Yusuf Estes – Beauties Of Islam – EP20

Yusuf Estes
AI: Summary © The Spring discusses the concept of Kmeset, a desire to create a theory of the beast and Kismet, a desire to believe in God. The speakers emphasize the importance of not wanting to do bad things and the rewarded and rewarded moments of Islam, including the clutter of a law and deathly people. The history of Islam, including the return of deathly people, is also discussed, along with a recap of the importance of belief in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah and welcome to this episode of the beauties of Islam. I'm using for instance, and for the next few minutes, I want to talk to you about one of the most beautiful things that I found in Islam. It's the answer to one of the biggest questions people are always asking about. Have you ever heard about something called Kismet?

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No. Maybe you heard about something called predestiny or predestination? Or fate? Have you heard about that? Well, there's a word in Arabic, it's called hugger cutter. Have you heard of that?

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In Arabic, we have something that we understand is Kadar and clever. And what is Qatar, Qatar, it means that everything is already written, that's going to happen. Everything that's going to take place is already in motion. And it's a done deal. It was known to a long before he ever created exactly what he would create and what it would do.

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Now all of this is dealing with a part of our program, the beauties of Islam, dealing with rationale, the rational thought of the human, the common sense that we have, and then something that's much bigger, which is the knowledge of Almighty God. What is it that God knows that we don't? Well, I will tell you that he knows everything, and we know nothing, you'll be Machar except what he gives us to know.

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But what about this idea of Qatar? What about this predestination thing? Even some Muslims when they're trying to present it get tangled up in it?

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But did you know it's actually one of the articles of faith of a Muslim?

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Once when the angel Gabriel came to Muhammad peace be upon him, he asked the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him so that the people would hear the answer.

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What are the beliefs in Islam and Prophet Mohammed said that the beliefs in Islam are to believe in Allah, to believe in his angels, to believe in his books, and to believe in his prophets, and to believe in the resurrection when people are resurrected and brought back to life again. And finally, the sixth point is to believe in the cutter that predestination, this Kismet that I was talking about when we open the program.

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So that is a principle. That is one of the things Muslims must believe, to even be a Muslim.

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Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him also said that eventually it would be a time when Muslims would be arguing about this point. And today, guess what they are? they're arguing about this very point. And that means what? That they're proving his prophecy that it would happen.

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But even so, let us discuss what is predestination? How does that really work? And why should we believe it?

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Well, if you really believe there's God, and you believe that he's perfect, and he doesn't make any mistakes, then what is wrong with the idea that he made something that could never go wrong?

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He created something designed something and put it into motion, knowing from the beginning exactly how it would come out. After all, he's God, and he's far beyond anything we can imagine. Yeah. All right.

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If you said, Well, yeah, but I got a problem with that. Well, I already know your problem. But go ahead. Tell me anyway. Because I heard this argument many times. They say, Well, if this is true, if God already knows how everything is going to come out, and if God has the power behind that,

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that how would it be fair that somebody would be rewarded for any good that they did?

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Or somebody else would be punished for any bad that they did? Because in effect, it would have really been because God made him do it anyway.

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So how would it be fair? How would there be any justice or fairness, if it's already a done deal, it's already going to happen. So why should I even bother? I'm going to die on a certain day, I'm going to eat certain food on this day, I'm gonna be there. I'm going to do this and that and it's already rich. It's already you know, so how is that fair? And why would I bother the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him? I heard somebody asking about this. He called him even though you have to work and do your good deeds as much as you can. Because you don't know the outcome. Do you? Simply put, I want to give you the simple answer on this one, because often we get going on these

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would come to the break and I'm afraid I'm going to lose somebody on that. So don't want to tell you right now the answer to this part of it. How do I answer somebody who asked me about what is clutter and cut down? What is that

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Is this predestination of a law? It's simple. Simply put, it means a law knows.

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But you don't.

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Listen again. A law knows, but you don't. Because the law knows he's caused everything to happen the way it's going to happen. But because you don't know, it's still fair, because you're going to have what's called the Nia or the intention.

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In Islam, everything is based on your intention your nia. Because without that, what do you really have, you would only have what Allah has already will happen. But what you want to happen, because you don't know the outcome, you don't have even a clue of what's really going to happen tomorrow. Could be anything. because everything's always changing, changing, changing.

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But Allah knows, and he's gonna make it happen in accordance with what he wants in the grand design of things to come.

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And the person who intended to do good, whether it ever happens or not, they already have their reward with a law. That's the teaching in Islam, the reward they have is with their Lord, because they had the intention for it.

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And the person who wanted to do bad, and they did that, then this is what they are, they're rewarded, because that's what they really wanted.

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But there's something really big that goes along with this.

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And guess what? We're at the break. So I'm gonna let you think about that. Till we come back and give you the answer on the beauties of beauty. ServiceNow Be right back. Bismillah Alhamdulillah we're back, you're watching the beauties of Islam, I'm using the fastest, we've been talking about something called cadeau Kadar, the color of Allah subhana wa Taala. And what we've been talking about is this predestination, or the concept of Allah already knows everything that's going to come out the way it's going to happen. And in fact, it's he who is behind all of this, he's the one having the power behind the one making it happen. And the question that people say, Well, wait a

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If that So then why would I be punished for something Allah made me do anyway? Or why would I be rewarded for something that I couldn't have avoided? I was gonna do it anyway. And in fact, we said the answer is because a lot knows, and you go, and what you're really being rewarded for is your heart, your intention, your feeling that I want to do good, I wish I could do good. The more you desire to do good, the more good is recorded for you. Very often, we see that we're able to accomplish the things that we desire, but it's not because of any willpower that we have. Rather, it's because Allah is allowing us to see the fruition of our deeds. He's allowing us to see this

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blossoming. And the even the result of our efforts to the extent that we can say, Mashallah, I was able to do this, I was able to do that. But the reality is, you were only able to do it, because this was the clutter of a law.

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Often we hear Muslim say that expression, we say martial law cutter a law. Usually we use the expression martial law, which means because a law wield federal law, they will have a law. We usually say that when something bad happened, or something we didn't like, and things didn't work out the way we wanted them, you know, for instance, you know, I'll go to my car, and it the parking lot. I'm in a hurry, I gotta get home. I forgot to do this and that and suddenly I get to the car and I realized my keys were my keys. Do you have my keys? Where's the keys? Who's got the keys? You look in the basket. Look at your purse. Look in your pocket. Where's who's gonna get? I don't? Oh,

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no, look inside the car. The keys are in the ignition. Oh, now what? Why are the keys in the ignition? It's your fault. You should have seen those before we got out of the car. Why didn't you take them out? What do you take them out? Well, you were looking at him and I had to roll the window down and then I put it up.

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All of this is what this is blaming each other for something that we could not have avoided. This was going to happen. This is called corridor. It is what happened. Allah wanted it to happen. That's why Muslims say Qatar Allah. Mashallah. It's from Allah. Allah will.

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Mashallah. But it works both ways. If you see something that's amazing, something really good. Something that you appreciate somebody, let's say for instance, gives you a lovely gift and you open the gift you say, Oh, it's what I wanted. Mashallah, because Allah wield that because this

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person went down and bought it and wrapped it and gave it to you, although we'll say thank you for that. But it happened because of the cutter. So we say Masha, I'm the Rebbe, somebody has a little baby born, oh my gosh, you got a new baby girl. And they're gonna say, cutter Allah, Masha.

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Mashallah like this. Because we always acknowledge that everything comes from Allah, everything returns back to Allah. There's something that Muslims say to when they get the news of somebody who died. Everything comes from Allah, everything goes back to Allah. Now, in some traditions, you hear people say something about everything came out of the earth, and everything goes back to the earth. But really, for the Muslim, we don't think our soul came out of the earth our body did. And when they say ashes, the ashes, dirt, dirt, dust, the dust.

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But it's bigger when you stop and think of the rest of it. It's because of the will of a law. And that's why we say in the law, he was in LA he

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From allow he came

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into a large the return. And all of this in between was his will. This was all something that he wanted to happen to us. And then what? And what was the reason behind it? This is where people get confused and they start saying, Well, what is the purpose? Why did God create me? Why did he put me in this condition? Why, what why? And even in the Quran, we found this beautiful teaching in the Quran. And it says, Well Mark Allah to genuine, it's really up again. He's telling you right there the purpose, the purpose of your life and my life. And Allah says the only reason I created you guys is to worship Me, according to my will

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make your Nia your intention for Allah, then you'll be successful. Mashallah, until next time, remember the beauties of Islam Somali

Twentieth episode in Beauties of Islam series by Yusuf Estes.
Episode Title : Predestination.

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