Adnan Rashid – The Doctrine of the Trinity – Divinely Revealed or Man Made

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The transcript is a series of disconnected sentences and symbols that do not contain a conversation or topic. The speakers emphasize the importance of being a good person and positive thinking in helping entrepreneurs grow businesses. They end with a statement about "weekend lows" and a conversation about positive feedback for entrepreneurs.
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Alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salam ala rasulillah MOBA
Li Samira ame ministry corner regime.
La Casa Latina kalu.
Memoriam pharmacy who Gabonese right with a lot of be one of them in normally you should build up for quite a long while he agenda for my
mother told me when I saw
in the law
in the law
so brothers and sisters in Islam Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Today's topic is an interesting topic indeed.
This topic is on the bones of contention between
the Christians and the Muslims and the Jews.
The Jews and the Muslims insist that the Christians,
majority of the Christians, not all of them, of course, have got it wrong about the doctrine of the Trinity.
They have misunderstood or they have concocted, they have forged something, an idea
or notion
of Godhead, which cannot be substantiated from the scriptures.
On the other hand, the Christians insists that the doctrine of the Trinity
originates from the scripture from the New Testament. And some even go as far as to suggest that it can be found in the Old Testament.
And this is why this debate about the doctrine of the Trinity
has been ensuing for almost
1700 years. Because prior to the fourth century, the doctrine of the Trinity wasn't even established as the firm the central Christian doctrine.
The Christian doctrine was still being debated after the fourth century. There were different Christians alive in the fourth century, and in the third century, in the second in the first century, who had different doctrines, different ways of understanding Jesus Christ, and different ways of understanding God Almighty in his nature.
But it was only the fourth century when the doctrine of the Trinity was put down as an established church doctrine, the Catholic doctrine, the Catholic view of God on God Almighty.
So how does the Catholic Church understand God in the fourth century, especially after the year 381 CD, one in the Council of Constantinople?
Some bishops they came together and redefined the creed of Nicea.
The creed of Nicea was a creed was a statement, a doctrinal statement, which
was written down in the year 325 C, in a Council held in a place called nicea. And in this council that the Emperor Constantine, Constantine, the great known as otherwise, was present, he was residing in this conference, and it took an active part in the running of this conference. And in this conference, the outcome was right or wrong is another debate altogether. The outcome was that Jesus
is God from very God. Jesus is God in flesh.
And he is of the same essence, as the father with capital F. So the Jews previously, in the Old Testament, they were worshiping one God, who was one person,
a God, who was universal, not try personnel, not consisting of three persons, because the doctrine of the Trinity as it stands today, and as it was established in the fourth century, stipulated that God is one, he has one being, but that one being consists of three persons, so that God manifested Himself in three persons. And the first person that God had is the father with capital F. The second is the son with capital S.
And the Spirit, the Holy Spirit with capital H and capital S. So, two persons, two extra persons were added into godhead in the fourth century, how did this happen? And why did this happen? This is the question I will be addressing today.
The doctrine of the Trinity, divinely revealed or manmade? What is it that a lot of God did Yahweh, or the father of the Israelites? Did he mean to reveal this doctrine? Or was it made up later on by early Christian Church Fathers? How did this doctrine come about? And I will be giving some academic references references in due course, so that you can take some notes, those who want to take notes and check inshallah God.
The Koran revealed in the seventh century two A man was born in the desert, in a settlement known as Mecca.
This man when he was 14 years old, he received revelation from God Almighty, so he claimed,
he claimed that he is a prophet of God. Why? Because he received the revelation, which told him that he is a prophet of God. And not only that, when he went to the people of Scripture, people like wakaba nofal, when he told him as to what happened in the cave, the Cave of Hara when an angel appeared to him and told him, read in the name of your Lord, who has taught you the use of pen who has taught you what you do not. And now he goes to this man, the man of scriptures in the city of Lackawanna County, nofal, who was known for his learning in Jewish and Christian scriptures. He has the story of Mohammed
who was 40 at the time, and he tells him
this is the same Angel, same Spirit who came to Moses.
And he said, Yeah, I'd like to be featured on this. There is a great news.
Later lately, an akuna Haiyan is your visual kokuka I wish that I was alive on that day when you'll be able to drive you up our mukerjea home, they will drive me out the province of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, Allah so much shot, they will drive me out. Why? What have I done? I'm one of the most peaceful people in this city. I've never harmed anyone. And if anything, I help people, I have the Pope. I always support the meek and the weak. Why would they drive me out? Baraka tells him that anyone who came with this similar message, his people went against him, because he was aware of the history of Jesus, the history of Moses, the history of Abraham, the history of Noah, all these
people that came with this message, and wrote the message, La Ilaha, illa kulula.
When people came with this message, they were persecuted, they were driven up. And now he received this revelation. And in this revelation, he is told subsequently, that those of blasphemers who say that Jesus is the son of Mary's God.
This was a shock for the Christians who were alive at the time, and the juice. This man was not a theologian,
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi Salaam had never been to a school, had never studied, the Bible wasn't known to be a man of literature or a man of letters. And yet, he is receiving this revelation, many, many powerful verses, explaining, documenting the doctrine and the mistakes and the errors of the Jews and the Christians and those who worship idols and those who worship the desires, such as atheists, explaining the errors of all these people in this book, being revealed to a man who had never been to an academy never taught, never learned. And all of a sudden, these verses are coming down on him. And he's describing explaining the stories of those who lived in the past. So you will
find Zulu King sakana aka Vivian go in the land and see what happened to go live.
All the moments you see around you, the people around
you Ramadan.
What's the Moodle levina Java zakharova where our live
and all these stories are coming down and these people look at the pharaoh look at those people are in the mood and look around you people and wake up. You go astray. You making mistakes you haven't misunderstood God do not worship other people beside him. Don't refer to other people as gods. And one of the issues he dealt with
God Almighty in the Koran was this very issue, the errors of Christianity.
The errors of Christianity
Historians today modern historians are telling us what the Koran told us 14 centuries ago. their conclusions today are that Jesus, if anything we can know about him for certain is that he was a Jew, alive in the first century, we used to go to the temple and worship the Father as other Jews were worshipping the God, period. And that's all they know about him today. And who is saying this, they said by some of the major patristic authorities in the field, who have studied the scriptures, and the history of Christianity for centuries.
For example, one of those people is James D. De, who is alive today. And he was teaching in the University of Durham, and he holds
a high place in academic circles when it comes to commenting on the history of first century Christianity and his authority purchasing authority. And he states that the only factor we can establish for sure about Jesus Christ is that he will do alive in the first century went to the temple, having known all you know, Martin, from the Gospels, and from the face of the poor and all the other writings, and histories written about Jesus Christ and Christians. That's all we can establish for sure that this is what he was, and what does the Quran say? The Koran says exactly that. But this was a Masonic figure of Prophet, a messenger who came to the Israelites in the first
century and told him to worship one God. Go back to that God and do not manipulate do not change. Do not twist your scriptures, and do not play games with God. Rather, go to God and worship Him as He wants you to worship Him. This is what the Quran covers.
pharmacy for Bani Israel, or the la hora de or a baboon in Oman. Usually Kabila pocket harmala an agenda mamajuana Romani, dalemain manansala.
All the people of Israel, the children of Israel, worship one God, your Lord and my Lord, and anyone who is Christ's partners with him, his abode will be hellfire. And he will not find any protectors and helpers, if you ascribe partners, and this is exactly what the Christians did, unfortunately, hellenized Christians, Christians influenced by Greek thought, Greek mythology, Greek way of thinking, they turned a prophet of God into a god.
And he wasn't a God. He was never God, he never claimed to be claimed to be God. And he he in fact, claimed to be a prophet of God on the side, even in the scriptures. So where did the doctrine of the Trinity come from? The Quran condemns the Quran again, in chapter five of the Quran surah
verse 72 onwards, Quran talks about this lack of coverage in Medina, Paulo, in the LA Times.
Those are blast dreamers who say that Allah, God Almighty is the third of the three years he is one of them. He's 33%, of the godhood Godhead.
Of course, the Christians don't say that the Christian say that God is 100%, God, God, the Father is 100% God, and God, the son is 100%, God, and God, the spirit is also 100% God, but these are not three gods.
This is one God
doesn't make sense to even Christians. Okay? For this reason, people like john Locke, and Isaac Newton, and Thomas Jefferson in America, they simply couldn't make sense of this doctrine, not only philosophically scripturally they couldn't find this doctrine in the Scripture. And they established, they concluded, having studied the Scriptures for years, that this was a corruption in Christianity. This was put into Christianity, this was forced down people's throat, by the Roman mind, for them to go away from the religion of God, the true religion of God. Newton writes, in his secret writing, which only revealed in the 1990s, that God is one and he is universal, he is not try
Because God cannot be a three persons that doesn't make sense.
And this comes from the Greeks.
Newton was a genius
was published is known by neutron in his scientific writings, but he also wrote on theology.
The writings he left behind
3 million words of regional geology, and 1 million words were written on science. And these writings only came to light in the 1990s. They were hidden, and Newton was thought to be a deist someone who believed in a power of supreme power, who would make this work
He's like an absentee landlord. That's what Newton was taught to be. Or that was he. This is what he was taught to have believed in. But he was not a deist. He was a theist. He believed that God created all of this, and he's God with capital G. And he takes an active part in the running of this universe, which he termed as providers. So Newton broke away from this doctrine, he said, this doctrine is a corruption, and even the Bible was corrupted. So we don't have the Pure Word of God. Newton, he wrote this, and it was a science which made him believe in God, not his religion, Christianity, as far as religion was concerned, he went away from
the science which made him believe in God Almighty.
So now, all of these people later on, were studying the scriptures and the history of the doctrine
of the Church, they realized that this doctrine, it developed, evolved, it wasn't there in the Scripture. The doctrine did come down from God at once, and then all the Christians in the world were believing it. Now it didn't happen like that. The Quran is very, very true will lie. The Quran is a miracle of a love of this reason. Once you study the verses about the Trinity in the Quran, you get convinced that this have to be from Allah. Allah is a miracle of a lot because Hamas Allah, Islam couldn't have known all this. Why? Because the Koran and chapter four, verse 171, stays full, say on Mohammed say to them, as little kita all the people in scriptures, law,
do not transgress limits in your religion, don't go to extremes in your religion, what are Taku Allah Illa and do not say about God except the truth.
God is one God. And then Allah says in the Quran, same verse, what are Taku thalassa do not say tree, do not say tree.
Federal law code obtained from it, it will be better for you to not say it
will lie or loosen. So Allah here is saying believe in Allah and His messengers, in the same part of the verse open the Quran Chapter 471 ally saying here do not say three and believe in Allah is messengers. So what is that vacation? I want some help him. What is the implication in first of all i saying Do not say three? And then he says, I'm in
our bill, I honestly believe in Allah, and it is messengers. What is the implication?
There's a dichotomy here.
There is a dichotomy here. If you believe in the Trinity, then you don't believe in messengers. And if you believe in a lion, a lion is messengers, then you cannot believe in the Trinity. You see the dichotomy in the Quran, in chapter 471, Allah say,
Allah Taku, Salah, do not say, Trinity, do not say three. Why? Because you have to believe in a line is messengers. So when you believe in a line of messengers, you come to realize, Jesus never preached a trinity. Moses never preached a trinity. Abraham never preached the Trinity. None of these people for tree preach the Trinity. So where did the Trinity come from? The implication in the Quran is, is that it is man made, it was made, it was concocted. That's why don't say it is better for you don't follow it is called is disbelief.
People made it up. Allah never sent it. And this is an implication in the Quran. And this is why I look around is a miracle industry, the prophets of Allah and put them notice. How did you know whether Jesus esala salam ever preached the Trinity or not? How would he know that in the seventh century, and he doesn't have any access to any scriptures, Jewish and Christian scriptures. And even if he did, he wouldn't have been able to read them because they were written in the Jewish and the Christian language. The Aramaic and Hebrew language, you know about the right in the time of the Salah, there were no Arabic books, written Arabic was simply an oral spoken language. They were no
Arabic texts written down in any book form, up to the time of the Prophet Solomon is the first book ever written in Arabic language was the Koran. So even if the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had access to the Jewish of the Christian books, he simply will not be able to read them.
In Hebrew, Aramaic, he asked his companions, they've been taught to go and learn the language of the Jew so that we can convert conversion.
So how do you know all these things? How did he know that the doctrine of
Trinity doesn't come from online his messages. And Jesus never preached it. How do you know what Jesus was saying? in the first century? So does the doctrine of the Trinity come from man? Is it manmade.
So when we go to the Bible,
we don't find the doctrine of the Trinity anywhere, is non existent. In the Old Testament, there are Christian scholars who are stating today that the doctrine of the Trinity cannot be found in the Old Testament anywhere. This is confirmed by a man called William Lane Craig, one of the biggest debaters,
one of the biggest Christian orators in the world, who stated clearly on video that the doctrine of the Trinity cannot be found in the Old Testament. And arguably, it can be found in the New Testament argue, let's go to the New Testament, Old Testament is out of the picture out, there is no doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament, Jews worship one God and one person, period. That was Yahweh Elohim. Father, call it whatever you like, in the New Testament, let's see if there is a doctrine of the Trinity, they're non existent again, there is not a verse in the New Testament, which gives us the doctrine of the Trinity as the Christian believe in it today, what is the Christian saying, the
Christian say that there is one God
who is a one being in one being and there are three persons and all of these three persons are co existent, co equal
and co substantial, you know, that means they have existed together. And they are equal in stages. Okay. And they are equal, in essence, they all share one essence. Do you know what that means? This is non scriptural, does not exist in the Christian and the Jewish scripture. These terms used by the Christians today to describe the Trinity do not exist in the scripture in the New Testament. And there are no two opinions on this issue. The Christians, scholars themselves they state, that the term like most use of the same essence do not exist in the New Testament. This in itself shows us that these terms are the description of the doctrine of the Trinity, the details of manmade is that
clear. If they are not in the Scripture, then they are not sent from delivered from from God. And the point here is now even if we accept that the New Testament comes from God, first of all, that's another big question. That's another big question. Relevant New Testament comes from God Almighty.
Because we don't know who chose these books, or the creatures to read in the first place, who made the canon. There were Christians reading so many books in the first four centuries, actually belong to Jesus Christ, in different places, in different times, written in different languages. So many Christians reading different books in different times in different places. And we don't know to this day who chose these four gospels for the Christians to read as the Word of God. And this is the form. And there were so many debates taking place in the first century as to what may be the Word of God.
So some people thought the gospel of john is heretical. We don't accept it, throw it out, out of the sand, know the Epistle of Jude, the patient of James, the book of Revelation is critical. There are others who say, No, the second book, a second feature is a forgery. We don't want it. So there were different lists coming from different church fathers in the first three century, three centuries, origin, alive in the third century, an early church father, he had a list of books, then Eusebius, he had his own list of books which differ from the book from the list of origin. Then we have Matthew on another church father, he had his own list of books. So all of these people, they have
different canons, different lists of books, attributed to God Almighty. And then this notion of the books being inspired by God was another concoction of manmade idea. People just actually read these books to God as really stays in chapter two, verse 79, for violin, Linda de la Esteban Okita via de tomar, yaku, Luna Haldeman and De La Liga starbase, Avraham Padilla, while we honor those who write books in their own hands and say, These books are from God,
that the Christian the Jews, to that, that's that's what they did. The Canon is man made, people decided as to what may be the Word of God. And that was and it was in the fourth century, when the canon of the New Testament was established to be what it is today. And there are manuscripts from the fourth century in the British Library here not very far, is called chorus and attic is one of the manuscripts in this manuscript. And this manuscript they have two extra books, which cannot be found in the Bible today. So the Canon was a big problem for the Christians. That's another issue altogether. So whether the New Testament comes from God
or not is another question altogether, which deserves a setting of his own.
But we are not going to address that issue today. Even if we assume that is from God, even then the doctrine of the Trinity is not there non existent, not there.
The only verse which could be found in the New Testament, to support the doctrine of the Trinity was in the first epistle of john chapter five, verse seven, which stated that there are three that bear witness in the heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, and these three are one. Now this particular verse was
known to be a forgery.
It came to be known as a forgery in the recent years, because some textual scholars who studied the early Greek New Testament manuscripts, they realize that this verse does not exist in any of the early Greek manuscripts. One john five, seven, which can be found in the King James Version today, and it has been thrown out from RSV, Revised Standard Version, and an IV, New International Version, this verse is thrown out, it's not there anymore. But in the King James version is there can be found to this day. And it was added later on by another scribe, to substantiate the doctrine of the Trinity, when in the fourth century christological controversies were going on, I can see some of
you are going to sleep because maybe this is too technical. For Moses, please, for one second, please wake up, all of you.
Put your hands up
and give each other our clap.
Okay, I know this is this may be too technical, but these are very, very important. Our points, pay attention. And when you speak to your Christian friends, bring this to their attention and tell them how the Quran is right. Or the Quran is a miracle hardened Mahatma salatu salam now that those who follow online, His Messenger cannot believe in the doctrine of the Trinity. And if you believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, then you don't believe in Allah, his messengers because they never sent it. They never brought it.
So you need to work on this. Because there is a dichotomy in the Koran. You either believe in Allah and His Messenger, then you don't believe in the doctrine of the Trinity. And if you believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, you cannot believe in Allah these messages. So dichotomy. Okay, so you need to highlight this to the Christians. So now, this verse was added in the scripture to substantiate the doctrine that there are some other verses. For example, in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 28, verse 19, there is a verse which states that Jesus Christ told His disciples, having told them already in the chapter 15, of the same gospel, verse 24, that I will not send to anyone but to the
lost sheep of the house of Israel. He has already said that in the same gospel, the Gospel of Matthew, and now in the last chapter, chapter 28, verse 19, he tells his disciples, go in the land, and baptize people, nations Gentiles, not only Jews, others as well in the name of the Father, the Son of the Spirit.
Now because of this apparent contradiction in the text, scholars, such as grant Stanton, from the University of Oxford assert that this passage, the book of Matthew chapter 28, verse 19, was added later on.
It's a later insertion.
It doesn't exist in the text, Jesus could have said that, because he was a Jew, and he was a law abiding Jew. And that meant that his message was not for non Jews. His message was specifically for Jews, and this is can be affirmed, or this can be confirmed for many different verses in
the Bible.
So now, we face a dilemma. Where is the doctrine of the Trinity? In
the text of the New Testament, at best, brothers and sisters pay attention, as best we can find a biology in the New Testament, we cannot find a trinity there. Is that clear?
What's a binary?
What's a binary?
Two, we can see the father they as a divine person, and some ambiguous versus vague, unclear verses may suggest that Jesus or some kind of God, divine person, not an explicit verses and explicit verses he is denying his divinity. Jesus denies his divinity in many, many explicit verses. For example, the gospel of john chapter 17, verse three, he says father is the only true God
Further is the only true God. And the gospel of john again chapter 20, verse 17, he took a chance Mary Magdalene, go to my followers, my disciples, tell them I sent on to my father and to your father, to my God and to your God, denial of his own divinity.
When a Jewish rabbi comes to him, asks him, father or Master, what is the first commandment? What is the first commandment? He tells the mirror Israel, the Lord our God is One Lord, Yama, E, or B or A Baku? What isn't.
And then he tells him, Love thy God with all thy mind with all thy heart with all thy soul,
and uses us for the truth Master, there is no one else beside him. And the Jews worship one person alone, and that person was the father. We know this from the Gospel of john chapter eight, verse 54, where Jesus speaking to a crowd of Jews, tells them that I do not glorify myself. It is my father who glorifies me, of whom you say is your God.
So the father with capital F is the God of Israel, the Israelites, the Jews, they worship the Father, they don't worship the sun in the spirit. And when this Jewish man asks Jesus, who is the first commandment, he tells them, here, O Israel, the Lord our God is One Lord, our God, our God, including himself, the Lord, our God is One Lord. And the Jew responds by saying, you have spoken the truth, there is no one else beside him. And who does he have in his mind?
The Jew, who does he have in his mind? Sorry, God, which person,
sorry, the father, because they know worship anyone else. The only worship one person, one God, and that was the father with capital. And when he says, There is no one else beside him, he means beside the Father.
And Jesus tells him, you have spoken the truth, you are close to the kingdom of God of knowledge, Jesus was divine himself, he was God, in flesh himself, and he was a Trinitarian. This was the best time for him to tell this, do that here. Hold on a second, you've been worshipping the father for a very long time. Now, it's a new covenant for you, okay? Now you worship the Father, you also worship me the Son, and you worship the spirit today. He didn't do that to him. He didn't tell him that he told him what you believe in is true. It's fine. Your concept of God is fine.
And then in the Gospel of john speaking to a Samaritan woman, a Gentile pagan woman, he tells her that we worship what we know and you worship what you know not in other words, idols, your idols, okay. And remember, you are a woman, that salvation is off the Jews. Salvation is of the youth. The Gospel of john chapter four, verse 21, onwards, speaking towards meryton moment.
So what games is Jesus playing? If he's got, if he's gone in flesh, if he's divined capital D, what game is he playing? Why does he tell the Israelites openly in explicit terms, that hold on a second people, I am God with capital G with divine quality qualities, I am God worship me.
He never said that. He never said that. And then Christians will bring some examples from different places in the New Testament that people worship him. But again, we mainly go to the Old Testament, we find number of other places where people worship other people.
Other people in the Old Testament men, not God, they worship prophets. For example, there are so many examples in the Old Testament who worship and the term in the Greek language is
something like proskin or something like that, which means to worship and this term can mean anything. And the first century and first first century and beyond, beyond first century, what I mean by beyond backward going backwards, okay. So this term could mean to pay respect to bow to worship as well. Okay, this term could mean anything in those centuries. So when people bowed to profits to pay respect to them, they considered it worship at the time. It wasn't a big problem. What we know as I started leaving, you know that you know, use of a Salaam Joseph in the Quran, we read the story that his brothers and his father and mother, they were bowing to him, okay, he had a
dream that 11 stars and the sun and the moon are bowing to him. Okay, what did Allah say to angels, bow to Adam, and this is what we know as such Da Da Vinci prostration of respect. You prostrate to someone, or to respect and this was done in the in the days in those days, people used to prostrate to others, to give them respect, but this was made how
By Islam, so that things can be now clarified people can have a clear concept of worship. And that concept is to worship God and God alone.
So worship could mean anything in those days. Jesus never said, I am God with capital G worship me. I'm the one you have to worship that didn't exist. That did not exist. So art is the doctrine of the Trinity combined.
Christians have to debate they have to debate the way art or way in Scripture.
So the first three centuries, there were two major groups of Christians, two major groups,
Unitarians, those who believe that God the Father is God Almighty. And Jesus was not God. He wasn't God, because he was created, he was begotten, there was a beginning to Jesus Christ, hence, he cannot be God. And there was another group of Christians in minority pay attention in minority who believed that Jesus was God.
And according to the majority, these people are mushriks
and kuffaar, and heretics, for obvious reasons, because they believed that Jesus was God. And the majority were areas in the fourth century arianism meant that Jesus was, he was
a divine person, he was from God, but he had a beginning. For that reason, he was not gone with capital G. He was an agent of God, a supreme agent of God. Hence, he cannot be God. And these people ariens are a follower of they were followers of a man called areas who was present in the Council of Nicea. So now in the fourth century, areas are in majority, and those who believe that Jesus was God in flesh, white minority, there was a big dispute about these in between these two groups. Constantine, he brings them on board, he says, guys come together in a council, and we will decide, and we will establish one doctrine. So I want you to unite because I am the emperor of the Roman
Empire. And I have crushed the persecution you were facing in the reign of Diocletian, and DCs and corridors. And Marcus Aurelius and Nero and all of these Roman emperors who crushed all the Christians.
Heavy persecution came their way, and now have come to power. I don't want to persecute you, I want to unite you What do you want you guys want to do.
And there are
opinions that he was a Christian at the time, but this is debated heavy, whether he was actually Christian and hot or not.
Because he was still minting coins at the time with the pictures of Sun God. He used to worship the sun god Sol Invictus. So now Constantine is present in this council. And these two groups come together, and the majority are areas majority, are led by a man called ecbs. Assyria, who was accused of being an arien.
And they were in they were 200 and number and the rest were from different denominations, and minority group was from that group, which believed in Jesus's divinity. So, what do we do now, having seen the debate constantly, he intervenes, and he forces down the throat, a term which is non scriptural. He said, to add the term homos use, which is another sort of electro terian term to describe the essence of being who she is in Greek means essence of being okay. So he constantly said, add this term into the creed and state that Jesus Christ was of the same essence of God. In other words, he's got he's got the same essence, he shares the being of God might. Okay, is that
clear. But the majority didn't agree with that. There's a number of scientists that he said those who don't sign it will be punished. So two people refused to sign the document. And the rest forcefully, they signed it,
reluctantly signed it.
And then they went away. And then they cancelled the conclusion of this council and said, No, Jesus is not on the same essence of God. He was something else. But then these conclusions were actually they were adopted by the church later on. And then this dispute, it continued until the year 381. See, pay attention. This is very, very important information. Okay. This council concluded, and it drafted a document known as the credo by sia, and this creed was written down.
Because of the Emperor Constantine and his intervention, the creed was written down, that Jesus Christ is God of God, is of the same essence as God and his God. It's very clearly stated okay. Hope
Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity is not elaborated upon. And we believe in Holy Spirit is written there, how we believe His Holy Spirit, what His Holy Spirit is not established in the Council of Nicea in the year 325. See, so the issue of Holy Spirit is left
alone, not dealt with. So what's happening though? fourth century, Constantine now realizes that he made a mistake. Are you paying attention?
he realized that he made a mistake.
What does he do now?
On his deathbed, he is baptized again. Or for the first time by an arien bishop.
Constantine died an area believing in Jesus Christ as a man, not God.
So Jesus, Jesus Christ was not gone. And Constantine died, he had that belief, okay, so he was baptized by a man called Eusebius of nicomedia. On the Commedia nickimja, automize, a place in Turkey, where this Eusebius was formed. And he is the one who baptized constantly, constantly before you die. So now Constantine was succeeded by Sun constantius. constantius was also an area.
He believed that God Almighty is one and Jesus is not God, because it was an error. But then constant constantius is succeeded by a man called Julian who apostatize from Christianity altogether. He said, I'm not a Christian, because when he saw Christians worshiping grave, he wrote this in his writings, that now, the Christians of today, what they're doing, first they started worshipping Jesus Christ, some of them and now they're worshipping graves of the martyrs and the saints. So I'm better off being a pagan than these, because there's no difference between me and them. So he went back to paganism, ancient paganism, okay. But then he died two years later. And he
was succeeded by a man called violence, violence, war. Also arion didn't believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, Roman emperors, I'm talking about Roman emperors. But these Emperor's didn't force the doctrine drop down the throats of the masses, the masses in majority are still areas. The masses in the Christian world are still areas that don't believe that Jesus Christ is God. then something happens when violence dies on the battlefield, in the Battle of Nepal, you know, a place called a donor in Turkey, is a place called durnan. In Turkey, which was known at the time as a Journal poll. He died in this battle in the year 378. c, and then Theodosius comes to power listen to this
carefully, how the doctrine of the Trinity came to be established, as the central doctrine of the Christian church theodosis comfortable, and in the year 381 C. In his reign, they have a council in Constantino COVID, they get together again to to establish as to what the Christian doctrine is, what is the real Christian doctrine? So they adopt the creed of Nicea again, that God the Father is God the Son is there and they are both the same essence. They are both from the same origin. Okay, same essence. Now they add the third person into the doctrine, the doctrine of the Trinity is now established and completed. The Holy Spirit is also added, as the same essence, the God the Father,
and God the Son. Is that clear? So it was in the year 381. See, when the Holy Spirit was added as a third person in the creator of Nicea. So now this creed was known as the creed of gneisenau, or Nicene constantinopolitan Creed is known. I don't expect you to remember this yet. This creed is known as Nicene constantinopolitan Creed. The first was the creed of Nicea, in which two people were dealt with God the Father, God the Son, and the third person was left alone. And in the year three at once he 50 years later, another person was added, and this was done by three people, three church fathers, does all of this area, Gregory of nazianzus, and Gregory of Nyssa, these three people, they
are known as capitation fathers, they came together, and therefore in this idea of the doctrine of the Trinity, not that it wasn't in existence, it was there. Some Christians believed it, but now it was established as the central doctrine of the Church, and then Theodosius, Emperor Theodosius issued laws, pay attention. These laws are known as theodosian code
and these laws and the books
we read, and it was stated that now the established doctrine of the Church is the
That there is one God. And he consists of three personal God the Father, God, the Son, God, the Holy Spirit. And anyone who disagrees with this doctrine, even in a minor point, will be considered a heretic and will be treated as such. Okay? And first the wrath of God will
take its toll on such a person, and then our Imperial might, will take care of him. And they worship their places of worship will not be given the title of being a church. Is that clear?
They places of worship will not be known as churches. So what was happening? Theodosius,
the emperor of the Roman Empire has issued laws now. And these law laws are now saying that no one is allowed to be anything else other than a Trinitarian. Non Christian, they were Christian Trinitarian. They were Christians who were Unitarians. They were Christians of biomaterials. And they were Christians who were trinitarians. So Unitarians by antarians. And what's going to happen now, so to those who said, Allah Jolla, finished, though more room for disagreement, all of you have to be trinitarians. And if you're not trinitarians, then you will die. And this is when
books which differed
was different in contents from the books, which are known at the time.
The canon of the church, the Catholic Church, they were systematically destroyed. So have you heard of these books found in Egypt? nagamani scriptures? Have you heard of them?
Have you heard of them you haven't. apocryphal gospels? Have you heard of them?
other documents attributed to Jesus Christ? There are four gospels in the Gospel of Matthew in the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Luke, the gospel of john, we know about these Yes. Is that clear?
But there were others. Are you? Do you want me to come and
pick you guys up here? respond, please.
So there are other gospels, the gospel of failure, the Gospel of Thomas, the gospel of Mary, the gospel of Judah, the gospel of the cadenas, and the gospel, the gospel, the gospel, the list goes on 200 documents, where are they? Where are these documents, they were systematically destroyed by the church. Okay, and some people because they didn't want to be caught with these documents, because if they were caught with these documents, then they were to die. So they need a birder in the sand. And in the 1940s, they found a collection of these books in Egypt in a place called not Hammadi. Okay. And
this collection had the gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Thomas and some other gospels. And these are the only texts we have of these gospels extend to this day. So now, this is how the doctrine of the Trinity and the canon of the church was established, the doctrine was forced down people's throats, the Christian masses were forced into this doctrine, systematically. And anyone who disagreed disagreed with this doctrine was simply killed off, okay. And because the Imperial might was behind this doctrine, the doctrine was forcefully, you know, given to the people and peasants, peasants, you know, majority of the Christians who were upon fitrah Phaedra. They believed in one
God, and they believe that Jesus Christ was was the supreme agent of God. And it was a prophet, prophet of God. All of these people in the villages and in the fields and the farmers, they were when they were confronted by
or when they're confronted, confronted their own mind didn't have a problem in accepting the doctrine of the Trinity. To them, it didn't really matter, because they weren't educated. They didn't you study books and doctrine on the church, and the scriptures. They said, Okay, fine, who cares? We still believe in Christ, we still believe in Jesus, but doesn't really matter. So that's how the doctrine of the Trinity was spread.
And then later on what happened, the church had his firm hold on the people in the masses. So the jury systematically kept the peasants illiterate. They were not allowed to read the Bible themselves, only the elite, the clergy could explain as to what the Bible means. And every time they taught the Bible, they had to put a spin on the Scripture. Every time they were teaching the Bible, or this verse means Trinity. That was mean. So people who don't study how did you know was what? Okay, up to the Reformation.
The 16th century, the Catholic Church was governing the society in the West and in the Christian world in Christendom. Is that clear? And then
the Reformation was about this very point that now we need to have scripture open for everyone. sola scriptura
A world idea which was forwarded by the reformers that we don't want the church anymore. We don't want the corrupt clergy, taking all the money in taxes and worshipping the Pope and the idols they have in the churches, we don't want that. We want to go back to the Scripture and study for ourselves and see what the scripture has to say to us. But the church was insisting that if you read the Scripture, without the tradition, you won't understand the Scripture. So you have to have the tradition. But the revival reformers are saying, that is because of this tradition, you are oppressing the masses, you go and then you lose them, you know, you robbed them of their money,
because of this tradition.
dilute pollute and do all those things.
So the reformers, people like Martin Luther zwingli, people like Calvin, all these people, they broke away from the church. And they said, that said, Enough is enough. We don't want the catholic church anymore. We want the Scripture. And then, for the first time, you know, people were allowed to translate the Scripture and those who translated the scripture into their own vulgar tongues. They were punished first. You know, Tyndale. William Tyndale, have you heard of him? You don't know William Tyndale.
Okay, you know, wait, Les
Whitley, john Wycliffe. Okay, john Wycliffe. He translated the Bible into English for the first time. Okay.
And he was almost, you know,
prosecuted in a court and he was like, deemed to be a heretic because of translating the Bible. But then he survived. There was another man in the time of Henry the Eighth, King Henry of England. He translated the Bible into English, using some of the words of Wickliffe. And then he was caught on the continent, not in England, he was caught. I can't remember where it was caught. I think it was in Holland, and for somewhere in Antwerp. He was caught, and he was burned at stake, but alive for translating the Bible. But then the King of England himself, he broke away from the church because the church wouldn't allow him to divorce. Okay, so he had to kill his wife. You know, he was killing
us a crazy guy. You know, the fact King Henry is you will see his pictures at Hampton Court, and the Bloods, the towers, the towers of London, and all of this year, so what would you do? If he got married to a woman if he did like them, after a while, he could divorce him. You know, he had to kill her to get rid of her, because the church wouldn't give him a divorce. So he would just simply accused his wife of wives or some crimes. He was he's an adulterous, he didn't mention that young.
Okay, to the dungeon.
And off she goes.
So this is how he was getting married. And this is why he was killing women is because of the issue of divorce. So he broke away from the church. He says, I have my own church, the Church of England, and he became the supreme head of the Church of England. And then we are the Anglican Church, the Anglican church we know yet today, okay. And then on the continent, in Germany, and other places, we are people like Martin Luther, and we are the Reformation. And then the scripture was open for people to study. And when this happened in the very next century, in the 17th century, we had the enlightenment.
And people understanding the Scripture, they realize that the doctrine of the Trinity is not even there. We were deceived by the church for so long. And then there were people in the 16th century while the Reformation was taking place, people like Michael servetus, he was a Spaniard, from Spain. He contested that the doctrine of the Trinity is a corruption. So he wrote letters to Calvin, Calvin, who was governing
in Geneva, in Switzerland, he wrote a letter to him telling him that, look, this is the time for us to wake up and tell the Christian world that the doctrine of the Trinity was a forgery is a corruption. It doesn't exist. But they didn't listen to him.
To the contrary, they caught him. They captured him in Geneva, and he was burned at stake in his book. And his book was titled, the errors of Christianity. Okay. And then he was burned with his books. And some of his books are the rarest books on the face of the earth. He find a copy of microservices, errors of Christianity. You are a millionaire, if you find one of those books, okay. But then in the 16th century, there was a big movement. And people are john Locke, and his like this a class we don't want to believe in the Trinity is a corruption that we had people like Isaac Newton writing in secret, and he said, we don't want to believe in the doctrine of the Trinity.
And that's it. People broke away some even apostatize. They said, this is a man made religion, even the text of the Bible. His mandate is corrupted.
We don't want to believe in it's not the word of God, the new is not the word of God. It cannot be from God has anything coming from it cannot be God from God. And that's it. We don't believe in an End of story. This is how the doctrine of the Trinity was manmade, and frictions later on rejected, and there are Christians who are rejecting it to this day.
And now I will end my presentation so that you can ask a question in sha Allah, this is why we're on his right to Quran was telling the creatures the centuries ago that this is what the truth is, do not make things up. If you follow a lot as messengers, you will never fall into this error. You will never believe in the doctrine of the Trinity is that clearer than sisters?
Thank you very much for being awake and listening to me. And now you can ask questions.