Yassir Fazaga – Confidently Muslim

Yassir Fazaga
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of trust in a healthy human relationship, the negative impact of pride and confusion in Islam, and the need for people to be aware of their actions to avoid damaging their sense of trust. They stress the importance of avoiding stupidity and being careful about their language and legal rules. The deification of Islam is also discussed, with caution and caution about the way they portray their identity.
AI: Transcript ©
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She asked her to the stage.

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I don't care

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rajim Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah In the name of Allah it compassionate the most. First of all, All praise is due to Allah and His recent blessings be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I begin by getting you all a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Yeah, sister was trying to excite you and what have you and Mashallah, she's doing an excellent job. I look at y'all just look at you. Let's try this one more time. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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So jack, hello, hey, it's good to be with you back here at TDC. And we're going to be talking about confidence into areas, confidence within our community, and then confidence in our faith.

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And when you look into confidence and why confidence is shaken, usually people attributed to one of three reasons, personal tragedies that happened to us, that leads people to question why did God do this to me, if it was a personal tragedy, or in some cases, it will just be over all the evil that we see around us. And sometimes it's the personal choices that sometimes we make, or the details the misdeeds of others. And then it is the doubts and questions that are brought up by others regarding our regarding our faith.

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When they speak of atheism today, they say that the number one reason why people are becoming atheist, is not really the fact that they cannot fathom or comprehend intelligently the existence of God.

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They say that the biggest reason of the people who say that they have turned atheist, has been the problem of evil, the existence of evil in our world, and people trying to reconcile the belief in a just loving, capable God and the existence of evil. This has been the greatest reason, or the biggest factor in today's movement, as far as ACM is atheism is concerned, people are becoming atheist, because the problem of evil, and how does one reconcile evil or the existence of evil with a loving, capable, just God.

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And that evil can, like I said, either be personal, or it can just be something that we have seen around around us. And then of course, there is the choices that sometimes we make.

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It's not a tragedy, it's a tragedy in a sense of what it has done to us. And then there is the ditch or the misdeeds of others, when you feel that you've been let down, your community did not support you, your family, your friends, and what have you. Or sometimes just seeing what other Muslims are doing. You look into that. And you say, really, this is what my faith teaches. This is really what Islam is all about. And as a result, people's confidence is shaken and sometimes shattered. And then like we said, there is the doubts and questions that are brought up. So inshallah, this is what we will be talking about. But just very quickly,

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bring him back to us into our own community members, please remember, this is like basic ABCs of human sociology. And this is how we humans operate. If people don't know you,

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people will not trust you.

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If people don't trust you, people will not accept you. People don't know you. Don't trust you. Don't accept you. There is no way that people can love you. That is basic ABCs of human sociality. If people don't know you, they don't trust you. They don't trust you. They can't accept you. If they don't accept you, they will not love you.

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And the most important element in any healthy human relationship is trust. If trust is not there, then we cannot really have a healthy human relationship. Because see, I can no you trust you.

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And choose not to accept you. And that's perfectly fine. I can no you, trust you, accept you, and choose not to love you. And that is also fine. But what is not fine is when I don't trust you, we cannot peacefully co exist together unless we are able to trust one another. And that trust can only come when we genuinely get to know one another. And that is why the emphasis of the Quran is no communication whatsoever.

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In any town, we've created you from a single pair of males and females, and we've made you into different nations and tribes. To what end Allah Subhana Allah said, so that you may get to know one another letter are often.

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And that is something that at this point, wasn't our Muslim community we so desperately need, we need to know. And we also need to be known. And remember, Allah did not say that we made into different nations and tribes so that you may give down to one another, even though that may come later on. But Ally's telling us that the most important element in having this healthy human relationship is trust and trust can only come as a result of people getting to know one another. And at this point, my brothers and sisters, we truly need to be known. And we truly need to make ourselves known 50% of the people who have negative views about this, I'm sorry, 50% of the people

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who say that they have positive views on Islam is so because they actually know another Muslim.

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People when people get to know you, in that capacity to Panama, this is how we operate we human beings, ignorance breeds fear. When people are ignorant of you of us, people will become afraid of us

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and how this fear manifests itself.

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Anyway, how does fear manifests itself?

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Somebody just yell out the answer. How does fear manifests itself?

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Mashallah, who said anger?

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you'd write a fear manifests itself in the form of hate.

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And when you look into really people, why do they hate, you find out that hate is used as a way of manifestation of our fear, but where is that fear coming from? It is because we do not know. So the UN is inviting us to know and to be and to be known. And not only that, but we will also study

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in genocide. genocide does not just take place, there are actually different phases and stages before genocide takes place. And the very first thing that you do in genocide is name, shame, blame, kill, and then brain

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name, you give people an MC, I don't know the people, but what we will do is that we will give a label to all of them. And in that name, it is implied that there is a sense of shame that has taken place there. So what we do is that we give them the N word, we give them the terrorists word, we give them the UN, you can just you know, any group that is out there, you give them a name. We're also capable of doing this, you know, you call them all catheters, man, maybe that is the case. But the point is, that name is used as a beginning stage in order to do something else. So you initially begin by naming,

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and then shaming. And what happens in this stage is that not only is the name, the name is implying, but now all you need to do is just use that name as a reason why you exploit that people. So it's a very unfortunate, so nice skill she has and she has skill so nice. And then you ask why did this in this game that she asked Come on man that she has. Why did the Sudanese killed us on this? Or why did this you ask him the Sunni Oh, come on, man. They're so nice. So all you need to give as an explanation is the label that you have placed

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These people. So now you gave them the name, followed by the shaming, so then naming then the shaming, and then the blaming. Why do we have all these problems was because of you know, all the illegal aliens that are out here. There is a nicer study nowadays, it's called psycho linguistics. And that is the type of language that you use will actually determine the emotional reaction that people are going to have towards whatever it is that you are labeling or the name that you are giving. So are they illegal aliens? Or are they undocumented workers? Remember, we're talking about the same person. But one label humanizes the other label dehumanizes? Is she a * victim? Or is

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she a * survival? Remember, we're talking about the same person, but we are giving a label that victimizes or we are giving a label that empowers. In this case of genocide, you don't give a label or a name that empowers. But rather you give the label with the intent of wanting to shame and blame that group. So you name them, you shame them, and then you blame them. So part of what is happening, you hear the rhetoric, and we've got to be very realistic. It's you know, it's not just Donald Trump became a president. But I think that the biggest, the biggest thing is, is what Donald Trump has done is that he has really normalized jerk. That's what he has done. He has given a voice to a group

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that was silent. But now that group became very blunt. And all the things that people would not say out in the open, are now being uttered. So for example, all these terrorists are able to carry out their terrorist acts, because the Muslim community is concealing the Muslim community is hiding, the Muslim community needs to do a better job by monitoring its own people, the Muslim community. So wait a minute, wait a minute. Now, do you see what's going on with as far as the blaming is concerned? Yes, that person is guilty of it. But the entire community now is to be blamed. Because somehow, we all saw that, and we really did not do anything about it. And remember, this has an

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impact on the people, this has an impact on us. Sometimes they pin us against one, they train us against one another. And sometimes we become suspicious of one another. And remember, what happens is that this erodes our sense of trust in one another, or towards one another. And I can tell you, for example, back in 2006, we had a case, when the FBI sent an informant into our area. And his job was to come down into southern California, and monitor all the massages in the area. Sometimes they were given specific names to do so. But hamdulillah he knows things. The person later on came out themselves. And I think he has a website called don't trust the fbi.com.

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But what happens is, as a result of this, what it did to the community, at least temporarily, is that people were afraid of one another. Is this person for real? Is she for real? Should I trust them? minimize my coming to the masjid? Maybe I shouldn't really be interacting with the people. I'm not sure if they became Muslims, because they really wanted to become Muslims, or are they really leading into something else? And too many people, the mosque, the synagogue, the church, the temple to many people that is their second family.

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And when you go to that family, and usually what keeps that family together? Listen, that second family is people trusting one another. You go there and you do these things that erodes and eats at the sense of trust that people have for one another. You do a great deal of damage when that takes place. So now people look at one another and they're very suspicious of one another. You know what? I wondered why? That was asking too many questions. That brother is doing this. And so what happens is that unfortunately, sometimes people end up losing the trust that they have for one

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For one another, so going back naming, shaming, blaming, and then what happens is that the public is actually ready, you can look into this, you know, Hitler and what Hitler did, you can look into the Rwanda genocide, you can look into all of these genocides. And you will find out that every step was preparing the bigger masses to accept what is going to happen next, now that we label them now that we blame them now that we have shamed them, everybody's in anticipation. So a great number of people nowadays, are okay with the register for the Muslims. But wait a minute, you know what that does to the rest of the society. We may be the first victims, but everybody is looking into the saying that

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as long as it is not me, it is okay for it to be done to somebody else.

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Another piece of information that sometimes people don't know is when Hitler started, Hitler did not just start by killing the Jews immediately. The first victims of Hitler were people with disabilities, because Hitler was looking for that perfect race. And people with disabilities were imperfect. So he started with physical disability and deformation. And then he went after people who were mentally not doing well, because remember, they're not that was the perfect race.

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Then he went after the blacks, then he went after the gypsies. And then he went after the, he went after the Jewish community. But what happens is, you can see the process when he was doing it to the people who have the disability. In fact, it's it's really unfortunate, because they have a letter that is written by a mother, asking Hitler to put her son who was who was physically handicapped to sleep, he was asking him to kill herself.

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But see, what happens are people were prepared. They're not as good. They're not as perfect. And eventually what happens is people accept, and then they accept, and then they accept, and the circle of victims gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And that is why we have like Vaughn Fox from CNN said it and he said it so beautifully. He said that sometimes God elects a group of people, and puts an extra burden on them, not to destroy them, but to help them do something that is so significant. And he said, at this point, the Muslim community is that elected community by God, in order to save a great religion, and to save a great nation. I love this quote, it is very telling. So look, you've

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been placed in this position. And through your position, you have the ability, not only to save a great religion, Islam, but you also have the the responsibility of saving a great nation at this at this point. So the idea of knowing and being known, is very crucial.

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That is, unless people know us, unless we make ourselves available, approachable, accessible to those who are around us. What people will do is that they will use the general images that are presented about us. And they are going to be believing that. So please, my brothers and sisters do not undermine little acts of kindness that you can do. Little acts, these small gestures to your neighbors and to your co workers are unbelievably important. And here is the biggest thing. We're learning from my heart of hearts. I believe that the majority of the American people are very, very decent people, they are unbelievably decent. And what we need to do is we need to capitalize on the

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decency of these people mean when you have got people writing graffiti on a Masjid, on a mosque that says, Go home. And you've got non Muslims who come to the mosque, and they're holding signs that reads, you are already home that is very telling. That is very telling about the kind of people who are living around us very decent people, but also potentially very uninformed people. Maybe you can say, it's just the Muslims here. It's just the Muslims there. But after a while, people really they just say Look, man,

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why is this happening? Or These are people who are just misinterpreting

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There are and why is it only the Muslims are misinterpreting their books? Why are Christians not doing it? At least not? In as as much? Why are the Buddhists not doing it? Why are the Jews not doing it? Why are the seals not doing it? Why is it only the Muslims who are misinterpreting their books? Think it was on CNN yesterday, you know, where are the Muslims happy? Muslims are happy in the US? Are they happy in Finland? That happens? Rarely Are they happy in Europe, they're happy. Where are they not happy, they're not happy in Pakistan, they're not happy in Egypt, they're not happy in Saudi, they're not happy in these places. So you look into this, and you say, and then

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these people don't blame themselves, don't blame the leaders don't blame their religion for it. And what you see happening here is that this idea of people doubting, because of the way that we have been presented not only to others, but also the way that we have been presented to ourselves. This is like an old talk that I might have given here in Texas down many years ago. But the whole notion of self image psychology, how do you as an individual, see yourself, but also the self image psychology of the greater group? How does that group see itself? Because remember, the way we see ourselves is going to determine the way that other people are going to see us.

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The way we see ourselves is going to the tournament the way that other people are going to see us. So how do we see ourselves and it is so unbelievably important that when we speak about us, you have got to speak in a way that actually empowers the community. Because as a group, we take pride, not only in what I as an individual have done, but we also take pride in what one of us has done. Are we so proud, man, we went to the moon, did you go to Did you personally go to the moon? No, man, you don't get it. It's just one of us went to the moon. So it's like, because he is or she is one of us. That gives a sense of pride to the rest of us to all of us. So it's very important that the way we

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speak about us, did you know that the Muslim community is one of the most educated communities here in the United States, Muslims are extremely educated.

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The Muslim community has one of the lowest if not the lowest crime rates here in the US, that is our community. But you would not get that impression, if you are just watching TV, because the image that is presented about the Muslim community on TV is very different than the image that is that is real out there. So it's very important that we know that we empowered one another with this kind of,

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of information. So please keep this in mind. People don't know us. They won't trust us. People don't trust us. They won't accept us. And when I say no untrust I am not necessarily you know encouraging that we compromise in order to be accepted, to be loved. That is never the case. In fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam directly for obeyed this, he said that when people go out of their way to please other people, at the expense of displeasing Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah will be displeased with them. And Allah will cause the people that they were trying to please also be displeased with them. And then he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then there are those who

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want to please Allah subhanaw taala even if it means that temporarily momentarily, people are going to be upset with them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah will be pleased with them. And Allah Subhana Allah will cause the people to also be pleased with them, because the people around us, they appreciate people who stand up for themselves and for what it is that they believe in. So when I say we want acceptance, it is never paid in the form of compromise, that is absolutely never the case. And then when that happens, you open the doors, for human relationships to even go deeper than just knowing and accepting and trusting then you actually make love a possibility

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amongst amongst the people. So that is how we bring about that kind of trust amongst ourselves and then amongst those who are around us, then there is the bigger issue

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and I take full responsibility

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As to what I am about to say, and TDC is free of all charges.

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Then there is the questions and the doubts that people bring up about Islam.

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You know, when you live amongst Muslims only, and you are inside the box, you don't necessarily certain things are really not seen. But for outsiders, they are able to see in an X certain observations. And these observations can sometimes be genuine observations and sometimes can just be, you know, intentionally meant to shake people's beliefs in what it is that they believe in.

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And that is why as a community, we should never be afraid of asking difficult questions, or facing difficult questions that are brought up against our dean. And here's what I'm proposing,

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there is the book of a law

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and then there is the understanding of people.

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Not every understanding of people equals the book of Allah subhanaw taala. This is divine, this is infallible.

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Our understanding is human attempts. We are attempting to understand what is Allah subhanaw taala telling us and not every time we get it, right. And that is why in our attempt to understand what Allah is telling us, it is usually one of three or four possibilities. That is human understanding of the Divine Word.

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It is either plausible, beautiful, that's a hammer, somebody looked into these verses, these statements made by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they were able to derive such beautiful things. One of my favorite is what Satan alumina. Vitaly used to say, you know how when we're traveling, and maybe a good number of us here have traveled, you make that you make that

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the press as you're traveling, and what do you say in it, you say Oh, I love you or my companion in this journey, or like you are the Guardian over my family or law, you know, make this journey easy for me. It's a beautiful, beautiful place. satana, Alabama, Vitaly looked into this place and he said, Subhana Allah, only Allah is capable of this. And people said, What are you talking about Satan, Allah, he said, listen to this, you are saying, Oh Allah, you are my companion in my journey, and you are the Guardian over my family. Only Allah can simultaneously be that because when people become your companions in your journey, they cannot be the same people looking after your family.

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And if people are looking after your family, they cannot be your companions in your journey. Only Allah is capable of this. Allah can be when you your companion here. And the last item, also be the guardian of your family. Only Allah is capable of this. You look into statement like this, and you can say, This is beautiful. This is plausible. So the first, the first possibility is that this is really, really plausible what we understood.

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And then so plausible,

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plausible, impossible. despicable.

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plausible. I'm not sure the verse is really saying this, or I'm not sure if the process alone really meant that. But you know what, I can see how that is possible.

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And then there is a third possible, there is no way that Allah subhanaw taala this there is just absolutely no way it is impossible. And then there is also despicable. Not only that there is no way that Allah Subhana Allah meant this, but it's actually a disgrace that you think Allah subhanaw taala would actually just defy some to like this common example. It's okay to cheat credit card companies, the Catholics man, are you kidding me? You know how much money they make. So now people use or misuse religion in order to justify some very disgraceful behavior. So remember these things plausible, possible, impossible, despicable.

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And every time we have a problem, every time and I can almost guarantee you this every time we have questions that we have not really settled well, as far as we Muslims are concerned. Remember, the problem is not inherently in the

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Verse will lie, it's always all the time. It is the way that it was understood by the people. And when we question we are not questioning what Allah subhanaw taala told us, we are questioning what the people thought is Allah subhanaw taala telling us? Why is this distinction important? Because see, sometimes we feel very guilty, that you know what, I didn't want to be a good Muslim, but it seems like I'm having I'm struggling with understanding this point or that point. And we don't really encourage questioning or asking questions, which is very uneconomic and Quranic. But we do not do that. And remember, when we are conflicted, in our head, and in our heart,

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that's a problem.

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That is not a man. That is a big huge problem. In fact, under 32, itself as a book of mower ever, an RV, the word mower ever refers to something that is simultaneously appealing to the heart, accepted by the intellect.

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When we are in the state of what we believe in our heart is also intellectually accepted to us, then we are in the state of harmony, when there is a conflict between what we really want to believe in our hearts, and that is really not making sense to us, then that is conflict, and that is not a good place to be at.

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So when we say we question, we are not questioning what Allah subhanaw taala said, rather, we are questioning what the people understood.

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And by the way, when I say that no means of disrespect to any of our great scholars, but what we're saying is, your understanding may have been suitable cure time, it may have been influenced by your own culture that was taken place at the time. But this understanding at this point, is no longer acceptable in the time and the place that we are living in. If every time we needed to understand the Quran, or what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, we had to go back to what these scholars have said, eventually, we really do not become students of the Quran. We become students of history.

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And remember my brothers and sisters,

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the Quran is infallible.

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History is not

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underestimate what he what I said literary

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infallibility is a character of the divine message revelation, but it is never a character trait of history. And when I do that, there is no guilt associated with this, there is no disrespect associated with this. But rather I am attempting to make sense of this book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. To my time where I am at this point.

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The danger that I am seeing is that sometimes if we go that historical route of understanding our Deen, there will be so many conflicts that you just cannot really reconcile. And remember, we are not the people that read a lot, unfortunately. And we also happen to live in a time where people promote a lot of critical thinking. Sometimes it gets so critical to the point I think somebody said it nicely. Some people are so open minded, their brains fell off. And that is not what we are interested in. But we are interested in honest, genuine pursuit of the truth. Remember, our book

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has got like four sides into it. This is a book that promotes compassion and mercy, justice and equity,

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truth via knowledge

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and then intelligence.

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When I see anything outside of these four corners, I say, eight has got absolutely nothing to do with Islam. And I can say this very comfortably. Because that's what Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in his book, that is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us again, my fear is that not dealing with these difficult questions.

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does not really make us good or better Muslims? I believe that being a good Muslim, a better Muslim and intelligent Muslim, a confident Muslim is the person who is able to recognize these difficult questions and say, You know what, there is a difficult question that hill needs to be answered. And these answers that have historically been given, they may have worked for the time that they were given for. But you know, what, in our times, these answers are really not satisfactory. She has Mohammed allegedly puts it nicely, as far as why is this happening? He said, we have abandoned the book of Allah, and focused so much on the Hadees. And then he said, and then we abandoned the

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Hadees. And we focused so much on the statements of the jurists. Then he said, we abandoned the sense of the jurist to the storytellers. So he said, Our Deen is really based on what storytellers have been telling us. But he said here is the danger. The gap between us and the primary source is so vague at this point, so much so that you can actually quote the Quran and somebody will say, but who else said it? I'm telling you, Allah said it. Yeah, I know. But who else said it? Come on, man. I am telling you, Allah said it. But I want to know, Was there anybody else that said, and when we do this, my brothers and sisters, I believe that these are the type of routes that eventually lead

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people to lose, and have their confidence in their Dean, shaken?

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please remember,

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stupidity is not part of Islam.

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What do I mean by this?

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I have very little tolerance for stupidity. I really do. I have very little tolerance for stupidity.

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But religiously based stupidity is the worst kind.

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When people try to justify

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their stupidity, using religion, it just it just gets to me. Like how can you say that? And again, I'm quoting Shem ham lozada. Again, he said in the Accra who a man and hammer water

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for in the hammock on our Eman were excellent. How will a letter pour? He said, I despise so much the face of the foolish because it is really foolishness, the trend interface into the same way that I detest The so called piety of those who are incapable, again is being bullied at school. He can't really defend himself. So what is it? Oh, Allah loves bees, you know, people shouldn't fly it and no, now you're saying this, but the reality of it is because we could not stand up to the bully. So now we just tried to make ourselves feel better. And what do we say, oh, Allah loves trees and you know, and you know, the reality of it, is that just not capable. And now somehow you're trying to

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envelop it with piety, and that is not true.

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Even rushed ivyrose

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said a very beautiful, compelling statement. He said, There is no way that Allah subhanho wa Taala would grant us intellect.

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And then Allah subhana wa Taala would give us a revelation that is contrary to our God given gift of intelligence. I am not promoting that we worship our intelligence or rosabella that is not what I am saying. What I am saying is that part of being a Muslim, that a Muslim is the person who is not afraid of using the God given gifts of intelligence, we have got to use our brains. Sometimes I get the feel that when we come to the masjid I don't know if we do this consciously. But we take off our shoes and next to it we also leave our brains and then we go inside the machine

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and you would be sitting there and just hearing so many things that absolutely don't really make any sense. I'm you're setting this in motion. This is deep man. This is a this is a stupidity and you're calling it this and the fact that we give it a different label does not make it soul.

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And that's what I'm saying. We have got to be very careful about the way that we present our Deen to our youngsters because remember, somehow, you know, we immigrants

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may be able to deal with it. Look, man, this is what they told me. This is how I believe it and what have you. But some people will just look into this and just say, I am done with this. Sadly, I

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think it was about two weeks ago, somebody that I had a lot of respect for. person was really, really dedicated to Islam.

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They went overseas, they studied Islam for seven years, perfected the Arabic language came back. What as an Imam, giving Islamic talks, really involved in Gaza. Two weeks ago, I get a message that the person completely left Islam.

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May Allah Subhana Allah protect us all European Parliament, may Allah protect us all. You know how sometimes we say or people who leave Islam? Or people who really don't know Islam, they have not really studied Islam, they have not really read about Islam.

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What do you say to a person like this?

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What do you say to a person like this? So my invitation to myself and to my brothers and sisters, is to please remember, when we say these statements, when we make these statements, it is only an attempt to better understand our Deen so that our Deen is actually alive, organic and make sense to us. Where we are when we are no disrespect to anybody from the past. Because chances are people in the future are going to look back at us and say, What in the world were they thinking?

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We were only thinking for our time

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in our place. But that much. I don't think we should give up the word Apple intelligence

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and its derivatives are mentioned in the Quran over 52 places.

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So our Dean is a dean that appreciates intelligence.

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The word help truth is mentioned in 256 places. So our Dean is based on

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reason and intelligence, truth

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and help and knowledge. It is based on drama and compassion. It is based on mercy and compassion, the most repeated attribute of Allah subhanho wa Taala throughout the Quran. And if I may give you a homework, just look into any book of ethics or philosophy and compare which is better for humanity, love or mercy. Remember, in the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah is loving, his name is Eduardo mentioned twice in the, in the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah loves over 90 times, Allah Subhana, Allah tells us about the kind of things that he loves what he does not love. But everybody will tell you that what is most important, the most important element, a motion that we need is mercy and compassion. So our

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being is based on that. And then also our Deen is about promoting justice and equity. This kind of a dean is a dean that I can confidently defend, believe in, commit myself to and also be able to stand on moral intellectual grounds of saying, Are you really proud of being a Muslim, I can defend that at all different kinds of levels. Finally, what also makes this important is the language that is used is a universal language. It is a language that can be understood and appreciated by most, if not all, when that verse was revealed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in the lie, more will add to it so anyway, that Allah subhanaw taala commands of justice, Allah Subhana Allah commands of

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equity, Allah Subhana, Allah commands of a son and being good to your

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to your kinship, said that there was a companion by the name of a man not available, often his name escapes me, and he was there. And when he heard these statements, he said,

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I said, I bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah. So the processor limps looked at and said, Oh, we thought that took place. You know, few months back, I said, no prophet of Allah. He said, to be honest with you. In the past, I became a Muslim simply because I really liked it.

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And you know, you come in and talk you talk about Islam all the time, I just felt embarrassed. But after hearing this, he said, I cannot help it, but to recognize you as a messenger of Allah. That companion was so moved. The Hadith says that he went to Abu Talib, the uncle of the prophet SAW Selim, he said, You've got to hear what your nephew received today. You have got to hear what he said today. What is in the law, what will add on So anyway,

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we'll move on that a lot of months of these three things, justice, sun, righteousness and Allah subhanaw taala commands goodness to the people can ship and that lots of hand Allah for which oppression the wrongdoing of other people an abomination of metallic was so moved by these verses and what does he say? He said it who Mohammed and

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he said follow Muhammad, and you shall be prosperous. For in the home, we're in them jaquan Dean for in Nova Scotia. He said even if this is really not a religion revealed by God is that these are good etiquettes rules, universal rules to live by. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant was desireable alameen

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wa sallahu, wa Salaam Alaikum, Florida

This session is meant to re-introduce Muslims to Muslims. With all the negative narratives about Muslims in the media and in this turbulent political season, the confidence of Muslims in Muslims (and by extension in Islam) is at an all time low. This session will address the need for our community to focus on building trust and confidence in fellow Muslims as well as and re-write our story.

Texas Dawah Convention 2016

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