Zahir Mahmood – Greatness Of The Al Mighty Allah

AI: Summary ©
The Bible is a war machine that is expanding and creating a warlock for the physical world. The Bible is for the sacred tree, and the culture is for the beast. The Bible is a warlock and creates a warlock for the physical world. The Bible is the Greatest and most powerful creator, and the physical world is expanding and becoming a warlock.
AI: Summary ©
Why shouldn't the likes of our beloved
on the herring
because he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself says that the Almighty Allah,
Allah Kibriya
majestic pride is my is my role
and greatness, bigness loftiness splendor. This is my Garmin and whoever competes with me for any one of these things I will not look at who he is, I will throw him in the bottle. Why?
He is the Almighty Allah know God has the right to be worship he, he is a know of the seen and the unseen, the Most Merciful, the most Chi, Alona de la Ilaha and medical kudos, a ceramic Allah.
Allah, Allah
subhanho wa Taala
he is the Almighty Allah
has the right to be worshipped Allah, He is the King, the King of kings, he is the pure, he is the holy, free from defects. He is the water over his subjects. He is the giver of peace. He is the giver of security. He is the Almighty Allah He is the compiler. He is a supreme glory is to allow a law is hired
by the associates partners with hola hola de la ilaha illa Allah
subhana wa II
Hello Harlequin Daddy will
He is the Almighty Allah He is the Creator. He is the maker. He is the fastener. He is the Bestower and the killer of homes to Allah belong the Beautiful Names and all those within the heavens on the earth, glorify the Almighty Allah and recognize his greatness. He is the old mighty and he is the old wise, when a child is born. The first words that a child enters is when he enters this world, the first message that is conveyed to a child and the first message that is instilled and inscribed on his heart and mind is Allahu Akbar, Allahu Allah is the greatest ally is the basis when this child grows as the day from cradle to grave. This child is reminded of one message, the caller pulls
out notarizing calls out Allahu Allahu, or insaan remember, Allah is the Greatest and greatness is a law or insaan respond and acknowledge that a law is the greatest and greatness is for a law or inside, look around you. Every single thing within the heavens and the earth, every single thing within the universe. It testifies, and it bears witness to this fact. And it will remind you that Allah is the Greatest and greatness belongs to the Almighty Allah alone. Look at the creation of man, when you ponder over the creation of man, when you look at the eyes with which he sees when you look at the ease with which he is when you look at the nose with which he smells when you look at
the tone with which he tastes when you look at the hands with which he grew up on the head with which he thinks you will realize that the greatness is for the Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala. When you look at something as simple as a rose, have you ever pondered? You will see this every garden? Yes rose nesting, yes, good growth. It grows in filth, it grows in soil. It is fed with manure, manure stinks. It grows in an environment of dust under never sticks. When you ponder over this, you will realize that the greatness is for the Almighty Allah when you look at the spider's web. And then you look at MMA. You look at the intelligence of man and you look at his technology.
You look at his advancements, you look at the tools he possesses. Yeah, he cannot eat
Make something as simple as a spider's web you know that the greatness is for the Almighty Allah when you look
when you look at a bee when you look at a goat when you look at a deer and you realize that all these four animals, all these four things that eat from the same leaf they eat from the mulberry, the leaf is exactly one The color is the same, the taste is the same, the fragrance is the same yet one eating this produces. The second eating this produces a produces honey, the third eating this, it gives me a give me a milk, the for eating this it gives most when you ponder over this, you realize that the greatness is for the Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala when you look above you
and you look at the great, great creations of the Almighty Allah and move on you ponder over that exposes the Quran says lesson.
and never to the night outstrip the day when you ponder over this, you realize that the green is for the Almighty Allah when you look at the stuff and see what led up to them. And you realize that even the stuff on these trees prostrate before the monster
right before the Almighty Allah
and these great heavens above even they are afraid of the Almighty Allah when you ponder over this, you realize that ugliness is for the Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala when you ponder on the rest of the Quran, in God's Will or the
movie, and you realize that he cries for every single fish, an animal in the ocean, he provides for every bird in the sky he provides for every creature on land. You will realize that ugliness is for the Almighty Allah when you look at this great heaven above you was
the size of which your mind and my mind cannot even comprehend.
And then you look around you There is not a single picture there is not a single pillar for holding is heaven. When you ponder over this, you will realize that the greatness is for the Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala when you ponder up the rest of the Gemara
to see one C is a 40 water The other is a sweet water and the seas meet together the salty water nice with a sweet water with a salty water. It doesn't go on to the sweet side and the sweet water doesn't go over to the salty side. When you ponder over this, you will realize that the greatest is for the Almighty Allah. Allah I'll keep on reciting the verses of the Quran.
Allah Karim Allah p.
Every three on this earth wants to become a pen and all the oceans would be covered to become the oceans would be exhausted, they will come to an end but the words of Allah will never come to an end when you realize this you know grain is for the Almighty Allah when you realize how Allah subhana wa
alayhi salatu wa salam alaikum the seabed in the darkness of the ocean in the darkness of the night in the stomach of the fish equals Oh La ilaha illa Allah Subhana
Allah me and the Almighty Allah is unresponsive. When you ponder over this, you know that ugliness is for the Almighty Allah when you ponder over the story of Hazrat Ibrahim alayhi salaatu wa Salaam.
He takes four words he thinks for what he's noticed. And then he goes into pieces, he costs them in supplies. And then he takes with me, he puts them on different mountains. And then he keeps the head on his feet. And then he causes In the name of Allah, how this meat gets together, and how these birds without their head, come walking through his feet. And then they take their own head and place it on their shoulders. When you ponder over this, you know that the drainage is for the Almighty Allah when you look at the Niagara Falls and how it looks like a mountain of water. And then when you ponder over how the sea pocket and it gave way to the life of Satan,
and the bunny is wrong, and how it became two mountains of water on either side. And according to the follow up 600,000 people make this crossing who was holding that water, mountain of water. When you ponder over this, you realize that the greatest is for Allah Who has
the coolest thing. He is the Almighty Allah who was our he's the first that is nothing before him while he is the love, there is nothing after him. He is the whole heart there is nothing about him one person he is the most near Nothing is more needed than him.
He is the knower of all things. ponder over the knowledge of Allah. Here now you will begin the process right before the Master Master.
He is the knower of all things. ponder over the knowledge of Allah.
I'm here now you will begin to prostrate before the mob master.
Movie, there is no there is not a single leaf. Whether this leaf is in the darkness of the Amazon Basin, whether this leaf is in the thickness of some jungle, whether this leaf fall from a tree where is the peak of the mountain, but Allah subhanho wa Taala he knows the color of Valley, he knows the size of Valley he knows the hours of this leaf. He knows the second that the sleep touches the ground.
There is not even a grain in the darkness of the
knowledge of Allah Allahu
The coolest scene in the
movie was
a woman who will most often be late.
Allah subhanho wa Taala knows what every female bears on how these wounds fall short or exceed everything with Allah with a Jew problem is with it within a Jew proportion. He is the knower of the seen and the unseen, the most great, the most high income is equal to him whether one of you conceal this speech, or whether one of you declares the opening, or whether one of you was hit by hidden by the night hobos open by the day Allah subhanho wa Taala knows that Oh, yeah, Buddha in the heart
of Islam, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah people are in turn, even if there's something equal to the weight of a mustard seed. And then this thing is inside, inside some rock in the darkness of a rock, or is inside somewhere in the heavens of the earth, a wealth of handwara he knows of this thing, and he will bring it forth on the Day of Judgment. Why?
Well as in Barack
Obama, because nothing can stay hidden from him. Even if it is equal to the weight of an atom or it is smaller than this. Nothing can stay hidden from him. Why? Allahu Allah? Because Allah subhanho wa Taala knows, he knows who enters the earth. He knows what comes out from the earth. Illumina sama, Amaya Rafi ha he knows what descends from the heavens he knows who attends to the heavens, nevermind this.
You see here before me and you see you know your you know your your mighty Allah knows you better than yourself.
He even knows the fruit of your eyes and what your heart can see. You will see here listening to the reminder as I address you on the on the phone that are crossing your mind the Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala already knows this book before they even cross your mind. This is the Almighty Allah and when you ponder over the green, when you ponder over the knowledge of the Almighty Allah, you will bow down in population and you will recognize that greatness belongs to the Almighty Allah, look at this earth that you live in Allahu Akbar. Look at the size of this earth. Look at the thing that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created inside it and then ponder over the speed at which this
earth is traveling at this moment in time as you listen to the remainder here on this earth, it has no effect on you. When you ponder over this the speed at which is public. It has no effect on those that live within it. You realize that ugliness is for the Almighty Allah look at the sun above you. It is a sunny day, ponder over the sun. Look at the size of the sun. Look at the diameter of the sun. Look at the template core temperature of the sun isn't 1000s hundreds of times bigger than this earth. When you ponder over this, you realize that the green is for the Almighty Allah then when you ponder over the solar system, you ponder over these planets that you that you learn about in schools
Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, Venus, these these planets, and then you ponder over our solar system is 30,000 light years away from the center of the galaxy, you realize that the greatest is for the Almighty Allah after this, when somebody tells you that our solar system bigger than our solar system, you realize that the greatness is to the Almighty Allah and then when you ponder and you are informed that there are millions of galaxies within the universe, you realize that the greatness is for the Almighty Allah and when you are informed that you say here right now,
this moment in time, as you listen to the reminder that this universe, as it stands is being expanded by the second when you ponder over this, you realize that the greatness is for the Almighty Allah and after this, when somebody tells you after this there are seven heavens minus one lottery from Soumya. The distance between the first Heavens and the second Heaven is a 500 years, the distance between the second and the third is 500 years, the distance between the third and fourth is 500 years, the distance between the fourth and fifth is 500 years, and six is 500 years, six and seven is 500 years.
You will recognize the greatest gift for the Almighty Allah and Allah Allah and after this, if somebody was to tell you after this comes up, we'll have a look
at the distance
Between the seventh heaven and the kursi is a 500 years and all these heavens put together in comparison to the kursi or nothing like a ring in the desert. After you when you ponder over this, you will realize that greatness is for the Almighty Allah after this if somebody wants to tell you after this comes the Ark of the Almighty Allah The unto the Almighty Allah, the seven heavens under pussyfoot together in comparison to the altar of Allah is nothing is like a ring in a desert. When you ponder over this, you will realize that there is greatness for the Almighty Allah then when somebody tells you that after this, there are angels cutting the answer, Mama is the state of these
angels. You're also
the head of the seven heavens, on their feet in the lowest Earth, Medina
and the distance between the ears of Allah, look at the distance between our ears, on our next is nothing the distance between the ego and the net of these angels is such that it will take a bird 700 years to cover this distance. When you ponder over this, you will realize that Venus is for the Almighty Allah after the US when somebody comes in tell you there are 70,000 worth of news and darkness. When you ponder over this, you will realize that ugliness is for the Almighty Allah and all this what I've told you now and what I've talked about the heavens, the earth, the solar system, the galaxies, and the universe itself. If somebody was to tell you, Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanho wa
Taala has such power for all that I've mentioned, he can put it to an end within a trillionth of a second, you will realize that greatness is for the Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then when you ponder over the Day of Judgment, and you ponder over the verses of the Buddha was
the whole earth alarm, this earth will be grabbed in his hand, can you imagine holding a tennis ball and playing about with it opened up this would be grace by the Almighty Allah on the day of judgment and the seven heavens, which I've just told you how big they are, your mind cannot get over it. My mind couldn't even comprehend the size of the heavens. The Quran says.
To me, me, Gandhi's heavens will be alone in his right hands on the Almighty Allah will say on the day of Anil Malik
I undertake I am the King of all kings, what are the things of the dunya today, what are your What are your bushes? What are your plans? What nobody answers, everybody will be dumbfounded, everybody will be speechless I will be the head will be on the floor, there will be unposted ation. When you see this on the Day of Judgment, you will acknowledge a war.
A war is the greatest and greatness is for the Almighty Allah. Then when you think of the hustle, when you think of the resurrection, how the Almighty Allah will bring back every single creation, every single thing that the Almighty Allah created, how he will put it back together. For example,
when you pull over this, you will realize that the green is for the Almighty Allah, even if somebody was to drown in the ocean, for example, somebody wants to draw inside the ocean, he's died inside the ocean, millions of different fish come on, they come and they eat from his flesh. And then these fishes go and there is nothing remains acceptable, then the waves come and they take these boats on the onsala they throw onto the shore, the bones have been there for days, the bones of the cake come a few days after the cameras Come on the cameras key from here, and then the tunnels in turn jobs dropping. And then what happens is a group of people come on, they take these droppings, and they
use them as a fire is lit. After a while the fire is put off from the wind and it takes these ashes and it throws them to different corners of the world.
From the sound of the horn from the command of Allah and those that are inside the grace and those that died in this manner, for example,
in the eyes of Allah, they will be equal and he will gather in exactly the same and they will be standing and they will be looking on when you ponder over this, you realize that the brain is for the Almighty Allah then when you ponder over the gathering, how Allah subhanho wa Taala will make every living being that has ever been created, how Allah will make them together on a flat white plane, it will be the bait it will be the greatest congregation ever seen. Can you imagine every month he will be on the plane of resurrection. Every woman that I've ever created will be on that plane of resurrection. Every male in the alive of the agent will be on that plane. Every female jet
ever created will be on the plane of resurrection. It will be the greatest congregation ever. They will be the greatest congregation ever seen the human time with number in billions? Can you imagine the earth will be like, like, the way it is expanded, the earth will be expanded and every living beat will be on the plane of resurrection. The human side will number in billions. The change will be hundreds and 1000s of times more than the human gut and they will be on the plane of resurrection. Can you imagine how many billions of people and how many
Billions of j will be on the plane of resurrection, a will not come to an end.
And then the angels of the first heaven will descend and the angels of the first Heaven, there will be 105 more than the whole of mankind that humankind, the jinn can put together and these angels will descend from the heavens, when the angels are close to the dunya.
Mankind. See, I'm seeing the angels will begin to pull up
amongst you and you will fall flat on the plane of resurrection, you will fall in prostration. Can you imagine this? Can you visualize this? There are billions and billions of you human can gene cut, millions and billions of angels are descending from above all the mankind every polio was ever created is incorporation. When you ponder over this, you will realize that ugliness is for a while, this is just the beginning. Because after this, the angels have a second heaven world the seventh descent, the angel of the second heaven would be hundreds and 1000s of times more than the angels of the first heaven. Then the angels of the third will descend, and there will be hundreds of times
when the angels are the second, the angels of the fall descend, the angels of the fifth will descend, the angels will have the sixth will descend, the angels of the seventh will descend.
RP Sita one kua one Naja, Shuja de Waal, Asma Malika Mutasa. Mr. Camacho. Every time the angels descend from the heavens, there will be hundreds and 1000s of times more than than the angels that were before them. And these angels there will be more stronger than the angels before the there will be more braver than the angel before the there will be more in number than the angels in before there will be more in harshness. There will be more in severity there will be more in rigorous there will be more in forcefulness. Can you imagine on that day how many angels will descend? When you ponder over this, you will realize when you ponder over all these creations that Allah has created,
you will come he will realize that this is for the Almighty Allah and then when you think that amongst these angels will be the life of the bride. He is just one Angel, the Hadees that was said to me.
Over here 600 wings one wing is such that it is bigger than the east and west put together. Yes.
Ahluwalia, Ahluwalia. And from his wings for diamonds and emeralds, and embellishments, mala Jambo in the law, the Libby's Oh, which only Allah subhanho wa Taala knows such an angel,
gala shadow Luna impasto that is narrated, he picked up all the cities of St. Lucia Elisa was robbed on one way, all the cities with all the people, hundreds and 1000s of them with that building with their possessions with the animals and he took them right to the heaven so close to the heaven. He stays in America.
He took them so close to heaven, that the angels heard that dogs barking on the edges, the roosters crowing he took him so close to the end, and then he turned
them down to earth. Amongst them will be angels like say that, who possess such strength. Amongst them will be angels like saying that. He says in his life he possesses such sense that he is the one who is carrying the whole one ring of the hook is so big, that
it is stated that one circle of the ring is bigger than the east and west when put together and all the flows will be inside this amongst them will be angels like say that.
Can you imagine? Can you comprehend this? Billions and billions of angels with the whole of mankind on the place of resurrection. When you ponder over this and you ponder over the strength of the creation of the Almighty Allah you will realize that Allah is the Greatest and greatest is for Allah. After all what I mentioned, you open the book of Allah and then you see the verse of the Isha you hit from the Hulk injury.
By the Almighty Allah all these creations that I've mentioned has the power to wipe all this creation within a blink of an eye and replace it all you will realize that ugliness is for the Almighty Allah then you open the books of a hadith and the Hadith
you will realize that the greatness is for the Almighty Allah the Almighty Allah I say
you, we're all astray except for the one I have got it asked me for guidance. I will guide I will guide you your body.
So first of
all my service you will always hungry except for the one I have had asked me for food. I will give you food Yeah, a body element. So first of all my service, you will all make it except for the one if you ask me for clothes, I will pull you your body
First of
all my service you all said you still use
By day by night
I am the Almighty Allah I forgive all sins to be forgiven us I will forgive you yeah the body
was in
Manasa t Oh my service it all the creation that I ever created the man the man The Man from amongst you the first the law the time from amongst you the first the law if they were to become like the most evil man amongst you, that would not decrease my kingdom in anything. Yeah body.
Virginia come
from Masada galaxy mukhiya all my servers if every one of you the first of you, the last of you the humankind from amongst you that in turn from amongst you. If you all became McCarthy's if you all became like the like the police and you became the Olia of Allah you became like the most pious man from amongst you will not increase my kingdom in anything your body
was in
loony party to Pula, insomnia. masala masala, Camilla in the la cama Yun Ito is Omar Pico is every one of you that either created the first from amongst you the last amongst you, the humankind from amongst you, the gene came from amongst you, if you want to stand on a flat white plate, and then each and every one of you or to ask me for something or to beg for something, you offer a helicopter the second offer something else the third offer something else and I fulfill every question that you asked me for that would not decrease what I have with me today. More than that the eye of a needle decrease this to see when it is put inside.
Whenever the Abu Ed would leave his house,
he would fall flat on his knees because this Halley clearly suggests that the greatness of the Almighty Allah and when you ponder over this, you realize that greatness belongs to the Almighty Allah and Allah Allah
This is the reality of our creative