking their fast in such conditions? As a rule, whether the fast breaks or not? Or is it permissible? If someone is supposed to break it out of ignorance sort of mistake. Allah says in the Quran in surah chapter number 16 was the 106. That after you have believed and then

00:37:25 --> 00:37:38

if you go to unbelief, unless it is out of compassion, that means even if you do share out of compulsion, as long as in your heart, there is taqwa fear of Allah, then it's permissible. So if someone forces you

00:37:40 --> 00:37:46

something, which is not allowed, and it brings the first thing you're responsible for that, as far as the general ruling is concerned,

00:37:48 --> 00:38:09

our beloved prophet masala sallam, he said, it's mentioned in imager, volume number three, number 2043, as well as 2045. He said that Allah subhanaw taala has excused mama from mistakes, from forgetfulness, and from that which is forced on them

00:38:11 --> 00:38:25

to besides false, even if it's a mistake, or if it is to forgetfulness, Allah excuses that, and that's mentioned the Quran in surah, Chapter 33, verse number five, that if you do it

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out of mistake,

00:38:29 --> 00:38:31

and don't intend doing it, then I'll forgive you.

00:38:32 --> 00:38:52

And I'll also mentioned in Surah Baqarah, chapter number two was number 286, maybe better last minute Allah, our Lord, please do not hold responsible for our mistakes and forgetfulness. So basically, the things that break the fast, whether it be eating, drinking, *, etc, all this, there are four criteria to be looked into.

00:38:53 --> 00:38:54

If it's done,

00:38:56 --> 00:38:59

by force under compulsion, then you are responsible.

00:39:00 --> 00:39:08

If someone forces something on you, you are responsible, a lot hold responsible. Number two, if it is done, out of mistake.

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For example,

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a person has to hold any things yet done as income and he continues eating. It's a mistake when he realizes he stops eating. So that's a mistake which I'll forgive or someone does something or the forgetfulness like a person eats or drinks water while fasting unintentionally, or forgetfulness, then Allah forgives you. And the first is that valid. And the fourth thing is that if he does out of ignorance, because he was not aware of it, for example, if a person doesn't know that vomiting deliberately vomiting intentionally breaks the fast and because he had uneasiness and he puts a finger in his throat and vomits out then it is out of ignorance of the ruling. Even that allowed for

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giving shala to these folks

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diggities because Allah subhanaw taala does not want to overburden us and a prophet said that if these are the case out of anger and sort of mistake or forgetfulness, if someone has a compulsion, all dishtv inshallah, Allah will forgive you, and they're at the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. Indeed, Dr. Zakir, it's clear to me and I'm sure it's clear to the viewers that Allah's mercy overcomes his rough. Low Akbar Subhana Allah.

00:40:28 --> 00:40:47

Well, we've come to the end of the interview stage. Now, I'd like to turn to our viewers questions on the topic. So without further ado, I have a question for one of the viewers. If a person is suffering from asthma,

00:40:49 --> 00:41:34

can he or she utilize using treatments like oxygen vaporizes, and other oral tablets. As far as a person who's taking treatment for asthma, the different types of treatment taken for person suffering must it can be puffers, it can be oxygen, it can be vaporizers. It can be tablets and capsules. In short, when a person uses the puffer the gas goes by force into the lungs, expands the lung. And in no way does big the fast because it's more gas moving to the lungs. It's not a food, it doesn't go into the stomach, and it's only guests. So it is not being fast if a person uses a puffer

00:41:35 --> 00:42:21

as far as oxygen is concerned that to its inhaled, goes in the lungs comes out oxygen Plus he also does not break the fast does not invalidate the fast, but as far as vaporizers are concerned, we prices can be of different types can be in form of liquid can be gracious, can form of particles, and this medicine is put in a container. And once the button is pressed, the pressure which comes and by pressure, it enters into the lungs, and it may be through a nozzle can be through a mask, but when it enters the lungs, there are high chances that there are particles, which may even go into the stomach. So that's the reason most of the scholars say that vaporizers are the treatment first

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tomorrow, it will be the first

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as far as capsules are concerned the capsules they contain the medicine in the form of a powder, it has a covering once you put in the container, and when the pressure is released, it comes out by force, but this too can enter the stomach the particles. So even using these capsules, as attribute of us comma, it will surely break the fast solely to three which are permitted as part of the person suffering from the disease comma, its buffers and oxygen. This is not bring the first.

00:42:56 --> 00:43:09

Now the question from one of our viewers, is it permissible to use toothpaste as fast? As far as using toothpaste is concerned most of the scholars say that using toothpaste is permissible in great shape and buzz.

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Me Allah have mercy on him. He says that using toothpaste along with toothbrush is like using sevak and the Prophet has never profited using silver. It's perfectly alright it doesn't be the first but it will be careful that you should not follow any of it. The falling any part of the toothpaste is forbidden that there is some scholars say it's mahalo thinking or if someone has toothpaste or strong taste and tamari solos so that they're either somesuch discouraged. But the right tooling is there as long as you're careful that you don't follow any part of it. You can use a toothpaste and a toothbrush. It does not nullify your fast. Okay, excellent. Next question from the viewers. Should a

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person spit having rinsed or washed his mouth out generally or after making with normally when people fast there are some people who think that after you gargle your moated water or anything moated water, then they should spit out because you know, maybe some water will be followed. But the general ruling is that most of the scholars agree that once you gargle the mode and after expulsion of the water from the mode, there's no need to split. It's not a requirement. And even those few scholars who say

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you should split it's only once but there are some people who spit several times. Some people even take a clock and the right amount, you know, after gargling thinking that the water will you know go into the stomach which is absurd. Because normally when we see and we read the seat of the Prophet and the left of the sabas many times when the drank water just before Pfizer

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before begin the first when they heard the Pfizer Asan they stopped drinking, but we have never heard of any Sabbath putting out after drinking water.

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If you have to split where gargling the people when they have water just before starting the fast at the end of the hour, when they had their eyes on, surely somebody would have said that the Saba this pack

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and also that the water doesn't go into which is not seen. And while we will do when you goggle, the mouth, rinse them off mode and you expel the water. That's it. Even if you want to split maximum, I think once is sufficient, you can't go beyond that splitting several times and you know, taking across and drying your mode. Everything is that the mains can be counted as part of the saliva. There's no problem at all. You can make life difficult. It's good to know that we make life very difficult when one was fasting, we had to do that. Thank you very much Dr. Zakir indeed Dr. Zakir Naik, we have reached the end of the show and I must say that I am surprised that the number of acts

00:45:51 --> 00:46:06

which are permitted, you know, it's often the case that you feel when you're mixing with the brothers and sisters. Islam is all about No no, no. It's actually about Yes, yes. Yes. Um, so a few knows knows a few known

00:46:07 --> 00:46:42

but Alhamdulillah it's been enlightening and very enjoyable as well. I must say, brothers and sisters, I'm sure that you will agree with me. And I request you once again to encourage your friends even if they are brothers and sisters in humanity as opposed to in Islam to join us tomorrow. At the same time, when we will be discussing acts recommended and discouraged as fasting. So do join us Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

00:46:57 --> 00:46:59

Mr. meanie Nananana

00:47:43 --> 00:47:45

release a sim

00:47:46 --> 00:47:48

in the name of be sweet.

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Ola, please make these days

00:47:55 --> 00:47:56

on this

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00:48:00 --> 00:48:02

the solution for humanity

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