Zahir Mahmood – The Day of Judgement #12 Intercession 3

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the inter settling of Islam on the Day of Judgement. They explain that individuals who recite the Quran will be considered for their inter settling, and that fasting and recitation of the statement will be recognized as part of their worship. The speaker also discusses the inter settling of a child and the importance of reciting the statement for future generations.
AI: Transcript ©
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The message of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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was once asked, who is the most deserving

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of your intercession on the day of Dijmen?

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The Messenger of Allah replied, and we shall

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remember this because this is prescribed

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by the one who will be interceding for

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us on the day of judgment. The message

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of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that person

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who recites

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with sincerity

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from his heart that person is the most

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deserving of my intercession

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on the Day of Judgement.

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The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has

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given us

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the source of how to attain

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his intercession on the day of judgment.

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From this next generation, you can understand the

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status of parents. On the day of judgment,

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a man will come and he will see

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his rewards, and he will say to Allah,

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oh, Allah, I didn't do so many actions

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to attain so much reward. The prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam said, these rewards

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were written down for you. Your status on

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this day is written down for you because

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you did istighfar

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for your parents. Imagine this,

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a person

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who does istighfar

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for his parents,

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they benefit

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and the person himself will benefit so much

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that he will not be able to believe

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his eyes when he sees the reward for

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doing Istilfar

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to those individuals

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who deserve us to do as much as

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we can for them.

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The Quran

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will intercede for people on the day of

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judgment. The Messenger of Allah said, read the

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Quran for it will intercede for you on

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the Day of Judgment

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and its intercession is accepted by Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala. A person who recites

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Surah Baqarah

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and Surah Ali Imran, the Messenger of Allah

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that on the Day

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of Judgment,

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when the sun is so close, it's only

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a mile away, they will come as clouds,

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and they will cover you, and that person

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will be saved from the heat and the

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sweat. Fasting on the day of judgment will

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come and fasting will say, oh Allah, this

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person, I stopped him from eating and drinking,

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and it will intercede on behalf of that

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person. The Hajjud Salah will come and say,

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oh Allah, I stop this individual

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and it will intercede

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for that person. And this is why we

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need to remember,

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not only individuals will intercede on our behalf

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on the day of judgment,

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our fasting, our tahajjud, our recitation of the

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they would all come.

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And this is why we need to become

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people who exert

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in the worship of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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that we become close to him. The Messenger

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of Allah, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam also spoke

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about intercession of a child. He said whoever

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has lost 3

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before they reach the age of puberty,

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they will intercede for their parents. The question

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was asked, oh, Messenger of Allah, what about

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2? The Messenger of Allah said whoever has

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lost 2, they will intercede for the parent.

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The question asked, what about 1, oh Messenger

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of Allah? The Messenger of Allah said even

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if they have lost 1 child before puberty,

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that child will intercede on their behalf.

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How beautiful is the consoling of the message

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of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in the next

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narration. The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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said, a woman who loses a child

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due to a miscarriage

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on the day of judgment,

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that child will come with its umbilical cord

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and the parents will be going towards Jahannam

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and it will tie its umbilical cord around

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the parents and it will narration and mention

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because it's a child.

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It's innocent.

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It will argue with Allah

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and it will say, Allah, I am taking

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my parents into Jannah and it will drag

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its parents with this umbilical cord tied around

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them into Jannah. But there will be those

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who will not be allowed to intercede because

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of their actions and destiny. Abu Darragh

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says, I stayed at one person's house one

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and he asked the servant to do something

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and the servant delayed, and he began to

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and insult that individual. Abu Dardar radiAllahu anhu

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woke up in the morning and he said,

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I heard you

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cursing and swearing at your servant. He said,

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yes, because he delayed.

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Abu Dafda radiAllahu anhu said, I heard the

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message of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,

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Those who curse others

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will not be allowed to intercede for anybody

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else on the day of judgment. After everyone

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has finished their intercession,

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then Allah will say, you have finished your

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intercession. Now it's my time to intercede. And

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Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, will

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take them out of jahannam

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and then he will put water, water which

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will rejuvenate them after they had been burnt,

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and they will come back to life as

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they were once upon a time.

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