Zahir Mahmood – The Day of Judgement #21 Oppression

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the punishment of actions taken during the day of judgment, which will be oppressed and darkness on the day of judgment. The punishment is greater than the punishment of the dams, and animals are not responsible for their actions. The speaker concludes that animals are not responsible for their actions, and if they turn into dust, they will turn into dust.
AI: Transcript ©
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What will oppression look like on the day

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of judgment?

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The prophet

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will be darknesses on the day of judgment.

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The day of judgment is dark anyway, but

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it will be compounded by a person's oppression.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is watching,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala sees

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every duloom.

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No matter how small your duloom is on

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this duniya, on the day of judgment, Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will take that person into

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account. And the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam said on that day if you took

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a dirham or a dinar of a person,

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if you took somebody pound or dollar or

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you oppressed somebody, on that day the Messenger

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of Allah said you won't be able to

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repay that person

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through a dollar or a dime or a

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pound or a penny. That person will take

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your good actions. Imagine this narration.

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The prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam once said to

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the Sahaba radiAllahu,

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who is the poorest from amongst you? So

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they began to enumerate individuals that they all

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knew, that person, that person. The message of

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Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says, not that person.

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It's that person who comes on the day

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of judgement and he has good actions equivalent

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to the mountain of Uhud. The mountain of

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Uhud goes for miles.

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That's how many good actions. He will have

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zakat, he will have sadaqa, he will have

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salah, he will have soom, he will have

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done so many good actions, but this person

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had a problem.

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He was a oppressor.

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This person would abuse, he would swear,

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He would be unjust to individuals.

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So on the day of judgment when your

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mother ain't gonna spare you, when your father

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ain't gonna spare you,

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every person that you've done a duloom

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on will be lining up. And the message

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of Allah salallahu alaihi wa sallam said the

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line will be so long and his good

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actions will be given to those individuals and

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another person will come until all his good

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actions which were equivalent to the mountain of

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Uhud will all finish

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and there will still be people waiting.

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And then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will take

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their evil sins and place it on his

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shoulder until this person who came

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on the day of judgment with good deeds

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equivalent to the mountain of Uhud will be

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dragged into the fire of Jahanuf.

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you have so many good deeds, but you

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still end up in a fire at your

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hand. Why?

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will be oppression,

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will be darkness on the day of judgment

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and this is why.

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Every individual must understand

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just to do good actions is not enough.

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A man came to the Messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and said, Messenger of

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Allah I have 2 slaves,

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but these slaves

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sometimes they don't do the work properly, sometimes

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they lie. So what I occasionally do is

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I beat them. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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said remember this,

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if your

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punishment is greater than their

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then on the day of judgment Allah will

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not spare you. The man said always in

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your own life that is the case and

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the best thing I can do is free

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them, and he freed them. No person who

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has done zurum on this dunya will get

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away on that day. If you think that

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you are getting away with it in this

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dunya, let me tell you the punishment in

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the hereafter

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is far greater than the punishment of this

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dunya. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said a

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who accuses

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of fornicating

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and that person would be lashed 80 lashes

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in front of the entirety

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of humankind.

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That day, even the animals,

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will take revenge from each other.

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The animal which had a horn, which struck

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an animal which didn't have a horn,

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that animal would take revenge.

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The question may arise why are animals taking

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revenge from others?

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are not responsible for their actions they don't

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have to answer for their deeds on the

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day of judgment. This is because Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala wants to show the believers

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that this is the justice of Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala.

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And, when the Kafir sees this,

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that an animal will take revenge from another

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animal and then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will

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tell these animals, now turn into dust and

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they will all turn into dust and Allah

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captures the scene in the Quran.

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And the kafir will see when he sees

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his outcome, when he sees the animals have

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turned into dust.

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I wish

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I could be also turned into dust but

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you won't be turned into dust. The Ulema

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who is this kafir

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who wants to be turned into dust? The

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ulama say that this is shaitan. The same

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but Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala told him to

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prostrate to Adam Alaihi Wasallam. So why should

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I prostrate to him? You made me out

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of fire and you made him

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out of clay, out of earth, out of

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dust. The same Shaitan will say.

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Today I wish I was also dust.

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