Zahir Mahmood – 7 Pieces Of Advice To Attain Success

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a conversation between a man and a woman about reconciling ties. The man tells the woman that they have a long history with a partner who has promised to give her time, but she hasn't given her time. The woman tells him that she will never give her time back and that she will never give her time back if she doesn't do something. The man also advises her to not let people say she will do something and to not let people say she will do something.
AI: Transcript ©
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A beautiful reconcile ties were in a birth, even if your family members turned away from you.

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Now, this is the common holiday. It's easy to be good to people who are good to you.

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But it's more difficult than a family member who sends you that family member who doesn't give you time who never rings you you pick up the phone and you ring that person say How are you?

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A Buddha was very beloved to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the province of Lola and even somebody passing away he took the handle Buddha and he placed it on his chest. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave a Buddha some amazingness he has an Alma dove through some of the sea has that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave seven this he has he gave to a Buddha. Both of the Lama says Carla,

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Murali Holly sub in my beloved colleague, my friend, the message of Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah commanded me for it seven things, Mr. Reddy, Bishop bill Misaki. What do we mean him? He told me love the poor people and remain in their company.

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Love the poor people and remain in the company, a Buddha, Allah He all the Sahaba was the champion of the Misaki.

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The Misaki loved a Buddha looking for a for the alarm. Well Amma Ronnie and Andorra 1111 Hua dooney wa, Ala Moana Hua, for

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the message of Allah and this is such a beautiful to see.

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He said, the mercy of Allah told me to look at those who are below me and never look at those who are above me dunya because as long as you look at those who are below you, you will be in a state and in a state of contentment. And as long as you look at those who are above you, because there will always be people who will have more brilliant than you, you will never be content.

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And then he said to a Buddha or the Alon who

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said, What am I really, and Osceola him were in at birth.

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He said message of Allah told me to reconcile ties is a beautiful, reconcile ties, were in a birth, even if your family members turn away from you.

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Now, this is the commodity

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it's easy to be good to people who are good to you.

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But it's more difficult that family member who shows you that family member who doesn't give you time who never rings you you pick up the phone and you ring that person say How are you?

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How's your day been?

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And this is the teaching of the dean, the teachers deem to take Jenna is not cheap.

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Those family members who don't give you the time when you go to Bangladesh, Somalia, Pakistan, and you go to visit all your rich relatives.

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But you never go to visit those relatives who have nothing. And you know what I'm speaking about.

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You got no time because they got no status in society. Because by your current criteria, is wealth is every everything the message of Allah said reconciled ties even if they turn away from you in another nation, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah elongates the life of that person who reconciles ties

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allow will elongate your life.

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Make your life longer, if you are destined to live 40 years alive increases that life.

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And then he says that the Messenger of Allah said, Well, I'm Ronnie. And I had the mercy of Allah told me don't ask anybody for anything.

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What Amala D and akula, Huck Willow cannibal

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and he commanded me they said a Buddha

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speak the truth, even if people find it better.

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there was any one amongst the Sahaba who spoke the truth, everybody disagreed with a Buddha on certain things. But he spoke the truth. Even if people disliked it, he confronted while he confronted us monitor the alarm and home and he spoke what he believed to be the truth, even if those people found it bitter.

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Well, I'm only half of Elahi lomita line. And the Messenger of Allah said to me or Buddha, Listen, do not fear what people will say about you like to speak the truth and never give a damn about what people will say about you.

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You know we spend our life honestly, we spend our life worried about what people think about us.

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And I asked you I asked you and I'm saying this in Islamic perspective not what's called dunya we perspective Are you think Yeah, she could think I should do whatever I want with my life. Yeah

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you know yeah YOLO you only live once acid and he only once

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I'm saying that the Nia we Dini perspective? If honestly, honestly, you are gonna die tomorrow. Okay?

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How many things in your life you would wanted to do? But you didn't do because you were too worried about what people would say.

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And if death was to befall you tomorrow one lie he would you would think to yourself, you know, I wish I'd done this and I wish I'd done this but then it's too late.

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Don't care about people you know why? Because people are never pleased.

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You can never please the people they will be all they will say yes a hero who's a good person. But you know the mister but

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Sam is a good guy. But there's always a but

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because people as I mentioned before, need to put you down to feel good about themselves.

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That is the nature many people for their own reassurance. They have to live of your failures.

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do not allow what people say to stop you from doing what is good.

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And then the last thing he says is that the Messenger of Allah Madani and Akira, we are totally hola without water illa Billah the Messenger of Allah commanded me that I recite the hola will akuto Bella profusely

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for in 100 kunzum min. tactel ash because it's a treasure under the arch of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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